Supplemental Materials Assess Embedded Opportunities to Inform Instruction, K–2 A Story of Units ®
Supplemental Materials Assess: Embedded Opportunities to Inform Instruction, K 2 © Great Minds PBC 2 Contents Connect Assessment to Instruction 3 Grade 1 Module 2 Overview .................................................................................................................... 3 Collect Data from Multiple Perspectives 6 Grade 1 Module 2 Observational Assessment Recording Sheet 6 Proficiency Indicators for 1.Mod2.AD1 8 Grade 1 Module 2 Lesson 11 9 Measure Progress Over Time ..................................................................................................................... 21 Lesson 8 21 Lesson 9 22 Lesson 10 23 Lesson 11 24 Lesson 12 ................................................................................................................................................ 25 Lesson 13 ................................................................................................................................................ 26 Kindergarten Module 5 Assessment 28 Kindergarten Module 5 Achievement Descriptors ..................................................................................... 31 Kindergarten Sample Student OARS 35 Grade 1 Module 2 Assessment Student Work 36 Grade 2 Module 2 Assessment Student Work 40 Putting it all Together: Supporting Artifacts .............................................................................................. 45 Shared Practice: Aby 1.Mod2.AD1 45 Apply it!: Carter K.Mod5.AD3 49 Apply it!: Violet 1.Mod2.AD4 52 Apply it!: Lucas 2.Mod2.AD3 55 Common Addition and Subtraction Problem Types 58 Credits ........................................................................................................................................................ 59 Works Cited 59
To bridge from addition to the various types of subtraction situations, students solve result unknown stories about a school bus. They notice what happens when they add to and take from the total number of people on the bus. As they solve sets of related take from problems that include subtract 0, subtract all, subtract 1 less than the total, and subtract 1, they notice patterns and formulate conjectures to solve similar problems efficiently. This topic also includes subtraction by using the familiar unit of five. Students subtract 5 by taking away 5 fingers all at once. With 5 as a point of reference, they take away 4 and 6 fingers all at once too. Taking away a part all at once is foundational to the Level 3 subtraction strategy known as take from ten that is introduced in module 3. Bus 8-5=3
Systematic study of partners to 6 through partners to 10 supports understanding subtraction equations as unknown addend problems. While interpreting graphs, students compare categories by using greater than, less than, and equal to language.
Topic A Reason About Take From Situations
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Grade 1 Module 1 Counting on to find totals provides a foundation for counting on or counting back to find an unknown part. Reasoning about the meaning of the equal sign and determining whether number sentences are true or false helps prepare students to write true number sentences and find unknowns in various equations.
Kindergarten students learn to represent take from story problems by using objects, drawings, and number sentences. They solve problems such as 5 – 3 = ___ both concretely and pictorially.
Overview Addition and Subtraction Relationships
5+3=88-2=6 School Bus StoriesSchool
Before This KindergartenModule
Students learn the Read–Draw–Write problemsolving process to make sense of, represent, solve related add to and take from word problems. Students read and reread problems to draw models and solve. Then they represent their solutions by writing a number sentence. addition to drawing, students use number paths and number bonds to represent related addition and subtraction problems. The number path allows them to see subtraction as undoing addition by reversing the action. Number help students discover that related addition and subtraction problems have the same parts and total, but what the unknown represents will change. When have a total and subtract a part, the unknown represents the other part. When you add parts together, the unknown represents the total. C an Unknown Part
See these examples: •
EUREKA MATH2 1 ▸ M2 Copyright © Great Minds PBC 3 Topic B Relate and Distinguish Addition and Subtraction
part; 123451112131415 678910 6+3=9 9-3=6 69-3=6 +3=9 FingersDrawing Number Path 12345111213141510126789 911131410 4
in Change Unknown Problems
Students solve add to with change unknown and take from with change unknown problems. They may • use a labeled drawing to identify the total, the known part, the unknown
Topic D Find an Unknown Part by Using Addition and Subtraction
Grade 1 Module 4 Students solve the following comparison situations involving length: difference unknown (how much longer and shorter), longer length unknown, and shorter length unknown.
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• count on from the known part to the total, noting how many they counted; or • count back from the total to the known part, noting how many they counted. When situations imply an add to action, students are likely to represent their thinking with addition. When a take from action is implied, students are likely to represent their thinking with subtraction. They use Level 2 strategies when working with equations: counting on to find an unknown addend (9 + = 14) and counting back to find an unknown subtrahend (14 – = 9).
Students move toward work with comparison word problems first by making groups equal. They learn the strategies to figure out how many more are in one group than in another: take away the extra amount in one group or add the extra amount to one group. They record the action as a true addition or subtraction number sentence.
Put together and take apart situations have no implied action, so students are equally likely to find the unknown part with either addition or subtraction. Students come to understand that the answer to a subtraction problem is an unknown part. To find the answer, they can count on, count back, or simply think about the parts they know that make the total. They determine that counting back is efficient when the known part is small compared to the total. To find the value of various unknowns in equations, they use known part–whole relationships and related facts.
Topic RepresentE and Solve Comparison Problems
After This Module Grade 1 Module 3 Students continue to solve result unknown and part unknown word problems and find unknown parts and totals in equations. However, instead of using Level 2 counting strategies to solve, students use Level 3 strategies that involve forming easier yet equivalent problems.
370 Copyright © Great Minds PBCThis page may be reproduced for classroom use only. Observational Assessment Recording Sheet Student Name Grade 1 Module 2 Addition and Subtraction Relationships Achievement Descriptors Dates and Details of Observations 1.Mod2.AD1 Represent and solve word problems within 20 involving grades K and 1 addition and subtraction problem types. 1.Mod2.AD2 Represent by using drawings and a number sentence and solve how many more word problems within 20. 1.Mod2.AD3 Subtract by using think addition strategies. 1.Mod2.AD4 Subtract within 20 by using strategies such as counting on or back. 1.Mod2.AD5 Subtract fluently within 10. 1.Mod2.AD6 Add or subtract to make groups equal and write a true number sentence to match. 1.Mod2.AD7 Find the unknown in an addition or subtraction equation. 1.Mod2.AD8 Answer questions about a graph. Notes PP Partially Proficient P Proficient HP Highly Proficient 6
371Copyright © Great Minds PBC This page may be reproduced for classroom use only. EUREKA MATH2 1 ▸ M2 ▸ Observational Assessment Recording Sheet Module Achievement Descriptors and Content Standards by Lesson ● Focus content ○ Supplemental content AchievementDescriptor CCSSMAligned Lesson Topic ATopic BTopic C Topic D Topic E 123456789 10 11 12 131415 1617 181920 21 2223 1.Mod2.AD11.OA.A.1 ●○○○●●●●●○●○●● 1.Mod2.AD21.OA.A.1 ●● 1.Mod2.AD31.OA.B.4 ○●●● 1.Mod2.AD4 1.OA.C.61.OA.C.5 ●●●○○● ○ ● 1.Mod2.AD51.OA.C.6 ●●● 1.Mod2.AD61.OA.D.7 ○● 1.Mod2.AD71.OA.D.8 ●●●● ● 1.Mod2.AD81.MD.C.4 ● 7
364 Copyright © Great Minds PBC
Achievement Indicators
2See [CCSSM] Glossary,
Partially Proficient Proficient Highly Proficient
Descriptors: Proficiency
1.Mod2.AD1 Represent and solve word problems within 20 involving grades K and 1 addition and subtraction problem types.
RELATED CCSSM 1.OA.A.1 Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.2 Table 1.
Represent word problems by using drawings and a number sentence and solve word problems within 20 involving add to with result unknown, take from with result unknown, put together and take apart with total unknown, add to with change unknown, take from with change unknown, and put together and take apart with addend unknown.
Draw or use cubes to show the story. 8 bugs are on a flower. 3 bugs fly away. How many bugs are on the flower now? There are bugs on the flower now.
Represent word problems by using drawings or objects and solve word problems within 10 involving add to with result unknown, take from with result unknown, and put together and take apart with total unknown problem types.
Read 12 bugs are on a flower. Some bugs fly away. Now there are 9 bugs on the flower. How many bugs flew away? WriteDraw bugs flew away. 8
11 LESSON 11 Represent and solve take from with change unknown problems. Lesson at a Glance Students connect to previous learning by comparing an add to with change unknown word problem with a take from with change unknown word problem. They concretely represent and solve a take from with change unknown problem and then draw to solve similar problems. Students discuss the meaning of the unknown, which is a subtrahend, for the first time. Key Question • What are some ways to find a part that was taken away? Achievement Descriptor 1.Mod2.AD1 Represent and solve word problems within 20 involving grades K and 1 addition and subtraction problem types. (1.OA.A.1) Copyright © Great Minds PBC 129 EUREKA MATH2 1 ▸ M2 ▸ TC ▸ Lesson 11 11Name Read 10 frogs are on a log. Some frogs go into the pond Now 3 frogs are on the log. How many frogs went into the pond? WriteDraw 710-7=3 frogs went into the pond. Copyright © Great Minds PBC9
Agenda Materials Lesson Preparation Fluency 10 min Launch 10 min Learn 30 min • Act It Out • Draw It • Problem Set Land 10 min Teacher • None Students • Number Bond Dash: Make 8 (in the student book) • Craft sticks (10) • Number Bond Dash: Make 8 must be torn out of student books. Consider whether to prepare these materials in advance or to have students tear them out during the lesson. • Prepare a bag of 10 craft sticks for each student. Copyright © Great Minds PBC 173 EUREKA MATH2 1 ▸ M2 ▸ TC ▸ Lesson 11 10
Fluency Choral Response: Disappearing Dots with Totals of 8 Students take away from 8 and say a subtraction sentence to maintain fluency with decompositions within 10. After asking each question, wait until most students raise their hands, and then signal for students to respond. Raise your hand when you know the answer to each question. Wait for my signal to say the answer. Display the image of 8 dots. How many dots? Display8 4 dots disappearing. How many dots went away? 4 How many dots are there now? Display4 all 8 dots again. On my signal, say the subtraction sentence starting with 8. 8 – 4 = 4 Repeat the process with the following sequence: 8-2=68-4=48-6=2 10 10 30 10 1 ▸ M2 ▸ TC ▸ Lesson 11 EUREKA MATH2 Copyright © Great Minds PBC174 11
EUREKA MATH M2 TC Lesson 11 Number Bond Dash: Make 8 Copyright © Great Minds PBC 121 Number Bond Dash: Make 8 Fill in the number bonds 8808718628718 8623586285384483485 48538358448 8352682686280881 7 EUREKA MATH2 1 ▸ M2 ▸ TC ▸ Lesson 11 Copyright © Great Minds PBC 17512
Materials—S: Number Bond Dash: Make 8
Teacher Note Students who prefer to solve by counting on may wish to make tick marks in the unknown part of the number bond to track the count.
Students complete number bonds with totals of 8 to build fluency with decompositions within 10.
Direct students to the Number Bond Dash. Read aloud the directions. Invite students to use their finger to practice completing a number bond on their paper. Tell students that if they finish early, they should count from 8 to the highest number they can and record their count on the back of the paper. Give a signal to begin. Let students work for 60 seconds or until about 80% of the class nears completion of the page. Do not extend beyond 2 minutes of written work. Call time. Have students put down their pencils. Read the number bonds aloud as students correct their own papers. When you have finished reading all problems, tell students to write the number they got correct in the star at the top of the page. Celebrate student success.
Number Bond Dash: Make
Happy Counting by Ones Within 20 Students visualize a number line while counting aloud to relate counting to addition and subtraction, and to build fluency counting within 120. Invite students to participate in Happy Counting. When I give this signal, count up. (Demonstrate.) When I give this signal, count down. (Demonstrate.) Let’s count by ones. The first number you say is 10. Ready? Signal up or down accordingly for each count. 1011121312131415141516151617181920
Have students think–pair–share to determine how many pencils were put on the desk. Invite students to explain their thinking. If possible, include someone who counted on to find the unknown part. 2 pencils. We counted on: Sevennnn, 8, 9. 2 pencils. We know 7 + 2 = 9. Ask students to write a number sentence that corresponds to the story and to box the unknown. Have the class discuss how the number sentence represents the story, including the idea that the unknown represents the added part, or the pencils put on the desk. 72=9 + Continue to display the picture of 9 pencils. Whisper how many pencils are on my desk. 9 10 30 10
Gather students and present the following situation.
UDL: Engagement The pencil context is one option for presenting the situations in this lesson. If desired, use a context that is more relevant or engaging to your students. Be sure that it works for the actions of both adding to and taking away.
Continue counting by ones within 20. Change directions occasionally, emphasizing crossing over 10, 15, and where students hesitate or count inaccurately.
I put some more pencils on my desk. (Display the picture of 9 pencils.) Now there are 9 pencils on my desk. How many pencils did I put on my desk? How do you know?
There are 7 pencils on my desk. (Display the picture of 7 pencils.)
Launch Students solve and compare related addition and subtraction problems.
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Teacher Note Although take from with change unknown problems lend themselves to counting back, some students may count up from 7 or “just know” the related addition fact and use it to solve the subtraction situation. 72=9+9-2=7
Oops! Some pencils fell off. (Display 7 pencils.) Whisper how many pencils are on my desk now. 7 How many pencils fell off? How do you know?
Have students think–pair–share to determine how many pencils fell off. Invite students to explain their thinking. If possible, include someone who counted back. If needed, model counting back. 2 pencils. We put up 9 fingers. We put 7 down and had 2 left. 2 pencils. We counted back: Niiiine, 8, 7. 2 pencils. We drew 9 lines and crossed off 2. Confirm students’ thinking by revoicing the solved problem.
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One story starts with 7 pencils. The other starts with 9. In the first story, 2 pencils are added. In the second story, 2 pencils fell off. In both stories, the unknown is a part. In the first story, the unknown part is added. In the second story, the unknown part is subtracted. Transition to the next segment by framing the work. Today, we will show some ways to find an unknown part that was subtracted.
There were 9 pencils. 2 pencils fell off. There are 7 left. Ask students to write a number sentence that corresponds to the story and to box the unknown, modeling if needed. Have the class discuss how the number sentence represents the story, including the idea that the unknown represents the subtracted part, or the pencils that fell off the desk. Display the number sentences for each situation. How are the two pencil stories different?
Learn Act It Out
• 8 kids were playing tag. Some left. Now there are 5.
10 10 30 10
Materials—S: Craft sticks Students concretely model to solve a take from with change unknown problem. Ensure each student has a personal whiteboard and a bag of craft sticks. Tell the students that the craft sticks represent pencils. Display the word problem and read it aloud. I put 9 pencils on the desk. Some fell off. Now there are 3 pencils. How many pencils fell off the desk? Let’s use our craft sticks to show this problem. 9 pencils are on the desk at first. Ask students to organize their sticks in a 5-group row or array but not as tallies. Some fall off. Now there are 3 pencils. How can we show that? We can move 3 sticks to their own group. We can take sticks off until there are 3 left. Give students a moment to model with their sticks. How many pencils fell off the desk? How do you know? 6 pencils. I took off one at a time until 3 were left. I took off 6 sticks. 6. I put 3 in one group. There are 6 in the other group.
Teacher Note
Take from with change unknown situations are particularly challenging since students cannot visualize the action. Instead, they must reason about how many are being taken away. As they represent the situations with numbers and symbols, students recognize that sometimes the unknown is also in the middle of a subtraction equation.
• My teacher had 10 stickers. She gave some to us. Now she has 2.
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Differentiation: Challenge Remove the scaffold of the craft sticks and encourage students to use Read–Draw–Write (RDW) on their personal whiteboards. If the numbers presented in the lesson are known facts, adapt the problem to begin with a larger total, such as 17 or 19. Students may also write their own word problems for the same type of situation, take from with change unknown, but with a different context:
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Let’s write a number sentence to match the problem. What should we write first? Why? We should write 9 first because there are 9 pencils on the desk in the beginning. Record as students follow along on their personal whiteboards. What should we write next? Why? Write minus 6. That is how many pencils fall off. What should we write last? Why? Write equals 3. There are 3 pencils left on the desk. What were we trying to figure out? How many pencils fell off the desk Draw a box around 6, the unknown. The part that fell off the desk, or gets subtracted, is the unknown. Point to each component of the number sentence to summarize the problem. There were 9 total pencils. 6 fell off, and now there are 3 pencils. Have students clean up their craft sticks. Draw It Students draw to solve take from with change unknown problems. Ask students to open their student books to the pencil problem. Read the problem aloud as students follow along. I put 6 pencils on a desk. Some pencils fell off. Now 2 pencils are on the desk. How many pencils fell off?
• How can you show the problem?
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Differentiation: Challenge If students are ready for more independence with the RDW process, reduce guidance for the first problem in this segment by using the following prompts after students read and reread the problem:
• What number sentence can you write?
• How does your number sentence match your sticks or drawing?
• Can you draw something? What can you draw?
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Copyright Great 123 M2 Lesson 11
▸ TC ▸
Read I put 6 pencils on a desk. Some pencils fell off. Now 2 pencils are on the desk. How many pencils fell off? Read I put 8 pencils are on a desk. Some pencils fell off. Now 5 pencils are on the desk. How many pencils fell off? Draw DF Draw DF Write 46-4=2 pencils fell off. Write 38-3=5 pencils fell off.
• What sentence answers the question?
Name 11
• What does your drawing show? (Encourage labeling.)
Promoting the Standards for Mathematical Practice When students independently choose to model or draw and then write the corresponding number sentence, they model with mathematics (MP4). The guided instruction in Learn prepares students to self-select and use models that help them make sense of the problem. When students are working independently on the Problem Set, ask the following questions to promote MP4:
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• What do you need to figure out?
“taking” from the right for two reasons:
One at a time, cross off 4 dots until 2 dots are left. How can we label our drawing? We can label the 2 dots with D for desk. Those are still on the desk. We can label the 4 dots we crossed off with F for fell. Those are on the floor. What does our drawing show?
Although students may cross off (or circle) any of the 6 dots to show 2 left, the lesson models
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Differentiation: Support As needed, allow students to continue to model with craft sticks. Encourage them to draw a picture of how they used the sticks to solve the problem.
Ask students to follow along in their books as you model. Draw 6 dots in a 5-group row.
Reread the next two lines: Some pencils fell off. Now 2 pencils are on the desk.
Let’s ask ourselves the two questions again. Can we draw something? What can we draw?
We started with 6 pencils. 4 fell off. 2 are on the desk. Reread the question: How many pencils fell off? What were we trying to figure out? How many pencils fell Where is that in our drawing? Show your partner. Invite students to work with a partner to write a number sentence and box the unknown. Invite a student to share an accurate number sentence (or, if needed, model). What number represents the unknown? How do you know?
• To align with counting back from 6 (6, 5, 4, 3, 2)
Teacher Note Although a take from with change unknown situation lends itself to a subtraction equation with an unknown subtrahend, some students may write an addition equation to represent how they solved the problem (possibly by counting up). Ask them to explain their thinking and help them see that they still found the unknown part that was taken away.
Reread the first line: I put 6 pencils on a desk.
Teacher Note
4. We didn’t know how many pencils fell. Yes, 4 was unknown because we did not know the part that was taken away. Then ask students to answer the question by using a complete sentence.
6 – 2 = 4 4 + 2 = 6
Let’s ask ourselves two questions. Can we draw something? What can we draw?
• To model the problem as an unknown addend problem: 2 + ? = 6
− 4 2 3 4 5 6 + 4 2 3 4 5 6
• What sentence answers the question?
• Class, why do you think this student put a box around the 3 in the number sentence? Consider engaging the class by asking additional questions such as the following:
PBC 123 EUREKA MATH2 1 ▸ M2 ▸ TC ▸ Lesson 11 Name 11 Read
• Does anyone have questions for this student?
• What number sentence can you write?
• What do you need to figure out?
Write 38-3=5
• What can you draw? (Encourage labeling.)
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• Who can say what this student did in their own words?
• What does the drawing show?
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Draw DF Draw DF Write
Teacher Note Expect variety in students’ drawings. They might draw pictures, lines, or dots. Encourage simple yet accurate representations of the Studentsproblem.who count on or count back by using fingers or a number path might make different drawings to record these strategies.
• Did anyone solve this problem differently?
• Can anyone explain how this student’s number sentence matches the drawing?
Circulate and look for student work to share. Consider selecting both accurate work and work that represents an error you commonly observe. Display student work and invite students to explain their thinking. Use questions such as the following to guide the discussion:
• How did your drawing help you solve the problem?
If time allows, direct students to the second problem. Read it aloud and have partners use the RDW process to solve. I put 8 pencils on a desk. Some pencils fell off. Now 5 pencils are on the desk. How many pencils fell off? As needed, use the following prompts to guide students through the RDW process after reading and rereading the problem:
Other students may not want to draw at all. Although they may not need to draw to solve, ask these students to show how they know their number sentence is true by drawing. A goal in this lesson is for students to practice the RDW process with simple problems so that they know it well and can use it when they encounter more complex situations. Minds I put 6 pencils on a desk. Some pencils fell off. Now 2 pencils are on the desk How many pencils fell off? I put 8 pencils are on a desk. Some pencils fell off. Now 5 pencils are on the desk How many pencils fell off? 46-4=2 pencils fell off. pencils fell off.
• Can you draw something?
Teacher Note If students need more practice finding an unknown change that has been taken away, allow them to act out more pencil problems.
Land Debrief 5 min
Draw Draw Write
• Partner B, open your eyes. Use your craft sticks to figure out how many were taken away.
• Partner B, close your eyes and don’t peek!
• Partner A, take some craft sticks away and hide them behind your back.
10 1 ▸ M2 ▸ TC ▸ Lesson 11 EUREKA MATH2 Copyright © Great Minds PBC126 PROBLEM SET Read
The 3 circled dots
Pair students and give each student 10 craft sticks. Share directions for the game.
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• Together, write a number sentence and draw a box around the unknown. To extend student thinking, have students use 10–20 craft sticks to act out the story. 30 8 frogs are on a log. Some frogs go into the pond. Now 3 frogs are on the log. How many frogs went into the pond? 12 turtles are on a log. Some turtles go into the pond. Now 8 turtles are on the log. How many turtles went into the pond? 58-5=3 frogs went into the pond. Write 412-4=8 turtles went into the pond.
Problem Set
Gather students with their Problem Sets. Have them turn and talk about how they solved the third problem. Display the provided sample work and guide students to make connections between the word problem, the drawing, and the number sentence. Where do you see the 8 frogs on a log in this drawing? They are the 8 dots. Where do you see the frogs that went into the pond? It is the 5 dots that are crossed off. What could help us see the parts of the problem in the drawing? We could label them. Where do you see the frogs that are still on the log?
10 10
Objective: Represent and solve take from with change unknown problems.
Differentiate the set by selecting problems for students to finish independently within the timeframe. Problems are organized from simple to complex. Directions and word problems may be read aloud.
• Partner A, put some craft sticks onto your whiteboard. Partner B, put the same number of craft sticks onto your whiteboard.
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Focus students’ attention on the number sentence. do you think this student wrote a subtraction number sentence? The frogs went into the pond. What number was unknown in the problem? How do you know? It was how many frogs went into the pond. Yes, it was the part taken away. Ticket min Provide up to 5 minutes for students to complete the Exit Ticket. It is possible to gather formative data even if some students do not complete every problem. Support students benefit from visual support. displaying these images reading the word problem before looking at the student work.
total and counting on to find an unknown part? Achievement Descriptor 1.Mod2.AD1 Represent and solve word problems within 20 involving grades K and 1 addition and subtraction problem types. (1.OA.A.1) Copyright © Great Minds PBC 99 EUREKA MATH2 1 ▸ M2 ▸ TC ▸ Lesson 8 8Name Count on and fill in the sentence. Write a number sentence. You have 8 pennies. You want 10 pennies. 8+2=10 You need 2 pennies. Copyright © Great Minds PBC21
(I have) and
Interpret find an unknown count on to solve problems in which the unknown, for the first time in 1, is a part rather than the total. They use concrete an everyday context that represents the known addend the total ( want) to find an unknown addend start with the known part, count on until they get to the total, and then identify how many they counted on. The find a
(I need). Students
change. Lesson at a Glance Students
class writes an addition number sentence to match. Key Question • What is different about counting on to
tools and
9 LESSON 9 Represent and solve add to with change unknown problems. Lesson at a Glance Students analyze an add to with change unknown situation and recognize that the unknown is a part that represents a change in quantity. They self-select tools to help them solve for the unknown, and then they share various solution strategies. Students study a sample drawing that represents the problem and discuss the value of using labels. They add labels to their own drawings and write number sentences and statements to complete their work. Key Question • What are some ways to find an unknown part that was added? Achievement Descriptor 1.Mod2.AD1 Represent and solve word problems within 20 involving grades K and 1 addition and subtraction problem types. (1.OA.A.1) Copyright © Great Minds PBC 111 EUREKA MATH2 1 ▸ M2 ▸ TC ▸ Lesson 9 9Name Read Val has 6 books. She gets some more. Now she has 9 books. How many books did Val get? WriteDraw 6+3=9 Val got 3 books. Copyright © Great Minds PBC22
10 LESSON 10 Represent and find an unknown addend in equations. Lesson at a Glance For the first time, students find the unknown in an equation. The equations are presented without the support of word problem contexts. Students use the count on strategy, which is familiar from work with word problems, to find unknown addends. The term equation is introduced in this lesson. Key Questions • What is the same about counting on with different tools? • Which tool is most helpful for you when you count on, and why? Achievement Descriptor 1.Mod2.AD7 Find the unknown in an addition or subtraction equation. (1.OA.D.8) Copyright © Great Minds PBC 119 EUREKA MATH2 1 ▸ M2 ▸ TC ▸ Lesson 10 Name 10 1. Read Val has 6 books. She gets some more. Now she has 9 books How many books did Val get? 2. Fill in the part. Show how you know. 8+6=14 WriteDraw 6+3=9 Val got 3 more books Copyright © Great Minds PBC23
11 LESSON 11 Represent and solve take from with change unknown problems. Lesson at a Glance Students connect to previous learning by comparing an add to with change unknown word problem with a take from with change unknown word problem. They concretely represent and solve a take from with change unknown problem and then draw to solve similar problems. Students discuss the meaning of the unknown, which is a subtrahend, for the first time. Key Question • What are some ways to find a part that was taken away? Achievement Descriptor 1.Mod2.AD1 Represent and solve word problems within 20 involving grades K and 1 addition and subtraction problem types. (1.OA.A.1) Copyright © Great Minds PBC 129 EUREKA MATH2 1 ▸ M2 ▸ TC ▸ Lesson 11 11Name Read 10 frogs are on a log. Some frogs go into the pond Now 3 frogs are on the log. How many frogs went into the pond? WriteDraw 710-7=3 frogs went into the pond. Copyright © Great Minds PBC24
12 LESSON 12 Represent and find an unknown subtrahend in equations. Lesson at a Glance Students reason about take from with change unknown situations and discuss different ways to represent these problems. They work with equations to find unknown subtrahends, counting back from the total to the known part. They use their fingers as well as the number path to keep track of the count and find the answer. Key Question • What are some ways to find the unknown part? Which way is most efficient for you? Achievement Descriptor 1.Mod2.AD7 Find the unknown in an addition or subtraction equation. (1.OA.D.8) Copyright © Great Minds PBC 139 EUREKA MATH2 1 ▸ M2 ▸ TC ▸ Lesson 12 Name 12 Fill in the part. Show how you know. 10–2=8 123451112131415 678910 -2 Copyright © Great Minds PBC25
13 LESSON 13 Represent and solve add to and take from with change unknown problems. EUREKA MATH2 1 ▸ M2 ▸ TC Copyright © Great Minds PBC 145 Name C 1. Read Peg had 13 carrots . Her dog ate some. Now she has 9 carrots How many carrots did her dog eat? WriteDraw 13-9=4 The dog ate 4 carrots . Sample: 1 ▸ M2 ▸ TC EUREKA MATH2 Copyright © Great Minds PBC146 TOPIC TICKET 2. Fill in the part. Show how you know. 7+2=9 123456781112131415 +910 2 Copyright © Great Minds PBC26
Lesson at a Glance Students watch videos and read word problems that depict add to and take from changes. Partners represent each situation with an addition or subtraction equation. They use a box to show the unknown in the equation and then solve. A game provides hands-on mixed practice with add to and take from situations. Key Question • Should we write an addition or subtraction equation to represent the story? How do you know? Achievement Descriptors 1.Mod2.AD1 Represent and solve word problems within 20 involving grades K and 1 addition and subtraction problem types. (1.OA.A.1) 1.Mod2.AD7 Find the unknown in an addition or subtraction equation. (1.OA.D.8) Agenda Materials Lesson Preparation Fluency 10 min Launch 10 min Learn 30 min • Add To or Take From? • Carrots Game • Problem Set Land 10 min Teacher • Hide Zero® cards, demonstration set Students • Craft sticks (20 per student pair) • Centimeter number path (1 per student pair) None Copyright © Great Minds PBC 201 EUREKA MATH2 1 ▸ M2 ▸ TC ▸ Lesson 13 27
Copyright © Great Minds PBC336 Module Assessment Grade K Module 5 Addition and Subtraction Only administer this assessment to students whose observational assessments show inconsistent proficiency throughout the module. Use the suggested language or support students in their native language to better ascertain their understanding of math content. If a student is unable to answer the first few questions, end the assessment and retry after more instruction. •MaterialsDotimage in a whiteboard • Unifix® Cubes (stick of 7 connected cubes and 10 loose cubes) • Plain white paper or a personal whiteboard and dry-erase marker • Addition and subtraction equation sheet 28
M5MATHEUREKA AssessmentModule
Teacher note: Students may say “three” or add 3 cubes to the stick. Both responses are acceptable. 29
Represent addition with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds, acting out situations, verbal expressions,explanations,orequations. (K.OA.A.1) K.Mod5.AD3 Represent subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds, acting out situations, verbal expressions,explanations,orequations. (K.OA.A.1) K.Mod5.AD6 Add and subtract within 10 by using objects, drawings, or other math tools. (K.OA.A.2)
Teacher note: Students may write an addition number sentence with the total at the beginning or end of the number sentence. Both representations are correct. Erase marks and the number sentence on the dot card. How many dots? Cross out some dots. Write a number sentence that tells about the dots.
ConfigurationDot K.Mod5.AD6 Add and subtract within 10 by using objects, drawings, or other math tools. (K.OA.A.2) K.Mod5.AD8 Find the partner to 10 for any number 1–9. (K.OA.A.4)
1. Place the dot card in a whiteboard in front of the student. How many dots? Circle parts that make ___ . (Say the student-provided total.)
Copyright Great Minds PBCThis page may be reproduced for classroom use only.
Write a number sentence that tells about all the dots. Erase the parts the student circled. Show another two parts to make ___. (Say the student-provided total.)
2. Give the student a stick of 7 connected cubes with a color change to show the 5-group as shown. Have loose cubes available for students to use if desired. How many more to make 10?
Copyright © Great Minds PBC 337 Achievement Descriptors and Standards Assessment Question
Listen to my story. There are 9 children playing after school. 4 children go home. How many children are still playing?
EUREKA MATH K M5 Module Assessment 340 only.useclassroomforreproducedbemaypageThisPBCMindsGreatCopyright =+= += = 30
K ▸ M5 EUREKA MATH2 Copyright © Great Minds PBC338 Achievement Descriptors and Standards Assessment Question
K.Mod5.AD4 Solve add to, take from, put together, and take apart with result unknown story problems within 10 by using addition and subtraction. (K.OA.A.2)
Teacher note: Note whether students use fingers, objects, or drawings. These supports are acceptable and encouraged when students are challenged with new math concepts or higher numbers. For sums and differences within 5, kindergarten students should know the answer without supports most of the time.
3. Place a plain piece of paper in front of the student.
Teacher note: If the student provides an answer without using a number sentence or any math tools, ask them to use a number sentence or drawing to explain their thinking.
4. Hand out the addition and subtraction equation sheet. This part of the assessment may be administered to students in small groups. Add and subtract to fill in the blanks.
K.Mod5.AD9 Add fluently within 5. (K.OA.A.5) K.Mod5.AD10 Subtract fluently within 5. (K.OA.A.5)
Prompt the student to write a number sentence to show their thinking. Have math tools (such as cubes) available for students to use if desired. Point to different parts in their representation and use the following questions to check for understanding. What does this number tell about in the story? Where is the total in your number sentence? Where are the Whichparts?cubes show the children that are still playing?
K.Mod5.AD3 Represent subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds, acting out situations, verbal expressions,explanations,orequations. (K.OA.A.1)
Represent addition within 5 with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds, acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations.
Partially Proficient Proficient Highly Proficient
Count forward from a number other than 1 with the help of a visual aid. Count the carrots. Start at 6. 6 Count forward from a number other than 1. Count to 10 starting at 3.
Count forward from a number other than 1.
Make a math drawing, write a number bond, or write an addition sentence that tells about the frogs. Represent addition within 10 with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds, acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations.
Make a math drawing, write a number bond, or write an addition sentence that tells about the frogs. Represent addition within 10 in more than one way. Write a number bond and an addition sentence that tell about the frogs. 31
K.Mod5.AD2 Represent addition with objects, fingers, men tal images, drawings, sounds, acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations.
Represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings2, sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations.
2 Drawings need not show details, but should show the mathematics in the problem. (This applies wherever drawings are mentioned in the Standards.)
344 Copyright © Great Minds PBC Achievement Descriptors: Proficiency Indicators
RELATED CCSSM K.CC.A.2 Count forward beginning from a given number within the known sequence (instead of having to begin at 1).
Partially Proficient Proficient Highly Proficient
RELATED CCSSM K.OA.A.1 Represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings2, sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations.
Represent subtraction within 5 with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds, acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations.
Represent subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds, acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations.
Solve add to, take from, put together, and take apart with result unknown story problems within 10 by using addition and subtraction.
2 Drawings need not show details, but should show the mathematics in the problem. (This applies wherever drawings are mentioned in the Standards.)
Partially Proficient Proficient Highly Proficient
Cross out a part. Make a drawing, write a number bond, or write a subtraction sentence to tell about the crackers. Represent subtraction within 10 with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds, acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations. Cross out a part. Make a drawing, write a number bond, or write a subtraction sentence to tell about the crackers. Represent subtraction within 10 in more than one way. Cross out a part. Write a number bond and a subtraction sentence to tell about the crackers.
Partially Proficient Proficient Highly Proficient
Solve add to, take from, put together, and take apart with result unknown story problems within 10 by using addition and subtraction.
RELATED CCSSM K.OA.A.2 Solve addition and subtraction word problems, and add and subtract within 10, e.g., by using objects or drawings to represent the problem.
There are 2 frogs in the pond. 5 more frogs hop into the pond. How many frogs are in the pond? 32
Copyright © Great Minds PBC
Add and subtract within 5 by using objects, drawings, or other math tools.
Partially Proficient Proficient Highly Proficient
RELATED CCSSM K.OA.A.2 Solve addition and subtraction word problems, and add and subtract within 10, e.g., by using objects or drawings to represent the problem.
Record solutions to story situations in which both addends are unknown with an addition sentence.
Partially Proficient Proficient Highly Proficient
Some are sugar cookies, and some are chocolate chip. How many of each cookie might there be? Write an addition sentence.
K ▸ M5 EUREKA MATH2 346 Copyright © Great Minds PBC
Solve addition and subtraction word problems, and add and subtract within 10, e.g., by using objects or drawings to represent the problem.
There are 9 cookies on a pan.
+= 33
Add and subtract within 10 by using objects, drawings, or other math tools.
Record solutions to story situations in which both addends are unknown with objects, drawings, or number bonds. There are 9 cookies on a pan.
Add. You can use a drawing, a number path, your fingers, or any other tool to help.
Add and subtract within 10 by using objects, drawings, or other tools.
Record solutions to story situations in which both addends are unknown with an addition number sentence.
Some are sugar cookies, and some are chocolate chip. How many of each cookie might there be? Fill in the number bond.
Add. You can use a drawing, a number path, your fingers, or any other tool to help.
K ▸ M5 EUREKA MATH2 348 Copyright © Great Minds PBC K.Mod5.AD8 Find the partner to 10 for any number 1–9. RELATED CCSSM K.OA.A.4 For any number from 1 to 9, find the number that makes 10 when added to the given number, e.g., by using objects or drawings, and record the answer with a drawing or equation. Partially Proficient Proficient Highly Proficient Decompose 10 into two parts by using objects, drawings, or other tools. Look at the apples. Fill in the number bond to match. Find the partner to 10 for any number 1–9 by using objects, drawings, or other tools. Look at the apples. How many more to make 10? K.Mod5.AD9 Add fluently within 5. RELATED CCSSM K.OA.A.5 Fluently add and subtract within 5. Partially Proficient Proficient Highly Proficient Add fluently within 5. Fill in the number sentence. += 34
Supplemental Materials Assess: Embedded Opportunities to Inform Instruction, K 2 © Great Minds PBC 45 Putting it all Together: Supporting Artifacts Shared Practice: Aby 1.Mod2.AD1 Card 1 Topic Ticket A Lesson 5 Problem Set Item
Supplemental Materials Assess: Embedded Opportunities to Inform Instruction, K 2 © Great Minds PBC 46 Card 2 Topic Ticket B
I have 8 pennies. (Open your hand and show the pennies) See? Close your eyes. (Put 6 pennies in a location that is out of students’ sight). Open your eyes. (Show the 2 pennies in your hand.)
What happened? I hid some pennies. Let’s figure out how many I hid. Remember I had 8 pennies. I hid some. I have 2 pennies left. Have students work independently to solve. Aby’s strategy was drawing.
Compare Connect Problem Prompt Lesson 12
Supplemental Materials Assess: Embedded Opportunities to Inform Instruction, K 2 © Great Minds PBC 47 Card 3 Topic Ticket C Lesson 21 Classwork
Supplemental Materials Assess: Embedded Opportunities to Inform Instruction, K 2 © Great Minds PBC 48 Module Assessment
Supplemental Materials Assess: Embedded Opportunities to Inform Instruction, K 2 © Great Minds PBC 49 Apply it!: Carter K.Mod5.AD3 Card 1 Observational Assessment Lesson 8 Observational Assessment Lesson 13
Supplemental Materials Assess: Embedded Opportunities to Inform Instruction, K 2 © Great Minds PBC 50 Card 2 Observational Assessment Lesson 19
Supplemental Materials Assess: Embedded Opportunities to Inform Instruction, K 2 © Great Minds PBC 51 Observational Assessment Lesson 26
Supplemental Materials Assess: Embedded Opportunities to Inform Instruction, K 2 © Great Minds PBC 52 Card 3 Module Assessment Apply it!: Violet 1.Mod2.AD4 Card 1 Lesson 3 Exit Ticket
Supplemental Materials Assess: Embedded Opportunities to Inform Instruction, K 2 © Great Minds PBC 53 Topic Ticket A Card 2 Lesson 7 Classwork
Supplemental Materials Assess: Embedded Opportunities to Inform Instruction, K 2 © Great Minds PBC 54 Topic Ticket B Card 3 Lesson 16 Problem Set
Supplemental Materials Assess: Embedded Opportunities to Inform Instruction, K 2 © Great Minds PBC 55 Module Assessment Apply it!: Lucas 2.Mod2.AD3 Card 1 Lesson 5 Topic Ticket A
Supplemental Materials Assess: Embedded Opportunities to Inform Instruction, K 2 © Great Minds PBC 56 Card 2 Lesson 10
Supplemental Materials Assess: Embedded Opportunities to Inform Instruction, K 2 © Great Minds PBC 57 Topic Ticket B Card 3 Lesson Module26Assessment
3 Either addend can be unknown, so there are three variations of these problem situations. Both Addends Unknown is a productive extension of the basic situation, especially for small numbers less than or equal to 10
� + ? = �
� + � =
Three red apples and two green apples are on the table. How many apples are on the table? ? Five apples are on the table. Three are red and the rest are green. How many apples are green? has five flowers. How many can she put in the red vase and how many in her blue vase?
Supplemental Materials Assess: Embedded Opportunities to Inform Instruction, K 2 © Great Minds PBC 58 Common Addition and Subtraction Problem Types 1 RESULT UNKNOWN CHANGE UNKNOWN START UNKNOWN ADD TO
� ? = �
� + � =
2 These take apart situations can be used to show all the decompositions of a given number. The Associated equations, which have the total on the left of the equal sign, help children understand that the = sign does not always mean makes or results in but always does mean is the same number as.
For the Bigger Unknown or Smaller Unknown situations, one version directs the correct operation (the version using more for the bigger unknown and using less for the smaller unknown. The other versions are more difficult.
� � = ?
Two bunnies sat on the grass. Three more bunnies hopped there. How many bunnies are on the grass now?
Two bunnies were sitting on the grass. Some more bunnies hopped there. Then there were five bunnies. How many bunnies hopped over to the first two? Some bunnies were sitting on the grass. Three more bunnies hopped there. Then there were five bunnies. How many bunnies were on the grass before? Five apples were on the table. I ate two apples. How many apples are on the table now?
� + � = ?
� = � + �, � = � + �, � = � + �, � = � + �, � = � + �, � = � + � COMPARE4
Five apples were on the table. I ate some. Then there were three apples. How many apples did I eat? Some apples were on the table. I ate two apples. Then there were three apples. How many apples were on the table before?
� +
DIFFERENCE UNKNOWN UNKNOWN many more?” version): Lucy has two apples. Julie has five apples. How many more apples does Julie have than (“HowLucy? many fewer?” version): Lucy has two apples. Julie has five apples. How many fewer apples does Lucy have than Julie? ? = , � = ? (Version with “more”): Julie has three more apples than Lucy. Lucy has two apples. How many apples does Julie (Versionhave? with “fewer”): Lucy has three fewer apples than Julie. Lucy has two apples. How many apples does Julie have? ?, � � = ? (Version with “more”): Julie has three more apples than Lucy. Julie has five apples. How many apples does Lucy (Versionhave? with “fewer”): Lucy has three fewer apples than Julie. Julie has five apples. How many apples does Lucy have? � � = ?, ? + � = � Pink shading indicates the four Kindergarten problem types. Grade 1 and 2 students work with all types and variants. Blue shading indicates the four difficult problem types that students should work with in grade 1 but need not master until grade 2.
? + � = � TAKE FROM
� + ? = �, � � = ? Grandma
Adapted from Box 2 4 of Mathematics Learning in Early Childhood, National Research Council (2009, pp. 32, 33).
Supplemental Materials Assess: Embedded Opportunities to Inform Instruction, K 2 © Great Minds PBC 59 Credits Great Minds® has made every effort to obtain permission for the reprinting of all copyrighted material. If any owner of copyrighted material is not acknowledged herein, please contact Great Minds for proper acknowledgement in all future editions and reprints of this handout. Works Cited Great Minds. Eureka Math2TM. Washington, DC: Great Minds, 2021.