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Tutoring at 11 Plus Level
According to a poll of parents, carried out by advice website elevenplusexams.co.uk, 62% of 11 Plus students regularly use private tutors to help them secure places at the UK’s most prestigious private schools.
If you enjoy working with younger students, then specializing in Eleven Plus tuition can be a very rewarding career move. Helping students gain entry to the UK’s top grammar schools is a challenging job but one that can command a significant fee.
There are several counties in the UK that still use Eleven Plus testing and there are 163 remaining grammar schools in various parts of England, and 67 in Northern Ireland. These schools generally have a reputation for performing consistently well in secondary school league tables.
What is the 11 Plus?
The 11 Plus is an exam that a select group of children sit, usually in their last year of primary school. The exam is used by schools in certain areas of the UK as a means of selecting for grammar schools. Some children start preparing for the 11 Plus as early as Year 5 and as such, demand for private tutoring is extremely high.
Although the 11 Plus exam varies from county to county, each exam usually tests for Maths, English, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning. Typically, students are expected to sit three papers:
1. Verbal Reasoning (VR)
2. Non-Verbal reasoning (NVR)
3. Mathematics (MA)
What’s the Market Like for 11 Plus Tutoring?
According to a report published by the Sutton Trust , students in Year 7 and Year 11 are most likely to receive private tuition, so this suggests that a lot of children receive tutoring when they’re aged 11 and 15. Furthermore, 23% of state-school pupils aged 11-16 said they have had private tuition at some time. In London, it’s estimated that this figure rises to around 50%.
As an 11 Plus tutor, you’ll need to have a bank of resources that you can use with your students. Practice papers and other subject specific exercises are particularly useful in preparing children for the 11 Plus exam.
GL Assessment and CEM are the two main exam boards that administer the 11+ exams throughout the UK.
Good sources of teaching resources and practice materials include:
• https://11plus.gl-assessment.co.uk/
• https://www.cem.org/entrance-assessments
• https://www.bond11plus.co.uk/
• https://www.cgpbooks.co.uk/info/preparing-for-the-11-plus-with-cgp/
• https://www.11plusguide.com/
• https://www.elevenplusexams.co.uk/free-11-plus-practice-papers