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Tutor Marketing Plan
Goals and Objectives
What are you hoping to achieve from your marketing? What timescale are you working to? I recommend planning your strategy over a 6-month period and reviewing your progress every two weeks.
Audience Hangouts
Make a list below of all the places you can think of that parents in your area are likely to ‘hang out’ online and actively have a presence there/engage them in conversation. Find out what the hot topics of conversation are and interact with them directly.
Your Competitors
Search online and make a list below of other tutors who operate in your local area. Have a look at what subjects they offer. Can you gain any useful insights from their blog posts or testimonials that could help you tap into a gap in the market? What do they do well and what could they do better? Once, you’ve researched the competition, approach them and ask if they’d be interested in setting up a referral system with you.
Your Marketing Focus
What strategies will you employ over the next two weeks? Is your focus on distributing business cards or embracing social media?
How will you know if your marketing efforts have been successful? Make a list of ways you can measure your strategy’s success. E.g. Google Analytics, telephone calls, emails. You may want to look back at your goals to remind yourself what you were initially hoping to achieve.
Which of your marketing efforts have paid off most in the last 2 weeks? If one particular strategy seems to be working, increase your focus on it and reduce the time you spend on anything that isn’t working. If you have still have a few strategies to try, make them an additional focus over the next 2 weeks.
Once you have your marketing strategy in place, you’ll want to revisit your plan regularly and make adjustments as your business grows and your goals and objectives change. Having updated versions of your plan can be a great way to see how your business is progressing and can act as a record of your marketing efforts.