The Greenhouse Junior

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Junior School / Welcome

WELCOME Year 1 p.6

YeAR 6 p.16

HEAD OF JUNIORS The School Magazine gives us the opportunity to reflect on the past year and draw together a representative selection of some of the work and activities we have been engaged in. And how hard it has been to select! Every girl has done so much, whether in pursuit of academic learning, taking part in sporting or musical endeavour, raising money for charity or simply enjoying herself with friends in an activity. I hope you will take pleasure in dipping into the various pages to get a flavour of the unique qualities of each year group experience, the Janet Charlesworth

achievements of the girls in so many areas and the sheer joie de vivre or intensity of thought evident on the girls’ faces in so many of the photographs. None of this would be possible without the hard work of the staff as well as of the girls, not just in compiling these pages – a stupendous effort in itself – but in providing such fantastic learning opportunities day in, day out for the girls. From dance to drama, poetry to painting, science to song, there is something for everyone here in the magazine, just as there is daily in the Junior School for a Habs girl!

Art & DT p.22

MUSIC p.28

Junior School / Contents


Rainbow 4

Year 4 p.12

Year 1


Year 2


Year 3


Year 4


Year 5


Year 6


Descriptive Writing


Science 20 SCIENCE p.20

Art & DT


Japanese Day


Music 28 Drama 30 Sport 32 Sharing with Others


Clubs 36 JAPANESE DAY p.26

Junior Staff Leaver: Mrs Wilkin

Credits Editor Janet Charlesworth Head Janet Charlesworth

DRAMA p.30

Magazine Coordinator Hilary Rossington


Haberdashers’ Aske’s School for Girls Aldenham Road Elstree, Hertfordshire WD6 3BT Design & Print Do Good Media Ltd



Junior School / Art & DT

Art & DT Year 1 Year 1 have produced a wide range of artwork, developing their skills in drawing, painting and 3D work. In DT their cutting and making skills were challenged making puppets, playground equipment and fruit salad. The delicious results of designing our own fruit salad

Pastel drawing of juicy apple

Plump papaya

Boat on rough sea

Zingy lime

Junior School / Art & DT

Year 2 Year 2 made carefully observed drawings and paintings of cut oranges, using only white, red, yellow and blue paint. They also made press prints of monsters and 3D mini-beasts fashioned from pipe cleaners and papier-mâché.

Close-up cut oranges

Card and polystyrene monster print

Papier mache insects

Year 3

Year 3 looked closely at Aboriginal artwork and discussed how the pictures were made from dots as well as blocks of solid colours. They designed and

painted their own ‘dot pictures’ based around an animal of their choice. As part of their Egyptian studies, they painted on papyrus in the Egyptian style.

Ancient Egyptian scene on papyrus Aboriginal art



Junior School / Library

Sharing with others Here are some of the enjoyable charity events we have taken part in this year, which have helped us learn about other lives and communities.

Harvest Festival Following our Harvest assembly, Year 6 carried our good wishes, along with bags full of donated groceries, to the Senior Citizens’ Drop In Centre in Borehamwood. Singing harvest songs together was followed by conversation and biscuits. Chatting to the elderly people was very rewarding – we learnt so much about their interesting lives!

Sharing our Harvest Gifts, a drink and a chat at Borehamwood Drop In Centre

Mbabzi School Project We have begun a link with this project in Malawi, which is helping build schools for children who would otherwise have no education. Our matchbox challenge – fitting as many different little items as we could into a matchbox – was great fun and raised lots of money to support for the project. Year 4 are enjoying a pen pal link with some of the Malawi children and are finding it fascinating to learn about lives so different from their own.

The Rainbow Trust Supporting the Rainbow Trust

Rainbow girls support this charity for very sick children and their families. They carried out a sponsored ‘chore a day’ in a half term holiday, not only raising funds but also surprising their Mums and Dads with how helpful they can be at home.

Junior School / Library

My favourite Teddy My teddy bear is old and worn Even his ears are a little bit torn I love him most He’s the colour of toast And I’ve had him since I was born

Our Furry Friends

Talia, Year 3

St Catherine’s Day Bears in Year 2

St Catherine’s Day Bears in Year 4

A St Catherine’s Day Rainbow Bear

St Catherine’s Day Containing our excitement in the run up to St Catherine’s Day is always a tricky business but the day dawned at last and was as fun packed as usual. We raised funds for two charities: Grief Encounter and Mercy Ships. Many girls, parents and staff began knitting furiously to make teddies to send to children tended by the Mercy Ships. The school was soon overrun by little furry friends and the theme gave us the perfect excuse to dress up as teddy bears on St Catherine’s Day! Part of the fun was a competition to write a ‘bear’ poem. Can you find one of the winning entries on this page?

Japanese Tsunami News of this tragic event reached us just as we were about to celebrate our very own Japanese Day. Whilst enjoying ourselves, we did not forget the troubles experienced by the Japanese people. Parents and friends were very generous and helped us raise a substantial amount of money to support the work of the Red Cross in Japan.


The winning matchboxes

Thanks to all our girls, parents and friends who have been so generous in supporting our charity ventures.



Junior School / Year 1

Year 1


‘Careful! Not too much!’

‘Every day we do different things. I enjoyed using the computer to do our work on symmetry.’ Tabitha

‘I can fit more in mine than yours!’

‘I love maths because it’s challenging and I love a challenge!’ Saira

Working outside.

Junior School / Year 1

Two, four, six, eight Year 1 think that Maths is great! Measuring to conjure up delicious cakes Help us think about what it takes To balance scales and carefully measure The ingredients needed for our edible pleasure.

Symmetrical gymnastics!

Five, ten, fifteen, twenty We use different ways to investigate symmetry. Inside and out we made patterns and shapes With our friends challenged to copy whatever we make. Pegs and rulers and clay and bead tiles too, Were all used, as well as our bodies – yes it’s true!

It’s a square based pyramid! Were you right?

‘We used weighing to help us with ingredients to make yummy cupcakes.’ Sarah

Ten, twenty, thirty, forty No time to get up to mischief or be naughty. You see, we learn in many practical ways That challenge us to think but it feels like play. We explore and investigate some tricky problems too, But we are mathemagicians and thinking is what we do.

‘I like using the equipment because if you can’t do it in your head you can do it in front of you and it makes it easier.’ Maya

Working together Looking after the pennies!

Working inside

‘Maths warms up my brain!’ Amaara

‘I like working in a group because others have different ideas.’ Rachel


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