2 minute read
Beaudesert Kennel Club Inc – Championship Show
Dogs Queensland congratulates the winners from the Beaudesert Kennel Club Inc Championship Show on Saturday 19 March 202 and would like to thank all those who made it a success including exhibitiors, workers and volunteers alike. All images showcased on pages 30 and 31 can be purchased by visiting https://www.ellemphotography.com.au Winners LIST
GENERAL SPECIALS JUDGE: Mr L Wright (Qld) Best In Show:Whippet CH SHAWTHING FLOOZIE INTH JACUZZI Runner Up In Show: Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) CH BRECONMOHR HUMMINGBIRDS ROCK AT JOPEARL Baby Puppy In Show: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel CHEVALOVE MEMPHIS Minor Puppy In Show:British Bulldog ROBOCKY SUMMER OF LOVE AI Puppy In Show:Shih Tzu CH TZUAVE CAREFUL WAT U WITCH FOR Junior In Show:Beagle CH LUNARS JIMMY NEUTRON Intermediate In Show: Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) CH BRECONMOHR HUMMINGBIRDS ROCK AT JOPEARL Australian Bred In Show: Chihuahua (Long Coat) CH WACHOWA 00 SEVEN Open In Show:Whippet CH SHAWTHING FLOOZIE INTH JACUZZI Best Neuter In Show:AfghanHound CH & NEUTER CH CHAKDARRA HOLLY GO LIGHTLY Runner Up Neuter In Show: Australian Terrier CH WANORA ANGIE GURL

Members are invited to submit dog related stories of interest for inclusion in upcoming issues of our Dog World magazine. All canine topics are accepted whether they be unusual, quirky or factual and can include ‘paw-friendly’ walks and cafes, heart-warming tales or antics while in lockdown to name a few.
Dogs Queensland would like to showcase your dog’s ståory to the wider canine community. To see your story published simply send it through tobarbara@ dogsqueensland.org.au

Written by distinguished veterinarian Karen Hedberg, the Dog Owner’s Manual takes you through the process of choosing and raising a puppy. It also includes breeding, geriatric care, lists canine ailments and summarises various treatments.
Clearly written and easy to comprehend, this book provides an upto-date one-stop reference for both breeders and all those who really care for their dogs. To purchase your copy, visit Dogs Queensland, phone the office on 3252 2661 or email pina@dogsqueensland.org.au. The Dog Owner’s Manual is priced at only $50.00 plus postage.
Junior Handler Reminder
A reminder to all Junior Handlers and Parents that to compete in the Junior Handler State Final in October 2022, the Junior Handler must be a Junior Member. Membership is free to become a Junior Member – simply download the Membership form (link below) and return to Dogs Queensland. https://emarketing-au.s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws. com/59095/9cX6XluHDI5ENZLqUjrN0Jjxdzlbge5YM5PH56zu458/2664645.pdf

Dogs Queensland is offering all breeders the opportunity to advertise in the Dog World magazine Breed Features at the discounted rate of $100 for 1/4 page. The following dog breeds are planned for the coming months: June 2022: Australian Kelpie July 2022: Shar Pei August 2022: Biewer Terrier September 2022: Irish Wolfhound For more information or to book an advertisement, email barbara@dogsqueensland.org.au