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Dachshund p14

Hyperadrenocorticism p40

Bushfire Safety p32 In Review p43




START 15% OFF STARTER, PUPPY AND HT 42d DRY DIETS. HT 42d delivers precise nutrition for bitches in heat to 42 days gestation. Starter diets provide specific nutrition for the first 5 stages of life; gestation from 42 days, birth, lactation, weaning and growth up to 2 months. Puppy diets are tailored to meet the growth needs of puppies from 2 months onwards. *Only available to Royal Canin Breeders Club members via the ProShop from 1st December 2021 – 31st January 2022. Includes Professional or Largest available bag size only. Excludes wet diets. Minimum order at the ProShop 15kg. While stocks last.

TEAM 8246 QldDogsWorld

Contents 4 | President’s Message 6 | Board Notes 14 | Breed Feature – Dachshund


24 | Dachshund Club Of Queensland – Fun Day 29 | ANKC Videos 30 | Border Collie Early History 32 | First Aid – Bushfire Safety 35 | Yuggera Endurance Trial 36 | Media Update 38 | Maree Kennel Club Inc – Melbourne Cup 2021


40 | Cushing’s Disease – Hyperadrenocorticism 42 | Vale Francis Ruth Forbes 43 | Beenleigh and District Kennel Club Inc Shows – In Review 46 | Show And Trial Gazette 53 | Affiliated Clubs And Services


57 | Durack Vendors 58 | Rates Guide

Office Address


Office Telephone

Postal Address

Office Email

ABN 45 160 285 192

247 King Avenue, Durack, Queensland 4077 (07) 3252 2661 PO Box 1136, Mt Ommaney, Queensland 4074

DOG WORLD December 2021


President’s Message


t is hard to believe that we are already in December. It has been a bit of a strange year in many ways, but true to form it has gone quickly. I hope the Christmas and holiday period brings all our members some special times. The start of 2021 brought a degree of uncertainty for Dogs Queensland about how we would travel financially and with events. It has been great to see a more normal line up of shows and events in contrast to the southern States. We have been very fortunate in that regard. On the financial front this year we did not have the 2020 benefit of Jobkeeper, but the office and the Board have run a tight ship and the results have been pleasing. A virtual bouquet to Rob and his team for this good work. I like to keep members up to date with our financial position and our end of October financial position was presented to the Board at their meeting last week and Finance Committee meeting this week together with the proposed budget for 2022 that will be presented to the Board at our January 10 meeting. At this stage we are tracking on to show a net profit for 2021 slightly over $500k. This is subject to certification by our auditors who commenced this audit process this last week. The financial statements for 2021 certified by the auditors and the Board will be formally presented at our Annual General Meeting next year.

Resignation of Mrs Sharron Taylor as a Director Mrs Sharron Taylor resigned with immediate effect after our Board meeting on 24 November 2021. Sharron has made a significant contribution to the Board of Dogs Queensland for nearly 3 years and has been the director sourced from Zone 3. On behalf of all members and the other directors I thank her for the time and effort that she has dedicated to this voluntary role. Sharron has a wealth of knowledge about our dog world and this with her practical and common-sense approach has been of great benefit in these Covid times. We hope to see her continue to


DOG WORLD December 2021

make a special contribution to our dog world in other ways. I expect that the Board will look to fill this around 15-month casual vacancy and will undertake an Expressions of Interest process. Members with 5-year membership standing, living in Zone 3 will qualify for consideration. If you qualify do consider lodging an expression of interest in due course. It is an opportunity to give something back to the dog world. In less than a year the nomination process for 6 director positions will happen so let’s encourage members with good skills to consider nominating for the Board.

Three Zones or Just One Zone? For many decades our organisation has divided the State into 3 Zones. The former council routinely made annual trips to Central (Zone 2) and Northern (Zone 3) to meet with members and discuss their particular needs. I don’t think there was a history of having councillors from these two zones before the final Council in 2012 predating incorporation. When I drafted the constitution, it was a given that the 3 Zone approach would be maintained. And in fact, we embedded a right for there to be at least one director from each of the three zones. Where we differ from Dogs NSW is that the wider membership votes in relation to all director nominations and not just for those directors in your zone. There can be more than one director from each of Zones 2 and 3 but at least one from each zone is guaranteed. The argument has been put forward at Board level that we should be “One State, One Entity” with just one zone. Arguments in favour of this approach have included improved technology e.g., more instant communications and zoom meetings. It has been suggested that Northern tours have been of limited value and that having just the one zone would mean Dogs Queensland could speak more with one voice. We have about 75% of our membership in Zone 1,

about 15% in Zone 2 and 10% of members in Zone 3. The Board is keen to gauge the view of members about any such change. This was an agenda item at recent Zoom meetings with club representatives firstly in Zone 2 and the following night in Zone 3. Interestingly, the Zone 2 participants were in favour of collapsing the Zones into just one for the State whereas the Zone 3 representatives were keen to maintain the status quo and have the 3 zones.

matter for affiliated clubs but where an event or show is postponed, I encourage clubs to consider refunding the entry fees on request. The change of date is a substantial variation to the transaction or contract and in some instances will mean the member cannot compete on the new date or dates.

Christmas Barbeque

We are interested in hearing your views so look out for a survey that will be in Paw Prints shortly. The Board will consider member feedback in due course and will decide whether this matter should be progressed further. Any change to the zone system would require constitutional amendments with a 2-stage process with the first stage being a vote at the Annual General Meeting.

It has been another challenging year and the directors thought that it would be nice to have a function for members at Durack. So, it will be a barbeque from 5pm on Saturday 18 December at the ADSS Show. Even if you have not entered the show, you can register and come along for the Christmas barbeque with a complimentary burger or sausage on bread and soft drink. Even if you are entered into the Show you must register with ‘Show Manager’ so we can make sure we have enough food for everyone.

Breeder Terms Contracts

Rohan Ally

Thanks to those who participated in this survey that closed just recently. These contracts will be discussed further at our next Board meeting, suitably informed by survey feedback. If you missed giving input have a look at the earlier President’s Message and email your thoughts to

Woodrow v. Canine Control Council (Queensland) Ltd As I stated in my message to members on 2 November 2021, the Supreme Court judge reserved his judgement after the hearing on 28 October. This means that he heard the legal argument from our Queen’s Counsel and Junior Counsel that the 4-year suspension of Mr Woodrow under an independent breaches process, caused a cessation of his role as a director of the Canine Control Council (Queensland) Ltd and the argument from Mr Woodrow’s barrister that there would need to be a vote of members at a Special General Meeting to remove him as a director. The judge is considering these arguments and will be delivering his judgement in due course. As stated on 2 November 2021, as soon as anything further is known I will let members know.

Change of dates for shows and events We are already well into our storm season with floods happening in many areas of South East Queensland as I write. The question of refunds of entry fees are a

Members would be aware of the recent tragic passing of Rohan Ally at the Redlands Agility Trial in early November 2021. Rohan was a friend to many and a greatly loved agility competitor. Rohan leaves a young family and wife Meegan. Meegan has Ushers Syndrome and is unable to work, Rohan was her sole carer. The Board has agreed that the ADSS Show on Sunday 19th December 2021 will be a Memorial Show for Rohan and the proceeds of the Show will be given to Meegan and her family.

Vaccinations All Members are asked to note that in line with Queensland’s Public Health and Social Measures, from 17th December 2021 only fully COVID-19 vaccinated staff and patrons will be permitted to enter or attend any Dogs Queensland event. For the purposes of Queensland’s Public Health Measures linked to vaccination status – a plan for 80% and beyond, a person is considered fully vaccinated when they have had two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine recognised by the Therapeutic Good Administration (TGA). Any Members who have an exemption from vaccination on genuine medical grounds should contact the Dogs Queensland Office directly.

Seasonal regards to you and your family and hounds and dogs. Ulla Greenwood, President Dogs Queensland

DOG WORLD December 2021


Board Notes – December 2021 AMENDMENT TO BREED STANDARD: PERUVIAN HAIRLESS DOG As a result of advice received from the FCI and after consultation with the National Breed Standards Coordination Group Chairperson, Marie Merchant, the breed standard for the Peruvian Hairless Dog on the ANKC website has been amended. Links to the copy of the standard which appears on the ANKC website together with a copy of the amended standard received from the FCI is attached below as the number of changes to the standard are considerable. FCI Amended Standard ANKC Standard

AMENDMENT TO BREED STANDARD: – JACK RUSSELL TERRIER In accordance with the ANKC October 2021 Board meeting minutes (Item 7.5.3) the breed standard of the Jack Russell Terrier has been amended as follows. Currently reads: Body Chest deep rather than wide, with good clearance and the brisket located at the height mid-way between the ground and the withers. The body should be proportioned marginally longer than tall, measuring slightly longer from the withers to the root of the tail than from the withers to the ground. Back level. Ribs should be well sprung from the spine, flattening on the sides so that the girth behind the elbows can be spanned by two hands - about 40 cms to 43 cms. The loins should be short, strong and deeply muscled. Amended as follows: Body Chest deep rather than wide, with good clearance and the brisket located at the height mid-way between the ground and the withers. The body should be proportioned marginally longer than tall, the length from the point of the shoulder to the buttocks slightly greater than the height from the withers to the ground. Back level. Ribs should be well sprung from the spine, flattening on the sides so that the girth behind the elbows can be spanned by two hands - about 40 cms to 43 cms. The loins should be short, strong and deeply muscled. Rationale This brings the Standard in line with the Country of Origin UK standard.


DOG WORLD December 2021

FCI BREED TO BE ADDED TO THE NATIONAL BUSINESS SYSTEM: GROSSER SCHWEIZER SENNENHUND (GREATER SWISS MOUNTAIN DOG) Please note an application has been received for re-registration of the following FCI recognized breed: Grosser Schweizer Sennenhund (Greater Swiss Mountain Dog) The ANKC is currently arranging for this breed to be added to the business system and for their website to be updated with the relevant breed standard. In addition, the ANKC Group listing will be updated with this breed being allocated to Group 6 (Utility) as confirmed by the National Breed Standards Coordination Group.

RECOGNITION OF THE AUSTRALASIAN BOSDOG At the October 2021 ANKC Board meeting the Directors formally endorsed the recognition of the Australasian Bosdog as a breed under development as from 1 January 2022. In accordance with ANKC Regulations a new breed recognised by the ANKC Ltd as being under development shall be eligible to enter all ANKC Ltd recognised events from the time of recognition and shall be eligible to compete for ANKC Ltd titles with the exception of conformation events. For conformation events a new breed under development may be exhibited at a conformation show after a period of 3 months from recognition with the ANKC Ltd. In addition the ANKC Group listing will be updated with this breed being allocated to Group 7.

RECOGNITION OF THE MURRAY RIVER RETRIEVER At the October 2021 ANKC Board meeting the Directors formally endorsed the recognition of the Murray River Retriever as a breed under development as from 1 January 2022. In accordance with ANKC Regulations a new breed recognised by the ANKC Ltd as being under development shall be eligible to enter all ANKC Ltd recognised events from the time of recognition and shall be eligible to compete for ANKC Ltd titles with the exception of conformation events. For conformation events a new breed under development may be exhibited at a conformation show after a period of 3

months from recognition with the ANKC Ltd. In addition the ANKC Group listing will be updated with this breed being allocated to Group 3.

BULLMASTIFF CLUB OF QUEENSLAND: APPROVAL OF 2023 NATIONAL SHOW NOTICE The ANKC is pleased to advise the approval of the 2023 National Show application received from the Bullmastiff Club of Queensland via Dogs Queensland to be held on 20 and 21 May 2023 at the Dogs Queensland Showgrounds, 247 King Avenue, Durack, Queensland.


the 2022 National Show application received from the Bullmastiff Club of Victoria Inc to be held on 7 and 8 May 2022 at the Bulla Exhibition Centre, Bulla, Victoria. Please note we have been advised by Dogs Victoria that due to COVID-19 the Club has decided to cancel this show.

GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG LEAGUE NSW INC Please note that due to COVID-19 the National Show/ Restricted Obedience Trial which was to take place by the German Shepherd Dog League NSW Inc on 14 to 16 May 2021 at the Bill Spilstead Complex for Canine Affairs, 44 Luddenham Road, New South Wales has been rescheduled to take place on 3 to 5 June 2022 at the same venue.

NEW RULES AND RULEBOOK All members are asked to note the following updated rules (Rule Book).


Rule 69.3

The following was reworded for Shows held after 1 March 2022


69.3 (1) No Championship Judge who is judging identical breeds may judge at Exhibitions held within a period of three (3) months of each other and within two-hundred (200) kilometres of each other, using the shortest possible route using the Google maps (not including Property Classes or Sweepstakes) without the express permission of the CCCQ Ltd prior to signing the contract. (Note – Reduced from 6 months to 3 months during the Covid period) Note that the two-hundred (200) kilometre distance is to include any and all appointments that are over the border in NSW. (2) No Open Show Judge who is judging identical breeds may judge at Exhibitions held within a period of two (2) months of each other and within a onehundred (100) kilometre of each other, using the shortest possible route using the Google maps (not including Property Classes or Sweepstakes) without the express permission of the CCCQ Ltd prior to signing the contract. V2.9

Rule 36.1(3)

Wording altered as per below


Neutered exhibits may be entered in a category of Veteran Sweepstakes. Neutered exhibits are not eligible to compete for the Challenge Certificate as veterans. Special Register Numbers are to be used where issued, to identify exhibits.

DOG WORLD December 2021



At the recent Annual General Meeting of the Australian National Kennel Council Limited held via Zoom video conferencing: 1. Election of ANKC Ltd Executive 1.

· · · ·

Mr Hugh Gent OAM was re-elected unopposed as President for a three-year term from 16 October 2021; Ms Pam of Campbell wasExecutive elected unopposed as Vice President for a one-year term from 16 October 2021; Election ANKC Ltd Mr David Sales was re-elected unopposed as Treasurer for a one-year term from 16 October 2021. UllaHugh Greenwood waswas elected as a member of the for a term one-year from 16 •Mrs Mr Gent OAM re-elected unopposed asExecutive President Committee for a three-year from term 16 October October 2021. 2021;

Ms Pam Campbell was elected unopposed as Vice President for a one-year term from 16 October 2021; At the October ANKCSales Ltd Board meeting, Directors resolved/considered following:term from 16 October 2021. • 2021 Mr David was re-elected unopposed as Treasurer for the a one-year • Mrs Ulla Greenwood was elected as a member of the Executive Committee for a one-year term from 16 October 2021. 1. Dances with Dogs Judges – FCI Judges Listing •

FCI has confirmed all FCI discipline Judges can be added to the FCI Judges Directory if they comply with FCI qualifications. A noticeLtd willBoard be distributed ANKC Member Bodies in duethe course confirming how interested At the October 2021 ANKC meeting, toDirectors resolved/considered following: Australian Judges can arrange to be included on the Directory. 2. 1.

Murray River Retriever - Recognition Dances with Dogs Judges – FCI Judges Listing


Australasian Bosdog - Recognition

It was to formally recognise the Judges Murray River a breed under development as from 1 FCIresolved has confirmed all FCI discipline can beRetriever added toasthe FCI Judges Directory if they comply January 2022qualifications. in accordanceAwith Regulations Part 6 – The Register & Registration, 10. confirming with FCI notice will be distributed to ANKC Member Bodies inSection due course

how interested Australian Judges can arrange to be included on the Directory.


It was resolved to formally recognise the Australasian Bosdog as a breed under development as from 1 January 2022 in accordance with Regulations Part 6 – The Register & Registration, Section 10. Murray River Retriever - Recognition

It was resolved to formally recognise the Murray River Retriever as a breed under development as from Rottweiler Breed Survey



1 January 2022 in accordance with Regulations Part 6 – The Register & Registration, Section 10. It was resolved that ANKC conduct a survey of all Rottweiler breeders and owners to determine whether the dogs with natural bob tails should be placed on the Limited Register. The results of the survey will be considered by theBosdog ANKC Board. Australasian - Recognition

It was resolved to formally Jack Russell Terrier Survey recognise the Australasian Bosdog as a breed under development as from 1


January 2022 in accordance with Regulations Part 6 – The Register & Registration, Section 10. It was resolved that the results of the Jack Russell Terrier survey be endorsed and for the breed standard to be amended as follows:



Rottweiler Breed Survey Body It was resolved that wide, ANKCwith conduct survey ofand all the Rottweiler breedersatand ownersmid-way to determine whether Chest deep rather than good aclearance brisket located the height between the the dogs with natural bob tails should be placed on the Limited Register. The results of the survey will ground and the withers. The body should be proportioned marginally longer than tall, measuring slightly longer considered ANKC frombethe withers toby thethe root of theBoard. tail than from the withers to the ground the length from the point of the shoulder to the buttocks slightly greater than the height from the withers to the ground. Back level. Ribs should be well sprung from the spine, flattening on the sides so that the girth behind the elbows can be spanned Jackhands Russell Terrier Survey by two - about 40 cms to 43 cms. The loins should be short, strong and deeply muscled. It was resolved that the results of the Jack Russell Terrier survey be endorsed and for the breed Thestandard change will beamended to replaceas thefollows: wording highlighted in red with the highlighted wording in bold. to be To be effective immediately. Body


Chest deep rather than wide, with good clearance and the brisket located at the height mid-way between the ground and the withers. The body should be proportioned marginally longer than tall, measuring slightly longer from the withers to the root of the tail than from the withers to the ground the length from the point of the shoulder to the buttocks slightly greater than the height from the withers to the ground. Back level. DOG WORLD December 2021 Ribs should be well sprung from the spine, flattening on the sides so that the girth behind the elbows can be spanned by two hands - about 40 cms to 43 cms. The loins should be short,


CACIB Shows: 2022-2025

SUMMARY OF THE ANKC LTD ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING & BOARD MEETING It was resolved expressions of interest conduct CACIB HELDthe VIAfollowing ZOOM confirmed VIDEO CONFERENCING ON 16thtoOCTOBER 2021Shows in 2022-2025 have been approved by ANKC for submission to FCI for their approval:

At the recent Annual General Meeting of the Australian National Kennel Council Limited held via Zoom video conferencing: 1.

Election of ANKC Ltd Executive • • • •


Mr Hugh Gent OAM was re-elected unopposed as President for a three-year term from 16 October 2021; Ms Pam Campbell was elected unopposed as Vice President for a one-year term from 16 October 2021; Mr David Sales was re-elected unopposed as Treasurer for a one-year term from 16 October 2021. Mrs Ulla Greenwood was elected as a member of the Executive Committee for a one-year term from 16 October 2021.

Identification of Natural Bob Tail (NBT) on the ANKC Ltd Business System

At the October 2021 ANKC Ltd Board meeting, Directors resolved/considered the following:

It was resolved that the recorded information of Natural Bob Tail, identified on the pedigree database as “NBT”, of the printed information appearsListing as part of a dog’s registered name or number, ensuring that this 1. as partDances with Dogs Judges – that FCI Judges information is included in relation to their official identification. To be effective from 1 July 2022. FCI has confirmed all FCI discipline Judges can be added to the FCI Judges Directory if they comply with FCI qualifications. A notice will be distributed to ANKC Member Bodies in due course confirming Identification of Legally Shortened Tail (LST) the ANKC Ltd Business System how interested Australian Judges can arrange to on be included on the Directory.


It was resolved to implement an identification code of ‘LST’, noting a Legally Shortened Tail, to be added to

2. the dog’s Murray River - Recognition name as aRetriever suffix pursuant to receipt of a certificate verifying that the dog has had this Veterinary

procedure line withtolegislation. To bethe effective July 2022. It wasinresolved formally recognise Murray from River 1Retriever as a breed under development as from AND

3. 9.

1 January 2022 in accordance with Regulations Part 6 – The Register & Registration, Section 10.

It was resolved the implementation of LST be endorsed on the registrations of all dogs that have been Australasian Bosdog - Recognition previously registered under Vet Certification that they have a Legally Shortened Tail. To be effective from 1 July 2022. It was resolved to formally recognise the Australasian Bosdog as a breed under development as from 1 January 2022 in accordance with Regulations Part 6 – The Register & Registration, Section 10.

Natural Bobtail Dobermanns

4. It was resolved Rottweilerfor Breed any Survey Dobermann applying to be registered as a Natural Bobtail (NBT) must show DNA proof

of purity of breed andthat a positive NBT DNA result effective from 1 January determine whether It was resolved ANKC conduct a survey of all Rottweiler breeders and owners


the dogs with natural bob tails should be placed on the Limited Register. The results of the survey will

ANKCbe Ltd / Australian Association (AFA) Agreement considered by theFlyball ANKC Board.

It was resolved to endorse the new agreement which will become effective from 9 February 2022, immediately theRussell expiration of Survey the previous agreement. The new Agreement will apply for a period of five years. 5. following Jack Terrier 11.

It was resolved that the results of the Jack Russell Terrier survey be endorsed and for the breed standard to be amended as follows:

ANKC Ltd Junior Handler Final Competition

It was resolved that due to ongoing Covid-19 restrictions there will be no National Final conducted in 2021. 12.


Body deep rather than wide, good clearance the brisket located at the height mid-way between ANKCChest Ltd Regulations Part 6 –with The Register & and Registration - Amendment the ground and the withers. The body should be proportioned marginally longer than tall, measuring slightly longer the withersPart to the of the tail than&from the withersbetoamended the ground with the length from of Section It was resolved thatfrom Regulations 6 –root The Register Registration the inclusion the point of the shoulder to the buttocks slightly greater than the height from the withers to the 10 pertaining to the recognition of New Breeds. To be effective immediately. ground. Back level. Ribs should be well sprung from the spine, flattening on the sides so that the girth the elbows can be spanned by two hands - about 40 cms to 43 cms. The loins should be short, ANKCbehind Ltd Rules - Amendment strong and deeply muscled.

Amendments to the following rules have been endorsed. willthe be toConduct replace the wording highlighted in red with the highlighted wording in bold. ANKC The Ltd change Rules for of Draft Tests *

New or Amended regulations, policy statements, procedures, publications and listings will be made available from the ANKC Ltd website.

To be effective immediately.


DOG WORLD July 2021 03. Oct 21_Summary_CONFIRMED.doc



RETRIEVING & FIELD TRIAL “HALL OF FAME” 2022 Nominations In the first nineteen years of elections, the Australian National Kennel Council Ltd has received nominations for 56 dogs and 41 people to be considered for induction into the Retrieving & Field Trial Hall of Fame. From the nominations received 34 outstanding dogs and 24 exceptional people have been inducted. The criteria for the two categories for selection are the following: 1.


Outstanding Gundogs (must be permanently retired from further competition and have not competed for the past 12 months, or be deceased) (a)

Their record as a winning dog i.e., CLUB – STAKE – DATE – JUDGE PLACE and/or


Their production record.


The eligibility for a dog should be based on its entire competitive career and previous record as a producer, not merely for a particular win or for a heroic deed within the field and retrieving trial sphere.


Subject to the receipt of a formal application, dogs that have been awarded the title of Grand Champion and have gained a total number of points equal to, or greater than, twice the total number required for that award, shall automatically be inducted into the Hall of Fame. Such applications must include full particulars and a brief resume of the dog's career.


Subject to the receipt of a formal application, dogs winning at least two National Championships in the same discipline shall automatically be inducted into the Hall of Fame. Such applications must include full particulars and a brief resume of the dog's career.

Prominent Persons: Their record of a broad combination of accomplishments as: (a) (b) (c) (d)

Club official Judge Owner Handler

The distinction of nomination should be accorded to those who have made outstanding contributions to the field or retrieving game. Nominees should be givers to the sport and not takers. Nominations are now being called for the current year. In addition to applications submitted in relation to Outstanding Gundogs 1 (d) and 1(e), a maximum of two other outstanding gundogs and two prominent persons may be elected each year.


DOG WORLD December 2021

Nomination: 1.

Clubs or Members may nominate DOGS and PEOPLE considered worthy of awards, including full details of accomplishments within the above categories and with verification. In the case of dogs, nominations should include the full name, title, owner and date of birth. [Please note it is a condition of nomination that the nominator/s provides accurate written material supporting the nomination. In the absence of such accurate supporting material, or should the supporting material later prove to be inaccurate in areas of significance, the Selection Panel for the ANKC Ltd Retrieving & Field Trial Hall of Fame reserves the right to reconsider its decision and if appropriate, delete the name of the Prominent Person or Outstanding Dog from the list of inductees.]


Nominations shall close on the 31 May 2022 at respective Member Body offices for forwarding to ANKC Ltd.


Please use the proforma nomination forms that are available from all Member Body offices and the ANKC Ltd website at

Nomination form can be accessed by clicking on the following links:

• HOF Outstanding Dog Nomination Form • HOF Prominent Person Nomination Form

All Breeds and Affiliated Clubs hosting Shows, Dog Sports and The Anzac Day Dusk Service Of Events throughout Queensland Remembrance was held at Dogs are welcome send through Queensland Sportsto Grounds. anservice article and hightoresolution The paid homage the images to lives lost of the animals who didn’t return from active duty. for possible inclusion in the Images are kindly reproduced Dog World magazine. courtesy of David Margan.

UPCOMING BREED FEATURES 2022 Dogs Queensland is now offering all breeders the opportunity to advertise in the Dog World magazine Breed Features at the discounted cost of $100 for 1/4 page from the beginning of 2022. The following breeds are planned for the coming months. January 2022:

Bichon Frise

February 2022: Hungarian Vizsla and Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla

DOGS QUEENSLAND SHOP We now stock Royal Canin products specific for breeding bitches, puppies and adult dogs. Also available is a range of high quality shampoos, conditioners and grooming products from Plush Puppy. Shop hours: Monday to Friday 8.00am – 5.00pm

March 2022: Keeshond April 2022: Bernese Mountain Dog May 2022: Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier For more information, email

DOG WORLD December 2021





Tracey Barry


11 November 2021


Review of the Rules for the conduct of Tracking Trials/Track & Search Trials/Endurance Tests

The following are scheduled for review over the next couple of years in order for the new rules to take effect from 1 January 2019: • • • • • •

Rules for the conduct of Tracking Trials Rules and Guidelines for the conduct of Track & Search Dog Trials Regulations Part 3E (a) – Regulations pertaining to the Judges Training Scheme for Tracking Trials Regulations Part 3E (b) – Regulations pertaining to the Judges Training Scheme for Track and Search Trials Rules for the conduct of Endurance Test Regulations Part 3D – Regulations pertaining to the Judges Training Scheme for Endurance Tests

It is therefore requested that any proposals for changes to these Rules be submitted to the ANKC Ltd Administrator by no later than 30 June 2022. As these submissions will form part of the agenda of the next meeting of the National Committee, we ask that you ensure they comply with Regulations Part 1, Clause 2.1 which states: “2.1 No items are to be accepted by the ANKC Ltd Administrator for inclusion on any ANKC Ltd Board, Committee, or Subcommittee Agenda unless a detailed explanation concerning the reason/rationale for submitting the item is provided in agenda format electronically in MS Word or similar by the Member Body proposing the agenda item. (10/96, 5.13) (Amended 11/03)” Separate submissions for each discipline should include the following detail: a) b) c) d)

the current rule number and rule detail; the proposed amendment; a full rationale for the proposed amendment. list any current rules which could be affected as consequential change/s resulting from a proposed new rule or an amendment to a current rule. e) a separate proposal for each rulebook and regulation is required and not presented as one proposal covering all three rulebooks and regulations. Providing the submission in this way assists in allowing other Member Bodies to easily assess only those rules to be amended instead of the timeconsuming task of checking the entire rulebook.

Page 1 of 2

The following timetable as listed below will be used: 2021 November

ANKC Ltd Administrator distributes notice to all Member Bodies calling for submissions.

2022 30 June

Close off date for receipt of submissions by the ANKC Ltd Administrator.


ANKC Ltd Administrator to distribute to all Member Bodies the 2023 Notice of Meeting containing the agenda with copies of submissions received.

2023 March

National Committee meeting


Minutes of the 2023 National Committee meeting receives ANKC Ltd electronic ratification. Whilst the minutes are in circulation with the ANKC Ltd Directors being approved, a volunteer from the National Committee will finalise the amended rules in accordance with the minutes and forward a copy to the ANKC Ltd Administrator.


Once the minutes receive ANKC Ltd ratification, a copy of the new amended rules will be made available (in addition to the existing rules) on the ANKC Ltd website. They will be clearly identified as effective from 1 January 2024.

2024 1 January

Effective date of new rules

[PLEASE NOTE: The abovementioned timetable is subject to change and is only achievable with the cooperation of the National Committee and ANKC Ltd Directors in completing the tasks contained therein by the due dates.]

Kind Regards,


Tracey Barry Administrator Att.

Dogs Queensland will update members on the timetables when finalised through our digital newsletter Paw Prints.

K:\13. CORRESPONDENCE\2021\11. Nov\1111m01.doc

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Breed Feature

Victoria Tilley


The Dachshund is faithful, versatile and good tempered. They are friendly by nature, neither fearful nor aggressive, with an even temperament. The breed is passionate, persistent and a fast hunting dog with an excellent nose.


DOG WORLD December 2021

THREE COAT TYPES: Smooth Haired, Long Haired and Wire Haired

HISTORY Originating in Germany, the Dachshund, (Teckel) was bred to hunt small game, predominantly badger, that goes to ground. The dog was required to scent, track and pursue game into burrows. The dog was required to move over all types of terrain, including dense undergrowth and water. The Dachshund was required to have intelligence, strength, endurance and versatility, a long body with relatively short legs and three different coat types all of which combine to enable it to fulfil its purpose. Miniature Dachshunds were bred to have the same attributes as Standards, but were used to hunt smaller game.

GENERAL APPEARANCE Moderately long and low, with no exaggeration, compact, well muscled body, with enough ground clearance to allow free movement. Height at the withers should be half the length of the body, measured from breastbone to the rear of thigh. Bold, defiant carriage of head and intelligent expression. Exaggeration of any form is to be avoided. The Dachshund is not a breed where “more” is “better”. Exaggeration of length, lowness to the ground, or too level a back can all lead to health problems (IVDD – slipped disc) and create a dog that is not fit for its original purpose. Height to length ratio is intended to avoid having dogs that are either excessively long or that are too low to ground. Dogs that are shorter than 2:1 are to be preferred over dogs longer than this ratio. Low (to ground) means lowness from the withers, compared with other breeds, not a lack of ground clearance. There must be sufficient ground clearance to enable the dog to track over rough ground. While a long and low dog is good, the longest or lowest dog is not necessarily the best. The overall conformation of the dog must fit within the requirements of the entire standard and all exaggerations should be avoided. What is required is a dog appearing long in proportion to his height off the ground, with ample bone and giving an appearance of strength and

DOG WORLD December 2021


agility without any suggestion of coarseness or at the other extreme – fragility.

CHARACTERISTICS Intelligent, lively, courageous to the point of rashness, obedient. Especially suited to going to ground because of low build, very strong forequarters and forelegs. Long, strong jaw, and immense power of bite and hold. Excellent nose, persevering hunter and tracker. Essential that functional build is retained to ensure working ability. The Dachshund is a sporting or hunting dog. He was bred for the purpose of hunting small game that goes to ground. The Dachshund must have the build to track, go to ground and work all day. To be a successful hunter the Dachshund must be alert, courageous and tenacious, with good scenting powers and fairly keen eyesight. He also requires a bark penetrating enough to be heard from below ground, and the lung power to both breathe and bark for long periods in the confined space of the burrow or den. The long-haired is also suitable for


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water retrieving. The wire-haired, on account of his harsh strong coat, is very fitted for hunting in dense cover. The Dachshund makes an intelligent house pet. The miniature varieties were evolved, not as lap dogs, but to hunt smaller game in as brave a manner as their larger relatives.

TEMPERAMENT Faithful, versatile and good tempered. The following two extracts from “The Show Dachshund” by Robert Cole and Dr Sylvia Kershaw pp 7-9 summarise the temperament of the Dachshund. “The Dachshund has been described as the most likeable of dogs. They are particularly faithful and friendly and at the same time intelligent and teachable. In the house they are clean and well behaved and outside faithful, alert and reliable watch dogs. For the hunter the Dachshund is the indispensable companion, to some extent the universal dog.”

“The Dachshund is “most fitted for hunting … and when trained, their courage and pluck are superior to any breed, will not tire easily and will follow the chase for many hours without a break”. Dachshunds can be obstinate but once trained, excellent guard and house dogs, peaceable with their own variety and can be kept in groups.

COAT Being a hunting dog the coat must be fairly thick and strong. A soft or velvety coat in smooths is faulty. Suppleness of the whole skin is called for, but overmuch wrinkle on the front legs is undesirable, although a little does not matter very much. Smooth Haired: Dense, short and smooth. Hair on underside of tail coarse in texture. Skin loose and supple, but fitting closely all over without dewlap and little or no wrinkle. Long Haired: Soft and straight or slightly waved, of shining colour. Longer under the neck, the underparts of the body and particularly, on the ears, behind the legs, where it should develop into abundant feathering, and reach the greatest length on the tail, where it should form a flag. The feathering should extend to the outsides of the

ears, where short hair is not desirable. Too heavy a coat gives an appearance of undue plumpness and hides the outline. The coat should be flat, not obscuring the outline, thus giving the dog an appearance of elegance. Too much hair on the feet is ugly and useless. The correct coat of this variety is very beautiful. It’s soft oily texture gives the dog quite a good waterproofing. This coat must never be curly, fluffy or so thick as to mask the body of the dog and make him appear clumsy or coarse. In the wire-haired and long-haired varieties of Dachshunds, the coat is the one thing that distinguishes them from smooth-haired. The coat, whether it be long or wire should be given great consideration by the judge, but true Dachshund conformation must not be sacrificed to coat. Wire Haired: With the exception of the jaw, eyebrows and ears, the whole body is covered with a completely even, short, harsh coat and an undercoat. There should be a beard on the chin. The eyebrows are bushy. The hair on the ears is almost smooth. The main fault seen in the Wire Haired varieties is an over-abundance of coat which is generally of an incorrect soft, fluffy nature. At a distance the Wire-haired should look like a Smooth-haired except for the longer hair as stipulated in the coat description.

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Being a hunting dog the coat must be fairly thick and strong. A soft or velvety coat in smooths is faulty. Suppleness of the whole skin is called for, but overmuch wrinkle on the front legs is undesirable, although a little does not matter very much.

COLOUR All colours permitted but no white permissible, save for a small patch on chest which is permitted but not desirable. The dapple pattern is expressed as lighter coloured areas contrasting with the darker base. Neither the light nor the dark colours should predominate. Double Dapple (where varying amounts of white occurs all over the body in addition to the dapple pattern) is unacceptable. Nose and nails black in all colours except chocolate/tan and chocolate/dapple, where they are brown. There are potentially “lethal health risks with mating two dapples together. So called “double dapples” are at risk of being born blind and/ or deaf. Dogs with large patches of white are no longer acceptable. Note that the nose and tails of chocolate/tan and chocolate/dapple should be brown not pink. It’s important that a personal colour preference must not be allowed to mar the judgement. From a glamour point of view there is no doubt that a bright clear red is eye-catching but all shades of red, right through to a pale fawn, are permissible with the proviso that the points are dark. In black and tans it is preferable that the tan be rich and bright but not spreading over too great an area. There should not be so little tan on the black and tan dog that he appears sombre.


DOG WORLD December 2021



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SIZE Ideal weight: 9-12 kgs (20-26 lbs). Miniature ideal weight; 4.5kgs (10lbs). Desired maximum weight 5kgs (11 lbs). Exhibits which appear thin and undernourished should be severely penalised. Reproduced from the Australian National Kennel Council (ANKC) Extended Breed Standard


Dachshunds are one of the most popular breeds of dogs in Australia and the Dachshund Club Of Queensland Inc strives to bring together all people who love the breed – be it the public, breeders and owners. The Club aims to promote and encourage the development and breeding of healthy pure-bred registered Dachshunds in Queensland and to improve their health and welfare. For more information visit or email


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Dachshund Kaninchen THREE COAT TYPES: Smooth Haired, Long Haired and Wire Haired

HISTORY The Dachshund, also called Dackel or Teckel, has been known since the Middle Ages. From the Bracken, dogs especially suitable for hunting below ground were consistently bred. From these short-legged dogs, the Dachshund evolved and is recognised as one of th most versatile hunting breeds. He also shows excellent performanc above ground, hunting while giving tongue, flushing and tracking wounded game. The oldest Club devoted to the breeding of Dachshunds is the “Deutsche Teckelklub” e.V., founded in 1888. For decades the Dachshund has been bred in three different sizes (Teckel, Miniature Teckel and Rabbit Teckel) and in three different coat varieties (Smooth Haired, Wire Haired and Long Haired), resulting in nine varieties.

GENERAL APPEARANCE Low, short legged, elongated but compact build, very muscular with cheeky, challenging head carriage and alert facial expression. His build allows agile, quick work above and below ground. Sexual dimorphism is noticeable. IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: With a ground clearance of about one third of the height at withers, the body length (from the point of manubrium of sternum to the point of the buttock) should be in harmonious relation to height at withers, about 1.7 – 1.8 : 1.

SMOOTH HAIRED COAT Hair: Short, dense, shiny, smooth fitting, tight and harsh. Not showing any bald patches anywhere. Tail: fine, fully but not too profusely coated. Somewhat longer guard hair on underside is not a fault. WIRE HAIRED COAT Hair: With exception of muzzle, eyebrows and ears, perfectly even close-fitting, dense wiry topcoat with undercoat. Soft hair on the head (top knot) and on the paws is highly undesirable. The muzzle has a clearly defined beard. Eyebrows are bushy. On the ears, the coat is shorter than on the body, almost smooth. Tail: well and evenly covered with close-fitting coat. LONG HAIRED Hair: The plain shiny coat, with undercoat and close fitting to body, longer at the throat and on underside of the body. On the ears the hair must extend beyond the lower edge of ears. Distinct feathers on rear side of legs. Achieves its greatest length on underside of tail and there forms a full flag. Colour: SMOOTH-HAIRED Deep black or brown, each with tan markings (the darker, the better and as clean as possible), over eyes, on sides of muzzle and of the lower lip, on inner edge of ears, on forechest, on inside and rear side of legs, on the feet, around the anus and from there reaching to about one third or one half of the underside of the tail. Nose, nails and pads black in dogs with black base colour, brown, in dogs with brown base colour. A small white spot (up to 3 cm diameter), is only permissible on the chest. Too wide spread, as well as insufficient tan markings are high undesirable.

Temperament: Friendly by nature, neither fearful nor aggressive, with even temperament. Passionate, persistent and fast hunting dog with an excellent nose.

c) Colour pattern Dapple (Merle): The base colour is always the dark colour (black or brown). Exception: red dapples (red with dark spots). Desired are irregular grey but als beige spots (large patches not desired). Neither the dark nor the light colour is predominant.

Coat: SKIN: Tight fitting, well pigmented.

d) Colour pattern Brindle: The colour of a brindle Dachshund is red with dark brindle. Nose, nails and



DOG WORLD December 2021

pads are black. All previously not mentioned colours and colour patterns are disqualifying. Lack of pigmentation is highly undesirable. WIRE HAIRED Colour and Colour Patterns: a) One-coloured: Red. Interspersed black hairs permissible. However a clean dark color is preferable. A small white spot (up to 3 cm diameter) is only permissible on the chest. Nose, nails and pads black; reddish-brown is not desirable. b) Multi-coloured: Wild boar, brown wild boar, black and tan, brown and tan. Tan markings (the darker, the better and as clean as possible), above eyes, on sides of muzzle and of the lower lip, on inner edge of ears, on forechest, on inside and rear side of legs, on the feet, around the anus and from there reaching to about one third or one half of the underside of the tail. Nose, nails and pads black in wild boar and black and tan dogs, brown, in brown wild boar and brown and tan dogs. A small white spot (up to 3 cm diameter), is on permissible on the chest. Too widespread, as well as insufficient tan markings are highly undesirable.

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c) Colour pattern Dapple (Merle): Colour as described under a) and b). The base colour is always the dark colour (wild boar, black or brown). Exception: red dapples (red with dark spots). Desired are irregular grey but also beige spots. Neither the dark nor the light colour is predominant. For nose, nails and pads see under a) and b). d) Colour pattern Brindle: The colour of the brindle Dachshund is red with dark brindle. Nose, nails and pads are black. All previously not mentioned colours and colour patterns are disqualifying. Lack of pigmentation is highly undesirable. LONG-HAIRED Colour and Colour Patterns: a) One-coloured: Red. Red with black overcoat.

Continued over page

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DOG WORLD December 2021


However, a clean dark colour is preferable. A small white spot (up to 3 cm diameter) is permissible on the chest. Nose, nails and pads black; reddish-brow is not desirable. b) Two-coloured: Deep black or brown, each with tan markings (the darker, the better and as clean as possible), over eyes, on sides of muzzle and of the lower lip, on inner edge of ears, on forechest, on inside and rear side of legs, on the feet, around the anus and from there reaching to about one third or one half of the underside of the tail. Nose, nails and pads black in dogs with black base colour, brown in dogs with brown base colour. A small white spot (up to 3 cm diameter), is only permissible on the chest. Too widespread, as well as insufficient tan markings are highly undesirable. c) Colour pattern Dapple (Merle): The base colour is always the dark colour (black or brown). Exception: red dapples (red with dark spots). Desired are irregular grey but also beige spots (large patches not desired). Neither the dark nor the light colour is predominant. For nose, nails and pads see under a) and b). d) Colour pattern Brindle: The colour of the brindle Dachshund is red with dark brindle. Nose, nails and pads are black. All previously not mentioned colours and colour patterns are disqualifying. Lack of pigmentation is highly undesirable. Sizes: Chest circumference measured when at least 15 months old, from highest point of the withers to the lowest point of the chest (with little tense tape measure). Standard Dachshund: Males: over 37 cm – up to 47 cm Females: over 35 cm – up to 45 cm Miniature Dachshund: Males: over 32 cm – up to 37 cm Females: over 30 up – to 35 cm Rabbit Dachshund: Males: over 27 cm – up to 32 cm Females: over 25 cm – up to 30 cm. Reproduced from the Australian National Kennel Council (ANKC) Breed Standard


DOG WORLD December 2021

‘Let’s Be Friends Furever’ – Sally Purbrick-Illek Champ is a ten-year-old semi-retired working Border Collie who participates in ANKC herding, tricks, scent work and tracking. He is also a therapy dog and volunteers with a number of programs that involve people of all ages. Champ and I were the lucky winners of the grand prize in the ‘Let’s Be Friends Furever’ competition at HOTA on the Gold Coast. Not only did I get to enjoy the ‘Let’s Be Friends Furever’ show with friends, but my husband and I were treated to a beautiful nine course meal at HOTA’s Palette restaurant. Champ also won a hamper full of delicious dog treats and toys supplied by DOGGIE-LiCiOUS. Thanks again to Dogs Queensland and HOTA for these fabulous prizes!

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DOG WORLD December 2021


Dachshund Club of Queensland Fun Day: 26 September 2021 – Lisa Marsh-Furness It’s been a long time since our Club hosted a Fun Day for members and all owners of Dachshunds and we’re pleased to say that our Fun Day on 26 September 2021 was a resounding success.

dogs enjoyed a stroll around the grounds. The weather played along as the temperature was mild enough for the walkers to be able to enjoy their stroll. Some of the older and more infirm dachshunds enjoying the view from their prams.

We were joined in hosting the day by the lovely group of people from Devoted 2 Dachshunds Rescue (D2DR) who are the group that we partner with and promote when it comes to rehoming older dogs in Queensland. Almost 200 dachshund owners and their dogs arrived at the Dogs Queensland showgrounds on a beautiful spring morning to enjoy a social day of games and activities with their best friends. It was an opportunity to meet other dachshund owners, chat about all things dachshund related and have fun playing games with our dogs. The day started off with a group walk around the beautiful grounds at Durack, led by committee member Bryan Shaw. A large number of visitors, children and


DOG WORLD December 2021

The off-leash area was extremely popular as the dogs were able to run around safely, meeting and greeting the other dachshunds who were there for the fun. There was not a single incident as dachshunds certainly know their own breed and enjoy socialising with each other. Some arrived as old friends with others making new friends on the morning – everyone enjoying the interaction. Many owners brought their picnic rugs and camped out in the off-leash area which was an ideal opportunity to relax and allow the dogs to enjoy the freedom of being able to run around and play.

Stalls were on hand selling all sorts of merchandise – these were well supported and we were pleased to sell a number of our Ekka show bags and 2022 calendars. The Ekka show bags at $30 each are a bargain, as they include free membership of our club for 12 months. With the going rate of membership at $20 per year for singles and $25 for couples, this means that the cost of the show bag is only $10 for singles and $5 for a couple. This is a great deal as it’s full of handy items and accessories for you and your dog. So, if you haven’t grabbed your show bag yet, please reach out and order yours today. The beautiful 2022 calendars are a huge hit with $5 from the sale of each calendar to be donated to Devoted 2 Dachshunds Rescue (D2DR). Please continue to support the sale of these calendars – they make great gifts for friends and family (perhaps a Christmas gift?) and the funds raised go to a very worthy cause. One of the activities at the Fun Day was Musical Mats which is a fun and easy game for adults and children, along with their dachshunds, to enjoy. This game was much loved by one of our members, the late Val Bowden, who initiated it at fun days years ago. It was lovely to see Gyll Hoyle and Carol Sands managing the Musical Mats playing “how much is that doggy in the window” whilst people and dogs ran around the outside of the cones waiting for the music to stop so they could grab a mat. With mats gradually being taken away, the final winner was young Maddie with her little miniature long haired friend Daisy. Well done to Maddie and Daisy!

The next event on the calendar was the Dachie Dash which was a huge amount of fun! We had a large number of entries with 8 heats being run before the winner of each heat competed against each other for the finals. The initial heats were divided into weight categories to try and even out the competition and it all seemed to work fairly well. The races caused much hilarity and noise, as some of the dogs raced across the field at top speed from one owner on the start line to the other waiting at the finish. Others were too busy enjoying the fun and thought perhaps it was play time, charging off across the field to chase their friend on the other side! And some of the dogs just stood on the start line with no clue whatsoever of what

they were supposed to do. It was noticed that many of the non-starters were show dogs who have been trained to walk alongside their owners in the show ring and so could simply not understand why they would be expected to bolt off by themselves to the other side of the field! Much fun and hilarity ensued with the top 3 places going to Smoothie, – a Standard Wire Haired, Peony – a Mini Smooth and little Hans – also a Mini Smooth. Hans was in fact exceptionally quick but was distracted by the girls mid race and ran over to say hello along the way!

After the excitement of the races died down and everyone had chance to catch their breath, the day culminated in the fancy dress competition. Some of the owners had gone all out to dress like their dachshunds and there was a huge range of costumes on display. Thank you to everyone for making such a great effort with the costumes. Our judge, Carolyn Pearen, Dogs Queensland Senior Vice President, had a really difficult decision in choosing 3 winners. After much deliberation 1st prize was awarded to Archie, the Mini Smooth, dressed like a little old man, with 2nd prize to the Bumble Bee and 3rd prize to the Elves, who looked very cute complete with matching beards. It really was an awesome fun day and seemed to be enjoyed by one and all with lots of favourable comments and questions as to when the next one will take place. The sausage sizzle was well supported, the cakes and refreshments enjoyed and everyone went home tired and happy after a fun day out with their dogs.

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Dachshund Club of Queensland Date Night 6 November 2021


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D2DR Fun Day and Date Night D2DR (Devoted To Dachshunds Rescue) is so excited, grateful and blessed to be able to collaborate with the Dachshund Club of Queensland Inc and utilise the beautiful grounds at Dogs Queensland’s home at Durack. We have held two events now – one in September 2021 which was the annual ‘Fun Day’ and then most recently the ‘Date Night with your Dachie’ on 6 November 2021. The Fun Day was just that – a lot of fun! It kicked off with a group walk, then stalls, raffles, food, great coffee, daxie races and a fancy-dress parade. The Date Night saw eight different stall holders come along and sell their Dachshund/Dog related crafts, plus two wonderful photographers, Camille Scott and Steph from The Furtography Studio, taking some amazing shots of our special breed. Again, amazing coffee and food and such a friendly vibe – a great day was had by all. The monies raised from these joint events help D2DR with the rehoming costs involved with the many Dachshunds we accept as well as the 14 permanent foster dogs and the seniors and disabled dogs we care for. It’s looking like by the end of 2021 we will have rehomed nearly 100 dogs into their furever homes.


DOG WORLD December 2021

The President, Directors and Staff of Dogs Queensland would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year.


– Words and Images: David Margan

Dogs Queensland and the ANKC would like to thank all our members who gave up their time to help with the production of the videos Queensland is doing for the national body. They focus on the huge number of breeds in our dog world including their characteristics, abilities and dog’s sports. The videos are part of the re-branding of the national organisation and are designed to attract the interest of the public and canine consumers. They will be placed on all state member bodies and national websites with links to the relevant breeders in each state and they will be there for all to see for years. Hopefully they will drive potential customers to the professionalism and excellence of our breeders. The videos have involved the filming of over 160 people and a similar number of dogs. That takes an enormous amount of pre-production work and intense filming on shoot days. None of this would have been possible without the

enthusiastic engagement of our breeders and their families. They were simply terrific, positive, patient and engaging. The love affair between them and their dogs shone brightly. They never faltered even when one got bowled over by a sheep in a herding practice run and ended up in hospital or the one who hit a tree reversing their car. One breeder even turned up to help three days after having a heart attack. Amazing! I would especially like to thank the following people:

• Tara King: who directed the project from her home outside of Dungong in NSW – a fabulous job of organisation.

• Ian Rasmussen: our indefatigable breed wrangler – a mighty effort getting our breed volunteers together in such a short lead time. His knowledge and advice was invaluable.

• Rob Harrison – for making things happen. • Groundsman Rion and his team – for the

magnificent condition of the grounds and getting everything needed up and on time.

• The Wagz Café team – who looked after us. • Finally to our film crew: director of photography,

Eliza Allard – who had the hardest job of all and Kate Sclavos – our production assistant, who was tireless in organising talent and using an incredible range of noises and devices to get those dogs looking at the camera. They both love dogs and wanted to kidnap a number of our canine stars. Well done, everyone!

DOG WORLD December 2021


Border Collie Early History

Above, from left: Dorothy Gay and children, Geoff Atkins, Neil Lobley, Mr Smith, Unknown, Gaille Perry, Iris Heale, Unknown and Les Heale. Photographer: Ted Gay – taken in the mid sixties.

Following on from the Border Collie Breed Feature in the November 2021 Dog World magazine, Gaille Perry has kindly offered up additional information, filling in some of the early history not mentioned in ‘Border Collies in Queensland... The early years’. – Gaille Perry As far as I know the first champion Border Collie in Queensland was CCC Ch Battle. Iris Heale explained to me that there was a division in the show dog scene in the 1950’s and many of the Cattle, Kelpie and Border Collie breeders joined the opposing group, the Board of Control, which also held shows but later disbanded. There were therefore not many Border Collie breeders left in the CCC at that time. I started showing my Border Collie in 1963 and knew Les and Iris Heale well – I often showed their Australian Cattle Dogs. Iris showed Ch Glen Iris Patsy in the 1950s with great success. Although Patsy had Iris’s prefix Iris did not breed her – I gather rules were less stringent then. In the 1960s she obtained Ch Bordervale Coral from the Mollers, very successful breeders at that time. Coral was a striking bitch and was the first Border Collie to win group specials here. These were the only two Border Collies she owned -she never owned a male Border Collie and never bred a litter. The other very successful show dogs at that time were


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Ch Bordervale Rob Roy and his son Ch Rockviw Robs Son owned by Jack Harris. My Ch Bordervale Gaylene was a daughter of Rob’s Son and together they won both challenges at the RNA one year. My Border Collie Ch Lindoo Rab CDX was the only Border Collie in Queensland in the mid-sixties competing in Obedience and the first to obtain his CDX. He was a grandson of CCC Ch Battle and his dam was bred by Mrs Green of Kenkoff Kennels, another early breeder. A very successful breeder in the sixties was Neil Lobley of Neloby Kennels. Neil bred several champions and was also a judge. Another early breeder was Horrie Wilkes from the Glasshouse Mountains – Pat Atkins Kismet Kennels was founded with two bitches from his kennels. Myrtle Layton bought her first dog from Pat. I hope this helps to flesh out the early history as I suspect I’m the only one around who remembers it!

Dogs Queensland would like to hear from any members wishing to submit articles of club or breed history for publication in upcoming Dog World magazines. For more information or to send through copy and images, email

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First Aid:

BUSHFIRE SAFETY Joanne Bibby – Fursafe® One year ago, the Australian Bushfire Season was catastrophic – now known as the Black Summer where thousands and thousands of homes were destroyed, millions of vertebrae animals died, millions of hectares burn’t and dozens of people lost their lives. It was a season we do not wish to see again, but sadly there is every likelihood we will. This article is directed at the safety of our dogs when faced with bushfires. The very idea that our dogs could become victims of a bushfire is a devastating thought. So, I ask you, if you live in a bush environment or holiday in one, do you prepare for their safety and early evacuation? FURSAFE® supports the decision to, where able, evacuate early and therefore does not include ‘Stay and Defend’ information in this article.

• Know your local bushfire/wildfire alert levels, for

example: Advice, Watch and Act Warning. If you do not, your dogs are at risk.

• Know your Fire Danger Rating, for example:

Low/Moderate, High, Very High, Severe, Extreme, Catastrophic (Code Red) – the higher the rating, the more dangerous the conditions. When you see or hear the rating for the day you will know if your dogs are at risk.

• If you hear reports of local fires, your dogs are at risk.

Consider this!

• How will your dog/s cope during such a stressful time?

• Will they run off if they sense or smell danger? • Will they be on their own without the ability to

Know your risk!

protect themselves?

• Is your home located in or near a bush setting, near • Relieve themselves from the extreme a parkland, near paddocks or acreages? If so, your dogs are at risk.


DOG WORLD December 2021

temperatures? or

• Reduce the risk of smoke inhalation?

If your dog is alone during a bushfire event the impact could be devastating to their health and safety. So, the question for all pet owners is,

• How will we evacuate safely with our dogs? • Who will be there to look after my pup/s if a

bushfire turns in the direction of my home and I’m not home?

• Where will he/she stay until the danger passes? • What if my dog runs off? • What will I do if my dog is injured or ill during the event?

You cannot guarantee that your local Emergency Services will be able to pick up and evacuate your dog/s for you. Also you cannot be sure your community evacuation centre will allow dogs in their facility. We recommend that you:

• Communicate with your local Emergency Services

Department to learn everything you can;

• Develop a bushfire survival plan; • Prepare your home to reduce the risk of embers

entering in, under or around your home;

• Study up on dog first aid; and • Research past events/disasters in your community – this will give you an idea of what you could expect.

If at any time you are worried about vulnerable family members or them not being able to cope, please call Emergency Services for additional guidance! The best form of defence is BEING PREPARED and PRACTICING EVACUATION with your pets. Follow:

• Emergency Services on their Social Media platform;

• Bureau of Meteorology; • Rural Fire Service; and • other local disaster management services in your area.

Register for alerts through your local Emergency Services Command and monitor the systems regularly. Make sure you have bushfire notification alerts sent to all family members’ mobile phones. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Think about the following and incorporate into your

Bushfire Survival Plan:

• • • •

What will you take? When will you go? Where will you go? Do you know how to get there and know alternative directions to take?

• Who can you contact if you become separated or

are away from the home leaving your family members and dog/s alone?

PREPARE • Complete a Bushfire Survival Plan.

• Keep a list of emergency phone numbers on display.

• Prepare your Fursafe ‘In case of Emergency’ (ICE)

pet window poster for inner glass of front door or window for emergency services, just in case you can’t get home before mandatory evacuation.

• Stock up on non-perishable food, water, batteries,

pet foods, hygiene products, plastic bags (consider your power may go out, so you will need products that don’t require electricity).

• Do you have a personal and a Fursafe Emergency ‘Grab & Go Kit’ planned, packed and ready near exit?

• Do you have a personal and a Fursafe Emergency Dog First Aid Kit planned, packed and ready near exit? *

Include dog’s travel documents: completed pet details form, vaccination passport/ records, medications, ownership documents (including photo of dog and photo of you with dog) in the Fursafe Emergency Grab & Go Kit.

• Get yourself a local map of your area if you don’t

already have one. Consider the safest routes, listen to news broadcasts, or speak with emergency services about road closures. Always leave early. Leaving late may put you in danger.

• Are you prepared to evacuate if your local

emergency services instruct you to leave your home?

• Make sure that if you must leave your dog at home

during a High or Severe Bush Fire Warning Day that you keep the pet secured in the safest part of the house: *

Provide water, food, carrier/crate, leash and his Grab & Go kit. Then, if the dog is collected by emergency services, a family member or neighbour, everything including your pet is in one safe area.

DOG WORLD December 2021



Record your emergency contact for your dog/s on your Fursafe ICE Poster.


DO NOT tie your dog up – doing so may cause your pet to hurt itself.

• Make sure that if you take your pet with you when

DOGS QUEENSLAND SHOP We now stock Royal Canin products specific for breeding bitches, puppies and adult dogs. Also available is a range of high quality shampoos, conditioners and grooming products from Plush Puppy. Shop hours are: Monday to Friday 8.00am – 5.00pm

you evacuate that you REMOVE your Fursafe ICE pet window poster so you do not waste the emergency services time looking for your pet(s). Post an EVACUATED poster in its place.

• Dog may be stressed even after the fire has passed.

Leave in crate till calm. If the room is smoky, move crate to a more suitable place in the home but still near the family.

• Never let a pet go outside after a fire has passed

until everything has cooled down from spraying the area with water:


the ground will burn your dog’s paws! The smoke will cause difficulty for pet to breathe;


monitor dog’s breathing;


monitor your dog’s heart rate;


make sure there is fresh water for drinking;


treat all burns and other injuries as they arise.

If you receive notice that the days ahead will have a severe fire warning, take your dog with you when you leave the home and drop them off to doggy day care or to family and friends out of the area until danger pasts.

• Ensure your dog is microchipped. • Consider investing in a GPS to help you track them

down if they separate from you.

• Make sure you carry a photo of you and your dog/s together to assist in retrieval of them if they are picked up by emergency services or rescue volunteers.

• Your dog may become aggressive if frightened so

do not place your face up close to theirs and never sit on the ground close to them whilst they are experiencing anxiety.

Resources: State Emergency Service – Qld and Fursafe Disaster Prepared

To make a purchase call 3252 2661 or email


DOG WORLD December 2021

For more information on purchasing the Fursafe Emergency Grab & Go Kit, visit their website at

Yuggera Endurance Trial

Congratulations go to the Yuggera Canine Club for their successful inaugural Night Endurance Trial held at Durack on the 9 October 2021. The Durack grounds were favourable for the mandatory requirements of the Endurance rules and being a safe environment with no traffic concerns proved to be ideal for the time of year making use of the low temperature of the evening. A temperature of under 24 degrees is of utmost importance for the welfare of our dogs. There were a total of 6 dogs competing with the officiating judge Mr Bruce Nobbs. Congratulations also go to Matthew O’Reilly for gaining his ANKC Endurance Judges Licence at the event. Thank you to all concerned who helped with the event. Dogs Queensland invite clubs to utilize the grounds in the future with more dog sports.

DOG WORLD December 2021


MEDIA UPDATE – David Margan It was quality not quantity for social media this month. Facebook and Instagram both drew almost 100 new followers to each platform.

• • •

Facebook followers 8889 Instagram followers 1108

FB post engagements remained steady this month. Instagram followers have become more engaging, tagging Dogs Queensland in posts and interacting in the comments too. Instagram impressions are up by 39.5 per cent and engagements up by 7.9 per cent.

Top Instagram posts were the November 2021 Dog World magazine cover dog, the Border Collie and the October 2021 article ‘This Season Is A Tick-ing Time Bomb’. Top Facebook posts were again the Border Collie breed feature and tick safety on Instagram and Facebook plus the ‘Volunteering With Your Dog’ post on Facebook. Most engaging Facebook post at a rate of 17.8 per cent was the Junior Handler State Finalists with over 200 engagements and 783 video views!

WE NEED ALL OUR MEMBERS TO SPREAD THE WORD AND GET EVERYONE YOU KNOW TO DO THE FOLLOWING: • CALLING ALL DOGS QUEENSLAND MEMBERS to sign-up to Dogs Australia’s Facebook page and to receive the Bush Telegraph. • AND A REMINDER TO DOGS QUEENSLAND MEMBERS to follow the private Dogs Queensland Members Facebook group: (1) Dogs Queensland Members | Facebook You will have to provide their membership number and answer a few questions too. If you are not a paid up member you can follow us on (1) Dogs Queensland | Facebook Facebook page.


DOG WORLD December 2021

On another note, Uber ride share, have introduced a program to assist passengers with assistance dogs in tow. Apparently some drivers have refused to take the dogs!! Details of the program can be found by going to: sapinitiative/

And let’s go French!! Via a petition is running to change the rules so we can take our pooches on public transport. Interested? 43,625 have signed. Go to

DID YOU KNOW? The latest Scamwatch Radar Alert by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has revealed that “Pet scams were the most reported when it came to online shopping scams and were the most financially damaging. Scamwatch received over 2,800 reports and almost $3.5 million in losses so far, a 78 per cent increase compared to the same period last year”. People who think they have been scammed should contact their bank or financial institution immediately. If the scam occurred on a social media platform, contact the platform and inform them of the circumstances surrounding the scam. They can also make a report to Scamwatch and find more information on where to get help on

NEWS FLASH: Watch Channel 7 ‘Sunrise’ on 8 December 2021 for more good news about our Dog World.

Heroes The film crew on our video shoot for the rebranding launch of the ANKC, Eliza Allard and Kate Sclavos totally love dogs and fell in love with ours and that affection was clearly reciprocated.

DOGS QUEENSLAND LOVES DOG TALES Members are invited to submit dog related stories of interest for inclusion in upcoming issues of our Dog World magazine. All canine topics are accepted whether they be unusual, quirky or factual and can include ‘paw-friendly’ walks and cafes, heart-warming tales or antics while in lockdown to name a few. Dogs Queensland would like to showcase your dog’s story to the wider canine community. To see your story published simply send it through to barbara@

DOG WORLD December 2021


Melbourne Melbour ne Cup 2021 Maree Kennel Club Inc at Durack Words and Images – David Margan The crowd may have been a little smaller than previous years but a lot of fun was still had. From Daschunds in bowler hats to Chihuahuas in tutus and bobbing fascinators, people got into the swing of things. Two of our judges won male and female best dressed (they’re apparently married) and the cutest young St Bernhard lover on the grounds also won an award. Then there was lunch and the race.


DOG WORLD December 2021

DOG WORLD December 2021


CUSHING’S DISEASE IN DOGS – Hyperadrenocorticism

– Republished with the kind permission of WestVets Cushing’s Disease is a condition in which the adrenal glands overproduce certain hormones. The medical term for this disease is hyperadrenocorticism. The adrenal glands produce several vital substances, which regulate a variety of body functions and are necessary to sustain life. The most widely known of these substances is cortisol, commonly known as cortisone. Decreased or excessive production of these substances, especially cortisol, may be life-threatening.

How does Cushing’s Disease occur?

There are three mechanisms by which this disease can occur. Regardless of the cause, the clinical signs are essentially the same. It is important to identify the type of Cushing’s disease because the various forms are treated differently and each has a different prognosis.

Pituitary gland tumour

The most common cause of Cushing’s Disease (85% of all cases in dogs) is a tumour of the pituitary gland. The tumour may be either benign or malignant and it causes the pituitary to overproduce a hormone that stimulates the adrenal glands to produce cortisol. The tumour may be microscopic or large. Depending on the size of the tumour, clinical signs other than Cushing’s Disease may be present. Generally, if the activity of the adrenal gland can be controlled, many dogs with this form of Cushing’s disease can live normal lives for many years, as long as they take their medication and stay under close medical supervision. Growth of the pituitary tumour would give the patient a less favourable prognosis.

Adrenal gland tumour

Cushing’s Disease may be the result of a benign or malignant tumour of the adrenal gland. If the tumour has not spread into surrounding structures or other organs, then it may be possible to surgically remove the tumour (along with the adrenal gland) and cure the disease. If the tumour has already spread then surgery may not be possible and the prognosis is less favourable.


DOG WORLD December 2021


latrogenic Cushing’s disease means that the excess of cortisol has resulted from excessive administration of a glucocorticoid. This may occur from oral or injectable medications. Although the injections or tablets were given for an appropriate medical reason, their use is now detrimental.

What are the clinical signs in dogs? The most common clinical signs associated with Cushing’s disease in dogs include:-

• an increase in appetite, • an increase in water consumption, • an increase in urination. Some dogs may also experience:-

• lethargy, or lack of activity, • decline in coat quality. Many of these dogs develop a bloated or “pot-bellied” appearance to their abdomen due to an increase of fat within the abdominal organs and a stretching of the abdominal wall as the organs get heavier. The potbellied appearance also develops because the muscles of the abdominal wall become weaker. Panting and increased appetite are other common findings with this disease.

How is Cushing’s disease diagnosed?

Hyperadrenocorticism can be a challenging disease to diagnose and confirm. However, the testing process is crucial to determine the best treatment options and prognosis for your pet. The two most common tests to detect Cushing’s disease are the ACTH Stimulation Test and the LowDose Dexamethasone Suppression (LDDS) test. Other tests may be needed to determine which form of the disease is present. Endogenous ACTH levels, Highdose Dexamethasone Suppression (HDDS) test, urine cortisol: creatinine ratio, and 17-hydroxyprogesterone response to ACTH administration tests may also be recommended.

An abdominal ultrasound examination may also be a valuable part of the diagnostic process. In itself an ultrasound will not be able to determine if a patient has Cushing’s disease, but it will permit the visualisation of the adrenal glands. This can then help determine their size, the presence of any unusual tissue and enable an ultrasound guided biopsy to be performed to determine if the tissue is cancerous.

What are the treatment options?

Treatment options depend greatly on the form or the cause of the Cushing’s disease:


Treatment of this form requires a discontinuation of the corticosteroid that is being given. This must be done in a controlled manner so that complications associated with the discontinuation of the medication do not occur. Unfortunately, it usually results in a recurrence of the disease that was being treated by the corticosteroid. Because there may have been adverse effects on the adrenal glands, treatment in the form of medication may also be needed.

Adrenal Tumour

Treatment of an adrenal tumour requires major abdominal surgery. Although this is a high risk surgery, if successful and the tumor is not malignant, there is a good chance that the dog will regain normal health. If surgery is not an option, some of these patients can be managed with medication, as discussed below.

Pituitary Tumour

Treatment of the pituitary-induced form of Cushing’s disease is the most complicated. There are two drugs used in Australia: Lysodren and Trilostane. Lysodren is the primary drug used to destroy the abnormal adrenal gland tissue. Lysodren is also known as mitotane or o,p’-DDD. If too little of the drug is used, the abnormal adrenal tissue persists and the disease continues. If too much is used, most or all of the adrenal cortex will be destroyed, which can be lifethreatening and result in reduced hormone production by the adrenal glands. This condition is known as Addison’s disease or hypoadrenocorticism. Therefore, careful monitoring of the dog is necessary in order to achieve good results. Because the pituitary is not being affected by the treatment, it continues to stimulate the adrenal gland. This means that lifelong treatment is necessary. Trilostane is a synthetic steroid analogue that works by reducing the production of cortisol levels. It currently needs to be imported from the UK and requires daily or twice daily dosing for life. It can therefore be cost prohibitive. Although a cure is not achieved with either treatment, control is possible for many years if the tumour is small. If the tumour is large, local effects of the tumour invading surrounding tissues in the brain can be the limiting factor in quality of life.

‘Chopy’ Lloyd

DOG WORLD December 2021


Vale Francis Ruth Forbes

19 October 1959 – 21 October 2021

– Carolyn Shaw

Fran was born in NSW on 19 October 1959. Fran and her parents moved to Toowong in Queensland where she started school at St. Ignatius Catholic School and then went to All Hallows for her High School years. She then studied Occupational Therapy at the University of Queensland where she passed with Honours. Fran worked in the Health Sector and then later for Children’s Services with the Government. She had both a love for horses (having had two horses when she was growing up) and of dogs. Fran later became involved in starting up the Greyhound Adoption Programme here in Brisbane and was very knowledgeable about a lot of breeds - having had many herself. When I first met Fran about 8.5 years ago she had a beautiful white greyhound called Bowie who won many accolades at dog shows but her true love lay with Italian Greyhounds. I met Fran at an Italian Greyhound meet-up at a dog park at the Powerhouse on the Brisbane River. She came along with 3 Italian Greyhounds in tow and we became firm friends from that day. Fran and I started an Italian Greyhound page on Facebook welcoming all newcomers who had a love or interest in the breed. Fran was showing Gracie in the Neuter class and encouraged me to show our second Italian Greyhound Ignatiusbel Constance (Maxine). We would go to shows and have so much fun, meeting new people and then encouraging them


DOG WORLD December 2021

into the show ring if they showed any interest. Fran loved to cook and spent may hours cooking up Jams, Lemon Curd, Pickled Onions and more for the Toy Dog Club shows twice a year. For those of you who purchased her items you know these were made with love. Fran also showed dogs for her friends with other breeds in the Toy Dog class and could often been seen trotting around the ring with a Pug or English Toy Terrier. She had a lot of fun at dog shows and was always happy to lend a hand to anyone who needed it. She was happy to chat to lots of people and gain more knowledge about other breeds as well. Fran will be missed by all those who knew her she was quick with a laugh and will be missed at Durack. Fran passed away on 21 October 2021 and is survived by her parents, her son Andrew and two brothers.

BEENLEIGH AND DISTRICT KENNEL CLUB INC SHOWS Dogs Queensland congratulates the winners and thanks all those who made the Championship and Open Shows on Sunday 24 October 2021 a success including exhibitiors, workers and volunteers alike. While every endeavour is made to include all the winners on the following pages some dogs did not have their pictures taken. All images showcased on these and the following pages can be purchased by visiting

Winners LIST General Specials Judge: Ms F Darling (Qld) Best In Show: Shar Pei SUP GRAND CH AYZSA QUEENS ROCK STAR (AI) Runner Up In Show: Pekingese AUST CH GLENROYAL MEMRYS MADE BY LEO Baby Puppy In Show: SHIH TZU TZUAVE CAREFUL WAT U WITCH FOR Minor Puppy In Show: GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER EDELHOF THE GLASS SLIPPER Puppy In Show: Staffordshire Bull Terrier LESARA DOIN IT IN STYLE Junior In Show: Dobermann WATTAVUE INNOCENT EMBRACE Intermediate In Show: Weimaraner SUP CH ASHLAREN BRING OUT THE BUNDY Australian Bred In Show: Shar Pei SUP GRAND CH AYZSA QUEENS ROCK STAR (AI) Open In Show: Pekingese AUST CH GLENROYAL MEMRYS MADE BY LEO Best Neuter In Show: Staffordshire Bull Terrier CH NEUT CH URBANWATER CHERRY BOMB Runner Up Neuter In Show: Rhodesian Ridgeback GR CH NEUT CH ADBESARE COCOS CURTAIN CALL (AI)

DOG WORLD December 2021



DOG WORLD December 2021

DOG WORLD December 2021








Breeder Alert – Puppy Scam Websites Dogs Queensland has become increasingly aware of Puppy Scam Websites using legitimate Dogs Queensland Registration and Queensland Breeder Identification (BIN) numbers to sell puppies. Dogs Queensland Registration numbers are obtained from legitimate websites such as Dogs Queensland or DogzOnline, where they are displayed as required by the Queensland Government. Please see the Queensland Dog Breeder Fact Sheets for regulations and guidelines for Queensland Dog Breeders. As a breeder what can you do to avoid being a victim of a Puppy Scam: • Regularly Google search the internet for websites using a similar Domain Name as your Prefix. • Put a warning notification your online advertising to alert buyers to check any website they are looking at is legitimate. • Encourage puppy buyers to verify breeder information with Dogs Queensland and make direct in-person contact. • Ensure puppy buyers check communications are made with verified contact details. • Encourage puppy buyers to meet the puppy and breeder before handing over payments. As a buyer what can you do to avoid being a victim of a Puppy Scam: • Verify breeder information with Dogs Queensland. • Ensure communications are made to verified contact details. • Meet the puppy and breeder before handing over payments. • If paying online, use a credit card or PayPal where you have a degree of buyer protection. • Check website is an established site with a website security certificate. • Avoid websites without physical address or phone numbers. • Ask for proof, including ANKC registration papers and veterinary health records for any puppy. Importantly you should report any suspect sites or advertising to the ACCC ScamWatch website.

All schedules up to and including May 2022 Shows and Trials should be submitted as soon as possible to the Dogs Queensland office.



DOG WORLD December 2021

Please ensure all information is completed including Handlers, Sweepstakes, Nominated Classes etc. Submissions by are preferred or email

Show Dates: Friday 31 December 2021 and Saturday 1 January 2022 Entries Close: Friday 17 December 2021



1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a),11(11a), 18(18a)

Entry Fees:

$15.00, Catalogues $3.00 (to be paid for with entries)

Entries to:

Dogs Queensland Grounds Committee, PO Box 78, Waterford West QLD 4133

Online Entries:


Mandy Ph: 0403071485 Saturday 1 January 2022

Friday 31 December 2021


Judging will start at 5:30PM with Junior Handlers Breed judging at the completion of

Judging will start at 6:00PM

Junior Handlers not before 6:00PM

Mr J Mitchell (QLD)

Group 1

Miss S Phillips (QLD)

Group 1

Mrs J Watt (QLD)

Group 2

Ms C Gunn (QLD)

Group 2

Mrs K Vowell (QLD)

Group 3

Mr G Kerr (QLD)

Group 3

Ms C Horne (QLD)

Group 4

Mr J Attridge (QLD)

Group 4

Miss C Ryan (QLD)

Group 5

Mr J Meyer (QLD)

Group 5

Mr G Kerr (QLD)

Group 6

Mrs A Holman (QLD)

Group 6

Mrs S Bruno (QLD)

Group 7

Mrs J Mannell (QLD)

Group 7

General Specials

Mrs S Bruno (QLD)

General Specials

Mr G Kerr (QLD)

Proudly Sponsored by

DOG WORLD December 2021



Using Dogs Queensland for all your DNA requirements is a simple, straightforward process for all members (regardless of computer skills). Members can easily place an order for DNA Profiling and Parentage and it is entirely managed by Dogs Queensland from posting DNA swab kits to final DNA results. • DNA Profiling and parentage • Prompt turnaround Other testing available: • Breed specific DNA testing • Specific Single Breed testing



Show Date: Saturday 5 February 2022 Show Date: Saturday 5 February 2022 Entries Close: Sunday 23 January 2022 Entries Close: Sunday 23 January 2022

ALLORA SHOW SOCIETY SHOWWilliam SOCIETY Venue: AlloraALLORA Showgrounds, St, Allora QLD

Venue: Allora Showgrounds, William St, Allora QLD

CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a),

Classes: 10(10a), 11(11a), Classes: 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a),18(18a) 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a),Baby 11(11a), 18(18a) Entry Fees: $12.00 Puppies $5.00 Entry Fees: $12.00 Baby$3.00 Puppies $5.00 Catalogues Catalogues Entries to: Allora Show$3.00 Society, Entries to: Allora Society, QLD 4208 PO BoxShow 356, Ormeau PO Box 356, Ormeau QLD 4208 Online Entries: Online Entries: Marg Enquiries: Ph: 07 46663304 Enquiries: Ph:Ph: 07 0438663304 46663304 Show Day Contact: Marg Marg Show Day Contact: 0438663304 Judging Marg startsPh: at 9.00AM Ring 1 Ring 21 Ring

starts at 9.00AM Mrs Judging P Johansen (QLD) Groups 4 and 7 MrsS PTassan Johansen (QLD) Groups Groups 1,2 4 and Mr (QLD) and7 5

Ring 32 Mr SSTassan Groups 61,2 and Ring Mrs Tassan(QLD) (QLD) Groups and 35 Ring 3 Specials Mrs S Tassan General Mrs(QLD) P Johansen Groups (QLD) 6 and 3 General SpecialsProudly MrsSponsored P Johansenby (QLD)

Contact Julana at or by phone on 3252 2661 for all your DNA enquiries

Proudly Sponsored by

Show Dates: Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 February 2022 Show Dates: Saturday 12 and Sunday 132022 February 2022 Entries Close: Saturday 22 January

Classes: Classes: Sweepstakes:

Entries Close: Saturday 22 January MARYBOROUGH KENNEL CLUB2022 INC Venue: Maryborough Showgrounds, Bruce Hwy, Qld MARYBOROUGH KENNEL CLUBMaryborough INC Venue: Maryborough Showgrounds, Bruce Hwy, Maryborough Qld 2 CHAMPIONSHIP SHOWS 2 CHAMPIONSHIP SHOWS 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 9(9a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a)

Sweepstakes: Entries to: Entries to: Online Entries:

1(1a),Puppy 2(2a),and 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 9(9a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a) Baby Puppy Baby Puppy and Puppy Maryborough Kennel Club Inc, PO Box 356, Ormeau QLD 4208

Maryborough Kennel Club Inc, PO Box 356, Ormeau QLD 4208 OnlineFees: Entries: Entry $15.00, Sweepstakes $10.00, Catalogues – Printed $3.00, Online $1.00 Entry Fees: $15.00, Enquiries: Pam Ph: Sweepstakes 0421076655 $10.00, Catalogues – Printed $3.00, Online $1.00 Enquiries: Saturday 12 FebruaryPam 2022Ph: 0421076655

Sunday 13 February 2022 Junior Saturday Handlers to judged2022 at 3:30PM 12 be February Sunday 13 February 2022 Judging starts at 8.00AM followed breed judging not before 4.00PM Juniorby Handlers to be judged at 3:30PM Judging starts at 8.00AM Ring 1 followed Mr A Burt (VIC) judging Puppy followed Ring 1 Mrs J McGregor Groups 1 and 4 by breed notSweepstakes before 4.00PM by Groups 1 and 4 (QLD) Ring 1 Mr A Burt (VIC) Puppy Sweepstakes followed Ring 1 Mrs J McGregor Groups 1 and 4 Ring 2 Mr S Yiannou Groups 6 and 7 4 Ring 2 Mrs J Aspinall Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 1 and (QLD) by Groups 6 and 7 followed Ring 2 (QLD) Mr S Yiannou Groups 6 and 7 Ring 2 (VIC) Mrs J Aspinall Puppy Sweepstakes Ring 3 Mrs J Aspinall Baby Puppy followed by Ring 3 Mr A Burt (VIC) Baby Puppy6Sweepstakes (QLD) (VIC) by Groups and 7 Groups 5 andfollowed 2 followed by Groups 5 and 2 Ring 3 (VIC) Mrs J Aspinall Baby Puppy by Ring 3 Mr A Burt (VIC) Baby Puppy Sweepstakes Ring 4 Mrs Group Ring 4 Mr S Yiannou Group 3 by Groups 5 and 2 (VIC)J McGregor Groups3 5 and 2 followed Ring 4 (QLD) Mrs J McGregor Group 3 Ring 4 (QLD) Mr S Yiannou Group 3 General Specials Mr A Burt (VIC) General Specials Mrs J Aspinall (VIC) (QLD) (QLD) General Specials Mr Athey Burtwill (VIC)be removed, this includes Generalthe Specials Mrs Aspinall (VIC) NO ROPED OFF AREAS, camping area by rule of Jthe Council. GAZEBOS/TENTS/VANS up prior to includes the 2:00PM the dayarea before the of first show. NO NO ROPED OFF AREAS, they willETC be set removed, this the of camping by rule the Council. Camping booked and paid for through NO GAZEBOS/TENTS/VANS ETC set up prior_J to the 2:00PM of the day before the first show. Camping booked and paid for through _J


DOG WORLD December 2021

Show Date: Saturday 12 February 2022 Show Date: Saturday February 2022 Entries Close: Sunday 12 30 January 2022 Entries Close: Sunday 30 January 2022


Venue: Clifton Showgrounds, 12 Morton Street, Clifton QLD 12 Morton Street, Clifton QLD Classes: Classes:


1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a) 11(11a), 18(18a) Entry Fees: $12.00, Baby Puppy $8.00 Catalogues $3.00 Entry Fees: $12.00, Baby Puppy $8.00 Catalogues $3.00 Entries to: Clifton Show Society, Entries to: Clifton Show Society,

PO Box 356, Ormeau QLD 4208 PO Box 356, Ormeau QLD 4208

Online Entries Online Entries Enquiries: Pam Ph: 0417600885 Enquiries: Pam Ph: 0417600885 Judging commences at 9:00AM Judging commences at 9:00AM Ring 1 Mrs A Holman (QLD) Groups 1,2 and 4 Ring 1 Mrs A Holman (QLD) Groups 1,2 and 4 Ring 2 Mrs S Tassan (QLD) Groups 5 and 7 Ring 2 Mrs S Tassan (QLD) Groups 5 and 7 Ring 3 Mr S Tassan (QLD) Groups 6 and 3 Ring 3 Mr S Tassan (QLD) Groups 6 and 3 General Specials Mrs S Tassan (QLD) General Specials Mrs S Tassan (QLD)

Show Date: Saturday 19 February 2022 Show Date: Saturday 19January February 2022 Entries Close: Friday 28 2022 Entries Close: Friday 28 January CHIHUAHUA CLUB OF QLD 2022 CLUBSports OF QLD Venue:CHIHUAHUA Dogs Queensland Grounds,

Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports 247 King Ave, Durack QldGrounds, 247 KingSHOW Ave, Durack Qld SHOW CHAMPIONSHIP AND OPEN

CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW AND OPEN SHOW 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a), Classes: 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a),18(18a) 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a), Classes: 11(11a), 12(12a), 11(11a),$13.00, 12(12a),Open 18(18a) Entry Fees: Champ: $3.00 Entry Fees: Catalogue Champ: $13.00, Open $3.00 $2.50 includes both shows, Catalogue $2.50 to be ordered andincludes paid forboth withshows, entries to be ordered and paid for with entries Entries to: Mrs S Lee, PO Box 3373, Entries to: Mt MrsOmmaney S Lee, PO QLD Box 3373, 4074 Mt Ommaney QLD 4074 Online Entries: Online Entries:Jennifer Enquiries: Ph: 0418153115 Enquiries: Jennifer Ph: 0418153115 No calls after 9.00PM No calls after 9.00PM OPEN SHOW OPEN SHOW Judging starts at 9.00AM with Long Coats Judging starts at 9.00AM with LongChihuahua Coats Mr A Harwood Chihuahua Long Coat, Mr A Harwood (QLD) Chihuahua Long Chihuahua Smooth Coat andCoat, General Specials (QLD) Smooth Coat and General Specials CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW Judging starts at the completion Judging the completion of the Openstarts Showat not before 10.30AM of the Open Show not before 10.30AM Miss B West Chihuahua Long Coat, Chihuahua Miss B West Chihuahua Long Chihuahua (QLD) Smooth Coat andCoat, General Specials (QLD) Smooth Coat and General Specials

Show Date: Saturday 19 February 2022 Show Date: Saturday 2022 Entries Close: Saturday19 29 February January 2022 Entries Close: Saturday 29 January 2022 QLD AFGHAN HOUND ASSOCIATION QLD AFGHAN HOUNDSports ASSOCIATION Venue: Dogs Queensland Grounds, Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports 247 King Ave, Durack QldGrounds, 2472King Ave,SHOWS Durack Qld OPEN

Classes: Classes: Property Property Classes: Classes: Entry Fees:


1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a) 11(11a), 18(18a) Best Head, Best Tail, Best Coat,

Best Gait Head, Best Tail, Best Coat, Best Best Gait $8.00, Property Classes $3.00, Entry Fees: $8.00, Property Catalogues $3.00Classes (covers$3.00, both shows) Catalogues $3.00 (covers Entries to: Qld Afghan Hound Assoc, both shows) Entries to: QldWhiteside Afghan Hound Assoc, QLD 4503 40 Rd, Whiteside 40 Whiteside Rd, Whiteside QLD 4503 Online Entries: Online Entries: Enquiries: Liane Ph: 0418783823 Enquiries: Liane Ph: 0418783823 OPEN SHOW 1

SHOW Judging starts atOPEN 5.00PM with1Baby Puppy Dog Judging starts at 5.00PM with Baby Puppy Dog Mrs L Marsden (QLD) Breed Classes, General Specials Mrs L Marsden (QLD) followed Breed Classes, General Specials by Property Classes followed by2Property Classes OPEN SHOW OPEN 2 Judging starts at the SHOW completion of Show 1 Judging starts at the completion not before 6.30PM of Show 1 beforeClasses, 6.30PMGeneral Specials Miss B West (QLD) notBreed Miss B West (QLD) Breed Classes, General Specials followed by Property Classes followed by Property Classes

Show Date: Saturday 19 February 2022 Show Date: Saturday 19 February 2022 Entries Close: Saturday 12 February 2022 Entries Close: Saturday 12 February 2022 ROTTWEILER CLUB OF QLD INC ROTTWEILER CLUB OF QLD INC Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, 247 King Ave, Durack QLD 247 King Ave, Durack QLD 2 OPEN SHOWS 2 OPEN SHOWS

Classes: Classes:

1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 494a), 5(5a), 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 494a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 11(11a)

10(10a), 11(11a) Entry Fees $10.00, Online Catalogues free Entry Fees $10.00, Online Catalogues free Online Entries Only: Online Entries Only: Enquiries: Heidi Ph: 0422285255 Enquiries: Heidi Ph: 0422285255 Open Show 1 Open Show 1 Judging starts at 5:00PM Ms L Cassidy Ms L Cassidy (QLD) (QLD)

Judging starts at 5:00PM Breed Classes and General Specials Breed Classes and General Specials

Open Show 2 Open Show 2 of Open Show 1 Judging starts at the completion Judging starts at completion notthe before 7:00PMof Open Show 1

Miss K Maguire Miss K Maguire (QLD) (QLD)

not before 7:00PM Breed Classes and General Specials Breed Classes and General Specials

DOG WORLD December 2021


Show Date: Saturday 19 February 2022 Entries Close: Wednesday 20 January 2022

Show Date: Saturday 26 February 2022



Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, 247 King Ave, Durack QLD


1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a)

Entry Fees:

Champ $15.00, Open Show $5.00 Catalogue (covers both shows)

Entries Close: Saturday 5 February 2022 Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, 247 King Ave, Durack QLD


1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a)

Entry Fees:

Champ $15.00, Automatic entry to Open Show if entered in Championship show, if entered in Open Show only $3.00 Catalogue – Printed $3.00, Online $1.00

Entries to:

Gundog and Heavy Breeds Club of QLD, PO Box 78, Waterford West QLD 4133

Printed $3.00, Online $1.00 Online Entries Only:


Donna Ph: 0412430358 Championship Show

judging starts at 5:00PM with Fox Terrier (Smooth) Mrs L Roebig (QLD)

Fox Terriers (Smooth and Wire)

Mr W Goldsworthy (NSW)

All other Terrier Breeds and General Specials

Open Show judging starts at 5:30PM Mrs A Maynard (QLD)

All Terriers and General Specials

Show Date: Saturday 19 February 2022 Entries Close: Saturday 12 February 2022 WHIPPET CLUB OF QUEENSLAND Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, 247 King Ave, Durack Qld 2 OPEN SHOWS Classes: 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a) Sweepstakes Veteran Property Best Headed Dog, Best Headed Bitch, Classes: Best Gaited Entry Fees: $6.00, Property Classes and Sweepstakes $2.00, Catalogue $3.00 (covers both shows) Online Entries only: Enquires: Narelle Ph: 0438689352 OPEN SHOW 1 Judging starts at 5.00PM with Veteran Sweepstakes Miss B West Sweepstakes, Breed Classes, (QLD) General Specials, Property Classes OPEN SHOW 2 Judging starts not before 7.00PM with Veteran Sweepstakes Mrs L Marsden Sweepstakes, Breed Classes, (QLD) General Specials, Property Classes Proudly Sponsored by


DOG WORLD December 2021

Online Entries: Enquiries:

Ainslie Ph: 0409892248 Championship Show Judging starts at 4:30PM

Mr J Attridge (QLD)

Group 1

Ms S Bendixen (QLD)

Group 2

Mrs S Jewell (QLD)

Group 3

Mrs M Morphet (QLD)

Group 4

Mrs L Trotter (QLD)

Group 5

Mrs V Yates (QLD)

Group 6

Mrs J Ireland (QLD)

Group 7

General Specials

Mrs P Brown (QLD)

Open Show Judging starts at 5:00PM Group Specials will be judged in the Dinner Break No General Specials Ms T Hill (QLD)

Group 1

Ms S Wheatley (QLD)

Group 2

Mrs N Attridge (QLD)

Group 3

Mrs C Walker (QLD)

Group 4

Mrs C Holman (QLD)

Group 5

Mrs M Hickey (QLD)

Group 6

Mrs S Watherston (QLD)

Group 7

Junior Handlers will be judged in the Dinner break. Please ensure that dogs being used in Junior Handlers will not be required for the Open Show Group Specials.

Trial Date: Tuesday 1 February 2022 Trial Date: Tuesday 2022 Entries Close: Friday114February January 2022 Entries Close: Friday 14 January 2022


Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, 247 King Ave, Durack QLD 247 King Ave, Durack QLD



Trial Date: Saturday 5 February 2022 Trial Saturday February EntriesDate: Close: Saturday5 22 January2022 2022 Entries Close: Saturday 22 January 2022 LOGAN ALL BREEDS DOG OBEDIENCE CLUB INC

Venue: Adams Park, Rd, Kingston QLD LOGANGould ALL BREEDS DOGKingston OBEDIENCE CLUB INC Venue:OBEDIENCE/AGILITY/JUMPERS Gould Adams Park, Kingston Rd, Kingston TRIAL QLD

OBEDIENCE/AGILITY/JUMPERS Entry Fees: $10.00, Catalogues $1.00TRIAL Entry Fees: $10.00, Catalogues $1.00 Entries to: Trial Secretary, PO Box 23, Kingston QLD 4114 Entries to: Trial Secretary, PO Box 23, Online Entries Kingston QLD 4114 Preferred: Online Entries Enquiries: Roslyn Ph: 0400659257 Preferred: Enquiries:Agility andRoslyn Ph:Trial 0400659257 Jumpers starts at 4:00PM with vetting between 3:00PM 3:45PM Agility and Jumpers Trial startsand at 4:00PM Mrs M Anderson (QLD) Agility – All classes with vetting between 3:00PM and 3:45PM Mrs Anderson (QLD) Agility – All classes Ms KMDeguet (QLD) Jumpers – All classes Ms K Deguet (QLD) Jumpers – All classes Obedience Trial starts at 6:00PM with Obedience vetting between 5:00PM and 5:45PM Trial starts at 6:00PM Mrs J Fenton (QLD) between CCD with vetting 5:00PM and 5:45PM Mrs J Fenton (QLD) CCD Mrs C Fisher (QLD) CD Mrs C Fisher CD Mr W Doyle (QLD) Open Mr Open MrsWT Doyle Young(QLD) (QLD UD Mrs T Young (QLD UD Mrs B Murfet (QLD) UDX Mrs B Murfet (QLD) UDX Competitors and Nominated Guests only on the grounds. Classes and Judges may be limited Competitors and Nominated Guests onlydue on to theCovid grounds. restrictions. Any competitor or nominated guest showing Classes and Judges may be limited due to Covid signs of Covid will not be admitted onto the trial grounds. restrictions. Any competitor or nominated guest showing signs of Covid will not be admitted onto the trial grounds.

Entry Fees: $14.00 Entry Fees: $14.00 Online Entries only: Online Entries only: Enquiries: Kim Ph: 0400671029 Enquiries: Kim Ph: 0400671029 Judging starts at 7:00PM with vetting at 6:30PM Judging starts at 7:00PM with vetting at 6:30PM Mrs B Murfet (QLD) TKN, TKA Mrs B Murfet (QLD) TKN, TKA TBA TKS, TKI TBA TKS, TKI No Late Entries. No The club reserves the Late rightEntries. to add judges and modify The club reserves the right to judges andnumbers modify class allocations as determinedadd by class entry class allocations as determined by class entry numbers

CAMPING BOOKINGS AT THE DOGS QUEENSLAND SPORTS GROUNDS All bookings to camp at the Sports Grounds must be made using the SHOW MANAGER website, available through the Dogs Queensland website.

Trial Date: Saturday 12 February 2022 Entries Close: Sunday1230February January 2022 2022 Trial Date: Saturday DANCES WITH DOGS30 CLUB QLD 2022 INC Entries Close: Sunday January Venue: St Benedicts College, Mango Hill QLD DANCES WITH DOGS CLUB QLD INC DANCES College, WITH DOGS Venue: St Benedicts Mango Hill QLD Entries to: Ann Shannon DANCES WITH DOGS Enquiries: Ann Ph: 34897946 Entries to: Ann Shannon Entry Fees: $15.00 Enquiries: Ann Ph: 34897946 Competition starts at 2.00PM with vetting at 1.00PM Entry Fees: $15.00 MrsCompetition M Field (QLD) Classeswith vetting at 1.00PM starts atAll 2.00PM Mr LM Blumel (QLD) All Classes Classes Mrs Field (QLD) All MrsL VBlumel Bonney (QLD) All Classes Classes Mr (QLD) All Sponsored and Indianajones Mrs V Bonney (QLD) by AllAnn Classes Sponsored by Ann and Indianajones DOG WORLD December 2021


Show Date: Saturday 12 February 2022 Show Saturday 2022 EntriesDate: Close: Sunday12 30February January 2022


Venue: Devine Court, Morayfield QLD AGILITY/JUMPERS TRIALS AGILITY/JUMPERS TRIALS Online Entries only: Online Entries only: Entry Fees: $9.00 Entry Fees: $9.00 Enquiries: Tracy Ph: 0450902520 Enquiries: Tracy Ph: 0450902520 Agility and Jumpers Trial 1 Agility and Jumpers Trial 1 at 2.30PM Judging starts at 3.00PM with vetting

Judging starts at 3.00PM with vetting at 2.30PM Mrs M Anderson (QLD) Agility – All Classes Mrs M Anderson (QLD) Agility – All Classes Ms J Joyce (QLD) Jumping – All Classes Ms J Joyce (QLD) Jumping – All Classes Agility and Jumping Trial 2 andafter Jumping Trial 2 Judging startsAgility 30 mins the completion of Trial 1

Judging starts 30 mins after the completion of Trial 1 Ms J Joyce (QLD) Jumping – All Classes Ms J Joyce (QLD) Jumping – All Classes Mrs M Anderson (QLD) Agility – All Classes Mrs M Anderson (QLD) Agility – All Classes

Trial Date: Saturday 26 February 2022 Trial Date: Saturday February2022 2022 Entries Close: Friday 26 11 February

Entries Close: DOG FridayOBEDIENCE 11 FebruaryCLUB 2022 INC METROPOLITAN METROPOLITAN DOGPark, OBEDIENCE Venue: Marchant ChermsideCLUB QLD INC Venue: Marchant Park, Chermside QLD

Entry Fees: Entry Fees: Entries to: Entries to:


$10.00 $10.00 Trial Secretary, 22 Borumba Crt, Narangba QLD 4054 Trial Secretary, 22 Borumba Crt, Narangba QLD 4054 Online Entries: Online Entries: Enquiries: Helen Ph: 0427881449 Enquiries: Helen Ph: 0427881449 Judging starts at 6:30PM Judging starts5:30PM at 6:30PM with vetting between and 6:15PM with vetting between 5:30PM and 6:15PM Mr K McGinn (QLD) CCD Mr KKMcGinn (QLD) CCD Mrs Sutherland (QLD) CD MrsAKTamblyn Sutherland (QLD) Ms (QLD) Ms ACTamblyn (QLD) Mrs Pethers (QLD) MrsBCNobbs Pethers (QLD) Mr (QLD) Mr BSNobbs (QLD) Mrs Bamford (QLD)



Mrs C S Bamford (QLD) CCDReserve Reserve Mrs Fisher (QLD) UD Mrs C Fisher (QLD) the rightUD The club reserves toReserve replace and or add additional judges should class entriesand warrant. The club reserves the right to replace or add additional judges should class entries warrant. 52

DOG WORLD December 2021

Trial Date: Saturday 19 February 2022 Entries Close: Saturday 5 February 2022


Sunshine Coast Sunshine Coast

Venue: 176 Ballinger Rd, Buderim QLD

Entry Fees:


Entries to:

Trial Secretary, PO Box 701, Buderim QLD 4556

Online Entries:


Jessica Ph: 0498677805

Judging starts at 4:00PM with vetting at 3:00PM Rally Trial 1 TBA

Masters, Excellent, Advanced, Novice Rally Trial 2


Masters, Excellent, Advanced, Novice Tricks Trial 1

Mrs D Sellwood (QLD)


Tricks Trial 2 Mrs D Sellwood (QLD)


Trial Date: Sunday 27 February 2022 Trial Date: Sunday Entries Close: Friday27 11February February2022 2022 Entries Close: 11 February 2022 DOGSFriday QUEENSLAND DANCES DOGS WITH DOGS SUBCOMMITTEE QUEENSLAND Venue: Caboolture Dog Club, DANCES WITH DOGSSports SUBCOMMITTEE Devine Court, Morayfield QLD Venue: Caboolture Sports Dog Club, Devine Court, Morayfield QLD DOUBLE TRICK DOG TEST TRICK DOG TEST Entry Fees: DOUBLE $10.00 Entry Fees:Dogs Queensland $10.00 DWD Subcommittee, Entries to: or Entries Dogs Queensland DWD Subcommittee, Mrs C Pethers, Site 354, 431 Park Ridge Rd, to: or Park QLDSite 4125 Mrs CRidge Pethers, 354, 431 Park Ridge Rd, Park QLD 4125 Online Entries: Online Entries: Enquiries: Coral Ph: 0429862405 Enquiries: Coral Ph: 0429862405 Judging starts at 8.30AM with vetting at 7.00AM Judging starts at 8.30AMStarter with vetting Mrs C D Fisher (QLD) – Test 1at 7.00AM MrsKCKnauth D Fisher (QLD) Mr (QLD) Starter – Test 21 Knauth(QLD) (QLD) Starter – Test 12 Mr LK Blumel Novice Mr L Blumel (QLD) Novice – Test 21 Mrs V Mannion (QLD) V Mannion Novice – Test –2 Test 1 Mrs D Sellwood (QLD) Intermediate D Murfet Sellwood (QLD) Mrs B (QLD) Intermediate – Test 21 B Murfet (QLD) Intermediate – Test Mrs M Anderson (QLD) Advanced – Test 1 2 Anderson (QLD) Mrs M Rablin (QLD) Advanced – Test 21 Tests will be conducted under Mrs M Rablin (QLD) Advanced – Test 2 current Covid Plan conditions. Tests will be conducted under Preferred order of tricks is available. current Covid Plan conditions. Surface is sand –order no spike equipment permitted. Preferred of tricks is available.

Surface is sand – no spike equipment permitted.

Affiliated Clubs and Services BREED & GROUP CLUBS

American Staffordshire Terrier Club of Qld Inc Mrs M Gordon PO Box 908 Jimboomba QLD 4280 0403 742 555 Australian Shepherd Club of Qld Ms A Lally 0419 597 661 Australian Terrier Club of Qld Mrs L Roebig 0419 791 464 Basenji Breed Network Qld Ms E Blair PO Box 1060 Spring Hill QLD 4004 (07) 3217 5943 Basset Hound Club of Qld Ms M McGinn PO Box 14 Samford QLD 4520 (07) 3289 4033 / 0416 213 253 Beagle Club of Qld Mrs T McNicol PO Box 3107 West Ipswich QLD 4305 0422 158 879 Belgian Shepherd Dog Club of Qld Inc Miss C Lowther PO Box 185, Burpengary, Qld, 4505 0497 628 960 Border Collie Club of Qld Inc Mrs N Attridge 0407 591 165 Borzoi Club of Qld Inc Mrs M Davis (07) 3372 4657 Bullmastiff Club of Qld Mrs B Bell 0404 702 423 Bull Terrier Club of Qld Inc Mrs L Moeser PO Box 595 Jimboomba QLD 4280 0423 707 380 Cattle Dog & Kelpie Club of Qld Inc Miss M Normoyle PO Box 578 Dalby QLD 4405 0429 065 912 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club (Qld) Ms E McCutcheon PO Box 1101 Wynnum QLD 4178 (07) 3893 0847 / 0448 810 847 Central Qld Toy Dog Club Mrs J Sweeney (07) 4933 3399 / 0407 138 860

Chihuahua Club of Qld Mrs J Watt (07) 3372 3654 / 0418 153 115

Labrador Retriever Club of Qld Inc Mrs C Wardle 0412 191 005

Cocker Spaniel Club of Qld Inc Mrs K Hutt 0402 119 013

Old English Sheepdog Club of Qld Mr R Schnaars (07) 3201 0952 / 0408 730 485

Collie Rough and Smooth Club of Qld Inc Ms N Christen 0432 539 594

Original Australian Dog Breeds Club of Qld (The) Mrs J Hafey 0419 114 394

Dachshund Club of Qld Miss A Carius (07) 3420 0661 Dalmatian Association of Qld Inc Mrs K Murray 0405 988 130 Dobermann Club of Qld Inc Mr Kevin Zimmerle 0439 799 944 English Springer Spaniel Assoc of Qld Inc Miss C Williams 0403 240 296 Fox Terrier Club of Qld Mrs J Cantlon (07) 4129 7166 French Bulldog Club of Qld Mrs K McClelland PO Box 729 Oxenford QLD 4210 0411 032 517 German Shepherd Dog Club Qld Inc Mr G Williams 0434 048 084 Golden Retriever Club of Qld Inc Mrs K Vowell 0423 320 020 The Great Dane Society of Qld Inc Mrs M Hickey 0423 588 062 Griffon Club of Qld Ms N Lawrence PO Box 32 Samford QLD 4520 0458 116 833 Hound Club of Qld Miss A Carius 0409 892 248 Irish Wolfhound Club of Qld Mr C Gorman 0400 144 524

Poodle Club of Queensland Inc Ms P Morgan PO Box 171 Aspley QLD 4034 0414 501 707 Qld Afghan Hound Association Ms J Anderson 0428 800 410 Qld Boston Terrier Club Mrs K McConnell 0411 955 501 Qld Boxer Club Ms S Davies PO Box 878 Archerfield QLD 4108 0408 197 250 Qld Bulldog Club Mrs V Lamb 0423 601 323 Queensland Gundog Association Mr A Adams (07) 3278 8001 Qld Sighthound Association Mrs J David 0414 605 513 Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Qld Inc Ms R Oberholzer 0417 490 417 Rottweiler Club of Qld Inc Mrs A Heinemann PO Box 872 Beenleigh QLD 4207 0427 545 726 Saint Bernard Club of Qld Inc Mr R Whittet PO Box 7747 Toowoomba South Qld 4350 0438 360 191 (Emma Forsyth) Setter Club of Qld Mrs C Gorey PO Box 3123 North Mackay QLD 4740 0438 598 597

DOG WORLD December 2021


Affiliated Clubs and Services Shetland Sheepdog Club of Qld Inc Mrs L Roebig 0419 791 464

Burnett Kennel Club Mrs A Morgan 0427 686 121

Sporting Spaniel Club of Qld Mrs J Stoneley (07) 3206 2618

Caboolture Kennel Club Miss V Wyness 0404 037 095

Sporting Terrier Club of Qld Mrs G Hovey-Jacobs (07)3409 4705 / 0400 826 333

Darling Downs Kennel Club Miss R Green (07) 4696 6216 / 0410 651 756

Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of Qld Mrs A Bainbridge PO Box 60 Marburg QLD 4346 0437 109 162

Gold Coast Canine Club Mrs A Proudfoot 0405 060 550

Tenterfield Terrier Club of Qld Inc Mrs M Holt PO Box 43 Beerwah QLD 4519 (07) 5494 9993 Tibetan Spaniel Club of Qld Mrs V Schneider 0407 115 674 Toy Dog Club of Qld Ms D Davies (07) 5464 6206 / 0466 962 061 Welsh Corgi Club of Qld Ms S Kilby 0433 363 640 West Highland White Terrier Club of Qld Mrs M Cunningham (07) 5548 6744 / 0418 572 579 Whippet Club of Queensland Mrs S Townsend 0402 602 888 Working Dog Club of Queensland Mrs B Wheatley 07 3208 7190/ 0419 782 492


Allora Kennel Club Ms K Lewis (07) 4667 1590 Beaudesert Kennel Club Mrs V Schneider 0407 115 674 Beenleigh & District Kennel Club Miss J Young 0401 889 999 Brisbane Valley Kennel Club Mrs C Holman 0430 940 063


DOG WORLD December 2021

Gundog & Heavy Breeds Club of Qld Miss A Carius (07) 3420 0661 Gympie & District Kennel Club Miss K Maguire PO Box 574 Gympie Qld 4570 (07) 5482 8874 / 0431 646 686 Ipswich Kennel Club Inc Mrs D McLean (07) 5426 1261 / 0408 261 659 Junior Kennel Club of Qld Mr M Watt (07) 3372 3654 Kennel Association of Qld Mrs J Wilshier (07) 3279 7339 / 0417 799 115 Ladies Kennel Association of Qld Mrs J Lanham PO Box 356 Ormeau QLD 4208 0409 720 882 Lockyer Valley Kennel Club Mrs K Knight PO Box 50 Lowood QLD 4311 0407 621 726 Maree Kennel Club Mrs J Ireland (07) 3814 3069 Nanango Kennel Club Mrs V Mannion PO Box 533 Nanango QLD 4615 0417 004 031 Northern Classic Kennel Club Mrs J Lanham PO Box 356 Ormeau QLD 4208 0409 720 882 Pine Rivers Kennel Club Mrs J Glover PO Box 453 Caboolture QLD 4510 0419 663 942 Qld Kennel Council Mrs S Watherston 0424 708 889 Redcliffe Peninsula Kennel Club Ms L Horne (07) 3285 5503 / 0418 783 823 Sunshine Coast Kennel Club Ms S Smith 0400 018 877 Waterloo Bay Kennel Club Mr D McAllister PO Box 2443 Keperra QLD 4054 0439 397 884 Western Suburbs Kennel Club Mrs G Hovey-Jacobs (07) 3409 4705 / 040 826 333 Yuggera Canine Club Mrs P Johansen 0406 538 003


Bundaberg Canine Club Inc Mrs M Norton PO Box 7370 North Bundaberg QLD 4670 (07) 4157 8338 / 0437 578 338 Callide Valley Obedience & Kennel Club Mrs S Cook 0417 628 400 Capricorn Coast Kennel Club Mrs K Schroeder PO Box 8243 Allenstown QLD 4700 (07) 4939 7329 Gladstone Kennel Club Inc Ms M McFadzen PO Box 7245 Gladstone QLD 4680 0439 431 239 Hervey Bay Kennel Club Mrs B Mangin (07) 4157 8098 / 0429 478 211 Isis & District Canine Club Mrs B Mangin (07) 4157 8098 / 0429 478 211 Mackay Kennel Club Mrs M Volker P O Box 7156, Mackay MC QLD 4741 0419 760 385

Affiliated Clubs and Services Maryborough Kennel Club Inc Mrs L McLaughlin PO Box 402 Maryborough QLD 4650 0408 896 260

Proserpine Kennel Club Inc Mrs D Appleby PO Box 232 Koumala QLD 4738 0417 523 504

Mount Morgan & Bouldercombe Kennel Club Mr J Whitehead PO Box 8243 Allenstown QLD 4700 407 620 971

Thuringowa City Kennel Club Ms E Ryan PO Box 7738 Garbutt BC QLD 4814 0412 604 340

Gladstone Dog Obedience Club (Obedience/ Agility/Tracking Club) Miss Jessica Chivers P O Box 948, Gladstone QLD 4680. 0448 449 699

The Pioneer Valley Kennel Club Miss L McCrindle (07) 4959 1353

Townsville Kennel Association Inc Mrs L Marsden PO Box 7738 Garbutt BC QLD 4814 0429 896 558

Gold Coast Dog Obedience Training Club Inc Mrs C Fisher PO Box 143 Southport QLD 4215 0450 721 189

Tully & District Kennel Club Mrs F Vecchio PO Box 1290 Tully QLD 4854 0418 197 093

Gympie Dog Obedience Club Inc Ms M Abrey PO Box 404 Gympie QLD 4570 0408 544 259 gympiedogobedienceclubinc@gmail. com

Rockhampton Kennel Club Inc Mrs J Scott PO Box 553 Yeppoon QLD 4703 (07) 4939 7698 Sarina Kennel Club Mrs C Donaldson PO Box 742 Sarina QLD 4737 0407 150 815


Atherton Tableland Kennel Club Mr C Coggan 0410 505 810 / 4775 8808 (Wk) Bowen Kennel Club Mrs L Bryson PO Box 915 Bowen QLD 4805 0400 938 524 Cairns City Kennel Club Inc Mrs K Frame PO Box 252 Cairns QLD 4870 (07) 4055 6720 Charters Towers Kennel Club Mrs T Hill PO Box 1980 Charters Towers QLD 4820 0466 245 758 Cloncurry & District Canine Club Ms F Rae 0427 958 426 Ingham Kennel & Obedience Club Inc Mrs R Horton PO Box 776 Ingham QLD 4850 0417 611 085 Innisfail Kennel Club Mrs M Adkins (07) 4093 5304 Mareeba & District Kennel Club Ms T Greig PO Box 2295 Cairns QLD 4870 0406 582 653

OBEDIENCE / AGILITY / TRACKING All Breeds Tracking Club Ms S Bull PO Box 368 Ormeau QLD 4208 0499 022 490 Brisbane Dog Training Club Inc Mrs M Calvert PO Box 1288 Oxley QLD 4075 0422 921 861 Caboolture Sports Dog Obedience Club Ms S Gibson PO Box 491 Morayfield QLD 4506 0404 052 519 / 0450 902 520 secretary@caboolturedogobedience. Cairns City Kennel Club Inc (Obedience Section) Mrs J Wilkinson PO Box 252 Cairns QLD 4870 (07) 4055 4040 Canine Obedience Club of Townsville Ms J Forbes-Faulkner PO Box 991 Aitkenvale QLD 4814 0427 725 982 Continental Herding Club Inc Mrs A Luck 0408 732 952 Dances with Dogs Club Qld Miss G Westmore 0488 999 683 DogzCairns Inc Ms S Daniels PO Box 644 Smithfield QLD 4878 0408 183 038

Evergreen Tracking Dog Club Inc Mrs A Cunningham 0438 719 551

Hervey Bay Dog Obedience & Agility Club Inc Ms K Richardson PO Box 365 Hervey Bay QLD 4655 0459 843 820 Ipswich Dog Obedience Club The Secretary PO Box 2007, Nth Ipswich QLD 4305 0411 433 866 ipswichdogobedienceclub@outlook. com Jimboomba Dog Training Club Ms S Chandler (07) 5546 3355 Lockyer Valley Dog Training Club Inc Mrs A Williams PO Box 321 Laidley QLD 4341 (07) 5465 7450 / 0417 799 281 Logan All Breeds Dog Obedience Club Inc Mrs E Rowan PO Box 23 Kingston QLD 4114 0405 069 335 Magpies Mackay & District Obedience Club Ms M Vannucci PO Box 3123 North Mackay QLD 4740 0412 075 170 Maryborough Dog Obedience Club Ms P Ray PO Box 3050 Maryborough QLD 4650 0432 794 035 Metropolitan Dog Obedience Club Inc Ms H Marr 0427 881 449 Nanango Kennel Club Mrs V Mannion PO Box 533 Nanango QLD 4615 0417 004 031

DOG WORLD December 2021


Affiliated Clubs and Services Obedience Dog Club of Bundaberg Mrs A Nisbet PO Box 5417 Bundaberg West QLD 4670 0449 128 451 Obediencedogclub.bundaberg@gmail. com Pine Rivers Dog Training Club Inc Mrs D Lamprecht PO Box 272 Strathpine QLD 4500 0409 472 198 Qld Herding Association Mrs A Ross 0417 625 951 Redcliffe Dog Obedience Club Inc Mrs T Pronk PO Box 493 Redcliffe QLD 4020 0458 519 099


Alaskan Malamute & Siberian Husky Social Club (Qld) Inc Miss T Goodwin PO Box 774 Redbank Plains QLD 4301 (07) 3271 4465 (5pm-7pm only) Bernese Mountain Dog Social Club of Qld Mrs A Gribbon (07) 3843 1407 / 0421 042 788 White Swiss Dog Club of Qld Social Club Mrs C Keen PO Box 228 Ormeau QLD 4208 0438 621 663


Redlands Dog Obedience Club Ms R Harrison PO Box 16 Capalaba QLD 4157 0400 149 787

Warwick Dog Obedience Club Ms B McGregor PO Box 851 Warwick QLD 4370 (07) 4664 8050

Rockhampton Dog Obedience Club Inc Ms S Bassett PO Box 5064 Red Hill QLD 4702 (07) 4939 6085 / 0419 717 619


Southside Dog Obedience Club Inc Miss L Forster PO Box 2273 Runcorn QLD 4113 0405 325 766 Sunshine Coast Dog Obedience Club Inc Miss J Rigby PO Box 701 Buderim QLD 4556 0403 156 599 Tableland Dog Obedience Club Ms J Crerar (07) 4093 7848 Toowoomba Dog Obedience Club Inc Mrs S McIntyre PO Box 3606 Toowoomba QLD 4350 (07) 4633 2241


Field & Retrieving Association for Gundogs Inc Mr G Dawson (07) 3886 6367 Labrador Retriever Club of Qld Inc Mr Greg Mitchel Mob 0418169606 Wide Bay Working Gundog Club Mrs W Michalk (07) 4152 2362


DOG WORLD December 2021

Brisbane Lure Coursing Club Inc Mr S Uebel 0418 199 419


ANIMAL AMBULANCE/CRUELTY REPORTS 1300 852 188 AUSTRALIAN SILKY TERRIER Miss R Hunt 0400 246 987 BASENJI Ms C Qualischefski 0429 979 326 / 0422 184 755 BASENJI Ms C Benson 0468 364 031 BASENJI Ms E Blair (07) 3217 5943 BEAGLE Mrs D Souter 0418 742 941 BELGIAN SHEPHERDS Ms J Glenn 0417 464 573

BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOG Mrs J Hazell (07) 3843 1407 BORZOI Ms V Dawson (07) 3857 3682 BORZOI Mrs B Mangin (07) 4156 1078 BULLDOG Mr L Perrett 0452 210 184 BULLMASTIFF Mrs R Armstrong (07) 5546 8427 / 0401 145 129 BULL TERRIER Mrs M Reynolds (07) 5546 3003 CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL Ms L MacMillan 0419 339 150 COLLIE ROUGH AND SMOOTH Mrs J Armatys (07) 4157 2758 / 0428 121 726 DACHSHUND Mrs V Lingard (07) 3800 1127 DOGUE DE BORDEAUX Mrs V McArthur 0417 767 357 DOGUE DE BORDEAUX Mrs J Bloomfield 0412 119 688 ENGLISH SETTER Mrs C Gorey 0438 598 597 GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG Mrs J Hansford (07) 3289 7282 GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER Mrs B Mangin (07) 4156 1078 GOLDEN RETRIEVER Mrs K Vowell 0423 320 020 GORDON SETTER Mrs C Gorey 0438 598 597 GREAT DANE Ms C Bowden 0411 571 050

Affiliated Clubs and Services HUNGARIAN VIZSLA Mrs K Eory (07) 3265 1621 IRISH RED & WHITE SETTER Mrs C Gorey 0438 598 597

SCHNAUZER Ms A Goodwin 0405 421 897 SKYE TERRIER Mrs H MacGregor 0429 999 053 / 0428 947 110

IRISH SETTER Mrs C Gorey 0438 598 597

STAFFORDSHIRE BULL TERRIER Miss M Nielsen 0419 631 221

LABRADOR RETRIEVER Mrs C Wardle 91 Ciesiolka Rd Aubigny 4401 0412 191 005

TIBETAN SPANIEL Miss A Caer (07) 3351 7257 / 0402 555 508

LAGOTTO ROMAGNOLO Mrs P Wyllie (07) 4163 7288 / 0400 903 303 LHASA APSO Ms J Woodward (07) 5428 6201 / 0413 788 775 MAREMMA SHEEPDOG Ms H Brennan (07) 5426 0413 OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG Mrs A Cassidy (07) 3201 0952

WEIMARANER Mrs J Glover 0419 663 942


Casual and permanent sites are available at competitive prices.

For more information call the Dogs Queensland office on 3252 2661 or email J.J. Donuts

Contact: Gaylene Ph: 0434 405 375 Email:

Puddleby Art

Contact: Toshi Ueno Ph: 0410 595 202 Email:

WEST HIGHLAND WHITE TERRIER Mrs A Cloughley (07) 3206 6460

Lockyer Valley Sharpening

WHIPPET Secretary

Lead On Animal Leads

YORKSHIRE TERRIER Miss R Hunt 0400 246 987

Contact: Keith Ph: 0458 920 088 Email: Contact: Bev and Ian Ph: 0417 076 402 Email:

Lilcracka Pet Supplies

Contact: Kay Ph: 0413 543 835 Email:

POINTER Mrs R Glegg (07) 5547 7689 / 0439 830 495

TAK Photography

POODLE CENTRAL QLD Mrs M McMahon (07) 4933 2715 / 0419 395 961

Wagz Cafe

Contact: Tracy: 0451 912 022 Email: Contact: Mark Ph: 0407 212 974 Email:

POODLE MINIATURE & TOY Ms P Morgan 0414 501 707 POODLE STANDARD Mrs S Graham 0417 470 542 PUG Ms H Jordan 0415 370 526 PUG Carol-Ann (07) 3814 1382 / 0438 515 895 PYRENEAN MOUNTAIN DOG Mrs A Everson (07) 3200 0321 RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Mrs R Smith (07) 5529 9903 SAINT BERNARD Mrs A Inmon 0400 142 267

DISCLAIMER Opinions and information published in the Dog World magazine are solely those of the individual authors and advertisers and do not necessarily reflect the advice or opinions of Dogs Queensland. The organisation assumes no responsibility or liability for any statements made, and suggests that individuals make their own enquiries and seek their own specialist and/or independent veterinary or other advice.

DOG WORLD December 2021




Non Durack Club Per Entry


Ag Society Per Entry


Durack Rates

JUDGES LICENCE FEES Social Clubs (regardless Conformation Judges of location) Dog Sports Judges All JudgesFee(except Handler Judges) Training for Aspiring Dog Sports Judges

RULES FOR THE CONDUCT OF (CONT) $175.00 $100.00 $80.00 $65.00 $50.00

TrainingHandler Fees forJudges Aspiring Judges $36.00 Junior No Fee Handler Judges No Fee REGISTRATIONS PER PUP MAIN REGISTER ($1.10REGISTRATIONS per puppy donated toPER Canine Research) PUP



Field Hire Starting From


For enquiries please email: or call (07) 3252 2661. MEMBERSHIP FEES Joining Fee





$120.00 No fee

Junior (no joining fee) PREFIX Application (includes maintenance for year applied)






CLUB AFFILIATION FEES (South of the 26th Parallel) All Breeds and Multiple Groups

$574.00 $424.50

Obedience Clubs Single Group and Multi Breeds Clubs


Specialty Breed Club


Agricultural Societies


Tracking and Field Trials Clubs


CLUB AFFILIATION FEES (North of the 26 Parallel) th

All Breeds and Multiple Groups


Obedience Clubs


Single Group and Multi Breeds Clubs


Specialty Breed Clubs

$263.00 $262.00

Agricultural Societies Tracking and Field Trial Clubs


SOCIAL CLUBS Social Clubs (regardless of location)


A 0.75% fee applys to payments made by Visa Credit, Visa Debit/Prepaid, Mastercard Credit and Mastercard Debit/ Prepaid. There will be no charge if Members come to the counter and pay by EFTPOS. Postage For Bulk Stationery Orders Will Be Invoiced. All prices include GST. Prices are subject to change.

Under 3 ($1.10 monthsper puppy donated to Canine Research) $50.00 Under 3 months $48.00 Over 3 and under 6 months $80.00 $77.00 $101.00 $97.00 $112.00

Over 36 and under 612months months Over 612and andunder under1218months months

Over 12 and under 18 months $108.00 REGISTRATIONS PER PUP LIMITED REGISTER ($1.10 per puppy donated Canine Research) REGISTRATIONS PER PUPtoLIMITED REGISTER Canine Research) Under 3 ($1.10 monthsper puppy donated to$65.00 $50.00* Under months $52.00 * $106.00 $80.00 Over 3 3and under 6 months Over 36 and under 612months months Over 612and andunder under1218months months

$85.00 * $134.00 $101.00 $107.00 * $147.00 $112.00

Over 12for andlimited underregister 18 months $118.00 * Price pup with DNA Parentage Verification TRANSFERS (If received 14 days SENDwithin BACK FEEfrom the date of transfer) Members $29.00 Per Litter Registration $10.00 Non-Members $37.00 TRANSFERS (If received after 14 days from the date of$35.00 transfer) AllTRANSFERS Transfers Members



Non-Members $57.00 Massey University Of New Zealand $49.50 RE-REGISTRATION OF DOGS /SEMEN Imported dogs/semen Imported dogs/semen – NZ only

$114.00 $76.00

Tenterfield Terriers/Greyhounds Sporting Register

$76.00 $36.00

Associate Register


TITLES All Championship Titles (incl. breeders cert) All other awards (Plus breeders cert)

$37.00 $40.00 $27.00 $30.00 $12.00 $6.00

Laminating OTHER Lease Agreements Replacement certificates Certificates

$60.00 $25.00

Export pedigree Pedigree Extended pedigree Pedigree (5 generations)

$72.00 $36.00

STATIONERY Official Show Entry Forms (Bookf of 50) incl. postage


Rule Books CCC(Qld) (Qld) Book CCC $10.00 including postage RULES FOR THE CONDUCT OF Obedience Trials (A5) Rally-O Trials (A5) Rally Trials (A5)

$4.75 $6.00 $4.75

Agility Trials (A5) Games Trials (A5)

$4.75 $4.75

Tracking Trials (A5) Track & Search Trials (A5)

$4.75 $4.75

Retrieving Trials (A5)


RATG Trials (A5)


Field Trials Pointers & Setters Trials (A5)


Utility Trials (A5)


Spaniel and Retriever Trials (A5)


Endurance Trials (A5)


Herding Trials (A5)


Dances With Dogs Trials (A5)


Lure Coursing Trials (A5)


Drafting Trials (A5)


Sled Sports (A5)


Scent Work

$4.75 $4.75

Trick Dogs BREED STANDARDS Full set of 8 (7 x Groups + 1 glossary of terms)


Single group


Breed extensions


Loose leaf breeds

$0.66 $2.50

Postage per group CERTIFICATES Challenge


Reserve Challenge


Best Of Breed


Group Awards (2 In Show, 14 In Group)


Neuter Challenge


Neuter in Group Award


Neuter in Show Award


Best Neuter Of Breed


Obedience Qual.


Agility Qual.


Retrieving Ability Test for Gundogs


Tracking Qual.


Track & Search Qual.


Field & Ret Qual.


Dances with Dogs




Lure Course


Lure Course Open Stake


Earthdog Test




Sled Sport Event

DOG WORLD December 2021


SET STEWARDS GRAPHS (10 + 2 General Specials sheet(s)


OBEDIENCE JUDGING CHARTS Novice, Open, Utility and or Agility (25 sheets per set)

Advertising Disclaimer


The publishers accept no responsibility for the contents of advertisements. All advertisements are accepted in good faith and the liability of advertising content is the responsibility of the advertiser.

Durack Office: 07 3252 2661 | P O Box 1136 MT OMMANEY QLD 4074 |



Postage per full set


Nutrition that helps fuel your dog’s performance Dogs that show and perform need high quality nutrition to help fuel and sustain their performance throughout the day. A diet with high quality protein is important to help maintain and rebuild muscle integrity, in-fact around about 30% of this protein is used to help maintain a healthy skin and coat. The diet also needs to be enriched with omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids to help with the structural and barrier properties of skin and provide a shiny coat. Show and performance dogs also need a diet to help minimise oxidative stress and add support to the digestive system to help them perform at their best. Eukanuba’s™ NEW Premium Performance Sport and Exercise are designed to meet the needs of show and performance dogs, and is now made in Australia. With added levels of omega oils, digestive support and joint support*, Eukanuba™ is providing tailored nutrition to help to show and performance dogs achieve their best. *Compared to old formula


Enjoy this and other exclusive promotions when you join the Eukanuba™ Professional Club. To sign up visit our website: *Only available at the Eukanuba ProShop (, 1st December 2021 - 31st January 2022. Offer includes Small, Medium and Large Breed Adult Dry Diets, Adult Wet Diets, Premium Performance Sport and Exercise Dry Diets. 15kg order minimum.

TEAM 8240 QldDogsWorld

Join our Breeder Partner Program and earn rewards 6 Weeks Free Introductory Insurance Cover offer for puppies aged 8-36 weeks

3 day waiting period for accident/injury, 7 day waiting period for illness

$150 excess per claim, per unrelated condition

Vet fees for accident/ injury/illness including hospitalisation and referral up to $3,000

Death from accident/injury/ illness cover up to $1,500


E E R F INSURANCE To find out more and register call 1300 731 324 or visit *6 Weeks Free Introductory Insurance Cover can only be issued to puppies aged from 8 weeks to 36 weeks, from approved partners. Terms, conditions and waiting periods apply. Policy limits and exclusions may apply. Excludes pre-existing conditions.

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