Dog World June 2020

Page 5

President’s Message


t the time of writing this we are on the cusp of June so nearly at the halfway mark of 2020. Whichever way you look at it, it has been an extraordinary year. I don’t think anyone last year could have predicted the challenges internationally, nationally, and here in Queensland and in our dog world that we have faced. I think we are so lucky to be the biggest island island in the world and to share our geographical isolation with New Zealand. I know the financial and isolation impacts have been difficult for many of our members but we should all take heart in the fact that we seem to be heading in the right direction. Let’s continue to remember to stay in touch with friends and loved ones by email, text, phone calls and visits. It is also important that we do not become complacent and that we continue to comply with government guidelines. On the dog event front it is great that we can look at a start-up of dog training sessions currently limited to 20 persons with social distancing etc but timetabled to increase soon. PLEASE NOTE: The number of people allowed is for the WHOLE PROPERTY! At Durack, until stage 3 kicks in hopefully on 10 July, there can only be a total of 20 people. There cannot be groups of 20 people dotted around the 52 acres. And this applies to all sports grounds with dog training events. I think there has been some misunderstanding on this point. Further to the previous email provided to Clubs, the advice is now updated below in regards to COVID Safe App and includes Meetings indoors. Dogs Queensland has been in contact with the Queensland Government regarding the roadmap to easing Queensland’s restrictions and what category our not-for-profit organisation fits into. The following link details the roadmap to easing restrictions for sporting clubs and organisations provided by the State Government: www.covid19.

Sporting clubs and organisations In summary: Stage 1, 15 May 2020: 10 people permitted at any one time Stage 2, 1 June 2020: 20 people permitted at any one time Stage 3, 10 July 2020: 100 people permitted at any one time Dogs Queensland would like to invite Clubs to submit proposals to conduct outdoor Canine Training Activities under the current State guidelines. Proposals should include but not be limited to the following;

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Physical distancing Hand hygiene Respiratory hygiene Frequent environmental cleaning and disinfection • Participants Details (Name, Address, Phone Number, Email) being recorded and provided to Dogs Queensland after every session • Promote and encourage all participants, volunteers and workers to sign up to the COVID Safe App • Displaying of the attached roadmap • Written Agreement provided to Dogs Queensland to undertake all of the above conditions in line with current State guidelines Similarly, in line with the home confinement, movement and gathering direction – in non-residences you can not allow a gathering. A gathering is defined as more than 20 persons in a single undivided indoor space at the same time. Following this direction Clubs are therefore

DOG WORLD June 2020


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