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Social Media Update
• Ch Cruchfield the Vicar C.M. (bred by the late Mrs
Sapio) may have won only one BIG, but although he did not reach dizzy heights, he performed creditably at non-slip Retrieving where he was awarded a certificate of merit (C.M.) on one occasion. He was an enthusiastic duck and rabbit dog.
• Ch Bardenvale Bonnibelle (bred by Barbara and
Dennis Cheetham) won a Novice Spaniel/
Retriever Trial on rabbits and a second in an open stake. She had a great nose for quail.
• Ch Cleavehill Morning Post (Imp UK) (bred by Jean Taylor). He was a lovely dog. He won a number of BIGs and was R/Up at a NSW specialty.
• Ch Haywyn Ragtime (English Pointer!) (bred by
Bev Clare). I shot over him a lot on quail and he was breathtakingly stylish to watch when he got a scent and came on point. Tom Harris (Bordnamot Weimaraners) started me off on training him.
I was a CCC (Q) Councillor from 1980 to 1997. During that time I served on the Judges Training Sub Committee, was Chair of the Field and Retrieving Sub Committee, and Chair of the Disputes Sub Committee.
I was also secretary of the Gold Coast Canine Club for many years, member of the English Springer Spaniel Club, foundation member of the German Shorthaired Pointer Club, and sometime member of a couple of the non-slip clubs. I was a steward at the Brisbane Royal Show for over twenty years.
Over the years I was a Judges Training Coordinator for Group 3, Group 4 and Group 6.
– David Margan and Marylu Lloyd Our heat stress posts on both Instagram and Facebook were our most popular this month with 4596 impressions reaching over 4180 people with 175 engagementsand 21 shares! Instagram’s engagementrate remains steady at 8.3 per cent This was also hot!
President Greenwood’s interview with ABC’s Kat Feeney certainly gained some traction with reaching around 3719 with 299 engagements and with many comments in relation toNorway’s recent decision to ban the selective breeding of British Bulldogs and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, out of concern for their breathing-related health issues. We’ve also hit 9025 FB followers! While our Instagram has just over 1200!