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Dog Sports Awards Presentation
The recent Dog Sports Awards were held at Durack on Sunday 20 February 2022 celebrating the successes of all Queensland Dog Sports Clubs and their members who obtained Championships over the past 2 years. Clubs unable to attend participated via zoom. Dogs Queensland will showcase more pictures in the Dog World magazine over the coming months.
This page: BRISBANE LURE COURSING CLUB AWARD WINNERS Sarah has been a Member of Dogs Queensland for a while and ‘Oliver’ is a Champion in Conformation as well as Lure Coursing. Meg, joined Dogs Queensland in 2020, after coming to one of the BLCC training days. ‘Harvey’ was a natural, so Meg joined Dogs Queensland so ‘Harvey’ could compete as an Associate in Dogs Queensland’s Lure Coursing competition. Both Sarah and Meg are looking forward to the 2022 Lure Coursing season, but not as much as ‘Oliver’ and ‘Harvey’. Page 29 (from top left to right): CAIRNS CITY KENNEL CLUB AWARD WINNERS Sam Alexander and ‘Starsky’ –Regional Jumping 500 Dog of the Year and Regional Agility 500 Dog of the Year Kayla James and ‘Sky’ – Regional Jumping 400 Dog of the Year and Regional Agility 400 Dog of the Year Natalie Spence and ‘Trixie’ – Agility Champion Annette Wolley and ‘Ace’ – Rally Champion Andrea Wohluter and ‘Shelby’ – Obedience Grand Champion, UDX Dog of the Year and Rally Dog of the Year Andrea Wohluter and ‘Ninja’ – CDX Dog of the Year Sarah Speed and Saluki ‘Oliver’ – 2021 Sighthound Lure Courser of the Year.
Meg Jackson (left) ‘Harvey’ Associate – 2021 Coursing Ability Lure Courser of the Year – is pictured with Sarah Speeed.
Members are invited to submit dog related stories of interest for inclusion in upcoming issues of our Dog World magazine. All canine topics are accepted whether they be unusual, quirky or factual and can include ‘paw-friendly’ walks and cafes, heart-warming tales or antics while in lockdown to name a few.
Dogs Queensland would like to showcase your dog’s ståory to the wider canine community. To see your story published simply send it through tobarbara@ dogsqueensland.org.au
We now stock Royal Canin products specific for breeding bitches, puppies and adult dogs. Also available is a range of high quality shampoos, conditioners and grooming products from Plush Puppy. Shop hours: Monday to Friday 8.00am – 5.00pm
All Breeds and Affiliated Clubs hosting Shows, Dog Sports and Events throughout Queensland are welcome to send through an article and high resolution images to barbara@dogsqueensland.org.au for possible inclusion in the Dog World magazine.
Junior Handler Reminder
A reminder to all Junior Handlers and Parents that to compete in the Junior Handler State Final in October 2022, the Junior Handler must be a Junior Member. Membership is free to become a Junior Member – simply download the Membership form (link below) and return to Dogs Queensland. https://emarketing-au.s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws. com/59095/9cX6XluHDI5ENZLqUjrN0Jjxdzlbge5YM5PH56zu458/2664645.pdf
Dogs Queensland is offering all breeders the opportunity to advertise in the Dog World magazine Breed Features at the discounted rate of $100 for 1/4 page. The following dog breeds are planned for the coming months: March 2022: Keeshond April 2022: Bernese Mountain Dog May 2022: Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
For more information or to book an advertisement, email barbara@dogsqueensland.org.au