Staffordshire Bull Terrier p6
And your dog p14
THE RISKS TO YOUR DOG If they are obese p25
FUELS PERFORMANCE 15% OFF ENERGY 4800 & SHN ADULT From Mini to Giant breed adult dogs, to those with high energy lifestyles or looking for success in the show ring. Royal Canin offers a range of adult diets to provide tailored nutrition in convenient professional sized feeding bags.
breeders.royalcanin.com.au Only available to Royal Canin Breeders Club members via the ProShop from 1st October – 31st October 2019. Offer available on Energy & SHN Adult professional bags only. Minimum order at the ProShop 15kg. While stocks last.
TEAM 8098 QldDogsWorld
Contents 4 | President’s Message 7 | Breed Feature – Staffordshire Bull Terrier
12 | Story Dogs – A unique reading support program 14 | Tick season and your dog 17 | Extra incentive to buy from DQ breeders 17 | Gazette – Championship and Trial Schedules and Titles Awarded 24 | Expanded range at DQ shop
25 | The risks to you dog if they are obese 28 | Reading your dog’s body language 30 | Vale Mal Holland, Kaye Dorr, Sandy Abraham and Vanda Knauth 32 | Board Notes 34 | DogzOnline
35 | 10 toxic foods you shouldn’t give your dog 37 | Dog top 10 claimed conditions 38 | Durack Vendors and Rates Guide Front cover image by TAK Photography
Office Address
Office Telephone
Postal Address
Office Email
ABN 45 160 285 192
247 King Avenue, Durack, Queensland 4077 (07) 3252 2661
www.dogsqueensland.org.au PO Box 1136, Mt Ommaney, Queensland 4074
DOG WORLD September 2019
President’s Message
have been overseas for the last month and was distressed to see the early start to the fire season with such unseasonal dry weather during our first month of spring. We were warned about a fire in a paddock just a few down from ours at Brookfield and were concerned to read about fire bugs active in the Peregian Beach and Northern NSW areas. It brings home the fact that none of us are immune from the risk of house or bush fires. It is so important to take time out and work out your escape plan for your family and your dogs if you need to leave your property quickly. Queensland Fire and Emergency Services can give guidance in the preparation of your plan of escape. All indications are that this will be an unprecedented fire season for SEQ. Memberships Community memberships have been going gangbusters with 130 new community members already. A big thank you to our breeder members who have been getting behind this initiative. I would like to see us better support our breeders so if you have any ideas please get in touch. At our most recent board meeting the reported financial statements revealed the pleasing result that membership actuals were higher than had been budgeted. October Events What an array of events we have during October! Starting with the Octoberfest International run by Caboolture K.C and Beaudesert K.C, then of course the DOTY and POTY weekend of events and show run by that hardworking committee. Good to see that the winners will be asked not to exhibit the following day. Good luck to all those top dogs! That is also the weekend of the annual ANKC conference with Qld being the host State. We look forward to showcasing this weekend of major Durack events to our interstate guests. In addition we have shows happening right up the coast of Queensland. Don’t forget to mark your diaries for the DQ first aid course for dogs on 3rd November.
DOG WORLD September 2019
Groundsmen I have been receiving lots of positive feedback from members about the help and friendly support provided by Rion Pickup and Travis Jones. Of course, they have an ongoing responsibility for the grounds and they have been a welcome presence at our Durack events, providing assistance where they can to members and ensuring that all the facilities are humming along. Sadly, this has included unblocking toilets when a person or persons have stuffed multiple toilet rolls down the toilets. We all have an interest in our grounds so please be vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the show manager or to Rion or Travis. Local Councils DQ is meeting with many local councils during September and October with the object of increasing the profile of DQ to the benefit of our members and affiliated clubs. There has been information sharing with councils and inspectors about the stringent requirements and standards our members are required to comply with. The response has been good with councils also looking to refer their dog owners to our affiliated obedience clubs. Stay safe! Ulla Greenwood President
Available from leading pet retailers
Everything you need to know to administer emergency dog first aid.
Basic Training
For all dogs
Free 138 page book
We won't overwhelm you with complicated information or unnecessary tools.Â
Chihuahuas to Great Danes, pedigree to mix breed. Every dog and every owner will benefit from this course.
Receive a free 138 page Canine Emergency First Aid guide as part of the purchase cost.
Spots are limited so book today! $55 per person Includes: 138 page canine emergency guide, 'vetnote' note pad and electronic certificate. For tickets please see Showmanager
events@dogsqueensland.org.au or 3548 3409
Breed Feature
The ancestry of the breed can be traced back to the 1600 and 1700’s when blood sports were fashionable in England. DOG WORLD September 2019
Baiting of bear, bull or any other large animal was considered fine entertainment for a Saturday afternoon – especially fashionable amongst the upper classes including royalty. The dog developed for these contests was called the BullDog but bore little resemblance to the modern breed. In the late 1700’s baiting sports dropped out of fashion and law enforcement came under pressure to stop these events. Now seen as a source of betting, riots and general unrest amongst the ‘lower classes’, the organisers of such events turned to a more easily run sport – dog fighting. The Bull-Dog was quickly found to lack the agility and speed required to provide a good ‘spectacle’, and a smaller dog was created from judicious crossing to small game terriers. This produced the bull-and-terrier which was usually shortened to Bull-Terrier. In 1835 the English parliament passed some of the first animal welfare laws in the world including banning baiting sports. Technically, dog fighting was included in these laws but for the next 60-70 years the law turned a blind eye to it, rat baiting and similar ‘sports’. During the industrial revolution and up until the early 1900’s the area of England known as the ‘Black Country’ in the West Midlands was the centre of coal mining, iron work and pottery and chain making for England and the British Empire. Life for the working man was incredibly harsh and dangerous and they had very little time (or money) for leisure or relaxation. These working men developed and preserved a breed to be proud of; a breed which epitomised their harsh lives. The Black Country is the spiritual home of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier. The pitting of dogs against each other, badger, rats or other small animals was held in pub cellars or other small spaces to avoid detection by the law. Such matches could provide a man with extra cash as well as the admiration of his peers and although
DOG WORLD September 2019
we now abhor such cruelty, their actions must always be seen against the backdrop of the life they lived – child labour, early death, incredible poverty and a complete lack of control over their own destiny. By the early 1900’s the law got serious about stamping out dog fighting and some of these men realized that the future of their beloved breed was in the show ring. To ensure the survival of the breed they formed a club, wrote a breed standard and in 1935 gained recognition from The Kennel Club. The future of the breed was assured. On the surface the modern Stafford might not be seen as more than a happy, people-orientated companion dog but owners must always be aware of their dog’s ancestry and protect the breed and its’ reputation with socialisation and training. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is not a large dog, ideally weighing no more than 17kg and measuring only 41cm to the shoulder. They are extremely strong for their size and robust enough to join in the day to day rough and tumble of
family life. Their short smooth coat is easy to keep clean, requiring no trimming and only requires the occasional brush and bath. Their broad head is generally wreathed with a big ‘staffy smile’ while their wide chest, strong shoulders and powerful back end suggest they are ready to be included in anything. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is known for their extreme affection towards humans. They love nothing more than to be around their family as much as possible, whether that means hanging
DOG WORLD September 2019
out on the couch or running errands. They are a reliable dog with a trustworthy nature who hate being isolated from their people and are not a breed which flourish as an outside dog. Put simply, they need to be part of the family. With their people-loving personality, they don’t make the best guard dogs. This is unless their people are threatened. There are many stories of otherwise gentle Staffords protecting their children from threatening stray dogs and unknown people. If they get enough exercise and mental stimulation, Staffordshire Bull Terriers will adapt to any environment including apartments, but if bored or lonely their powers of destruction are awe-inspiring. Though they are not known as ‘barkers’ they can be vocal. Expect entertainment from them in the form of snores, snorts, grunts and groans. Some will talk back if being told off and others even have a singing voice. The breed standard states the Stafford is highly intelligent and affectionate (especially with children), bold, fearless and totally reliable. There is no doubt these characteristics have ensured the breed has been in the top 10 most popular breeds in many countries since the mid 1980’s. A survey conducted by Eukanuba revealed Staffords are one of the ‘most communicative and
affectionate breeds’ being the ‘waggiest (80%) and most partial to a belly rub (62%)’. In 1996 a Southampton University study placed Staffords in the top 10 of all breeds most suitable to have with children and the breeds’ continual popularity worldwide only highlights the truth of this finding. Staffords are generally a healthy and robust breed with a life expectancy of 12 to 14 years. Staffordshire Bull Terriers approach life as an adventure and live it to the fullest. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of Qld Inc was formed in 1986 after the Staffordshire and Bull Terrier Club of Qld decided to part and form two separate clubs. This original club was formed in 1966 and was a driving force behind the promotion of Staffords and Bull Terriers in Queensland. Since 1986 the Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of Qld has become an active club that focuses on promoting the Staffordshire Bull Terrier in all aspects from conformation, dog sports, obedience, lure coursing and weight pull. The clubs’ facebook page is a good resource point for our members and guests at https://www. facebook.com/Staffordshire-Bull-Terrier-Club-ofQueensland-Inc-121365967901935/ Alternatively, visit our website http://www.sbtcq.net/ or contact us at clubenquiries@sbtcq.net for more information.
DOG WORLD September 2019
Prime100’s A/F200V™ Pea & Hemp Oil is an advanced novel hypoallergenic non-meat roll completely balanced for adult dogs. Designed for elimination diets, an A/F200V™ Pea & Hemp Oil roll contains natural anti-inflammatory and antihistamine ingredients that can assist dogs with suspected atopic, environmental, or food allergies and/or sensitivities.
Designed for elimination diets Grain and gluten free Added taurine No added artificial colours, flavours, or preservatives
Story Dogs -
a unique reading support program Janine Sigley
Story Dogs are now helping over 900 Queensland children learn to read every week. Woof Woof!! We have over 180 dog teams partnering with over 100 Queensland schools. When children read to a dog, the outcomes are amazing! It is a non-judgemental setting, the children’s focus improves, their literacy skills increase and their confidence soars. The accepting, loving nature of dogs gives this program its magic and helps children relax, open up, try harder and have fun while reading to a friendly, calm dog. Story Dogs have been partnering with Queensland schools for the last 7 years. Coolangatta State School, just a 30 minute drive over the NSW border from where Story Dogs started in Murwillumbah, was the first Queensland school to start with the program in 2012 and have had at least one or two dog teams there ever since. Story Dogs is a unique reading support program free for primary school children. A Story Dogs reading session is a time where the child can be one-on-one with the dog and handler for 20 minutes. The dog does not judge the child, there
is no pressure, no peers to sneer or leer, just a fun relaxed environment to enable the child’s confidence to soar. Story Dogs uses everyday dogs, people’s pets. All sorts of breeds are used. We have expert dog trainers assess the volunteer and the dog to make sure there is no risk to the children and to also make sure that the dog will not become too stressed and be OK with lying and listening to the stories. Our volunteers are not teachers and do not teach the children. If a child does not know the word then we give them the word and focus on making the experience fun. At Story Dogs we resonate strongly with the quote from William Butler Yeats “ Education is not the filling of a bucket but the lighting of a fire” with Story Dogs being the spark to light that fire in our young children. Crosby, the Story Dog is a star at Tullawong State School in Caboolture. He and his owner Jan have been helping students for the past 2 years. Crosby enjoys brushing up on his reading skills and was awarded Citizen of the Week by the school community, with students writing him short notes.
DOG WORLD September 2019
Story Dogs is very appreciative of the support we receive from the Queensland schools we partner with. If you would like more information please see our web site www.storydogs.org.au.
FIVE CHAMPIONSHIP SHOWS FIVE OPEN SHOWS Friday 27th December to Tuesday 31st December 2019 Conducted by d Dogs Queenslan and the Kennel Association of Queensland
Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds 247 King Avenue, Durack ENQUIRIES & SHOW DAYS Jodie Wilshier: 0417 799 115 Ainslie Carius: 0409 892 248
Up and coming Junior Handlers under 7 years to ‘show’ their favourite soft toy or puppy on wheels.
Entries through
Tick Season Mireia Magurean
and Your Dog
Ticks are a common problem within Australia, especially among dogs, with the season starting around September. This means that the beginning of spring is the ideal time to remind yourself to protect your pets from these nasty little critters that can become deadly. Ticks are a parasite that feeds of the ‘host’ in order to grow, develop and reproduce. They thrive off warmer, humid weather which means they are most active during spring and summer – although can be found all year round. They are most commonly found in long grass, dense bushland, pet bed and kennels, and can cause a wide range of troubles for your pet.
animals being mainly native Australian animals. The paralysis tick can find its way on to humans and pets alike, and can kill a dog with one bite. The tick will bite the pet and inject a neurotoxin in to the bloodstream which can cause progressive paralysis of the muscles and start affecting the major organs.
The most common advice from a vet will be that prevention is much better than a cure. Preventing ticks is a whole lot cheaper and safer than trying to treat the condition once your cat or dog has been bitten. These preventative measures can come in the form of tablets, a regular application of an appropriate product, and tick collars. It
There are a wide range of ticks found in Australia, many of whom will just leave a bite wound that causes no injury but is susceptible to infection. However, the paralysis tick is the most problematic among pet owners in Australia. These are mostly found in bushland with their host
DOG WORLD September 2019
is important to do thorough research in to tick prevention products and get one that not only kills ticks, but repels them as well. Tablets are recommended as they are ingested and fully protect the pet, whereas sprays and other treatments may only protect a small area of your dog. Not only should you be giving your dog tick prevention products, you should be manually checking them daily for any signs of these parasites. This can be done by running your fingers through your dog’s coat and checking around their head, neck, chest, mouth, and between their toes as these are the main areas.
Depending on the area you live in, your pet may be more susceptible to ticks – even with continuous treatments. Hopefully these preventative measures keep ticks away from your pets, however it is important to know the signs of a tick bite so that you can act immediately. Some of the main symptoms are: • • • • • • •
Fever Loss of appetite Lethargic or depressed Coughing or vomiting Breathing difficulties Arthritis or joint swelling Weakness in hind legs which can lead to overall paralysis
• Transcervical insemination with fresh, chilled and frozen semen. • Semen collection and freezing. • In-house progesterone testing - results in 20 minutes. • Dog and bitch fertility assessment and much more.
Dr Scott Norman BVSc PhD DACT Registered specialist - veterinary reproduction
Dr Jennifer Larsen BVBiol BVSc
Ph (07) 3204 4332 1474 Anzac Ave Kallangur 4503
Your dog’s health and well being is of the utmost importance, therefore if you notice any of these symptoms it is imperative that you act quickly and contact your vet ASAP. Tick bites can turn serious in a matter of hours and treatment should be sought after at the first signs of something is wrong.
DOG WORLD September 2019
DOG TRAINING 6 week positive training courses for all dogs
6 week course commencing 9th November 9 AM - 10 AM Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds 247 King Ave, Durack This course is designed for all types of dogs; anyone who is interested in learning about basic dog training is welcome to attend this course. 6 week program - $120 per person events@dogsqueensland.org.au or 3548 3409 Tickets via Showmanager
EXTRA INCENTIVE TO BUY FROM DQ BREEDERS Dogs Queensland has officially launched the new DQ Community Membership as part of an initiative to help promote you as DQ Breeders and increase engagement with the general dog lover community. All recently active prefixes (last two years) would have received an introductory pack in the mail. This membership is aimed to keep DQ puppy buyers and dog enthusiasts informed and presented with a wide range of services from Dogs Queensland including training, dog health and care information, seminars, public events, access to member discounts, deals and savings. Included in this membership is an electronic subscription to the monthly Dog World magazine, member card and number, access to Dogs Queensland Member Council Dog Registration discount at participating councils, member discounts and deals, invitations to all public events and great savings at the Dogs Queensland shop. Our ‘DQ Community Membership’ can save you hundreds of dollars each year.
As a special introductory offer and to add more incentive for buyers to purchase from you as DQ Breeders, your puppy buyers will receive the first year of membership FREE. Membership is normally $25.00 per year (inc gst). We encourage you as DQ Breeders to get behind this initiative by informing all of your puppy buyers of this new added benefit. To download DQ Community Membership form and information please visit dogsqueensland.org.au or alternatively, scan the QR code which will take you directly to the online puppy buyers DQ Community Membership form.
Championship Trial Championship and Show Schedules andSchedules Titles Awarded and Trial December 2019 DOG WORLD September 2019
Show Date: Friday 6 December and Saturday 7 December 2019 Entries Close: Friday 15 November 2019
Maree Kennel Club Inc Cash and Sash Shows Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Ground, 247 King Avenue, Durack QLD
2 CHAMPIONSHIP SHOWS AND 1 OPEN SHOW Classes: Champ Show Open Show
1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a) 1(1a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 11(11a), 18(18a)
Entry Fees:
Champ Show $13.00, Open Show $3.00, Catalogue $3.50 Saturday’s catalogue covers Champ and Open Shows
Entries to:
Maree Kennel Club Inc, PO Box 356, Ormeau QLD 4208
Online Entries:
Helen Ph: 0407961025 Joy Ph: 0409720882 Friday 6 December Championship Show Judging starts 6.00PM
Saturday 7 December Open Show Judging starts 4.00PM
Saturday 7 December Championship Show Judging starts 6.00PM
Group 1
Mr T Kyman (VIC)
Mr R Fry (QLD)
Mr J Comerford (NSW)
Group 2
Mr J Comerford (NSW)
Mrs J Whitney (NSW)
Mrs T Comerford (NSW)
Group 3
Mr B Thompson (NSW)
Mrs N Attridge (QLD)
Mr R Broomhall (TAS)
Group 4
Mrs G Arkell (NSW)
Mr R Broomhall (TAS)
Mr B Thompson (QLD)
Group 5
Mrs J Whitney (NSW)
Ms S Guilfoyle (QLD)
Mrs G Arkell (NSW)
Group 6
Mrs T Comerford (NSW)
Mr J Attridge (QLD)
Mrs J Whitney (NSW)
Group 7
Mr R Broomhall (TAS)
Mr J Mitchell (QLD)
Mr T Kyman (VIC)
General Specials Mr B Thompson (QLD)
No General Specials
Mr J Comerford (NSW)
Mrs J Whitney (NSW) - First time judging Groups 5 and 6 in Queensland Mr R Broomhall (TAS) - First time judging Groups 7 and 3 in Queensland Mr T Kyman (VIC) – First time judging Group 7 in Queensland Junior Handlers will be judged at the completion of the Open Show on Saturday Camping available via Showmanager Full Canteen Available - Catered for by Maree Kennel Club Inc Raffle Tickets available on Showmanager 1 Ticket $2.00, 3 Tickets $5.00
Proudly Sponsored by
DOG WORLD September 2019
Show Date: Tuesday 31 December 2019 and Wednesday 1 January 2020 Entries Close: Monday 16 December 2019
Venue: Babinda Pony Club Grounds, School Street, Babinda QLD
Classes: Entry Fees: Entries to: Online Entries:
1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 9(9a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a) $13.00 Sweepstakes $5.00 Catalogues (covers both shows) Show Secretary, PO Box 555, Atherton QLD 4883 www.showmanager.com.au
Jan Ph: 0409725152
Tuesday 31 December 2019 Judging starts at 10.00AM with Sweepstakes Ring 1 Mr A Fry (VIC) Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 4, 2, 6 and 5 Ring 2 Mrs C Gray (SA) Baby Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 1, 3 and 7 General Specials Mrs C Gray (SA) Wednesday 1 January 2020 Judges starts at 9.00AM with Sweepstakes Ring 1 Mrs C Gray (SA) Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 4, 2, 6 and 5 Ring 2 Mr A Fry (VIC) Baby Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 1 ,3 and 7 General Specials Mr A Fry (VIC) The show on 31 December is a Charity Show for Atherton and Districts Animal Welfare Society New Year’s Eve banquet and celebration Daytime canteen available both days with breakfast available on New Year’s Day Camping $5.00 per person for 2 nights - ATKC members point score Junior Handlers will be judged at the completion of General Specials 31 December 2019
Trial Date: Saturday 7 December 2019
Trial Date: Saturday 7 December 2019
Entries Close: Saturday 23 November 2019
Entries Close: Monday 25 November 2019
Dogs Queensland Agility Sub Committee
Caboolture Sports Dog Obedience Club
Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, 247 King Ave, Durack QLD
Venue: 34 Devine Court, Morayfield QLD
RALLY O TRIALS Trial Secretary, PO Box 491, Morayfield QLD 4506
Entries to:
Trial Secretary, PO Box 563, Jimboomba QLD 4280
Entries to:
Online Entries Preferred:
Online Entries: www.showmanager.com.au
Entry Fees:
$7.50 Catalogues $2.00
Entry Fees:
Direct Deposit: Preferred Payment
BSB 064-002 Account 10444980 Please use Surname as Reference
Tracy Ph: 0450902520
Gaille Ph: 32975908
Mr D Strong (QLD) All Classes
Mr R Mills (QLD)
Agility – All Classes
Mrs B Murfet (QLD) Jumping – All Classes
Judging starts at 5.00PM with vetting at 4.00PM
Mrs K Hutt (QLD)
Ms N Shaw (QLD)
All Classes
All Classes
Judging starts at 9.00AM with vetting at 8.00AM
DOG WORLD September 2019
Trial Date: Friday 20 December 2019
Entries Close: Friday 6 December 2019 DOGS QUEENSLAND HERDING SUBCOMMITTEE Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds 247 King Avenue, Durack QLD HERDING TRIALS AND TESTS Entries to: natkirkwood@optusnet.com.au Online Entries: www.showmanager.com.au Entry Fees: Trials $15.00 Tests $12.00 HIC $8.00 Enquiries: Natalie Ph: 0418183365 Trial 1: Judging commences 6.30PM vetting at 6.00PM Mr P Mayne Pre Trial Test – Ducks (5) (QLD) Herding Test – Ducks (5) Instinct Test – Ducks (5) Herding Trial – Advanced, Intermediate (A & B Course) Ducks (5) Novice - Course A – Ducks (5) Started – (A & B Course) Ducks (5)
Baby Puppies must not be entered in any show event until the dog is registered and allocated a number from Dogs Queensland.
Trial 2: Following Trial 1 vetting at 6.00PM Mr P Mayne Pre Trial Test – Ducks (5) (QLD) Herding Test – Ducks (5) Instinct Test – Ducks (5) Herding Trial – Advanced, Novice, Started – Course B – Ducks (5) All entries must have had prior Herding Training before Trial/ Test date. Bitches in Oestrum will be run at the end of the day, but must be presented for vetting at scheduled time. Replacement Cost of Stock $50.00.
Chihuahua (Smooth) (Smooth) Chihuahua
Australian Silky Silky Terrier Terrier Australian
CH. JAJA JAJA SILVA SILVA DOLLAR DOLLAR 4100302330 4100302330 CH. (F) 19/01/2018 19/01/2018 FAYRELYN FAYRELYN MISTY MISTY (F) BLUE 4100265503 4100265503 :: CH. CH. JAJA JAJA INCA INCA BLUE QUEEN 4100270441 4100270441 -- Mrs Mrs JJ M M QUEEN Mannell Mannell
GRAND. CH. CH. DAZZLNSILK DAZZLNSILK CHAOS CHAOS IN IN GRAND. MOTION 4100243216 4100243216 (F) (F) 25/05/2014 25/05/2014 MOTION CH. CHANWARRA CHANWARRA BLUE BLUE FORCE FORCE CH. 2100295350 BRUNKERVILLE 2100295350 :: BRUNKERVILLE VALLEY OF OF JEWELS JEWELS 2100274071 2100274071 -VALLEY Mrs AA C C Glass Glass Mrs CH. WILLAME WILLAME IN IN LYKE LYKE FLYN FLYN CH. 4100300862 (M) 17/12/2017 4100300862 (M) 17/12/2017 CH. WILLAME WILLAME KLASSY KLASSY BIZNIZ BIZNIZ CH. 4100211821 :: WILLAME WILLAME KLASSY KLASSY 4100211821 LIL ANNABEL ANNABEL 4100248662 4100248662 -- Ms Ms KK LIL McNamara && Miss Miss AA Clarke Clarke McNamara
Cavalier King King Charles Charles Spaniel Spaniel Cavalier CH. DAVENTRI DAVENTRI JEWELL JEWELL OF OF THE THE CH. NIGHT 3100383435 3100383435 (M) (M) 08/11/2018 08/11/2018 NIGHT CH. CARIBELLE CARIBELLE ICY ICY COLD COLD BUT BUT CH. COOL 3100343516 3100343516 :: CH. CH. DAVENTRI DAVENTRI COOL SUGAR AND AND SPICE SPICE 3100347924 3100347924 -SUGAR Mrs JJ TT Dyckhoff Dyckhoff Mrs GRAND. CH. NEUT. GRAND GRAND. CH. NEUT. GRAND CH. MORGANLEA STARMAN CH. MORGANLEA STARMAN 2100412652 (N) (N) 19/08/2014 19/08/2014 ELFKING ELFKING 2100412652 AGAINST ALL ALL ODDS ODDS 2100367607 2100367607 :: AGAINST MORGANLEA WISH WISH UPON UPON AA STAR STAR MORGANLEA 2100388304 -- Mrs Mrs C C Ross Ross 2100388304
Chihuahua (Long) (Long) Chihuahua CH. CHOLULACHI SINNAMON CH. CHOLULACHI SINNAMON GIRL 4100237234 4100237234 (F) (F) 18/12/2013 18/12/2013 GIRL CH. ADRAHIL ADRAHIL MAN MAN AT AT THE THE TOP TOP CH. 2100376071 :: CH. CH. SOMPEETO SOMPEETO HOKIE HOKIE 2100376071 POKIE MISS MISS 4100195862 4100195862 -- Mrs Mrs JJ M M POKIE Mannell Mannell CH. MOLDAVIA MOLDAVIA WINNING WINNING MY MY WAY WAY CH. TO YOU YOU 3100383131 3100383131 (M) (M) 09/11/2018 09/11/2018 TO CH. STEPKOVA STEPKOVAVIKING VIKING 2100398609 2100398609 :: CH. TIBCHI TIS TIS PARTY PARTY TIME TIME 5100094869 5100094869 TIBCHI Miss H H Bright Bright -- Miss
Chinese Crested Crested Dog Dog Chinese AM. CH. CH. CH. CH. KAYLEN’S KAYLEN’S TWO TWO FOR FOR AM. THE SHOW SHOW (IMP (IMP USA) USA) TS37257302 TS37257302 THE (F) 18/09/2017 18/09/2017 AM. AM. CH. CH. AM.GR. AM.GR. (F) CH. PL. PL. KAYLEN’S KAYLEN’S GENERAL GENERAL KAI KAI CH. PANDA(USA) (USA) TS28410402 TS28410402 :: SOFIRIS SOFIRIS PANDA SHOW GIACONDA GIACONDA ESTATE ESTATE (RUS) (RUS) SHOW TS27697101 -- Miss Miss C C Hatfield Hatfield TS27697101 GRAND. CH. CH. CASMAI CASMAI HIT HIT TH TH ROAD ROAD GRAND. JACK 4100259482 4100259482 (M) (M) 05/06/2015 05/06/2015 JACK CH. FOIRFIGH FOIRFIGH FOOLS FOOLS FAW FAW LIN LIN CH. 5100076876 :: CH. CH. CASMAI CASMAI TICKLED TICKLED 5100076876 PINK 4100187536 4100187536 -- Miss Miss C C Hatfield Hatfield PINK
Havanese Havanese CH. KARYME KARYME CRUISE CRUISE CONTROL CONTROL CH. 2100492105 (M) (M) 01/01/2018 01/01/2018 CH. CH. 2100492105 KARYME TATTLE TATTLE TAIL TAIL 2100455677 2100455677 :: KARYME CH. KARYME KARYME AB AB INITIO INITIO 9100009074 9100009074 CH. Ms TT Lamb Lamb -- Ms CH. PARVIK PARVIK YMA YMA O O HYD HYD 4100258136 4100258136 CH. (M) 18/05/2015 18/05/2015 CH. CH. PINEMIST PINEMIST RED RED (M) CLOUD 2100331233 2100331233 :: HASHKI HASHKI CLOUD SOUND OF OF WHITE WHITE 2100339481 2100339481 -SOUND Miss LL Muller Muller Miss CH. RAINVANESE RAINVANESE CINDY CINDY LOU LOU CH. 4100266450 (F) (F) 25/10/2015 25/10/2015 CH. CH. 4100266450 CASTLEMAR ST ST FRANCIS FRANCIS BY BY D D CASTLEMAR SIGN (IMP (IMP NZL) NZL) 06280-2011 06280-2011 :: NZ. NZ. CH. CH. SIGN CH. CASTLEMAR CASTLEMAR CANDICE CANDICE (IMP (IMP CH. NZL) 03618-2007 03618-2007 -- Miss Miss LL Muller Muller NZL)
DOG WORLD September 2019
Italian Greyhound Greyhound Italian CH. TACOZAJO TACOZAJOALL ALLABOUT ABOUT DREAMS DREAMS CH. 5100107580 (F) (F) 07/07/2018 07/07/2018 CH. CH. 5100107580 TACOZAJO CHASING CHASING THE THE DREAM DREAM TACOZAJO 5100099364 :: TACOZAJO TACOZAJO ALL ALLABOUT ABOUT 5100099364 MISCHIEF 5100092328 5100092328 -- Mr Mr R R Holmes Holmes MISCHIEF
Maltese Maltese CH. CHANIEKAN CHANIEKAN BAMBI BAMBI KISSES KISSES CH. 2100512216 (F) (F) 05/12/2018 05/12/2018 CH. CH. 2100512216 CHANIEKAN MONARCHY MONARCHY OF OF THE THE CHANIEKAN GLEN 2100307281 2100307281 :: CHANIEKAN CHANIEKAN GLEN ONCE UPON UPON AA LOVE LOVE 2100474604 2100474604 -ONCE Mrs D D SS Horwell Horwell Mrs
Pekingese Pekingese GRAND. CH. CH. ORMALU ORMALU LORENZO LORENZO GRAND. CAPRILE 4100246524 4100246524 (M) (M) 24/07/2014 24/07/2014 CAPRILE CH. SUNYANG SUNYANG TY TY LEE LEE 5100069677 5100069677 CH. CH. ORMALU ORMALU GET GET IN IN STEP STEP BOYS BOYS :: CH. 4100214758 -- Mrs Mrs PP Smith Smith 4100214758 CH. WEILIEN WEILIEN GOLDEN GOLDEN SUNSET SUNSET CH. 4100302121 (M) (M) 03/01/2018 03/01/2018 CH. CH. 4100302121 WAAINI MI MI TUSCANY TUSCANY 2100335773 2100335773 :: WAAINI PANNDA FOO FOO MIDNIGHT MIDNIGHT MYSTERY MYSTERY PANNDA 3100330603 -- Ms Ms EE Lestin Lestin 3100330603
Pomeranian Pomeranian SUP.CH. POMQUEST POMQUEST BEWITCHED BEWITCHED SUP.CH. 4100282211 (F) (F) 31/10/2016 31/10/2016 SUP. SUP. 4100282211 CH. POMQUEST POMQUEST ROCK ROCK THE THE BOX BOX CH. 4100250431 :: CH. CH. POMQUEST POMQUEST NOW NOW 4100250431 N FOREVER FOREVER 4100242233 4100242233 -- Mr Mr BB N Abraham && Miss Miss R R Walsh Walsh Abraham
Pug Pug SUP.CH. AMBARON AMBARON COMIN COMIN THRU THRU SUP.CH. NOW 4100292034 4100292034 (M) (M) 30/05/2017 30/05/2017 NOW SUP.CH. LOLWORTH LOLWORTH DIAN DIAN SHI SHI SUP.CH. CHENGJIN 4100239795 4100239795 :: CH. CH. CHENGJIN PENDIDI LITTLE LITTLE BLACK BLACK RAVEN RAVEN PENDIDI 4100251223 -- Mr Mr W W && Mrs Mrs M M Winter Winter && 4100251223 Miss TT Waters Waters Miss CH. BURJOISE BURJOISE ONE ONE OF OF AA KIND KIND CH. 4100314519 (F) (F) 04/09/2018 04/09/2018 CH. CH. 4100314519 SAXTEN STAR STAR GAZER GAZER 7100039196 7100039196 SAXTEN CH. BURJOISE BURJOISE BETTY BETTY BOO BOO :: CH. 4100279868 -- Mrs Mrs M M && Miss Miss W W 4100279868 Burgess Burgess CH. PICKAPUG PICKAPUG BIG BIG TICKET TICKET ITEM ITEM CH. 4100290364 (M) (M) 13/04/2017 13/04/2017 CAN.CH. CAN.CH. 4100290364 SUP.CH. ROSE’S ROSE’S SHARP SHARP DRESSED DRESSED SUP.CH. MAN (IMP (IMP CAN) CAN) TS09682701 TS09682701 :: CH. CH. MAN CAIRNWELL BLACK DIAMOND CAIRNWELL BLACK DIAMOND 3100266008 -- Mrs Mrs BB Sorensen Sorensen 3100266008 CH. TROYCOLE TROYCOLE MISS MISS QUEEN QUEEN BB CH. 2100499817 (F) (F) 05/06/2018 05/06/2018 CH. CH. 2100499817 TROYCOLE THE THE LAST LAST SAMURAI SAMURAI TROYCOLE 2100431754 :: PANDANLAMO PANDANLAMO ROLYS ROLYS 2100431754 PETITE CHERIE CHERIE 5100096456 5100096456 -- Mrs Mrs M M PETITE Miss W W Burgess Burgess && Miss
Tibetan Spaniel Spaniel Tibetan CH. EVAMET EVAMET ALICE ALICE 4100292346 4100292346 CH. (F) 15/06/2017 15/06/2017 CH. CH. TYJU TYJU DOMINO DOMINO (F) 4100240602 :: CH. CH. TYJU TYJU EVA EVA READY READY 4100240602 4100254956 -- Mr Mr LL G G Tyrer Tyrer 4100254956
Golden Retriever
Bull Terrier
RO.CH. MONTEGO CHILLI PEPPA CDX. RAE6. 2100317924 (F) 15/05/2010 CH. SHOGOLD CHAMPAGNE ON ICE 4100130605 : CH. MONTEGO ABSOLUTE BLISS 2100148979 - Mrs D Tierney
CH. JONLI EVANESCENCE 4100310222 (F) 12/07/2018 CREDEM SUPERBOY 2100370735 : JOTIFF HELL RAISER 4100253895 - Mrs L Jones CH. BELLJACKS IM A HOLLYWOOD STAR 4100305575 (F) 12/04/2018 CH. JACKNTHEBOX MASTERPIECE 2100424970 : CH. LLESSUR AFRICAN QUEEN (IMP NZL) 057082013 - Mr S & Mrs K Whyatt
Jack Russell Terrier
CH. GERSHOPOIN LIGHT MY FIRE 4100305503 (F) 09/03/2018 SUP.CH. WHATAJACK FIRE FLY 2100239456 : CH. HOLLYBROOK AMBER ROSE (IMP NZL) 03678-2015 - Mr E & Mrs B Mangin
Staffordshire Bull Terrier CH. KUMBARI ARMED AND DANGEROUS 4100283663 (F) 31/10/2016 CH. SWANKY HEAVILY ARMED 4100227366 : NEUT. CH. TOPLACE ATALANTA ET. 4100208192 - Ms J & Miss K Lacey CH. OURGANG CRANK IT UP 2100482727 (F) 19/08/2017 CH. BXACT RIDIN DIRTY 4100206426 : NEUT. CH. DUAL. CH. (FD) SUP. CH. OURGANG BANG ON JC. 2100375590 - Miss A Crosthwaite
Tenterfield Terrier CH. NUDIMAH IM A PRIMA DONNA 4100304583 (F) 11/02/2018 TENERELLO JAZZMAN 4100221700 : CH. NUDIMAH KNIGHT DREAMER 4100217230 - Mr D & Mrs M Holt CH. RENAYLBYSH RAFIKI 4100301370 (M) 04/01/2018 CH. NUDIMAH VISCOUNT IN VOGUE 4100285321 : RENAYLBYSH SUGAR PLUM 4100200650 - Mrs R L Ladlow
Bracco Italiano CH. ARNKAY TEODORA (AI) 4100316448 (F) 11/01/2019 SUP. CH. MOLOSCYG BRUNELLESCHI 5100066250-SEM : SUP.CH. HIPOINT BETTINA 2100422942 - Mrs G Simpson & Mr J McGrath & Mr R & Mrs K Logan CH. ARNKAY ALFONSO (AI) 4100316451 (M) 11/01/2019 SUP. CH. MOLOSCYG BRUNELLESCHI 5100066250-SEM : SUP.CH. HIPOINT BETTINA 2100422942 - Mrs G Simpson & Mr J McGrath & Mr R & Mrs K Logan
Brittany CH. TENDAYI BOBS YA UNCLE (AI) 4100307501 (M) 20/05/2018 CH. TENDAYI TOO DIE FOR 4100089157SEM : TENDAYI MAGIC RIVA RISIN 4100250406 - Mrs A Rogers & Mr P Marsh
Cocker Spaniel CH. MACDOLLY EVERY MOVE YOU MAKE 4100300730 (F) 30/12/2017 NORTHWORTH HIJACK MY HEART (IMP FIN) FI56845/15 : CH. ASUARE ALWAYS N FOREVER 4100265268 Mrs D M Burke
Hungarian Vizsla CH. ELETTARS SEVEN WONDERS 4100315604 (M) 28/10/2018 CH. SHAUNUFF UNDERNEATH THE RADAR 4100253139 : SHAUNUFF TESSELLATION 4100246529 - Mr D Winch & Miss P Johnson CH. NEUT. CH. SHAUNUFF QANDA 4100225757 (N) 12/02/2013 CH. LALAMYCHAR DREAM BOY (IMP UK) AJ05373806 : CH. SHAUNUFF DOLLY PARTON 4100161594 - Mrs J Shaw
Irish Setter CH. CHEPAURYLL MISTER LINCOLN 4100286458 (M) 31/12/2016 AMHURST YNOT WAYBACK WEN 6100050015 : CHEPAURYLL CHARLOTSA DREAM 4100236012 Mrs C Gorey
Labrador Retriever CH. ARALYEN ECLIPSE OVTHE HEART (AI) 2100479893 (F) 08/07/2017 TAMPA BAY & SNOBO’S CHUDAMANI VIA EAGLE POND (USA) SR86947404-SEM : ARALYEN FROM PARIS WITH LOVE 2100382991 - Mrs C Wardle TS. CH. DUAL. CH. (T) BLACKBOY SNOW STORM 6100089255 (M) 28/08/2014 CH. BLACKBOY CRUSHD ICE 6100054414 : NZ. CH. CH. BLACKBOY MY FAIR LADY 6100058470 - Mr N & Mrs S Pitcher GRAND. CH. SCOLOUVALLEY BEAU NOIR 4100205505 (M) 01/10/2011 CH. DRIFTWAY PERFECT STORM 2100261942 : CH. SCOLOUVALLEY IN HER SHOES 4100159002 - Ms K J Wood
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever CH. RIVAFIRE PANDORAS BOX 4100314669 (F) 26/12/2018 SUP. CH. TARSHONA CRUISE CONTROL ET. 2100387143 : GRAND. CH. FIREFROST ALL FIRED UP CD. ET. 4100247877 - Mrs J Robinson
Welsh Springer Spaniel CH. RICOCHEZ HEULYN CARWYN (AI) 4100307847 (M) 09/07/2018 SUP.CH. SHANDWICK RAFFLES (IMP UK) AE00544601-SEM : CH. SARABANDE SEA OF DREAMS (IMP UK) AQ02707405 - Dr B & Mrs B Cornish
Rhodesian Ridgeback
Afghan Hound GRAND. CH. CALAHORRA AVA GARDNER 2100456976 (F) 14/06/2016 CALAHORRA ERROL FLYNN 2100320850 : CH. CALAHORRA MAJIK HAPPENS 2100388906 - Mrs J Harnett & Mr J Meyer
Azawakh CH. NEUT. CH. FCH. GRANTULLA TAZIRI JC. sLCM. 6100088063 (N) 11/06/2014 CH. TAHOUNT IDIIYATES-SAHEL (IMP USA) HP39082901 : CH. XANADUS GHAZALAH (IMP USA) HP43540702 - Dr S Adsett & Miss C Parratt
Basset Hound CH. NEUT. CH. FRASSABASS FORTUNATE SON 4100199870 (N) 26/05/2011 GRAND. CH. AMMIDAN BENJAMAN 4100135876 : CH. AMMIDAN EA CLEOPATRA 4100141607 - Mrs J A Fast
Beagle CH. CHERDAR WANNA JUST B ME 4100285476 (M) 19/12/2016 CH. BRIALEY SMOOTH OPERATER 2100286030 : ANDAMOR BLACK DIAMOND 5100057674 - Mr D & Mrs C A Brookes SUP.CH. HOUNSLEY HEARD IT ALL BEFORE (AI) 3100300285 (M) 18/01/2014 DANTER’S HERE COMES THE SON (IMP USA) HP43321502SEM : TS. GRAND.CH. TRI CH. (T) (TS) HOUNSLEY HEAVEN SCENT ET. 3100232190 - Mrs W R Hudson CH. OROBAY TREASURE TROVE 4100306220 (M) 08/05/2018 UK. CH. SUP.CH. OROBAY GRACEFUL TRIUMPH 4100145677 : CH. JOHGRA FULL OF CHARM 4100279373 - Miss R Telfer
Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired) SUP.CH. ALMARJO TWIST N SHOUT 4100299496 (M) 06/12/2017 CH. YGEIA NEED YOU NOW (IMP SWE) SE46567/2014 : CH. MURUNGAL MISS DOROTHY 2100391078 - Mr M Yardley
Dachshund (Miniature Wire Haired) CH. MEYDAK STAR OF TZARS 4100312993 (F) 18/10/2018 GRAND. CH. JILJAC TSAR VERY MUCH (JW) (IMP UK) 2686CX : CH. AGWYR ANGLO DUCHESS 4100211097 - Mr B Meyers
Dachshund (Smooth Haired) CH. ADBESARE GREEN GRASS OF TEXAS 4100311965 (M) 21/09/2018 AM. CH. AM. GR CH. CH. JOYDENS ROCKIN ROBIN SS (IMP USA) HP51057101 : CH. LAEN TRIPLE TREAT 4100166447 - Mrs C Wardle & Miss S Wheatley CH. DAXENBERG LADY PALUTENA 5100109687 (F) 11/12/2018 DAXENBERG SNAP DRAGON 5100096729 : DAXENBERG DARK EBONY 5100094005 - Mr R Williams
Dachshund (Wire Haired) CH. DACHDOTCOM WIRY RUMOUR HAS IT (AI) 4100315027 (F) 22/10/2018 WIRETAP HERE I AM (IMP UK) AS0901444-SEM : CH. DACHDOTCOM WIRED NOT WIFI 7100033780 - Mr J & Mrs T McDonald
CH. CHILOLO HH PAINT THE LINE GOLD (AI) 4100315767 (F) 19/12/2018 AM. CH. CH. HERCULES OF PARNASSUS (IMP NZL) HP04609610-SEM : CH. CHILOLO BD HOLLYWOOD GOLD 4100276955 Miss R Green & Miss E Marshall
Saluki CH. NAADIRAH ANOUSHA DEL REY (AI) 4100290428 (F) 09/05/2017 DAXLORE DIJON (IMP UK) AK02576406-SEM : CH. ZIPALONG SHAZADI PRINCESS JC. 4100215702 - Mrs D T Bowman
WORKING DOG Australian Shepherd CH. CHAMSHEP JANINA 4100299709 (F) 22/11/2017 CHAMSHEP RUNNIN TIL DUSK 4100252551 : CH. LANBART BLACK IS THE NEW BLUE 2100316413 - Ms K McNamara
Belgian Shepherd Dog (Malinois) CH. MALINWORX DIZZY 4100308714 (F) 04/06/2018 VONLINDENHOF AREK 4100232115 : NORDENSTAMM CHASE 4100242354 - Ms S Alford
Border Collie CH. ALLCLARITY BORN TO SPARKLE 7100039521 (F) 27/10/2017 CH. ETHERIAL DANCE MASTER 3100258410 : SUP.CH. ALLCLARITY COLLECTORS EDITION ET. 7100029531 - Mrs J M Stockbridge CH. KHAYOZ LOCK UP YA SONS 3100352557 (F) 05/01/2017 CH. KHAYOZ LOCKED OUT OF HEAVEN 3100312957 : CH. KHAYOZ FOR HEAVENS SAKE 3100306477 - Mrs D Duckworth & Mrs C Valk
Finnish Lapphund NEUT. CH. SUP.CH. THELDAROY ANYONE DARE TO DIFFA ET. 4100189323 (N) 21/07/2010 CH. THELDAROY FOLLOW IN NV 4100142395 : GRAND. CH. NEUT. CH. JANOBY BACTO THELD AROY 3100178097 - Mr L C & Mrs R A Seare CH. THELDAROY YNOT SHOW UV GOT IT 4100313239 (M) 14/11/2018 GRAND. CH. LAPINLUMON ZUTKI (IMP SWE) SE55619/2014 : CH. THELDAROY HIGH ACCLAIM TO FAME 4100271672 - Mr L C & Mrs R A Seare
German Shepherd Dog CH. AIMSWAY MINYMOE 2100478752 (F) 02/05/2017 CH. LABO VOM SCHOLLWEIHER IPO3. SchH1. (IMP DEU) SZ2252448 : AIMSWAY ZADA 2100371086 - Mrs I Fitzgerald & Mr F Zuyderwijk
German Shepherd Dog (LSC) CH. ASTASIA VITARNI 4100254433 (F) 14/01/2015 CH. XARO VON DER PLASSENBURG (IMP DEU) SZ2259567 : AWESAMSHEP BRANDY 4100206948 - Mrs S Jones
Maremma Sheepdog CH. GLENDAWN ALPHA REGULUS 4100303380 (M) 22/02/2018 CH. SCINTILLI TOMMASO 2100441585 : GLENDAWN WHITE MIST 4100235384 - Miss C Lever
DOG WORLD September 2019
Portuguese Water Dog
SUP.CH. CORDMAKER GIRO GIRO TONDO (AI) 6100101872 (M) 22/10/2016 AM. GR CH. SL. CORDMAKER RUMPUS BUMPUS 3100169326-SEM : SUP.CH. CORDMAKER MELLOW YELLOW 3100267775 - Mrs P Kelly & Ms S Huebner & Mr M & Mrs K Stone
Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) CH. BECASSMIC THRILL OF IT ALL 4100308371 (M) 26/06/2018 AM. CH. AM. GR CH. CH. HUM’NBIRD ROCK YOUR SOCKS (IMP USA) DN34665101 : CH. BECASSMIC ARROW THRU MY HEART 4100273883 - Mrs M J Broughton CH. SIDWELL DEPENDING ON YOU 4100314095 (M) 11/11/2018 CH. SIDWELL I WONT BACK DOWN 4100238995 : SIDWELL TO FIND A FRIEND 4100260354 - Mr A L & Mrs C A Keong
White Swiss Shepherd Dog CH. EISHUND PARDON MY FRENCH (AI) 2100507041 (F) 16/08/2016 NZ. CH. FALCO DES GARDIENS DE BROCELIANDE NZ. RN. (FRA) LOF8129/995-SEM : CH. ANDESYN LITTLE BIT BLONDE 2100346886 Mr R J Clarke
UTILITY Alaskan Malamute NEUT. CH. ANNAKPOK ONCE IN A BLUE MOON 4100264332 (S) 31/07/2015 CH. ICEPAWS DANCIN WYLD FYRE 4100208728 : CH. ANNAKPOK TH MOONS A BALLOON 6100082114 - Miss N Adams CH. NEUT. CH. ANNAKPOK RUMOUR HAS IT 4100278497 (N) 14/08/2016 CH. ANNAKPOK ITS ABOUT TIME 6100082115 : CH. ICEPURE ENCHANTED PRINCESS 3100307717 - Miss N Adams
Boxer NEUT. CH. OZSTRALIS MOON DANCE 7100025008 (N) 21/01/2011 CH. BEAWINNA CHASN SHADOWS 7100012789 : KRAVEN TWICE AS NICE 2100257873 - Mrs K J Poole
Bullmastiff CH. GAMEGUARD VENOM 2100507179 (M) 04/09/2018 CH. GAMEGUARD SQUIZZY TAYLOR 2100381598 : CH. GAMEGUARD DIZZY MS LIZZY 2100453238 - Miss A Youle & Mr G Sparham & Miss B Turner
Dobermann CH. COPPERDOBE WIKDLY DELICIOUS (IMP NZL) 04155-2017 (F) 01/04/2017 NZ. CH. PATONSHILL LAST EDITION (NZL) 05837-2013 : NZ. CH. CH. COPPERDOBE STAND N STARE (IMP NZL) 02470-2013 - Mr S & Mrs T Yiannou
RO.CH. RYZYLVA KIA KAHA CCD. CD. RAE. 4100276255 (F) 02/06/2016 CH. RULETT PROPHESEA 2100384237 : GRAND. CH. RYZYLVA MAKING WAVES 4100189540 - Mr M & Mrs S Lilley
Rottweiler CH. BLAKECO JAXTIME BERLEI BOUNCE 4100257765 (F) 14/04/2015 CH. DARKGYPSY DA MIGHTY ANGUS 4100208163 : BLAKECO BURNIN GOODTIME MIA 4100210228 - Mr G & Mrs H Youle CH. DARKGYPSY TIGERESS JERSEY 4100317665 (F) 29/01/2018 CH. DARKGYPSY ALL FOUR ONE 4100195767 : DARKGYPSY THE KOUGAR 4100243568 - Mrs S Bagarozza & Mr D McKeown CH. MONDALLIN EFFIE EXPRESS 4100309409 (F) 15/06/2018 BLAKECO INTIME BRODIE 4100244846 : CH. MONDALLIN YOUR THEGIRL ON FIRE 4100258267 - Mr D Dallinger & Ms M Moore
NON SPORTING Boston Terrier CH. EXALTARE YOU DONT OWN ME (AI) 4100312262 (F) 28/09/2018 CH. DRUMSARA LEGENDOFZORRO 4100141113-SEM : CH. EXALTARE BRINDLEISTHENEWBLACK 4100264599 - Mr A J Phelan & Miss J M Young CH. MERRYJAY BEAN TALKIN 5100107112 (F) 05/06/2018 CH. MERRYJAY BOSTN BUBLGUM 5100069263 : CH. TALKON HOT CHILLI CHOCOLATE 4100236586 Miss L Y Carpenter & Mr B G Lillicrap CH. MERRYJAY SWEET CHILLI 5100107113 (F) 05/06/2018 CH. MERRYJAY BOSTN BUBLGUM 5100069263 : CH. TALKON HOT CHILLI CHOCOLATE 4100236586 Miss L Y Carpenter & Mr B G Lillicrap CH. SAXELLE ON A MISSION 4100307339 (F) 25/05/2018 CH. DRUMSARA WOTADRAMA 4100224073 : CH. EXALTARE WALK THIS WAY 4100233431 - Mr A J Phelan & Miss J M Young
DOG WORLD September 2019
British Bulldog CH. MATTBRIDGE THE AVENGER (IMP NZL) 08014-2018 (M) 05/08/2018 HUN. JR CH. SRB. JR CH. KUPAKOS DJANGO (HUN) 2819/13 : NZ. CH. MATTBRIDGE RIVER HORSE (NZL) 02964-2015 - Ms T Cumner CH. BETTABULL SWEET N SOUR 4100310789 (F) 07/08/2018 CH. SNAILSBURY HUGO BOSS 4100269519 : BETTABULL PANDORAS BOX 4100266040 - Mr L Perrett & Ms M Lloyd CH. BETTABULL RUFF N TUFF 4100310791 (M) 07/08/2018 CH. SNAILSBURY HUGO BOSS 4100269519 : BETTABULL PANDORAS BOX 4100266040 - Ms M Rowett & Mr L Perrett & Ms M Lloyd CH. JUSTIFYABULL ROYAL SALUTE 5100104798 (F) 01/03/2018 BULLYACK THE GLADIATOR 5100062265 : CH. JUSTIFYABULL POISON IVY 5100087456 - Mr L Perrett & Ms M Lloyd CH. MAJESTUEUX SPIRIT OF ECSTASY (AI) 4100285676 (F) 17/01/2017 JOELEE DAVIE COOPER AT SARRDAVBULLIES (IMP IRL) Z59214-SEM : CH. MAJESTUEUX SHOWGIRL OV SURFCTY 4100253299 - Ms T Cumner
Dalmatian CH. NEUT. CH. DALILLU DEVILS ADVOCATE CCD. ET. CAA. 4100265577 (S) 31/10/2015 CH. LYKATYGA DARK CRYSTAL 4100170804 : BREWEN QUEEN VASHTI 4100174474 - Ms J Gwyer T.CH. PACEAWAY TICKET TO RIDE (AI) CCD. RN. 4100247811 (F) 13/08/2014 SUP.CH. PACEAWAY ATROSEMOUNT 4100178893-SEM : CH. JILLOC’S XPENSIVE TICKET (IMP SWE) SE12182/2010 - Mrs L Affleck
Great Dane CH. ISOLLYNPARK LFS DOTHRAKIWARIOR (AI) 4100293885 (M) 22/07/2017 CH. WARPAINT LUNAR FANTASY 2100139788-SEM : ISOLLYNPARK ILLUMINATION 4100239596 - Mrs C Evans & Mrs B Hawkings
Japanese Spitz GRAND. CH. HAWKESMILL ARTISTIC VISION 4100246131 (M) 21/07/2014 SYIDE ASERA HOSHI 4100141639 : CH. SYIDE SATIN SLIPPERS 4100218388 - Mr W J Jones
Poodle (Miniature) CH. LILELLA OH MY 4100317722 (F) 21/10/2018 CH. MYFLAIR WHITE LIMITED EDTION CCD. RN. 4100290239 : LILELLA FIFI NEVE 4100268227 - Mrs M V Waldon CH. MYFLAIR THE DEVIL IN YOU 4100310235 (F) 20/09/2017 CH. MYFLAIR WHAT ABOUT ME 4100221247 : CH. MYFLAIR BLACK BY DESIRE 4100184620 - Miss D M Craig CH. ROZEVUE LORD AUGUSTUS 4100313260 (M) 08/11/2018 CH. CLOJO TANGO WITH PINK WASSABI 3100344425 : CH. MYFLAIR WHITE MOONSHINE LADY 4100265250 Mrs J Naughton CH. ROZEVUE WILD FLOWER 4100313448 (F) 16/11/2018 GRAND. CH. BYANDA BLACK DIAMOND 4100219393 : CH. LOANA DARKNSTORMY JC. 2100469477 Mr M & Mrs S Coombes
Poodle (Toy) CH. ZIADA LEGENDARY REIGN 4100314329 (M) 28/11/2018 CH. MONTAIRES REIGN MAKER 3100323109 : CH. ZIADA STRIKE A POSE 4100268448 - Mrs J M Craig
Shar Pei CH. BASHAY UNDER THE TUSCAN SUN 2100497797 (M) 17/04/2018 BASHAY MYSTIC MERLIN 2100466607 : XIOPING PHANTOM LADY 4100233505 - Mrs L M Neale
ASSOCIATE REGISTER AG.CH 400. ZIPPY AD. ADO. ADM. JDM. JDO 5. SDX. GDM. 400660AR (N) 01/12/2012 NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR : NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR - Mrs L & Miss L Moore AG.CH 400. ZIPPY AD. ADO. ADM. JDM. JDO 5. SDX. GDM. 400660AR (N) 01/12/2012 NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR : NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR - Mrs L & Miss L Moore AG.CH 400. ZIPPY AD. ADO. ADM. JDM. JDO 5. SDX. GDM. 400660AR (N) 01/12/2012 NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR : NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR - Mrs L & Miss L Moore AG.CH 400. ZIPPY AD. ADO. ADM. JDM. JDO 5. SDX. GDM. 400660AR (N) 01/12/2012 NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR : NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR - Mrs L & Miss L Moore
TERRIER American Staffordshire Terrier CH. SAINTSOLDIER LARA CROFT JC. 3100369104 (F) 22/12/2017 CH. REDPLATINUM I SHOT THE SHERIFF 9100010471 : CH. ICERAINSTAFS MISHKA 4100240430 - Ms J Prange
Staffordshire Bull Terrier ARNAVA IRONBARC AGGIE ADM. JDO 2. JDM 2. GD. SPDX. SDX. 4100244826 (F) 23/06/2014 SAFASHAJAA HUGO BOSS 4100200914 : ROSIEST RED AVA 4100211513 - Ms S D Baird CRALINROD BLACKEYED BILL RE. ADM. JDO 3. JDM. GDX. SPDX. SDX. 4100221551 (M) 05/11/2012 BOROLO YING N YANG 4100163069 : SABOTEUR SUGAR N SPICE CD. RAE. ADO 2. ADM 3. JDO 4. JDM 5. SDX. GDX. SPDX. 4100149698 - Ms K Davis TEAUNICOBLU OLLIE BRIDGE CCD. 4100319387 (M) 05/04/2019 ASTROBLUES AXEL KNIGHT 4100259073 : KAHKHOL MATILDA 4100266595 - Dr N Bridge
GUNDOG Cocker Spaniel CH. MACDOLLY DOUBLE TAKE TD. ET. 4100292437 (F) 21/06/2017 CH. MACDOLLY SECRET LIAISON 4100245904 : WINTERGEM DOUBLE MISCHIEF 2100423418 - Mrs K Hutt
German Shorthaired Pointer T.CH. WOODWYCH HOT GOSSIP TSDX. 5100082686 (F) 09/07/2014 CH. WOODWYCH SMOOTH OPERATOR 5100070087 : CH. WOODWYCH THE PERFECT STORM 5100062248 - Mr G Chapman
Hungarian Vizsla GAMECALL WAVE ON WILSON JD. 2100453839 (M) 29/05/2016 CH. GAMECALL THE OCEAN TAYKE ME RA. 2100421796 : CH. GAMECALL DREAMBYWATER 2100379427 - Mr A & Mrs T Devonport
Labrador Retriever BIRDELHUND SON OF DENZEL NRD. RRD. ORA. 4100265675 (M) 13/10/2015 TIRNANOGE DENZEL DC 3100284112 : RT. CH. TIRNANOGE KNIGHT RIDER 3100268577 - Mr G Dawson CH. BLACKBOY EYE CANDY TDX. TSD. 6100101016 (F) 15/09/2016 STH. AF. CH. CH. TAPEATOM JUST IN TIME (IMP ZAF) ZA033267B13 : CH. BLACKBOY CANDY CRUSH 6100083860 - Mr N & Mrs S Pitcher CARVANCRIVER POACHER CCD. RN. 4100232816 (M) 02/09/2013 CH. SOUTHBANK DOUBLE TAKE 4100146509 : TABBALU MOONSTONE EBONY 4100201292 Mr G Gilmour
Weimaraner CH. CRUISENIF HOT TRICKS TD. ET. CAA. 2100438588 (F) 06/10/2015 GRAND. CH. CRUISENIF REV IT UP 2100362191 : CH. NEUT. CH. GHOSTWIND YOU ARE A STAR 7100029555 - Mrs A G Williamson
Welsh Springer Spaniel CH. TAZLON EDWARD WINSLOW RN. JD. GD. 7100035581 (M) 29/01/2016 CH. TAZLON DELDUO WINSTON 7100028574 : CH. TAZLON WITCHDON WILLOW 7100031224 Mrs J Richmond
WORKING DOG Australian Kelpie CALLICOMA MIDNIGHT SPECIAL AD. JDX. JDO. SD. SPDX. GDX. 2100414430 (N) 22/09/2014 CH. CALLICOMA LIQUORICE 2100347799 : CH. CALLICOMA BLACK FRIDAY ET. 2100248957 - Mr G & Mrs M Anderson NEUT. CH. CALLICOMA RIVER RUNS RED RN. ADO 2. ADM. JDM. JDO 5. GDX. SDX. SPDM. HT FS.S. 2100379141 (N) 27/02/2013 CH. CALLICOMA LIQUORICE 2100347799 : CH. CALLICOMA BRONZE BEAUTY 2100213225 - Ms S Thomson CH. CALLICOMA RED MAN BLUFF JD. GD. 2100454763 (N) 17/06/2016 CH. TEGOURA KING OTHMOUNTN ET. 2100216048 : CH. CALLICOMA TRUMP CARD ET. 2100281903 - Ms S Thomson
Australian Shepherd ELLAGANT SUPER NOVA JC. 3100280841 (F) 09/11/2012 CH. OWJEDOO RUGGED RANGER HT 3100246805 : ELLAGANT THELMA 3100240025 - Mrs L Hutchings FLATOUT BUILT FOR SPEED JD. 2100460925 (M) 30/09/2016 DIAMOND BLUFF MONTANA (IMP SWE) S54595/2007 : FLATOUT DOLL RN. 2100379396 - Mrs S Bois FLATOUT SWEET AS (AI) RN. SPD. 2100476904 (F) 09/03/2017 MISTRETTAS PAINTED LIZARD (USA) DL468749/03-SEM : FLATOUT LET THERE BE ROCK RN. JD. GD. SPD. 2100353568 - Miss K Szenczi FLATOUT RED HOT ADX. ADO. JDX. JDO. GD. SPD. SD. 2100427680 (F) 16/04/2015 DIAMOND BLUFF MONTANA (IMP SWE) S54595/2007 : FLATOUT LET THERE BE ROCK RN. JD. GD. SPD. 2100353568 - Mrs S Bois
Belgian Shepherd Dog (Malinois) TRI CH.(O)(RO) BELGENBEAU DRAGON HEART (AI) UDX. RAE. AD. JDX. JDO. SD. SPDM. GDX. 4100224665 (F) 09/01/2013 ZICO V.D. BERLEX-HOEVE SCHH III. IPO III. (IMP BEL) LOSH0858090SEM : BELGENBEAU CARAMIA 4100188847 - Mrs A Wohlhuter
Border Collie A G I S L E P A W S DOUBLETRUBLEPHOENIX TD. ADO 2. ADM 2. JDM 6. JDO 5. SPDM. GDX. SDX. PT. 4100220120 (F) 04/10/2012 AG.CH 500. BORREGOPERRO FIRST MATE CCD. RA. ADM 5. ADO 7. JDM 7. JDO 7. SPDM. GDM. SDM. PT. 7100019536 : AG.CH 400. HOTNOTE JUST JORJA CD. RN. ADM 9. ADO 9. JDO 8. JDM 11. SDM. SPDM. GDM. HT 6100044666 - Mrs R A Bulloch BOJAK MIA JD. GD. 4100219745 (F) 16/09/2012 WILDERBLU RIDGY DIDGE 5100045799 : TERRABELLA GOOD DAYSUNSHINE 2100330069 Miss Z O Hall BORDERSTRAND CHOCOLATE KISSES RN. JD. SPD. SD. GD. 4100246148 (F) 06/07/2014 BORDERSTRAND BEAR HUG 4100196640 : KAEANDA KIWI CONNECTION (IMP NZL) 02811-2012 - Mrs J Webb BREMIDJE ANGEL CD. RA. 4100215249 (F) 25/06/2012 DARJOBA BLU PATCH 4100144102 : DARJOBA MYGIRL JESSIE 4100168260 - Mrs J Tomes DUNWURKN ITS SHOWTIME AD. JD. 4100283738 (F) 10/11/2016 FAITHET WOODY WILLOW JD. GD. SD. SPD. HSAs 2100258728 : LARK FROM SHEPHERDS OWN PT. (IMP DEU) VDH/ZBRHBOC17899 - Ms J Webster HOTNOTE IN YOUR SHADOW CD. RE. 6100095814 (F) 31/10/2015 TEHYA ON THE MONEY 9100007983 : HOTNOTE ZEPHYR RISING 6100083697 - Mrs C D Fisher JAWDENASH FLYNN DAWSON CCD. RN. 4100252255 (M) 21/12/2014 WOTTAPUD WOTTA ROXTER 4100181606 : INAWORD PEARLS N LACE 3100290801 - Miss A Dawson LIFESONG I AINT NO ANGEL FS.S. HTM.S. 4100280668 (F) 11/09/2016 RO.CH. HTM.CH. FS.CH. NYANGA SOLAR NITE CDX. RAE. TD. AD. JD. SD. GD. SPD. PT. ET. 3100250858 : LIFESONG BLINK N YOULL MISS ME CDX. 4100210904 - Mrs M G Rablin OZBORDA MISCHIF MAKER RA. 4100295952 (F) 11/08/2017 LOYALPAWS HIGHLAND MAGIK 2100301599 : BORDERSTRAND IM A CHOCOLATE 4100246143 - Ms D Denny RUBYRAINE MASTER BODIE CD. RE. 4100228627 (M) 05/05/2013 RUNDERKRAAL RED DIVA 4100191415 : TRUCKALUCK MAYA 4100215150 - Mrs D Hines SANDYGATE MIX N MATCH PEARL CCD. RE. AD. JD. GD. SPD. SD. 4100253446 (F) 26/12/2014 SARASOTA DAPPER N DARING PT. 7100017683 : AGISLEPAWS HIGH ON ROSE CD. RE. TDX. JD. GD. SPDX. 4100178415 - Ms J C Forbes-Faulkner
TIMATOSHA SWEET POISON IVY AD. JD. SD. SPD. 4100240453 (F) 07/03/2014 AG.CH 500. BORREGOPERRO FIRST MATE CCD. RA. ADM 5. ADO 7. JDM 7. JDO 7. SPDM. GDM. SDM. PT. 7100019536 : TIMATOSHA SHARKETA JEWEL CCD. ADX. JDX. GD. SPDX. SDX. 4100150777 - Mrs D Jenner TRUMAGIK SIMPLY SASSI (AI) RA. ADM. ADO 2. JDO 3. JDM 2. GDX. SDX. SPDM. 4100191176 (F) 04/09/2010 AM. CH. CH. TRUMAGIK TARTAN SCOTT 1301970 : TRUMAGIK EBONY NIVORY 4100141323 - Mrs M J & Ms C Ward CH. WONELOOK DREAMING OF WOO RN. ADX. JDO. JDX. GD. SD. JC. 4100287215 (F) 14/02/2017 CH. BORDALACE THEME FOR A DREAM HSAs ET. 2100279519 : WONELOOK KILLER QUEEN RN. ADM. ADO. JDM. JDO. GD. SDX. SPDM. ET. 4100230259 - Miss S Jones & Miss L Phythian
Briard CH. CACHAREL NOW SEE THIS JC. 4100299063 (F) 31/10/2017 A KISS PLEASE MORAVIA CAMPANELLA (IMP CZE) CMKU/BRI/6525/15 : CH. CACHAREL HOW DO EWE LIKE THIS HIAs HSAsd 4100214602 - Mr C & Mrs A Mitchell
German Shepherd Dog CH. BRIGENTI ICE FIRE CD. RE. HT ET. 2100399569 (M) 12/01/2014 URY VOM ZISAWINKEL SchH3. (IMP DEU) SZ2218415 : KARMA VOM SCHWARZAUGEN (IMP MKD) MR54305 - Miss I Hayton T.CH. RAENNIK NATAN RN. 4100241563 (M) 16/04/2014 MONSIMBEE XANGO 2100345899 : RAENNIK ELLA 4100180922 - Miss J A Cussons TAKIMBRE QUICK AS CD. RM. 2100377129 (M) 19/03/2012 DELLAHUND PARTY PRIZE 2100250996 : TAKIMBRE ZSA ZSA 2100277360 - Mrs V A McMillan
UTILITY Boxer VALESKA GOT TOOBE-MAGIC JD. (IMP NZL) 06022-2017 (M) 29/05/2017 VALESKA LOVE YA LONG TIME (NZL) 01413-2016 : NZ. CH. VALESKA SIMPLY MAGIC (NZL) 01400-2012 Mrs S Borg NEUT. CH. KESDAR SKIES THE LIMIT CCD. RE. 3100320366 (N) 12/03/2015 CH. KESDAR RED HOT RUMOUR 3100294729 : KESDAR VIKINGS FOLLY 3100249684 - Ms S J Davies
DOG WORLD September 2019
OTHER TITLES AWARDED - SEPTEMBER 2019 Russian Black Terrier CH. TVORIMIR ICE AND SPICE (AI) TD. 4100309451 (F) 09/07/2018 ODISSEY IZ ANGARSKOI JEMCHUJINY (IMP ITA) RKF3304014SEM : CH. TVORIMIR BOGDANA 4100238871 - Miss K Dawson & Mrs N Sadykova
Schnauzer (Miniature) WOODVALLII COOPERS CREEK CD. RM. 4100174866 (M) 12/06/2009 CH. WOODVALLII ARROWTOTHESUN 2100217350 : CH. SCHONHARDT LICORICE BUNS 2100183904 - Mrs M Ferris
NON SPORTING Dalmatian CH. NEUT. CH. DALILLU DEVILS ADVOCATE CCD. ET. CAA. 4100265577 (S) 31/10/2015 CH. LYKATYGA DARK CRYSTAL 4100170804 : BREWEN QUEEN VASHTI 4100174474 - Ms J Gwyer STAPOS SNAZZY AD. JDX. ET. CAX. 4100216453 (N) 19/02/2012 BREWEN HARD YAKKA 4100096863 : BREWEN MISS JUDGED 4100182768 - Miss K J Payne
Poodle (Miniature) CH. MYFLAIR WHITE LIMITED EDTION CCD. RN. 4100290239 (M) 21/03/2017 MYFLAIR NEVER SAY NEVER 4100236450 : MYFLAIR SHAKE UP THE RAIN 4100236443 Mrs M V Waldon
LILLY SD. GD. 400844AR (S) SKY ADO. ADX. JDM. JDO 2. SPD. GDX. SDX. 400845AR (S) 07/11/2014 NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR : NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR - Miss K C James
S Coombes
SKY ADO. ADX. JDM. JDO 2. SPD. GDX. SDX. 400845AR (S) 07/11/2014 NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR : NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR - Miss K C James
ASSOCIATE REGISTER ALFIE CCD. RA. FS.S. HTM.S. 400461AR (N) 17/04/2009 NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR : NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR - Mrs M Robertson TASHA RN. ADX. JDX. JDO. GD. SDX. SPDX. 400465AR (S) 03/02/2007 NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR : NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR - Mrs L Brumley LEXI(ARH) CCD. RN. HNAs ADX. JDX. JDO. SPDX. SD. PT. HSAd ET. 400666AR (S) 01/07/2012 NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR : NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR - Mrs E A Cottle T.CH. WILBUR TSDX. 400679AR (N) 16/08/2010 NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR : NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR - Mr S & Mrs H Lofthouse SKYLA ADX. JDX. 400689AR (S) 16/04/2013 NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR : NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR - Mr B Platts YOYO RN. ADX. JDO 2. JDM. SD. SPD. GDX. 400695AR (S) 01/02/2013 NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR : NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR - Mrs L A Laskus HONEY CD. RE. 400726AR (S) 19/08/2013 NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR : NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR - Ms K Notaro RILEY AD. JD. SD. SPD. GD. 400769AR (N) 23/09/2014 NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR : NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR - Mr J Laws & Mrs A Chalmers LILLY SD. GD. 400844AR (S) 26/06/2014 NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR : NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR - Ms K Wallace
PARIS CCD. RA. 400855AR (S) 20/02/2015 NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR : NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR - Ms J F Crerar SWEEP JDX. JDO. SPD. GD. JC. 400866AR (N) 28/05/2016 NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR : NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR - Miss T Fahy MIKA RN. TD. 400867AR (S) 13/07/2016 NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR : NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR - Mrs H Christoffel SERENITY RA. 400876AR (N) 14/06/2016 NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR : NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR - Mrs C Waerner TEDDY CD. RM. AD. JD. 400891AR (N) 10/04/2016 NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR : NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR - Mrs N Whitman KASHI CCD. RN. 400900AR (S) 27/02/2016 NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR : NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR - Mr K J Rogan JACK JDX. SPD. 400901AR (N) 11/02/2015 NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR : NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR - Ms L Farrell
RUBBLE RN. GD. 400920AR (N) 30/10/2017 NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR : NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR - Ms T Foster BUTCH CCD. RN. 400926AR (N) 23/11/2015 NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR : NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR - Mr D V Harvey SCOUT CD. RA. 400931AR (S) 23/06/2017 NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR : NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR - Dr J Fogarty FINN JD. 400933AR (N) 28/08/2017 NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR : NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR - Mrs A Mundy KELSEY RN. 400950AR (S) 19/11/2016 NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR : NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR - Mrs S Sams INDIANA CD. RN. 400951AR (S) 21/09/2017 NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR : NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR - Mr J Schmidt GRACE JD. 400953AR (S) 06/12/2014 NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR : NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR - Ms M McLaughlin STARSKY JD. SD. 400963AR (N) 26/04/2015 NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR : NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR - Mr S Gray & Miss S Alexander MOLLY DWDF.S. 400969AR (S) 20/10/2017 NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR : NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR - Miss B Cole
BANDIT TD. 400905AR (N) 27/08/2009 NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR : NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR - Ms P Cressey LILLY RN. AD. GD. SD. 400919AR (S) 09/12/2013 NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR : NOT APPLICABLE ( ) AR - Miss E Carlton
Dogs Queensland is excited to announce the DQ Shop has expanded the number of products it stocks to include ranges specific for breeding bitches, puppies and now adult dogs. In addition to our previous lines, the following are currently available. • Ht42D Small Breed • Ht42D Large Breed • Mini Starter • Medium Starter • Maxi Starter • Starter Mousse • Mini Puppy
8kg 17kg 8.5kg 16kg 15kg 12x195g 15kg
• Mini Puppy Pouches 1.02kg • Medium Puppy 16kg • Medium Puppy Pouches 1.4kg • Maxi Puppy 16kg • Maxi Puppy pouches 1.4kg • Mini Adult 15kg • Medium Adult 16kg
As always, prices are at special member rates with proceeds going straight into Dogs Queensland to benefit you, as members. Shop hours are: M onday to Friday 8.00am – 5.30pm Saturday 8.30am – 12.30pm
DOG WORLD September 2019
• Energy 4800 20kg • Show Beauty Large Dog 15kg • Show Beauty Small Dog 8kg • Puppy 20kg • Adult 18kg • Premium Performance 20kg
At least 20% of dogs in industrialised countries are categorised as obese, with significant and long-lasting health implications. Find out more about these risks, and how to help your dog, in this article. Obesity is an increasing problem among our human population, and unfortunately it’s the same for dogs; multiple studies have found that at least one in five dogs in industrialised countries are classified as obese. If your dog is obese, it will be at higher risk of a number of chronic and life-long conditions which it’s important to be aware of.
A dog is classified as obese when it reaches between 15% and 20% over its ideal weight, or it’s impossible to feel its ribs through its skin, fur and body tissue. Their breed, genetic makeup, age, sex, lifestyle, diet and whether they have been
neutered or not will all contribute to the likelihood of your dog becoming obese. For example, female dogs are more predisposed to weight gain, while obesity is twice as likely in neutered rather than unneutered dogs. Behavioural problems around food and your own feeding behaviour also have a significant impact on your dog’s weight.
THE RISKS OF OBESITY IN DOGS If your dog is overweight or obese, they are at greater risk of a number of serious and lifechanging conditions:
DOG WORLD September 2019
• Significantly reduced life expectancy • Cardio and respiratory problems • Diabetes • Reduction in immunity and therefore at risk of infections and other illness • Osteoarticular diseases such as arthritis • Cardiovascular disease • Urinary calcium oxalate calculi Dogs who are obese are also likely to be lethargic, lack motivation and energy, and exhibit poor levels of effort when it comes to exercise, play or activity.
When a dog becomes obese, its body begins to store food and nutrients as fat because it’s using less energy playing or moving than it’s taking in through its diet. This fat begins to infiltrate organs (such as the liver) meaning they function less effectively. Fat also begins to ‘coat’ the organs, placing greater pressure on them and reducing their ability to work well – for example, there’s greater pressure on the arteries in an obese dog than a healthy dog, which means they’re more likely to suffer with cardiovascular disease.
As your dog is carrying around more weight, it becomes increasingly difficult for them to move; their joints begin to suffer because they’re not built to carry excess weight. Eventually, this can result in a vicious cycle where a dog doesn’t want to exercise because it’s uncomfortable but continues to eat the same diet and therefore gains weight, decreasing their desire to move.
The first step to helping your dog is visiting your vet, who’ll be able to identify how overweight the dog is and what actions you should take to support its weight loss. It’s important you, as the owner, commit to helping your dog lose weight – that means sticking to a rigorous feeding schedule, avoiding giving your dog treats and table scraps, and keeping a close eye on their weight. Your veterinarian will be able to recommend a feeding schedule based on any weight-loss diets they may prescribe. By helping them begin to lose weight, you’ll start to see your dog return to a healthier and more active lifestyle – as well as give them the chance of a longer life. Start by asking your vet for a consultation, as they’ll be more than happy to help.
DOG WORLD September 2019
9 Pine Mountain Road North Ipswich Qld 4305 Offering all breeders a discounted price on services! Consultations and House Calls Vaccinations Microchipping General Surgeries Orthopaedic surgery, TTO, Patella Luxation Brachycephalic breeds stenotic nares, soft palate surgery DNA testing
Pregnancy Ultrasound Scheduled and Elective Caesarians On Site Blood Analysis Progesterone levels testing Semen collection and analysis Fresh and Surgical Insemination Hip & Elbows digital X-rays Reproduction Testing and Procedures
Call 07 3202 1554 now to book your appointment
Email: info@ipswichfamilyvet.com.au www.ipswichfamilyvet.com.au
DNA TESTING SERVICE Using Dogs Queensland for all your DNA requirements is a simple, straightforward process for all members (regardless of computer skills).
Members can easily place an order for DNA Profiling and Parentage and it is entirely managed by Dogs Queensland from posting DNA swabs kits to final DNA results.
• •
DNA Profiling and Parentage Prompt turnaround
Other testing available: Breed Specific DNA testing Specific Single Breed testing
• •
$42.50 (inc. gst)
Contact Julana Akers at Dogs Queensland by email at julana@dogsqueensland.org.au or by phone on 3252 2661 for all your DNA enquiries.
DOG WORLD September 2019
Dog’s Body Language The more time you spend with your canine companion, the easier it is to read their body language.
You start to pick up on every little detail from their positioning and posture to their overall behaviour and emotion. Luckily for us, dogs can’t hide any of their body language from us, which makes it easier to tell what they’re feeling on any occasion.
Submissive When your pup is subduing to you or another dog in order to get attention or make friends you may notice a number of the following behaviours: • Jumping up • Muzzle or ear licking • Lowering and curving the body • Lip licking or showing teeth (smiling) • Blinking • Lowering the head and ears • Play bowing This is often done around other dogs and will be accepted well when with socially experienced animals. If the dog is not socially experienced, it may take this body language the wrong way and
DOG WORLD September 2019
take advantage of it by trying to aggress or control them. On the other hand, the same body language can be done to a human to show they’re friendly and want to play.
Fear, Nervousness or Stress You may think you know when your pet is stressed or nervous, however, some of their body language relates to dealing with a perceived threat to reduce their nervousness or stress levels. Some of these actions may be perceived as normal dog-like behaviours, although they may be linked to their stress levels or nervousness around a situation. Some of these behaviours are: • Y awning is often used as a signal of stress and not because they are tired • D ogs tend to lick their lips when nervous
Fight or Flight In many situations, a dog will have to make a decision whether to fight or run away, often being quite good at making a decision about a potential threat. More often than not a dog will begin on the defence and try to calm the situation, however, if the threat does not leave their behaviour will turn offensive. Their body language may show: • Body leaning forward, tense mouth and staring eyes • Lips pushed forward and vibrating as they growl • Dogs will often snap at the air or at the threat to warn them to back away • A quick bite and release means the dog wants the threat to leave without harming it • When they are stressed about a perceived threat they will often turn their head away and still have eyes on the threat or completely avoid it till it’s gone • A dog will tense its jaw if ready to attack • T hey will drop their tail when uncomfortable about the situation • S tress can lead to excessive drooling • W hen a dog is threatened or fearing for their safety, the hair on the back of their neck will stand up to make them appear bigger.
• When the dog attacks and holds on, they intend to harm When determining what your dog is trying to say, the most important parts to focus on are their ears, head and tail. Be sure to take into account the situation you and the dog are in, work out the surroundings and focus on their key body language characteristics in order to determine what they may be thinking. You cannot rely on just one area of the dog as they use a number of ways to tell you what they want.
Curiosity Dogs love exploring and learning new things as they’re naturally curious animals. As they grow in confidence, they will become curious about more things instead of shying away. They do this by: • Cocking the head to one side • When they lift their front paw they’re anticipating what to do next • Dogs will often close their mouth to prepare for action
DOG WORLD September 2019
Sadly, Mal lost his long-fought battle with cancer on the eve of 4th September 2019 and with this we all lost a friend, mentor, judge, competitor and more importantly a husband to Dawn. To those who knew Mal know family came first with his beloved dogs a close second. Dogs where not a hobby to Mal but his life’s work and calling.
Born in Brisbane, Kaye was named Marilyn Kaye Lawrence but known as Kaye since she was a little girl. She had a long-term involvement in our dog world, particularly with the afghan hound breed and the establishment of the lure coursing discipline in Queensland.
Initially as a RAAF Military Working Dog Chief Instructor, Mal, was highly respected and the consummate “dogman” serving throughout Australia as well as in Malaysia. This respect and regard, was highlighted at his funeral with both the RAAF MWD Guard of Honour and the condolences from Past and Current RAAF personnel, including a tribute from the President of the USA’s Canine Security Service. Mal’s second career was as an RSPCA Inspector for NQ. Having joined the C.O.C.T in Townsville in the 1980’s Mal held multiple executive positions including club president. Mal was awarded COCT Life membership in 2008 and Dogs Queensland Life Membership in 2018. A well-known and respected senior judge in multiple disciplines, Mal was heavily involved in promoting all dog sports in North Queensland. With a special love of obedience and tracking he remained heavily involved in judges training for both to the very end. A fierce competitor in his own right amassing over 80 titles across various sports with his dogs, including 3 O.CH, 3 T.CH and 3 TDX dogs prior to tracking champions implementation Mal loved all dogs, but his special affinity was with working breeds which later in life was his beloved Kelpies, especially Booka with whom he did it all… Obedience/Tracking Champion, Agility Masters. Fierce competitor, perfectionist, always his own harshest critic, and hard task master he loved to see teams reach their potential, generously sharing his wealth of knowledge, encouragement and dry wit with many. Mal was known for his dry wit, always pushing both dog and handler to achieve their best both in and out of the sporting field and always with the words ‘trust in/be kind to your dogs’. Janette Cussons
DOG WORLD September 2019
Some 19 years ago, Jacky Harnett used Kaye’s Afghan boy Beau at stud. In partnership they kept a black and tan boy named James from this litter. Since then, they had many Afghan Hounds and a Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen together. They had the same ideas, liked the same style and type of Afghan Hound and always picked the same puppy in the litters. Kaye and Bob fell in love when they met in 1995 and were married in 2001. They were looking forward to their retirement after keeping the Dogs Queensland Durack show grounds in great condition for many years. Kaye and Bob had many plans. They loved holidays and short trips away with friends and family. Precious memories were made and they enjoyed growing old together. Kaye was a previous treasurer of the Queensland Sighthound Association. Not long after retiring, Kaye was diagnosed with lung cancer. In Bobs’ word’s, “I remember Kaye as a strong, resourceful, determined, loving, caring and supportive lady. I love and miss her so much it hurts continually”. Kaye had three children, two girls Julie and Karen and a son, Deryk. She has 11 grandchildren – Josh, Aden, Daisy, Betty, Jayden, Ruby, Samuel, Zoe, Elton, Lewis and Lillian. Family and friends gathered together at her favourite spot, Moffat Beach, to say their final goodbyes. She will be sadly missed by all. Jacky Harnett
Born into horse racing, Sandy was involved with horses her entire life up until she wanted a ‘pet’ Pomeranian late in 2006 called “Spud” (Ch. Winterspell Picollo) and with some encouragement started showing.
Vanda may not be a well-known name amongst many of you, she was not a judge nor a competitor, but she was a valued member of the Dog sports community for over 40 years.
By the end of 2007 Sandy had titled Spud and won a Best in Group and number of Class in Show awards along the way. In 2008 Sandy whelped her first litter under the prefix POMQUEST and her ‘class of 2010’ ultimately went on to set numerous breed records. In 2011, her ‘Richie’ (Sup.Ch. Pomquest Fame N Fortune) was the number 1 Rising Star of All Breeds in QLD and number 1 Rising Star Toy in Australia. That year she also won her first ever Best in Show with Richie’s sire ‘Salem’ (Ch. Winterspell Warlock). In 2014, Richie became the number 1 Show Dog of All Breeds in QLD and number 1 Toy Dog in Australia. In 2015 Sandy and Brett married with ‘Spud’ there as the ‘Best Dog’. Sandy was extremely proud of her Poms and the Pomquest breeding program and in 2017 reached the pinnacle as a breeder becoming the number 1 Toy Group Breeder in Australia. She took great pride in supporting Junior Handlers with her Poms 5 times in State JH Finals and competing in Dog Sports with Selby Wright. A conscientious mentor of new people to the breed who shared her knowledge to help them also achieve success. At this year’s Ekka Sandy won BOB with Bart (Ch. Hollywoof Eat My Shorts) who was the progeny of two Pomquest parents, in a solid breed entry of a number of BIS winners and she was so happy with life. Sadly she passed away in her sleep only days later.
She was the amazing lady behind one of our very own Board Directors and Judge Mr Lawrie Knauth and my amazing, selfless mum. In the early days Mum and Dad bred German Shepherds under the Lawtaro prefix. Vanda, along with Lawrie, were foundation members of Logan All Breeds Dog Obedience Club, which was formed in 1978. Over the many years of being a member of Logan, she could be found from anywhere in the Canteen to out on the field stewarding, selling raffle tickets or just catching up with competitors. Vanda was easy going, patient and energetic. In the past 40 she never missed an annual Dog sports Presentation. And you could always pick her out with her coloured hair, lips, finger and toe nails to match Logan’s Colours. Many of the EKKA dog Stewards and exhibitors knew her as head waitress for the Dog Steward section and a familiar face on the Dogs Queensland Stand. After a long and hard struggle Vanda lost her battle with cancer and passed away peacefully in the arms of Dad, her love of 45 years. Always and forever in our hearts and memories Mum. Laura Schimke
Sandy was always a warm-hearted, for 43 Champions, 7 Supreme Champions, 14 BIS/RUBIS winners of 118 BIS/RUBIS wins and 8 BISS/RUBISS winners of 19 BISS/RUBISS wins. Sandy was the heart and soul of Pomquest. Brett Abraham
DOG WORLD September 2019
BOARD NOTES OCTOBER 2019 OFFICIALS AT EVENTS All Clubs are reminded of the provisions of Rule 12.1(3) below 12.1 Subject to the restrictions, limitations and requirements of the Rules of the CCCQ Ltd and any Regulations made by the Board of Directors of the CCCQ Ltd from time to time, the Code of Ethics and Codes of Practice, the privileges of membership shall be: (3) The right to apply for the Judges Training Programme, including performing the functions of an Exhibition Official as approved; The Board has agreed that the Constitution and Rules Committee will review the wording of the applicable rules to ensure the provisions are clear and that ‘any official at events must be a member of Dogs Queensland’. CATERING AT DURACK The Board requests expressions of interest from all Clubs for catering/ canteen applications for the Specialty Breed days at Durack for 2020 as listed below; Saturday 22nd February Saturday / Sunday 7th / 8th March Saturday 2nd May Saturday 6th June Saturday / Sunday 4th / 5th July Saturday 19th September CHRISTMAS OFFICE CLOSURE All Members are asked to please note the Dogs Queensland Office Hours during the Christmas holiday period. The Office will also be closed from midday on Friday 20th December for the Staff Christmas Party; 23th December Open 24th December Open until Midday 25th - 26th December Public Holiday 27th December Closed Leave Day 28th-29th December Closed Weekend 30th 31st December Closed Leave Day 1st January Public Holiday 2nd-3rd January Closed to Members Staff Working 4th - 5th January Closed Weekend 6th January Open
DOG WORLD September 2019
RULES REGARDING ALCOHOL AT SHOWS All Clubs, whether country or metropolitan, please ensure that you know what the licencing laws are around your particular area regarding the consumption of alcohol. Detailed below are all existing references in Dogs Queensland’s Rules that relate to alcohol at events – please ensure these are stringently followed at all times: Judges Code of Practice 4.2(6) Whilst in the ring, Judges must not: (ii) c onsume or have available alcoholic drinks; (iv) present themselves for their judging appointment whilst in any way affected by alcoholic drinks or drugs. Rules 70.33 It is an offence to drink alcohol or smoke in the assembly area or the judging ring. Appendix 8 – Safety Guidelines for Durack Showgrounds 7. Consumption of Alcohol: The consumption of alcohol is not permitted in Ring Assembly Areas. Any alcohol consumed whilst on the Durack Showgrounds must be consumed in a responsible manner. Drivers are reminded that alcohol consumption must be such that when driving a motor vehicle, they are within the legally permitted limit, both whilst driving on the Showgrounds as well as on exiting. ANKC NEWS Please note that the relevant document on the Dogs Queensland / ANKC Website has been amended or available where applicable;
Approval of 2021 National Show/ Restricted Trials: Shetland Sheepdog Club of NSW The application received from the Shetland Sheepdog Club of NSW via Dogs NSW for their 2021 National Show with Restricted to Breed Obedience, Restricted to Breed Agility Trial & Rally Obedience trial to be held on 31 August & 1 September 2021 at the Bill Spilstead Complex for Canine Affairs, 44 Luddenham Road, Orchard Hills, New South Wales has been approved. Approval of 2021 National Show: Welsh Corgi Club of Victoria Inc The application received from the Welsh Corgi Club of Victoria Inc via Dogs Victoria for their 2021 National Show to be held on 28 & 29 October 2021 at KCC Park, Skye, Victoria has been approved. DNA STATISTICS Members will be interested in the statistics we have compiled to the 11th September this year. Thus far 1770 litters have been registered. 24 Litters have been identified as one or more puppies not Qualifying to the Parent/Parents listed on the Litter Application. • 15 have been accidental dual sired litters. Please note approx. 15 other dual sired litters have been registered, it is unknown if all of these were planned or accidental. • 1 have had incorrect sire and dam – sire has since been identified, dam has not. • 3 incorrect dam. • 2 have been puppies from 2 litters born around the same time getting mixed up. • 1 Litter Sire has yet to be identified. • 2 Accidental close matings – Mother-Son – Full Brother-Sister.
DOG OBEDIENCE/TRAINING CLUB SHIELDS 1. GENERAL RULES The following rules apply to both the Club Shield competitions listed below. 1. Award year: Scores claimed must have been Qualifying scores gained within the period 1st November, 2018 to 31st October, 2019 for Obedience and 1st January, 2019 to 31st October 2019 for Rally O (referred to below as the qualifying period) 2. Eligible Clubs: Only Clubs affiliated with the Canine Control Council (Qld) (CCC(Q)) are eligible to compete for these awards. 3. Eligible results: Only results from Obedience and Tracking trials (including breed specific trials but excluding Track and Search trials) held in one Zone 1, SE Queensland, during the qualifying period shall be eligible to be counted towards the Obedience Pointscore Shield. Results from Rally Obedience trials held in Zone 1, SE Queensland, during the qualifying period shall be eligible to be counted towards the Rally Obedience Point score Shield. Results shall only be allocated to a Club if the competitor nominated that Club on their entry form or prior to the commencement of the trial, and the Trial Secretary assigned that Club nomination on the catalogue submitted to Dogs Queensland following conclusion of the trial. Where points are claimed on the basis of titles gained, photocopies of the relevant title Certificate or (where the title Certificate has not yet been issued) all relevant qualifying certificates must be provided by the club claiming those points. If the official date of the title certificate, when issued, is in the next qualifying period, it will be removed from calculation of the Club’s score. Closing date: The closing date by which Clubs must submit details
of members’ eligible results is two weeks after the end of the qualifying period(s). The Obedience and Rally Obedience Club Shields are perpetual trophies and will remain at Durack in the Dog Sport Trophy cabinet. 2. OBEDIENCE – Norm Claridge Shield This Shield was established in memory of Norm Claridge who, together with Ray Underwood and Bert Halton, was instrumental in and committed to establishing and improving the sport of, and good sportsmanship within, all breeds dog obedience under the aegis of the CCC(Q). 1. The award is based on the highest aggregate of points achieved by a Club, allocated in accordance with section 2.2 below. 2. Points will be allocated as follows: Qualifying score/place*
Points 10
First place
Second place
Third place
Tracking Titles
Mrs S. Strong Ryan Court Burpengary Qld 4505 4. RALLY OBEDIENCE Zone 1 Rally Obedience Club Shield his Shield is donated by the 1. T Rally Obedience Sub Committee. he award is based on the 2. T highest aggregate of points achieved by a Club, allocated in accordance with section 3 below: 3. P oints will be allocated as follows: Qualifying score/place*
Qualifying score
Tracking qualifying score
which the member has nominated for the purpose of this Shield must be collated by the Club and submitted to:
10 Points
Gr O Ch
O Ch
T Ch
Points for a Qualifying score and a place are cumulative. 3. Points for Qualifying scores and places will be assigned on the basis of marked catalogues (or equivalent) for all Obedience trials conducted in Zone 1, Queensland and submitted to the CCC(Q) by the Club conducting the trial. Copies of Title Certificates obtained by members and claimed by the Club
Qualifying score
First place
Second place
Third place
R Ch
*Points for Qualifying scores and a place are cumulative. 5. Points for Qualifying scores and places will be assigned on the basis of marked catalogues (or equivalent) for all Rally Obedience trials conducted in Zone 1, Queensland and submitted to the CCC(Q) by the Club conducting the trial. Copies of Title Certificates obtained by members and claimed by the Club which the member has nominated for the purpose of this Shield must be collated by the Club and submitted to: Ms S. Davies 66 Cook Street Forest Lake Qld 4078
DOG WORLD September 2019
The DogzOnline website was created by Troy Cumner in 1998 and after 20 years, it is still one of the most popular canine related web sites in Australia with over 300,000 visitors each month. Troy first had the idea to create the site after finding it difficult to find a list of ANKC breeders all in the one place on the internet. The site was initially just a basic breeder listing but soon after, dedicated puppy for sale ads, older dog ads and user created dog profiles (and pedigrees) were added. In 2006, pointscore competitions based on wins at conformation shows were added and quickly became a popular addition. The number of dogs competing increased steadily each year and last year in 2018, there was over 12,000 dogs competing nationally. Results that are submitted to the pointscore competitions are collated by the site into an easy viewing format sorted by show and by breed.
DOG WORLD September 2019
Competing in the pointscore is however optional. Everyone can submit their show results regardless for free. Recent additions to the site now include the ability to search their judge database to assist show secretaries in choosing judges for their upcoming conformation shows. Show secretaries can filter judges by licenced group, what state the judge resides in and also whether the judge has previously judged that particular group in a particular state for the specified period of time. More additions are planned over the next 12 months so check the site often for updates. www.dogzonline.com.au
10 toxic foods
you shouldn’t give your dog Royal Canin
From avocado skin to macadamia nuts, here are ten foods you should avoid giving your dog as they can cause serious health problems. It’s well-known to many dog owners that chocolate can cause serious problems for dogs. However, there are a number of common foods you’re likely to have in your home which can cause serious problems for your pet. There may be other household foods and items that you should not give your dog, so please consult with your veterinarian prior to giving your dog anything in addition to their regular food. Artificial sweetener Xylitol is an artificial sweetener found in chewing gum, sugar-free peanut butter, toothpaste and other products, and is derived from hardwood trees. Excessive consumption of xylitol can cause bloating, flatulence and diarrhoea in humans – but for dogs, xylitol is toxic. It’s important to keep products containing xylitol away from where your dog can eat them, even accidentally. Alcohol Unlike in humans, dogs’ kidneys can’t process alcohol effectively which can cause them medical problems. Fresh, clean water is always best for your dog.
caffeine, they may become hyperactive or start to have tremors. Chocolate It’s well-documented that chocolate is highly toxic to dogs. This is because it contains theobromine, a stimulant which interrupts your dog’s metabolic processes. Dark chocolate and baking chocolate is particularly high in theobromine, making it even more dangerous for dogs. Depending on the amount they have consumed, a dog might suffer with an upset stomach, heart problems, seizures or even death. Fried and fatty foods Just as fried and fatty foods can be bad for people, they can also be bad for dogs. High-fat foods can cause your dog to have stomach upsets and can also contribute to pancreatitis in some dogs. Plus, regular consumption of these types of food can lead to obesity and related health problems.
Avocados It’s not the flesh of an avocado, but the pit, skin and leaves which can cause harm to your dog. These contain a substance called persin, which causes vomiting and diarrhoea. Caffeine While caffeine is not toxic to dogs, it does have the same effect on them as humans – and because they are more sensitive to these effects, it can be very unpleasant and uncomfortable for them. If your dog consumes even a small amount of
DOG WORLD September 2019
Garlic and onions Many people regularly cook with onion and garlic, but for dogs these staple ingredients are toxic. Whether the garlic and onions are cooked or raw, if your dog eats these it can damage their red blood cells, which can then result in anaemia. Grapes and raisins These fruits are healthy enough for humans but are toxic for dogs. Grapes and raisins have a dramatic effect on your dog’s health, and can lead to acute and sudden kidney failure. Nuts While they may seem healthy, avoid giving your dog any nuts to eat. Their size makes them a choking hazard, and they are high in fat which can trigger an upset stomach in your pet. In particular, macadamia nuts have been shown to be highly poisonous to dogs – although they tend not to result in fatalities, they can cause your dog to suffer from an inability to walk, vomiting, lethargy and tremors.
Milk, cream and cheese As dogs grow into adulthood, their ability to digest dairy products decreases as they lack the enzymes to do so. This means they can exhibit signs of lactose intolerance if they eat milk, cream or cheese, such as vomiting, diarrhoea, and an upset stomach. If you think your dog may have eaten something it shouldn’t have done, it’s crucial to get advice from your vet immediately. You should also keep these toxic foods out of reach of your dog to ensure they only eat what’s best for them.
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DOG WORLD September 2019
EMAIL: marellen@marellenshowribbons.com ADDRESS: 109 Silverdale Rd Silverdale N.S.W. 2752 WEB: www.marellenshowribbons.com “ FIND US ON FACEBOOK FOR FAST COMMUNICATION ”
Dog Top 10
Claimed Conditions 1
Digestive Disorders / Diarrhoea / Foreign Bodies (Intestinal)
Dermatitis / Skin Allergies / Infections
Lumps / Tumours / Lymphoma
Otitis / Ear Infections
Eye Infections / Conjunctivitis / Ulcers
Urinary System Disorders / Infections
Ruptured Cruciate Ligaments
Arthritis & Degenerative Joint Disease
Separation Anxiety / Anxiety
Petplan dog claims data January 2018 – July 2019.
IS YOUR BREED CLUB HAVING A CHRISTMAS PARTY FUN DAY ? If so, this is a great opportunity to sign up new Dogs Queensland Community Memberships.
Community Membership includes:
• An electronic subscription to Dog World magazine • A member card and number • Access to DQ Member Council Dog Registration discount at participating Councils • Invitations to special events • Member discounts and deals • 6 weeks free puppy pet insurance through Petplan (Terms and Conditions Apply) • Access to purchase items from the DQ Shop at great savings. • Voucher for 25% off your first Royal Canin food item purchase.
WE INVITE YOUR FEEDBACK Dog World Magazine is excited to ask you, our members, to submit dog related stories, content suggestions and factual articles you would like included in your magazine. All canine topics are acceptable, including best ‘paw inclusive’ coffee shops to less known walking trails, dog friendly accommodation and travel destinations to breeders’ topics. Of special interest are words on anything ‘dog’ quirky, out of the ordinary or hidden dog finds. While we encourage all budding journalists with an interest in the canine world to submit their words for publication, we would also like to ask our less wordsmith members for ideas. So if you would love to put pen to paper or offer possible content suggestions, send your email to barbara@dogsqueensland.org.au. We look forward to hearing from you.
DOG WORLD September 2019
Rates Guide Advertising Rates
Durack Rates
Schedules Advertising Charges Full Page CH Half Page CH Quarter Page CH Field Trials / Sweepstakes - reduced advertising
$376.00 $196.00 $129.00 $ 26.00
PLEASE NOTE: All Schedules, with the exception of Field, Tracking or Dances with Dogs Trials, must be a minimum of a quarter page each, these Trials may be advertised at the reduced size. If the schedule has additional Judges or requires additional information to be published, a larger page size may be required. MEMBERSHIP FEES 2019 Joining Fee $38.00 Single $71.00 Joint $109.00 Junior (no joining fee) No fee PREFIX Application (includes maintenance for year applied) $140.00 Maintenance $46.00 Transfer $62.00 SOCIAL CLUBS Social Clubs (regardless of location) $166.40 JUDGES LICENCE FEES All Judges (except Handler Judges) $60.00 Training Fees for Aspiring Judges $34.00 Handler Judges No Fee REGISTRATIONS PER PUP ($1.10 per puppy donated to Canine Research) Under 3 months $45.00 Over 3 and under 6 months $73.00 Over 6 and under 12 months $92.00 TRANSFERS (If received within 14 days from the date of transfer) Members $27.00 Non-Members $35.00 TRANSFERS (If received after 14 days from the date of transfer) Members $41.00 Non-Members $54.00
2019 RE-REGISTRATION OF DOGS /SEMEN Imported dogs/semen $108.00 Imported dogs/semen – NZ only $72.00 Tenterfield Terriers $72.00 Sporting Register $34.00 Associate Register $17.00 TITLES All Championship Titles (incl. breeders cert) $35.00 All other awards $25.00 (Plus breeders cert) $11.00 Laminating $5.50 OTHER Lease Agreements $56.00 Replacement certificates $21.00 Export pedigree $68.00 Extended pedigree (5 generations) $34.00 STATIONERY Official Show Entry Forms (Bookf of 50) incl. postage $7.00 Rule Books CCC (Qld) including postage $8.70 RULES FOR THE CONDUCT OF Obedience Trials (A5) $4.50 Rally-O Trials (A5) $4.50 Agility Trials (A5) $4.50 Games Trials (A5) $4.50 Tracking Trials (A5) $4.50 Track & Search Trials (A5) $4.50 Retrieving Trials (A5) $4.50 RATG Trials (A5) $4.50 Field Trials Pointers & Setters Trials (A5) $4.50 Utility Trials (A5) $4.50 Spaniel and Retriever Trials (A5) $4.50 Endurance Trials (A5) $4.50 Herding Trials (A5) $4.50 Dances With Dogs Trials (A5) $4.50 Lure Coursing Trials (A5) $4.50 Drafting Trials (A5) $4.50 Sled Sports (A5) $4.50
Durack Vendors Vendors to contact Jessica Wright Email: events@dogsqueensland.org.au J.J. Donuts Contact: Gaylene Ph: 0434 405 375 Email: joerana2010@iinet.net.au
Pet Homes Pty Ltd Contact: Phil Ph: 0418 783 555 Email: pethomes@optusnet.com.au
Puddleby Art Contact: Toshi Ueno Ph: 0410 595 202 Email: info@puddlebyart.com.au
Lilcracka Pet Supplies Contact: Kay Ph: 0413 543 835 Email: kay@lilcracka.com
Lockyer Valley Sharpening Contact: Keith Ph: 0458 920 088 Email: kjrau@bigpond.com
Naturally Raw Store Contact: Heidi Ph: 1300 780 149 Email: info@petrep.com.au
Lead on Animal Leads Contact: Bev and Ian Ph: 0417 076 402 Email: Bev.r.priestley@gmail.com
Suppawtive Health Solutions Contact: Catherine Ph: 0421 543 036 Email: suppawtivehealthsolutions@gmail.com
Dog Essentials Contact: Gina Ph: (07) 3801 4800 Email: info@dogessentials.com.au
TAK Photography Contact: Tracy: 0451 912 022 Email: admin@takphotography.com.au
Elite Macrame & Woodwork Contact: Shirley Ph: 02 6677 9453 Email: elitemacrame@yahoo.com.au
Wagz Cafe Contact: Mark Ph: 0407 212 974 Email: almarjo@hotmail.com.au
Dogs Queensland Sports Ground Rates Meeting Rooms Starting From Field Hire Starting From
DOG WORLD September 2019
For enquiries please email Jessica: events@dogsqueensland.org.au or call (07) 3548 3409 BREED STANDARDS Full set of 8 (7 x Groups + 1 glossary of terms) $52.80 Small binder $3.30 Large binder $8.80 Postage per full set POA Single group $6.60 Breed extensions $4.40 Loose leaf breeds $0.55 Postage per book $2.10 CERTIFICATES Challenge $0.44 Reserve Challenge $0.44 Best Of Breed $0.44 Group Awards (1 In Show, 7 In Group) $5.70 Neuter Challenge $0.44 Neuter in Group Awards $0.44 Neuter in Show Awards $0.44 Best Neuter Of Breed $0.44 Obedience Qual. $0.44 Agility Qual. $0.44 Retrieving Ability Test for Gundogs $0.44 Tracking Qual. $0.44 Track & Search Qual. $0.44 Field & Ret Qual. $0.44 Dances with Dogs. $0.44 Rally-O $0.44 Lure Course $0.44 Lure Course Open Stake $0.44 Lure Course Single Stake $0.44 Lure Course Ability Test $0.44 Earthdog Test $0.44 Herding $0.44 Sled Sport Event $0.44 SET STEWARDS GRAPHS (10 + 2 General Specials sheet(s) $5.28 Judges Books (each) $3.30 Judges Books (set of 10) $8.80 OBEDIENCE JUDGING CHARTS Novice, Open, Utility and or Agility $4.40 (25 sheets per set)
Postage For Bulk Stationery Orders Will Be Invoiced. All prices include GST. Prices are subject to change.
Advertising Disclaimer The publishers accept no responsibility for the contents of advertisements. All advertisements are accepted in good faith and the liability of advertising content is the responsibility of the advertiser.
Durack Office: 07 3252 2661 | P O Box 1136 MT OMMANEY QLD 4074 | www.dogsqueensland.org.au
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