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Written by distinguished veterinarian Karen Hedberg, the Dog Owner’s Manual takes you through the process of choosing and raising a puppy. It also includes breeding, geriatric care, lists canine ailments and summarises various treatments.
Clearly written and easy to comprehend, this book provides an up-to-date one-stop reference for both breeders and all those who really care for their dogs.
To purchase your copy, visit Dogs Queensland, phone the office on 3252 2661 or email pina@dogsqueensland.org.au. The Dog Owner’s Manual is priced at only $50.00 plus postage.
There has been lots happening with events in our dog world both in Queensland and interstate with a great opportunity for members to enjoy activities with their dogs.
As mentioned before, we have had great feedback about the new RNA venue for the conformation dog shows and sport events. It is a venue that compares very well with the Melbourne and Sydney venues and will no doubt improve even more come next year’s event.
I was lucky enough to attend both the Spring Fair weekend in Sydney and the Melbourne Royal and Whippet Specialty Shows in Victoria. The Whippet Association of Victoria has been the fortunate beneficiary of a sizeable bequest in the will of a late member. This club has since consciously funded a number of improvements that benefit the wider Victorian dog community and is to be commended for these initiatives.
Where the dog world has been an important part of your life, a bequest in your will to a club or dog body is an option you may like to consider.
As members would know, I do like to run different concepts “up the flagpole” for feedback from members and other directors. We are a member organisation, so we do try to be all about members and their dogs. Sometimes our members fall on hard times and support can be very limited. I had one long standing dog world person who has experienced a wave of personal difficulties say that the dog world just does not care.
I know that in the case of fire and floods and other
extreme events our dog bodies and members do rise to the occasion, with financial and in-kind support being provided. I think most of our dog bodies in Australia have a budgetary allocation for such emergency events and that is certainly the case with Dogs Queensland.
I wonder though whether we could go a bit further and provide some support for members in grave difficulty. A first port of call may be for members suffering from a life- threatening or terminal illness. It’s all about dog people helping their own, and that has been a very long tradition in our dog world.
In the American context, the AKC has established “Take the Lead” with a separate endowment fund. This started in the 1980s with the Aids crisis but has evolved since then to assist members in dire straits. Their home page setting out their history and background is reproduced after my message. And by the way, I love their logo with the whippet!
I think it is important for us, as members, to have a dialogue about this, and if supported, to then look at possible models, whether at a State or National level. We will be discussing this at Board level so do provide feedback to rob@dogsqueensland.org. au and/ or provide feedback to a director. In a way it is surprising that such a trust or charity has not previously been progressed at a State or National level.
As we know, our dogs are wonderful companions and members of our families. I think it is great that the Queensland tenancy legislation has been amended with effect from 1 October 2022 to overcome a blanket ban by a property owner on a person renting from keeping a pet.
Now the person can apply to the property owner for approval to keep a pet. The property owner can only refuse the application on stated reasonable grounds. An example would be in a unit where the keeping of the pet would be a breach of the body corporate by-laws, whether it was the owner or tenant. Mind you, some of these by- laws have been successfully challenged in the courts.
If the request is not responded to within 14 days, then consent is stated to be automatic. It is all about being a responsible dog owner and it is
great that people renting will benefit from fairer processes. I enjoyed being interviewed by ABC radio on this subject this morning.
I certainly enjoyed the recent weekend of Advance Pacific International Shows. A big thank you to the office and to Waterloo Bay Kennel Club and the Judges and the myriad of volunteers who made it all happen. Having different show formats adds interest and challenges in my view.
So if you enjoyed that weekend make sure you pencil the Christmas/ New Year Festive Fiesta in your diaries. It will be even bigger and better this year. Look out for the schedule in Paw Prints.
Have a great October!
Ulla Greenwood, President Dogs Queensland
September 2022
The AIDS crisis opened our eyes to the many ruthless illnesses that were challenging us to our very core. Though we came together week in and week out to compete at shows and trials, to participate in club activities, to share knowledge and common interests, we had inadequate resources in any one place to take care of those in our community who so clearly needed our help.
Take the Lead was founded in 1993 as a not-for-profit foundation under Section 501 (c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code dedicated to provide direct services, support and care for all qualified participants in the sport of dogs who suffer from the devastating realities of life-threatening or terminal illnesses.
So here’s what you need to know about take the lead…
L We’ve been here to serve as a lifeline for the Fancy since 1993.
L We originally began simply; to lend the level of support to those impacted by the aids epidemic.
L The Pure Breed Dog Fancy, our grassroots community, are our main contributors and make all of this happen. Dog people helping our own. This has never changed!
$ We soon realized we could do much more and expanded our mission to include assisting those with all life-threatening or terminal illnesses. These include (but are not limited to) cancer, heart disease, kidney disease, and more.
$ An endowment fund was established to ensure funds would always still be available to the Fancy far into the future.
$ In 2016, we once again reviewed and renewed our mission and added our ability to now provide temporary emergency assistance to those affected by disasters such as fires, floods, earthquakes and the like. This is accomplished through a separate and expedited application. (Both applications are available on our website).
A reminder to all Conformation judges, that when accepting an overseas judging appointment (except New Zealand) you must submit a copy of the invitation/contract to Dogs Queensland within 14 days of acceptance of the contract, to confirm the invitation is from a recognised Controlling Body.
Dogs Queensland would like to remind all Conformation Judges of the time and distance restrictions between judging appointments as per Rule 69.3.
In keeping with the Dog Queensland Rules and Regulations (42.4 – page 43), clubs are advised schedules are to be submitted to the DQ office at least 3 calendar months prior to the month of publication of the Show Schedule. Please note that schedule advertising must appear in the Dog World magazine 2 months prior to the event (a total of 5 months).
Late schedules will appear in the following edition of Dogs Queensland’s Dog World magazine.
For example, the schedule for a show to be held on 8 October 2022 would need to be submitted to the office by 8 May 2022. This allows for the 3 months prior to the schedule being published in the August 2022 Dog World magazine, which is the required 2 months prior to the date of the show.
To submit Schedules up to and including March 2023 or for more information contact Ian at ian@ dogsqueensland.org.au
The following rules and regulations are scheduled for review over the next couple of years in order for the new rules and regulations to take effect from 1 July 2024.
All submissions for changes to these Rules and
Regulations should be submitted to Barb Murfet, at cbmurfet@bigpond.com no later than Monday 30 January 2023.
Expressions of interest are sought from those interested in becoming a Retrieving or RATG judge.
Ron Jackson, RAFT Chair & Judges Training Coordinator, will be holding a Seminar offering a teaching experience for possible upcoming judges on Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 November, 2022.
If you are interested in becoming a Retrieving or RATG judge, email Ron Jackson at raft.qld.sec@gmail.com
Dogs Queensland wishes to thank all Members and Jeremy Cook from Show Manager for their ongoing support of the Dogs Queensland Junior Handlers.
When any Member enters a Show, they are asked if they wish to round up their amount. Through nearly 13,000 donations, Show Manager have just donated $6,849.45 from the last 12 months.
This money will be utilised to further fund Junior Handler activities throughout Queensland.
Members are advised a fee of $20, via Showmanager, is required to qualify for the 2023 DOTY and POTY. To help navigate the process, the link below will guide members through the steps to complete payment. https://showmanager.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/ articles/5101861172367-How-to-enter-the-DogsQLD-DOTY-2022-2023
The updates rules can be viewed by clicking here.
Members are advised of the following changes to the Rules (Updated Dogs Queensland Rule Book).
Rule 44.7.(3) The following Rule has been amended;
44.7.(3) The dog is entered in the Exhibition in the name of the owners, however after three (3) months of being exhibited in accord with Rule 44.7, the imported dog, if still in Australia, must be registered to a financial member of an ANKC Ltd member body
Rule 44.8 Rule amended from 6 months and 1 month respectively;
44.8 No person shall exhibit or handle at a Conformation Exhibition under a Judge if that person has billeted that Judge within a period of twelve (12) months prior to and twenty four (24) hours after the Exhibition at which that Judge is officiating. However, a Judge for a Breed/Group Specialty Show may be billeted by an exhibitor after the Show, provided that such information is published in the Schedule, or is known to the Committee, or is published in the Club’s newsletter
Rule 20.2 The following has been altered in line with ANKC Ltd Regulations;
20.2 A litter shall be eligible for registration on the Register which is maintained under these Rules if:
(1) (i) The owner is a resident of Queensland irrespective of where the litter was whelped; (ii) Where a prefix is jointly owned in more than one State or Territory, the litter must be registered in the State or Territory in which the litter was whelped;
V3.5 Rule 70.6
The Rule below is altered from 7 weeks to 4 weeks;
70.6 Puppies under the age of three (3) months will not be admitted to the precincts of the Exhibition at any time, nor shall any person at any time allow the mating or whelping of any bitches, nor bring nor allow to remain any bitch more than four (4) weeks in whelp, within the precincts or upon the grounds of any Exhibition, whether or not any such dog or bitch is entered in the Exhibition
Dogs Queensland Complaints Procedure
The wording of the procedure was altered to include a lodgement fee for all Member Complaints;
In addition, and in order for the complaint to progress, a lodgement fee of $200.00 is required. This fee will not be required for any complaint by anyone lodging a complaint who is not a member of an ANKC Member body. This fee will only be refunded if the complaint is referred to a Breaches Panel and thus deemed non frivolous
Dogs Queensland have additional stocks of Show Bags for sale. Priced at only $20.00 (plus postage), these bags make perfect Puppy Packs. Each value-packed bag contains:
• Nexgard Tick, Flea and Worm Chewable (size to suit your dog)
• Plush Puppy 100ml O.M.G Multi Purpose Grooming Spray
• Royal Canin Educ Nutritional Supplement 50g
• EAC Animal Care Pre-biotic 20g • Dog Toy – one only
• Hair Remover or Royal Canin Spray Bottle Dogs Queensland
• Dogs Queensland Water Bottle • Dogs Queensland Calendar and Carry Bag
To purchase a bag simply visit the Office at Durack from 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday or alternatively email Pina at pina@dogsqueensland.org.au.
Please note: The Prize Draw is no longer included in the bag.
The Dogs Queensland 2023 Calendar is hot off the presses, featuring dog breeds showcased on the Dog World magazine covers.
Dogs Queensland have calendars available for purchase at the competitive price of $10.00 each (or $12.00 each including postage) from the Office at Durack or by email to pina@dogsqueensland.org.au.
With limited stock available, members are advised to get in early to avoid disappointment on missing out.
Members are invited to submit dog related stories of interest for inclusion in upcoming issues of our Dog World magazine. All canine topics are accepted whether they be unusual, quirky or factual and can include ‘pawfriendly’ walks and cafes, heart-warming tales or antics while in lockdown to name a few.
Dogs Queensland would like to showcase your dog’s story to the wider canine community. To see your story published simply send it through to barbara@dogsqueensland.org.au
1st September 2022
Dear Member,
Vero Voting has been contracted by Canine Control Council (Qld) Limited to conduct an election for Six (6) Directors. Nominations open Friday 11th November 2022, and close at 5pm AEST on Friday 9th December 2022.
Vero Voting, an independent voting service, has been engaged to manage your Nominations and Election. Vero Voting have been appointed by Canine Control Council (Queensland) Limited to protect your privacy and ensure a fair and equitable vote result. All votes submitted will be confidential and anonymous.
The Six (6) Retiring Board Directors are:
• Mrs Ulla Greenwood – Zone 1
• Mrs Barbara Murfet – Zone 1
• Miss Ainslie Carius – Zone 1
• Ms Patrice Johansen – Zone 1
• Mr Gordon Mayne – Zone 3
• Mrs Marg Norton – Zone 2
Please note, subject to compliance with clause 27.5 of the Canine Control Council (Qld) Limited Constitution, retiring Board Directors will be eligible for re election. The qualifications required to hold Office as a Director are listed within the Canine Control Council (Qld) Limited Constitution, which is available on the Dogs Queensland website or is available by request from the Dogs Queensland Office.
Step 1: Complete a nomination form along with the candidate statement/ résumé.
Step 2: Lodge the completed form as per the instructions below.
NOMINATIONS, which can be made from Friday 11th November 2022 must be in writing and comply with the constitution. In accordance with 29.3 of the Constitution, nominations shall be in writing, and signed by the nominee and two (2) other members supporting the nomination, and shall include class of membership, status, place of residence and a brief résumé by the nominee. Nominations must reach Greg Mitchell from Vero Voting by no later than 5pm AEST, Friday 9th December 2022.
NOMINATION FORMS may be downloaded from the Dogs Queensland website or by contacting the Returning Officer from 10th October 2022.
CANDIDATE/NOMINEE RESUME: Candidates may submit a résumé not exceeding 200 words and a profile picture, which will be distributed to members, if a ballot is required. This should be submitted with the Nomination form. To ensure accuracy of your information it is strongly recommended that you submit the statement and picture in an electronic format (Microsoft Word & JPEG) to the Returning Officer at email: greg@verovoting.com.au
.These details should also be forwarded to the Dogs Queensland Office
to allow the résumés and photos of all nominees to be prepared for publication on Monday 12th December, 2022
Candidates are asked to note that prior to any appointment at the March 2023 AGM, all potential Directors must have a Director ID number. The fastest and easiest way to do this is to apply apply online with your phone via the myGovID app Candidates must also have a valid Blue Card at the time of nomination, details of how to apply are provided on the attached ‘Applying for Blue Card Sheet’
By email: A properly completed nomination form including all necessary signatures and attachments may be scanned and submitted as a pdf file to greg@verovoting.com.au
By post: Vero Voting, Unit 5, 100 Railway Road, Daglish, WA 6008
BALLOT: If a ballot is necessary, voting will be conducted primarily using Internet Voting. Instruction Sheet/Password Advices will be emailed to the email address listed with Dogs Queensland. However, for those members who wish to cast their vote via Postal Voting, other than those without a listed email address, will need to contact the Secretary of Dogs Queensland, before the close of Nominations (5pm AEST 9th December, 2022), to request a Postal Voting pack be mailed to your Postal Address. Similarly, if you have not previously provided your email address and you wish to vote via the internet, you can also notify the Dogs Queensland Office no later than 5pm AEST 9th December 2022.
The ballot will open on Friday 20th January 2023, and close at 5:00pm AEST on Monday, 20th February 2023.
How Internet Voting Works: Just prior to the Ballot opening, you will receive communication from Vero Voting. You will be given a unique login that is linked to your membership. Once logged into the voting portal you can following the on screen instructions to lodge your vote.
Should you require any assistance please contact Greg Mitchell (Returning Officer) on 1300 702 898 or greg@verovoting.com.au.
Yours faithfully,
Mr Greg Mitchell Independent Returning Officer
T: 1300 702 898
E: greg@verovoting.com.au
The Japanese Spitz ... are very family-friendly and have a playful spirit and are always eager to please. They enjoy both indoors and outdoors and being wherever you are as they thrive on human companionship.
The Japanese make claim to the origins of the Japanese Spitz, however there is evidence of white Spitz-type dogs in other countries dating back hundreds of years. There were many medium sized Spitz breeds in Europe, especially Germany and Russia, and these were predominantly white.
During the late 1800s this type of dog began making its way to America. During the early 1900s, white Spitz appeared in Japan, possibly due to the movements of armed forces and their families and pets in and out of Japan, China and Russia from America and Canada.
Today’s Japanese Spitz was developed in Japan between 1920 and 1950. The breed arrived relatively quickly in Australia. The first exports from Japan arrived in Sweden in 1973, and then the first imports into England arrived from Sweden in 1977. Breed fanciers in Australia were fortunate enough to import progeny of those early arrivals in England and as a result the breed arrived on our shores in 1979. The first litter in Australia was born in 1981.
It’s not hard to see why one would love the Japanese Spitz. Apart from their striking appearance with that pure white coat and black eyes and nose, they are alert, lively, bold, eager to please, intelligent family dogs. The Japanese Spitz are prized for their wonderful temperaments.
They are very family-friendly and are known to be playful and gentle with children and make wonderful versatile pets. They enjoy both indoors and outdoors and being wherever you are as they thrive on human companionship. When you are home, they want to be with you, so they are not a breed you can just leave in the backyard as they want to be a part of the family.
They should have socialisation and training as they are known for their courage and protective nature. They will bark, surprisingly loud at strangers who enter their territory, though they will calm down when they are reassured by their owners.
Japanese Spitz are quite intelligent and respond
well to training. They don’t need a large backyard as they are an active dog that will follow you everywhere around the house. However, they do love to go for walks and beach swims. They tend to be wary of complete strangers that rush up to them without formal introduction. They prefer a gentle approach, after which you have a friend for life.
They are characterised by their great courage, affection, and devotion to their family. They are small enough to enjoy being a lap dog, but let it be said, at their discretion, for despite these qualities they are nevertheless of an independent nature with a will of their own. They can be an only dog or in a household with other dogs and pets.
They are playful and friendly from an early age and are highly adaptable and thrive in almost any living situation, from small apartments to vast acreage. These happy dogs walk with a pep in their step, equally excited for playtime and cuddly naps.
Japanese spitz dogs are playful, smart, and comedic companions who are steadfastly loyal and almost always smiling.
The Japanese Spitz is a classic medium-sized spitz covered with a thick, pristine snow-white stand-off coat, which consists of a long straight outer coat held by a profuse and soft under coat contrasted by strikingly dark expressive almond eyes lined in black, black lips and nose.
The head has an alert appearance with triangular shaped ears standing erect, pointed muzzle and a well plumed tail carried over their back. The overall quality of the body should be firm and strong, full of flexibility.
The height and weight of the Japanese Spitz is: Males 34-37 cm (13.5 – 14.5 ins) and approximately 12kgs. Females 30-34 cm (12 – 13.5 ins) and approximately 10kgs.
Despite its impressive coat, the Japanese Spitz is surprisingly easy to maintain due to the coats soft texture mud and dirt will fall off easily or can be brushed out. They require a brush once a week and a bath approximately every 4 weeks as they don’t have a doggy smell.
They shed their undercoat approximately twice a year and a trip to the groomers a couple of times during this period is recommended to get the hair out. With regular grooming you will be rewarded with a beautiful looking dog with a sparkling white coat.
The Japanese Spitz is a very healthy breed that is not prone to much illness. Some bloodlines may suffer from Patella Luxation (slipping knee caps). However conscious breeders strive to eliminate this from their breeding programs.
Some dogs suffer from tear staining however this is usually due to wrong eye shape (being too round) or blocked tear ducts. They have an average life span of up to 15 years old. To ensure you get a healthy Japanese Spitz make sure you purchase from an ANKC Registered Breeder that exhibits (shows) their dogs regularly.
The Japanese Spitz is quite an intelligent breed, and they respond well to training. They thrive on being with their owners and enjoy Agility, Obedience and Conformation Showing. I have done all these sports with my dogs over the years, and found that they only need minimal training to pick up the required skills. There are many Japanese Spitz overseas doing, Agility, Fly Ball and Lure Coursing. They enjoy playing catch with a ball or frisbee in the backyard with their families.
The Japanese Spitz is a family dog seeming to thrive on the different attention and affections from each family member. They will choose one family member as their leader and bond more closely with that person.
A young puppy (3-12months) could be a “handful” for children under the age of 5 without adult supervision. However, they are also suitable for singles or couples. If you are looking for a breed of dog to be a loyal companion that loves to be with you then the Japanese Spitz is for you.
The Japanese Spitz should be familiarised with other household pets at an early age; it will then live happily with them. They can have a dominant nature and when introduced to a household with other breeds they may very quickly become “The Boss” – even over much larger breeds.
For Kim Haddon, 2023 will be a very special year as she will celebrate 50 years of continuous membership of Dogs Queensland.
And it all started with horses.
“Well, my early life was spent around Arab horses that my Mother, Jill Flack, bred, but ever since I was very young, my big love was dogs. They were my best friends, and the lifelong affair began at age four with a Standard Smooth Dachshund.”
That process was accelerated when she had a few serious horse-riding accidents, especially one at age nine that was the decider;
“I was thrown and ended up with a fractured skull and I remember spending a long time lying on the couch with an enormous hematoma on my head having to keep quiet and I lost my confidence riding.”
For the family it all really started with her Mother deciding they needed a guard dog on their new farm in Toowoomba and she researched and bought a German Shepherd bitch, later selecting and mating her to a Champion sire from New Zealand.
“Through her breeding of horses, my Mother taught me the importance of form, function, type, balance, soundness and movement, so we always bought well-bred pure breed dogs.”
In 1975, I bred my first purebred litter of German Shepherds under my Mother’s Prefix “Millavale” and from this litter came one of Australia’s Top German Shepherds at the time.
Her Mum clearly knew what she was doing as Kim took that 7-month-old pup from her first litter to the 1975 Royal Ekka Show at age 15, competing against 46 German Shepherds from Interstate and 36 imported German Shepherd dogs from Germany, England and New Zealand and walked
away with Best Puppy in Show and she was hooked!
Kim bred and trialled German Shepherds for 15 years and Rottweilers for 11 years.
At age 18 she saw footage of a Bernese Mountain Dog on television and thought it was the most beautiful dog she had ever seen and so a new canine passion was born, she had to have one. To this day her first of the breed, ‘Heidi’ is her favourite;
“They have such a wonderful temperament for a large breed, they are so affectionate and sweet natured and think of their humans as god.”
So deep was her bond with this breed that along with Lyn Brand, they founded the breed in Australia and Kim has bred and showed them for 38 years, importing and exporting to many countries throughout the world.
Kim attended the World’s first Bernese Mountain Dog Health Symposium held in Langenthal, Switzerland in 2000, discussing breeding and health issues affecting the Bernese Mountain Dog Worldwide.
“I pride myself on the strict standards of soundness to which I breed, and I was named as breeding #1 and #2 Top Soundness Producing BMD Sires in Australasia, in a book written by English Author and statistician, Malcolm Willis (UK).”
As a breed the Bernese Mountain dog is not a common breed at all, so it surprised Kim when daughter Katrin announced she wanted a breed of her own because the Bernese “were so common”;
“That’s all Katrin had grown up with and so all she knew. She then went to the other extreme and wanted a Pomeranian. I couldn’t find one suitable locally, so we ended up importing one from Sweden but then … Katrins passion followed her grandmother into horses and she went overseas and did dressage events in Germany, … so there I was with an Imported Pom, fell in love with him and the rest is history.”
To improve the breed here in Australia Kim has imported Pomeranians from eight different countries for her breeding program. She was obviously very good at it, as she bred the Aust Supreme Ch /Am Gr Ch Zeigen Aurora Australis, who quickly became #4 Pomeranian in America in 2014 and subsequently was invited to compete at Westminster in 2015.
To improve the breed here in Australia Kim has imported Pomeranians from eight different countries for her breeding program. She was obviously very good at it, as she bred the Aust Supreme Ch /Am Gr Zeigen Aurora Australis, who quickly became #4 Pomeranian in America in 2014 and subsequently was invited to compete at Westminster in 2015.
And if that wasn’t enough, Kim has also owned, bred and shown Jack Russell Terriers, thanks to her son Scott’s interest in the breed. All up, to this point in her career, Kim and her Zeigen Kennels, have bred well over 100 Champions in her chosen breeds.
But wait there’s more!
At 20, Kim decided to again follow in her Mum’s
footsteps and take a crack at judging.
She sought advice from an old Darling Downs legend, Charlie Head, pausing he looked at her and intoned in a voice weathered by age and its values; “Go away and come back in another two years!”
“It was a time when young women weren’t encouraged in this field, and it did put me off somewhat.” said Kim
Over a decade, in fact, before Kim would try again and it took 17 years of hard slog and the interruptions of helping her two children through high school. In 2016, she finally became an AllBreeds Judge;
“It was always my ambition and when it happened it was like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders and I was absolutely exhilarated.”
The judging has taken her all over the world from Finland to China and she has only just returned
from Canada where she judged two major events, the Canadian Pomeranian National Specialty and the four-day Alberta Summer Classic.
“Canadians are very much like us, they’re very friendly, relaxed, love a laugh but I think they have a greater respect for sportsmanship in their canine world than we currently do.”
Its’ probably Kim’s greatest observation about our present;
“I do miss the old days, the respect that was shown to our judges, our President, executives and our fellow competitors. Our world is no longer a welcoming and helpful environment as it was. Once you could freely discuss each other’s dogs,
good and bad traits with fellow breeders and it was a process of sharing and a learning tool but now people take it all so personally and seem to resent anything that may be seen as critical. I do miss the respectful honesty of the past.”
As a mark of respect and in celebration of the life of Queen Elizabeth II, a minute’s silence and a Corgi guard of honour was observed at the Allora Kennel Club Show 1 on Saturday 10 September 2022. Benson (pictured left) celebrated his 5th birthday at the show. A birthday isn’t a birthday without bringing your party hat, cake and smile for your Corgi friends.
stay at Brisbane’s
the Park Hotel
On the 21 and 22 September 2022, the Golden Retriever Club of Qld Inc, held its second Heart and Eye Clinic for 2022.
This clinic is open to all breeds. On this occasion we had 13 different breeds of dogs attend for either heart or eye appointments, many seeing both specialists.
We are truly fortunate to have the support of specialists Dr Geoffrey Nicolson BVSc (Hons) MVETSTUD Dipl. ECVIM-CA (Cardiology), Specialist Veterinary Cardiologist, and Dr Michael E Bernays BVSc(Hons) FANZCVSc(Ophthalmology) Registered Specialist in Veterinary Ophthalmology Veterinary Director,
Animal Eye Services. Without the support of these wonderful specialists, the clinics would not be possible.
We would also like to thank the members who came along with their dogs and appreciate their patience and co-operation. It’s a huge undertaking to coordinate these clinics and we do appreciate your patronage.
We are continually looking at ways to improve these clinics. Due to the high demand, we may in future, need to limit the number of dogs per individual breeder. This will give more breeders the opportunity to see the specialists in the one convenient location.
Lastly, thank you to the members of the Golden Retriever Club of Qld Inc, who happily came to help wrangle dogs, administer eye drops, and generally supported the club. We can’t do it without you!!!
After being in the dog world for several years and having lots of success in the Conformation ring with my German Shepherds (under the Karham prefix), I decided that I would love to give something back to the dog world, so I began my judging career in the late 1990’s whilst living in Bowen, North Qld.
With a limited number of dogs and shows to judge at, I finally achieved my first group – Working Dogs – at Championship level in 2009. Gaining this first group was enough encouragement for me to continue on as a Trainee Judge, having trained in numerous systems over the years.
I thank all of my mentors, the Conformation Judges Committees, Judges all over the world, Exhibitors whose dogs I have trained on, family and friends for all of your support, guidance and knowledge.
Becoming an All Breeds Judge is not only a lot of hard work and dedication, I feel it is also an honour to have achieved such.
I joined Dogs Queensland in 2002 and have been an active exhibitor and breeder of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels since then. I have also on occasions exhibited a Papillon, a Pug and an extremely wilful Dachshund Miniature (Smooth Haired). I have been an active member of the Kennel Association of Queensland, the Toy Dog Club of Queensland and the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of Queensland for many years. I began judging in 2010 and have had the pleasure of judging throughout Australia and in New Zealand. I currently sit on the Conformation and Rules Sub-Committee of Dogs Queensland and enjoy being part of this team.
I have many people to thank for their assistance in helping me in my journey to “All Breeds Judge”, probably too many to name individually. I would, however, like to thank the CJC and group-coordinators for their tireless work with trainee judges. A big shout out of thanks must go to the breeders and exhibitors for making their dogs available at open shows, lectures and field days – without the dogs, it would be impossible for trainees to learn about the individual breeds.
I look forward to seeing where this journey will now take me and continuing to learn along the way.
Dogs Queensland would like to congratulate all the winners and entrants in the Canine Competition at this year’s Brisbane Ekka including our Members who took to the Show Rings to exhibit their dogs, Dog Sports participants and Junior Handlers.
The Dogs Queensland stand proved an excellent opportunity for breeders to showcase their breed to the wider canine community.
The following pages showcase a selection of images taken during the competition and which can be purchased from the following websites:
Podium and Rally Images: Ingrid Matschke https://www.ingridmatschkephotos.com
Dog Sports Images: Kerri Afford https://www.kerriaffordphotography.com
After a 2 year break, Dog Sports at the 2022 Ekka was once again a success and well attended by the public. The dogs excelled in their chosen discipline and thoroughly enjoyed the competition.
Held across two venues Rally, Dances With Dogs (DWD) and Trick Dog took centre stage in the Dog Pavilion where 2 rings were used at the same time, displaying plenty of action for the public to watch from nearby stands. Trick Dog was introduced for the first time this year. This new venue, which also included Dog Conformation, proved very popular with both competitors and audiences alike.
Obedience was held at Stockman’s Rest and was equally well received by competitors and those members of the public on hand to observe the skills of owners and dogs on display. After many years of competing on different days and different surfaces the Obedience was held on the first day giving the competitors the opportunity to trial on fresh grounds.
The Agility competition was also held at Stockmans Rest and attracted a very large crowd.
The competitors and Stewards enjoyed their events in the new venues and were able to show the public what we can do with our dogs.
Our social media presence continues to grow.
Instagram produced great results this month with 14 published posts pushing our engagements up by 86 per cent and followers up by almost 20 percent compared to the previous month. While our Facebook followers also grew by 120 and now sit at 9743. Ten thousand will surely soon follow.
Our most popular posts in the past month were, our tribute to the passing of Queen Elizabeth II with a total of 1,274 engagements
and 43 shares followed by QLD Junior Handler Champion 2022 Samantha Page who’s post generated 682 engagements and over 235 people clicked on her profile in our Dog World magazine.
Our audience truly loves human interest stories, so if you have a story and a fabulous photo, please message us via Facebook and we will share it for you.
And remember, spread the word and hit that like button!!
Queensland’s premier dog show event, the ADVANCE PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL saw 3713 entries over a 4 day weekend at Durack. Exhibitors travelled from all States of Australia to what is fast becoming a “must attend” event on the Australian dog show calendar.
Run by Waterloo Bay Kennel Club and Dogs Queensland, the event featured a full international panel of judges, exceptional prize donations from sponsors, music throughout the grounds, and a pointscore recognising the most successful group winners over the weekend. Exhibitors had a wonderful weekend and the feedback was very rewarding.
Thanks to a small army of volunteers, Show Manager David Weil, and the stewards who made sure the weekend ran smoothly!
All images can be purchased by visiting https://takphotography.com.au/dog-shows
Show Dates: Saturday 3 December 2022
Entries Close: Monday 21 November 2022 IPSWICH KENNEL CLUB
Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, 247 King Ave, Durack QLD 1 CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW AND 1 OPEN SHOW
Classes: Champ: 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a)
Open: 1(1a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 11(11a), 18(18a)
Entry Fees:
Champ: $12.00, Baby Puppy $10.00, Catalogues Printed $3.00, Online $1.00 (Includes Champ and Open Show) Open: $2.00
Entries to: Ipswich Kennel Club, PO Box 356, Ormeau QLD 4208 Online Entries: www.showmanager.com.au
Enquiries: Tanya Ph: 0407694119 (no calls after 8:30PM) Email: shasdin@ecn.net.au
Open Show judging starts at 5:00PM Championship Show Judging starts at the completion of the Open Show
Ms D Puttock (NSW) Group 1
Ms S Guilfoyle (QLD) Group 2
Mrs W Pleydell - Fry (QLD) Group 3
Mr S Yiannou (QLD) Group 4
Mrs S Jewell (QLD) Group 5
Mrs D McLean (QLD) Group 6
Mr J Mitchell (QLD) Group 7
There will be no General Specials
Proudly Sponsored by
Ms S Smid (QLD) Group 1
Mr J Daidone (QLD) Group 2
Mrs S Jewell (QLD) Group 3
Ms M Lee (QLD) Group 4
Ms D Puttock (NSW) Group 5
Ms L Cassidy (QLD) Group 6
Mrs M Hammond (QLD) Group 7
General Specials Mrs M Hammond (QLD)
FOUR Championship Shows ONE Open Show
FOUR Championship Shows ONE Open Show
Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, 247 King Ave, DURACK
Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, 247 King Ave, DURACK
ENTRY FEES FOR OPEN SHOW: Automatic if entering the Championship Show on 31/12 or $3.00 if only entering the Open Show
Automatic if entering the Championship Show on 31/12 or $3.00 if only entering the Open Show
CATALOGUES: $8.00 for printed or $3.00 for online (covers all shows)
CATALOGUES: $8.00 for printed or $3.00 for online (covers all shows)
Classes: 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a)
Classes: 1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a)
ENTRIES: online via SHOWMANAGER www.showmanager.com.au
ENTRIES: online via SHOWMANAGER www.showmanager.com.au
ENTRIES CLOSE 15 DECEMBER 2022 ENQUIRIES AND SHOW DAY CONTACTS: Jodie Wilshier 0417 799 115 or Ainslie Carius 0409 892 248
ENQUIRIES AND SHOW DAY CONTACTS: Jodie Wilshier 0417 799 115 or Ainslie Carius 0409 892 248
**********START TIMES*********
TOYS Mrs H Jones (WA)
TOYS Mrs H Jones (WA)
TERRIERS Mr W Schnitzer (SA)
TERRIERS Mr W Schnitzer (SA)
GUNDOGS Mrs R Spencer (VIC)
GUNDOGS Mrs R Spencer (VIC)
UTILITY Mrs Y Stanton (NZ)
UTILITY Mrs Y Stanton (NZ)
Mrs M Butcher (NSW)
Mrs M Butcher (NSW)
Mrs H Jones (WA)
Mrs H Jones (WA)
Mr W Schnitzer (SA)
Mr W Schnitzer (SA)
Ms J Lees (VIC)
Ms J Lees (VIC)
Mr E Soti (SA)
Mr E Soti (SA)
Mrs R Spencer (VIC)
Mrs R Spencer (VIC)
Mrs Y Stanton (NZ)
Mrs Y Stanton (NZ)
Ms J Lees (VIC)
Ms J Lees (VIC)
Saturday 31/12 (CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW)
Mr E Soti (SA)
Mr E Soti (SA)
Mrs Y Stanton (NZ)
Mrs Y Stanton (NZ)
HOUNDS TBA Mr W Schnitzer (SA)
HOUNDS TBA Mr W Schnitzer (SA)
WORKING DOGS Miss A Carius (QLD) Mrs H Jones (WA)
Mrs H Jones (WA)
UTILITY Ms M Shuttlewood (QLD) Mrs M Butcher (NSW)
UTILITY Ms M Shuttlewood (QLD)
NON-SPORTING Mrs S Watherston (QLD)
NON SPORTING Mrs S Watherston (QLD)
Mrs M Butcher (NSW)
Mrs R Spencer (VIC)
Mrs R Spencer (VIC)
GENERAL SPECIALS No General Specials Mrs R Spencer (VIC)
GENERAL SPECIALS No General Specials Mrs R Spencer (VIC)
Ms J Lees (VIC)
Ms J Lees (VIC)
TERRIERS Mrs M Butcher (NSW)
Mrs M Butcher (NSW)
GUNDOGS Mrs Y Stanton (NZ)
GUNDOGS Mrs Y Stanton (NZ)
HOUNDS Mrs R Spencer (VIC)
HOUNDS Mrs R Spencer (VIC)
WORKING DOGS Mr W Schnitzer (SA)
WORKING DOGS Mr W Schnitzer (SA)
Proudly Sponsored by
Entries Close: 3rd February 2023
17th Dalmatian National
Entries Close: 3rd February 2023
Entries Close: 3rd February 2023
Restricted to Dalmatian only
Hosted by
Hosted by the Dalmatian Club of the ACT
Championship Show & Performance Trial 11 & 12 March 2023
Hosted by
Hosted by
FRID AY 3rd MARCH 2 02 3
FRID AY 3rd MARCH 2 02 3
FRID AY 3rd MARCH 2 02 3
Championship Classes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12 & 18 (dogs & bitches),
Championship Classes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12 & 18 (dogs & bitches), Property Class: Best Head Dog, Best Head Bitch, Best Movement, Best Parent & 2 Progeny, Best Colour, Fun Class - Kids N Tenties
Championship Classes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12 & 18 (dogs & bitches), Property Class: Best Head Dog, Best Head Bitch, Best Movement, Best Parent & 2 Progeny, Best Colour, Fun Class - Kids N Tenties
Property Class: Best Head Dog, Best Head Bitch, Best Movement, Best Parent & 2 Progeny, Best Colour, Fun Class - Kids N Tenties
Judge: Mrs Sue Bownds (NSW)
Judge: Mrs Sue Bownds (NSW)
www.facebook.com/TheDalmatianCluboftheACT/ Mrs Zelika Halper-Drazic (Croatia) Dalmino Dalmatians
DOGS NSW Representative: Mrs L Hutchinson
DOGS NSW Representative: Mrs L Hutchinson
Judge: Mrs Sue Bownds (NSW)
Contact: Mrs Lesley Ratcliff on (02) 6562 7084
DOGS NSW Representative: Mrs L Hutchinson
Contact: Mrs Lesley Ratcliff on (02) 6562 7084
Ms H Mossler (ACT) – Agility and Jumpers
Mr Charlie Giles (ACT) – Obedience and Rally
Full schedule available at www.ttclubnsw.com or
Contact: Mrs Lesley Ratcliff on (02) 6562 7084
Full schedule available at www.ttclubnsw.com or Facebook: NSW Tenterfield Terrier Club News
Facebook: NSW Tenterfield Terrier Club News
Full schedule available at www.ttclubnsw.com or Facebook: NSW Tenterfield Terrier Club News
Entries & camping bookings via Show Manager
Online entries close 27th February 2023
Postal entries close 20th February 2023
Conformation: Trish Dyer 0429 654 112
Performance: Beverley Barr 0413 131 817
Dogs Queensland has become increasingly aware of Puppy Scam Websites using legitimate Dogs Queensland Registration and Queensland Breeder Identification (BIN) Numbers to sell puppies. Dogs Queensland Registration Numbers are obtained from legitimate websites such as Dogs Queensland or DogzOnline, where they are displayed as required by the Queensland Government.
Please see the Queensland Dog Breeder Fact Sheets for regulations and guidelines for Queensland Dog Breeders.
An example of a typical scam is:
• A Dogs Queensland Membership number is lifted from current advertising on the internet.
• The scammer researches and obtains personal details of the breeder including name, suburb, prefix.
• A domain name similar to the Kennel prefix is registered on an offshore registry.
• Once the breeder has ceased advertising the litter of puppies a new website is published.
• No physical address or phone numbers are advertised on the website.
• The seller avoids permitting you to physically see the cyber puppy and only sends non genuine pictures.
• The seller insists on only accepting payment by a crypto currency or a funds transfer.
As a breeder what can you do to avoid being an unknowing victim of a Puppy Scam:
• Regularly Google search the internet for websites using a similar Domain Name as your Prefix.
• Put a warning notification in your online advertising to alert buyers to check any website they are looking at is legitimate.
• Encourage puppy buyers to verify breeder information with Dogs Queensland and make direct inperson contact with you.
• Ensure puppy buyers check communications are made with verified contact details.
• Encourage puppy buyers to meet the puppy and breeder before handing over payments.
As a buyer what can you do to avoid being a victim of a Puppy Scam:
• Verify breeder information with Dogs Queensland.
• Ensure communications are made to verified contact details.
• Meet the puppy and breeder before handing over payments.
• If paying online, use a credit card or PayPal where you have a degree of buyer protection.
• Check website is an established site with a website security certificate.
• Avoid websites without physical address or phone numbers.
• A sk for proof, including ANKC registration papers and veterinary health records for any puppy. Importantly you should report any suspect sites or advertising to the ACCC ScamWatch website. Please let us know about any suspect websites too by contacting Dogs Queensland on 3252 2661 or by email at info@dogsqueensland.org.au.
PixabayAmerican Staffordshire Terrier Club of Qld Inc
Mrs M Gordon
PO Box 908 Jimboomba QLD 4280 0403 742 555 secretary@astcq.com
Australian Shepherd Club of Qld
Ms A Lally
0419 597 661 amanda.lally@icloud.com
Australian Terrier Club of Qld
Mrs L Roebig 0419 791 464 ringyspaniel@hotmail.com
Basenji Breed Network Qld
Ms E Blair
PO Box 1060 Spring Hill QLD 4004 (07) 3217 5943 basenjinetworkqld@gmail.com
Basset Hound Club of Qld
Ms M McGinn
PO Box 14 Samford QLD 4520 (07) 3289 4033 / 0416 213 253 michelle.mcginn@gmail.com
Beagle Club of Qld
Mrs T McNicol
PO Box 3107 West Ipswich QLD 4305 0422 158 879 secretary@beagleclubqld.org
Belgian Shepherd Dog Club of Qld Inc
Miss C Lowther
PO Box 185, Burpengary, Qld, 4505 0497 628 960 secretary@bsdcq.com
Border Collie Club of Qld Inc
Mrs J McCann 0499 433 089 jopearl@powerup.com.au
Borzoi Club of Qld Inc
Mrs M Davis
(07) 3372 4657 russkimir@dodo.com.au
Bullmastiff Club of Qld Mrs B Bell 0404 702 423 bmcsecqld1@hotmail.com
Bull Terrier Club of Qld Inc
Mrs L Moeser
PO Box 595 Jimboomba QLD 4280 0423 707 380 qldbullterrierclub@gmail.com
Cattle Dog & Kelpie Club of Qld Inc Miss K Williamson 0428 195 933 cattledogkelpie.clubqld@gmail.com
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club (Qld)
Ms E McCutcheon
PO Box 1101 Wynnum QLD 4178 (07) 3893 0847 / 0448 810 847 elisa_mccutcheon@bigpond.com
Central Qld Toy Dog Club
Mrs J Sweeney (07) 4933 3399 / 0407 138 860 tracjobea@hotmail.com
Chihuahua Club of Qld Mrs J Watt (07) 3372 3654 / 0418 153 115 wachowa@ozemail.com.au
Cocker Spaniel Club of Qld Inc Mrs K Hutt 0402 119 013 cscqldinc@gmail.com
Collie Rough and Smooth Club of Qld Inc Miss C Lewty 0407 017 598 secretary.collie.rns.club.qld@gmail.com
Dachshund Club of Qld Miss A Carius (07) 3420 0661 ainsliecarius@icloud.com
Dalmatian Association of Qld Inc Mrs K Murray 0405 988 130 daqsec@outlook.com
Dobermann Club of Qld Inc Mr Kevin Zimmerle 0439 799 944 secretary@dobeclubqld.com.au
English Springer Spaniel Assoc of Qld Inc Miss C Williams 0403 240 296 cathatina63@outlook.com
Fox Terrier Club of Qld Mrs J Cantlon (07) 4129 7166 waitapu11@gmail.com
French Bulldog Club of Qld Ms M McFadzen
PO Box 165 Gladstone QLD 4680 0439 431 239 secretaryfbcqld@gmail.com
German Shepherd Dog Club Qld Inc Mr G Williams 0434 048 084 secretary@gsdcqld.org.au
German Shorthaired Pointer Club Of Qld Mrs K Wishart 0402 214 253 kathwishart@iinet.net.au
Golden Retriever Club of Qld Inc Mrs K Vowell 0423 320 020 karen.vowell@bigpond.com
The Great Dane Society of Qld Inc Mrs V Landsbury PO Box 304 Rosewood 4340 0400 620 190 gdsqinc@gmail.com
Griffon Club of Qld Ms N Lawrence
PO Box 32 Samford QLD 4520 0458 116 833 griffonclubofqld@gmail.com
Hound Club of Qld Mrs T McNicol
PO Box 3107 West Ipswich 4305 0422 158 879 houndclubqld@hotmail.com
Irish Wolfhound Club of Qld
Mr C Gorman 0400 144 524
Labrador Retriever Club of Qld Inc
Mrs C Wardle
0412 191 005
Old English Sheepdog Club of Qld
Mr R Schnaars
(07) 3201 0952 / 0408 730 485 ottaba@bigpond.net.au
Original Australian Dog Breeds Club of Qld (The)
Mrs J Hafey 0419 114 394
Poodle Club of Queensland Inc
Ms P Morgan
PO Box 171 Aspley QLD 4034 0414 501 707 qpcsecretary@yahoo.com.au
Qld Afghan Hound Association
Ms J Anderson 0428 800 410 ohsoposh8@gmail.com
Qld Boston Terrier Club
Mrs K McConnell 0411 955 501 bostonmac@bigpond.com
Qld Boxer Club
Ms S Davies
PO Box 878 Archerfield QLD 4108 0408 197 250 secretary@qldboxerclub.org
Qld Bulldog Club
Mrs J Dinh 0434 142 386 qldbulldogclub@gmail.com
Queensland Gundog Association
Mr A Adams (07) 3278 8001 qldgundog@gmail.com
Queensland Japanese Spitz Club
Ms K Jones-Watson 0407 444 070.
Qld Sighthound Association
Mrs J David 0414 605 513
Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Qld Inc
Ms R Oberholzer 0418 984 605 enquiry@rrcq.com.au
Rottweiler Club of Qld Inc
Mrs A Heinemann
PO Box 872 Beenleigh QLD 4207 0427 545 726 rcqld@yahoo.com.au
Saint Bernard Club of Qld Inc
Mr R Whittet
PO Box 7747 Toowoomba Sth Qld 4350 0438 360 191 (Emma Forsyth) stbernardclubqld@gmail.com
Setter Club of Qld
Mrs C Gorey
PO Box 3123 North Mackay QLD 4740 0438 598 597 setterclubqld@bigpond.com
Shetland Sheepdog Club of Qld Inc Miss A McGarry 0423 467 385 nurserygirl31@hotmail.com
Sporting Spaniel Club of Qld Mrs J Stoneley (07) 3206 2618 estoneley@bigpond.com
Sporting Terrier Club of Qld Mrs D Major
PO Box 5264 Daisy Hill 4127 0412 430 358 secretary.stcq@gmail.com
Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of Qld
Mrs A Bainbridge
PO Box 60 Marburg QLD 4346 0437 109 162 clubsecretary@sbtcq.net
Tenterfield Terrier Club of Qld Inc Mrs M Holt
PO Box 43 Beerwah QLD 4519 (07) 5494 9993 dimah@bigpond.com
Tibetan Spaniel Club of Qld Mrs V Schneider 0407 115 674 tanoshii@tanoshiikennels.com
Toy Dog Club of Qld Ms D Davies (07) 5464 6206 / 0466 962 061 lizbiz@internode.on.net
Welsh Corgi Club of Qld Ms S Kilby 0433 363 640 sheree.kilby@yahoo.com.au
West Highland White Terrier Club of Qld Mrs M Cunningham (07) 5548 6744 / 0418 572 579 westhighlandqld@gmail.com
Whippet Club of Queensland Mrs S Townsend 0402 602 888 whippetclubqld@gmail.com
Working Dog Club of Queensland Mrs B Wheatley 07 3208 7190/ 0419 782 492 bev.lyn.wheatley@gmail.com
Allora Kennel Club Ms K Lewis (07) 4667 1590 octaviaepugs@gmail.com
Beaudesert Kennel Club Mrs V Schneider 0407 115 674 tanoshii@tanoshiikennels.com
Beenleigh & District Kennel Club
Miss J Young 0401 889 999 ebt2013@outlook.com
Brisbane Valley Kennel Club Mrs C Holman 0430 940 063 borolo1@bigpond.com
Burnett Kennel Club Mrs A Morgan 0427 686 121 burnettkennelclubwondai@gmail.com
Caboolture Kennel Club Miss V Wyness 0404 037 095 vickiwvness@bigpond.com
Darling Downs Kennel Club Miss R Green (07) 4696 6216 / 0410 651 756 ridgebacks@chilolo.net.au
Gold Coast Canine Club Mrs A Proudfoot 0405 060 550 icanhazdogs@gmail.com
Gundog & Heavy Breeds Club of Qld Miss A Carius (07) 3420 0661 ainsliecarius@icloud.com
Gympie & District Kennel Club Miss K Wilson PO Box 574 Gympie Qld 4570 0417 729 803 boshellie@activ8.net.au
Ipswich Kennel Club Inc Mrs D McLean (07) 5426 1261 / 0408 261 659 ebonhaus@dodo.com.au
Junior Kennel Club of Qld Mr M Watt (07) 3372 3654 michael.watt13@gmail.com
Kennel Association of Qld Mrs J Wilshier (07) 3279 7339 / 0417 799 115 cavlamour@bigpond.com
Ladies Kennel Association of Qld Mrs J Lanham
PO Box 356 Ormeau QLD 4208 0409 720 882 lanham.1@bigpond.com
Lockyer Valley Kennel Club Mrs K Knight
PO Box 50 Lowood QLD 4311 0407 621 726 sibes2@hotmail.com
Maree Kennel Club
Mrs J Ireland (07) 3814 3069 graedon33@hotmail.com
Nanango Kennel Club
Mrs V Mannion
PO Box 533 Nanango QLD 4615 0417 004 031 nanangokennelclub@gmail.com
Northern Classic Kennel Club
Mr B Burrows 0416 450 186 aussilky@gmail.com
Pine Rivers Kennel Club
Mrs J Glover
PO Box 453 Caboolture QLD 4510 0419 663 942 judy@fjweis.com
Qld Kennel Council
Mrs S Watherston 0424 708 889 shanspitz@gmail.com
Redcliffe Peninsula Kennel Club
Ms L Horne (07) 3285 5503 / 0418 783 823 liane@lowenhart.net
Sunshine Coast Kennel Club
Ms S Smith
PO Box 151 Landsborough 4550 0400 018 877 info@celticheartbc.com.au
Waterloo Bay Kennel Club
Mr D McAllister
PO Box 2443 Keperra QLD 4054 0439 397 884
Western Suburbs Kennel Club
Mrs G Hovey-Jacobs (07) 3409 4705 / 040 826 333 dandydogs3@gmail.com
Yuggera Canine Club
Mrs P Johansen 0406 538 003 pjjomeja@gmail.com
Bundaberg Canine Club Inc
Mrs M Norton
PO Box 7370 North Bundaberg QLD 4670 (07) 4157 8338 / 0437 578 338 bundabergcanineclub@outlook.com
Callide Valley Obedience & Kennel Club
Mrs S Cook 0417 628 400 glenlion@glenlion.com
Capricorn Coast Kennel Club
Mrs K Schroeder
PO Box 8243 Allenstown QLD 4700 (07) 4939 7329 oomachuk@hotmail.com
Gladstone Kennel Club Inc
Ms M McFadzen
PO Box 7245 Gladstone QLD 4680 0439 431 239 gkc@live.com.au
Hervey Bay Kennel Club
Mrs B Mangin (07) 4157 8098 / 0429 478 211 herveybaykennelclub@gmail.com
Isis & District Canine Club
Mrs B Mangin (07) 4157 8098 / 0429 478 211 isis.dist.cci@gmail.com
Mackay Kennel Club
Mrs M Volker
P O Box 7156, Mackay MC QLD 4741 0419 760 385 mackaykennelclub@gmail.com
Maryborough Kennel Club Inc
Mrs L McLaughlin
PO Box 402 Maryborough QLD 4650 0408 896 260 lizamcl.31@gmail.com
Mount Morgan & Bouldercombe Kennel Club
Mr J Whitehead
PO Box 8243 Allenstown QLD 4700 407 620 971 j.n.whitehead@bigpond.com
The Pioneer Valley Kennel Club
Miss L McCrindle (07) 4959 1353 aslanwhippets@hotmail.com
Rockhampton Kennel Club Inc
Mrs J Scott
PO Box 553 Yeppoon QLD 4703 (07) 4939 7698 calstonia2@bigpond.com.au
Sarina Kennel Club
Mrs C Donaldson
PO Box 742 Sarina QLD 4737 0407 150 815 candrdonaldson@bigpond.com
Atherton Tableland Kennel Club
Mr C Coggan 0410 505 810 / 4775 8808 (Wk) athertontkc@gmail.com
Bowen Kennel Club
Mrs L Bryson
PO Box 915 Bowen QLD 4805 0400 938 524 design@dognewsaustralia.com
Cairns City Kennel Club Inc
Mrs K Frame
PO Box 252 Cairns QLD 4870 (07) 4055 6720 kell55@bigpond.com
Charters Towers Kennel Club
Mrs T Hill
PO Box 1980 Charters Towers QLD 4820 0466 245 758 darchaltan@yahoo.com.au
Cloncurry & District Canine Club
Ms F Rae 0427 958 426 cdcclub@outlook.com.au
Ingham Kennel & Obedience Club Inc
Mrs R Horton
PO Box 776 Ingham QLD 4850 0417 611 085 rhonmor@hotmail.com
Innisfail Kennel Club
Mrs M Adkins
(07) 4093 5304 dimbulahpostshop@bigpond.com
Mareeba & District Kennel Club
Mrs B Houston
PO Box 2295 Cairns QLD 4870 0400 440 186 MareebaKennelClub@hotmail.com
Proserpine Kennel Club Inc
Mrs J Connolly
PO Box 232 Koumala QLD 4738 0458 010 838 proserpinekc@gmail.com
Thuringowa City Kennel Club
Ms E Ryan
PO Box 7738 Garbutt BC QLD 4814 0412 604 340 erin.ryan47@gmail.com
Townsville Kennel Association Inc
Mrs L Marsden
PO Box 7738 Garbutt BC QLD 4814 0429 896 558 lcl72711@bigpond.net.au
Tully & District Kennel Club
Mrs F Vecchio
PO Box 1290 Tully QLD 4854 0418 197 093 info@tullykennelclub.com.au
All Breeds Tracking Club Incorporated
Ms S Bull
PO Box 368 Ormeau QLD 4208 0499 022 490 twvisions@hotmail.com
Brisbane Dog Training Club Inc
Mrs M Calvert
PO Box 1288 Oxley QLD 4075 0422 921 861 info@bdtc.org.au
Caboolture Sports Dog Obedience Club
Ms S Gibson
PO Box 491 Morayfield QLD 4506 0404 052 519 / 0450 902 520 secretary@caboolturedogobedience. com.au
Cairns City Kennel Club Inc (Obedience Section)
Mrs J Wilkinson
PO Box 252 Cairns QLD 4870 (07) 4055 4040 jeanw22@bigpond.com
Canine Obedience Club of Townsville
Ms J Forbes-Faulkner
PO Box 991 Aitkenvale QLD 4814 0427 725 982 judyforf@bigpond.net.au
Continental Herding Club Inc
Mr J Mitchell 0406 301 390 countrybouv@gmail.com
Dances with Dogs Club Qld
Miss G Westmore 0488 999 683 dwdcq@live.com.au
DogzCairns Inc
Ms S Daniels
PO Box 644 Smithfield QLD 4878 0408 183 038
Evergreen Tracking Dog Club Inc
Mrs A Cunningham 0438 719 551 evergreentdc@outlook.com.au
Gladstone Dog Obedience Club (Obedience/ Agility/Tracking Club)
Miss J Chivers
P O Box 948, Gladstone QLD 4680. 0448 449 699 gladstoneobedience@gmail.com
Gold Coast Dog Obedience Training Club Inc
Ms V Miles-Owen
PO Box 143 Southport QLD 4215 0450 721 189 gcdotc@yahoo.com.au
Gympie Dog Obedience Club Inc
Ms M Abrey
PO Box 404 Gympie QLD 4570 0408 544 259 gympiedogobedienceclubinc@gmail. com
Hervey Bay Dog Obedience & Agility Club Inc
Ms K Richardson
PO Box 365 Hervey Bay QLD 4655 0459 843 820 kkgonemad@gmail.com
Ipswich Dog Obedience Club
The Secretary
PO Box 2007, Nth Ipswich QLD 4305 0411 433 866 ipswichdogobedienceclub@outlook. com
Jimboomba Dog Training Club
Ms S Chandler (07) 5546 3355 suzanne.chandler12@gmail.com
Lockyer Valley Dog Training Club Inc
Mrs A Williams
PO Box 321 Laidley QLD 4341 (07) 5465 7450 / 0417 799 281 amalie_w@westnet.com.au
Logan All Breeds Dog Obedience Club Inc
Ms N Mann
PO Box 23 Kingston QLD 4114 0405 069 335 labdocsecretary@bigpond.com
Magpies Mackay & District Obedience Club
Ms K Nilson
PO Box 1185 Mackay QLD 4740 0437 849 184 secretary@mackaydogobedience.com
Maryborough Dog Obedience Club
Ms P Ray
PO Box 3050 Maryborough QLD 4650 0432 794 035 pamelaray111@gmail.com
Metropolitan Dog Obedience Club Inc
Mrs W Waller
PO Box 337 Zillmere QLD 4034 0413 911 511 wendywaller59@bigpond.com
Nanango Kennel Club
Mrs V Mannion
PO Box 533 Nanango QLD 4615 0417 004 031 garvyman@internode.on.net
Obedience Dog Club of Bundaberg
Mrs A Nisbet
PO Box 5417 Bundaberg West QLD 4670 0449 128 451 Obediencedogclub.bundaberg@gmail. com
Pine Rivers Dog Training Club Inc
Mrs D Lamprecht
PO Box 272 Strathpine QLD 4500 0409 472 198 admin@pineriversdogtraining.org
Qld Herding Association
Ms S Purbrick-Illek 0488 097 879 purbie@hotmail.com
Redcliffe Dog Obedience Club Inc
Mrs T Pronk
PO Box 493 Redcliffe QLD 4020 0458 519 099 secretary@rdoc.com.au
Redlands Dog Obedience Club
Miss N Wright 0421 843 451 president@redlandsdoc.com.au
Rockhampton Dog Obedience Club Inc
Ms S Bassett
PO Box 5064 Red Hill QLD 4702 (07) 4939 6085 / 0419 717 619 sheena.bassett@bigpond.com
Southside Dog Obedience Club Inc
Miss L Forster
PO Box 2273 Runcorn QLD 4113 0405 325 766 enquiries@southsidedogobedience.org
Sunshine Coast Dog Obedience Club Inc
Miss J Rigby
PO Box 701 Buderim QLD 4556 0403 156 599 scdocinc@gmail.com
Tableland Dog Obedience Club
Ms J Crerar (07) 4093 7848 tablelanddogobedience@gmail.com
Toowoomba Dog Obedience Club Inc
Mrs S McIntyre
PO Box 6251 Clifford Gardens QLD 4350 (07) 4633 2241 enquiries@dogstoowoomba.org.au
Field & Retrieving Association for Gundogs Inc
Mr G Dawson (07) 3886 6367 geoff.jan.dawson@bigpond.com.au
Labrador Retriever Club of Qld Inc
Mr Greg Mitchel Mob 0418169606 tenarda55@gmail.com
Wide Bay Working Gundog Club
Mrs W Michalk (07) 4152 2362 jagacey@hotmail.com
Alaskan Malamute & Siberian Husky Social Club (Qld) Inc
Miss T Goodwin
PO Box 774 Redbank Plains QLD 4301 (07) 3271 4465 (5pm-7pm only) secretary.amscq@gmail.com
Bernese Mountain Dog Social Club of Qld Mrs A Gribbon (07) 3843 1407 / 0421 042 788 anne@raceengineering.com.au
White Swiss Dog Club of Qld Social Club Mrs C Keen PO Box 228 Ormeau QLD 4208 0438 621 663 wssdcqld@gmail.com
Warwick Dog Obedience Club Ms B McGregor PO Box 851 Warwick QLD 4370 (07) 4664 8050 warwickdogobedience@gmail.com
Brisbane Lure Coursing Club Inc
Mr S Uebel 0418 199 419 brislurecoursing@gmail.com
Mrs V Harris (07) 3216 2905
Miss R Hunt 0400 246 987 rachnut@hotmail.com
Ms C Qualischefski 0429 979 326 / 0422 184 755 channieq@gmail.com
Ms C Benson 0468 364 031 carolsmail74@gmail.com
Ms E Blair (07) 3217 5943 ethel.blair@gmail.com
Mrs D Souter 0418 742 941 rehome@beagleclubqld.org
Ms J Glenn 0417 464 573 rescue@bsdcq.com
Mrs J Hazell (07) 3843 1407 teresajackie@optusnet.com.au
BORZOI Ms V Dawson (07) 3857 3682
Mrs B Mangin (07) 4156 1078
Mr L Perrett 0452 210 184 qldbulldogclub@gmail.com
BULLMASTIFF Mrs R Armstrong (07) 5546 8427 / 0401 145 129
CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL rescue@cavalierclubqld.org.au
COLLIE ROUGH AND SMOOTH Mrs J Armatys (07) 4157 2758 / 0428 121 726 keamaree@bigpond.com
DACHSHUND Mrs V Lingard (07) 3800 1127
Mrs V McArthur 0417 767 357 info@amedange.com
DOGUE DE BORDEAUX Mrs J Bloomfield 0412 119 688 ddbrescue@hotmail.com
Mrs C Gorey 0438 598 597 goreymky@bigpond.com
Mrs J Hansford (07) 3289 7282 jehansford@techsus.com.au
GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER Mrs B Mangin (07) 4156 1078
Mrs K Vowell 0423 320 020 grcqld@gmail.com
Mrs C Gorey 0438 598 597 goreymky@bigpond.com
Ms C Bowden
0411 571 050 adoptadaneqld@outlook.com.au
Mrs K Eory
(07) 3265 1621
Mrs C Gorey
0438 598 597 goreymky@bigpond.com
Mrs C Gorey 0438 598 597 goreymky@bigpond.com
Mrs C Wardle
91 Ciesiolka Rd Aubigny 4401 0412 191 005 lrcqinc@gmail.com
Mrs P Wyllie (07) 4163 7288 / 0400 903 303 trish@lagottoqld.com
Ms J Woodward (07) 5428 6201 / 0413 788 775 jane@lhasaapso.com.au
Ms H Brennan (07) 5426 0413
Mrs A Cassidy (07) 3201 0952 ottaba@bigpond.net.au
Mrs R Glegg (07) 5547 7689 / 0439 830 495 robyneg6@iinet.net.au
Ms P Morgan 0414 501 707 qpcsecretary@yahoo.com.au
Mrs S Graham 0417 470 542
Ms H Jordan 0415 370 526
PUG Carol-Ann (07) 3814 1382 / 0438 515 895 pugrescueqld@optusnet.com.au
Mrs A Everson (07) 3200 0321
Mrs R Smith (07) 5529 9903 rescue@rrcq.com.au
Mrs A Inmon 0400 142 267
Ms A Goodwin 0405 421 897 schnauzerrescueqld@gmail.com
Mrs H MacGregor 0429 999 053 / 0428 947 110
Miss M Nielsen
0419 631 221 lynn_n@bigpond.com
Mrs V Schneider 0407 115 674 qtsrr@optusnet.com.au
Mrs J Glover 0419 663 942
Mrs A Cloughley
(07) 3206 6460 redinbrin1@bigpond.com
WHIPPET Secretary whippetclubqld@gmail.com
Miss R Hunt 0400 246 987 rachnut@hotmail.com
Casual and permanent sites are available at competitive prices.
For more information call the Dogs
Queensland office on 3252 2661 or email info@dogsqueensland.org.au
Puddleby Art
Contact: Toshi Ueno Ph: 0410 595 202 Email: info@puddlebyart.com.au
Lockyer Valley Sharpening
Contact: Keith Ph: 0458 920 088
Email: kjrau@bigpond.com
Contact: Kay Ph: 0413 543 835 Email: kay@lilcracka.com
TAK Photography
Contact: Tracy: 0451 912 022
Email: admin@takphotography.com.au
Wagz Cafe
Contact: Mark Ph: 0407 212 974 Email: wagzcafe@gmail.com
Opinions and information published in the Dog World magazine are solely those of the individual authors and advertisers and do not necessarily reflect the advice or opinions of Dogs Queensland.
The organisation assumes no responsibility or liability for any statements made, and suggests that individuals make their own enquiries and seek their own specialist and/or independent veterinary or other advice.