6 minute read
4: Code of Conduct
5.2 Contact details of office‐bearers of Affiliated Clubs and recognised Social Clubs, who may be able to assist in relation to membership enquiries or enquiries for information relating to particular breeds.
5.3 Contact details for rescue services provided by Affiliated Clubs and recognised Social Clubs.
6. Education. CCCQ Ltd information may be used for the purposes of educating and informing the public on any matter relating to the welfare of dogs, responsible dog ownership, or CCCQ Ltd activities, provide that personal information relating to particular members will not be used except with their permission.
7. Mandatory Disclosure. Members should be aware that CCCQ Ltd may be required to provide documents and information under legal compulsion, such as in response to: 7.1 A subpoena issued by a court of law; or 7.2 A statutory notice issued by a public authority such as the Australian Taxation Office, Centrelink, the Department of Social Security, or the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service. 8. Disciplinary Matters and Disputes. CCCQ Ltd information may be used:
8.1 In connection with the investigation and determination of breaches, complaints and other disciplinary issues, and the resolution of disputes amongst members, in accordance with CCCQ Ltd Constitution and Rules; and
8.2 To publish the outcome of disciplinary proceedings, including the name of a person against whom a disciplinary finding is made, or the name of a dog in respect of which such a finding is made.
9. Insurance. CCCQ Ltd information may be supplied to CCCQ Ltd’s insurer, or to the insurers of other relevant parties, in connection with any claim for damages or compensation.
10. Other Controls. CCCQ Ltd information may be shared with the Australian National Kennel Council, canine control bodies in other States/Territories and Overseas Canine Control bodies, in the ordinary course of CCCQ Ltd’s activities.
11. Law Enforcement. In accordance with CCCQ Ltd’s policies of promoting the welfare of dogs and responsible dog ownership, including compliance with laws relating to the ownership and management of dogs:
11.1 CCCQ Ltd will report to the appropriate law enforcement authorities any instance of cruelty to, or other mistreatment of dogs and will co‐operate fully in any investigation or prosecution.
11.2 CCCQ Ltd will report to the appropriate law enforcement authorities any offence in respect of which CCCQ Ltd is the victim, such as theft of CCCQ Ltd property or forgery of CCCQ Ltd Certificates and will co‐operate fully in any investigation or prosecution.
11.3 CCCQ Ltd will, as required by law, co‐operate in the investigation and prosecution of any other criminal offence.
11.4 CCCQ Ltd may, in its discretion, report to the appropriate law enforcement authorities any other matter which may constitute an offence, especially if the offence also involves a contravention of CCCQ Ltd's Rules or Code of Ethics, and may provide assistance to any relevant investigation or prosecution.
12. Breach of Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy is for the guidance of CCCQ Ltd members, office‐bearers and staff, and is not intended to create legally binding rights or obligations. Any complaint about non‐compliance with this Privacy Policy should be directed to the Secretary in the first instance and may be referred to the Board of Directors for appropriate action.
Message from the President
This Code of Conduct describes the minimum standard of behaviour required by all members, office bearers, staff and affiliated bodies of the CCCQ Ltd and is endorsed in the Constitution of the CCCQ Ltd. Those members holding office on the Board of Directors, Committees and working parties are expected to lead by example at all times when representing the CCCQ Ltd. Staff of the CCCQ Ltd will comply with this Code and be subject to performance reviews including such compliance.
1. Values
Dogs Queensland values:
• respectful behaviour towards others;
• acting with integrity and impartiality;
• acting with transparency and accountability;
• responsible dog ownership amongst the members and the community;
• best breeding practices and the continuation of canine veterinary research; and
• the important roles dogs have within our society.
2. Mission Statement
Dogs Queensland strives to maintain and improve the standard, breeding and Exhibition of pure bred registered dogs and works with members and Affiliate Clubs to help create direction, raise awareness of community and industry issues and improve community and industry standards. Through an increase in membership and creation of additional revenue streams, Dogs Queensland will continue to be able to:
(1) provide Statewide leadership on all canine/purebred related matters;
(2) promote responsible dog ownership amongst members and in the wider community;
(3) set and enforce codes of behaviour and conduct;
(4) protect the interests of exhibitors and dogs at Exhibitions;
(5) maintain a comprehensive database detailing stud registry and membership details;
(6) train Judges to ANKC Ltd standards in all disciplines; and
(7) have an educational role re canine/purebred dogs in the wider community.
3. Required Conduct
3.1 Personal behaviour – I will:
• act with integrity and in the way I expect others should act toward me;
• act within the relevant legislation, the CCCQ Ltd Constitution and its policies, Rules and procedures;
• make decisions fairly, impartially and promptly, considering all available information, Legislation, policies, Rules and procedures;
• treat other members of the CCCQ Ltd and members of the public with respect, courtesy, honesty and fairness and have proper regard for their interests, rights, safety and welfare;
• contribute to a harmonious, safe and productive environment; and
• support the CCCQ Ltd values and mission Statement.
3.2 Communication and official information – I will:
• not disclose official information or documents acquired through the CCCQ Ltd office, other than as required by law or where proper authorisation is given;
• not misuse information or processes for personal or commercial gain for myself or another;
• adhere to legal and constitutional requirements, the Rules, policies and procedures with respect to communication with the Board of Directors, members, lobbyists or other such agencies, members of the media and members of the public generally;
• report incidents and safety problems in a timely way; and
• respect the confidentiality and privacy of information as it pertains to individuals.
3.3 Fraudulent and corrupt behaviour – I will:
• not engage in fraud or corrupt dealings;
• report any fraudulent or corrupt behaviour or breaches of this code of conduct; and
• comply with accountability requirements.
3.4 Use of Dogs Queensland resources – I will:
• be accountable for official expenditure;
• use Dogs Queensland funded resources diligently and efficiently – e.g. office facilities and equipment, vehicles, cab charge vouchers, etc;
• use corporate credit cards only for the CCCQ Ltd related expenditure;
• not use office time or resources for personal pursuits, or for personal gain;
• share resources appropriately;
• keep equipment and spaces clean and in good repair;
• adhere to policies and guidelines in the use of computing and communication facilities and use these resources in a responsible manner; and
• ensure that any travel is for official business and the reasons be available for scrutiny.
3.5 Record keeping and use of information – I will:
• record actions and reasons for decisions to ensure transparency and correctness of process;
• comply with the CCCQ Ltd record keeping procedures and ensure the secure storage of sensitive or confidential information;
• on the conclusion of holding office, return confidential documents to the CCCQ Ltd for disposal;
• provide effective and timely minutes, notes, documents and other resources relevant to the work of particular Committees and events to those who have carriage of the task; and
• where appropriate and permissible, share information to fulfil our role or to permit others to achieve their objectives.