5 minute read
20: Vehicle Policy
These notes are to be read in conjunction with Rule 49.7 and pertain to the judging of Neuter Classes at all levels.
Where Neuter Classes are offered, they are to be judged at the end of Breed/Group/Show judging at the completion of normal classes. Where more than one (1) class is offered, Neuter Certificate (challenge) and Neuter of Breed runoffs are to be conducted to determine Neuter Certificate Dog and Bitch plus Reserve Neuters, then Best and Runner up Neuters of Breed. Class runoffs may also be required where a dog and bitch have been entered in the same class and those classes were not eliminated by Best or Runner Up.
Neuter in Group and in Show are to be conducted at the completion of normal classes commencing with Best/Runner Up Neuter in Group/Show and then the classes (if offered) where not eliminated. Where only class 18/18A is offered, there will be no class runoffs.
Points are to be awarded in the following manner – one (1) point for each dog exhibited plus five (5) points for the Certificate. The Neuter of Breed/Group/Show are also awarded one (1) additional point for each Neuter beaten in the Breed/Group/Show to a maximum of twenty-five (25) points per Show.
Awards are to be presented for Best/Runner Up Neuter in Group/Show and all Classes of Neuter (15/16/17/18). Where only Class 18/18A is offered, only Best and Runner Up Neuter in Group/Show awards are to be presented with no class award.
The rationale for Best and Runner Up is that, should the best be disqualified after judging, then the award and points can be awarded to the Runner Up as with normal judging.
Executive Summary
Dogs Queensland (DQ) has acquired a Utility Vehicle for the following purposes:
• Towing of DQ Trailer from Durack to events; • Transport of sponsorship goods to events; • Transporting Durack grounds supplies – e.g. fuel, oil, maintenance items, hardware; • Other DQ and affiliated body requirements in association with DQ approved events; • Mobile promotion of DQ activities.
The Utility Vehicle is an asset that requires to be kept in peak condition to promote the best image of DQ to the Public at large.
The Utility Vehicle must be operated in a safe manner in accordance with this policy and guidelines.
The Utility Vehicle will not be authorised for private use.
SMOKING in this Utility Vehicle is strictly prohibited.
The Utility Vehicle will be located at the Durack Facility.
1.0 Definitions
1.1 Dogs Queensland (DQ) means the business or trading name of the Canine Control Council (Queensland) Ltd.
1.2 Affiliated Body means a Dogs Queensland Committee or Sub-Committee, Club, Society, Incorporated Association or a Company of natural persons approved by Dogs Queensland as an Affiliated Body.
1.3 Event Organiser means the representative of the affiliated body.
1.4 Event means the event or events described in the Dog World magazine or other events approved by Dogs Queensland.
1.5 Event Schedule means the Show Schedule or other event approved by Dogs Queensland.
1.6 Main Office means the registered office of Dogs Queensland.
1.7 Grounds Manager means the person responsible for the care and management of the Durack facility.
1.8 Designated Driver means the person or persons responsible for the pickup and return of the Utility Vehicle to Durack.
1.9 Booking Certificate means the Certificate issued by the Main Office to the Grounds Manager and Event Organiser.
1.10 Fuel Card means the card issued by DQ for use with the Utility Vehicle only.
Policy Guidelines
2.0 Booking Process
2.1 The Utility Vehicle will be booked by the Event Organiser through the Main Office prior to sending in the Event Schedule.
2.2 On approval of the booking, the Main Office will issue a Booking Certificate in triplicate (refer to Addendum 1).
3.1 Pickup and return of the Utility Vehicle will be by arrangement with the Grounds Manager.
3.2 When the Utility Vehicle is picked up from Durack, the Designated Driver and Grounds Manager will inspect the Utility Vehicle, complete the “Check Out” list and sign the two copies of the Booking Certificate. Each of the parties will retain their copies of the Booking Certificate.
3.3 The Grounds Manager must check and record Driver’s Licence number of the Designated Driver on his copy of the Booking Certificate.
3.4 On the return of the Utility Vehicle, the Designated Driver and the Grounds Manager will inspect the Utility Vehicle and complete the “Check In” section of the Booking Certificate.
3.5 If the Utility Vehicle is in an acceptable condition, allowing for normal wear and tear, then the Grounds Manager will sign both copies of the Booking Certificate and return his copy to the Main Office.
4.0 Fuel Card
4.1 The Main Office will issue a Fuel Card to the Grounds Manager for use with the Utility Vehicle.
4.2 The Grounds Manager will issue to the Designated Driver for the Event Organiser the Fuel Card when the Utility Vehicle is picked up from Durack.
4.3 When the Utility Vehicle is returned to Durack, the Designated Driver will give the Grounds Manager the Fuel Card and the transaction receipt for fuel purchases only.
4.4 The Grounds Manager will send the Fuel Card transaction receipt to the Main Office, attached to his copy of the Booking Certificate.
4.5 On receipt of the Fuel Card transaction receipt from the Grounds Manager, the Main Office will send an invoice to the Event Organiser for payment of the fuel purchased.
5.0 Event Organiser
5.1 The Event Organiser must ensure that the Designated Driver of the Utility Vehicle holds a current full Driver’s Licence and has adequate experience with towing trailers (see “Safe Towing Guide” from Queensland Transport).
5.2 The Designated Driver must ensure the Utility Vehicle is safely loaded with materials at all times.
5.3 The Event Organiser will be responsible for any damage to the Utility Vehicle once it departs from Durack and until its return to Durack.
5.4 The Event Organiser will be responsible for any insurance excess in the event of an insurance claim whilst the Utility Vehicle is in the Event Organiser’s possession.
5.5 The Event Organiser will be responsible for any traffic infringement notices received by DQ whilst the Utility Vehicle is in the Event Organiser’s possession.
5.6 The Event Organiser must return the Utility Vehicle to Durack in a washed and clean condition.
5.7 The Event Organiser must return the Utility Vehicle to Durack with a full tank of DIESEL FUEL ONLY.
6.0 Main Office
6.1 The Main Office must maintain a register of all bookings.
6.2 The Main Office must ensure that the Utility Vehicle has current registration and insurance.
6.3 The Main Office, along with the Grounds Manager, will arrange and ensure that all service intervals for the Utility Vehicle are carried out. Services must be carried out by an authorised diesel mechanic.
6.4 The Main Office, along with the Grounds Manager, will arrange and ensure that all reported defects are rectified to an acceptable standard and in a timely manner.