3 minute read
22: Photography Policy and Guidelines
During the hottest and wettest months of October, November, December, January, February and March, or any period of excessive temperatures or rainfall, Clubs are encouraged to not start their Events prior to 4:00pm.
If Clubs still wish to start their Shows before 4:00pm, it is expected that they will take all reasonable measures to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all dogs, exhibitors, Judges and all workers at the Event.
Measures to consider are to include, but are not limited to, the following;
a. The provision of adequate shaded areas for sun and rain; b. Consideration of earlier Start Times to take advantage of cooler temperatures earlier in the day; and c. Structure Events efficiently to allow dogs and exhibitors to be in the ring and assembly areas for the minimum amount of time.
Clubs may also wish to consider a temperature ceiling – e.g. 35 degrees Celsius (refer to the Heat and Extreme Weather Policy – Appendix 11). This would be a set temperature at which all Clubs must be even more vigilant and also be prepared to suspend the Event if necessary until the temperature has decreased to allow more comfortable showing conditions.
All exhibitors are also asked to be more aware of their dogs during this period and any other period of excessive heat and monitor them and the temperature more closely than usual.
Different breeds react more adversely to the heat and exhibitors must be prepared to withdraw their dogs from the Event should they deem the heat to be a safety issue. Above all else, the welfare of the dog should be paramount at all times.
Executive Summary
A panel of professional photographers are available to officiate at events being held at the Durack Showgrounds or at other locations where approved events are conducted.
Currently, there are three main classes of photography being practiced at Dogs Queensland or Affiliated events. These are:
• Quality Professional Photography in a controlled environment; • Semi-Professional/Hobby Photography in a controlled or uncontrolled environment; • Amateur Point and Shoot Photography in an uncontrolled environment.
The Professional Photographer is a skilled photographer who will have invested in very expensive equipment and most likely studied at degree level to produce quality photographs for sale. To produce the best quality photography, this photographer may wish to operate in a controlled environment such as a studio or an area at an event where it is quiet and devoid of distractions. However, sometimes this photographer will roam around an event at the invitation of the Show Manager, a Dogs Queensland member or official or the Event organiser.
The Semi-Professional/Hobby Photographer is a person who is generally an Affiliated Club member who produces casual photographs for Club members or Club magazines. This activity will usually happen at Specialty Breed Shows immediately after General Specials is completed where “in show” winners are photographed with the show judge. This photographer may also be asked by an exhibitor to take an impromptu photograph outside of the show ring.
The Amateur Point and Shoot Photographer is a person who wants to take snaps of their own show dog or another dog with permission of its owner with a compact camera or smartphone. This activity is usually ad-hoc and uncontrolled.
Dogs Queensland recognises the benefits of photography in promoting the activities and public image of Dogs Queensland and its Affiliated Bodies and does not want to create an environment where these benefits are unnecessarily limited.
The purpose of this Policy and Guidelines is to provide Dogs Queensland members and Affiliated Bodies clear procedures and operating etiquette for Photography at a Dogs Queensland approved event.
1.0 Definitions
1.1 Dogs Queensland means the business or trading name of the Canine Control Council (Queensland) Ltd.
1.2 Affiliated Body means a Dogs Queensland Committee, Sub-Committee, Club, Society, Incorporated Association or a Company of natural persons approved by Dogs Queensland as an Affiliated Body.
1.3 Event means the event or events described in the Dog World magazine or other events approved by Dogs Queensland.
1.4 Event Organiser means the Show Secretary or person responsible for running the event approved by Dogs Queensland.
1.5 Show Manager means the Dogs Queensland official in charge of the approved event.
1.6 Main Office means the registered office of Dogs Queensland.
1.7 Grounds Manager means the person responsible for the care and management of the Durack facility.
1.8 Studio means a building or designated area within the Durack Showgrounds.
1.9 Controlled area means an area within the show ring designated by the Ring Steward for photography of the General Specials winners.