5 minute read
8: Safety Guidelines for Durack Showgrounds
This list details ALL of the steps that you MUST follow. It is suggested that to assist you in the process and ensure you have not missed anything, check each step as you proceed:
• Obtain details of the dog/s involved (name, registration, Catalogue number);
• Identify witnesses (name, address, membership number);
• Obtain signed statements from all parties, including witnesses, in the form of Statutory Declarations;
• Identify the members of the Committee to handle the enquiry;
• Arrange a meeting and notify all parties they are to attend;
• Event Manager must be present throughout the entire hearing as an observer to ensure the CCCQ Ltd Rules are being followed and that all parties are given a fair and just hearing;
• Ensure that the Chairperson of the special Committee verbally notifies the person/s involved of its decision on the day at the conclusion of its deliberations;
• If the complaint is found proven, inform the exhibitor that the dog is suspended for six (6) months effective from that date;
• Notify the owner of their right of appeal and that the dog remains suspended during the appeal process; and
• Forward to the Secretary of the CCCQ Ltd the Event Manager's Report, all statements and report of proceedings of the meeting within five (5) working days.
1. General:
All exhibitors and visitors shall be acquainted with the guidelines and their agreement to abide by them shall be an essential condition of attendance and participation in CCCQ Ltd sanctioned activities. All members should also be conversant with the CCCQ Ltd Rules.
Entry to the CCCQ Ltd Durack Showgrounds is a privilege granted to members and the public on the strict contractual understanding they will follow all directions of the CCCQ Ltd and they acknowledge they are bound by the Constitution and Rules.
2. Extract from CCCQ Ltd Rules – Part 5 (Conduct of Exhibitions) – 35.1 (Safety):
35.1 The safety of members and their exhibits is of paramount importance. All persons concerned with the conduct of Exhibitions are required to exercise due care and to ensure that activities are conducted under safe conditions. Legal responsibility for the care and welfare of all dogs at Exhibitions/Events rests with their owner/s, or other person/s authorised by the owner/s, who have taken the dog to the Showgrounds. Dogs Queensland cannot regulate to absolve any part of that responsibility. The following requirements are to be observed:
(1) Exhibitions are not to be conducted under hazardous conditions. Judging is to be suspended immediately unsafe circumstances arise, such as:
(i) lightning or electrical storm in the local area; or,
(ii) gales or high winds; or,
(iii) heavy rain which renders conditions hazardous.
(2) Hazards are to be removed promptly or signposted and secured by barriers.
(3) Loose equipment such as umbrellas, chairs etc. are to be secured.
(4) Spiked footwear is not to be worn.
(5) Exhibits are not to be left without shelter and/or water.
(6) Exhibits are not to be left unattended for long periods (see also Rules 70.2 to 70.14).
(7) All persons concerned with the conduct of any Exhibition of any discipline, whether as a member, voluntary worker, Show official, exhibitor or competitor are required to dress appropriately for the task or activity being performed including safety apparel as and when appropriate and fully closed shoes.
3. Foreward:
(1) All Exhibitors are expected to recognise and comply with the requirements of all relevant Legislation and
Codes of Practice and to recognise their obligations to Common Law;
(2) Exhibitors are also expected to comply with the CCCQ Ltd’s own Rules with regard to Health and Safety and to accept the CCCQ Ltd interpretation of this handout and any other Statutory provisions;
(3) No permission or consent, implied or given in this document, shall in any way relieve the Exhibitor of his/her liability for accidents, injury or damage; and
(4) CCCQ Ltd will not accept any responsibility for loss or damage to materials, plant or equipment.
4. Exhibitors’ Liability:
The Exhibitor is responsible for their own actions and the actions of their agents and children.
The Exhibitor shall comply with all health and safety practices as set down in any applicable Act, Regulation, Code or Ordinance, as well as comply with the safety guidelines and procedures of the CCCQ Ltd. This includes that dogs are not to be left confined in any vehicles on the Showgrounds.
5. Entry to Durack:
Vehicles on the grounds must be driven in a safe manner, by licensed persons, and at no time exceed five (5) km/h. Speed bumps have also been positioned around the grounds.
6. Smoking:
Smoking is only permitted as per relevant State Government Laws and Regulations.
In summary, smoking is not permitted in any buildings, or within five (5) metres of the entrance to a nonresidential building, assembly areas, all food preparation, serving and eating areas and number/Catalogue pickup area. All Cigarette Butts must be disposed of in the receptacles provided.
7. Consumption of Alcohol:
The consumption of alcohol is not permitted in Ring Assembly Areas. Any alcohol consumed whilst on the Durack Showgrounds must be consumed in a responsible manner. Drivers are reminded that alcohol consumption must be such that when driving a motor vehicle, they are within the legally permitted limit, both whilst driving on the Showgrounds as well as on exiting.
8. Signs and Danger Notices:
Exhibitors will ensure that all warning or advisory signs are obeyed by any person for whom they are responsible.
9. Children:
Exhibitors and visitors shall be responsible for the supervision and control of children accompanying them.
10. Storage of Materials:
All materials of a flammable or toxic nature must be stored in accordance with statutory requirements and used as per Manufacturer’s/Supplier’s Guidelines and relevant Material Safety Data Sheets (M.S.D.S.).
11. Mechanical / Electrical Equipment:
Exhibitors/Vendors will ensure that all mechanical and electrical equipment is safe for use, fenced or guarded in accordance with statutory regulations. This also includes electrical leads and power boards. The running of electrical leads from the power source shall not compromise the safety of any persons on the grounds. These requirements can be found in the Electrical Safety Act and Regulations of 2002 and other relevant legislation. Security of exhibitors / vendors equipment will be their responsibility.
12. Housekeeping:
Areas must be kept clean and as tidy as possible, spilt liquids cleaned up immediately, stairways and passageways kept clear. At the end of each day, all waste must be properly disposed of (e.g. cigarette butts, dog hair). Put your rubbish in the bins provided.
13. Hazardous Substances:
All substances used or brought onto the grounds shall be used/stored in a safe manner as required by law and by CCCQ Ltd requirements.
14. Noise:
Consideration must be given by all exhibitors in regard to noise generated by mechanical and electrical equipment and fumes omitted from such equipment.