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Mind-map – Lock

Mind-map – Lock


I wanted to stray away from using architecture to link to the theme, I wanted to attempt using a modelwrappedinfabricin a controlled photography studio. I liked this concept as it links to the idea of someone being physically trapped within a material. I think it helps to convey the message of how individuals can feel locked within their own bodies ( which can be due to serious topics such as: poor self image and depression). I want to use female models as they are typically the ones who are suffering from these mentaldisorders.

I aim to experiment with a variety of fabrics and colors so I can determine which may have the most desirable opacity and effect. As well as this, I think that assessing different forms of wrapping thefabricaroundthemodelcanaffectthetoneoftheimage

Recording Observations 2HindAlNasser-GCSEPhotography

Camera: CanonEOS700D

Lens:50mm Mode:M

EXIF:f/6; 1/3200sec; ISO1600

Utilizing the photography studio located on the Doha College campus, I used a classmate as my model as I found that she has distinct facial features that accentuated the aesthetic ambiance of the photoshoot ( strongsideprofile,brownhairand large eyes). To begin, using the blue plastic over her face brought an abstract quality to the photoshoot, I personally found that the creases and light opacity inthematerialbroughtpersonality as not only was the shade of blue electric and contrasting the dull scenery. But, it also allows the facial expressions to seep through so you can see that there’s an individualwho’slockedbehindthe plastic.

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