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Recording Observations 2HindAlNasser-GCSEPhotography
Camera: CanonEOS700D
Lens:50mm Mode:M
EXIF:f/6; 1/3200sec; ISO1600
I experimented with a variety of angles, I also wanted a range of photos from afar and up-close.Irequestedthatthemodelpressherpalmsagainstthefabrictosymbolizethat she’s locked and trapped within the bounds of the fabric. I also directed the model to grab her hair and fabric in one photo to grab the details of her restraining the cloth whichIthoughtlinkedwelltothethemeoflock.
Recording Observations 2HindAlNasser-GCSEPhotography
Overall,I’mnotverypleasedwiththisphotoshootasI thinkthatthewayinwhichthemodelisinschooluniform isunprofessionalandIfeltthatIshouldhavetriedawider varietyoflightinganglesandintensitiesalandIaimto havemorerefinedphotoshootsinthefuture
Camera: CanonEOS700D
Lens:50mm Mode:M
EXIF:f/6; 1/3200sec; ISO1600
Here,Iwantedto adjusttheexposure ofthelightintensity andtemperatureof theimageon photoshop.Asyou cansee,theoriginal photolookeddull andoverexposedso Iintensifiedthered huestohelpit bettercontrastwith theblue background
Investigating: : Luca Pierro
I feel inspired by Luca Pierro’s work as it compliments and flows well with my previous photoshoots, it still holds the themeofanindividualbeingtrappedand imprisoned behind a media however I think that his work demonstrates the emotional element of the theme in more depth. The clear film- like material is malleable and stretchy which allows the models to express their emotions in an artisticmanner
Responding to Luca Pierro
As I was unsatisfied with the professionalism of my second observationphotoshoot,I-alongwitha classmate- rented a photography studio and a model. I proceed to take both of my investigation photoshoots in the studio. I prepared by buying a painting frame, cling film and tape to layer the plasticovertheframeinefforttomimic the effect of Pierro’s work. I had found the model on the social media platform Instagram and found that her previous creativeworkwouldsuitthisproject.
Camera: Canon EOS 700D
Lens: 35-180mm
EXIF: f/4; 1/50 sec; ISO 100