1 minute read
Units 1 and 2 will be taught in Year 12 by two different teachers and units 3 and 4 will be taught in Year 13 by two different teachers.
You will have two exams in the summer of Year 12 for your AS qualifications. Again, you will have two exams in the summer of Year 13 for your the full A Level qualification.
Course textbook can be found here
Recommended reading list can be found here n Worksheet 1 n Worksheet 2 n Worksheet 3 n Worksheet 4
Below is a series of worksheets with interactive links. The focus of these worksheets is the European supermarket, Aldi. By completing the worksheets you will gain an understanding of a variety of topics relating to AS business.
Year 11 literature - moving into Year 12 Making the leap from GCSE to A Level - Work Booklet.
Poems of the DecadeRead the 21 poems we will study here Watch the lecture series on Massolit here
Khaled Hosseini’s ‘The Kite Runner’Get the text from Miss Haddon’s classroom (S2-G23) and read it. Watch the lecture series on Massolit here
Year 11 language - moving into Year 12 Leaping into language - Work Booklet.
Paper 1: Context and IdentityLanguage, Identity and Social Media - massolit course Spoken Language and Identity - massolit course
Paper 2: Language in TransitionA very helpful website from the mid-90s Learn the phonetic alphabet - massolit course Learn about the history of the English language - massolit course
Mrs C Amos Head of Geography