3 minute read
What can I be doing to prepare for A Level geography at Doha College?
There are a number of things you can do: n Developing as a geographer – This can be done best by reading geographically themed books and articles, and watching videos/listening to podcasts based on geographical themes. This develops your geography knowledge and understanding. n Become a news buff - Watch and read the news, e.g. BBC news. Other recommended websites include The Guardian, The Independent and The Times. Having ‘place’ specific understanding of geographical themes will increase your grades significantly. You could create a geography in the News diary of all things that are relevant to what you are studying. n Preparing for the A Level course - You can start to explore the topics being studied in the AS and A Level course.
To be a great geographer, you will need to develop the ability to think synoptically, being able to see the greater overview and how everything studied in geography links together. Geography is not just about studying people and landscapes, it is also the relationships that exist between people and their environment.
How can I develop as a geographer before August?
REVIEW THE CONTENT OF THE COURSE - Read through the website pages/ topic guides and make flashcards on key terms which you can then use throughout the course to review with (this is all of Unit 1 so even if you do some of it that would be great).
n Unit 1 - Topic 1 - World at Risk | World at Risk Webpages n Unit 1 - Topic 2 - Going Global | Going Global Topic Guide
READ A GEOGRAPHY THEMED BOOK - check our recommendations here, they are all linked to the course you are studying next year (many of these books are in the school library) link n Biodiversity course | https://feeacademy.global/enrol/index.php?id=38 n Variety of geography courses | https://www.coursera.org/ courses?query=geography, https://www.mooc-list.com/tags/geography, https://www.futurelearn.com/courses
DO AN ON LINE COURSE - this is great to challenge yourself and to use on university references for how you have gone above and beyond outside the classroom.
WATCH GEOGRAPHY THEMED DOCUMENTARIES AND FILMS n The Impossible (2012) (12) | Movie based on real life events of the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami which killed 200,000 people. n Our Planet (Netflix series) | Explores how climate change impacts all living creatures. n Before the Flood | A film presented by Leonardo DiCaprio- exploring climate change and looking at what needs to be done today to prevent catastrophic disruption. n Blood Diamond | Looks at the diamond trade in Sierra Leone. n An Inconvenient Truth and An Inconvenient Sequel | follows Al Gore on the lecture circuit as he seeks to raise awareness about climate change. n Andrew Marrs Megacities | https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b011qmcl/ episodes/guide n Trumps War on the Border | https://www.channel4.com/programmes/trumpswar-on-the-border n Dispatches | https://www.channel4.com/programmes/dispatches/ondemand/67256-001 n Earth from Space | Episode 4 The Changing Planet (BBC iPlayer) | https://www.bbc. co.uk/iplayer/episode/p072n8m0/earth-from-space-series-1-4-changing-planet n Chasing Coral | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGGBGcjdjXA
VOLUNTEER WORK BASED AROUND GEOGRAPHY - Sustainability themed litter picking, get involved in ECO schools etc. (again great for university applications) n BBC NEWS: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news - An excellent source of up-to-date articles- Explore the headings such as Science, UK, WORLD and other stores n THE GUARDIAN: https://www.theguardian.com/uk - Many useful articles and logically ordered – keep an eye on the environment, science, society, global development stories in particular. n THE CONVERSATION: https://theconversation.com/uk - Really useful to support many of your A Levels. Up to date articles from academics and specialists in the field written in a way that is accessible to all, summarising the key points in short but insightful articles. n THE ECONOMIST: https://www.economist.com/ - Useful tool to keep up to date with global issues and politics from a range of sources. n TWO SUGGESTED ARTICLES - ARTICLE 1, ARTICLE 2
FOLLOW THE NEWS AND READ GEOGRAPHICAL THEMED ARTICLES - You should be regularly watching the news to keep you up-to-date with what is happening in relation to the inter-relationship between people and the environment. You will be really surprised how many of the news bulletins relate to what you are studying.
AS COURSE OVERVIEW - Course Overview
Mr D Fish Head of History
The Pearson Edexcel Level 3
Advanced GCE in history consists of three externally - examined papers and coursework.