Why Kenya?
Summary Area: 582,650 km2
GDP per capita: US $2,103.6
Population: 48.69 million
Annual inflation rate: 5.2%
Urban population: 28%
General government gross debt: 67.6% of GDP
Population growth rate: 2.275% change
Fiscal balance: -8.1 of GDP
Capital city: Nairobi
Current account balance: -4.4 of GDP/US $-4.5 billion
Official language: Swahili, English
Exports of goods to UK: £321 million
Currency: Kenyan Shilling
Exports of services to UK: £286 million
Nominal GDP: US $102.4 billion
Imports of goods from UK: £384 million
Real annual GDP growth: -0.3%
Imports of services from UK: £416 million
[Source – FCDO Economics Unit (December 2021), FCDO Overseas Business Risk: Kenya]