Words & Photos: Christopher Green
With Disho & a little luck I had previously thought nature’s best attributes to be exemplified in a dynamic landscape, such as the ocean rising upon itself to crash against a sheer cliff, cloud banks pierced by the setting sun or the mountains towering upwards to be caressed by the morning light. However, a week on safari in Botswana
surrounded by the wonders of the Okavango Delta quickly brought about a change in perception. It did not take long to be struck by the realisation that the beauty of nature does not stop with the splendour of its landscapes; a closer look reveals a profound and intricate beauty concealed in all its layers.
Beautiful Botswana is at times one dimensional in its landscape, especially for someone raised on South Africa’s mountains and oceans. It is almost as though the land knows of this deficiency and has sought to make up for it with a profusion of wildlife. Perhaps best described as a game park with some towns for the human interlopers, Botswana offers the game viewer a unique experience. The areas designated to wildlife are the closest that I have ever come to nature as it would be if untouched by man. Any necessary man-made constructs are as minimalist as possible, with no tar roads and wooden bridges that seem to merge with landscape.
#40 | DO IT NOW Magazine • 1