Words by J.P Waites, Founding Director of Eventworx Photos by ????????????????
J.P Waites, Founding Director of Eventworx
joBerg2c reignites my mojo
In the middle of 2011, I sadly lost my Dad to cancer, despite his valiant efforts to beat it. I didn’t realise it at the time, but whilst dealing with all the emotions of that particular life experience, I lost my own ‘mojo’. I just couldn’t get fired-up or passionate about anything I was doing or what needed to be done business, personal or family wise. While I thought I was still functioning at my best, I was simply on autopilot. I'm certain that it showed in everything I did for quite sometime, but thank goodness for the great people around me. My Dad had always been my sounding board, as well as a rock solid foundation from which I launched my own life – business and a family life. His calm, solid presence gave me the courage to be bolder in ventures and the daring to take some improbable risks. • 1