Oystercatcher trail run experience

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Words: Elana Meyer | Photos: Various photographers


TRAIL RUN EXPERIENCE SKILPADGAT, OUR FAMILY FARM, IS 5 KM OUTSIDE THE SMALL TOWN OF ALBERTINIA, IN THE GARDEN ROUTE. THIS AREA IS WELL KNOWN FOR ITS ABUNDANCE OF ALOES, AS WELL AS BEING THE HOME OF THE ORIGINAL AFRICAN BUNGEE JUMPING SITE AND IT CAN LAY CLAIM TO ONE OF THE VERY FEW REMAINING SAND GOLF COURSES IN SOUTH AFRICA. Skilpadgat has been in our family since the 1800s and today my brother Boet and his wife Annemari farm there. The farm’s name (meaning tortoise hole) is very apt because it’s tucked in the valley between Albertinia and Herbertsdale, which makes it feel like it is located in a hole, and there are lots of tortoises in the area.

I was born here and this is where I learned to crawl, walk and then run. In fact, it was while training here for a fun run that I discovered my love for racing. And whenever I need to refuel, Skilpadgat is where I return, time and time again. Today, our 150-year-old farmhouse has been renovated and now operates as a guesthouse.

Approaching Gouritz River. Photo credit: Elana Meyer

10 April 2015 | DO IT NOW Magazine • 1

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Oystercatcher trail run experience by DO IT NOW Magazine - Issuu