o t i l r a C . r D V O S E C , NT t E r D I o S f PRE oca
"Leadership in the Midst of Change"
Senior editor: Michael T. Villaluna Art director: Domcar C. Lagto bigdomcar03@yahoo.com Writers: Michael Villaluna Domcar Lagto Senior Photographer: Domcar C. Lagto Photographers: Michael Villaluna Advisers: Dr. Hermogenes M. Panganiban Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Dr. Felizardo O. BolaĂąos Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Consultants: Dr. Carlito D. Rocafort Schools Division Superintendent
Michael T. Villaluna 2
Domcar C. Lagto
"Leadership in the Midst of Change"
his year’s attendance in the National Philippine Association of Schools Superintendent (PASS) Convention 2018, is at 400 composed of Schools Division Superintendent and Assistant Division Superintendent, and we could see the beauty of Davao the reason why we chose to held here this significant event. Philippine Association of Schools Superintendent is an organization which started in 1949 with more or less 40 members only, now our members is more than 700 all over the Philippines including those retired school division superintendents and assistant school superintendents. The main role of our organization is to promote camaraderie among superintendents and assistant superintendents. This unites those in third level position of the Department of Education. This convention is also our general assembly which issues in the superintendency and issues in the Department of Education are discussed. The board can also propose a position paper or a sort of proposal on some of the national policies affecting the region, the division and the school community. At present, the challenges face by the organization are about the curriculum, and the relationship between the Department of Education and the other government agencies, the changes on the policies of GSIS, Philhealth and PAG-IBIG. As our theme expresses—leadership in the midst of change, PASS should have a common stand to all the changes in the department which affects our students and teachers. Our association could inform the executive committees in the central office of ideas and concerns of all the superintendents also of the principals, teachers and our students. With the help of our resource speakers, the association could give the participants the current events, common issues and present situation of the Department of Education, as well as the future direction of DepEd under the administration of our dear Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones. Aside from that we can gather information and data from among our members about DepEd policies, and we can propose some resolution to inform our executive committees of our concerns. We are also proposing amendments in our constitution and by-laws in this conference. The Philippine Association of Superintendents is a partner of the Department of Education. The partnership could be displayed through the supports of the superintendents to all the programs of the Department of Education, by giving inputs to all its programs. Because we belong to DepEd, the policies should be implemented in the field, and we know, executive committees of the central office listen to our proposals and recommendations. Without the association, the check and balance between central office and the field offices is not that strong. Maybe one of the roles of PASS is to be a bridge between Central Office and schools or the field offices. The association could provide assistance for the teachers or the personnel in the field and we could bridge to the DepEd Central Office to come up in one good direction for the future of the department, of course included with these is the implementation of the ten points agenda of our DepEd Secretary. In the coming three or five years I think, the association is stronger than the present. It will prosper, and it could give more assistance to all the members and of help to the Department of Education. To all the members of PASS, we are in unity not because of ourselves, not only for the department, but what we strengthen here and give importance are the Filipino children who will be the future of our nation. At the end of the day, the reason we are here is because of the children we serve.
"Leadership in the Midst of Change"
our theme, “Leadership in the Midst of Change”, is very timely because if we dig differ into your theme I cannot help but take down memory lane where most of you I have meet 25 years ago.
Well, I started in the late 89 by joining EDPITAF Educational Development Project Implementing Task Force then eventually joining the office of planning service after which I became the deputy project manager of the Third Elementary Education Project became the lead person as well in terms of conceptualization for the part of the team who prepared the Education for All, the BESRA . I ask myself where was Deped in the last 25 years. In the las t 25 years a number of important of growth frameworks for education reform had been instituted. I need to tell these so you can appreciate our accomplishments if you will; our achievements and I think it will guide you in your work. So, one of which I have mentioned earlier is the Education for all the Philippine Plan of Action 1998-1999. Subsequent to that is the 1991 Congressional Commission on Education, where it proposes to dismember the education sector. In here started the DepEd Department of Education before it was DECS, on this TESDA was established and CHED. Aside from that in 2000 there is this 2000 Presidential Commission on Education Reform or PCR . The 2000 Education for All Assessments is subsequently a plan itself. How many of you remembers those documents, it already articulated the K to 12 Curriculum, and at that point it’s not called yet K to 12. It only says as Policy Actions institutionalization of pre-school as well as the additional two years. And if you remember during the time of Sec. De Jesus we attempted to add more year and that is the bridging program but because of the noisy few it was not given importance. We could have been more advance than our ASEAN neighbors. And then, in 2006 we also implemented what we call the Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda. My question to all of you; had this program succeeded in transforming the country’s education landscape? Had we achieved the goals we targeted? I believe that you as leaders at the very forefront of the battle are in the best position to answer these questions. Before you became Assistant Superintendent or Superintendent you were once a teacher, you were once a principal, 25 years ago. Ask yourself, in 2001, Republic Act 9155 or the 2001 Governance of Basic Education Act, a landmark law that transferred at least in theory, the governance of basic education to schools took effect. Within the laws, within framework, DepEd instituted Sight Management or popularly called School Based Management to make those closes to the delivery of educational services more accountable for the results of their respective operation. Does it make sense? And SBM capitalizes on the believe that leadership at all levels particularly at your level and at the level of the school really matter. Roughly 16 years after the inception of the set up I think its high time to do a quick review, if not formal monitoring and evaluation of the provision of RA 9155 relevant to our respective experience.
"Leadership in the Midst of Change"
The 2000 Education for All Assessments is subsequently a plan itself." -Usec. Mateo
"In the survey conducted by NEDA, Filipinos define a comfortable life as owning a car and a medium size house..." Let me ask you, imagine this, kindly tick off the virtual box if you believe with conviction that most of you are doing this or if you are doing this. I will just enumerate a few. Setting the mission vision goals and objectives of your division and correspondingly your schools. Check or Cross? Creating an environment within your division and effectively the schools that is conducive to teaching and learning, check? There are more here but I will mention just another one. Developing the school education program and division development education program as well as school improvement plan. Check? And finally, establishing school and community networks and encouraging the active participation of organizations as well as non-academic organizations of public and private schools including Parent Teacher Association and Local Government Units, check? Thank you. I think whether you like it or not this is what we all signed up for, right? And this afternoon I would encourage you to revisit RA 9155 particularly as articulates the functions of the division and the school. In 2012 in DepEd policy review, revealed that the number of schools had been successfully implementing School Based Management program as evidence by their awareness of schools concern in their contribution towards addressing them, but then again there is minority of implementers whose SBM practice; you need to understand this, because you are to push this, the SBM practice have not been change. Example, in accomplishing the school improvement plan I still find in my travel, if I look in the SIP it’s like a cut and paste. I hope we take this seriously, because supposedly the SIP captures the challenges of each school. For example, we are talking about drop out, there are lots of reasons, there are lots of degree, but you cannot just copy the solution of the one for the solution of the other. It should be tailor fit. That’s why as a Undersecretary for planning and even before I became an Undersecretary, a director of EDPITAF I always remind our colleagues that even though we are trying to look at other best practices we should never forget also the bad practices. That’s the only way we can learn. Yes, It’s best practice, but inappropriate for a condition, for that particular condition, sometimes we fail on this. As you can remember, we issued the Department Order 83 series 2012 or popularly called implementing guidelines on the Revised School Management Framework Assessment Process and Tool or APAT for short, maybe we need to revisit this. We need to look at school leadership from what I called differentiated practice perspective. We need to consider the diverse geographical social, cultural economic, political and even environmental realities of our learning environments. Practices may vary from one community to another as moderated by variables of leadership, resources, quality relationship between DepEd officials, the local community and
the private sectors, and I cannot overemphasize the centrality of our children and our learners in our school based management practices. The demand for inclusive education feasible, a concept in which we manage learning without alienating the diversity of learning hence, the paradigm shift in education governance, from being a school center to becoming ACCESS and ACCESS stands for A Child and Community Centered Education System. As a process ACCESS is an approach to effectively decentralized and bring to reality the mainstreaming of education as a tool for human development and total community transformation and at the same time it is also a product as it is the
"Leadership in the Midst of Change"
ultimate outcome of the communities working together to protect the right of every child for quality education and better life. ACCESS is also a link that connects DepED to AMBISYON 2040. Do you know AMBISYON 2040? It is the long term collective vision of the Filipino people for themselves and for the country in the next 2 years which is spearheaded by no less than NEDA. My question to you, where do you want to be as superintendent? where do you want your school to be? where do you want your learners to be? In the survey conducted by NEDA, Filipinos define a comfortable life as owning a car and a medium size house, enough money and
saving to send their children to school and affording leisure like travel once in a while. Basically, some sort of a middle class life style and that survey also revealed the strong desire of the Filipino to work in their home country rather than overseas and the importance of family togetherness in the futures. Some of you received message from me about SPIMS, Sa Pinas Ikaw ang Mam at Sir ko. Did you know we made a great help not only for those OFW who came back to teach? We also helped the youth. You and I knew that there are problems, especially in high schools, and I’m talking about teenage pregnancy. I think
teenage pregnancy is increasing simply because of lack of guidance of parents. As I look at it, the problem is not like before, but now it is increasing and yet we are not really looking deeper into the problem and coming up with the solution, but going back to what I said earlier, about the AMBISYON, the survey in relation in the perception of the family, my question to all of you, how do we get to that ultimate goal articulated in the AMBISYON 2040? How? In my view to achieve that, we go back to applying some of the very principles of SBM practice which is guide d by the principle of collective leadership and governance, the principle of community based learning, the principle of accountability for performance and results, the principle of convergence who harness resources for education. I know, that AMBISYON 2040 is very empowering and inclusive. it challenges us to become ambitious for our country. It unites everyone and urges us to dream together. My proposal for this, I hope, we in education, I’m not talking about DepEd only, I’m talking about DEpEd, TESDA, CHED and even DOLE to come up with a master plan for education that is not just 6 years or 12 years it has to be longer and it has to be anchored in the collective visions of where you want to be in the next 30 years, because it will take generations to make changes in the society . I believe we should not wait for 2040 to happen. I believe and I strongly believe we will accomplish these goals before 2040 if not in our life time, and by life time I mean not tomorrow but today. So, I urge you to keep in asking questions… what could I share here, as a person, as community member, as a superintendent, as a DepeD official? You ask the question then, what do you want for your teachers? your principals? your students? I filled this hall with these questions but you have to provide the answers. Congratulations to the officers of the PASS God bless you and God bless the country.
"in the next 30 years, because it will take generations to make changes in the society."
"Leadership in the Midst of Change"
Speak. Listen. Learn. Meet the 2018 PASS Convention Speakers
GSIS Financial Assistance Loan for DepEd Personnel ATTY. NORA MALUBAY-SALUDARES
Officer in Charge-Office of the President and General Manager General Service Insurance System
fficer in Charge (OIC) Nora Malubay-Saludares graduated from the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila with Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Accountancy, Magna cum laude in 1979. She passed the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) board examination on that same year. In 1979, she worked as staff Auditor at Sycip, Gorres, Velayo & Co., the largest professional services firm in the Philippines that provides assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. In 198I, sine chose to serve in public office and entered State pension fund Government Service Insurance System. In 1995 she finished her Bachelor of Laws at San Beda College and passed the Bar Examination in September of same year. She rose from the ranks from Internal Auditor I to Senior Vice President of the National capital Region (NcR) Operations Group. Under her leadership, NCR Operations received the coveted Seal of Excellence Citizes's Satisfaction Center for exemplary service in 2014 for its two branch offices-Central Office (Pasay City) and pasig. In October 2016, she was designate hid the OÂŤicer in Charge of the Office of the President and General Manager. OIc saludares is one of the pillars and longest-serving executives of GsIs having been with the System for 36 years now.
"Leadership in the Midst of Change"
Financial Literacy U ANNALYN M. SEVILLA Undersecretary for Finance
ndersecretary for FinanceBudget and Performance Monitoring, Annalyn M. Sevilla, advises and assists the Secretary of Education in the formulation, implementation and monitoring of DepEd's budget. Her responsibilities also include the operationalization of the Education Programs Delivery Unit (EPDU) which facilitates and coordinates the identification and resolution of bottlenecks and challenges of the DepEd's delivery system.
Undersecretary Sevilla has a wide experience in Public Financial Management, Governance and Change Management, consultant for various organizations such as (1) Australian Aid, (2) USAID, (3) Millennium Challenge Account of the Philippines; and the (4) World Bank. She has done numerous technical assistance having served as projects for various government agencies such as the Department of-Budget and Management (DBM), Commission on Audit, Department of Finance-Bureau of the Treasury and Bureau of internal Revenue, Department of Agriculture, Department of Public Works and Highways, Department of Health, Department of Social Welfare and Development, Philippine National Police, Armed Forces of the Philippines and the DepEd. Prior to becoming a consultant, she was a Senior Budget and Management Specialist at the DBM, wherein she served for ten years. Undersecretary Sevilla also participated in the Executive Education Program for Public Financial Management at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. She has taken up her Master's Degree in Public Administration at the University of the PhilippinesNational College of Public Administration and Governance and is a graduate of St. Scholastica’s College with a degree in Financial Management.
CPD Issues and Concerns
DIRECTOR JOHN ARNOLD S. SIENA, Director IV National Educators Academy of the Philippines, DepEd Central Office
irector John Arnold S. Siena studied Communication Studies at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand. He finished Master in Development Management at Asian Institute of Management in Makati City and studied Master of Education (Major in English) in UP in the Visayas, Iloilo City as second language.
Director Siena finished his Bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education major in English at West Visayas State University in La Paz, Iloilo City. He is also a former Division Superintendent of Division of Bacolod City and also a SDS of Division of Antique and became the Director III of NEAP and currently a Director IV of National Educators Academy of the Philippines, DepEd Central Office.
"Leadership in the Midst of Change"
Dialogue Interactions
lain Del Bustamante Pascua is the Undersecretary of DepEd who supervises the Administrative Service, the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management service, the Information and Communications Technology Service, the Education Facilities Division/School Building program, and the Youth Formation Division.
Usec.Alain Del B. Pascua
Undersecretary for Administration (DRRM, ICTS, EFD/SBF/ Youth Formation Division
He is a product of public elementary education. His parents were both public school teachers in Tarlac. His high school years were spent in Mary Help of Christians Seminary in Pangasinan, and his college days were in Adamson University in Manila where he finished Civil Engineering with a Presidential Medallion and Campus Leadership Awards. He was the first president of the Adamson University Student Government who was elected for two consecutive terms. He founded the National Association of Student Councils of the Philippines or NASCOP, and represented the country in a World Youth Congress in Moscow, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or USSR, known today as Russia. He was a political consultant to not a few elected government officials, yet he finds time to advance his advocacies for the environment, not many know that he is one of the leading wild bird photographers of the county. In fact, he will soon launch his book on the Philippine Eagle. Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones was his teacher when he took up masteral studies in public administration at the National College of Public Administration and Governance at the University of the Philippines. Professor Briones would later on recommend him to be the Philippine Secretary-General of the Social Watch Global Assembly where he coordinated more than a hundred foreign delegates from over 70 countries Âťom different parts of the world.
Keynote Speaker
Usec. Jesus Lorenzo R. Mateo
Undersecretary for Planning and Field Operation
sec. Jesus Lorenzo R. Mateo is a service driven public official with a solid experience in conceptualizing, managing and implementing projects, programs, and policies focused on upholding professional standards for teachers and promoting employee welfare and benefits.
Currently he is the Undersecretary of Planning and Field Operations in DepEd who provides overall guidance and supervision of the regional and field operations, as well as strategic implementation of national policies. His expertise suits him in Project Management, Public Relations, Policy Development, Organizational Restructuring and Change, Multi-unit Operation Management, Budget Development, Human Resources Leadership and Strategic Planning. He conceptualized the Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA) with DepED colleagues and other education partners. which resulted in the passing of Republic Act 10533 (Basic Education Act of 2013) Spearheaded the crafting of DepEd policies on teacher hiring, performance based bonus, and various other employee welfare-related concerns, which strengthened professional standards and increased personnel productivity. Usec. secured the required government approval from the Investment Coordinating Committee for the implementation of the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID). Word Bank, Government of Spain (GOS), UNICEF, and USAID-assisted projects, which subsequently resulted in the adoption of the BESRA by the donor community as basis for its development support to basic education and negotiated with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). He discussed with the
JICA which resulted in the improvement of educational facilities through JICA assisted projects and successfully justified to the DBM the creation of positions for the project Implementation Support Unit (PISU) under the Third Elementary Education project (TEEP). He finished his Ph.D. in Public Administration (honoris causa) in Pangasinan State University,
Lingayen, Pangasinan on 2014. His MBA in Government and Bussiness Management at Victoria University in Melbourne, Australia on 2003. In 2002, he completed the MPA in Public Administration at UP in Diliman and graduated as Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy in UP Diliman on 1983.
"Leadership in the Midst of Change"
Financial Literacy Usec. Victoria Medina Catibog Undersecretary for Finance
sec. Victoria Medina Catibog finished her Post Graduate Diploma at Advance Financial Management (with distinction) at Delft Technical University in The Netherlands on 1986, MBA at UP on 1981 and BSBA in the same university on 1965.
She worked at University of the Philippines System (UPS) as Budget Director on 1994-2006, Deputy Budget Director on 1991-1993 and Fiscal Analyst to Supervising Fiscal Analyst on 1975-1991. She became a Budget and Control Officer, President’s Centre for Special Studies on special detail 19781979, personnel Clerk, Accounting Clerk at Bureau of Public Schools on 1969-19741, a Chief Accountant at Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS) in Region XI on 1975 and an Accountant at Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation on 1967-1968. She was a part-time regular Professional Lecturer at UP on 1983-2006. Usec. Catibog served as Senior Public Financial Management Specialist, World Bank (WB) for Deped LEAPS on 2013-2016, DepEd NPSBE 2009-2013, DepEd SPHERE (co-funded with AusAID), SEMP2 (2007), TEEP co-funded with JBIC on 2000-2003. She was the Lead Research Consultant, PIDS, NEDA for-Conduct of Independent Validation for FY 2011 SBM Grants, Public Financial Management Consultant AusAID for CHED scholarships study for UNIFAST on 2012, DBM PEGR, RA002 Phases 3 & 5 on 2007-2008 & 2009-2010, DepEd Drill down of School M00E on 2008-2009, Finance Consultant, JBIC, Review of TEEP on 2005-2006, Finance Consultant, USAID DepEd TA on Decentralization on 2001, Finance Consultant, PNRQ on 1989 and Financial Consultant at PCSS on 1979-1980. She served as lecturer, speaker, panelist in seminars, workshops and conferences by Up colleges & institutes and other public and private universities and government and private entities on business and financial management.
f the personnel called you to submit your documents, that is the start of the processing and submission to Malacanang,"� -Usec Mateo
"Leadership in the Midst of Change"
with DepEd officials highlights the first day of PASS convention
t is another way around.
DepED Undersecretary Jesus Lorenzo Mateo who supposes to reply to the questions of the participants was the first who posed question to initiate the dialogue in the Kapehan with DepEd Officials which highlighted the opening day of PASS convention here at Waterfront Hotel and Casinos, Davao City, May 9, 2018. “Kumusta na ang estado ng mga appointment n’yo?” was the question posted by the Undersecretary which broke the silence and reluctancy of the participants. Usec Mateo explained the process of appointments occupying the third level positions. According to him it will first to go through the national committee process in where the national search committee will come up with a resolution which is a simple lists of name of candidates and the scores to hand over to the Secretary to become a part of the pool for submission to Malacanang through the endorsement of the Secretary. He made it clear that they have no more hold from it once it was submitted to Malacanang. The undersecretary also advised the participants not to accept the offer of relatives, friends and politicians in sponsoring their appointments for them not to be compromised.
“Lalabas at lalabas yan, all you need is patience. Ang hindi lang lalabas kung merong kaso or may mga allegations,” the undersecretary explained further. He reiterated that the hiring policy is very objective which is based on certain rubrics. “If the personnel called you to submit your documents, that is the start of the processing and submission to Malacanang,” Usec Mateo referred to those recently interviewed. Then he jokingly asked, “Nasagot ko ba ang inyong tanong na ayaw n’yong itanong?” The undersecretary also informed the participants about the structure of National Search Committee which is composed of Undersecretaries, Assistant Secretaries, including the Association of DepEd Directors and the Association of the Schools Superintendents. “When I drafted that policy, I defended it by saying that we need to involve all of them (Association of DepEd Directors and the Association of the Schools Superintendent) because eventually there are the leaders of those divisions and regions. It is just proper but proper for the directors and superintendent to have a say,” Undersecretary Mateo stressed. The undersecretary also clarified the process of appointment and the basis of ranking for those eligible ASDS but have no rank, and as to the query on Education Management Test (EMT) one could be given an acting appointment if EMT passer, and one could be given a rank even if not EMT passer but eligible.
"Leadership in the Midst of Change"
DepEd pushes fi for personnel’s w D epartment of Education is on process on helping its personnel to understand personal finances and on managing their own resources through financial literacy.
"Leadership in the Midst of Change"
financial literacy welfare Undersecretary for Finance Mrs. Victoria M. Catibog explained the need for it during the 2018 PASS Convention in Davao City. With a total of almost 300 billion loan of the DepEd employees, the undersecretary said that the department really have to work and directly address this problem. From the 300 billion loan, 122.3 billion is from the GSIS and the other 163.6 billion is from other lending institutions. According to Usec. Catibog, it is timely to teach its employees the financial literacy as the DepEd is a member of the committee on National strategy on Financial Inclusion. “We are interested to deliver quality services and achieve our mandate. To be able to do that we need to look also after the needs of our employees. We
need to consider employees’ satisfaction and engagement,” stressed Usec Catibog. According to her if employees are not happy then good quality service cannot be delivered because teachers are burden with the problem of how they be able to settle their debt. “So hindi na makakapagturo ang teacher ng mabuti lalo kung hinahabol na siya ng kaniyang pinagkakautangan, “ Catibog explained. This strategic alignment according to the undersecretary is the 8th point agenda of the Secretary’s ten points agenda. The objective of the financial management training is to ground both teaching and nonteaching on managing their personal finances, to have a financial plan, a regular saving and investment. The financial training design will talk about budgeting, important personal finance, financial life stages, personal finance and emotion, debt management, investment and insurance included also is entrepreneurship. The conduct of Financial management training for trainers was clustered into four; Luzon, NCR, Central Visayas and Mindanao. “Financial management training will be conducted in mass training of teachers and LAC sessions,” Catibog expressed. “Ang bagong pasok sa service magti-training agad sa financial literacy through Teachers Induction Program. And we will not allow borrowing kung hindi pa nakaka one year,” she added.
DepEd allots 80M for SDO offices
ight hundred million pesos was allotted in the construction and repair of SDO offices this year according to Alain Del B. Pascua DepEd Undersecretary for Administration, as he speaks before the 358 Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent in the Waterfront Hotel and Casino in Davao City.
“Kung lahat ng request n’yo ay naipasok na we do that this year” Pascua assured the participants of the 2018 PASS convention. The Undersecretary also mentioned that DepEd is also planning to do digital and online assessment if the negotiations with China on provision of grants became successful. Part of this grant will also provide on the establishment of CLC’s in every province, mobile CLC’s and School In Bags for mobile teachers, including ALS on air meaning radio and TV in broadcasting ALS curriculum. According to Usec. Pascua they are now on discussion with China for a 30 million dollars grant fund. He also updated the participants on certain issues; about Nielsen Company going around the schools to conduct baseline data survey to update EBEIS and NSBI for proper planning, the implementation of SIGA-School in the Garden, distribution of 460,000 units of computers for 35,000 school to be delivered in July, piloting eight regions to be connected with internet, mapping of school for concrete roads, dispatching of Gabaldon inspection team for the repair not of all the 2,000 Gabaldon building but only part of these, dental facilities in every central elementray school, converging of 20 schools into three in Marawi main battle area and of closing 9 schools outside the main battle area, and sending of letters to principal with construction project to inform them of every details of the project. “Kung gusto n’yong hingin ay additional classroom or computers “wag na kayong dumaan kay Mayor or kay Congressman, pupunta rin sila sa amin lahat ng budget nasa DepED kaya dumeretso na kayo sa amin,” Undersecretary Pascua stressed. In the conclusion of his talk, he reminded the PASS participants not to prepare much food and “pabitbit” during his visits in school. “We would like to elevate the discourse of Continuing Professional Development from just earning certificate or diploma for the sake of renewing their license or for the sake of promotion. I li ke to believe that most of us would like to see our work rewarded by promotion, because we did our best because we continue to provide the best education, the best teaching-learning process in the classroom rather than the certificate and the awards that comes with the participation as the end by itself. I’ d like to see people in the Department of Education saying, “I want to go and enroll a master’s degree program or a PHD program, I want to participate in the CPD program because I want to improve my practice and if I improve my practice then my promotion will come. We want to honor professional growth in the Department of Education.” Director John Arnold ienna, Director IV, NEAP on CPD Issues and Concerns.
"Leadership in the Midst of Change"
Budget Info
…In December 31 2017 hindi pa rin natin nagasta yong buong continuing. Eighty-four percent lang ang naobligate and 44.3% lang ang nabayaran, ang na disbursed. So ito yong mga MOOE at capital outlay na mga hinahabol at later na nabigyan ng mga contract or delivery, kaya hindi siya nabayaran. However, when we were informed that the budget is only available in one year in that is 2017, 2017 current nakapag-cope ang DepED. We were able to utilized the available budget at 98% rate. So, pag sinabi pala na one year lang siya magagamit. So 98% obligated and it is 87% disbursed. So, I hope you were also able to reflect what happen last year when all of a sudden we change the rules and policy, but we were able to cope up with just one year. Ngayon, kapag inadd po ang continuing current s’yempre hahatakin yong malaking current BUR or Budget Utilization Rate ng continuing, it will become 96.67 %.
If we will disaggregate the 472 billion into how much goes to the regions, divisions, and schools, and how much is maintaining in the central office. Ganito po kalaki, ganitong kalaki ang disparity. Most of our budget are in the field it’s in the region, it’s in the division and it’s in the school and that is 387 billion, but you were able to utilized 98% and you are able to pay 94%. So, wala sa inyo yong accounts payable. Tama sir, dapat kayong palakpakan, because this audience, the whole of the divisions here, kung ano ‘yong dala na portfolio ng regional director kayo po ‘yong mga nagtrabaho. Ninety-eight percent ang inyong performance.” Annalyn M. Sevilla, Undersecretary for Finance-Budget and Performance Monitoring.
From Usec. Annalyn Sevilla
"Leadership in the Midst of Change"
Motivational Message
We are all called to be perfect as the heavenly Father is perfect. The call to holiness is not an easy path we can only perceiver if we continue to trust God.
I cannot end this talk without congratulating and thanking you for all that you have contributed in the education and formation of our young people throughout the country. Despite incalculable changes in our educational system in the recent years specially with the implementation of the k to 12 program you have shown your resiliency in facing the many challenges in your office. It is important that learners will be nurture in their faith and spiritual lives. A healthy spiritual life begets a healthy moral life.”— Bishop Wilfredo Manlapaz (Ret.)
"Leadership in the Midst of Change"
"Leadership in the Midst of Change"
"Leadership in the Midst of Change"
"Leadership in the Midst of Change"
GSIS to refinance teach R
epresenting almost 90% to 95 % of DepEd teaching and non-teaching personnel, 358 superintendents and assistant school division superintendents from all over the country listened to Attorney Nora Malubay Saludares, OIC General Manager of GSIS as she lectures on the details of refinancing DepEd employees’ loan under GSIS Financial Assistance Loan.
The purpose of GFAL according to Atty. Saludares is to address the financial predicament of all teaching and no teaching personnel of DepEd and to improve their financial status and financial condition. According to Atty. Saludares, the initial budget of 50 billion will increase to 300 billion on December 2018. The financial assistance will only be granted to regular employees of DepED with permanent status but not for those in temporary positions. The employees should have no pending administration or criminal cases to avail GFAL. “We are hearing some clamor from other government agencies, because they are telling us why GSIS only give this to DepEd personnel, after deped we will giving this to LGUs and other government agencies,” Atty. Saludares explained. Saludares also explained that the outstanding loan of the employee to be refinance should be only from the accredited private lending institution, and has no due and demandable account from GSIS. “Kung mayroong due and dmendable sa GSIS at gustong magGFAL, ang i- aadvice po natin ay ire-structure ang loan. I-renew muna ang console loan mo para marefresh natin habang wala pang penalty,” Saludares said. The loan proceeds of maximum amount of 500,000 could be avail per employee. “‘Yon pong loan proceeds, halimbawa po nakautang si teacher baka tanaungin sa inyo yong tseke ay ibabayad hindi sa teacher kundi sa private lending institution na accredited ng DepEd , kung saan sya may utang don namin siya ire-refinance, siya po ang magiging payee hindi ang teacher,” clarified Saludares. Redemption insurance amounting to 38 cents per thousand will be deducted, that is if anything happens to borrower the loan was assumed paid and will not be a burden to the surviving spouse. GSIS will also deduct the proportionate interest if the loan was granted, that is the period from the date when the loan was granted to the date of the first payment. Service fee is free according to GSIS. The processing of granting of loan starts from submission of the application, attending literacy program for free that will only take 30 min or 1 hour. Then the office will compute the loanable amount. If the document is complete and the borrowers agrees in the loanable amount, check will be issued and payable to the private lending institution where the employees has loan. Saludares also clarified that she will recommend the resumption of penalties right after they finish the cleansing and reconciliation they are doing.
"Leadership in the Midst of Change"
hers loan through GFAL
"Leadership in the Midst of Change"