107516@deped.gov.ph DepEd Tayo Papaya ES - Batangas Province
A Grade Two learner assess the reading ability by her teacher at Papaya Elementary School in Nasugbu Batangas on the second day of classess, August 23, 2022. The school implements a school initiated Project SEAPAG-BASA, SULAT AT BILANG to enhance learners’ reading, writing, and numeracy skills as major focus on the Learning Recovery plan (LRCP) of the school to respond on the identified learning gaps. DOMCAR C. LAGTO
happen.learningforenvironmentlearningImproveeffectiveto life-longforresponsibilityandstakeholdersEngagesharedevelopinglearners.
Capacitate teachers based on the DepEd PrioritiesDevelopmentProfessional(PD)andneeds
he Papaya Elementary School Learning Recovery and Continuity Plan (LRCP) is a contextualized operational plan to ensure the identified learning gaps among all learners will primarily be addressed, especially the most vulnerable ones. It is a post-pandemic transition plan which is anchored on the goal of the Department that all Filipinos can realize their full potential and contribute meaningfully to a cohesive nation through the protection and promotion of the right to education. The PES LRCP has been developed through a highly participatory and consultative process that considered the views and priorities of the stakeholders in the education sectors and the community to improve the delivery and quality of basic education and the experience of learners in the basic education learning environment. More specifically, the LRCP aims to: Accelerate improveidentifiedinterventionsremediationlearningandonthegapstoacademic performance in all learning areas.
1 2 3 4
A Kindergarten pupil assists by her teacher on writing diagonal lines at Papaya Elementary School in Nasugbu Batangas on Tuesday, August 23, 2022. Kindergarten was made mandatory and added to the Basic Education curriculum in 2012. Children can start entering Kindergarten at age 5. Pursuant to RA 10533, mother tongue-based instruction is used in Kindergarten and elementary education levels so that children can learn in the language spoken at home.
While Papaya ES caters to only 343 school children, the rest of the numbers are enrolled in nearby places such as Looc Elementary School which is five kilometers away from the barangay and Sta. Teresita Elementary School of Ternate Cavite to where the residents of Sitio Iba choose to send their children as to the practicality of travel time and consumption.Inthecurrent school year, 54% of our pupils are under the frustration level in English while 32% in Filipino As part of the school community, the school tapped the 18 identified groups of stakeholders within the community to help addressing the gaps and issues in the learning environment.Theparents and Local Barangay officials supports the school Programs Projects and Activities of the school. Somehow, only 35% of the entire population of parents participated in the school activities, specifically the parentteacher conference. On the other hand, some organizations and Pantawid Pamilya Program parents are regularly extending their help, especially during Brigada Eskwela. In the recent concluding school year, Papaya Elementary School meet the national standard when it comes to curriculum and instruction but it adheres to improve its quality. As identified gaps and issues in the implementation of the previous PPA’s, Papaya Elementary School is committed to implement the ‘COVE Program’ Connecting Others through Voice of Education, a five-year program with Three major projects focusing on Access, Quality, and Governance. to actively engaged stakeholders and share responsibility for developing lifelong learners.
I. Introduction
In the past two years, Papaya Elementary School has lowered the enrollment of 365 down to 343 in the current school year, but an increased of 2 learners from the previous one. The school children whose family is dependent on the blessings of the sea while the other is employed in the properties of business tycoon Henry Sy at Hamilo, a sitio of Barangay Papaya. As the teaching staff conducted the child-mapping with the partnership of Barangay Health Workers (BHW), it was found that the total number of 5 to 11 school aged-children in the community is 472, of which 264 are boys while 208 are girls and only seven children are not in school because of financial matters, the home to school and other reasons. The data also record that a total number of 173 Out of School Youth (OSY) aged 12-24 in seven different sitos in the barangay according to the data of BHW as of August 2022.
The past two years have been challenging years for everyone and even the educational setting has changed. The Department of Education implemented BE-LCP (Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan) which served as a weapon for education leaders across various levels of governance. Its implementation suited the context of Papaya Elementary School, but the essential elements were intensified and contextualized to suit the needs of our learners and teachers.
To understand the context of implementation, PES LRCP includes the data analysis of the educational environment with emphasis on its present baseline data on students, teachers, and the various capacities and capabilities of teaching and non-teaching personnel to attain goals in achieving quality educatipon.
Papaya Elementary School is one of the 17 schools in Nasugbu West District with 19 school personnel composed of 8 Teacher 1, 6 Teacher 3, 2 Utility/ watchman funded by LGU, 1 Utility worker funded by MOOE, an Administrative Aid 2, and a Head Teacher 2 as school head.
Papaya Elementary School is committed to improve the overall performance in term of access, quality, and governance, as well as provision of effective and efficient delivery of basic education services to its customers, thereby making it relevant to the needs and expectations of our customers and other stakeholders.
This school year, PES caters 343 learners from Kindergarten to Grade VI occupying 7 school buildings composed of 11 instructional rooms. , 1 school canteen, 1 school school principal’s office, and 1 feeding room, with the total of 14 facilities wherein 8 of these are in good conditions but the 5 classrooms needs major repair and 1 is approved for demolition. There are 3 available hand washing areas with functional 10 faucets on each facility.
In this time of challenges caused by COVID-19 pandemic and other natural disasters such as threats of Taal Volcano eruptions, typhoons, and earthquakes, it is important to know the status of education in our school for us to continue our services to learners, teachers, and the community.
LRCPPAPAYA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEARNING RECOVERY PLAN Figure 3. Reading Level Results as of June 7, 2022. Figure 2. Papaya Elementary School Vicinity Map PAPAYA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL VICINITY MAP
FrameworkSchool-LRCP remediationlearningAccelerate theinterventionsandonidentifiedgaps to improve academic performance in all learningCapacitateareas. teachers based on the DepEd Professional Development (PD) Priorities and Improveneedslearning environment for effective learning to developingresponsibilityandEngagehappen.stakeholdersshareforlifelong learners.
E&M 4.
The learning Recovery Continuity plan is an evolving document not set in stone. Adjustments will be made as needed. The consultation process and/or the pre-planning process were extensive. Plan adjustments at the schools will be made whenever necessary for the improvement of the process.
Adjustment and positive responses to the sudden change in education due to pandemic are the things every educational leader has gone through and is doing at present. The assessment is necessary to identify the gaps to address. With the use of assessment tools in reading, writing, and numeracy, teachers can analyze the data to craft suited interventions for the learners needs. In planning, surveys, reports, performance reviews, and focus group discussions among the teachers will be use to get the voices of the customers. The information and feedback from these will be reviewed to come up with data and reports on what went well and what went wrong to have baseline data on gaps, issues, and concerns in preparing different activities to address the problems. Implementation shows focus on the learning outcomes. The engagement support of stakeholders and the focus on provision of technical assistance are important in providing quality education to the clientele. Moreover, the pieces of training and LACs are important to provide the needs of the teachers in their self-development together with the feedback mechanism tools. Lastly, Monitoring and Evaluation show utilization of feedback mechanism results. There will be a review of plan implementation to address gaps, issues, and concerns, as a midyear and quarterly review on LRCP.
To achieve a 100% participation rate of all school-aged children in the community. To capacitate teachers on professional development needs. To enhance reading, writing and numeracy skills of the learners and achieve zero percent of failure rate.
3 Major Projects of COVE Program
Papaya Elementary School supports Department of Education’s call to deliver quality basic education. Likewise, the first intellectual step to address the present situation and to come with the school’s PPA is to have a plan. We hold on to a saying that “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”. Failing has no room among educators. Everything is possible if conceived and properly planned. By heart and by soul, every teacher’s oath from the very beginning they rendered service at DepEd is to ensure the quality of teaching and learning process. The LRCP recognizes teaching and learning as one of its major thrusts. Moreover, equal programs, projects and activities are taken into consideration to address the learning gaps. PES is committed on implementing the ‘COVE Program’ Connecting Others through Voice of Education, a fiveyear program with Three major projects focusing on Access, Quality, and Governance. to actively engaged stakeholders and share responsibility for developing life-long learners. This will also ensure the possible success of the continuity plan..
Synergistic Efforts in Actualizing Partnership on Achieving Goals in literacy and numeracy Synergistic Efforts in Actualizing Partnership on Achieving Goals in a childfriendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and environmentmotivating
To improve learningenvironmentlearningforeffectivetohappen.
Synergistic Efforts in Actualizing Partnership on Achieving Goals in access to quality, equitable, culturebased, and complete basic education
To actively engaged stakeholders and share responsibility for developing life-long learners.
• Family, community, and other stakeholders are actively engaged and share responsibility for developing life-long learners.
• Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and motivating environment;
Section 17 under Article II of the 1987 Philippine Constitution mandates the State to give priority to education, science and technology, arts, culture, and sports to foster patriotism and nationalism, accelerate social progress, human liberation, and development. Article XIV, Section 1 declares that “The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all.” As declared in the Constitution, the State has the duty to respect, protect, fulfill, and promote the right of every Filipino to accessible and quality education.
The Department of Education is the government agency that formulates, implements, and coordinates policies, plans, programs, and projects in areas of formal and non-formal basic education. In all our decisions and actions, we put the Filipino learner first. It supervises all elementary and secondary education institutions, including alternative learning systems, both public and private; and provides for the establishment and maintenance of a complete, adequate, and integrated system of basic education relevant to the goals of national development.
The COVE Program is anchored in DepEd’s current vision, mission, mandate, and core values. We dream of Filipinos who passionately love their country and whose values and competencies enable them to realize their full potential and contribute meaningfully to building the nation. As a learner-centered public institution, the Department of Education continuously improves itself to better serve its stakeholders.
To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based, and complete basic education where:
The COVE Program
of Education Mandate
• Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner;
• Administrators and staff, as stewards of the institution, ensure an enabling and supportive environment for effective learning to happen; and
Department of Education. Vision, Mission, Core Values, and Mandate. https://www.deped.gov.ph/about-deped/vision-mission-corevaluesand- mandate/
The Department of Education has taken this a step further and formally adopted these as core values to help ensure that all DepEd initiatives are guided by the said values. At the time of the articulation, the core values were also stated in the definition of a functionally literate individual, which was part of the DepEd vision then. While the vision for the learners has been updated in this plan, the Department as a whole saw that it is important to continue to advocate for the core values that have guided the Department for many years.
DepEd Core Values
Republic Act No. 8491 known as the Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines states that the national Motto shall be “MAKA-DIYOS, MAKATAO, MAKAKALIKASAN AT MAKABANSA.”
IV. Implementation“Plan“
If you fail to
In a nutshell, Papaya Elementary School will continue to give the best service to clienteles in giving quality basic education amidst this pandemic. With the unified and strong cooperation among teachers, parents, stakeholders, and community members as well, all the targets and goals contained in this School-LRCP will be attained with flyingFigurecolors.4presents School-LRCP Framework for SY 2022-2023 which highlighted the 3 objectives
I n the realization of the Learning Recovery Continuity Plan and the improvement of our school educational system, a lateral thinking approach will be exercised to ensure that all components are ready and available in the implementation of the School-LRCP. We share responsibilities and commitment in doing our part of contributing and providing solutions as embodied in the One DepEd Mission and Vision. to consider during the assess, analyze, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation and plan adjustment phase. The implementation plan serves as the over-all picture of what to expect in the School-LRCP during its implementation.Effectiveplanning is envisioning what to expect along the process of operation, thereby adjusting its processes base on the present situation, remediate inconsistencies in the plan and situate the
implementationtoyouplan,planfail.oftheplan in a manner which will lead in the attainment of the target.
LRCPPAPAYA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEARNING RECOVERY PLAN Figure 5. School-LRCP Implementation Plan School LRCP- Implementation Plan
Learning Remediation and Intervention
T he COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020, which prevented all face-to-face teaching in all Philippine public and private schools for a period of time, required both systems to make a rapid transition to distance learning modalities through the use of print (photocopied modular materials), audio-visual media (radio and television), and online delivery through the internet. and (iv) Improvement of Learning Environment to ensure the ideal learning environment and adequate learning resources for learners. Phase 2 focuses on sustaining the gains and evaluating programs from the previous phase. The following are the priorities for Phase 2: (i) continuation of programs and projects on access, quality, equity, and learner’s rights and resilience; (ii)operationalization of the innovations initiated under the School Improvement Plan; (iii) program and impact evaluation; (iv) development of new programs to address emerging education issues and opportunities; and (v) end of plan assessment.
To enhance learners’ reading, writing, and numeracy skills and achieve a zero percent of failure rate, the school develop and implement Project SEAPAG-BASA, BILANG
T he Papaya ElementarySchool-LRCP will be implemented this school year 2022-2023. It will have two major phases: Phase 1 from August to October 2022 wherein the school is implementing blended learning modality and Phase 2 from November 2022 to July 2023, on the full implementation of the Face to Face classess in the country.
Phase 1 includes the response to the immediate impacts of COVID-19 on learning and participation. Specifically, Phase 1 will primarily cover the following major areas: (i) Learning Remediation and Intervention (Reading, Numeracy, Learners’ Academic Performance): School will focus on enhance learners’ reading, writing, and numeracy skills and achieve a zero percent of failure rate. (ii) Professional development to capacitate teachers based on the DepEd Professional Development (PD) Priorities and needs through LAC and INSET (iii) Stakeholders Engagement to actively engage stakeholders and share responsibility for developing life-long learners,
Learners still follow health and safety standards inside the classroom at Papaya Elementary School, August 22, 2022. DOMCAR C. LAGTO results of Focus Group Discussion FGD by the school personnel on the planningWithoutstage.thesupport, engagement, and linkages of the stakeholders, Programs, Projects and Activities in achieving goals will not be realized.
AT SULAT (Synergistic Efforts in Actualizing Partnership on Achieving Goals in literacy and numeracy) by doing various activities based on the
T o enhance learners’ reading, writing, and numeracy skills and achieve a zero percent of failure rate, the Project SEAPAG-BASA, SULAT AT BILANG shall be implemented through diverse activities. Teachers use assessment tools to identify the learning gaps in reading, writing, and numeracy, of the learners. They collect and analyze the data to formulate applicable interventions based on the levels of the learners. An inclusion of One hour schedule time for Project SEAPAG-BASA, SULAT AT BILANG in the Teachers’ Class Program to ensure the implementation and teachers can maximize the allotted time for the remediation.Teachersdevelop and use, localized, and contextualized Learning Resources LRs that serves as a learning tool suited to the learners’ level and understanding. Engage learners in remediation by utilizing manipulative learning materials and visual aids can increase the participation in the learning process. An intesive monitoring of learners’ progress help the teachers to evaluate the effectiveness of their process and easily plan and adjust their techniques in teaching diverse learners. The school extend the Project SEAPAG-BASA SULAT AT BILANG in the wider community and engaged stakeholders to support the implementation by taking advantage on the Two-day Modular
Strategy # 1. Implementation of Project SEAPAG-BASA, SULAT AT BILANG (Synergistic Efforts in Actualizing Partnership on Achieving Goals in literacy and numeracy)
Distance Learning MDL schedule to implement the learning activities outside the school. The people in the community must knowledgable about the Programs, Projects and Activities PPAs of the school to actively engaged them and share responsibility for achieving the goals and for developing life-long learners. The school boost the utilization of different communication platforms available like social media, videos, and printed materials, to connect the stakeholders about the project to strengthen linkages, and realize the importance of their engagement in the success of Project SEAPAGBASA, SULAT AT BILANG. The Monitoring and Evaluation Team headed by the school head and the project owner will intensify the project monitoring to evaluate effectiveness of the project Outputs:• Collected and analyzed data on identified learning gaps in reading and writing through learners’ •assessments.Maximized allotted time for the remediation to address the gaps in reading and writing.
• Developed, localized, and contextualized LRs that served as a tool for the tasks given with the new instructions suited to the learners’ level and understanding.
Ms. Merry Ann Elepongga a Grade 2 teacher utilizes picture-word learning materials for her pupils as part of the reading remediation activity at Papaya Elementary School in Nasugbu Batangas on Tuesday, August 30, 2022. Teachers developed, localized, and contextualized Learning Resources that served as a tool for the tasks given with the new instructions suited to the learners’ level and understanding.
• Engaged learners in diverse remediation activities and increased participation rate.
• Boosted the utilization of different platforms available to communicate educational information about the project, strengthened stakeholders’ linkages, and realized the importance of their engagement in the success of Project.
• Extended the Project SEAPAGBASA AT SULAT in the wider community and engaged stakeholders to support the •implementation.Intensified monitoring and evaluation of the project.
Professional Development
Project SEAPAG-AARAL (Synergistic Efforts in Actualizing Partnership on Achieving Goals) in professional development implemented
• Developed and implemented professional development programs for teachers in identified priority •areas. School personnel trained on responsive management processes that uphold inclusive and rightsbased education • Expanded teachers’ career progression across the Strategy # 2. Implementation of Project SEAPAG-AARAL (Synergistic Efforts in Actualizing Partnership on Achieving Goals in professional development) designated career stages.
• Upskilled instructional leaders (MT and SH) to support teacher PD in various priority areas.
This may take many forms including schoolbased professional development. The implementation of school initiated Project SEAPAGAARAL (Synergistic Efforts in Actualizing Partnership on Achieving Goals) in professional development for teachers to capacitate them based on the DepEd Professional Development (PD) Priorities and needs using the learning action cell (LAC) approach in school where the school staff meets together to reflect on current strategies, plan for better sharing of resources and ideas, and focus in areas of need identified by the group. T he assessment of student learning is now a greater focus because of the shift away from content-based teaching and learning in the classroom towards the acquisition of the 21st century skills of problem- solving, information literacy, and critical thinking.
Teachers need additional capacity building in using classroombased formative assessment of learners since this is a critical strategy for monitoring learning and assessing understanding. Teachers also need strengthened capacity to use authentic assessments (portfolio, performancebased, project-based) as well as test instruments. Robust teachers’ needs analysis conducted by school principals can be identified and targeted by teacher mentoring programs conducted by key schoolbased mentors whose role is to support school improvement.
Teachers at Papaya Elementary School execute Focus Group Discussion FGD on suggested activities to implement for Project SEAPAG-BASA, SULAT AT BILANG, a school initiated project to enhance learners’ reading, writing, and numeracy skills and achieve a zero percent of failure rate as response to the Learning Recovery Continuity Plan LRCP of the school, August 25, 2022. Department of Education (DepEd) developed a learning recovery plan framework to guide schools in addressing learning gaps due to pandemic-related disruptions. C. LAGTO
Stakeholders Engagement
To actively engage stakeholders and share responsibility for developing life-long learners, Papaya Elementary School initiates its banner program “COVE” (Connecting Others through Voice of Education) by strengthening support of stakeholders through Adopt a School Program and engaged them on different school PPAs. The school develop and implement a Framework for stakeholder engagement, utilize community network by mapping T here are a number of key stakeholders for every school, the most important being learners, parents, the LGU, and local businesses. These stakeholders can add resources to a school, either financially, in kind, or through voluntary service. It is essential that there is strong collaborative engagement of the school with these groups to ensure that their activities are aligned with our priorities. the potential stakeholders in the community, conduct a school Educ Forum, a multi-stakeholder platform for consultation, collaborative research and analysis, and high-level advice on strategic planning and programming for the PPAs., and strengthening Media Information Literacy using different media platforms like online, and printed materials for teachers, parents, students, and other stakeholders regarding the latest trends in school PPAs.
• Conducted a school Educ Forum, a multistakeholder platform for consultation, collaborative research and analysis, and high-level advice on strategic planning and programming for the PPAs.
• Mapped potential stakeholders utilizing community network Strategy # 3. Implementation of COVE Program (Connecting Others through Voice of Education)
• Strengthened Media Information Literacy through online, and printed materials to teachers, parents, students, and other stakeholders regarding the latest trends in school PPAs.
Framework for stakeholder engagement developed and implemented
The band descriptions and range of scores in the Reading Literacy SEA-PLM Assessment 2019 are as follows:
More than 70% of Grade 5 children were in the three lowest bands, but even the highest performers of this group can exhibit only low-level writing, with simple, insufficient ideas and limited Avocabulary.modestpercentage of Grade 5 Filipino children has achieved the mathematical literacy skills expected at the end of primary school (Band 6). Majority of Grade 5 children are still working towards mastering fundamental mathematical skills; learners had great difficulty writing an answer (constructed response) compared to needing to select an answer from given options (multiple choice).
A Grade V teacher still uses ABAKADA for the struggling readers in Filipino during the reading remediation at Papaya Elementary School on August 30, 2022. In Reading Literacy SEA-PLM Assessment 2019 in Southeast Asia, an assessment administered to Grade 5 learners regardless of age to better understand the status of students’ learning achievement in reading, writing, and mathematics, as well as students’ knowledge and skills relating to global citizenship, a small percentage of Grade 5 children in the Philippines had achieved Band 6 (Understand texts with familiar structures and manage conflicting information) and above or were progressing (Band 5) (Make connections to understand ideas) towards achieving the expected levels of reading proficiency at the end of primar y education.
Improvement of Learning Environment
• Enhance nutritional support for learners in situations of disadvantage through a feeding program
The implementation of Project SEAPAG-AAYOS (Synergistic Efforts in Actualizing Partnership on Achieving Goals in a childfriendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and motivating environment) will ensure the ideal learning environment and adequate learning resources for learners in PES by doing such activities like: Implementing standards for quality and inclusive T he ideal learning environment takes into account not only of the availability of facilities, equipment, and learning resources, but should also ensure that the culture, practices, processes, and systems in the school or learning center uphold quality, inclusive, learner-centered, and rightsupholding climate and environment promoting the well-being of learners. learning environment for different learner groups for the new normal post-COVID-19, enhancing nutritional support for learners in situations of disadvantage through feeding program, provision of functional WASH and WinS services, and improvement of physical environment identified as hazardous to learners.
• Provided functional WASH and WinS services
Strategy # 4. Implementation of Project SEAPAG-AAYOS (Synergistic Efforts in Actualizing Partnership on Achieving Goals in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and motivating environment)
• Improved physical environment
Outputs:• Standards for quality and inclusive learning environment for different learner groups for the new normal post-COVID-19 adopted and implemented
A Grade 3 learner follows health and safety protocols inside the classroom at Papaya Elementary School while reading a localized Learning Resources developed by her teacher for the learning remediation and innovation activity as one of the area of recovery for the School-LRCP, August 30, 2022. Recognizing the COVID-l9 pandemic vis-A-vis the need to resume to 5 days in-person classes, tJle DepEd intends for schools to be given ample time to slowly transition into it by implementing 5 days of in-person classes, and Blended learning modality by 3 days of in-person classes and 2 days of distance learning (modular, online, or television/radio-based instruction); and thereafter, 4 days of in-person classes and I day of distance learning (modular, online, or television / radio-based instruction). Starting November 2, 2022, all public and private schools sha_Il havetransitioned to 5 days in-person classes. After the said date, no school shall be allowed to implement purely distance learning or blended learning except for thosethat are implementing Alternative Delivery Modes as provided for in DO 27, s.2Ol9entitled ‘Policy Guidelines on the K to 12 Basic Education Program” and DO O1 s.2022 enttlled, “Revised Policy Guidelines on Homeschooling program.” DOMCAR C. LAGTO
VI. Communication Plan
The implementation of Papaya Elementary School “COVE Program” (Connecting Others through Voice of Education) help to actively engage stakeholders and share responsibility for developing life-long learners. The LRCP’s initial presentation by the school head will be accompanied by an advocacy campaign to highlight the importance of learning recovery plan. The LRCP will be disseminated across all social media platforms and printed media in Filipino language. The LRCP will be disseminated to community and the key linked education partners. when proposals for funding support are being considered. A key component of the LRCP will be the strategies for monitoring and evaluating the progress of implementation, as well as the shortand long-term effects on the key indicators that define
A n effective communication of the proposed LRCP framework and M&E framework is crucial for a successful implementation of the Plan. A communication and information strategy will be developed in the first first month of implementation of the LRCP that will connect all stakeholders in the education sector and provide updated information about the progress of the plan’s implementation.
The communication strategy will include: 1. Marketing of the LRCP through “KUBLIHAN” a School Educ Forum, a multi-stakeholder platform for publicationKublihan”informationandandcampaigns,sharingsocial2.programmingonanalysis,collaborativeconsultation,researchandandhigh-leveladvicestrategicplanningandforthePPAs.Publicinformationusingmediaplatformsbyschool’seducationposters,messagesinformationalvideos;utilizingprintedmediathrough“AnganofficialschoolofPES;and
3. Public events (such as Project SEAPAG-BASA, SULAT AT BILANG in the community, etc.) to get the messages across to different publics.
Learners receive flouride application from Division Health personnel at Papaya Elementary School on August 31, 2022. DOMCAR C. LAGTO
• Prepare education plans and programs. All outputs of the LRCP MEA will be used as inputs to school education plans.
• Track all learners’ progress in reading, writing, and numeracy skills. PES will track learners achievement, monitor performance standards in school, and ensure programs and support programs that address the different and unique learning needs of all learners are sufficiently implemented.
• Determine areas of strengths and weaknesses in PPAs. The LRCP MEA will help school decision makers to detect and locate operational issues in the field and proactively address concerns affecting education policies and strategies; and
VII. Monitoring and Evaluation
The LRCP MEA will allow PES and its stakeholders to:
Results of the monitoring or evaluation work will be used to improve annual implementation plan (AIP), and school improvement plan (SIP). M&E results will also be used to inform adjustments to existing PPAs, formulation of new PPAs, and provides a basis for designing the next one.
The LRCP MEA will serve as the platform for integration and collaboration between and among school and stakeholders. The LRCP MEA puts into operation a systematic process for collection, collation, and analysis of key education data and information that will allow school’s P apaya Elementary School will implement a system-wide monitoring, evaluation, and adjustment (MEA) strategy to ensure timely decisions and improvements or adjustments in the Learning Recovery Continuity Plan are undertaken, and to facilitate immediate response to operational bottlenecks and external issues that may affect the efficient and effective implementation of LRCP strategies.decision makers, implementers and other stakeholders to collectively appreciate both achievement and challenges in the school. The main objective of the LRCP MEA is to facilitate decision making for a more relevant and responsive delivery of basic education services.
• Ensure continuing relevance and responsiveness of strategies and PPAs outlined in the LRCP.
• Identify and locate problems and implementation issues.
T he LRCP MEA Framework will be operationalized into six distinct but integrated strategies. These are standalone processes designed to validate the achievement of different levels of results (outputs, intermediate outcomes, and outcomes) in the LRCP, and designed to support the decisionmaking needs of different levels of governance that will allow them to efficiently and effectively manage the implementation of the School LRCP. The findings or outputs of one M&E strategy will be used as input to the other M&E strategies. The
Teachers plan for the strategies to implement on numeracy remediation for the learners at Papaya Elementary School, August 25, 2022. DOMCAR C. LAGTO
Operationalizing School LRCP MEA Framework six include: (i) establishments of baseline, (ii) bimonthly program implementation review, (iii) mid-year review , (iv) outcome evaluation, (v) results monitoring and evaluation, and (vi) impact evaluation. These strategies are designed to ensure a more systematic approach to monitoring and tracking, evaluating, and enhancing the LRCP implementation. Figure 6 presents an overview of the School LRCP MEA Strategies.
An immediate mobilization of school to do MEA work and operationalize verification processes must be prioritized. The capability and capacity of school to do M&E work takes priority before full-blown implementation of LRCP strategies.
&E will be playing an important role in implementing the LRCP. The ability of school to readily set up and operationalize M&E will provide immediate benefits to school management and stakeholders with early indications of progress (or lack thereof) and manifestations that strategies and programs are delivering the desired results as intended.
PLANMONTHLY PLANMONTHLY PLANMONTHLY DataMonthlyCollection DataMonthlyCollection
The following LRCP MEA startup activities will be implemented: M&E process owners in different governance levels will be trained on how to setup M&E, how to perform M&E work, and how to manage the M&E system and its processes; • Capacity building of school staff assigned to do M&E work.
LRCPPAPAYA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEARNING RECOVERY PLAN Figure 6: School LRCP MEA Strategies BASELINING LRCP Phase 1 IMPLEMENTATION PLANMONTHLY LRCP Phase 2 IMPLEMENTATIONPlanContinuityRecoveryLearningSchool(LRCP) ImplementationBimonthlyProgramReview(BPIR) ImplementationBimonthlyProgramReview(BPIR) September2022 October2022 November2022 December2022 January2023
Establishment of Baselines and Verification Mechanisms
In this regard, important requisites for implementing a schoolwide M&E must be in place in the early phase of LRCP implementation.
1. Mapping strategy. The practices of schools and CLCs on mapping learners will be reviewed. Currently, the process involves teachers going house-to-house to count and document target learners. This process is tedious and is an additional responsibility imposed on teachers. The strategy should be simplified, and coverage be expanded;
• Establish baseline information on learners. Baseline information on the number of learners in a disadvantaged setting will immediately benefit both the planning and M&E processes. Failure to establish these mechanisms compromises school’s ability to track, monitor, and evaluate school’s initiatives in these areas. Therefore, to “mainstream” these learners in the indicators and M&E reports of school, the following five strategies for setting up baseline information will be explored and considered:
LRCPPAPAYA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEARNING RECOVERY PLAN Results Monitoring & Evaluation (RME) MID-YEARREVIEW(MYR) ImplementationBimonthlyProgramReview(BPIR) ImplementationBimonthlyProgramReview(BPIR) EvaluationOutcome EvaluationImpact January2023 February2023 March2023 April2022 May2022 June2022 PLANMONTHLY PLANMONTHLY PLANMONTHLY PLANMONTHLY PLANMONTHLY DataMonthlyCollection DataMonthlyCollection DataMonthlyCollection
M&E is an important element of inclusion. School’s ability to respond to varying needs of all children and all learners will depend on its capability to do M&E. To be able to do this, school needs to immediately have an estimate of its target groups including location and learning needs, gender, and socioeconomic profile.
3. Early registration of learners. Access to reaching schools should be enhanced. This includes improving access to schools using the internet, social media, and other non-conventional means for targeting learners.
4. Information sharing and collaboration of information dissemination especially with barangay; and 5. Database buildup on learners.
• Formulate M&E processes and M&E tools and techniques.
• Information campaign on the scope and benefits of the LRCP MEA System. Grade 4 learners at Papaya Elementary School perform exercise while reciting multiplication table as part of the numeracy remediation on the implementation of the School Learning Recovery Continuity Plan for the school year, August 30, 2022.
The following baseline will be conducted: (i) estimated number OSC and OSY; (ii) 5-year-olds in the community; (iii) estimated number of LWDs, IP learners, and Muslim learners in a disadvantaged situation; (iv) learners from GIDA; (v) estimated number of learners in conflict and disaster affected areas; and (vi) others. Establishment of baseline information will be completed by the end of 2023. With different accountabilities and operational requirements from each governance level, school will develop M&E processes that are mandate-appropriate.Tominimizeresistance and encourage utilization of the LRCP MEA facility, school will conduct a community-wide campaign on the scope of the LRCP and the importance of M&E in sustaining an efficient and effective implementation of the LRCP.
2. Participation of stakeholders. This includes partnering with local government units (LGUs), day care centers, and barangay health workers at the field level. Partnering with parents’ associations and learners themselves will help triangulate, develop a precise estimate of learners and learning needs, and frame the provision of basic education services in light of upholding the rights of learners as children and youth.
T he conduct of impact evaluation will be program- or project-specific. School will undertake evaluation of programs that have been completed or when there is a need (trend, new situation, or challenges) to review on strategies.
The bimonthly review will enable the school to assess performance and “catch issues” as they happen, and to immediately make corrective actions on bottlenecks affecting the implementation of the curriculum and respond to barriers hindering learner’s performance.
T he BPIR will serve as a platform for documenting the learners’ situation, giving school immediate feedback on the effects of programs and projects in terms of learners’ access to education, learners’ performance in school, and how learners’ rights are enforced.
Impact Evaluation of Programs and Projects
The implementation will be based on demand, especially when there is a need to review the effectiveness of school’s programs, projects and activities. The conduct of impact evaluation will provide flexibility for school to immediately address the intended and unintended effects. The results of the evaluation will be used as inputs to improve designs of ongoing programs, identify new programs, enhance existing policies, and develop new policies.
Outcome Evaluation
The focus of the evaluation will be on two aspects: (i) documenting stories about PApaya Elementary School learners, and (ii) evaluation of the LRCP resultsframework to determine strategies to continue, strategies to stop, and new strategies to undertake for the next cycle of the LRCP.
Bimonthly (BPIR)ImplementationProgramReview
Mid-Term Review
O utcome evaluation is the final review and will be undertaken on June 2023.
T he mid-term review will be undertaken by the school in the last week of January 2023. The mid-term review aims to determine if the critical milestones or targets set for the year are realized or achieved.
A Grade 3 learner prepares to eat his food during th recess time at Papaya Elementary School on August 23, 2022.
The review will determine the performance of the school in implementing LRCP if programs, projects and activities are working, and identify major adjustments in the implementation or in the content or scope of existing strategies. The results of the mid-term review will be used to review targets, and to recalibrate LRCP strategies from 2022 to 2023. Education stakeholders will participate in the conduct of mid-term review.
• Meet the information, reporting, and documentation requirements of DepEd. A functioning school M&E system will provide important information needed by SDOs in providing needs-based technical assistance to schools.
• Manage school resources and external resource mobilization more efficiently and effectively;
All sub-intermediate outcome indicators in the School LRCP MEA Framework will be tracked and evaluated by the school every two months (BPIR) and an outcome evaluation at the end of school year. These will be used as inputs to evaluate the schools’ curriculum implementation, and inputs to the preparation of the annual improvement plan.
A school-level system for doing M&E work will be established for use by the school head, teachers, community stakeholders, and learners to manage the learning process inside the classroom and school.
The school M&E system will be designed to address the school’s decisionmaking needs and information requirements and those of its stakeholders.
M&E processes, tools and templates, and reports will be designed based on school needs and mandates. A customized school M&E system will allow the school managers, teachers, learners, and stakeholders to:
• Track and proactively respond to issues in the school’s environment that may affect learners’ participation, rights, health, and safety. The school M&E system can be a mechanism for mobilizing community support to address issues like disasters, social and health issues, and threats to learners’ rights; and
School M&E System
• Track and evaluate the progress and achievement of all •learners;Improve and enhance the curriculum delivery, school programs, and projects based on learners’ needs and according to demands in the community. Timely information and feedback will allow school managers and teachers to make the necessary and responsive adjustments or improvements in the school programs and projects;
A boy waits for his second dose vaccine at Barangay Papaya Covered Court on Wednesday, August 31, 2022. DOMCAR C. LAGTO
“Connecting Others through Voice of Education”