“Chareon Krung Creative Forest” is an area that is like an Eden garden on the human world created by all people in the 21st century, based on the TCDC Chareon Krung project, which has been accumulated, combined and built on knowledge from the past to complete the missing dream of the this “Central Postal Building” since the era of modernize the country. In order to be a people’s resource for cultivating, sharing and disseminating creative knowledge freely. In order to be the creative hub of the past and the new generation meet up here that corresponds to the area of Charoenkrung where is a creative district of Bangkok, the center of the city, located on the first road that captures the way of life and history of multi-ethnic communities and the wisdom of society through various events in the history for a long time represent through art, designs and creative materials to reflect people’s ideas, experiences and cultures unboundedly. Leading by the concepts of “Design Thinking (UK Design Council)”, which talks about the various design processes, methods, concepts and patterns that will bring successful solutions to solve the problems, Mixed with the idea of “Nostalgia”, which referring to a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past to design an overall look, circulation & program and functions in interior space and re-design this preservation of historic buildings to fulfill the need of 21st century user groups which have diversity in ethnicity, religion, gender, age,generation and philososhy of thought. Moreover, be the confluence of past, present and future.
Nowadays, “Nostalgia” is having a huge influence to the socail. This corresponds to the concept of the Renaissance in the 15th - 16th century, about bringing old knowledge to improve ,develop and adapt to fit with “The Society of Enlightenment” in that time, which in this 21st century society, there are diverse beliefs, cultures, philisophy, genders which were formless. People can choose what is appropriate for them. These matter leading to establish the idea of “Bringing back the old wisdom” mix up with “The Nostalgia Marketing Strategy” to the concept of: “Re-create and Re-design” which mean bringing the philosophy of art, politic, social, economic in different era mix with the element of Chareon Krung multi-cultural society (consists of Chinese, European, Muslim and Thai) to create the design which represent identity and image of 21th century of Chareon Krung people through the way of “Maximalism - Contemporary - Multicultural Design”.
Inspiration come from the painting name: “The Garden of Earthly Delights” by Hieronymus Bosch, the artist in Renaissancce era, which represent the image of the world in confusion of human’s lust and desire. However, in my opinion, human passions cause human beings to want to find a way to satisfy their own desires. This human ambition allows humans to learn innovations and new knowledge without limits. Because human defilements are never-ending. Therefore, I have translated the meaning of the ideal image in Renaissance era to the 21st century era of Charoenkrung Road that is rich in unlimited variety and ambitious curiosity to create new things to improve their quality of life mix with the idea of “Nostalgia Marketing” that will finally complete with what bible said: “There is nothing new under the sun”, everything has been happened. Everything in this world is caused by humans learning from the past to use in the present.
What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Ecclesiastes 1:9
This is where the all story begin...
Siam, the center of Southeast Asia since ancient times, was not born. “Charoen Krung Road”, the first western style road, originated in the 19th century, bringing prosperity and foreign culture to the city from Western powers such as England, France, Portugal, Muslim groups and Western colonial countries such as Muslims from Malay-Singapore-Middle East countries Sikhs-Hindus from India and various Chinese groups such as Teochew, Hokkien, Cantonese, Hakka and Hainan through trade and import of labor to develop the city in those days, Charoen Krung has been one of Southeast Asia’s most fashionable neighborhoods and streets since the road was built in the 19th century until the 20th century. We can see all the symbols of prosperity of the 19th - 20th century. Found on Charoen Krung Road, such as department stores, shops, luxury hotels, restaurants, shipping ports, clubs, bars, cinemas, embassies, transportation systems such as trams and everything that is the most modern in that time.
However, the prosperity of Charoenkrung has slowed down as we enter the 21st century, an era of social and technological transition. Analog to Digital the era of urban growth entering an aging society Major changes in the transportation system, capitalism and economic system are new variables in the evolution of social and cultural changes in Thailand. This includes a lack of understanding, a disapproval of culture and history from both the old and the new As a result, the cultural traces of the past are gradually lost over time.
The “Central Post Office Building” is a large concrete 6-storey building that has stood gracefully on Charoen Krung Road since 1940. It was a symbol of the social prosperity of Thailand at that time. Both being a central building for communication, telegraph, radio and architecture of the era that reflect modern architectural styles and the concept of social democracy. Which is still beautiful and outstanding on Charoen Krung Road until today.
Nevertheless the Central Post Office has a number of vulnerabilities in the building’s functionality. This may be due to the fact that as of 1940 the Thai state had to exert a great deal of effort and capital to build a nation and modernize its stability amid the economic downturn of the 1929 World Economic Crisis and the ongoing World War II. This makes this building unable to reach the dream land and meet the needs of many applications amidst the diverse needs of people in society.
Although this building has been renovated several times to fix the missing building defects. But the Central Postal Building still faces new obstacles, namely the transition and organizational division from “Postal and Telegraph Department” to “CAT Telecommunication Public Company Limited” and “Thai Post Company Limited” resulted in the division of land. to the back of the central postal building until reaching the Chao Phraya River “Department of Post and Telegraph” but now “Thai Post Company Limited” There is
only land in front of the postal building to the end of the back of the central postal building only. The rest of the land belongs to “CAT Telecommunication Public Company Limited”, which results in improvements. and the preservation of the central postal building was more restrictive. which does not affect only the central postal building But with Charoenkrung and Charoenkrung people who will lose the opportunity to use public spaces from separating the land and blocking the organizational area.
If we go back and consider the intention of building this building by the People’s Party. which want to build a building that can support the use of a variety of people democratically that lead to the questions that interest me on the Central Post Office Building and Charoenkrung Area So I want to ask the question: “Social values and behavior in a capitalist system privilege system that has been reflected through the design architecture and The use of this building is being reduced to its ability to be “Buildings and people’s architecture? how ?” and “Is it really everyone in Thai society who is a consumer group with this kind of consumption behavior? And are there public buildings that are recreational areas in this area that cater to people of different classes and income bases? It’s not just a 5-star luxury department store and an expensive hotel that people in this area really have the strength to reach. And not a design work that is in harmony with the surroundings of the district, which is the old town.”
Is it going to be better if we have a building where actually build for Chareon
This group of people are naive and ready to come up with new experiences to make life colorful. Ignites new creativity and inspiration to confidently step into a world of challenge and diversity. like a seedling when first Ready to smile at the sunlight of a new day that is about to shine Interpretation from group to mood & tone: “The Fresh & Passionate” (Fresh Green - Ultraviolet)
This group is very diverse in concept, spirituality, age, language, status, religion, and culture, all of whom have their own distinct styles and high liberal convictions. Can be interpreted from a group of people to Mood & tone: “The Pride of Earth” (Earthtone - Multicolored)
This group of people are relatively stable people. and credible social popularity base At the same time, they have creativity and a keen eye for new possibilities that make the business world more fun and exciting every day. Can be interpreted from a group of people to Mood & tone: “The Deep Intense Chic” (Deep blue tone showering with the classy glittering chic.)
everything goes online. everything goes boundary.
On the day when the world became a world without borders So why can’t architecture be borderless? Originally, this land was divided between within the organization “CAT Telecommunication Public Company Limited” and “Thai Post Company Limited”. A wall was built around the land from the front of Charoen Krung Road to the side of Soi Charoenkrung 32, leaving the space behind the Central Post Office building, which is currently being built as a parking building. and the garden in front of the CAT Tower, which is currently used as a parking space at the CAT Tower (in conjunction with the Cat Tower car park). The use of the free space is only for parking, which makes both people in the organization unable to use the environment in terms of the area on the land. And having a wall around it also makes the neighborhood lack of a friendly atmosphere. People who operate both the CAT Tower and the Central Post Office are unable to interact with the surrounding communities.
For this reason, I have proposed a solution to the problem of the environment of the new district. By arranging all new architectural landscapes, demolishing the surrounding walls. The courtyard area behind the Central Post Office building and is currently constructing a parking building) to be built as an extension of the former Central Post Office Building and Charoen Krung Panya Creative Park The car park in front of the CAT Tower building to the CAT Tower pier is designed to be a 24-hour public park, extending continuously from the extension of the Central Postal Building. to Soi Charoenkrung 32 and the Chao Phraya River Build continuity from the Post Office Building - CAT Tower - CAT Tower Pier - Embassy of Portugal and Warehousre 30 Building Group
The facade design of the extension to the Central Post Office has adopted the proportions of the window-beam-wall-pillar division as a design guide. By using the method of stretching out (stretch) to ensure continuity with the original building without too much difference. but still able to separate the original and the building’s extension By using it as a white aluminum composite panel structure anf paint the back of the Central Post Office from ivory to white. To create continuity with the back of the central postal building behind the floor paint. It differs from the facade and side surfaces of the building.
the new master plan
Front Building
* Eden Athenæum - Bang Rak Earthly Delights Sky Dining
Front Building
Eden Athenæum - Theatre de la Post
* Eden Athenæum - Theatre de la Post Lounge
* Eden Athenæum - Group Study & Day Meeting
* Eden Athenæum - Rehearsal Studio
* Chareon Krung Creative Forest Staff’s Office
* Eden Athenæum - Theatre de la Post
* Eden Athenæum - Theatre de la Post Lounge
* Eden Athenæum - Group Study & Day Meeting
2nd floor
Front Building
* Function Room A
* Salon de la Post
* Innovation Gallery
Front Building
* Creative Economy Agency Office* Auditorium A - B
Front Building
* Creative Economy Agency Office
* Grand Postal Hall
* Post-Posh Thai Designer Pop-Up Boutique
Front Building
* Basement Temporary Gallery
Back Building
* Eden Athenæum - 24 Hours Rental Resarch Capsule Studio
Back Building
* Eden Athenæum - Library
* Eden Athenæum - Garden of Earthly Delights
* Eden Athenæum - 24 Hours Rental Resarch Capsule Studio
Back Building
* Eden Athenæum - Library
* Eden Athenæum - Garden of Earthly Delights
Back Building
* Lab Factory - Craft Atelier Zone
* Function Room B
* Hall of the People of Chareon Krung
Back Building
* Creative Economy Agency Office
* Lab Factory - Dream Pod, Laudromant Café
* Hall of the People of Chareon Krung
* Lab Factory - Art Studio Zone
* Jia Leng Gong Osteria
* Hall of the People of Chareon Krung
* Lab Factory - Urban Industrial Zone
* Jia Leng Gong Osteria
* basement temporary gallery back building
* lab factory - urban industrial zone * jia leng gong osteria
* chareon krung creative forest’s lobby
* creative economy agency office’s lobby
* grand postal hall
* post-posh thai designer pop-up boutique
* lab factory - art studio zone
* jia leng gong osteria
* hall of the people of chareon krung
* creative economy agency offisce’s lobby
* auditorium a - b
* creative economy agency offisce
* lab factory - dream pod, laudromant café
* hall of the people of chareon krung
* function room a * salon de la post * innovation gallery
* lab factory - craft atelier zone
* function room b * hall of the people of chareon krung
* chareon krung creative forest staff’s office
* eden athenæum - theatre de la post
* eden athenæum - theatre de la post lounge
* eden athenæum - group study & day meeting
* eden athenæum - library
* eden athenæum - garden of earthly delights
* eden athenæum - theatre de la post
* eden athenæum - theatre de la post lounge
* eden athenæum - group study & day meeting
* eden athenæum - rehearsal studio
* eden athenæum - library
* eden athenæum - garden of earthly delights
* eden athenæum - 24 hours rental resarch capsule studio
* eden athenæum - Bangrak earthly delights sky dining
* eden athenæum - 24 hours rental resarch capsule studio
The left and right wing areas prior to the present had different functional designs. The left (south) wing before 2013 was set up as a restaurant for the International College’s Hospitality Program. Silpakorn University (VATEL) where the college is the tenant The right wing of the building (north) is the postal service area of the Thai Post Company.
The building’s unique foyer area contains photographic evidence that has undergone many eras of transformation. There have been many modifications and improvements. But the problem with these historical photographs is their lack of clarity. The photographs cannot communicate in terms of space and design materials. And the evidence is so scarce that it is difficult to find details to compose a picture that will be designed to be perfect as it was in the past.
Currently, the right wing of the 1st floor building is no longer in use and has been left vacant. The left wing of the 1st floor building is the front lobby area of TCDC and shops that are open to outside shops for rent. The overall interior design approach of TCDC Charoenkrung is to provide a black and white overview of the project in order to respect the building’s long history. and highlighting the distinct differences between the old and the new conveys a new design with a monochrome modern design to express the clarity of the TCDC area as a tenant of the Central Post Office building.
The Central Post Office Whoever decides on the design and design that comes out like today is under the decision of the Thai postal company. which overall is still showing the original of the building In particular, the main material used throughout the building is the Villeroy & Boch beige, 4”x4” ceramic tile from 1940.
The ceiling is designed and operates the air conditioning system. But it has been criticized for the bulkiness of the system pipes. and a ceiling design that instead of adding to the original atmosphere of the building and the original height of the hall was also covered. which the height The clean, open design is another unique feature of this hall. But what many people like are the three large Chandeliers that make the hall even more spectacular. Therefore, this is the main question of the project that Charoenkrung is still alive. Central postal status must remain But it is beautiful, modern and harmonious. Like this road where people of different generations can coexist with charm.
The Mood Image design has brought together a couple that reflect the architectural identity of the Central Post Office building. and Thai postal organizations such as ivory white, sand beige, antique brass, crimson, ivory black and motif. Architectural elements that are present in the central postal building, such as the recessed columns designed as Thai architecture mixed with 1940 modern-art deco, grooving. Terracotta tiles made to order from Villeroy & Boch, 1940. Proportioning and placing patterns in grid patterns of beams and windows. and dividing the various ratios into 3 parts and 6 parts, which are the same as dividing the pattern of the front pillars of the building, which are divided into 6 trees on each side, reflecting the 6 principles of governance of the People’s Party as the main design element. This design motif will be used in every function. and all parts of the building to ensure continuity Which is that the design of this Mood image is a template that will add different color pairs in the next function that has it all. Because this function is considered as the first impression and is the main entrance of the user entering the building.
new plan g - 1st floor
The design of the reception halls of the two wings of the building has opened the ceiling to reveal the original structure of the building’s unique trapezoid beams and projected uplight onto the ceiling. The central postal building with offset motifs and a rectangular design with semicircular arches that represents the unique proportions of Art deco, is covered with marble veneer walnut, a signature of 20th century furniture designs. The air conditioning system is hidden in a black grooving grille on the side that serves to install uplight LEDs to light up the ceiling, highlighting the unique structure. The floor will use the same custom tiles from Villeroy & Boch as the original tiles. This tile will be used in all functions to achieve continuity, fluidity, and the same storyline in space.
new plan g - 1st floor
The design of the elevator hall has also moved the elevator location and the fire escape from the former adjacent to the elevator outside next to the front window of the building by changing to a glass elevator to solve the elevator problem. The original design was small and opaque to create an airy atmosphere. and make the elevator user feel uncomfortable However, while using the elevator, you can also see the gradual movement of the elevator through different floors. And there is also a view of Charoenkrung Road through different heights and gradually rises while taking the elevator.The design of the logos and signposts in the project, as seen in the elevator hall scenery, are inspired by the symbols on the postboxes that look like pictures in square frames. This is followed by the project’s signature ancient characters in three languages: Thai, English and Traditional Chinese.
Design direction of the Central Post Office Hall which was named “Grand Postal Hall” as a temporary exhibition hall and a large conference hall The design retains the charm of the large trapezoidal ceiling. A frame was built that mimics the original building beams and divides it into 7:3 spaces without dividing each space evenly. to achieve different rhythms of space except for channels And use the angle of parallel sides of the trapezoid of the original ceiling to create the voids of the ceiling in each channel to make the ceiling look more dimensional and get the mood of the original height of this hall as much as possible. The system work has been nested in the grooving area of the ceiling on both sides in order to hide the system work so that it is not a system job too explicitly by details various recesses have been applied to the original proportions of the existing building in the design.
The design retains the space for the existing chandelier or the 2013 renovation in order to make the most of the existing resources without having to completely dispose of the original. original architectural elements such as hinged iron doors shutter window mezzanine window All six of the stucco reliefs in the hall, and in particular the main material used throughout the building, the 1940 Villeroy & Boch beige, 4”x4” ceramic tile, have been preserved. However, the missing point has been added to carry on the intention of this building to the building of all people, namely to modify the ramp around the elevator hall from the original staircase. and an elevator for wheelchair users on the stairs leading to the central stairwell Details such as handrails and handrails remain intact with the iconic straight lines and curves of art deco design, and the proportions remain in harmony with the numbers 3 and 6 as a symbolic design. which represents the “six principles” of the People’s Party which was a group of social and cultural movements of that decade This detail is also passed on to the design of the main building, which is the columns of the left and right of the building with 6 on each side.
The design of a shop selling design products by Thai designers called “Post – Posh Thai Designer Popup Boutique” is designed by using reflection crystal board (material with glossy glass and acrylic. The red wall coverings and red floor tiles see this space as a parcel box with red, the color of the Thai Post Office, used in the design of the store. Place a floating display so that it can be adjusted continuously according to the season of the sale. The translucent acrylic wall overlaying the back light has a graphic motif of 20th century Thai products, giving the mood of the old-fashioned contemporary. The glass in front of the shop has a LED light sign in ancient fonts in 3 languages as a signpost because this wall is the side facing the entrance door by Layout. The lettering is inspired by the character of the address on the mailbox. Sender - Receiver The same brown tiled corridor of the original project cuts into the center of the shop, like tape covering the middle of the box. The ceiling is covered with mirror-like composite material to make it look like entering another space inside the box. The design of this store must be different. Stand out from the white surrounding design to make this restaurant a point of view that will lead people entering from the front of the building to walk through to the back of the building.
post-posh thai designer pop-up boutiquet - Front builing - right wing
In the past, the courtyard behind the Grand Postal Building was nicknamed “Pebble Lan” because it was an open courtyard sprinkled with gravel. In the 1950s and 1970s, there was evidence that gardens used to exist. which is expected to be a roundabout for the car But no one knows what the real function is because the photos are not very clear. And there is very little evidence in the period 2013 - 2018 (that the author and building caretaker started to catch up and remember the picture). The gravel area is the parking lot of the Central Post Office building. (Not related to CAT Tower) There are plans to build a 7-storey car park building for use by the Central Post Office customers. (Just starting construction in 2019), which is currently under construction for this parking building.
The next question is That empty area, which is adjacent to Soi Charoenkrung 32 community, which is still a problematic alley with no pedestrian access, narrow, dirty, no sunlight and no green area In addition, Bang Rak District, which is a green area of only 3 square meters per person. (According to a summary of seven types of gardens, which includes community gardens, road gardens, and county shoulder gardens), the amount of green space is much lower than the World Health Organization’s recommended average amount of green space (at least 9 square meters per person). ), so the question arises
: As a city with high economic inequality in the top 10 in the world The amenities for the bourgeoisie were all over the city. But facilities and public utility for the general public are almost nonexistent unless they have their own cars. Wouldn’t it be better if we could use this space as everyone’s space?
This extension area of the Central Post Office is designed in a curved form to match the shape of Soi Charoenkrung 32 and extends to the roof floor to maintain the rectangular box shape that the Central Post Office is. By modifying the proportions of the height of each floor and the window span of the Central Post Office, it was stretched to show the continuity of both the old and new buildings. The surrounding is a steel structure and clear glass for both the exterior and interior. The upper and lower floors of the building can still be seen as an inner garden of glass jars amid a real garden outside the building that stretches from the central postal building to the CAT pier, hence the name “The Stretch Terrarium” to connect the postal building. Central - Soi Charoenkrung 32 - CAT Tower - Chao Phraya River together.
On the 1st floor, there will be Hall of the People of Chareon Krung and Jia Leng Kong Tiam Restaurant. A new Chinese restaurant that will be a new family member with the old overseas Chinese lifestyle of Charoenkrung. to tell the story of the overseas Chinese on this road who have survived and grew up with Charoen Krung Road since the beginning of the road building until the present.
the new existing master plan
From Charoen Krung Road, completed in 1864, an architectural fashion trend was born. “European building, chinese made” because it is an architecture designed by Westerners. and a builder was a Chinese immigrant who came from the transport of hired labor during the late Qing dynasty. The road built for convenience in the western style can be said that If there is no Chinese This road wouldn’t be possible. Because all Thai workers in those days were farmers. As a result, Chinese hired labor became an important force for the development of Siam and the birth of this road. And with Chinese politics in the late 19th century, both the economic deterioration experiencing natural disasters And the war with colonized countries from both the West and Japan has made Chinese people who have the opportunity to leave the country want to find a new place that is better and less difficult than before. Therefore, there are many Chinese workers who finished their work but did not return home. Therefore, he continued to build himself in Siam with the support of the former elite Chinese group. Thus causing social and cultural groups of Chinese immigrants to rise on this road. Most of them come from Chaozhou and Shantou. (present-day Guangdong)
Great Chinese immigration took place and entered Thailand and Charoen Krung in the 20th century, both economically and commercially developed by leaps and bounds. and the political situation of China and the world, such as the Xinhai Revolution, Warlords (1916-1928), World War II, The Great Leap Forward of the 1950s, and the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s. The greatest migration of the 20th century brought the culture, language, products, stories that made Charoen Krung and the economy of Charoenkrung what it is today. Therefore, the culture and stories of Chinese immigrants during the 19th - 20th centuries were brought here. The inspiration for the design of “Jia Lao Gong Tiem” is to pay homage to the precious stories that accompany the Chinese immigrants. (Now that has become a Thai-Chinese) and Charoen Krung Road.
“Jia Leng Kong Tiem” is a Chinese restaurant and café in the style of Charoen Krung Chinese (Emigrant) that combines Chinese diversity, including Teochew - Hokkien - Hakka - Hainan - Cantonese, serving À la carte dishes, desserts such as duck noodles in style. Cantonese Hong Kong style congee and Bua Loi Teochew, etc., using the name: “Jia Leng Gong Diem - 石龍軍餐店” means “Charoen Krung Restaurant” with Teochew pronunciation. Because Teochew people migrated to Bangkok as the number 1 place. The layout of the store has brought all the kitchen and BOH areas to the front according to the layout of the shops in Charoenkrung area. so that service providers can see customers both in-store and pass by By separating the area by masonry walls and tiled with clear glass around it to prevent odors. In which people both inside and outside the store will still be able to see each other, with the center being the kitchen and service area in the middle of the shop. The interiors convey the flavors and inspirations of the people on Charoen Krung Road during the 20th century through the use of materials of the era such as ceramic tile, size 4”x4”, ivory and carmine. Marble top with wooden lion legs floral print fabric Porcelain-colored ceramic tableware, tarazzo pin floor, mixed with the project’s main materials, 1940’s Villeroy & Boch tiles, and 20th-century decorations from various sources including Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Singapore, Shanghai and Thailand, such as old stamps. old product packaging Old product labels, photographs to reflect the sweet atmosphere of Charoenkrung in the 20th century, the era when Charoenkrung flourished. It’s like bringing “Ama” (means grand mother) in a floral dress to become a young woman again. Through the design of maximalism - contemporary - multicultural - retrospective Filled with the mood of cheerish - romantic - classy - chic
the new plan g - 1st floor
According to an interview from TCDC, the Maker Space zone of TCDC Charoenkrung Project has been set up as a leased space leased by Fabcafé. This means that the operations are not operated by TCDC, which is currently the user. Tables must be reserved through Fabcafé only, and the area is not open to the public as it is for visitors to visit or visit birds without reservations. But users who will use the Maker Space section will have to register 2 rounds. There are 2 tickets to enter. There are many voices from users saying that the usage is not very convenient. Also, the atmosphere is not very welcoming because the door is closed all the time. Therefore, from the above problem Therefore, there is a problem that Why don’t we collapse and combine these two overlapping projects into the same project? Because this project is already a state-owned enterprise project. Why can’t I complete the entire process of manipulation in one go? And if changing the look of the same function that today is already What will it look like in order for this function to be able to meet the needs of users as much as possible is to meet the needs of Charoenkrung people which is the average person who lives on this road. Not just the privillege.
From the social situation at the 2020 decade of Charoen Krung Road The growth of the capitalist world has resulted in a significant change in the way of life, economy and society of Charoenkrung Road. Both the growth of new businesses that replace old businesses. The production technology so fast that 21st century people live with ready-made goods on e-stores have made old shops and crafts from the 20th century down to nothing but a myth that lacks legacy. and is about to disappear. At the same time, these crafts are valuable. Increasing demand and prices It is therefore interesting that the potential of Charoen Krung in the year 2020 where some wisdom from the 19th and 20th centuries still remains. And there are still decades of experienced craftsmen who live in the community of this street. Therefore, it leads to the question whether “How great would it be if there was a place for the old and the new to meet? creative together and convey creativity and inspiration to each other Thai society and creative products will be livable, valuable, and knowledgeable.”
The design of the Maker Space of the Chareon Krung Creative Forest project has picked up the industrial lifestyle of Chareonkrung residents. The lathe business, machine tools, art shops, old companies and Thai economic history in the 20th century that affect the creative industry today are inspired by the design combined with the Western philosophy “Inside the White Cube” to combine both architecture and architecture. The former of the Central Post Office building, the way of life and people are continuity and connected through the Contemporary - MulticulturalIndustrial design.
The new Maker Space has been renamed Lab Factory to make it a space for everyone’s creative experiments. Starting from the ground floor, Lab Factory: Urban Industrial, is a workshop studio area of heavy industry, including wood workshops and steel workshops. with a lot of dust and noise Therefore, the G floor is the place where Circulation is the least connected to other parts of the project. and disturb other parts of the project as little as possible
A conceptual overview of the 3- and half-storey Lab Factory function was based on the design concept of Gallery Space in the modern era by Brian O’Doherty, who wrote for Artforum in 1976 entitled “Inside the White Cube”. art exhibition space design Architecture should be a value of 0 so that it can allow the work of art to express itself without interference and distortion. Therefore, to be applied to the Lab Factory, all 3 layers, all 3 layers will have an overall picture of white as the main color. Getting people to use the space will be like an outstanding piece of art with architecture as the driving force itself.
On the G floor, the function of Lab Factory: Urban Industrial combines industrial inspiration from the 1980s-1990s through the use of square lines, metal boxes, graphic motifs, fonts, interior lamps. that era Become a detail in design
The 1st floor is the Lab Factory: Art Studio, a work space for various types of art, including painting, sculpture, printmaking, ceramics, a modeling studio and a film processing room. There is also art consulting services, organizing art exhibitions at the Hall of People of Chareon Krung, film cleaning services, film cleaning rooms and a shop for creative work equipment.
This floor was inspired by Brian O’Doherty’s concept of Gallery Space design in the modern era, written in Artforum magazine in 1976, entitled “Inside the White Cube” directly because it is mainly a layer of fine art. The design details are modern and combine the use of bright furniture from the 1960s-1970s to connect with the era of inspiration. As for the selection of furniture from the 1960s-1970s with these distinctive shapes and designs, they are like art pieces of the era in the reception, relaxation and co-working spaces.
The second floor is the Lab Factory: Craft Atelier, a craft and fashion work area, including an ironing room, dyeing room, sewing, embroidery, knitting, fabric printing, pattern work. Leather and fur work
This layered design approach combines 1940s - 1950s inspiration from handicraft, fashion and Huate Couture with detailed architectural ornaments. It’s a pattern like a craft on clothes. For example, using various glass blocks inspired by crystal embroidery. Different colored metal lamps inspired by different colored sequins. But the pattern of the floor, glass block, storage compartment and stretched ceiling, etc.
After completion in 1864, Charoen Krung became the new gateway that brought western prosperity to Siam through the Chao Phraya River and spread prosperity into nearby neighborhoods such as Silom and Pathumwan until the 20th century. full of economic growth to all levels and classes in society And made Siam until the time when it was transformed into Thailand became another commercial center of Southeast Asia. In addition, Charoen Krung as Thailand’s first road led to the emergence of many “first things” such as the first department store. The first suit shop First Japanese restaurant first hotel first bank The first jazz bar, etc., as well as a district that combines the most fashionable items of the 20th century such as furniture of the era, imported silks, wool fabrics. imported leather Various fashion products and foreign publications started from this road.
In this 20th century, Charoen Krung’s image has been transformed into an arts district. creativity and inspiration But at the same time it is becoming a neighborhood that is about to be forgotten (and had been forced to forget for a moment) even the old Islamic culture in the area An old English department store from the Victorian era. and overseas Chinese culture, including culture, language, food, and story (however, the “Overseas Chinese Culture” mentioned here is not a culture derived from the founding of the Chinese People’s Republic and was swallowed up by the Thai state, forcibly forgotten, lost during the one time) Also, the old and the new generation lack understanding. and the vision to make this old culture fade away with time and never return. However Charoen Krung is still a cultural preservation area with a reasonable level. It has received a lot of attention from the MillennialGen Y generation and the Baby Boomer - Gen X culture still has some left. Therefore, the idea was to combine the “old things” and the “new things” together and design the “Salon de la Post” area, a space that is like a living room, a living room, and is the Salon de Bangkok of Charoenkrung that brings the “past”, “present” and The “future” has been strung together and recounted through the design of Maximalism - Contemporary - Multicultural - Business chic that will revitalize the business district of the 20th century once again.
In the past, there was no clear evidence of what area this floor was used for. And at present, this floor is not open to outsiders because it is the office space of the Creative Economy Agency. and Creative Design Center TCDC. Just only the section drawing of the building allows us to see a large trapezoidal reinforced concrete structure in front, height, and depth with a cross-section thickness of 95 cm x 145 cm. Transfer the weight of a building this wide without supporting pillars. and make it possible to create large spaces without pillars. This is considered an Iconic design piece that can’t be found anywhere that uses reinforced concrete beams of this size. In addition, with a floor-to-beam height of 3.1m and a floor-to-floor height of 4.5m. . Make the ceiling of this floor unique This is another important problem to show the beautiful ceiling of this building.
The design concept of this area is that it is a large living room of Charoenkrung that welcomes everyone. Must reflect the “Charoenkrung” in terms of architecture and people. There is a design that meets the overall picture of the project, Maximalism Contemporary Multicultural. And must respond to the concept that promotes the creation of a Creative atmosphere, both atmosphere and functionality. As the kingdom of Bangkok’s new learning center.Therefore, the image and atmosphere of this floor focuses on a Creative business & masculinity look (with fluidity) inspired by the atmosphere of a street full of embassies, tailor shops, business districts. Multi-cultural and multi-generational people by designing three separate functions that are mixed in a large area as follows:
A total of 20 lounge areas can accommodate more than 110 seats and a small classic fun area welcomes such as 2 snooker tables, 2 mahjong tables, board games, a grand piano, a record player. and a photo spot with the iconic telegraph to make this space a retreat in Charoenkrung. and nurture creativity with rotating artist exhibitions that open spaces on each pillar, allowing art and inspiration to mingle in every molecule of the space.
The TCDC Business Consulting Desk has been relocated here. Contact services for talk events and art exhibitions at the People’s Council to make this a place to inspire creativity. British Brunch & Afternoon Tea - Mocktail Bar - Le Café Français serves French coffee and English tea. reflecting the identity of the embassy district and western modernity.
A 24-hour co-working space of 80 seats and 5 meeting rooms with a capacity of 8 people that can be connected to a large room. with frosted glass wall and ceramic tiles that are ready for users to install Write your own thoughts (except areas where the surface is veneer).
If you are walking up through the central stairwell of the Central Post Office building This corner will be the first view when you reach the Salon de la Post which is the Lounge & entertainment area. And one corner of the Posh - working space next to the window in front of the Central Post Office building to see the monument yard in front view and Charoen Krung Road. The design of the seating angles at the building’s central porch draws on the hallmarks of the former central post office clock, which is translucent to allow light to pass through. In which people in the building will see the light through the clock face during the day and saw the light from inside the building shining outside at night. This is the connection between the indoor and outdoor atmosphere through the building’s unique clock. Moreover, the clock symbolizes the time to let this space where past and present time meet. The layout and decoration are designed to be like a warehouse that keeps memories of the past that haven’t faded away. and the image of the present that time continues to go on.
The selection of furniture takes a mix & match approach, iconic old furniture from the era and modern furniture with a variety of materials, colors, and patterns together, such as the Vanity Fair armchair (formerly Model 904) with red leather upholstery designed by Renzo Frau in 2015. 1930, matched with the Pollock sofa by The Sofa & Chair Company (London), upholstered in blue fabric. and an assorted whiteblack-bronze coffee table set from Minotti or the Armchir Roxy Swivel-Tilt Tub Chair designed by Milo Baughman in 1965, alternating blue leather and houndstooth pattern match with a matt black metal base lamp with contrasting brass color. A red paisley-patterned lampshade or a Beetle chair designed by GamFratesi in mixed colors but arranged in the same outfit. The selection of furniture that is different in both the era and the material reflects the difference in Charoenkrung in the present where both the past and the present can coexist. Just like the reality of today’s society we are all living with a wide range of ages and tastes that are extremely different. However In these differences there are incompatibilities. and although it may be contrary to the ideals of many people But it’s a normal world in which we live in incompatibility with diversity. But looking at it overall, it looks charming the way it is. This is how Charoen Krung and the present world is.
In addition, the selection of furniture materials also reflects the diverse business corners of Charoenkrung. Through the use of red, blue, mustard yellow, gray and brown leather, the fabric is used in a variety of suits and formal menswear fabrics such as Houndstooth, Sheperd’s check, Glen Plaid and Paisley.
The decoration and function of the Art pillar of the People’s Party and the origin of the name “Salon de la Post” is based on the French art exhibition culture that exists since the 18th century called “Salon. de Paris”, a meeting place for Parisian artists and intellectuals to exchange ideas and auction art. Combined with the popularity and pop culture of Charoen Krung people in the 20th century during the 1950s - 1960s, which were mixed with Western culture and Chinese culture such as jazz, soul, blue, snooker bar, mahjong, art products imported from abroad. and office life This brings together a small rotating art exhibition space that follows the six pillars that form the main structure of the building in front of the Central Post Office.
The decorations that mock 20th century Western culture, adapting to the 21st century era of openness to all for example, the curved neon lights that read “It’s EVERYONE’s cave” are mocked from the American concept of Men cave / She Sheds, which in the past was quite gender segregated and affects pop culture around the world to show the salon’s univarsal space. de la Post or clearly take a photo with a desk set and a teletypewriter, the mongrel model (nickname of the telefax machine that the employees of that era called), another symbol of the memory of the Post and Telegraph Department in the 20th century, etc.
Another iconic symbol of the era and Charoenkrung is the white light box with colored letters. This can be seen from the reception counter of the project. The light box has been redesigned as various signs within the project. The letters used on the sign will be used as a translucent acrylic sheet, written in 3 languages, only Thai, English and Chinese (traditional).
Pictured above, another interesting detail of the Posh - working space and bar is the use of the iconic 1930s design piece, the N. 811 Armchair designed by Josef Hoffmann in the 1930s and combines Craft work by using rattan weave as part of this piece of furniture as well.
Meeting room design brings the atmosphere and details commonly used in office design in the 1950s - 1970s is using the frame is made of black bronze and opaque patterned glass, which in this case is used as a stripe to make each room more private. Another part that uses frosted glass sliding doors as room dividers is In addition to being transparent The glass can also be used with a whiteboard pen to write on the surface and erasable. The use of frosted glass sliding doors around the room means that the whole room can write our thoughts down as well. And at the same time, outside the room, we can still see the movement of our actions vaguely. create an atmosphere of creativity in space.
In addition, any area outside the meeting room that is covered with tiles (Except the veneer area) can write and paste all the creative ideas on it too without worrying about the mess that will happen.
When the construction of the Central Post Office, which at that time was an agency in the name “Department of Posts and Telegraphs” which covers services to the care of radio broadcasting as well. This led to the design of a smaller theater on the 3rd floor to be used for playing music for broadcasting purposes. In those days, the time of the program usually played Piphat, Mahori, Rumwong, and international jazz, etc. But after 1939, the ad agency was born. The broadcasting segment had to move out of the Post and Telegraph Department. (which later is the Department of Advertising and the current Public Relations Department) causing this theater to be discontinued since then.
Due to the construction taking into account the Department of Post and Telegraph must have a broadcast room. But it does not take into account that in the future radio broadcasting agencies will have to separate. And the construction has already taken over the functions of the columns and beams, making it difficult to fix. Thus making this theater as if it was set to die with the building. That’s why today there is still this theater on the 3rd floor as before.
Currently, this theater space has been refurbished under the Thailand Post Company’s 2013 Central Post Office Building Renovation Plan. The function of the theater has been transformed into an auditorium and a rental space for seminars. After the renovation, the identity of the original building has been kept since the building was built, namely the original entrance arch of the theatre. old watch and a bas-relief stucco sculpture of Gen. Krom Phra Kamphaeng Phet Akarayothin Former Sena of the Ministry of Commerce and Transport Who initiated the construction of this central postal building in 1928.
2013 plan 3rd floor
2013 plan 4th floor
2013 side elevation
2013 front elevation
Since the Thai Post Office building was built during the era of the People’s Party in 1932 (1932), it is undeniable that the idea of democracy will be incorporated into architecture. Including the design of many functions of the building that was placed to be permanent with this building from the beginning for example; Small Theater of the Post and Telegraph Department Building (Or the current Central Post Office) that became the symbol of this building. Which originated from the radio and broadcasting business, which at that time was part of the Post and Telegraph Department. That was the first functional design designed to be used by the state as a workplace to serve the majority of the population. and create facilities for Thai people to use on par with the 1st and 2nd world countries, which is different from the design in the past of “Siam” before becoming “Thailand” where designs are often designed for the ruling class who is few people, etc. In addition, the function of public space design in those days also It was also added to the pop culture of that time that gave ordinary people a place to have activities in modern society such as cinemas, building stores, exhibition grounds, large educational institutions. and the Miss Siam pageant, etc.
All these It can be called the first step of liberating society, art and ideas of Thai society to meet new knowledge. And it has released more curiosity that spreads to people of all classes. therefore took inspiration from political events and modernization of this great country It combines it with inspiration from The Garden of Earthly Delights, which is the main inspiration for the project and speaks to the human lusts, curiosity and ambition. Coming to the design of functions in the Eden Athenæum area. Chareon Krung Creative Forest’s new creative igniting space, where the six principles of ideology and the story of the People’s Party 1932 (1932) are re-telled through the buildings of the era built by the People’s Party. once through the design of Maximalism - Contemporary - Multicultural In the mood of Delightment - Enlightenment.
The Eden Athenæum area is large, covering the 3rd5th floors of the Central Post Office building. There are 8 functions as follows:
- Theatre de la Post: A small cinema area with a capacity of 73 seats, focusing on showing old movies, theaters, seminars and theatrical exhibitions.
- Theatre de la Post Lounge: Theater lounge and bar
- Library
- Group Study & Day Meeting: Small-medium private meeting room space for daily rental
- Rehearsal Studio
- 24 Hours Rental Resarch Capsule Studio: research studio area Provide overnight rental service, divided into rooms 4 people - 8 people - 12 people
- Garden of Earthly Delights: indoor tropical garden
- Bang Rak Earthly Delights Sky Dining: Rooftop restaurant in collaboration with international college Silpakorn University and Vatel Hotel and Tourism Business School, France.
Front Building
Chareon Krung Creative Forest Staff’s Office
Eden Athenæum - Theatre de la Post
Eden Athenæum - Theatre de la Post Lounge * Eden Athenæum - Group Study & Day Meeting
Eden Athenæum - Library
Eden Athenæum - Garden of Earthly Delights
* Eden Athenæum - Theatre de la Post
* Eden Athenæum - Theatre de la Post Lounge
* Eden Athenæum - Group Study & Day Meeting
* Eden Athenæum - Rehearsal Studio
Back Building
* Eden Athenæum - Library
* Eden Athenæum - Garden of Earthly Delights
* Eden Athenæum - 24 Hours Rental
Resarch Capsule Studio
Front Building
* Eden Athenæum - Bang Rak Earthly Delights Sky Dining
Back Building
* Eden Athenæum - 24 Hours Rental
Resarch Capsule Studio
The design of the theater hall has taken the original design identity of the side door house with a clock painted in pastel green and brown, re-telling it through new materials, light green wallpaper and veneer, to increase the value of the atmosphere. The interior is classic, suitable for the design style of Mr. Mew Aphanwong’s building, which is elegant. but elegant in the style of Modern - Art deco . But still maintaining the alignment of the original wall design and using the building’s unique material, Villeroy & Borch tiles, the floor and ceiling design uses the alignment of the columns and the arch design of Mr. Mew Aphaiwong parallel each other.
The theater’s Lounge features songs that are often played in broadcasts name: “Mayura Phirom”, “Flower of Nation” and various jazz songs Therefore, the lounge area was designed to have a Thai-Deco atmosphere and mixed with the story in the music as an interior design for example jazz music is conveyed through design and furniture with a touch of art deco art that is geometric with rounded edges. The song Mayura Phirom, a peacock dance song, was broadcast through Eichholtz’s Trapezium Chair upholstered in blue velvet. Decorated with colorful flowers, peacock feathers, stuffed peacocks, crystal lamps, and oil paintings depicting peacocks and birds of various species, they relate to the “Flower of Nation” song and the feminine content of the song and at the same time correlated with the image of the “Garden of Earthly Delights” with a wide variety of Animals and colours. The windows on the 4th floor are arranged with orchestral instruments and plants.
The theater’s interior design infuses the color of the pastel-brown double façade entrance hall into the interior. But adjust the tone to be darker and darker to suit the use. The stage design was inspired by the shape of the Chalerm Thai pavilion designed by Mr. Mew. Aphaiwong and the Miss Siam Contest Stage in Lumpini Park, covered with gold composite material to shine like Miss Siam, the only one who stands out in this theatre. The design of the wall lamp is a brass colored metal lamp. Decorated with crystals like jewels and diamond crowns of the Siamese Lady. Chairs and curtains are painted red in western theater tradition.
The central hall between the library and the theatre, which will be the connection point of all functions in the Eden Athenaeum zone, spanning 3 floors, including floors 3 - 4 - 5, with pendant lights and art deco ceiling lights continuity of all functions together. In front of the theater zone, there will be a large billboard in Old Hollywood style to capture the atmosphere of the glory of the Hollywood film industry that entered Thailand and the memory of Sala Chalerm Thai cinema designed by Mr. Mew Aphaiwong, an architect. The same architect who designed this Thai postal building. The design of the counter for snacks and beverages of the theatre and the counter of the library zone is designed to look like other counters in the project to maintain continuity on every floor. Except for the candy and beverage counter at the theatre, it uses red letters to match the popcorn package and add more fun to the mood of the theatre.
Additionally, all areas within the entire Eden Athenaeum – theaters, lounges, restaurants, and libraries –must have plant and plant elements to match the project’s main concept inspired by Garden of Earthly Delights and Support with the idea of creating a creative climate (theory from Assessing the Work Environment for Creativity by Teresa M. Amabile; Regina Conti; Heather Coon; Jeffrey Lazenby; Michael Herron.)
The design of the library and garden, Garden of Earthly Delights, is planned to allow the two areas to be connected to form an open space, allowing flow in both areas to be smooth, continuous and independent, without walls blocking the two spaces. The library area also takes into account the natural environment that encourages creativity by designing the ceiling and roof to allow natural light into the building.
The design of the bookcase is designed to blend in with the pillars, implying that knowledge is the cornerstone of society. The shape of the bookcase was adapted from the communication equipment cabinet in the old days that were thick, solid and solid. The signboard was an opaque acrylic light box like a popular sign in those days. The sign could be changed by printing on a sheet. clear plastic The language used on the signs will be Thai, English and Chinese (traditional characters) to match the major language groups used on Charoen Krung Road in the past.
The design of the Garden of Earthly Delights, which has a total size of 3 floors, was laid out with a layout of plant pots scattered around a void that was designed to match the center of the Hall of People of Chareon Krung. Inspired by The Garden of Earthly Delights, people and animals run and dance around the pond. This well is represented by a void that overlooks the Hall of People of Chareon Krung on the 1st floor.
Plant selection: Choose tropical monocots that have moderate water requirements and can live in a semi-outdoor environment that is less sunny than the day machine, such as the fan palm - (Licuala Palm), red ginger - (Red. Ginger, yellow betel palm(Golden Cane Palm), Chinese Fan Palm - (Chinese Fan Palm), Bird of Paradise - and fern family.
Connecting the 3rd - 4th floor using a ladder that acts as a semi-Amphitheater as a link. Between the library area on the 4th floor with views of the Garden of Earthly Delights and a view of Charoenkrung and Charoen Nakhon side. The design of the stairs is designed to have enough space for each step to sit, lean and lie down for a relaxed use.
The living room area on the 4th floor has the furniture arranged like a living room for a more relaxed atmosphere than the formal arrangement on the 3rd floor, so that the 3rd floor has a real atmosphere and needs more concentration. There is also a bar seating area for separate reading or working alone. And there is also a corner of the room overlooking the view outside the building, the garden or the life of the people who live on the 3rd floor.
The Rental Reseach Capsule Studio area is an area where users can rent an overdue room for long-term work. There are all 3 sizes of rooms, only 4 people, 8 people and 12 people. The interior design has used wood-patterned vinyl flooring with a hexagon pattern in relation to the tiled theme of the library function. The walls are covered with cream-colored wallpaper, giving a retro office feel. Trim alignment detail with aluminum anodized, templed glass panels so that around the room can be written with whiteboard pens and can be attached with adhesive tape, ready to be cleaned.
The mezzanine sleeping area is supplemented by a steel structure and a spiral staircase inspired by the central postal building. The bedroom is arranged as a futon bed on the floor. The total proportions of the furniture in the sleeping area are adapted for use in capsule seating and the floor-to-ceiling height is only 2 meters.
It is a restaurant on the top floor that has slightly revised the business model to allow the existing organizations in this land, such as the International College. Silpakorn University and Vatel Hotel and Tourism Business School can join the Chareon Krung Creative Forest project, which will benefit both parties, namely the college has a better location to serve customers. Students are placed in a learning center environment where their working environment is like a hotel.
In addition, Chareon Krung Creative Forest project is also the prime spot of Chareon Krung Road and the most historically rich in order to return profits to society, culture and education and to increase the value of this building many times over.
The concept of creating a functional rooftop restaurant was derived from the idea of Inspiring People with the Elements of the Environment, based on theories from Assessing the Work Environment for Creativity by Teresa M. Amabile; Regina Conti; Heather Coon; Jeffrey Lazenby; Michael Herron, that is, if human beings have the right environment, the right angle, the right air, and the beauty, please be airy, comfortable and feel safe with the five senses of sight, taste, smell, and sound. It gives people the drive for creativity and more efficient brain functioning so he took inspiration from the People’s Party in 1932 (a group that Mr. Mew Aphaiwong, who designed the Central Post Office building, often designed government buildings for them), which in the 1920s was a group of students in Paris, France, which at that time was Paris. as the world’s top innovative city and different Siamese in those days at the extreme, both socially, economically, including creativity. This meeting of Siamese students in Paris, who often exchanged ideas at a Chinese restaurant called Pascal in Quartier Latin, sparked new ideas that later led to Siam’s modernization.
eden athenæum - Bangrak earthly delights sky dining - Front builing - South Wing
eden athenæum - Bangrak earthly delights sky dining - Front builing - center
eden athenæum - Bangrak earthly delights sky dining - Front builing - North Wing
section of the front building - east view