Domingo Magazine 4th issue

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什麼是 Domingo Magazine? 無設限創作的視覺藝術雜誌季刊,來自於美麗的台灣。每三個月出一期,天 氣變化時你就知道了。 有什麼內容在這本雜誌裡 ? 目前內容主要以攝影創作為主,加上寫作專欄,但我們始終相信 We are the world,期望未來有更多不設種類的藝術創作加入,壯大快樂的星期天世 界。 製作 Domingo Magazine 的人是誰? 我們是一群 1990 年代前後的出產品,出生在資訊爆炸的年代,喜歡從資訊 中找尋使我們怦然心動的、熱愛的。而對於吸收這些資訊的我們來說,這本雜 誌是自然啓發的、無可避免的實驗性創作。平日主要以學生為本業,這本刊物 是副業,整合大家新鮮可口的創作,分享我們滔滔不絕的渴望。 為什麼取名為 Domingo? 名稱由來還滿有趣的,生產名字的那個下午,想到快瀕臨腦死,正好當天是 禮拜天,我們的工作時間多半在星期天或週休,''Domingo '' 即西班牙文的星 期天,天外飛來一個肯定直覺,就決定是你了。 今後的 Domingo Magazine? 我們的雜誌是互動性的,而且一直在演變中的,希望以後可以更加多元,有 越來越多各方領域的年輕新血加入我們,一起延伸雜誌內容,透過此媒介分享 風格作品。 這個雜誌不單只是看看照片而已 , 而是希望讀者看到自己的可能性 , 透過這個 雜誌 去分享不曾發表的作品。


Vivir Mi Vida




Woo, La




Basket Ball


Makes me Wonder


文章撰寫 - 嗅覺,回憶


特約攝影師 - Jacky Wang


專欄 - Rita Says

Vivir mi Vida model | Vida Ong photographer | Ellie

SPINTUXLU 窺視美麗,多數暴力下的憐憫 我曾經思考何謂美麗?為何有些作品或美學觀點能保有經典的姿態而佇立在時代 裏?在看戲的當天早上,我正好剛將人的哲學這本書讀完,書裡提到利用科學來驗證 這世界的客觀存在只是被感知主體與人之間的封閉耦合系統,而認識論裏的“經驗” 是結構高穩定的內穩態,故可經由社會化達到公共性質,這也是某些知識能成為常 識,可轉化成技術的原因。於是我將美學納入這樣的思維裏探討,“美麗”也許是一 種社會化後的感知產物,缺乏客觀並可藉由媒介傳播,根植人心。 行為藝術通常透過行為來呈現身體的存在,高度保有了身體的自主性,這與美學的 社會化互相拮抗。所以當“美麗”這樣的議題放在行為藝術的範疇底下時,每個細節 都在互相對話,在衝突中尋找平衡。唯心論的世界強調以人的思維為主體,即使那 些“實在”的物件,皆是透過神經系統的回饋機制構築內穩態,然而感官卻是在機制 裏扮演著與外界聯結的工具,故形象成為社會化的重要因子。在動物的世界裏亦然, 每當繁殖時節,動物改變自身的外貌,或以聲音吸引異性,這些都是形象的實例。 在追求美麗的過程裏,我們往往失去自覺,被普世性的價值操置身體。然而,何謂美 麗?我認為它是相對性下的競爭,自卑後的偽裝。 Article|SPINTUXLU Photography| Nono

以胡蘿蔔及肉桂為基底的鬆糕,外裹上酥脆外皮,頂上的重 乳酪填補了每樣食材間的縫隙,使得這道料理產生了一種化學 反應,反覆的在口中再現美味滋味,無論是口感、味道層次或 食材的揀選都令人感到驚豔。 唉,以後就吃不到了,實在是相見恨晚啊!

Woo, la

PHOTOGRAPHY \ Nono model \ fixy

春雷 model | Webb photographer | Ellie

Basket Ball Photography | Nono Model | 陳亮宇

Makes Me Wonder model | Zeeniya photographer | Ellie

嗅覺,回憶 不久前,Yves Saint Laurent 因為換了設計總監,改名成為 Saint Laurent Paris。革命後的 YSL,該改口為 saint Laurent,在設計師 Hedi Slimane 的手中,變得完全不一樣了。 但我仍然記得以前的那個聖羅蘭。是在我腦海裡很深的一份記憶。 前些日子,家庭聚會。看著我媽吃完晚餐,隨手從煙盒裡面,拿出一根煙, 然後點燃。煙盒上面寫的是 Mildseven,我突然想起小時候的時光— 我媽的手袋裡總會有一包 YSL 的煙,煙盒上印著金碧輝煌的 Yves Saint Laurent,三個大字以及 Adolphe Mouron 為 YSL 設計的品牌 LOGO,再 配上祖母綠般透亮顏色的煙盒。「我只抽 YSL 的香煙。」大概是我中班的 時候吧,我媽對著她的朋友這樣說著。在一陣笑鬧聲中,我知道了一個東 西,叫做 YSL。

從 那 個 時 候 起,我 所 知 道 的 YSL 是 一 種 味 道。有 點 嗆 的 味 道, 但 聞 久了 有 點 涼 涼 的,反 而 會 有 一 種 很 安心 的 感 覺,好 像 媽 媽 就 在 那 裡。有 YSL 的 味 道,就 不 用 去 找 她,因 為 它 就 在 那 裡。 我也記得金色標誌時常出現在我媽的身上的各個地方,口紅的外包裝 有這個符號、她的包包上有這個符號、那個時候流行不太高的高跟鞋 上也有這個標誌,甚至連香水瓶上也有,彩妝盤有,指甲油 .......

大概升上小學的前夕,YSL 的香煙就從便利商店的架上消失了,巷口的小雜 貨店也是,從此消失了,只能趁老爸出差香港的時候,在免稅店裡買回來。 對於老爸出差回來的印象,就是很多很多的祖母綠色香煙盒,還有很多很多 盒的金沙巧克力,滿滿的。 但再過不久,YSL 的香煙就從我媽媽的手袋裡消失了。她手中拿著的煙,點 燃的煙,不再有著金色的 Yves Saint Laurent 縮寫。她每吸進一口尼古丁, 從前屬於聖羅蘭香煙的味道不再一樣,不再是慣了的順口,不再是一樣的感 覺,不再細長的煙管了。 停產了。 現在的我,對於 Yves Saint Laurent 有著無限的懷念,有味道的,有顏色的, 有記憶的,情感的。 我們都成長了,我與我媽媽都不再相同了,而我有著對小時候的一份小小眷 戀。過去存在在過往,那個味道也是,但隨著時間的流轉,我依然想念那段 不可逆的時光。

我們會老,會忘記,會記得多少 ....?

Living Of Life 特約攝影師 Jacky Wang

"I have loved you wrong" For a long time I couldn’t stop listening to this song about setting oneself free and move on while missing somebody with gratitude and forgivenesss. The song was a live performance in Paris in 2011. The young woman sat before the piano, speaking through the microphone in English with slight European accent. The camera that recorded the video captured her only upper body in a dark grey sweater. Her blonde hair tied back into a simple ponytail. On her face was an almost expressionless calmness; underneath was probably a memory, which is painful to remember, yet had transformed into something that had driven her. Time flies and it has been almost one year since I came back and move on to my life. It didn’t turn out the way I had expected. I have noticed that my emptiness may have something to do with the men in my past disappearing one by one.

Taranjit “Forgive me lover, for I have sinned, for I have let you go….” I stepped down from the night bus from Delhi to Nangal, Punjab, standing alone in the dark. The street was empty. It was the last station of the bus trip. People were slowly coming out from the bus and gradually disappearing into corners of different roads. I made it to the train station and Taranjit was there waiting. Taranjit greeted me and took my heavy bag immediately and we drove on his motorbike to the place he was renting. Taranjit was tall and strong in reality as I had expected, but his voice was softer than I had imagined, and he was shyer than I had seen through web-cam before. It was early in the morning. I sat on his bed, watching him moving things here and there. He turned off the light and said I could lie down if I want. He soon joined me in bed, but didn’t approach right away. Finally I said if I could hug him. He took me in his arms and I relaxed on his thick chest. With his soft voice he said, “finally you are here,” running his thumb around my lips tenderly. In the following days we traveled together by bus to see the Golden Temple. It was a famous Sikh temple in Amritsar, the biggest city in Punjab state. There we made love twice in his flat. It happened first when we came back from the Golden Temple. Back in the temple, he reached his hand to hold mine in the crowded streets. We were in bed and I was telling him how awkward I felt in the temple. He came on top of me, his face leaning on my breasts. He comforted me by sharing his feeling to God – when I was in the temple, I prayed to God for someone to trust in this world. I ran my finger in between his eyebrows, and I asked him to kiss me. He pulled on the condom with his back on me. He came almost right away after he was inside of me.

One week more we were together in Nangal. On the day I left, Taranjit took me to the bus stand and waited with me. He was holding my bag when he put me into the bus. He shaked my hands, while I gave him a quick hug in front of other passengers. He left the bus quickly and the bus started to move away. A few minutes later, I got a text from him. It says, “ Are you ok? Don’t worry, I have sent a friend waiting for you at the bus stand in Delhi.” I haven’t seen Taranjit after that. I guess I have hurt him when I told him about my affair with other guys. Many months later when I was back in Taiwan, he asked me to delete his photos in my album on FB. Soon after I did that, he unfriended me. I am grateful for having the chance to tell him how I feel in the end, but I still lost him. Till now I can not forget what he has done for me, and the expression on his face when he opened his heart to let me in.

To be continued.

若你也喜歡 Domingo Magazine 的風格和理念,以下有兩 個途徑可以加入我們: ˙Domingo Magazine 製作團隊

現在為 Domingo Magazine 的草創期,製作人員只有兩人,所以,急需你 的大膽的創意加持。如果你對從事實驗藝術創作有興趣,不論你來自哪裡或擅 長任何領域,例如:髮妝設計,攝影,繪畫,文章,服裝設計,造型師等等, 或任何其他你想得到的。 然而,不要擔心這個事務會佔了你很多時間或負荷量太大,因為我們仍注重 學生的身份,而 Domingo Magazine 是用額外的熱情堆疊起來的。製作雜誌 的每個部分,通常是獨立作業,期限到了在整理成冊,平常用 FB 或 Line 聯絡, 偶而會集合討論,大方說出心理意見和認為雜誌能更好的方法,其實有時候也 只是在聊天而已,畢竟,你加入之後大家分工合作,減輕重擔,就會更輕鬆。

˙Domingo 拍攝表現者 如果喜歡我們的拍照風格,也想要記錄你現在這個瞬間的樣貌,或者和身邊 的伴侶、身處的團體、樂團,想要被紀錄成影像,快拋棄你的害羞,放下你的 矜持,留下無可取代的影像,放進 Domingo Magazine 內頁。 (而表現者不僅僅限於模特兒,也包括舞者、DJ、歌手、運動人士 .... 等等 ) 若想聯絡我們,請 FB 私訊 Domingo Magazine,經過輕鬆簡單的面試和審 核,也可以約時間在咖啡廳見面、聊聊天、熟悉彼此,如果適合我們的工作或 拍攝感覺,我們將會邀請你成為我們的一份子和拍攝你所期望的。歡迎加入我 們! 在此提醒,參與 Domingo Magazine 製作雜誌團隊和拍攝模特,皆是不付 費用的,此雜誌精神和內容是我們的興趣和熱愛,希望你也如此。

Domingo magazine issue: Domingo magazine Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/pages/DomingoMagazine/509221505798747

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