k n i L h t u So
2009 th Februar y Thursday, 26 sue: 09 Volume: 5 | Is
t s Po
s a l g u Do
ch... u o t n i you keeping
Have you got your tickets for Daniel in the O2-Dublin
Check Out Page 11 for the best place to get your tickets.... Unit 14, Morris House, Douglas West, Cork. Tel: 021 436 9000 Fax: 021 436 9148 Email: frontdesk@douglaspost.ie w
South Link
Thursday, 26th February 2009
the word by George Thompson
Bring Back Joe!
Sport is one of the biggest influences on our society today, as a social outlet and keeping our kids motivated, healthy and out of trouble. There are numerous sports clubs in our community offering varied disciplines for all levels and skills. From GAA to soccer clubs, basketball to gymnastics, road bowling to indoor bowls – the list goes on and on. If you want to get involved or indeed, you are encouraging your children to get involved there is a club in your community offering what you are looking for and if you run into a problem contacting the club offering the what you require then give us a call here at The Douglas Post and we will do our best to steer you in the right direction. On the subject of sport I would like to congratulate all those teams and individuals who recently progressed at underage level in National Cup competitions and in particular Douglas GAA club on their recent success at senior level and in camogie. As a club, Douglas Hall is a cornerstone of Douglas life and I would like to congratulate them on the success of the completion of their all weather, floodlit pitch at their HQ in Moneygourney. * * * Sometimes I wonder at the nonsensical operational decisions that some institutions make. We all know the government are getting it wrong but it’s not the government I am talking about but our County Council. Joe Lynch is a character in himself, but the job Joe has achieved in the past 10 years in Douglas hasn’t just been clean streets, but he has been instrumental in educating kids by encouraging them in his way, not to litter our streets while being part of a crew in Douglas that are, apart from doing great work, a great PR branch for the Council. Joe’s humor and wit are conspicuous by his absence on the streets of Douglas since the County Council, in their wisdom, transferred Joe to Togher. Let’s hope that Joe is back in Douglas soon and that the Council recognises what an asset they have in Joe, not just for the job he does but as a part of Douglas and its character. Bring back Joe! * * * I sincerely hope that the representatives from GAA Clubs who attended a meeting with the Cork Hurlers last weekend weren’t there on a rubber necking exercise and that the sheer numbers in attendance was a show of genuine interest and support for the players and ending the dispute that has robbed the paying public and passionate Cork hurling fans of their pride and seeing the game that we have, as a county, excelled at and have become recognised as champions of.
• Minister Micheal Martin and Victoria Piper from Crosshaven pictured at the Cork CABAS Ball at the Rochestown Park Hotel last Saturday.
Slán George Thompson Editor
The Douglas Post Magazine Morris House, Douglas West, Cork
Tel:021 4369000 / Fax: 021 4369148 frontdesk@douglaspost.ie The publishers have made every effort to ensure all information is correct at time of print, however no responsibility is accepted for errors or omissions. The views of The Douglas Post Magazine.
• Douglas Hall’s new state of the art all weather pitch which was completed recently at Moneygourney. Pic:George Thompson
The Douglas Post is published weekly by Douglas Post Ltd.
w w w. d o u g l a s p o s t . i e
expressed in the articles herein are not necessarily those of the editor or the publisher
Sou t h Link
Thursday, 26th February 2009
A d v er t i s i n g
• Eat • Drink • Sleep
l i v e M u s i c l i v e S p orts Friday Night Live
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“Collage” L e d b y Pa u l O ’ D o n n e l l w h o i s h e a d o f j a z z and popular music studies at U.C.C., this highly accomplished group of musicians specialises in polished and sophisitacted arrangements of popular music and soul combining vocal harmonies with a slick rhythm section. Come along and be enthralled and entertained by the superb musicianship on offer as “Collage” take you on a trip from the present day through the last five decades of popular music.
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South L i n k
Thursday, 26th February 2009
South Link
letters to the editor We’d love to hear from you. If you have any news, views or issues you’d like to see covered, write to the Douglas Post, Morris House, Douglas West, Cork or by e-mail to frontdesk@douglaspost.ie Please include your name and address and a contact number. Letters may be edited due to space considerations.
Judaism in Cork
Dear Editor My name is Roisin Cronin, I go to school in Our Lady of Lourdes N.S in Ballinlough and I’m doing a project on Judaism in Cork. I was wondering if you would have any information about it or if your readers would. Thank you. Roisin Cronin Email address: roisin_cronin@hotmail.com. Contact number: 0874199667
The Miss Daly Trust. Dear Sir,
The older residents of Boreenmanna Road will remember Miss Daly. She was old, infirm and blind but with a heart of gold and a generous nature. She lived in a small corrugated-iron roofed cottage in poor repair and without water or sanitary services. Her little pension would not stretch to have improvements done. The voluntary services Vincent De Paul and the Legion of Mary helped her maintain her independence lifestyle albeit at a low level. When her circumstances became known in the local area a group of young and not so young men came together and under the leadership of a dedicated man with building knowledge proceeded to rebuild Miss Daly’s with voluntary labour, gratis gifts and immense goodwill. While the work was on-going Miss Daly transferred to a borrowed caravan in her back garden. The little house was razed to the ground and then rebuilt and enlarged with all mod cons and a new tiled roof and altogether to a high standard. Miss Daly was reinstalled and lived out her remaining days in relative comfort. She was not ungrateful for what had been done for her by the locals, individuals and firms and arranged through her solicitors that on her demise the house should pass to care of the local Community Association for the housing of a local person in need of housing and unable to provide suitable housing from his/her own means. A retired lone local workman was appointed tenant at a nominal rent and he lived out his life in reasonable comfort. Then the system seemed to fail. The house was left idle, damage was caused but no repairs were carried out and the house is today in a run down state with apparently no one to look after it. (Even in its present state it must be worth a 6 figure sum). Would you, sir, be so kind as to ask if someone in the know can state the
Senator Jerry Buttimer Cork South Central Consitituency Seanad Spokesperson on Community, Rural & Gaeltacht Affairs Tel. Office: Tel. Home: Mobile: Email:
021 4289736 021 4541923 086 2356892 jerry.butimer@oir.ie
Sou t h Link
Pubs are Cleaner! Dear Editor,
It is without a doubt a great shame that the HSE don’t do something about the image and cleanliness or the great lack of it in the front of the A & E in the Cork University Hospital. I think it’s a pure disgrace and a shambles to see it being allowed to carry on all this time. I’m sure there could be other arrangements made within the hospital walls away from the public eye to contain this filthy scene. Even the pubs do that for their customers. All around Cork you don’t see this at their front doors in the morning. I certainly hope my idea won’t fall on deaf ears. Any suggestions from local cleaning firms in Cork? Yours sincerely, Joe Brown Ballintemple.
Re: Dirty Irish - Are the Council now polluters? Dear Editor,
There’s a path that runs from the back of Green Valley housing estate to the back of West Grove housing estate. There are three or four manhole covers that cover a sewage pipe running alongside the path. Some weeks ago this sewage system got blocked up, and the sewage poured out onto the path. It was everywhere, and with it came every form of human waste possible. It was poured out like a river for two weeks and it flowed down into the adjacent woods making it a hazard to walk through. The Council were called, nothing happened. After many wasted phone calls, the Environmental Department were called. They sent out a van and some workers to clean it up. The pipe was unclogged, but all the sewage that had spilled out was left on the ground. If you want to walk the path, you must walk through the sewage. There is a great danger of disease from what’s lying on the ground, and now the sewage has started coming up through the manhole cover again. Why wasn’t this all cleaned up? Are the Council now becoming polluters? Yours sincerely, In sympathy with The Rambler.
Dear Editor, People of my beloved country have been betrayed by politicians of every hue. Latest Lisbon Treaty Poll we are led to believe in favour of Yes vote? One thousand asked their opinion, surely must be bank bosses who stole our savings, big business gurus, greedy developers, all voicing their opinion? We the real people of Eire have buried our dead due to HSE neglect, eg MRSA bug, misdiagnosis, and shortage of beds, thousands of jobs vanishing weekly. Body parts of babies stolen for research without parental consent. Pensioners literally worried to death fearing cutbacks. Our teenage mothers of tomorrow put a risk of cancer by Mary Harney withholding of vaccine. Fat cat MEPs of all parties will canvass anon for Yes vote. Trust nobody! On election day for Lisbon, local or general elections us the one weapon we possess to repay our persecutors, our vote! No to Lisbon and banish F.F. to opposition benches forever! Long live people power!! Gura Maith agaibh!! Neil O’Donoghue Greenhills Disclaimer: Any views or opinions expressed in these letters are solely those of the individual author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of The Douglas Post.
Locall: If you wish to contact me in Leinster House, you may do so by dialing 1890 732 623 for the price of a local call.
present position of the Miss Daly Trust. John Hogan Boreenmanna Road
Thursday, 26th February 2009
A d v er t i s i n g
The three riders above, Eoin Clarke, Michelle Frahill and Clodagh O`Brien are seen relaxing after their mid week lesson in Hop Island Equestrian Centre. They like to take the ponies for a walk to relax after their lesson. These riders are riding for almost two years and are very interested in taking it to the next level. We wish them every success in the future. Not everybody wants to compete in the Olympics and some are quiet happy to use it as a form of relaxation with some exercise. A lot of emphasis is placed now on keeping children active and fit. Horse riding does this while still combining it with enjoyment. Hop Island Equestrian Centre, Rochestown Road, has been in existence for nearly twenty years and is seen a second generation of children now enrolling for the afternoon classes with the mothers and fathers who used to ride now acting as chauffeurs and spectators. Horse riding is also a challenge and prepares children (and adults also) for the successes and failures in their everyday life, especially nowadays when facing a bank manager is a difficult task. Check it out on the website www.hopisland.com.
Hop Island Equestrian Centre, Hop Island, Rochestown, Co. Cork, Ireland. Tel: 021 4361277 Mobile: 087 4173770 Email: info@hopisland.com Web: www. hopisland.com w
South L i n k
Thursday, 26th February 2009
F a m i l y T i es
One Day Youll Look Back on This BY: From Chicken Soup for the Soul: Christian Teen Talk
“I can’t go to school like this!” I wailed as I stared into my mirror, hating my face, my body and life in general. A river of salty tears traced a path down my cheeks. Summoned from the kitchen by my shrieking, my mother appeared at my side a second later. “What’s the problem?” she asked patiently. “Everything… just everything!” I complained and continued to stare horrified into the mirror. At almost thirteen, the problems that I felt I had were overwhelming. I had a hideous new crop of angry, red pimples that had erupted on my forehead and chin overnight -- every night. My hair suddenly looked greasy all the time, even though I washed it every second day. My aching tummy signaled that my newfound “friend” was about to visit once again, causing my jeans to fit too snugly and make me appear as though I had been eating nothing but hot fudge sundaes. And to top it off, my chewedup fingernails were torn and bloody, since biting them seemed to go along with the way I worried about how other people perceived me. But everything that was bothering me wasn’t just on the surface -- I also had a broken heart. The guy I had been going out with had recently dumped me in favor of an older, more developed girl. Everything combined, I was a physical and emotional wreck. “Come on, now, Honey. Try not to cry,” my mother said with a smile. “I remember what it was like to be your age. It was awkward and frustrating, and I got my heart stomped on, too, but I came through it -- and so will you! It’s not as bad as you think, and once you get to school with all your friends, you’ll forget all about your pimples and what’s-his-name, and one day you’ll look back on this and wonder why you were ever so upset.” Convinced that she didn’t know what she was talking about, I gave her a dirty look and headed off for school, greeting my girlfriends on the sidewalk while my mother waved encouragingly from the front door. Later, as much as I hated to admit it, I found out that my mother was right. As I spent time with my friends, who were going through the same things that I was, my mind wasn’t on my troubles anymore, and soon I was laughing. When I returned home later that day, I was in a much better mood and because I had put my best foot forward, my mother rewarded me with a bag of goodies she had purchased from the drugstore. On my bed was a bag that included shampoo and conditioner, some acne medication, a gift certificate to a hair salon and, surprisingly, some hot, new shades of nail
polish. “What on earth is this?” I asked bewildered, thinking that my mother had to be out of her mind if she thought I was going to flaunt my gnarled nails. As it turned out, she had a plan. I thought that it was cruel at the time, yet it turned out to be highly effective. I wasn’t allowed to have any of the stuff in the bag, nor was I allowed to keep my ever-so-important stick of concealer. The deal was that for each week that I didn’t bite my fingernails, one item of my choice would be returned to me. Desperate to retrieve my make-up and to get my hands on everything in the drugstore bag, I concentrated heavily on my schoolwork, instead of biting my nails and worrying about what people thought of me. Over the next few weeks, I was thrilled to watch my nails grow. By the time I earned the certificate to have my hair cut and restyled, my nails were so long that my mother also treated me to a manicure while we were at the salon. And as time wore on, I began to see that I was getting through the rough spot, just as she had promised I would. I liked that I received so many compliments on my hands and hair, but more than that, I was proud of myself for sticking with the deal and improving myself in the process -- so proud, as a matter of fact, that I failed to notice my acne slowly clearing up. And I couldn’t have cared less about what’s-his-name. He quickly became a distant memory as I began to date many different boys, some of whom broke my heart and others whose hearts I broke.
• The Hayes family, Heron’s Wood, Carrigaline, whose son Calum was christened on Saturday last at the church of Our Lady & St. John, Carrigaline . Pictured in front is four-year-old Sophie with Susan, John & baby Calum. Pic: Finbarr Buckley
33 LAKE LAWN, WELL ROAD, DOUGLAS. TEL: 021 4364385 MOBILE: 086 8502330 Fax: 021 4364389 E-MAIL: tshannon@corkcity.ie I hold a Weekly Advice Clinic in Mahon Community Centre Wednesday, 2.30pm to 3.30pm or by appointment
Sou t h Link
Thursday, 26th February 2009
A d v er t i s i n g
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South L i n k
Thursday, 26th February 2009
South Link
Deirdre Clune T.D.
School Prefabs in Cork cost Department of Education almost €4 million a year
In response to a question I raised with the Minister for Education he acknowledged that his Department is currently renting 282 prefabs in 116 schools in Cork. The average annual rental cost per prefab unit is €14,022 and on these figures the Government will spend €3,954,204 on renting prefabs for Cork schools alone this year. Among the local schools most dependent on these expensive rented prefabs while they await new buildings are: Shanbally NS in Ringaskiddy with 7 prefabs costing an estimated €98,154 a year Ballygarvan NS, Scoil Niocláis NS in Grange-Frankfield, Gaelscoil Carrig Uí Leighin and St. John’s Girls NS in Carrigaline each have 6 prefabs costing an estimated €84,132 a year for each school. Greenmount NS with 5 prefabs costing an estimated €70,101 Star of the Sea NS in Passage West with 3 prefabs costing an estimated €42,066. The schools in Cork most dependent on rented prefabs are: Gaelscoil Chloch na gCoillte with 16 prefabs costing an estimated €224,352 a year Scoil Bhríde, Rathcormac with 8 prefabs costing an estimated €112,176 a year
Ballinlough Community News
The Minister's reply only refers to prefabs which the Department are currently renting and does not include those prefabs which the Department purchased outright and allocated to schools in Cork. As Irish taxpayers are being asked to give the Government a greater portion of their wages in an income levy and in the case of public servants an additional pension levy it is important that we have a greater understanding of where taxpayer’s money is being spent. It is false economy to spend such money on temporary accommodation when it could be better used. The Government should immediately accelerate the school building programme which would help promote employment. This could be done by fast tracking planning proposals for new schools using standardised high quality designs.
• Niamh Connelly, Seana Leahy, Aisling Marley, Billie O’Leary, Lisa Crowley, Orla Connelly, Natalie Kelly, pictured with Mikey Graham from Boyzone at this week’s Aiken Promotions announcement for this years Live at the Marquee headline acts. Pic Clare Keogh/Provision
With Mary Cremin Ballinlough Parish Pilgrimage to Rome,
San Giovanni Rotondo & Assisi September 28th to October 5th 2009 - 7Nights Rome = 3nights San Giovanni Rotondo = 2 nights Aissi = 2nights Accompanied by Spiritual Director Special Group Price €949.00 per person, with a deposit of €200 as soon as possible to secure seats You may call to the Pastoral Centre any Sunday after the 10.30am & 12noon Masses or on Monday morning’s after 10.00am morning Mass
Competition offers Win Tickets to The Home Place Tue 3 March, 8pm
Cathy Sharpe Dance Ensemble Thu 5 Mar, 8pm
Ballinlough Writers Group,
PJ Gallagher
Ballinlough Writers Group next meeting on Fri 20 March in The Douglas Library at 5.30 pm. Bring ten copies of a short story or poem you have written. Where possible all entries should be typed and have the authors name and date on the top. We look forward to seeing you there.
Fri 6 March, 8pm Just send in your name, address & contact telephone number on a postcard to: Douglas Post magazine, Unit 14, Morris House, Douglas West, Cork.
Deirdre Clune TD Wishing you a very Constituency Office Morris House Douglas Village
Made to Measure
Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year
Curtain Alterations Cushions & Tie Backs also made
Tel.: 021-4890000
Tel: Noreen
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Also weekly clinics in Mahon & Togher Community Centres
Sou t h Link
Thursday, 26th February 2009
A d v er t i s i n g
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South L i n k
Thursday, 26th February 2009
A r t s & C u l t u re
poetry corner
Douglas Writers Group
with Ronnie McGinn Is it a procession or a succession that begins with a Recession, then a possible re-possession, followed by depression, desolation and destitution, a little hope, a concession, a little growth, more growth, and then more growth, leading to - a Recession? Has our obsession with money become the new God? Are the notes in your wallet the new grace that will bring lasting happiness? It may all have different meanings to different people, but somehow I find more wealth in life and the beauty of the planet than in all the banks throughout the world. Each day begins with…….. The Morning Oh! Isn’t the morning a beautiful thing? And so is the wonderful day it will bring You may have sunshine or dull skies with rain Happiness, laughter or sorrow and pain
The Douglas Writers Group, next meeting will take place in Douglas Library on Friday the 13th March at 5.30 pm. So writers get scribbling and have your poem/ short story ready for the 13th March. New Members Welcome! Meetings held on the second Friday of each month.
Ballinlough Writers Group,
Ballinlough Writers Group next meeting Fri 20 March in The Douglas Library at 5.30 pm. Bring ten copies of a short story or poem you have written. Where possible all entries should be typed and have the authors name and date on the top. We look forward to seeing you there.
Ó Bhéal News
There may be triumphs or struggle and strife But all days are good days, when you have life. And mornings are blessings from heaven above, Cherished in dreams, and greeted with love,
The Monday Bhéal open-mic evenings continue at The Hayloft (upstairs at The Long Valley), Winthrop Street. Entrance is free. Readings will last between 40-60 minutes after which there will be the usual open-mic session. Be sure to come early to get good seats. Full bar available. The night begins with the Poetry Challenge at 8.30pm. Guest poets begin from 9.00pm.
They open the door to what may yet be, Choices to choose from and thoughts to run free Ideals to stand for, truths to ring true, Another great chance, to really be you. Oh! There can be days when nothing goes right, And hopes may be dashed and courage take flight, All your achievements may tumble and fall, And there you left with sweet nothing at all.
Douglas Library Junior Writers Group - Change of Date
Then hide and take refuge, under loves wing, And let the night vanish, yesterday’s sting And the wisdom of hope a new day will bring, Oh! Isn’t the morning a beautiful thing! Ronnie McGinn Send your poem to ‘The Poetry Corner’ / The Douglas Post, Morris House, Douglas, Cork or you can email it direct to ronniemcginn@eircom.net. If possible keep your poem to 20 lines. You may choose any subject you like, in any form you like as long as it’s original. We look forward to hearing from you. RonnieMcGinn
The Douglas Junior Writers Group next meeting is on Fri 27th February at 5.30pm. Those wishing to attend should make sure they have their parent’s or Guardians permission and bring along a short story or poem that you have written recently. Library rules will apply.
Douglas Books Top Five 1.
Secret Scripture - Sebastian Barry
Dreams from my Father – Barack Obama
Forgive and Forget – Patricia Scanlon
Revolutionary Road – Richard Yates
The Reader - Bernard Schlink
Cllr. Laura McGonigle “Advice Clinics each Saturday in the Ballinlough Community Centre at 12.30pm - Feel free to pop along”.
• (left to right) Julie Harris and Cliona Hegarty, ICS at the launch of the Irish Cancer Society’s Daffodil Day, in the Kiln, Heineken Brewery. Pic Darragh Kane
Sou t h Link
Mob: 086-0829371 Web: ww.lauramcgonigle.ie Email: lauramcgonigle@gmail.com Ag obair ar do shon i Halla na Cathrach
Thursday, 26th February 2009
A d v er t i s i n g
Barber Shop
Swashbuckling fun for all the family! INEC, Killarney March 25th – 29th Get ready for star-jumps, power-moves, laugh out-loud fun, singalong songs and dancing in the aisles when LazyTown Live! The Pirate Adventure sails into the INEC, Killarney from March 25th to 29th. You’ll be transported onto the high seas through an even higherenergy story full of parrots, pieces of eight and buried treasure. It’ll
The only male run barber shop in Douglas Village Established 8 years with 38 years combined experience between them. For those whom time is of the essence appointments are now being taken by Alan, or simply pop in to Noel to accomadate all.
shiver your timbers! What’s more, you’ll be joined by your favourite LazyTown friends. So shout ‘Ahoy there!’ to Stephanie and Sportacus – even Robbie Rotten who, given half the chance, would have Sportacus walking the plank so laziness could rule in LazyTown.
Open Tues - Sat 7 Tramway Terrace, Douglas East Tel: 087 996 1556 - Noel 087 837 3618 - Alan
Come aboard and help Sportacus save LazyTown today! For tickets (€25.15) and accommodation specials Tel 064 6671550 or log onto www.inec.ie
Save yourself the hassle...
Get Your Tickets for Daniel from The Douglas Post! The 02, Dublin Saturday 17th October 2009
€47.50 Each Send in €47.50 per ticket required, payable to KCP, but mail it to us here at the Douglas Post. Your tickets will be mailed back to you within a few days. You can also order your tickets by phone and pay by credit card.
South L i n k
KIDz Korner
Thursday, 26th February 2009
Colour me in.....
This Week’s Winner Abigole Hurley, Blackrock
Anna Twomey, Blarney Sara Frankowska, Maryborough Woods Casey Kavanagh, Carrigaline Shauna Buckley, Macroom Anna Hernan, Maryborough Woods Jordan Clarke, Carrigaline Chloe Myers, Donnybrook Laura O’Sullivan, Well Road Stephen Lenihan, Ballintemple Abby O’Connor, Passage West Alex Looney, Donnybrook
Jamie Kent, Clifton Grange Lorna May Paley, Crosshaven Conor O’Riordan, Blarney Kim Bradfield, Blackrock Dylan Kennedy, Grange Saoirse Aherne, Ringaskiddy Avril Deasy, Frankfield Chloe O’Shea, Grange Grace Hernan, Maryborough Woods Laoise Cahill Murphy, Broadale Jilly Myers, Donnybrook Dylan Kent, Clifton Grange Anna Murphy Broadale
Parents Signature:
Kidz Korner Jokez Q. What do you get when you cross a rooster with a cow ? A. A cock and bull story! Q. What do you give a sick elephant? A. A very big paper bag ! Q. What do you get if you cross a skunk with a bear ? A. Winnie the Poo ! Q. What steps would you take if a bull chased you ? A. Big ones ! Q. What do you call fourteen rabbits hopping backwards ? A. A receding hareline ! Q. Why did the dog cross the street ? A. To slobber on the other side !
Douglas Books Top 5 Kids Books 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Sou t h Link
Eclipse- Stephanie Meyer Breaking Dawn – Stephanie Meyer The Boy in the Stripped Pyjamas – John Boyne High School Musical Tales of Beedle the Bard – J.K.Rawling
Thursday, 26th February 2009
South Link
Carrigaline Community News SEAN NÓS DANCE WORKSHOP The recent display of Sean Nós dancing by the young lad Mulkerrin from the Aran Islands in the All Ireland Talent Show TV competition stole the show. The interest in Sean Nós dancing is on the increase and Sean Nós dance classes are being held in many parishes around the country. A special workshop will be held in the Carrigaline GAA hall on Friday 13th March at 8.00pm where Suzanne Leahy will teach Sean Nós steps. The Sean Nós workshop is part of the festival weekend of set dancing in Carrigaline with Pádraig & Róisín McEneaney.
A 3-Day programme designed to equip you with the skills to design, deliver, assess & evaluate training programmes.
An Oige
Entry Requirements: Learners are required to have achieved Leaving Certificate or an equivalent level of qualification.
FETAC Train the Trainer, Level 6
Programme Dates: 9th, 10th & 23rd March 2009
An Oige Swimming Club meet every Thur. @ 9.30pm in the An Carrig Health & Leisure Club Carrigaline. Members €3, Guests €5, per night New members welcome
FINAL Registration Date Thurs 6th March
Location: FLI Group Training Centre, Cork
The monthly Céilí Mór in the Carrigaline GAA Pavilion is world famous at this stage and attracts many visitors on a regular basis. Next month the OVTG present the annual Set Dance workshop weekend on 13th, 14th and 15th March with tutors Pádraig and Róisín McEneaney. A weekend feast of céilís with Five Counties on Friday Night, Brian Bórú on Saturday night and Four Courts on Sunday afternoon.
For more information about this programme please contact us at: FLI Group Block A, Heritage Business Park Blackrock, Cork. Tel: 021 4350700 Fax: 021 4350740 Email: zoe.kelly@fligroup.com Web: www.fligroup.com
CANTATE, An award-winning mixed voice choir based in Monkstown, are currently auditioning for singers in all parts. Previous choir experience desirable. 087-7660109 cantatecork@gmail.com
€400,000 Grant for the Rochestown Road
Cllr Seamus McGrath
Primary School Art Competition at The K Gallery, Douglas
The newly opened fine art gallery in Douglas Village, The K gallery, is running a primary school art competition. The K Gallery hopes to play a big role in the cultural life of Douglas and the surrounding area. To this end, we extend an invitation to primary students to take part in the art competition. This art competition includes all primary schools in the area so as to bring the schools together in a new way. The competition includes three categories; under 8, under 10 and under 13. This should include everyone at primary school Would like to wish everyone level. The theme which we encourage students to focus Peace & Happiness foron is the community. Pictures can be done in any medium in A3 size. Christmas Each picture should be completed withnew the Year pupils name, age & the and address on the back. The deadline for this competition is Saturday, 28th February. Artworks can be handed into the gallery directly or by post. First, second and third prize winners will be announced on 5th March and will win a special prize which is to be confirmed. The winners will have their work exhibited at The K Gallery from the 10th March, 2009. “We hope that you will encourage your students to get involved in this fun, community-orientated project” said Emer Fahey, Gallery Manager.
The Department of Transport has allocated a grant of €400,000 for improvement work on the Rochestown road. The ‘Specific Improvement Grant’ was requested by Cork County Council to fund upgrade work on the road. The Council have indicated to me that the grant will be used to undertake improvement work on the stretch of road between the Fingerpost roundabout and the roundabout near St Patrick’s Church. The full design of this scheme has yet to be completed and a public consultation process will also be undertaken. Council Engineers expect that the consultation process will commence in the coming months. Following the consultation, the scheme is likely to involve improvements in the road surface, road markings, footpaths, as well as cyclist and pedestrian facilities including additional crossing points. This improvement scheme is long-overdue and I will continue to highlight the need for this work to commence as soon as possible.
Cllr. Seamus McGrath
serving the community...
If I can be of any assistance on local issues please do not hesitate call me.
Tel: 021 437 6699 Mobile: 086 391 6328
Email: cllrseamusmcgrath@eircom.net
South L i n k
We d d i n g L i n k
Thursday, 26th February 2009
Our Wedding Day Lenore Collins & Ian Good from Crosshaven who got married at Dreams Cancun Resort, Cancun, Mexico on Thursday 5 February.
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We d d i n g L i n k
Thursday, 26th February 2009
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South L i n k
Thursday, 26th February 2009
P u z z les Crossword
Type 2 Diabetes Education programme comes to town
(Community Orientated Diabetes Education) A highly effective diabetes patient education programme is beginning soon in Cork City. Doctors have linked in with the local branch of the Diabetes Federation of Ireland to enable their diabetes patients with Type 2 Diabetes to avail of the programme over a 6 month period. The programme is aimed at empowering people to make informed decisions about their own diabetes as daily diabetes care is important for future health status. “This course is available free through local primary care centres and rollout by the Diabetes Federation of Ireland is a direct result of the need to provide education locally”, says John Verling chairperson of the Cork branch. The results to date have been excellent with over 40 programmes held nationwide in 2008. Evaluation has shown that participants have made improvements in their cholesterol levels, reduced their weight and waist circumference over the course of the programme. By improving their understanding of Type 2 diabetes, participants found they could cope better with their condition and were more motivated at completion of the programme. Results of the Type 2 CODE programme indicated that 44% of people reported not regularly receiving diabetes care and that women with diabetes are not as aggressively treated as men resulting in higher risk factors for heart disease. Ms Liz Kirby, Dietitian and Development Officer who runs the programme, said “ the benefit of this programme is that it will help all people with Type 2 diabetes regardless of whether they are newly diagnosed or whether they have Type 2 diabetes a long time. People who undertook the 6 month programme were enthusiastic and showed positive results with increased diabetes understanding and an improvement in diabetes management”. Participants attend one 2 hour session in each of the first 3 weeks of the programme, set personal goals for themselves and then revaluate those goals with the programme co-ordinator and then attend a final 2 hour session after Six months. Chairperson John Verling added, “We are delighted to bring the programme to Cork City and we are also holding a public education meeting on Sunday March 29th in the Imperial Hotel in Cork which is open to all. Education is the key to good diabetes management and a good quality of life”. We would encourage any GP with an interest in the programme to Contact the Southern Office of the Diabetes Federation in Cork at 021 – 4274229 to find out about running the programme in your practice. The Community Orientated Diabetes Education (CODE) programme, part funded by the HSE, is available to all GPs in the area. COMPETITION
Last Week’s Teazer
Though the discoverers of Antarctica were often close to starvation they would never touch the meat of the Polar bear even though they possessed the means to kill one
Why ?
Last week’s Answer
To Celebrate Work Life Balance Day on Feb 27th
Polar bears are only found in the Artic (North Pole)
This Week’s Teazer
An Coppens of the hit RTE Series ‘How Long Will You Live’ and Bright Business Coaching together with The Douglas Post have one of An’s Work Life Balance 90 Day Workout on Memory Stick to give away.
Leonardo da Vinci carried out the following experiment. He held a sphere of very thin fragile glass above a floor of solid stone. When he dropped it, the sphere fell two metres (6ft) without breaking. How ?
Q. What’s the name of the hit RTE Series An Coppens is a guest consultant on?
Sou t h Link
Simply Text your Answer with your Name to 085-7879918
Thursday, 26th February 2009
Heal t h & B ea u t y
Ask Dr. Doug by Dr. Douglas Meckelborg B.Ed., D.C. (Doctor of Chiropractic)
Health & Beauty
Whiplash Symptoms can be deceiving
For these obvious reasons, it is important to get a thorough spinal and nervous system check-up immediately after an injury to the neck, no matter how slight it may seem. Through careful monitoring, spinal rehabilitation and gentle, corrective chiropractic adjustments, Dr. Doug or Dr. Eric can help you avoid potential serious neck problems later on.
Angel Hair
Many people who suffer from the effects of whiplash are often unaware of their injury at the time of the accident. Everyone recognizes the symptoms of a severe whiplash, the type of injury that happens in an automobile accident when the head is snapped in a forward and then backward motion. Few people however realize that even a slight jolt to the neck can result in problems later on. The reason is that so many vital nerves, muscles, and blood vessels are located in the neck that even a minor sudden jolt can cause considerable damage.
Affordable – Mobile Hairdressing
Contact Carolyn
It is important to note that almost every person involved in a moving vehicle accident suffers a whiplash injury to some degree. Recent studies have shown that the normal neck can withstand a forward snapping motion 50 times the force of gravity before producing an injury. However, in the case of a backward rebounding motion only 5 times the force of gravity can be tolerated. An automobile traveling only 25 miles an hour creates 3400 pounds of force! The impact of a crash at this speed will place several tons of force on the victim’s neck. It is quite common for there to be no discomfort immediately after an accident. When the vertebrae are misaligned after a jolt and the spinal joints become inflamed, it may take some time for the irritation of the nerves caused by the misalignment and associated muscle strain to become severe enough to produce the symptoms associated with a whiplash injury. These symptoms include headaches, blurred vision, stiffness or pain in the area of the neck, or tingling in the arms and shoulders. Even minor whiplash traumas incurred from everyday slips, falls or sporting accidents may go unnoticed for sometime before symptoms set in.
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South L i n k
Thursday, 26th February 2009
South Link
An Giota Gaeilge le Liam Ó Móráin
‘Des Bishop agus John Spillane’ –
WIN ONE OF TWO €500 VOUCHERS towards a Gael Linn course in Baile Bhúirne this summer
Gaeilgeoirí Sa Marquee i mí Iúil
Tá curtha go mór anois le clár siamsaíochta na gceolchoirm beo a thionólfar sa ‘Marquee’ i gCorcaigh idir dheireadh mí an Mheithimh agus tús mí Iúil seo chugainn – agus tá ról nua lárnach agus tábhachtach aimsithe ag an Ghaeilge ann freisin. I measc na ndaoine clúiteacha domhanda, beidh an fear ghrinn agus an Gaeilgeoir cáiliúil is nua, Des Bishop, lena clár grinn le neart Gaeilge ann, faoin ainm ‘Unbéarlable’ ar stáitse ar an Domhnach, 5ú Iúil, Ní amháin sin, ach beidh an Corcaíoch is cumadóir cheoil mór le rá, John Spillane (i dteannta le John Flannery) ag casadh roinnt amhráin i nGaeilge ar stáitse ceithre lá níos déanaí. Tá cáil nach mór ar Mhac an Easpaig de bharr an tréan iarracht a rinne sé chun an Ghaeilge a fhoghlaim go háirithe nuair nach Éireannach de bhunús na tíre seo é. Rinne sé clár teilif íse ar a thuras foghlamtha i gConamara na Gaillimhe agus thosaigh sé ag úsáid an Ghaeilge agus gnéithe éagsúla de shaol na Gaeltachta ina láithriú stáitse – éacht a cabhraíonn go mór le bolscaireacht na Gaeilge, chomh maith lena bholscaireacht féin, gan amhras! Bhuaigh sé dhá dhuais IFTA an tseachtain seo thart. Ba do Chlár Fírice agus do Dhuais Speisialta na Gaeilge dá sraith clár ghrinn teilif íse ‘In the name of the Fada’ a bhronnadh an dá dhuais air. Seo an dara huair dó ag glacadh páirt sa bhféile ceoil is grinn seo ‘Sa Marquee’ – bhí sé anseo i gCorcaigh trí bliain ó shin. Duine eile go bhfuil neart Gaeilge aige, chomh maith le gean mór don Ghaeilge agus do gnéithe éagsúla de chultúir na Gaeilge, go háirithe sa cheoil ghaelach, agus a bheidh ag dul ar stáitse sa Marquee oíche Déardaoin, 9ú Iúil, is ea John Spillane a bheidh ar stáitse in éineacht le Mick Flannery. Tá cáil ar leith bainte amach ag John Spillane lena fad-cheirnín faoi rogha amhráin a d’fhoghlaimíomar ar fad ar scoil tráth. ‘Irish Songs we learned at School’ is ainm don bhfad-cheirnín a d’aimsigh neart aitheantas sna meáin éagsúla, agus d’éirigh leis stádas ‘Double Platinum’ a bhaint amach leis. Is ráiteas tábhachtach é don Ghaeilge go bhfuil ar a laghad beirt siamsaí a bhraitheann go mór ar an nGaeilge mar bhun-mheáin cumarsáide stáitse agus go bhfuil siad araon ag glacadh páirt lárnach sa bhféile mór is idirnáisiúnta, cheoil agus grinn seo. Is fiú go mór dúinn – mar dhaoine a thacaíonn leis an nGaeilge agus leis an gcultúr Gaelach – freastal ar na hócáidí seo chun ár dtacaíochta a léiriú. Guímid rath ar a gcuid oibre, agus tá ticéid ar fáil ar shuíomh www. ticketmaster.ie nó glaoch ar 0818 719 300.
Every summer Gael Linn runs an Irish language summer college in the West Cork Gaeltacht of Baile Bhúirne. The courses are open to all young people between 11 and 18 years. Winners may use their voucher against the cost of any of the following courses: • Cúrsa A = 3 weeks from June 21 to July 12 • Cúrsa B = 2 weeks from July 13 to July 28 • Cúrsa C = 2 week special sports course from July 28 to August 12 covering football, hurling, basketball and handball The full cost of the 3 week course is €800 The two week courses cost €650 To win one of these €500 vouchers answer the following question: Fíor nó bréag / True or false: Gael Linn organises a summer college in Baile Bhúirne. By entering the competition you agree that Gael Linn may contact you in relation to its Irish language summer colleges. Send your answer, with your name, address and contact number to: Gael Linn Competition, Douglas Post Magazine, Morris House, Douglas West, Cork.
BUAIGH CEANN DE DHÁ DHEARBHÁN €500 do chúrsa Gael Linn i mBaile Bhúirne an samhradh seo chugainn
Eagraíonn Gael Linn coláiste samhraidh Gaeilge gach bliain i mBaile Bhúirne i nGaeltacht Iarthar Chorcaí.Tá na cúrsaí seo oscailte do gach duine óg idir 11 agus 18 bliain d’aois. Is féidir leis na buaiteoirí a gcuid dearbhán a úsáid in aghaidh costais aon cheann de na cúrsaí seo a leanas: • Cúrsa A = 3 seachtaine idir 21 Meitheamh agus 12 Iúil • Cúrsa B = 2 sheachtain idir 13 Iúil agus 28 Iúil • Cúrsa C = 2 sheachtain de shainchúrsa spóirt idir 28 Iúil agus 12 Lúnasa a chlúdaíonn peil, iománaíocht, cispheil agus liathróid láimhe Is é costas iomlán na 3 seachtaine ná €800 Cosnaíonn na cúrsaí coicíse €650 Le ceann de na dearbháin €500 seo a bhuachan freagair an cheist seo a leanas: Fíor nó bréagach Eagraíonn Gael Linn coláiste samhraidh i mBaile Bhúirne Má chuireann tú isteach ar an gcomórtas seo aontaíonn tú gur féidir le Gael Linn teagmháil a dhéanamh leat maidir lena gcoláiste samhraidh Gaeilge. Cuir do fhreagra, le d’ainm, do sheoladh agus d’uimhir teagmhála chuig: Gael Linn Competition, Douglas Post Magazine, Morris House, Douglas West, Cork.
Imeachtaí Mí na Gaeilge 2009 Gael Taca
Dé Máirt, 3ú Márta: Scóráil Sciopthaí - Speed-Dating as Gaeilge - An Chuallacht i gcomhar le Gael-Taca. @ 8p.m. in The Roundy, Sráid an Chaisleáin. Dé hAoine 6ú Márta – Céilí Mór - Coiste Cáirde Gaelscoil Charraig Uí Leighin, 9.15 p.m. – Pfizers Sports & social Club. Costas €10 Fáilte roimh cách. Dé Domhnaigh 8ú Márta: Lón & Léacht – An Réalt i gcomhar le GaelTaca. Ambassador Hotel, Corcaigh – 12.45 pm Déardaoin 12ú Márta – Tráth na gCeist, Leabharlann na Cathrach Dé Máirt 17ú Márta –Mórshiúl Lá le Pádraig Gach maidin Aoine le linn Mí Márta – Ciorcal Comhrá Cúpla Focail @ 11 am sa Leabharlann i mBaile Féthéain. Bí linn agus Fáilte! Gach maidin Déardaoin le linn Mí Márta - Ciorcal Comhrá – Carraig Uí Leighin – Carrigaline Court Hotel, 11am. Bí linn agus Fáilte!
Sou t h Link
Thursday, 26th February 2009
South Link
Douglas Community Notice Board Is there a community event or fundraiser happening in your area? Please let us know and we will be delighted publish it for you.
Douglas Library Friday 27th Feb @ 11a.m.: Ciorcal Comhra. Friday 27th Feb @ 5.30p.m.: Douglas Junior Writers Group Sat 28th Feb @ 10a.m.: Colouring Competition. All welcome Friday 6th Mar @ 11a.m.: Gramophone Circle. All welcome Friday 6th Mar @ 7p.m.: Night Owls Book Club. New members welcome.
Douglas GAA Club “You’re only a stranger once” Fri Bar - Joe O’Keeffe Sat Hall - Peter Burke Mon. Hall – Young at Heart Exercise Class – 10.30 to 12.30 Matches ‘Live’ on Big Screens
CORK CARE AND REPAIR MINOR REPAIRS SERVICE *Providing a service for our Senior citizens* Are you, over 65 and have a minor repair job which you would like to have done for you? Cork Care and Repair uses a pool of trustworthy volunteers and handypersons to carry out minor repairs for older people. The service is free; you only pay for the materials used (though voluntary donations are welcome). The programme is run in association with Age Action Ireland. We also provide a Trades Referral Service and a QuoteCheck service so you can access reliable and honest tradespersons or have an informed opinion on quotes received. For more information, please contact: Cork Care & Repair - Lo Call 1890 369 369
Al-Anon Family Groups Hope for anyone affected by another’s drinking. Monthly Meeting, First Wednesday @ 8.30pm Free Admission- Open to all Dominican Centre Popes Quay
• Artist Mark Clare demonstrates his exhibit “Ping Pong Diplomacy” at the ‘Getting Even: Oppositions & Dialogues in Contemporary Art’ exhibition which is running in the Lewis Glucksman Gallery, UCC until March 1st. Pic: Diane Cusack/barlokphotos
Douglas Rugby Football Club The Douglas Rugby Club Annual Race Night is being held on Fri 29th February at 9pm in St Columbas Hall. Great Night’s Racing and loads of Fun! Entry fee only 5 Euro - - All Welcome
Farmers Cross Ladies Club – Flower Display Meet 2nd Thursday of every month at Frankfield House. New members welcome
Douglas Harmonia Singers – Table Quiz Douglas Harmonia Singers will host their annual Table Quiz in O’ Sullivans Bar, Douglas West on Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009 at 8pm. €10 per person. Prizes and spots go leor. Anyone thinking of joining a choir this year is welcome to come along and meet this young and vibrant choir, after their recent success in Feis Maitiu, in a social setting. All welcome. For more information please contact Nora on 087-123-6884 or Ned on 086-108-8073.
• Ephie Fitzgerald (Nemo Rangers) winner of the September Cork International Airport Hotel Southside Sports Award photographed at the Gala Awards Dinner with his wife,Rose,and parents Chris and Edmond. Picture Mike English.
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South L i n k
Thursday, 26th February 2009
Ho S ou mteh&L Gar ink den
Building Energy Rating and the new Insulation Grants
With Eamonn Twohig. BER Assessor. Minister for Energy, Eamon Ryan recently announced the launch of a €100 million national insulation programme, the Home Energy Saving (HES) scheme, and this is expected to benefit thousands of homes in 2009. The scheme is being run by Sustainable Energy Ireland (SEI) and the idea is to give householders about 30% in grant aid to insulate their properties. They range in size from €250 to €4000 and cover measures like insulation, heating and controls. The grants are for fixed amounts and are available to rented properties as well as home properties, but they must have been built prior to 2006. The idea behind this scheme is to improve the energy performance of the national housing stock and thereby reduce the energy use, costs and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. These measures should increase the value of the upgraded properties. A Building Energy Rating (BER) assessment can also be undertaken as part of the HES scheme. This takes the form of a Before and After BER. The Before BER can be undertaken prior to Grant Approval and would be very useful in highlighting the energy saving measures appropriate to the participant and in prioritising these upgrades. The BER grant of €200 is available only to participants who undertake both the upgrade works and provide an After BER when the works are complete. The new rating will show the improved energy performance of the dwelling.
• Dreamcatchers : Geraldine Dold, left, wife of Douglas Hall A U-14 manager, Tony, and Deidre Hartley, wife of Color Catcher shirt sponsor, Michael, display trendy new Wellingtons at Sunny, Rose Hill last Sunday afternoon. Pic: Finbarr Buckley
Action Needed on Rochestown Road Cllr Tim Lombard
The condition of the Rochstown Road, as everyone is aware, is in an appalling state. Cork County Council are in the process of finalising traffic calming measures for the Rochestown Road which will be published next month. This will involve upgrading entrances to housing estates, improving footpaths and also improving, and possible minor realignment, of the road. Cork County Council have received €400,000 for the upgrade of the Rochestown Road. This money is proposed to be spent on the recommendations of the proposed traffic calming measures but to compound the situation no works can begin until a water main is laid on Rochestown Road. This went for tender in last Fridays Irish Examiner. Funding for the water main has not yet been approved by the Department and the Council are still waiting for this approval. I have asked the Council to carry out minor repairs on the road .at the very least. I have also called on the County Engineer to use his influence with the Department to get approval for the water main. The lack of joined up thinking is very much apparent when you see what is happening regarding the Rochestown Road project.
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Thursday, 26th February 2009
gardening H o m e & Gar d e n
About Organic Gardening and Why it Should Matter to You
The definition of organic depends on your focus, but some define it as of, relating to, or derived from living organisms. The chemist’s version uses the word to designate carbon compounds, and that also plays into our garden. But what do most people think of when you say organic? Another definition is simple, healthful, close to nature. Sure, that part fits too. Yet another definition is constituting an integral part of a whole. So what have we got? Organic gardening is a simple healthful way to convert living organisms into carbon compounds in a way that considers the whole of nature and its integral place in that scheme. There, all the definitions in one sentence. Sounds good, but what does Organic Gardening mean? When man started farming and raising plants, organic was all there was. You put humus (partial/fully decomposed plant or animal material) back into the soil to maintain fertility and you farmed until the soil gave out. But farming was at the subsistence level, so not a big deal; they moved on when the soil gave out. Mass Production Comes to the Farm Then as farming became organized, we didn’t want to move around as much. People learned to rotate crops and use green manures and leave fallow areas to help keep the soil healthy. Fast forward to modern times: With the Industrial Revolution came a mass move to the cities and very few people producing most of the food. The tractor answered the biggest part of the labour issue and deep ploughing helped with fertility, but fertilization was still very labour intensive as it required huge quantities of manure to get the yields to feed burgeoning cities.
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A small herb garden is an essential part of any country kitchen. Technically speaking, herbs are just plants without permanent woody stems. Herbs may be grown on their own or within your garden. Some herbs are beneficial to other plants in your garden. Traditional Herb Garden Try a herb garden with the following favourites: sweet basil, oregano, thyme, rosemary and chives. An organic herb garden can make or break your culinary experience. Because only very small amounts of herbs are needed, an herb garden itself can be small but with huge rewards. Enjoy the visual beauty of herbs Herbs come in many different forms. Some herbs, like rosemary, can grow into huge flowering hedges which are excellent for attracting bees. Herbs are not just for eating As you know, herbs are both flavourful and fragrant. A potted kitchen herb garden can add convenience, beauty and a pleasant smell to your home. Herbs are beneficial plants for your garden Some herbs like dill, fennel and parsley attract some of the more beneficial insects to your garden. Planting requirements for herbs Soil with a pH close to 7 is ideal for your herb garden. Herbs also enjoy a lot of sunlight and little wind. Herbs are well worth growing and may be a good starter garden for the overwhelmed. Herbs compliment any garden or kitchen with their incredible beauty and endless utility.
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South L i n k
Thursday, 26th February 2009
young @ heart by Phil Goodman
My bouquet for this week would have to go to Bartosz Mieszla Manager in Douglas Village Shopping Centre for the time out he takes to ensure the customers using the new high rise car park enjoy the experience. A few of our older people were a little bit wary at first using the new car park I suppose as you get older no one likes change. Bartozs very kindly met and spoke to them about their fears, he brought each person up in their car a few times until they were completely at ease. Now they agree that it is wonderful, no need for raincoats and umbrellas, and as you know there are two floors opening at the end of March. When fully opened it will have a thousand spaces it is so easy for drivers of all ages to get in and out, the aisles are wide and bright as are the walkways for pedestrians, spaces are easy to find, look for the green light and you will have a free space and shortly Tesco will open there largest store in Munster here in Douglas. If you have any concerns about the car park talk to Kathleen or Carol. With cervical cancer very much in the news at present we are told have a regular smear test between the age of 25 and 60 it is free of charge. But from 60 on regardless whether you have a medical card or not you pay your doctor and also pay 30 Euros to have it tested. Can you believe they are sent to Chicago to be tested. Apparently the lab in the C U H is closed down. It doesn’t make sense, the cost of sending them to America, our government have a lot to answer for. Tony Davis of the Garda Siochana will give a talk to our members about home and personal safety, such as panic buttons etc. If you know someone who would benefit, please let them know and bring them along to Douglas GAA Club on Tuesday 10th March @ 2 pm everyone is welcome . NEXT Tuesday is our night to show off our talent here in Douglas. What else but the over 60’s Semi-Final! It takes place in St. Columbas Hall at 8.30. If you would like to take part, come along on the night . We have a trip planned to the Farmers Market in Mahon on 5th of March our bus will leave at 10 45 I have a very good crew working on the different questions for the Lifelong Learning Quiz which takes place 30th of March in Douglas Community School, prizes for the winners, so polish up on your general knowledge etc We send our sincere sympathy to the family and friends of Mary Dineen Thought for today “Age is mind over matter - If you don’t mind - it doesn’t matter.” Up coming events . Tuesday 3rd march semi final over 60 St Columbas Hall Thurs.5th march trip to Farmers Market . Thursday 10th of March Garda Tony Davis - Talk on personal safety .all welcome ‘Bye for now, Phil
by Sonya Hannan Coakley
Hi guys, Great to see so many of ye at the bowling on Friday last, a good time was had by all and it was great to catch up after so long. There are several events coming up to keep us busy until we are ready to move into our new home, any members interested in taking part in the following need to let me know ASAP;Friday 6th March- Allstars event (games night) Conna Community centre, 8pm-10pm. We are allowed to bring two teams of 8 to represent DYA, however this will depend on whether we have enough adults to drive members there (if any parents would like to volunteer, I would be delighted to hear from them). Friday 17th April- Allstars event- Talent Show (followed by disco), Inch, 7pm-12pm We can bring 5 acts- categories are; drama, song, dance, music and art. We can bring as many supporters as we like so we will have to organise a coach/minibus to bring us there and back. We will hold our own mini talent show as a fundraiser to decide which 5 acts will represent us in Inch (date to be arranged late march). We will also organise rehearsal times for those who want to take part (dates/ venues to be confirmed). Start practicing now!!! We are also looking into the possibility of holding workshops in film making and ‘Whizzkids’ I.T as well as SIM2learn driving simulation courses…watch this space. All registered DYA members will receive a letter in the post this week with updates, news and information on upcoming events as well as parent consent forms for anyone wishing to attend the Conna trip. Keep an eye on the bebo page for information www.bebo.com/DYA_ YOUTHCLUB. That’s all for now, Sonya
• Michele Cashman Principal of St. Columbas Girls NS with facilities for the deaf, receives a cheque from Cllr. Deirdre Forde Orla Lannin Operations Director the Shipton Group, the proceeds from the Christmas Remberance Tree at Douglas Court SC, organised by the Douglas Young at Heart Group. Also in photo are Orla Lannin Operations Director the Shipton Group and Phil Goodman, Douglas Young at Heart Group. (Pic:George Thompson)
The Miracle Prayer
Dear Heart of Jesus,in the past I have asked for many favours This time I ask for a special one (mention favour). Take it dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own Broken Heart where your father sees it.Then in his merciful Eyes it will become your favour not mine Amen Say this prayer for 3 days promise publication and prayer And favour will be granted no matter how impossible Never known to fail thanksgiving for wonderful favour Received - A.M.
In greateful thanks to the Sacred Heart and Padrio Pio for many favours received - M.K.
The Miracle Prayer
Dear Heart of Jesus,in the past I have asked for many favours This time I ask for a special one (mention favour). Take it dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own Broken Heart where your father sees it.Then in his merciful Eyes it will become your favour not mine Amen Say this prayer for 3 days promise publication and prayer And favour will be granted no matter how impossible Never known to fail thanksgiving for wonderful favour Received - M.C.
Thanksgiving to St Clare Ask St Clare for 3 favours 1 business 2 impossible Say 9 Hail Marys for 9 days with lighted candle Pray whethwe you believe or not publish on the 9th day Powerful novena may the Sacred Heart of Jesus be Praised Adored Glorified and loved now and forever Throughout the world amen your request will be granted No matter how impossible it may seem - E.G.
Sou t h Link
Thursday, 26th February 2009
E n t er t a i n m e n t
in the loop with Peter Bowles D.J. U2 in at #1, their rackin’ up the hits as usual and this is no different to any other radio wave take over tune!! Its upbeat and that’s what I like, expect to be sickened of it after weeks of over play on the wireless and tv!!! Lady GaGa is still holding on in the top ten, someone please kick her out!!! Both of her top ten tunes productions are way too similar to merit staying there, get out! Bell X 1’s tune is #5 with their new single “The Great Defector”, sounds a lot like a certain Talking Heads track, I’ll be chatting to them in next weeks loop! “Crack A Bottle”, Eminem’s single release from his forthcoming album is absolutely useless, for some reason its #10 on the Irish charts, who put it there is the question!! Dull typical hip hop beat with lazy lyrics totally relying on his current fan base for success, don’t waste your money on this lifeless and easily forgotten production. Last week I attended a conference which named more acts to play at the Marquee this year, among those named were Boyzone, Anastacia, Blondie, Crosbies-Stills-Nash, BellX1, Des Bishop, John Spillane & Mick Flannery. Some good names there and more mediocre ones!! Another major international act will be announced closer to the event and I’m willing to bet my house it’ll be a rapper, talks are of Ludacris but it could be someone more current, one things for sure, it’ll be an uphill struggle to match the showmanship of Jay-Z last year. I also had the pleasure of chatting to a few of the artists named, one such artist, living legend; Gilbert O’ Sullivan. When I was asked if I minded RTE filming the interview as part of a documentary on Gilbert I thought of stealing the thunder and perhaps a career change from print to camera was on the cards, it wasn’t to be, this man’s presence was too much. He was oozing with swagger as he carried the interview, practically predicting the next question with his experience stemming from excess of 3 decades in the limelight. For those young-ins that don’t know much about good ol’ Gill, he was born in Waterford and like many others who made it, he realized moving out of the country was the best thing to do, he hit England and it took over three years to find success. His first major hit was “Mr. Moody‘s Garden”, other classics include “Clair” and “Alone Again”, for the younger readers; you-tube ‘em! Songwriting for over 40 years he told of how he still found it exciting coming up with new lyrics and melodies along with competing with contemporary artists and writers. “A Scruff Of Heart” is his new album, he explained how he wanted to push the sound of the piano, he didn’t use any bass guitar or drums in the recording process so this should make for an interesting listen. I concluded the interview with getting an autograph for my nan, smooth eh?… Check out next weeks issue were I chat to Bell X1, Boyzone, Shane Ward and many many more (always wanted to say that!!!)….
Singles Chart 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
GIG GUIDE Thursday 26 Feb The J.D. Set 8.30pm, Cyprus Ave. Farrell Spence + Francesco Forni 9pm, The Roundy Friday 27 Feb
Chartbuster DVD TOp 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Taken Thick as Thieves The Boy in the Stripped Pyjamas High School Musical 3 Nights in Rodanthge Death Race Righteous Kill Rock n Rolla Step Brothers House Bunny
The J.D. Set 8.30pm, Cyprus Ave. Burn Us Both + support 10pm, The Quad The Dizzy Blues 10pm, Charlies Saturday 28 Feb Kieran Goss 8pm, Pavilion Anathema 8pm, Cyprus Ave. Setmaker 9.30pm, DeBarras, Clon. Eoin O’Regan & Band 10pm, Charlies
Passage Soccer Club
MURPHY DOES THE TRICK FOR PASSAGE U14 Cup Douglas Hall A 0 Passage 3 After last weekends dramatic games and penalty shoot outs it was much quieter for the schoolboys section with just one Local Cup game down for decider. As always cup football can throw up strange results and Passage playing Douglas Hall 2 divisions below them they didn’t want to fall into this trap. The first half was a very tense, close game of football typical of Cup games with neither side creating any clear cut chances to break the deadlock. At the break it was nil nil with all to play for in the second half. Douglas would have been very confident coming out in the second half as they had held their higher ranked opponents scoreless and would hope to sneak the elusive winner in the second period. Unfortunately for them the second half was the Peter Murphy show who rattled off a fantastic hattrick to send Passage into the hat for the third round of the Cup and send Douglas Hall home empty handed. The 3 goals were made of 1 from the penalty spot and the other 2 were from superb strikes of the ball. Whilst Peter gets all the headlines there was some great supporting roles from Eoghan Fahy, Shane Burke and Ryan Carroll. Best of luck to Douglas Hall in the remainder of their season who were unfortunate to come up against a Peter Murphy show but they were a credit to themselves and Douglas Hall with their effort. Next Saturday sees our last indoor training session in Ringaskiddy. We would like to thank the Maritime College for facilitating our training on a Saturday morning. It was great to see the numbers remaining high during what would normally be a period hampered by the weather. So after next Saturday its back to normal in Maulbaun but all parents/guardians will be notified by text over the coming weeks. Plans are been drawn up for our integration day and the clubs race night and will be available over the coming weeks. Any one who would like to help out or sponsor any part of the events please contact Pat @ 087 7610438 all other details are on the website @ www.passagesoccerclub.com No virus found in this incoming message.
Blackpool Celtic 1 Grangevale 1 (AUL 2)
Prior to this game both sides understood that the result of this game could prove decisive in deciding the outcome of the AUL title race. After eighty eight minutes it looked as if Grangevale were about to succumb to defeat but champions never give in easily and inspirational midfielder John Harris burst through to head a dramatic equaliser after Danny Meade had flicked on Colin McKeown’s throw in. With a swirling breeze blowing around the Kilcully venue this was never going to be a game for the purists. Grangevale played the first half with a strong wind to their backs, dominated possession but could not find the breakthrough they deserved. The visitor’s kept faith with the back three of John Carroll, Leonard O’Donovan and Dave Burke but were forced into midfield changes due to over come Malik Elmusbahi and Gerald McSorley suspensions. To facilitate this, Danny O’Driscoll and Keith Troy came into the side. O’Driscoll impressed with passing that thankfully was a lot slicker than his dubious new hairstyle. Scoreless at half time Grangevale faced a battle in the second half. They were fortunate that goal keeper Gary Aherne was once again in top form. One save in particular after fifty eight minutes was top drawer. However, Blackpool Celtic continued to press and with ten minutes remaining found the net with a free kick. The home side was convinced this was the winner but Grangevale stuck to their task. Colin McKeown came on and made an immediate impression. John Harris has always been a talented player but this season he has emerged as one of Grangevale’s leaders and has been the sides top performer in most games. It was therefore no surprise when he popped up in the right place to head the equaliser with two minutes remaining. This prompted a wave of euphoria on the Grangevale sideline during which their manager Neil McSorley became the first manager in AUL history to pull a hamstring during a goal celebration. Thankfully there were no other injuries reported following this grueling contest. Finally, the annual Grangevale fund raising table quiz is scheduled for Friday 13th March at The Grange Bar. There is an entry fee of €40 per table of four and the start time is 8.00pm. For more Grangevale news visit www.grangevaleafc.com
South L i n k
Thursday, 26th February 2009
College Corinthians AFC
A fantastic weekend for the Club with two of our schoolboy teams qualifying for the quarter finals of their respective National Cups with the Under 13’s defeating Kilmacrennan Celtic from Donegal and the Under 11’s getting the better of Huntstown Villa from Dublin. National Cup Under 13 Corinthian Boys 1 Kilmacrennan Celtic 0 AET A sensational headed goal from Sean O’ Mahony four minutes from the end of extra time secured Corinthians place in the last eight of the Under 13 National Cup but only after a gripping and nerve jangling eighty minutes of football. Kilmacrennan Celtic came to Cork with a tremendous reputation having won 3-0 away to Arklow Town in the previous round. They certainly lived up to that reputation playing some excellent football as they moved the ball sweetly from side to side and created space particularly in the wide positions. However they did struggle to create clear cut opportunities as Corinthians defensive unit of Sean Walsh, Richard Sweetman, Eoghan O’ Connell and Aaron Baldwin kept a good shape and were brave and resourceful in their defending throughout. Kilmacrennan dominated possession with clever inter play and good movement of the ball and this made it very difficult for Corinthians central midfield pair of Sean O’ Mahony and Cian Murphy but to their credit they worked hard throughout closing down and covering diligently. The gain was poised on a knife edge throughout the sixty minutes of normal time and the twenty minutes of extra time and one felt the only way the game would be decided was through a defensive lapse or a moment of pure class. Thankfully it was the latter and it fell Corinthians way when a superbly struck corner from Sean Walsh was met by the forehead of Sean O’ Mahony as he powered a superb header past the Kilmacrennan keeper. Corinthians played out the remaining four minutes without any alarms to secure their place in the last eight. Congratulations to coaches Len Hackett, Jim O’ Mahony and Stephen Murphy and to all the squad on a fantastic effort. They may not have played their best football on the day but they worked their socks off for their team and their Club and for that alone they deserved their victory.
DCS Athletics
• Ras Na hEireann International Cross-Country
It was another very successful weekend for Douglas Community School with athletes competing at the Ras na hEireann International CrossCountry in Drogheda and the Munster Juvenile Indoor T&F in Nenagh. At the Munster Juvenile Indoor T&F championships in Nenagh Alan O’ Brien was the schools sole representative running in the boys u19 800m and had a superb win. Fourteen athletes and coach Steven Macklin travelled to Drogheda Co. Louth for the Ras na hEireann International Cross-Country championships. The school had two teams in action u15 and a combined u17/u19 team. The race moved to a new venue at the battle of the Boyne site just outside Drogheda. First into action was the boy’s u15 team who were running without the services of two of their top runners. Billy Murphy once again had a superb run finishing in 8th place and with other great runs from John Durcan 11th, Michael McLaughlin 13th and Brendan Couch 14th they won the team title. The u17/u19 boy’s race was combined and held over a 4000m distance. Peter Hanrahan continued his recent impressive form producing an outstanding run against some top competition. Peter led for most of the race and had a titanic battle with two South African athletes. He found himself in 4th place with 400m to go but produced a great sprint to finish 3rd and narrowly piped for 2nd on the line by one of the South African athletes. Behind Peter, Emmet Bracken was having an outstanding run finishing 12th and with Andrew O’ Keeffe 16th and Conor O’ Brien 18th the team came 2nd. The athletes compete next at the All-Ireland Schools Cross-Country championships in Belfast in two weeks time.
Sou t h Link
Snippets from the Local and National Scene By Pat Harrington
Cork vs. Tipperary Popular opinion prior to this game was that the Premier County would win by 6 / 7 goals and the reasons this did not occur were many and varied. Firstly the Cork management played an extra man at the rear to counter the strength of the Tipp forwards and by doing so avoid the concession of goals as in the Dublin game. The Cork players worked very hard and stuck to their task. To be fair, my honest opinion is the Tipp players thought it was going to be a cakewalk and duly suffered the consequences. On the night some Cork players performed very well. Chris Murphy at full back was excellent, Barry Johnstone at midfield has been a leader for this team and Tadhg Murphy had a good first half. Perhaps some of the other players will benefit from the experience gained. Well done to all members of the squad for their commitment to Cork but in reality a share of them are good club players but not nearly good enough for intercounty hurling as yet. Playing the extra man in defence helped to keep the score respectable but the Cork forwards were just not at the races. Of course if we want to be brutally honest Tipperary were awful. Being fair to the Rebel players I would rate them as a fourth team in view of the numbers who have declined to play. Lest anyone think that I am making fun of these players, indeed I am not, I am just calling it as I see it. Sunday Sport The weekend before last turned out a huge volume of games in various sports. I spent the afternoon switching T.V. channels from Rugby to Gaelic Football to Soccer, whilst on radio it was great once again to hear C103 bringing us, the listeners the up-to-date news of Cork clubs’ victories in the all-Ireland club championships – a huge success for both Blarney and Dripsey. We had George Hook (the Eamonn Dunphy of Rugby) whinge his way through the Ireland vs. Italy result. Young Luke Fitzgerald (played Street Leagues with Douglas G.A.A.) looked calm and deservedly delighted with his contribution of two tries. Miscellaneous There were some afters at the conclusion of the Kerry / Tyrone game – the Kerry manager intervened only to get a tongue lashing from the Northern Ireland co-commentator on TG.4. That gifted but much-maligned footballer Christiano Ronaldo attempted some ridiculous flicks that failed to come off and was mocked for his efforts by the Derby supporters. Sport is great escapism in these days of doom & gloom – thank God for it. Commitment or Foolishness Here I relate a story of an intercounty goalkeeper, Damien Sheridan of Longford. Damien has recently been suffering back problems. More seriously he has lost his job. He was offered a position with Paddy Power Bookmakers but he declined the offer when told that it entailed weekend working. The Longford man has had notions of starting a goalkeeping clinic, sussing out managers and board officials. If this gentleman was located in a more highprofile county he might well be set up with some work in that category. Obviously football is a huge part of Damien’s life and he is wholly committed, but one would have to suspect a certain degree of foolhardiness in his decision to turn down a job in the current circumstances. Kelleher Shield Our compliments and congratulations this week go to Douglas senior footballers who defeated Nemo Rangers in the final of the Kelleher Shield at Páirc Uí Chaoimh on Saturday last. More on that game in the next edition of Douglas Post. Talk to you next week, Results Pat.
Sunday Gross: - Patrick Noonan & Jamie Fahy 9 under 1st Nett: - Alf Hanrahan & Rory O’Neill 13 up 2nd Nett: - Liam Quirke & Mark Crean 11up Fixtures Saturday 3 ball scramble @ 2.30pm Sunday 4 ball @ 10.30am Sharp
Douglas Hall Lotto Numbers 3-5-10 No winner Next Weeks Jackpot €700
Thursday, 26th February 2009
Douglas Ladies Gaelic Football Club
A number of our U13 girls have been attending trials for a Cork development squad, at the final week there was still 10 girls in the running, with 6 getting selected. While all were above the required standard there was no chance that one club could put forward 10 players, so it was a great achievement to get even 6 through. Well done to all involved. Training for all the players is now well under way, the U12 teams are having some great sessions in Garryduff on Saturdays while the U13 and U14 teams are well advanced in their preparations for the coming season having been back training for the past number of weeks. The senior team is about to start training this Thursday in Moneygourney from 6pm-7pm, anyone who might still be interested in playing can just turn up on Thursday. For those who are not so sure of how to get to Moneygourney, Eddie Murphy will be at the Douglas GAA club at 5.30pm on Thursday and will give directions.
• Douglas Senior Footballers celebrate beating Nemo Rangers in the Kelleher Shield Final
Douglas 1-09 Nemo Rangers 0-10
(Senior Football Kelleher Shield Final) by Sean McCarthy
In a repeat of last October’s Cork County Senior Football Final Douglas and Nemo Rangers went head to head again at Páirc uí Chaoimh last Saturday afternoon. After a tense encounter Douglas, sponsored by Breen Suzuki of Donnybrook, were the victors on this occasion as they stood firm in the face of a late onslaught from their southside rivals. After Nemo opened the scoring, Shane McCarthy raced through a minute later to fist the equaliser for Douglas. Nemo Rangers’ top forward Paul Kerrigan and Douglas’ Fearghal O’Sullivan then swapped points to sustain the status quo. Douglas shrewdly started Eoin Cadogan at midfield where he had an opportunity to exert an influence on the game. Nemo Rangers pointed again in the twelfth minute but Douglas responded, first with a Mark Harrington pointed free and then Shane McCarthy burst forward to shoot his side into the lead. Cillian Hogan was in brilliant form at full back for Douglas, as always Frank Tobin was inspirational and veteran Dave McSweeney led from the front. Dylan Mehigan’s equaliser after twenty four minutes preceded brilliant play by McCarthy who played in his partner Harrington to restore Douglas’ lead. The critical phase of this game was contested between the twenty eighth and thirtieth minutes. It began when Alan Cronin raced through and was denied a certain goal by Douglas man-of-the-match and goal keeper Brian Boyle. Moments later his mate Willie Coveney made a brave intervention on the half way line to release Shane McCarthy. The Douglas man cut through the Nemo Rangers defence, spotted Barry Fitzgerald in a menacing central position and delivered the perfect pass for Fitzgerald to palm past
Brian Morgan and into the Nemo Rangers net. In arrears on a scoreline of 1-06 to 0-04, Derek Kavanagh came on for Nemo Rangers for the second half and was soon followed by Maurice O’Sullivan. Douglas also had big guns in reserve and Cormac Dineen was the first to be introduced for them. Meanwhile, Kerrigan and Barry O’Driscoll reduced the deficit to three points. Fearghal O’Sullivan then kicked a brilliant point from a right wing position for Douglas after outstanding fielding by Cadogan. However, points from Kerrigan and O’Driscoll cut the gap to two points. As the tension mounted, Douglas responded positively. McCarthy picked out Fitzgerald with a quick side line kick, Harrington then provided an outlet and Fitzgerald obliged by laying the ball off smartly. To finish the move Harrington kicked a beauty over the cross bar and Douglas were three points ahead. As to be expected Nemo Rangers fought to the end and two points by them had Douglas hanging on. However, Shane McCarthy kicked over a late free. Moments later the final whistle blew and Douglas were crowned champions. Nemo Rangers remain red hot favourites to retain the Cork County Senior Football Championship this year but on Saturday Douglas served notice that they will once again be formidable challengers. This victory was the culmination of a week to remember for Ronan McCarthy who twenty four hours earlier celebrated the birth of his son. Along with his backroom staff and players, Ronan has given tremendous commitment to football in Douglas for several years and this success was well deserved. Meanwhile, as the countdown to the championship begins, Douglas’ preparations suffered a blow following a serious injury to Mark Harrington during the closing stages of Saturday’s final. Harrington is among Douglas’ top performers in football and hurling and everyone is looking forward to his swift return to fitness. For more news visit www.douglasgaa.com
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South L i n k
Thursday, 26th February 2009
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South L i n k
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