Cork’s Community Magazine k n i L FReeEkE h t u So W ly ‘12 Thur 19 Jan sue: 3 Volume: 8 | Is
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The Word
by George Thompson - Editor
Firstly this week I would like to wish my grandson, Master Gavin Thompson a very happy first birthday, which we celebrated last weekend and he was star of the show. On my way to Bandon on Sunday morning I came across Naval Divers transport on the road heading west and before checking the news, I knew they were on a mission involving a tragedy. Anyone connected with the sea will feel the loss and heartache when a vessel sinks with the loss of life and our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of those fishermen aboard the Bonhomme which sank off Glandore last weekend. And a ‘well done’ to the LE Naimh, Navy Divers, Gardaí, Coast Guard, Fishermen and volunteers involved in the search operation. I was saddened last week when I heard of the death of John McCarthy, the founder of the mental health lobby group Mad Pride had died aged 61. Diagnosed with motor neurone disease two years ago, John was an outspoken champion for the rights of those touched by mental illness. I didn’t get a chance to write about Luke Philpott though we carried a tribute to Luke last week’s edition of the Post and while every glowing tribute that could be bestowed on the man, has been – I would like to add that while Luke was a humble man of huge stature, his singing voice, his creative art and company will be sorely missed. As our belts are tightened more and more for us by an economy that has been mismanaged for years, all I wish for this coming year is that there is some light at the end of the long tunnel ahead and that the people of this country will get some sort of economic and financial relief as the year goes by. Happy new year one and all! • Gavin Thompson who celebrated his first birthday last weekend. Pic:George Thompson
George Thompson Editor
• C331 TIT BONHOMME which sank on Sunday morning near the mouth of Glandore Harbour in Co Cork. Pic Daragh Mac Sweeney/Provision
• John Mc Carthy, founder of ‘Mad Pride’ who passed away last week. Pic Michael Mac Sweeney/Provision
The Douglas Post Magazine | Morris House | Douglas West | Cork | Ireland Tel: 021 4369000 | Fax: 021 4369148 | Email: | The publishers have made every effort to ensure all information is correct at time of print, however no responsibility is accepted for errors or omissions. The views expressed in the articles herein are not necessarily those of the editor or the publisher of The Douglas Post Magazine. The Douglas Post is published weekly by South Link Publishing, Morris House, Douglas, Cork.
All property details for SALE, LETTING or COMMERCIAL available on
Michael Creedon
Shane Finn
Glenn O’Connor
Opening times: 8.30am til 5pm Monday to Friday. Any queries please call or e mail.
t: 021-4897300 f: 021-4897334
Letters to the Editor
We’d love to hear from you. If you have any news, views or issues you’d like to see covered, write to the Douglas Post, Morris House, Douglas West, Cork or by e-mail to Please include your name and address and a contact number. Letters may be edited due to space considerations.
Douglas & District Lions Club Dear Editor The president and members of the Douglas & District Lions wish to thank sincerely the following who made their Christmas Food Appeal such a great success this year, enabling almost €11,000 worth of food vouchers to be distributed to the most needy in the community this Christmas. 1. The generous shoppers for their contributions. 2. The management and staff of Douglas Court, Douglas Village and Ryan’s Supervalu in Grange shopping centres and the management and staff of Tesco Ireland, Marks & Spencer’s and Dunnes Stores. 3. The following who made contributions- Douglas Credit Union- Douglas Baptist ChurchMartin Twomey Bus hireLiam Bresnan Butchers-Cork
Engineering Co.-Cork City Council- Monkstown Golf Club, Regina Mundi School pupils. The ladies of the Cork Sugar Craft for donating over 180 lovely iced cakes. Members of the Naval Service in Haulbowline, Douglas Hall Soccer Club and Barry’s Tea. Thank you also to the priests of St. Colombas, St. Patricks and the Church of the Incarnation in Frankfield, for announcing the collections at all masses and to the staff of the Sunday Message, the Douglas Post the Evening Echo and others for advertising the Appeal. Last but not least, a huge thank you to all the Lions volunteer collectors who have collected at all the centres, year in and year out, to make the appeal such a success and a great community effort by one and all. Thank you. President & Members Douglas & District Lions Club.
Disclaimer: Any views or opinions expressed in these letters are solely those of the individual author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of The Douglas Post.
• Flute player Tim McHugh from Mayo pictured after winning the Sean Ó Riada medal during a live broadcast on Raidio na Gaeltachta from the Rochestown Park Hotel in Cork city on Friday night. The competition was judged by renowned musicians Mary Bergin and Michael Tubridy, and by matt Molloy, who joined the judging panel via Skype from 1500 miles away in the Canary Islands. The winner received the specially designed Sean Ó Riada gold medal and a cheque for €2500. Musicians taking part included a Lutheran priest, markus Asunta from Finland, a young Irish American musician Sean Gavin from Detroit, and award-winning Scottish flute player and guitarist Tom Oakes. Pic: Diane Cusack
Cllr Kieran McCarthy
Lord Mayor’s Tea Dance The Lord Mayor’s Tea Dance for the Young at Heart will take place at City Hall, Cork on Sunday 29th January 2012, 3.00pm-6pm. This is a not-forprofit initiative to address the issue of loneliness and the elderly, organised by a local committee of people from the public, private and voluntary sectors. The committee is chaired by Dr. Andrew Crosbie. The committee is asking younger people to bring an older person or a group of older people to the ‘Ball’. Previous Tea Dances have proven to be great fun and the need for these events is greater now than ever before. These dances recognize the role of a previous generation and offer a wonderful opportunity to celebrate and acknowledge this contribution. Commenting the committee noted “We are inviting ‘The Young at Heart’ of the nation to use the ‘free travel’ to come to Cork for the ‘craic’. We hope by publicising this event nationwide that local groups in cities towns and villages throughout the country will repeat this initiative. Entertainment is provided by the Cork Pops Orchestra conducted by Evelyn Grant and they expect some of their dancers to out-dance ‘Strictly Come Dancing’!”. DouglasPostAd_Layout 1 Pro 29/11/2011 11:55 Page St. 1 Cork. Tickets are now on sale in Music Oliver Plunkett
• Tickled Pink: Launching details of A Pink Ribbon Affair for Action Breast Cancer to be held at the Fota Island Resort on Saturday January 21st, were Pulse Models; Sam Bourke, Jackie Burkley, Johanna Murphy and Tyrone McGrath. Tickets are €20 and available from Pic: Michael O’Sullivan
Good Thinking! A shopkeeper was dismayed when a brand new business much like his own opened up next door and erected a huge sign which read ‘BEST DEALS.’ He was horrified when another competitor opened up on his right, and announced its arrival with an even larger sign, reading ‘LOWEST PRICES.’ The shopkeeper panicked, until he got an idea. He put the biggest sign of all over his own shop. It read: ‘MAIN ENTRANCE.’
4 - Thur 19 Jan ’12
Building our community together
Kieran McCarthy
B.A., M.Phil. INDEPENDENT COUNCILLOR, CORK CITY COUNCIL South East Cork City Richmond Villa, Douglas Road, Cork Mob: 087 6553389 E:
Heritage on facebook: Cork: Our City, Our Town
D o u g la s
Wedding Feature 26th January 2012 We will feature lots of valuable information from getting married on a Celebrity Cruises ship to having your wedding in a marquee at home.
Pages are filling fast so contact The Douglas Post now on 021-4369000 to book your place.
Thur 19 Jan ’12 - 5
Family Ties with Geraldine Blake
New Year Resolution. Diets. I’ve tried them all. I did the Atkins a few years ago. This is a pure protein all fat diet with no carbohydrates whatsoever. I love my bread and spuds but what appealed to me about this food fest was that you never felt hungry. The complete ban on vegetables and fruit made me a little uneasy but with cheesy egg quiche for breakfast every morning with rashers washed down with gallons of tea, I would sail through the morning until lunchtime. By the end of the first day, I nearly fainted but I persevered. On the plus side, it cured me of my sugar cravings however while I didn’t experience any lows, I didn’t get any highs either and I missed them. I did the Liver Detox diet which is virtually liquid and costs a fortune in specially formulated powders. I lost a very satisfying half stone through it. I felt as light as a bird and very holy in my lighter than thou state. I also made up a few food fads of my own. I ate seven fried eggs a day with a grilled tomato. Two weeks later, my body protested in an explosion of itchy hives which took weeks to clear.
Balance is the key. I love food and diets allow me to focus and obsess about what I’m ‘allowed to eat’ next. My husband who went to boarding school and was permanently starving thinks any voluntary withdrawal from food is mad. I found Weight Watchers the most sensible diet plan and lost a stone with them two years ago. Of course, as diets go I gained all the weight back and I would like to shift it at least half of it since the majority of my wardrobe is now out of reach to me. This New Year I decided to focus on health before svelte and I consulted a nutritional therapist. She told me that I was too high on dairy and completely devoid of the ‘good fats’. This means the introduction of fish into my life and lots of nuts. I am only a week into my new regime and I do feel marginally better. However, I was putting my son to bed the other night and I sneezed violently. I felt a sharp pain on both sides of my abdomen and it felt like my ovaries had exploded.
A Carousel is GREAT FUN for all occasions Book yours from Sharon Piper
on 086 860 2914
Email: • John Delaney CEO FAI with Darren Forde of Douglas Hall AFC at the Annual South Side Sports Awards sponsored by the Cork International Airport Hotel and Gerald McCarthy (McCarthy Awards and Gifts). Photo Billy macGill
PUSHOVER: A 63-year-old man from Manila, Philippines, was in line to buy a lottery ticket when a woman cut in front of him. He did the gentlemanly thing, stepping back and allowing her in. The ticket she bought -- that would have been his -- wasn’t a winner. The ticket he ended up buying, however, was: 741 million pesos (US$17 million). “When he won, he kept thinking: how sad for that woman,” said Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office chair Margie Juico, “She could have won the big prize if she had just been patient.” (MS/AFP)
6 - Thur 19 Jan ’12
Location, Location, Location Any business on a corner has a distinct advantage, and in a world dominated by marketing and messaging, it is very easy for businesses to get lost in the crowd, so when the opportunity arose to move to the highest profile corner in Douglas by traffic volumes alone, it was a bit of a no brainer. By moving to a high profile location, it just made a very successful business more accessible, “the availability of parking was another huge factor, if people can’t get to you phisically, it makes life a bit harder for everyone, and put’s up barriers to business” We have adapted and changed our business model over the last 5 years since the crash in property prices began, and through a lot of hard work, innovation and diversification, we are growing again. Our main business is in Letting and Property Management, and we are always on the lookout for properties to rent out or manage, “we haven’t had a property yet we couldn’t rent out” and the demand for rental properties has grown dramatically in the last couple of years.
Also the sales market whilst down considerably from peak prices, is showing signs of life. Access to credit is the main reason, but as we also act as a Mortgage intermediary, we can help people out here also. The latter part of last year was a busy one for sales, and most auctioneers were happy enough with the way the second part of the year went, its keeping the momentum going is the key. There will always be demand for property, the problem with the boom was a lot of it was built in the wrong place, or the wrong type was built. Nobody was building bungalows throughout the boom, and yet there is an ongoing demand for this type of property. The key to maintaining growth is, change with change, we have done this and will continue to adapt. If you have any Rental or Sales Queries please call into our new offices or by email/phone as below “Thanks again for all the business” • Michael Creedon of DNG Creedon
DNG Michael Creedon Contact Details:
Auctioneer & Valuer Michael Creedon
Letting Manager Shane Finn
t: 021-4897300 f: 021-4897334
Property Manager Glenn O’Connor
One Track Mind A man parked his car at the supermarket and was walking past a row of empty shopping trolleys when the trolley-girl standing there called after him, “Excuse me, did you want a trolley?” “No,” he answered. “I’m only after one thing.” As he walked into the store, he heard her murmur, “Just like a man.”
• Former employees and supporters pictured at the Cork congress of trade union’s rally in support of the ongoing sit in at the Vita Cortex plant, Kinsale road, Cork. Pic Daragh Mc Sweeney/Provision
• Son of former Vita Cortex employee Martina Anderson, 14mth old Nathan pictured at the Cork congress of trade union’s rally in support of the ongoing sit in at the Vita Cortex plant, Kinsale road, Cork. Pic Daragh Mc Sweeney/Provision
Just arrived gorgeous selection of Occasion wear. Huge range of smart casuals, dresses, knits and coats. Great bargain rails. 10 East Douglas Village, Douglas. Collins Shopping Centre Carrigaline.
Tel: 021 489 0243 Karla only for the women who love beautiful clothes Thur 19 Jan ’12 - 7
proudly sponsored
Douglas Credit Union Is there a community event or fundraiser in your area? Please let us know and we will be delighted to publish it for you. Email to – frontdesk@douglaspost. ie. To ensure publication your entry should reach us before 5 PM on Mondays
Douglas and District Lions Club
The Douglas and District Lions Club will host a public information meeting at 8.30pm on Wednesday the 25th of January in Lion House, Douglas. The purpose of the meeting is to provide members of the public, who may be interested in the organisation. A briefing on the work of the Douglas Lions Club in the community will be given. This will also include information on membership criteria and it will provide an opportunity for those interested to ask questions on matters related to the activities of Douglas Lions Club and Lions International. All are welcome. Regards, - John Lotty (President)
Douglas Community Association
Phil Goodman nominated for Cork Person of the Year Those of us who know Phil down through the years, are in awe of what she accomplishes each week for the people of Douglas, organizing outings all around the country and abroad, including cruises! She has so many activities for the retired/elderly people of Douglas that she has made retirement in the area a pleasure, and an opportunity for all to live life to the full, while at the same contributing to many charities in our city. Each week on Douglas Post, the Young at Heart page is packed with events, making Douglas one of the best areas in the country to retire. Phil was awarded Cork Person of the Year for the month of July 2011 by Cork Independent Newspaper who started the competition 19 years ago, “to promote our greatest asset,
our people”. On Friday next, Phil will join winners from the other 11 months, heroes in community, sport, art, business, politics, etc. Just one of them will be selected as Cork Person of the Year 2011. Some of the other awardees include actress Maureen O’Hara (January), Capuchin Brother Kevin Crowley (February), sports author Tim Horgan (March), Cancer Researcher Dr. Mark Tagney (April), Voluntary worker from Charleville Denis Linehan (May), Hope Foundation Director Maureen Forrest (June), entertainer Pakie O’Callaghan (August), Brendan Dempsey for his work with St Vincent De Paul; Manager of Cork Ladies Football Team, Eamon Ryan; Founder of global IT company PCH Int. Liam Casey, and Naomi Coonghe for her success in Taekwon Do. This event will take place at Fota Island Hotel and the selection of the winning candidate will be decided by Cork County and City Managers and the Bishop of Cork and Ross, John Buckley. The joint Masters of Ceremonies will be Brian Crowley MEP, and Daithi O Se from RTE; Simon Coveney TD, will be Guest of Honour.
Douglas Sláinte Toastmasters Club
A very happy and peaceful New Year to one and all from all at Douglas Sláinte Toastmasters Club. Would you like to improve your skills in public speaking in a warm, welcoming and supportive atmosphere? If so, Douglas Sláinte Toastmasters Club is the club for you. This club affords every member the opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills,
Constituency Office 29 St. Patricks Mills, Douglas, Cork. Phone 021 436 6200 Email Website
which in turn leads to increased selfconfidence and personal growth. You are welcome to attend any of our meetings, without obligation, where you can witness for yourself the opportunities for growth in participating in Douglas Sláinte meetings. Meetings take place in the Rochestown Park Hotel every second Wednesday from now until late June 2012. Meetings begin at 8.00pm and finish at 10.00pm. Meeting Dates: January, 25th, February 8th, 22nd , March 7th, 21st , April 4th, 18th May 2nd, 16th, 30th & June 13th
Douglas Writers Group
The next meeting of the Douglas Writers Group will be held in John O’Sullivan’s (Board Room), Douglas on Friday 10th February at 5.30 pm. The Douglas Writers Group meets on the 2nd Friday of every month at 5.30pm. We look forward to seeing you there.Young at Heart Join the Young at Heart on Mediterian Cruise,visiting Corcisa, Florence, Rome ,etc ,for more info contact Phil on 4363867
Oíche Ghaelach
Beidh Oíche Ghaelach anois ar siúl gach oíche Mháirt sa South County Bar sa Dúghlas. Tá siad ag lorg duine éigean chun an oíche a chur i láthair gach oíche Mháirt, agus cabhrú le daoine agus comhrá a spreagadh; ach ní rang foirméalta a bheidh i gceist leis. Deis chun daoine a spreagadh chun cainte agus an Ghaeilge atá acu a úsáid atá ann. Má ta suim agat cuir glaoch orm anseo san oifig ar 021 4310841.
Care-Ring Douglas
Congratulations to this group who celebrated their first anniversary recently. They provide a service of keeping in regular contact, by way of a friendly social phonecall, to older people within the community. They are supported by volunteers who are HSE-trained and Garda-vetted. The service is a link for people who are unable to leave their homes and also for people who may feel lonely and isolated, especially as the colder weather takes a grip. For more information, contact Phil Goodman on 086-2987161.
Douglas ICA
No “Boot Camp” in Douglas ICA, just a warm welcome and the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. With our many activities, including Choir, Drama,
Exercise Class, Crafts, Book Club, Outings, etc., we offer plenty of scope to use your talents and gain new experiences. Guild meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 8pm at the I.C.A. Hall on Church Road (opposite entrance to the Community Park). Choir Monday 8pm, Drama Wednesday 8pm, Exercise Class Monday at 11am.
NEW MEMBERS WELCOME. All God’s creatures got a place in the choir!!!! St.Patrick’s Rochestown.
Rehearses every Tuesday night at 8 pm in St Patrick’s church.The choir sings at the 11a.m mass on Sundays. New members are welcome to join this mixed-voice choir. Hope to see you there! Further information contact Susan 086-8677077
The Rochestown Youth Choir are looking for new members!
If your child loves to sing we would love to see them joining us for our rehearsal each Friday from 4.30 to 5.30 pm in St Patrick’s Church Rochestown. Membership is free and we welcome all boys and girls from 2nd class and upwards. Please contact Fr. Michael for further details on 0874198286.
“Rochestown Art Centre
Art Classes Available: Kids Saturday Art Class, Kids After School Art Class, Adult Art Class, Art for the Retired, Christmas Card Making, Christmas Craft Making Class, Teen Art Class, Portfolio Service”
Douglas Library Library Activities
Tuesdays@10.15: Social Sketchers, bring along your paper and paints and try your hand at art in the library Wednesdays@10.30: UCC Creative Writing Course Wednesdays@10.30 Book Club meet on the second Wednesday of every month. Thursdays @ 11.00: Young at Heart (tai Chi) Thursdays@ 6.30 Adult Chess Fridays: First Friday Gramophone Recital @ 11.00 Second Friday: Citizens Information Free Clinic @ 10.00 Fourth Friday: Irish Conversation Group.@ 11.00
Biblical Dog
Lynch TD 8 - Thur 19 Jan ’12
A father gave his daughter a puppy for her birthday. An hour later, while wandering through the house, he found her looking at a puddle in the centre of the kitchen. She said sadly, “My pup runneth over.”
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Thur 19 Jan ’12 - 9
Poetry Corner
North Link
with Ronnie McGinn
Did you ever wonder where time goes ? It happens so often, in the rush to greet each literally day with teenage enthusiasm, I forget how I came to be where I am. Almost as if fifty years in the music business had never happened. Then during the ‘Twelve Days of Christmas’ I attended eight funerals. The grim taste of reality had a very sobering effect and I learned again that nothing in life is ever permanent.
Hey! Joe! Hey! They’re all gone now Joe! They’re all gone now, The days of long ago Joe, Back when we knew how, Gone like the dreams of yesterday, When we were all wild, young and free, And nothing on Earth could stand in our way And we were what we wanted to be. Gone like the boys that were in the band When dreams were as tall as the sky, And we toured in many a far off land, And believed we would never die. But the years have taken their earthly toll, The once bright blades are dull with rust, And the great golden years of rock and roll, Like most of our friends are buried in dust. Great days of the long ago Joe! Back when we knew how, Hey! They’re all gone now, Joe! They’re all gone now.
Ronnie McGinn Send your poem to ‘The Poetry Corner’ / Douglas Post, Morris House, Douglas or you can email it direct to ronniemcginn@ If possible keep your poem to 20 lines. You may choose any subject you like, in any form you like as long as it’s original. We look forward to hearing from you. RonnieMcGinn
Is there a community event or fundraiser in your area? Please let us know and we will be delighted to publish it for you. Email to – frontdesk@douglaspost. ie. To ensure publication your entry should reach us before 5 PM on Mondays
Mallow Primary Heathcare Centre Finalist For National Excellence Award Mallow’s state of the art Primary Healthcare Centre (MPHC) has been short listed for Best Healthcare Building at this year’s Local Authority Members Awards (LAMA) in Dublin. The awards recognise local projects of excellence in the areas of infrastructure, community development, recreation and national impact initiatives. It was the suggestion of Mallow Town Councillor Noel O’Connor that Town Council nominate the centre, which was officially opened by Health Minister James Reilly in April 2011. MPHC launched in May 2010, as the new state of the art home for 3 general practices formerly located in Mallow town, the Cork Road Clinic, the Red House Family Practice and the Medical Centre as they centralised their services to the one location in the Mallow Business Park together with HSE primary care services, South Doc and North cork Community Mental Health. MPHC has since expanded to include “The 4th Practice”, which provides additional medical services and enhanced diagnostic procedures such as psychology, nutrition, physiotherapy and specialist clinics. Manager of MPHC, Conor Healy says that the centre is for everyone. “We may have been nominated for Best Healthcare Building, but MPHC is much more than a building. The centre was built to provide the best medical care possible for the people of Mallow and the wider community. MPHC practices a model demonstrating public and private systems working closely together to benefit everyone, with GP practices working alongside HSE clinics.”
The awards will be hosted by RTE’s Miriam O’Callaghan at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dublin on February 11th next. Further details about the services provided at the Mallow Primary Healthcare Centre are available at
Paddy O’Brien calls for organisations to host local heats of Over 60s competition IT may be hard to believe, but plans are already underway for the 36th Over 60s talent competition. All groups caring for the elderly, as well as social clubs and local organisations are being encouraged to consider holding a heat. Some groups, who have a long association with the competition, already have the date circled on their calendars for their local heats, which will begin early next year. Once again, the competition, which was founded by 2010 Cork Person of the Year, and advocate for the elderly Paddy O’Brien, is being sponsored by the Evening Echo and also by the Blackpool Shopping Centre. This week, John Hartnett, manager of Blackpool Shopping Centre, said he was delighted to be associated with the popular competition. He said: “We are very pleased to be associated with this truly unique event. It is a major highlight of the year for Cork’s elderly population, and we look forward to hosting the Blackpool heat, here in the mall of the shopping centre on February 28, 2012.
The Golf Course
Writers Group Meetings Douglas Junior Writers Group Douglas Library Thursday 19h January at 5.30.PM Ballinlough Writers John O’Sullivan’s (Douglas) Fri 20h January at 5.30 PM Bishopstown Writers Bishopstown Library – Mon 23rd January. at 2.45.PM Douglas Writers Group Friday the 10th February John O’Sullivan’s, Boardroom at 5.30 pm Ó Bhéal Open mic every Mon at The Hayloft (upstairs at The Long Valley), Winthrop Street
10 - Thur 19 Jan ’12
Two couples went out golfing together. The men hit first from the men’s tee and walked with the ladies to their tee box. The first lady took a mighty swing at the ball, missing it completely, while passing some gas rather loudly in the process. No one commented. She addressed the ball again but this time she passed just little gas as she made contact with the ball, topping it and moving it only a short distance. She said, “I wonder why it didn’t go any further?” One of the men said, “I don’t think you gave it enough gas!”
Local Clubs
Please send your reports, results, fixture and notes to
hotel & leisure centre
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Kids Korner Sponsored by
Douglas Village Shopping Centre
This Week’s Winner Jensen Marah Glanmire
Colour me in.....
Brainteazer Last Week’s Teazer Fred was inquisitive about the world outside. Each day he gazed wistfully through the glass at a world he could never know. Then one day, the unthinkable happened. Some boy’s playing outside accidentally broke the glass, instantly Fred regretted his curiosity. Why?
Name:.................................................................................................. Address:.............................................................................................. ............................................................................................................ Age:.................................................. Tel:............................................. Parents Signature:...............................................................................
12 - Thur 19 Jan ’12
Last Week’s Answer Fred was a Goldfish !
This Week’s Teazer Smart Alec sat In the Biology Class with a smug smile on his face.” What are you looking so pleased about? “ asked the teacher with a feeling of Impending doom. “ I know something that has four legs and two arms” announced Alec proudly. The teacher racked his brains but he could never know. But could think of no creature which fitted this description. What did Alec mean?
Set in the heart of one of Ireland’s finest coastal resorts, only 30 minutes drive from Cork city, lies this haven of comfort and hospitality, an establishment with a proud tradition of fine food and quality service.
Choice of Wedding Suites When you choose Walter Raleigh Hotel as your wedding venue, you are guaranteed first class service with attention to detail combined with a sumptuous seasonal menu.
This room features a private balcony with stunning sea views providing the perfect backdrop for photographs.
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Arranging a civil ceremony is an excellent way to reflect a couple’s individuality. At the ‘Walter Raleigh Hotel’, we have a choice of 2 suites to host your civil ceremony. What makes the Walter Raleigh Hotel’, unique as a wedding venue is the exclusive use of the Blackwater Suite as a private drinks reception room
Adelphi Fairytale Reception The ‘Adelphi Suite’ is the largest function room and can cater for up 300 guests; with its high ceilings, ornate covings and large classical bar this room is the perfect wedding reception venue for the fairytale wedding with a modern twist.
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O’Brien’s Place, Youghal, Co. Cork | Tel: 024 92011 Thur 19 Jan ’12 - 13
Is there a community event or fundraiser in your area? Please let us know and we will be delighted to publish it for you. Email to – To ensure publication your entry should reach us before 5 PM on Mondays
Blackrock / Mahon Community Notice Board Emergency Sports First Aid The Adult Education Department of Ireland are planning to run night classes in EMERGENCY SPORTS FIRST AID for coaches, managers, trainers, and all involved with sport in two schools this term. ASHTON SCHOOL on the Blackrock Rd. on a MONDAY NIGHT for 8 weeks 7.30 - 9.30 pm. FEE €95 ENROLMENT NIGHT at the school 18th. Jan (7 – 8)pm. Enrol ON LINE (using credit/laser card) Enrol by POST. Or At the school Office Hours 9.30 - 1pm. Classes commence week beginning MONDAY 30th Jan. Senior Citizens and Unwaged reduced fee. Also at St. John’s College, Sawmill St. Cork on Tuesday nights 7.00 - 9.30 pm. enrolment online or at the college. Course starting Tue.
26/01/2012 . Full details from the school @ 021 4255500 Bernadette Langford 086 0410668 or Ruth Kelleher 086 0416235
New Year’s Party & Hooley. The Rockies Hurling Club extend an Invitation to Members, Friends and Supporters of the Club to celebrate the beginning of a new season with a Hooley at the Club Bar, Church Road, on Saturday January 21st. The evening will consist of Music, Singers and Comedy Acts. And the good news is, it’s all free. So why not join us and start off the New Year with Ceoil agus Craic at the Rockies Club on Saturday Jan. 21st. You’ll Be Glad You Did.
Mahon Family Resource Centre Classes for Mother & Baby. The Parents recommenced
Programme had at Mahon Family
Jerry Buttimer TD
Confirmation of safety review of pedestrian crossing facilities at Sarsfield Road Roundabout Cork South Central TD Jerry Buttimer has secured confirmation that safety auditors will carry out a further review of the pedestrian crossing facilities at the Sarsfield Road Roundabout. “As part of the on-going upgrade works on the South Ring Road the two pedestrian bridges have been removed. This has required ground level pedestrian crossing facilities to be put in place at the Sarsfield Road Roundabout. There are a lot of people living on the Sarsfield Road who used the footbridge; they now have to use the ground level crossing facilities. “The combination of pedestrians and the speed of vehicles using the ring road cause serious safety concerns. I raised this issue with both the NRA and the local authorities. In the reply from the project engineer it was confirmed to me that it is intended to ask the safety auditors to carry out a further review of the pedestrian crossing facilities at the Sarsfield Road Roundabout. This is a welcome development and should provide reassurance to pedestrians that every precaution is being taken to ensure their safety. “So far the team working on the project have engaged positively with residents taking on board their concerns. They have carried out initial safety audits and have begun using electronic signs to warn motorist that pedestrians will be crossing the road. They have also engaged with the Gardaí who have been monitoring driver behavior. “When completed this project is provide a vital piece of infrastructure which will benefit the entire city. However as it is progressing there will be issues of concern to local residents, it is vital that the open approach and willingness to engage continues to ensure that successful resolution of any concerns.”
14 - Thur 19 Jan ’12
Resource Centre. If you are a parent of young Children and are interested in any of the following courses: • Baby Massage • Mother and Baby • Pilates • Parent and Toddler Group Please contact Christine on 021 4358866 Beginnings Creche at Mahon Family Resource Centre: have a limited number of crèche spaces available for children ages 6months to 4years. Call Kathy on 021 4358866
Blackrock Community Association Monday Dance and exercise 10am-12noon Crafts 2 30pm 4 30pm Set Dancing 8 30pm-10pm Tuesday Art with Elaine Coakley 2pm-4pm Irish Dancing Classes for Children 4 15pm-5 15pm Tai Chi 7 30pm-8 30pm Wednesday Dance and exercise 10am-12noon Crochet 2 30pm-4 30pm Thursday Yoga 2 30pm-4pm for 4 weeks and will be followed by Nutrition classes 2 30pm- 4pm for 3 weeks Come and join us for our Classes .We will have some Social Evenings as well .Contact Martha 0871253157 Irene 0876122007
New Local Phone Number for Care & Repair Age Action has announced that due to the continued expansion of the Care & Repair programme in Cork there is a now a local phone number, 021-
4536554, which older people can call to arrange to have jobs done around their homes free of charge. Age Action’s Care & Repair service uses a pool of trustworthy volunteer handypersons to carry out oddjobs and DIY work for older people who find it difficult to do these jobs themselves. Some of the jobs that our volunteers can do include changing light bulbs, minor painting and decorating, hanging curtains, minor gardening, minor carpentry and installing smoke alarms. The service is free; clients only pay for the materials used. For bigger jobs that are beyond the scope of the volunteers, Age Action maintains a register of reliable and honest tradespersons whose contact details can be provided. As well as all of the main trades such as plumbers, electricians, builders etc, they have details for people who service boilers, clean chimneys, clean gutters and many other useful services. Regular social visits to older people can also be arranged. John O Mahony, Care & Repair Development Officer, says “I’m delighted that we now have a local Care & Repair phone number in Cork. This will make it quicker and easier for people to access our services and I would ask anybody who thinks that we might be able to help them around the house to contact me on 021-4536554. I would be happy to chat to people about how we can assist them.” Age Action is Ireland’s leading charity for older people. They believe that Ireland should be the best place in which to grow older. They work to fight discrimination, promote positive ageing and improve policies and services for all older people. Phone: 021-4536554
Jerry Buttimer T.D. Constituency Office 4 A Glasheen Road, Cork. CLINIC TIMES:
Monday: Ballyphehane Community Centre 6pm - 6.30pm Friday: Mahon Community Centre 12.30 pm - 1pm Friday: Togher Community Centre 6pm - 6.30pm
Tel: 021 484 0652 Mobile: 086 235 6892 Email:
Health & Beauty
The Cupid Colour Collection by Sally Hansen Love is in the Air! Fall head over heels in love this Valentines Day, with the range of talon-tastic shades from the Number 1 US Nail Expert, Sally Hansen. Whether you are planning a date night with that someone special or organising a Valentines ‘love in’ with the girls, Sally Hansen has the hue for you! Why not in the mood for all things love ahead of February 14th with one of the fab four “cupid” colours, hand selected to give you that loving feeling.
Back to the Fuchsia e8.95
You’ll be pretty in pink with this bright fuchsia shade. This uber girly tone is the perfect accompaniment for that little black dress!
I Pink I Can e8.95
Set pulses racing with this bubblegum pink delight, team with any outfit for a pop of loving colour.
Right Said Red e8.95
This one is a classic, team with a bright red lip and pucker up!
Red Zin‐e8.95
This dark purple crème looks great on just about any skin tone. Perfect for understated glamour and tres chic for that all important Valentines date night.
Ask the Pharmacist
with Garvan J. Lynch B.Sc.N.U.I. B.Sc. Chem. G.R.S.C. B.Sc. Pharm. M.P.S.I. M.R.Pharm.S. of Lynchs Pharmacy
Depression Depression is one of the most common health conditions in the world. Depression isn’t a weakness, nor is it something that you can simply “snap out of.” Depression, formally called major depression, is a medical illness that involves the mind and body. It affects how you think and behave and can cause a variety of emotional and physical problems. You may not be able to go about your usual daily activities, and depression may make you feel as if life just isn’t worth living anymore. Most health professionals today consider depression a chronic illness that requires long-term treatment, much like diabetes or high blood pressure.
activities, Feeling sad or down, Feeling hopeless, Crying spells for no apparent reason, Problems sleeping, Trouble focusing or concentrating, Difficulty making decisions, Unintentional weight gain or loss, Irritability, Restlessness, Being easily annoyed, Feeling fatigued or weak, Feeling worthless, Loss of interest in sex, Thoughts of suicide or suicidal behavior, Unexplained physical problems, such as back pain or headaches.
Depression symptoms can vary greatly because different people experience depression in different ways. A 25-year-old man with depression may not have the same symptoms as a 70-year-old man, for instance. For some people, depression symptoms are so severe that it’s obvious something isn’t right. Others may feel generally miserable or unhappy without really knowing why.
Symptoms of depression include: Loss of interest in normal daily
It’s not known specifically what causes depression. As with many
How do I handle mum’s Alzheimer’s?
Diabetes, what do I do now?
mental illnesses, it’s thought that a variety of biochemical, genetic and environmental factors may cause depression.
Lifestyle and home remedies Depression generally isn’t an illness that you can treat on your own. But you can do some things for yourself that will build on your treatment plan. In addition to professional treatment, follow these self-care steps for depression: Take your medications as directed. Even if you’re feeling well, resist any temptation to skip your medications. If you stop, depression symptoms may come back, and you could also experience withdrawal-like symptoms. Learn about depression. Education about your condition can empower you and motivate you to stick to your treatment plan. Pay attention to warning signs. Work
We can help you with any health
with your doctor to learn what might trigger your depression symptoms. Make a plan so that you know what to do if symptoms return. Contact your doctor if you notice any changes in symptoms or how you feel. Consider involving family members or friends in watching for warning signs. Get active. Physical activity and exercise have been shown to reduce depression symptoms. Consider walking, jogging, swimming, gardening or taking up another form of exercise you enjoy. Avoid drugs and alcohol. Alcohol and illicit drugs can worsen depression symptoms. If you are showing some of the above symptoms, contact your G.P. for immediate evaluation. If you would like more information on depression, or lifestyle choices to combat depression, contact Garvan at Lynch’s Pharmacy on 4366923.
My local intervene pharmacist is:
issue you may have. Talk to your local intervene Pharmacist or visit & find out more
Broadale, Maryborough Hill Tel: 021 4366923
Thur 19 Jan ’12 - 15
Is there a community event or fundraiser in your area? Please let us know and we will be delighted to publish it for you. Email to – frontdesk@douglaspost. ie. To ensure publication your entry should reach us before 5 PM on Mondays
Ballinlough Community News With Mary Cremin
Ballinlough Writers Group The next meeting of the Ballinlough Writers Group will be held in John O’Sullivan’s (Board Room), Douglas on Friday 21 January at 5.30 pm. The Ballinlough Writers Group meets on the 3rd Friday of every month at 5.30pm. We look forward to seeing you there.
Community Association had a Successful Year Ballinlough Community Association would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that helped out in any way in the last year. It was a very successful year, in February, the local heat of the Over 60’s Competition, our winner Ray Cremin of Glencoo Lawn. The Ballinlough Youth Clubs organised the the third year of ‘The End of Summer Festival’, it had some new events, a large crowd attended In December they also organised a Christmas Soirée
Check us out on
The Ballinlough Retirement Clubs had some events during the year, they had their annual outing in July to Watrford City, in the afternoon they headed to Tramore, and had dinner in the Midleton Park hotel on the way home. A special word of thanks to the Meals on Wheels, to the cooks and drivers who deliver meals six days a week al year. Congaratulations to our Booking Officer Cllr. Terry Shannon on his election as Lord Mayor of Cork, despite his busy schedule. he still finds the time to stay involved in our Community Association.
Ladies Retirement Club The Club will resume on Monday 23rd January at
Irish Heart Foundation The Irish Heart Foundation will no longer provide a Free Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Clinic in
Ballinlough Community Centre this is due to a shortage of funding. It will provide a Patient Information Helpline and raising awarness on stoke and heart attack will continue as normal.
Calling Ballinlough....... The Lord Mayors Tea Dance is back..........Cllr. Terry Shannon Lord Mayor of Cork will host the Tea Dance on Sunday afternoon 29th January 2012 from 3.00pm to 6.00pm in the City Hall , so get out those dancing shoes, and come along Tickets e6.00 available at Pro Musica, Oliver Plunkett Street, Cork.
Ballinlough Over 60’s Heat Date:Wednesday 15th February Time: 8.00pm. Venue: Ballinlough Community Centre. Entrance: e5.00 For the competition to be a success we need contestants! Persuade your friends, family, or sign yourself up!! Contact Laura on 0860829371 or Mary on 087-6748215 for more details. A great night of fun & entertainment is assured
Ballinlough Park - Christmas Trees Recycling Cork City Council provide facilities to recycle Christmas Trees, one of these areas is at Ballinlough Park adjacent to Douglas Swimming Pool, the dates are 4th January to 31st January 2012.
Over the past year and a half the parishes of the clustered areas -Our Lady of Lourdes Ballinlough, St. Joseph’s SMA Blackrock Road, St. Michael’s Blackrock, and Holy Cross, Mahon have been meeting to discuss new Mass times. Taking into account the declining numbers of priests, the need to be available and help neighbouring parishes, the following are the new Mass times in our church from the weekend of January 2012. Saturday: 6.00p.m. Sunday: 9.00a.m. & 11.00a.m. Daily Mass: 10.00a.m.
House Burglary’s In recent weeks there have been several break-ins in the Ballinlough area. The burglars are looking for GOLD if you see cars driving around observing houses or persons, report to your Local Garda Station immediately. Also photograph any valuable items in your home including your jewellery, in the event of a break in, this would be a great help to the Gardai, and also for your Insurance company.Garda Stations Nos. Anglesea Street (021) 452200, Blackrock (021)4536690, Douglas (021) 4857670 Never Never leave any stranger into your home.
Please make sure that your tree is inside the area provided.
There is Eucharistic Adoration daily at, Marie Reparatrice Sisters, 7 Knockrea Lawn, Ballinlough
a teddy and enjoy a feast of rice crispy buns!
more than just my design studio, it is home to my children’s craft workshops, my weekly knitting circles, and my retail outlet. From my shop I sell my art work and handmade cushions, a varied selection of knitting yarns and accessories as well as a growing haberdashery assortment.. I also offer a range of bespoke personalised handmade gifts suitable for babies, anniversaries and weddings starting at €23.99 for my children’s cushions. A trained art teacher, my workshops, which I’m really enthusiastic about, run during the school holidays and some weekends. I actually have one Sat 11th of February for children aged 6+ making scented valentines hearts using felt and applique. Other workshops throughout the year include animation, sculpture, fashion and much more. Very popular also are our Arty Parties at which each child makes 16 - Thur 19 Jan ’12
Our Lady Of Lourdes Church New Mass Times for 2012
As a qualified fashion designer I do provide a dress design and alterations service. I was a finalist in The Young Designer of the Year national competition in 2005 and especially love to work with girls looking for the perfect look for their debs.
For details on any of the above please contact me on 0873170827 or e-mail me at thedesignworkshoplismore@ or just call in. Open Tues – Sat every week. We are currently in the middle of our Winter Sale with 20% - 25% off all my existing work and selected yarns. A good time for a visit to Lismore!
Ballinlough Youth Church Choir - Want You Calling all singers, musicians from 5th class up. If you can spare one hour on Mondays evenings, and want to be part of a ensemble to perform at Sunday Masses, this is for you! Rehearsals Monday’s 5.00p.m. to 6.00p.m. in the Pastoral Centre.
Appropriate Present Why do they give you a watch when you retire when it’s the first time in your life you really don’t care what time it is?
Home & G arden
All Welcome.
Things to do This Week Spring has come a little early, let’s hope the mild weather will continue and allow us to create some worth while gardens this year. We’ll try to give you a few ideas on what might need doing. Now not everything in this article may apply to your garden - but there might be something, if not this week maybe next week.
Flower Garden • Edith Wilkins Ballinlough
Is there a community event or fundraiser in your area? Please let us know and we will be delighted to publish it for you. Email to – frontdesk@douglaspost. ie. To ensure publication your entry should reach us before 5 PM on Mondays
Ballyphehane Community Notice Board Housebound service Tory Top Library offers a housebound service to people in the community who cannot access the library. Items for borrowing include books, DVDs, video tapes and audio-books on CD or on cassette. This service is free of charge. The van, manned by library staff, calls to individual homes on a regular basis. Customers may select items from the shelves in the van or can have items delivered to them in their houses. The van is wheelchair
accessible. If you wish to avail of this service please contact John O’Leary on 4924934.
The unison Gospel Choir
Layer clematis stems direct into the soil or into buried pots. Cut out dead and damaged branches from ornamental trees (but not Prunus varieties). Start preparing new flower beds as soon as the soil is workable. Rejuvenate overgrown or top-heavy climbing and rambler roses by cutting all stems down to about 90cm (3ff) high.
Kitchen Garden Finish winter pruning fruit by the end of January. Lime beds dug and manured in the autumn, and intended for brassicas. Plant Jerusalem artichokes, preferably where their tall foliage will make a summer windbreak. Sow hardy lettuces and radishes, and early carrot varieties outdoors under cloches in mild areas.
Lawns & Hedges Check over and start petrol mowers, and send all mowers for service / resharpening if needed. Greenhouse Sow broad beans in pots or boxes as an alternative to autumn sowing. Bring in pots of strawberries, clean them up and keep well-lit near the glass for forcing. Plant an early potato such as ‘Rocket’ and ‘Swift’ in pots or plastic bags for an early crop. Sow hardy perennials like achillea, campanulas and poppies to flower the same year. Start taking cuttings from chrysanthemum stools when they are 8cm (3in) long.
Water Garden In very cold weather, keep the frozen pond surface open to allow fish to breathe.
In General Order new chrysanthemums for early flowers outdoors and late colour in pots. Order summer-flowering bulbs and tubers, and keep cool and dry on arrival. Clean slippery moss and algae off steps and paved areas with a stone cleaner.
The Unison Gospel Choir welcomes new members. Rehearsals resumed on Monday at 7.30 pm. Rehearsal room is over sacristy in Togher Church (down left side of church and up steps). Come along and enjoy singing gospel songs and spirituals.
Transfer a few surplus strawberry runners to a cold frame for early fruit.
From one shelf to a Ultraglide Sliderobes full house of furniture and for all your DIY supplies Unit 13, Glanmire Business Park, Glanmire, Cork. Tel: 021 482 0770
• Key Cutting Service • Home Safes • Replacement Locks • Ironmongery
9 Tramway Terrace, Douglas
Tel 021 4899999 • 087 2636948 Thur 19 Jan ’12 - 17
Is there a community event or fundraiser in your area? Please let us know and we will be delighted to publish it for you. Email to – frontdesk@douglaspost. ie. To ensure publication your entry should reach us before 5 PM on Mondays
Carrigaline Community News Carrigaline Ceili Fit
Keep your New Year’s resolution to lose weight by heading down to the Carrigaline GAA on Thursday night from 9-11pm for some Ceili and set dancing. This is a weekly class with a very social atmosphere where you don’t have have much dance experience to have a great night out. Come along and try it. Enquiries to Fionan on 087 818 5111 or ceilifit@
Saturday night’s Céilí Mór in the Carrigaline GAA Pavilion was described by many of the regular Set Dancers as being the best night for years. Many who were at the Céilí for the first time were fascinated at the electric atmosphere that was created by the seven piece Striolán Céilí Band and the enthusiastic dancers. The night started sharp at 9.30 pm with 15 sets on the floor for the first dance, the average for the night was 20 sets with 15 sets still on the floor at 1.00pm; the crowd cheered, stamped and roared for more, the band responded and played for the Cashel Set as a bonus. The next Carrigaline Céilí Mór will take place on Saturday 4th February. The Céilí is normally held on the second Saturday of each month but to leave St Valentines weekend free for the GAA, when they run a very popular disco night, it is brought forward a week to the 4th.
Scór is the cultural side of the GAA that promotes our national culture over the
winter months through competition. Scór na bPáistí is open to all children attending national school. This year, 2012, in the Carrigdhoun division, we are asking that all national schools in the division be represented and showcase their talent. The two South East semi finals of Scór na bPáistí will take place on Friday 3rd February in Ballinspittle GAA Hall at 7.00pm and Saturday 11th February in the Marian Hall Ballinhassig at 2.30 pm. The Final of the South East will take place on Sunday the 26th February in Riverstick at 2.30 pm. Scór na bPáistí is composed of 10 categories: Each school in the division is entitled to be represented in all categories: Figure Dancing, Solo Dancing (Soft shoe Reel), Solo Singing, Music Group (2 to 5 persons), Solo Music, Recitation, Ballad group (3 to 5 persons), Novelty act (10 minutes 2 to 8 persons), Set dancing and the Quiz (Group questions - Written answers 3 per team). Enquiries Sheila Murphy 4888103 or Barry Cogan 087 813 7990.
The Carrigaline Active Retired Association were back in full swing last Thursday after the Christmas break. Over 42 members were present, swapped stories of experiences over the festive season, submitted nominations for the AGM and spent some time discussing ideas and opportunities for the year ahead. This Thursday CARA holds its AGM in the Parish Centre at 2.30p. m.
Help your child succeed PROFESSIONAL TUTORING English Reading Spelling
Mathematics Irish
Bishopstown Education Centre
Unit 2, Ardrostig, Bishopstown, Cork. Conveniently located opposite the entrance to Dunnes Stores, Bishopstown Court.
Tel: 021 - 4867765 Mob: 089 - 4170645
18 - Thur 19 Jan ’12
Ages 6 -14 Fully Qualified Teachers
Give your child a brighter future
“Mol an óige agus tiocfaid sí” “Encourage youth and it will bloom”
The Active Retired Association did a fundraising draw before Christmas supporting Bernardos and they would like to thank the public for their generous support. The results are as follows: - 1st Mrs Nellie Mc Ginty, 2nd Jane Kelleher; 3rd Mrs Anne Moxley; 4th Mr Noel O’Callaghan; 5th Mr Ber Tobin, 6th Mr Michael Fitzgerald, 7th Ms Margo Forsythe; 8th Ms Kay Power; 9th Mr Darren Trinder; 10th Ms Edith Handzsung; 11th Mr Ken O’Callaghan; 12th Ms Sarah O’Regan; 13th Mr Morgan O’Sullivan; 14th Ms Bridie O’Riordan; and 15th Mrs Peggie Lawlor. Prizes were sponsored by Carrigaline Court Hotel, Collins SuperValu, Phelan’s Chemist, Walshs Main Street, Moores Jewellers, Hassetts Bakery, O Crualaoi Butchers, O Connail Chocolate, Good Fish Shop, An Carrig Leisure Centre, Martin Walsh, Dairygold, Pat O’ Farrell Carrigaline Cheese.
Carrigaline Set Dancing
The weekly ceili and set dance class in the Carrigaline GAA continues every Thursday night from 9-11pm under the watchful eyes of set dance tutor Fionan Cogan. You don’t have much dance experience to have a great night and you don’t have to bring your own
dance partner either, but you can if you have one. So why not come along and try it if you’ve never been before. Enquiries to Fionan on 087 818 5111 or
The Carrigaline Legion of Mary meets every Tuesday night from 8.00 pm to 9.00pm in the Parish Centre and new members are always welcome.
An 0ige Adult Swimming Club
An 0ige Adult Swimming Club Celebrating 10 Years meet every Thur. from now till July @ 9.30pm. in the An Carrig Health & Leisure Club Carrigaline Members €3,Guests €5 per. Night. Thur. 15 Sep. Gym night @ 8.30pm. followed by swim @ 9.30pm. New members welcome. Michael mob.0872717897
Colour is Magic
An activity group for Pre-School Children (Parent / Guardian supervision essential). A morning of painting, sticky time, playdough, crafts, playtime, singing & dancing, refreshments Carrigaline Community Complex. Every Wed 10.00am -11.15am (Price 8 Euro per child, additional Children 6 Euro).No need to book, just turn up Contact Sinead. 021 4832060 086 062 7192
Celebrating 20 years of Little Fingers 1992–2012 Thanks to all our loyal parents, children, neighbours and friends. Teresa Enrolling now for September 2012/13 Free Childcare Places (ECCE Scheme) SHAMROCK LAWN, DOUGLAS
087 6821845
Young @ Heart by Phil Goodman
It is a sad day when our pensioners are targeted in order to balance the books; the government and revenue have no problem looking for arrears from old age pensioners to do so. They have lost their grip on fairness and compassion, and yet again the vulnerable are targeted while the wealthy are protected... Of course the vulnerable are less likely to fight back while everybody has less money to spend. However sometimes when we encounter challenging times there is always a lot of positive as well Ireland was never a materially motivated country. Perhaps when we are less motivated by material things we might all be the better for it. I believe of their time in a more meaningful way to those around us, also you are not judged by what you have as opposed to what you do. With spring just around the corner we will go forward with hope and positively. Lord mayor Cllr. Terry Shannon has invited us to an evening reception in the city hall on the 8th of February, contact me on 4363867 if you would like to join us, before that we have the Lord Mayors tea dance on the 29th of January if you need tickets contact me what better way to spend a winters afternoon with good music and a cuppa. Our painting classes for beginners start back next Monday from 2 to 4 in the GAA hall, also 2 lots of computer classes for beginners will start back in the coming weeks anyone interested contact me. Douglas community school have lots of different courses, there is a course to suit everyone be it flower arranging, photography, arts and crafts and much more. I think it was Henry Ford who
said “he who stops learning is old whether at 20 or 80, anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young”. We send our sincere sympathy’s to the families of Gerry Dineen, Noel Cronin, John Mc Carthy and Liam Murphy, may they rest in peace.
The Miracle Prayer Sacred Heart
Dear Heart of Jesus,in the past I have asked for many favours This time I ask for a special one (mention favour). Take it dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own Broken Heart where your father sees it.Then in his merciful Eyes it will become your favour not mine Amen Say this prayer for 3 days promise publication And favour will be granted no matter how impossible - C.B.
Up-coming events Mon 11- 12 walk in the park, Mon 1 - 4 Care-ring in the community hall, Mon 2 - 4 Painting for beginners in the GAA hall, Tues 2 - 4 knitting group in the shopping centre, Weds Log on and learn in the community school, Weds 2 - 4 bingo in the Line house, Thurs 11 - 12 Tai -Chi in the library, Thurs 3 - 5 indoor bowls in the boys national school, 29th Jan tea dance in the City hall, 8th Feb Lord mayors reception in the City hall 6:30 - 8:30
Thought for today “Is not a kiss the very autograph of love?” Cherish your yesterdays dream your tomorrows But be young at heart And live your today’s
Thanksgiving to St Clare
Ask St Clare for 3 favours 1 business 2 impossible Say 9 Hail Marys for 9 days with lighted candle Weather you believe or not Powerful novena may the Sacred Heart of Jesus be Praised Adored Glorified and loved now and forever Throughout the world amen your request will be granted No matter how impossible it may seem - M.G.
Is there a community event or fundraiser in your area? Please let us know and we will be delighted to publish it for you. Email to – frontdesk@douglaspost. ie. To ensure publication your entry should reach us before 5 PM on Mondays
Rochestown Art Centre Active Retirement Group Started in the Parish Centre at the back of the Grange Church 10 euros per class 14:00 - 16:00 (break half way with tea and biscuits) All Materials Included!!
February Mid-Term Kids Art Camp!! 13th February to 17th February 2012 70 euros per child for the week 12:00 - 14:00 (with a break half way) All Materials Included!!
All Welcome.
Bye for now Phil
Prayer To Blessed Virgin (never known to fail) O most beautiful Flower of Mount Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendour of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in this my necessity. O Star of the Sea, help me and show me herein you are my Mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart, to help me in this necessity, there are none that can withstand your power. O show me herein you are my Mother. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (3 times) Sweet Mother, I place this cause in your hands (3 times) Amen - AOS
• Barbara O’Connor and Jenny Maguire at the Annual South Side Sports Awards sponsored by the Cork International Airport Hotel and Gerald McCarthy (McCarthy Awards and Gifts). Photo Billy macGill
Douglas Post photocopying & Fax service Photocopying & Fax service now available at the Douglas Post Office
Thur 19 Jan ’12 - 19
Is there a community event or fundraiser in your area? Please let us know and we will be delighted to publish it for you. Email to – frontdesk@douglaspost. ie. To ensure publication your entry should reach us before 5 PM on Mondays
Come Dine with Me The Cork Seniors Together network is forming a group who would like to meet on a regular basis for dinner, trips to the theatre etc. This could be a great way of meeting new people and making new friends. We already have a number of interested people and we are going to meet for a cuppa and a chat in the Imperial Hotel, South Mall at 11.30am on Tuesday 7th February. If you cannot make this meeting, don’t worry, just contact me and I’ll keep you informed about dates for further meetings. Linda Mc Kernan Community Development Worker Cork City Partnership 021 4302310
AGE ACTION’S CARE & REPAIR PROGRAMME Free Handyman Service for Older People Are you 65+ years of age and living in Cork City and suburbs, Ballincollig,
Kinsale, Carrigaline, Glanmire or Carrigtwohill? Do you have a small repair job that you would like to have done for you? Age Action’s Care & Repair service uses a pool of trustworthy volunteer handypersons to carry out minor repairs and odd jobs for older people who find it difficult to do these jobs themselves. Some of the jobs that our volunteers can do include changing light bulbs, changing locks, minor painting and decorating, hanging curtains, minor gardening, minor carpentry and installing smoke alarms. The service is free; you only pay for the materials used. For bigger jobs that are beyond the scope of our volunteers, we maintain a register of reliable and honest tradespersons whose contact details we can provide for you. We can also arrange regular social visits to older people. All volunteers are Garda vetted and carry official Age Action identification cards. You can arrange to have a job done for you by phoning the Age Action Care & Repair number, 1890 369 369.
Age Action is Ireland’s leading charity for older people. We believe that Ireland should be the best place in which to grow older. We work to fight discrimination, promote positive ageing and improve policies and services for all older people. Care & Repair is sponsored by Irish Life. Low Call: 1890 369 369 To nominate your local family carer for the Carers of the Year Awards 2012 see or drop in to your local centre at 9 Tuckey Street, Cork carerscork@ / 021 4806397
Coffee Morning for those Bereaved or Affected by Suicide First Tuesday of every month @ 10.30 - 2pm in The Boardwalk, Lapps Quay Cork City. Teas Coffee and scones are complementary. All are welcome and you may bring spouse, sibling or friend/s. The coming together of
those similarly bereaved can offer the opportunity to gain strength and understanding from individuals who have experienced the loss of a loved one through suicide. For more information please do not hesitate to contact Collette on 087/2750355 or Brigit on 087/6310482
FOROIGE BIG BROTHER BIG SISTER CORK Be a Big— give a Little something back As a Big Brother/Sister you can help impact the life of a young person for the better. Big Brothers and Sisters are in high demand. At Big Brothers Big Sisters, we’re always looking for more men to be mentors. Ready to be a Big? After you complete it, a Big Brothers Big Sisters staff member will contact you shortly to discuss the next step. CONTACT: SUSAN DELANEY 086 0412946 susan.
Ask a Stupid Question ? Some men in a pickup truck drove into a Timberyard. One of the men walked in the office and said, “We need some four-by-twos.” The clerk asked, “You mean two-by-fours, don’t you?” The man said, “I’ll go check,” and went back to the truck. He returned and said, “Yeah, I meant two-byfour.” “All right. How long do you need them?” The customer paused for a minute and said, “I’d better go check.” After a while, the customer returned to the office and said, “A long time. We’re gonna build a house.”
West Link
COMMUNITY NEWS Is there a community event or fundraiser in your area? Please let us know and we will be delighted to publish it for you. Email to – frontdesk@douglaspost. ie. To ensure publication your entry should reach us before 5 PM on Mondays
Kinsale Set Dancing
Blue Haven Cookery School
Every Monday night in the Kinsale Temperance Hall from 8.30-10.30pm, learn to ceili and set dance in a relaxed atomsphere and meet a few people at the same time. You don’t have to be Michael Flatley to come along and having a dance partner is not a requirement either. Enquiries to Fionan on 087 818 5111 or ceilifit@
The Blue Haven Collection Kinsale is delighted to announce, The Blue Haven Cookery School, which will begin an exciting line up of cookery courses again this January.
This lovely female terrier is still looking for her owners she was found in the Western Road area of Cork city but may have followed people from town She is desperately missing her owners so please if you know who owns please call 086 2112850 or 4287216 thank you
20 - Thur 19 Jan ’12
These courses are designed to give that culinary edge when it comes to entertaining at home, new ideas for meals for the family or to bring out a hidden talent! The idea of The Blue Haven Cookery School stemmed from a number of very successful demonstrations by Clodagh McKenna and our team of chefs and successful courses in 2010 and 2011. For details Contact 021-4772209 or email info@
University College Cork (UCC) is 4th in the World in Green Metric Rankings University College Cork (UCC) is truly Ireland’s green university a fact testified by being declared in 4th position in the UI World Green Metric University Rankings. UCC beat off stiff opposition from 178
universities worldwide, renowned for their environmental credentials, to attain this outstanding achievement. The award was based on information submitted by universities around the world on criteria that demonstrates commitment to the ‘green agenda’ and sustainability, in areas such as space utilisation, energy efficiency, water use, transport, etc.
with George Thompson
Fully revamped 2012 Polo model goes on sale
Polo. Styling features include the individually styled front apron in anthracite colour with integrated front fog lights and large air inlet at the centre. It gets a black honeycomb insert bordered by fine chrome finish. Towards the lower edge, the bumper finishes with a section in light silver to give added underbody protection. At the side, there are sporty black wheel-arch extensions and coordinated body sills and the smart 17” “Budapest” style 5-spoke alloy wheels are fitted with 215/40 tyres. The silver anodized roof rails aren’t just for show, as they can be used to mount roof boxes and carrier systems with a weight of up to 75kg. The door mirrors are always painted in silver, giving the exterior an added sporty appearance. At the rear, the Polo Cross
continues the all-terrain look with the lower section of the bumper designed in a black, rugged plastic. There will be six exterior colours for the Cross Polo with the car’s signature colours being “Magma Orange” and “Terra Beige Metallic”. The Cross Polo is available with a choice of 1.2-litre petrol or diesel engines. The 1.2-litre petrol version puts out 70hp and with emissions of 132g/km sits in motor tax band B, while the 1.2-litre diesel puts out 75hp and has emissions of 108g/km, placing it in motor tax band A. Prices start at €17,975 for the Polo Cross 1.2-litre petrol and €19,435 for the 1.2-litre diesel. Orders can be taken now for the Polo Cross, with first deliveries expected in April 2012.
The much loved Ford Fiesta from e15,561 Volkswagen has released details of the revamped 2012 Polo, which is now available in local Volkswagen dealerships. The Polo line-up for 2012 includes enhanced levels of standard equipment and in the early part of 2012 there will be a new addition to the Polo line-up in the form of the new Cross Polo. The ever-popular Polo, a previous winner of the World Car of the Year and European Car of the Year titles, now comes with 15” Lakeside alloy wheels, a leather steering wheel and front fog lights with fixed bending lights as standard on the entry-level Trendline specification. Prices start at €14,930. Customers moving up to Comfortline specification can avail of outstanding value for money as they now get 16”
Rivazza alloy wheels as standard, a leather-covered multifunction steering wheel, multi-function computer, Park Distance Control for the rear, a flattyre indicator and Cruise Control as standard. Prices start at €16,995. Polo buyers can choose between a 1.2-litre petrol engine with 60- or 70hp, a 1.4-litre 85hp (Band B) petrol engine with a 7-speed DSG transmission or a 1.2 – litre diesel engine (Band A) with 75hp. The Polo is now available from as little as €229 per month at a rate of 3.9% through Volkswagen Bank. Contact your Volkswagen retailer for more details. A new addition to the Polo range for 2012 is the Cross Polo. This new variant to the Polo brings a rugged and sporty character to the model and sits 15mm higher than the standard
Today’s most cutting-edge design has influenced every line and detail, from Fiesta’s sleek, aerodynamic exterior to its seductively stylish interior. Innovative technology is also in abundance throughout – from engine and transmission technology
for excellent fuel economy with low CO2 emissions, to options such as Bluetooth® with Voice Control and USB connectivity for more fun and convenience. Road tax for the Fiesta starts from €160.
Blackwater Motors
Blackwater Motors, Orchard Road, Victoria Cross, Cork. Adrian Barrett
Mobile: 086 830 5641 Volkswagen Sales Executive Tel: 021 434 5900 Fax: 021 434 8094
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Web Thur 19 Jan ’12 - 21
Top 10 Chart
In The Loop with Peter Bowles D.J.
Award winning, Will E Robo, plays the City Limits this Friday and Saturday. Aside from television, Will-E Robo has made audiences laugh all across the country. From performing in Chicago, Detroit, New York City, and Los Angeles. Following on from the news earlier this week that EMI had joined the other major labels in a lawsuit against online musicstreaming service Grooveshark, the label has now launched a lawsuit against the Irish state for not “blocking, diverting or interrupting of communications” which breach copyright law. In October 2010, Mr Justice Peter Charleton acknowledged that record companies in this country (EMI, Sony, Warner and Universal) were being harmed by online file-sharing
but that the laws to prohibit piracy in this country weren’t enforceable, saying that no proper provisions for blocking internet communications is in place making Ireland non-compliant with its obligations under European law. Axl has tonnes and tonnes of stuff recorded as it is. Rose recently hinted that the original lineup of Guns N’ Roses may reunite in 2012. “Keep your speeches short.” “Your agent and God. There were no audible gasps this time around. Very, I mean, really nasty stuff,” Gervais said. “I’ve also seen him punch a little blind kitten . . . Please welcome the evil Colin Firth!”
Gig Guide Thursday 19 Elly O’Keeffe & Friends 9.30pm, The Oliver Plunkett The Critters Sin É Friday 20 Seamus Matthews 7pm, The Oliver Plunkett Mutant Cabaret 9pm, The Roundy Brouge Hill 10.30pm, The Oliver Plunkett Blue Moose Reardens Saturday 21 Lee Sessions 5pm, The Oliver Plunkett The Dying Seconds / The David Nelligan Thing 9pm, The Pavilion The Pearls 10.30pm, The Oliver Plunkett Sunday 22 Souldriven 11.30pm, Crane Lane Bog The Donkey Reardens
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FRI 20TH JAN TO THURSDAY JAN 26TH 2012 DOUGLAS MIDLETON J EDGAR (12A) 2.00 5.15 8.15PM 2.00 5.15 8.15PM + L/S FRI & SAT @ 11.15PM THE SITTER (15A) 4.15 9.00PM 4.15 9.00PM + L/S FRI & SAT @ 11.15PM HAYWIRE (15A) 2.00 4.15 6.30 8.45PM 2.00 4.15 9.00PM + L/S FRI & SAT @ 11.15PM WAR HORSE (12A) 2.00 5.15 8.15PM 2.00 5.15 8.15PM THE DARKEST HOUR (15A) 7.00PM 6.30PM THE IRON LADY (12A) 6PM 6.45PM MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - GHOST PROTOCOL (12A) SAT & SUN @ 11.30AM SAT & SUN @ 11.30AM THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO (18) 8.15PM 6PM SHERLOCK HOLMES 2 (12A) SAT & SUN @ 11.30AM SAT & SUN @ 11.30AM ALVIN & THE CHIPMUNKS: CHIPWRECKED (GEN) 1.45 4.00 + SAT & SUN @ 11.30AM 2.00 4.15 + SAT & SUN @ 11.30AM PUSS IN BOOTS (GEN) 2.00PM + SAT & SUN @ 11.30AM 2.00PM + SAT & SUN @ 11.30AM UNDERWORLD 3D ( 18) 8.45PM + L/S FRI & SAT @ 11.15PM Join us on Facebook. Gate Cinemas App now available Free in the App Store.
The Rory Gallagher Music Library Grand Parade Tuesday January 24 at 1 p.m All Welcome Admission Free
Competition offers Win Tickets to Reeling In The Showband Years Concert
Sun 22 Jan, 8.00pm Just send in your name, address & contact telephone number on a postcard to: Douglas Post magazine, Unit 14, Morris House, Douglas West, Cork.
22 - Thur 19 Jan ’12
East Link
Is there a community event or fundraiser in your area? Please let us know and we will be delighted to publish it for you. Email to – frontdesk@douglaspost. ie. To ensure publication your entry should reach us before 5 PM on Mondays
Chorus of Opera Cork
• Ann Kerins and Rebecca Horgan both from Ballinlough at the Annual South Side Sports Awards sponsored by the Cork International Airport Hotel and Gerald McCarthy (McCarthy Awards and Gifts). Photo Billy macGill
Chorus of Opera Cork will perform a concert of favourite melodies at the Castlemartyr Resort on Friday February 3rd at 8pm. Guests artists include Louise O’Sullivan (Mezzo), Carol Kennedy (Soprano), Michael Lawlor (Tenor) and Emma Kate Tobia (Soprano). Tickets are €15. and are in aid of the Marymount Hospice and St Annes Church Castlemartyr which is a very worthy cause. Tickets or further information is available from Lottie West 021 4667311 or 087 9240021
Midleton Hillwalking club The Midleton Hillwalking club are presently expanding. Now seeking new members for all grades of walks. check club website www. or facebook Midleton hillwalking club. • Former employees of Vita Cortex in Cork are presented with a signed Cork jersey by Cork hurling manager Jimmy Barry Murphy ahead of the planned protest march on Dail Eireann on Thursday. Pic Daragh Mc Sweeney/Provision
Tel 087 6464115
Rathcormac Set Dancing Are you after putting on a few extra pounds over Christmas? Set dancing is a great way of shifting these, learning a new life skill and getting fit while enjoying yourself. So why not come set dancing in the Rathcormac Inn on Wednesdays from 8.3010.30pm. You don’t have have much dance experience to have a great night and you don’t have to bring your own dance partner either, but you can if you have one. So why not come along and try it if you’ve never been before. Enquiries to Fionan on 087 818 5111 or
Tourist hotspot threatened by hazardous waste BEAG (the Blackwater Estuary Action Group), formed by a group of people from the East Cork/West Waterford region, is a community group committed to stopping hazardous waste being stored and treated in Youghal town. Earlier this year a planning application was granted by Cork County Council
to upgrade a local waste treatment facility to handle hazardous waste. The local treatment plant propose to store and treat hazardous waste after local government failed to resist the planning application for waste treatment at the historical tourist hotspot. This unfortunate decision not only threatens the local community, its’ wellbeing and livelihood, but also threatens the local economy at a time when tourism is the primary economic driver. Community action group BEAG is resisting this proposal - concerned about the health, environmental and economical implications of the proposed annual treatment of 30,000 tonnes of hazardous waste at Eras Eco Ltd., Foxhole, Youghal, right beside the Blackwater river, a Special Protected Area under EU law. Formed as a result of this very real threat to Youghal town and its surrounding areas, BEAG is determined to protect tourism in the historical seaside town of Youghal on the Blackwater river, which is currently enjoying a resurgence in salmon fishing, eco-tourism etc. BEAG has been actively exploring all legal and civic opportunities to stop this decision by the planning authorities. An Bord Pleanála is reviewing the application.
As Bobby Lee, member of BEAG and community worker in Youghal says, “I was gutted that my elected officials, appointed to inform and protect our town and region, did nothing to halt this planning application or even indeed bring it to our attention.” BEAG aims to fight this proposal and, with support from the surrounding communities, say NO to the transportation, treatment and storage of hazardous waste on this site. Contacts Phone : 089 421 0294 Facebook : Blackwater Action Group Website :
Fishy Story A boy was taking care of his baby sister while his parents went to town shopping. He decided to go fishing so he took her with him. “I’ll never do that again!” he told his mother that evening. “I didn’t catch a thing!” “Oh, next time I’m sure she’ll be quiet and not scare the fish away,” his mother said. The boy said, “It wasn’t that. She ate all the bait!”
Thur 19 Jan ’12 - 23
G.A.A. FOCUS By Pat Harrington College Corinthians AFC Snippets from the local and National Scene Schoolboys Section Under 13 Premier Division Corinthian Boys 4 Leeside Knockraha 0
Numbers Game
Pat Spillane wrote a wonderful article recently regarding the demise of the country clubs and he backed it up with some very frightening figures from the schools in Kerry. We in Douglas have no concept of what it is like to live in a rural community. In this area alone there are 5/6 primary schools. It’s no secret that Douglas, Nemo, Barr’s and Blackrock are feeding from these schools – still plenty for each club. Let’s look at some of the facts as produced by Spillane. Derrynane, home of Dromid Pearses whose star player is Declan O’Sullivan and is also the home of Kerry football manager Jack O’Connor where each class has only three boys. Of the 76 G.A.A. clubs in Kerry 23 have less than eight boys per class. Eight of those 23 have less than five boys. It is reckoned that in years to come there will have to be amalgamation of some of the clubs. The G.A.A. is extremely important to the community, especially in rural areas. Kerry is just one county with problems; there must be many more rural clubs throughout the country experiencing a similar situation. The greatest problem for urban clubs is competition from other sports. Where young kids living in cities are concerned many of them can be more flathulach with money than their rural counterparts. Lots of these young players are spoilt and don’t appreciate what it is like to be without. Donegal Capers
Down through the years Donegal football has been plagued with controversy, lack of discipline and allegations of binge drinking amongst the senior intercounty footballers. This past year their manager has led them to an Ulster title and they were unfortunate not to reach the allIreland final. A book has been published about Ulster football 2011. Some comments in the publication credited to Donegal all-star footballer Kevin Cassidy were not appreciated by football manager Jim McGuiness. Cassidy spoke of a decision that was made to get into the faces of the opposition and for team members to get talking to their opposite numbers on the field in a manner likely to disturb and disrupt them. Mobiles phones were taken from players a few hours before the commencement of each game. Players were required to sign a confidentiality clause as well as being banned from
24 - Thur 19 Jan ’12
attending the book launch. It now appears that Cassidy has been told it would not be appropriate for him to go on holidays with the rest of the panel. Kevin Cassidy did not write the book; he was simply asked to contribute a piece. As one person said to me it was foolish of him to contribute in view of the fact that he is still playing – a fair point. Cassidy has not been the most disciplined of players but I wonder did the manager go overboard? The manager is dealing with adults but one wonders if he is treating them as such. One journalist likened being on the Donegal panel to existing behind the Iron Curtain. I subsequently read the book - In 2010 some of the players suggested a revolt but Cassidy and the older members put a stop to it. Life, Death & Hurling
I read the book, Life, Death & Hurling. I found this an interesting but sad read. Michael Duignan’s wife died of cancer at a very young age leaving two young sons of seven and ten years behind. What I found most interesting were the comments of Duignan on the Cork player’s strikes; he said he was shocked at how bad things were in Cork in 2002. He admired the player’s stance against Frank Murphy and the Cork County Board. They set a goal and reaped the rewards as well as all-Ireland successes, but he remarked that the Rebels had fallen behind in the last few years. Finally he mentioned the vast sums of money available to Cork, Kerry and Dublin. These counties, he said had plenty of funds on hand for team training whilst his own county, Offaly did not have such monies available to it. Condolences
I wish to express my sincere sympathy with the wife and family of the late Liam Murphy. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam Uasal. Please Note: The opinions expressed in my column are exclusively my own and are not the views or opinions of my club.
Douglas Hall Lotto Numbers 4-15-29 No winner Next week’s jackpot €3,400euro
Corinthians came back refreshed after the Christmas break and produced a confident 4-0 win over Leeside/ Knockraha. First half goals by Eoin Murphy and Eoin Davis gave the home side a two nil lead by half time, while David O’Sullivan added two more in the second half. This was a confident display by Corinthians. They controlled the game with good possession football. Leeside/ Knockraha were under constant pressure from attacks down both flanks from Corinthians Dylan Ward and James Holland on the left and Alex Chandler and Arseni Lamonov on the right. The midfield of Stephen Fox and Bryan Hill were instrumental in feeding the front players with good accurate ball and switching the play at will exposing the gaps. Eoin Davis and Eoin Murphy were a handful up front as was David O’Sullivan when he made his entrance. Centre backs, Ciaran Couch and James O’Donovan combined well and showed great composure playing the ball out from the back at every opportunity with slick and accurate passing. There were also good performaces from Mathew McAuliffe, John Weir and Christian Begley. Under 14 Premier Division Ringmahon Rangers 0 Corinthian Boys 1
From the first attack when Colin O Brien shot over, to Ross Welch and Bryan Cotter linking well with Jack Murray and David Lynch down the right to Dean Swords, David O Regan and Harry Shanahan down the left, Corinthians dominated the first half, but failed to capitalize on the possession they enjoyed, in this away game against Ringmahon in a cold easterly wind which did not help either side. Corinthians continued to press for the opening goal in the second half, and after 40 minutes their efforts were awarded when Ross Welch’s through ball found Harry Shanahan who shot past the keeper, for the only goal of the game. Ringmahon came back into the game from then on, but superb displays by Alex O Driscoll, Mark O Leary and Stephen Jermyn, kept them from scoring. Colin O Brien Dean Swords and Ross Welch all had chances saved by the Ringmahon keeper in the final 20 minutes, Gavin Holland, Sean Desmond, David Burke and Keenan O Flynn all made an impact from the bench, while a welcome
Local Clubs
return from injury by David Dalton, meant Corinthians are back to full strength. and remain unbeaten now in their 13 league games. Stephen Jermyn, Jack Murray (David Burke 47mins) David O Regan (Sean Desmond 57Mins) Alex O Driscoll, Mark O Leary (Gavin Holland 50 mins) Ross Welch, David Lynch (Keenan O Flynn 50) Bryan Cotter, Colin O Brien, Harry Shanahan (David Dalton 57Mins) Dean Swor
Under 15 Mallow Utd. A 2 Corinthian Boys A 3
Mallow dominated the first 15 minutes of this match and created some early goal chances. Corinthians took full advantage of a rare attack when Adam Brennan found the net with a fine finish to give Corinthians the lead against the run of play. Corinthians settled and the game was evenly balanced through the remainder of the first half with Mallow getting a deserved equaliser 10 minutes before half time. Tom Hyland and David Cronin were outstanding at the centre of the Corinthians defence. Corinthians with wind advantage, made a good start to the second half and tested the Mallow defence with some long range efforts. The Mallow goalkeeper was unable to hold Fintan Ward’s fine strike from 25 metres and Corinthians were 2-1 up. Very strong performances from Stephen Jermyn in goal, Darragh O’Callaghan and Matt Anthony were driving Corinthians forward but a skillful Mallow side were always dangerous and with 5 minutes remaining levelled the score at 2-2 from a penalty. Corinthians put this set back behind them and went chasing a winner. After a fine shot by Darragh O’Callagahn rebounded the opportunity fell to a very alert Adam Brennan who hit the winner with 1 minute remaining to give Corinthians all 3 points. A thrilling finish to a very competitive match and a great result for Corinthians to begin 2012. Underage Section Underage training takes place every weekend in Corinthians and new members are always welcome. Training times are as follows Saturday
Under Six & Seven (2005/2006: 12.30pm – 1.45pm Under Eight (2004):12.30pm – 1.45pm Under Nine (2003): 4.30pm – 5.45pm Sunday
Under Eleven (2001): 10.00am – 11.30am Under Ten (2002: 11.30am – 1.00pm
Please send your reports, results, fixture and notes to
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Thur 19 Jan ’12 - 25
I.I.B.A. Short Mat Bowls Results and Fixtures (Cork Zone) by Michael J.O’Shaughnessy
• Douglas Hall U-15 Division One Team
Douglas Hall FC Umbro U-14 Division 5 Douglas Hall A 5 ; Lakewood Ath. A 0
The Hall got the New Year off to a flying start with a fine win courtesy of two first half goals from Eric Flanagan & Pádraig Hickey and second-half strikes from Aaron Buckley, Ethan Bevan and a Charlie Goff penalty Overall, it was an excellent team performance. Umbro U-15 Division Four Mayfield Utd. A 1; Douglas Hall A4
Paul O’Regan made the opening out on the left for Cal Sheehy to open the scoring on 23 minutes. Further goals from Ronan Cooper, Conor O’Leary & Sheehy again extended the visitors lead with seven minutes remaining. Solid performances from Colm Birminghan, David Forde, Sam
by Finbarr Buckley
Deane, Ian Dorney, Kevin Burke & Paul McCarthy helped maintain the Hall’s lead at the top. Daly Industrial Supplies U-17 League 1A Douglas Hall 2; Churchvilla 0
Glenn Kenny opened the scoring in the 8th minute with Dave O’Connor sealing the points with a second eight minutes from time. Eoghan O’Brien, Kevin Cotter, Kenny & O’Connor impressed for the winners who had a goal disallowed and an O ’Connor penalty saved in the second-half. Daly Industrial Supplies Youths Premier Kilreen Celtic 5; Douglas Hall 3 The Hall pulled three goals back through David Sheehan, Tomas Glavin and an own goal after going five down at Ballyphehane Pk.
Grange/Frankfield Bowling Club staged their annual open draw fours competition for the South County Perpetual Trophy for the 14th successive year with 72-teams doing battle for the top prizes and held in the Gleneagle Hotel, Killarney on Friday 13th, Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th January 2012. (Semi-finals): - Team 27 (B. Hamilton) beat Team 10 (K. O’Neill-Blackpool, D. Buckley-St. Mary’s O.T.Hill, P. Finn-Douglas GAA & E. Bannon-Little Island) and Team 49 (L. O’Connell ) beat Team 62 (W. Duke-B.E.D.A.), B. CroninMahon, D. O’Rourke-Pfizers & S. Hudson-Wilton) ( Final):- Team 49 (D. Moynihan-Wilton, T. CreedonSt. Luke’s, K. Savage-Midleton & L. O’Connell-Glounthaune) beat Team 27 (S. O’Driscoll-Douglas Community School, G. WeldonGlounthaune, Ml. Brennan-Rockies & B. Hamilton (Conna)(8/5) Elsie Swanton Memorial Plate:(Semi-finals):Team 16 (B. Kenneally) beat Team 33 (M. Kelliher-Coachford, M. MurphyMallow, J. Bradford-Whitechurch & F. Buttimer-B.E.D.A.) and Team 60 (B. Dineen) beat Team 50 (Ann Bevan-Blackpool, R. Walsh-Mahon, J. Swanick-Grange/Frankfield & T.
O’Keeffe-Midleton) (Final):- Team 16 (B. Dunlea-Douglas Community School, L. Hall-Shannon, P. O’ByrneGlounthaune & B. KenneallyDouglas GAA) beat Team 60 (M. Fitzgerald-Pfizers, B. Jordan-Mahon, J. O’Regan-Watergrasshill & B. Dineen-Conna)(11/7) The Umpires on duty for the Tournament were John Long and Seán O’Sullivan. The prizes for both competitions were sponsored by the Gleneagle Hotel and presented by Martin Brett (Gleneagle Hotel) and the South County Perpetual Trophy was presented by Martin Boland (Chairperson) to Liam Coughlan (Skip) of the winning team. Christine Swanton, on behalf of the Swanton family presented the Elsie Swanton Memorial Plate to Betty Kenneally (Skip) of the winning team. Congratulations to the organizing Committee for their outstanding work during the three days of the competition. A minute of silent prayer was held before the start of play on the final day of the competition as a mark of respect to Liz Keating (Ballincollig Community B.C.) who died unexpectedly in Tralee General Hospital on Saturday night.
Douglas Pitch & Putt Results from last weekend:
Saturday: Threeball Scramble. Gross -12 Colin O’Sullivan, Ben Lucey, Barry Noonan. Nett 38 1/6 Steven Noonan, Evan Sheehan, John Banks. Sunday Fourball. 1st Nett 52pts Alf Hanarhan, Shane Neiland. 2nd Nett 50pts Finbarr O’Donnell, Brian
Downey. 3rd Nett 49pts John Ward, Patrick Noonan. There will be no Threeball Scramble next Saturday as the 2012 Cork Convention will be held in Douglas. Fixtures:
Sunday Fourball 10.30am Wednesday Juvenile Fourball 3.15pm
Pfizer Pitch and Putt by Brendan Hayes
Juvenile competitions will begin next Saturday 21th Jan at 10.15am new members welcome contact Weessie Murphy if interested. Sat 14th, 27 hole scramble results as follows:
1st Nett, Willie Mullane, Brian Murphy and Shane Livesey on 48 points 1st Gr, Dave Ahern, Weessie Murphy and Corey O’Callaghan on 62.
26 - Thur 19 Jan ’12
Sun 15th, 3 man team two scores to count: 1st Nett Mick Coakley
Mick Stack and Corey O Callaghan 84 points 1st Gr, Dave Ahern Billy Venner and John Hugues on 97. The club would like to offer its condolences to the Fitzgerald family, Shanbally, on the recent death of Gerald and to Barry Murphy recent member of the club on the death of his brother Liam may they rest in peace.
• John Delaney (centre) CEO FAI attended the unveiling of poster by Avondale Utd. on this their 40th. Anniversary. Included are club members Ray Murphy, Chairman Schoolboys’ Section, Mattie Barrett, Founder Member, John Cotter, Manager Senior Team, George O’Kelly, Kevin Daly, Chairman, John Turner, Manager Junior Team, Brendan McCarthy, Founder Member, Chris Herlihy, Michael Casey, Noel Long, PRO and Tom Mullane, Secretary. Picture: Mike English.
Local Clubs
Please send your reports, results, fixture and notes to
• Lord Mayor Terry Shannon and the scouts, parent and leaders of the 6th and 47th Douglas Scouts celebrate 60 years of scouting in douglas with a reception in City Hall. The scouts got a tour of the Lord Mayor’s office and of the city council chamber. [Photo: Rose Gowan]
• Monthly winners with the overall Hall of Fame winner Willie Cronin photographed at the Ambassador Hotel & Health Club Sports Annual Award dinner in association with John Buckley Sports. Also included are Cllr. Derry Canty Deputy County Mayor, Chris Crowley general manager, John Treacy CEO Irish Sports Council , Cllr. Tony Fitzgerald Deputy Lord Mayor, Francis McCarthy and Aoibhinn Mc Gee sales and marketing manager. Photo: Billy macGill.
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Thur 19 Jan ’12 - 27