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Tánaiste and Enterprise Minister Mary Coughlan who officially opened the new state-of-the-art €47.8-million research building at the Government-funded Tyndall Institute in Cork city. Pic Daragh Mc Sweeney / Provision
Unit 14, Morris House, Douglas West, Cork. Tel: 021 436 9000 Fax: 021 436 9148 Email: frontdesk@douglaspost.ie w
The Word
by George Thompson - Editor
A good human interest story and a great read! I spoke with Billy Morgan last Saturday at Douglas Books where he was signing his Book – ‘Rebel Rebel’. I began reading the book at the weekend and for any sports fan with an interest in Cork football or even if you don’t, it’s still a good human interest story and a great read. * * * I wrote recently of Billy Clifford (my primary school teacher) and how he was one of the biggest inspirations in my life. I was pleasantly surprised to receive a card in the post last week from the man himself and I am hoping to get a call from him so that we can arrange a time in his busy schedule to have a coffee. * * * Paddy O’Driscoll is a man renowned for his historical knowledge and interest in sports. The Mahon resident was honoured for his service to the community at Mahon Community Centre this week with tributes being paid by Foreign Affairs Minister Michéal Martin, County Mayor Derry Canty and Mahon Community Centre Manager Denis Coffey. Many community leaders, senators, T.D.’s, family and friends were there to celebrate the honour and we at the Post would like to add our heartiest congratulations to Paddy. * * * Well done to the Douglas Intermediate Hurlers who completed the league and championship double last weekend when they defeated Kilworth 3-10 to 1-14. * * * Has anyone noticed how brilliant the moon is in the sky over the past week or so – a beautiful sight and one of these days I’m hoping to get to the observatory at Blackrock Castle to check out this and some of the other planets in our solar system. Slan George Thompson Editor
• Billy Morgan was at Douglas Bookshop last saturday to sign his new book ‘Rebel Rebel’ pictured with John, Rachel, Chloe and Darren Lenihan. Pic:George Thompson
• The moon this week over Cork.
• Mahon Community Centre this week honoured local resident Paddy O'Driscoll for his contribution to the community with Minister for Foreign Affairs Micheal Martin on hand to make the presentation to Paddy. Pic:George Thompson The Douglas Post Magazine | Unit 14 | Morris House | Douglas West | Cork | Ireland Tel: 021 4369000 | Fax: 021 4369148 | Email: frontdesk@douglaspost.ie | www.douglaspost.ie The publishers have made every effort to ensure all information is correct at time of print, however no responsibility is accepted for errors or omissions. The views expressed in the articles herein are not necessarily those of the editor or the publisher of The Douglas Post Magazine. The Douglas Post is published weekly by Douglas Post Ltd.
2 - Thur 29 Oct '09
e s o o L f public o th
Friday 13
South Link
Douglas Youth Act ive
With Laoise McGinn
Hey there from Douglas Youth Action, we've bee n extremely busy these past few weeks. Last Friday we had our Halloween party which was fantastic we all invited friends, we had games, music and foo d a great time was had by all!! So a huge thanks to Marlborough Entertain ment who provided our sound system and our wonderful lights and Nicky who let us borrow her dance studio for the evening! And another huge thanks to Douglas Forioge Clu b based in Vernon House, who invited us to their Halloween par ty last Thursday we had great fun and we hope to meet up with the group for other events in the future. And this Friday we will be sending a team of eig ht of our members to Whitechurch to com pete in the first of this yea rs All-Star events. We'll be taking part in basketball and other act ivit ies against other Foroige clubs in the Co rk area. That's all for now Laoise
• Cruising on Liberty of the Seas in the Caribbean Sandra Piper Jim De Courcey Michelle Piper Jensen Marah Sharon Piper Conor Marah Martin Piper Victoria Piper Kevin Gregan Marie Piper Gregan
Senator Jerry Buttimer
Lonely Planet inclusion of Cork as top destination a triumph for the city Fine Gael Cork Senator Jerry Buttimer said the Lonely Planet travel guide inclusion of Cork in its list of the 'Best in Travel 2010' is a marvelous achievement, reflecting the vibrancy and vitality of the city and its people. “This recommendation from one of the most renowned global travel guides is a tribute to the industry, vision, hospitality and cultural creativity of the people of Cork. As the gateway to the south, Cork offers travelers vibrancy, a unique culture and a warmth of spirit which is second to none. This good news story underlines the potential in Cork which must continue to be built upon if the city is to continue to grow “I am appealing to the relevant groups to redouble their efforts to continue to make sure that Cork is named the festival capital of Ireland. This recommendation raises Cork’s profile at a critical time in the development of the city and the county and it presents a real opportunity to market and sell Cork as a gem in the Irish crown. “Today as a new visitor profile is being opened to Cork, it is essential that the airport tax, which is prohibiting people from traveling to Cork and hindering the growth of the tourism, is eliminated once and for all.”
senator Jerry Buttimer Constituency Office 4 A Glasheen Road, Cork. CLINIC TIMES:
• To celebrate Cork City Ballet’s production of Nutcracker in the Cork Opera House (Nov 19-21) a special competition took place in Douglas Court Shopping Centre to find the Best Dressed Sugar Plum Fairy and Best Dressed Toy Soldier last Saturday. Pictured is the winner Katelyn Byrne (3) from Douglas. Pic: Miki Barlok
4 - Thur 29 Oct '09
Monday: Ballyphehane Community Centre 6pm - 6.30pm Friday: Mahon Community Centre 12.30 pm - 1pm Friday: Togher Community Centre 6pm - 6.30pm
Tel: 021 484 0652 Mobile: 086 235 6892 Email: jerry.buttimer@oir.ie
Thinking of Christmas Baking? Need a cake for a Special Occasion? Look No Further - Help is Here Rebecca can provide buns, muffins, scones, breads, biscuits, cakes, tarts, sweets and puddings for you, your friends and family! Best quality ingredients used, using traditional family recipes like Granma used to make!! Gluten, wheat and dairy FREE options available Order for Christmas taken until 17th December 2009 Other cakes including Wedding Cakes, Christening Cakes, Anniversary Cakes, Birthday Cakes including Novelty Cakes can be made to your specifications! Price on Application
Phone Rebecca on 087 627 6629
South Link Family Ties
family ties with Geraldine Blake
from the clinic. In the car he said, "I told you not to take me to the doctor, I only had a headache! I'm going to die now." I rolled my eyes to heaven and said, "You're not going to die." I had to pull the car in several times on the way home to comfort my hysterical boy. "Are
Swine Flu ! Over the Jazz weekend, my family including Granny headed down to
you worried I'm going to die?" he sobbed. Firmly I replied no. "So you don't care about me?" said he. "I do care about you but you are not going to die." I said. "What will you do when I die?" said he. "I will be sad but you are not going to die." said I.
Kinsale for lunch and an afternoon of jazz. Setting off from home, my 10 year was his normal bickering self, 25 minutes later he climbed out of the car whinging and listless. We dismissed his moods to the fact that he came out the worst from a bloody battle with his older brother. All through lunch he moaned about how tired he was and refused to eat. We thought he was just sulking. He pleaded to go home. Granny noted his red eyes and scolded him for staying up too late playing video games. He gave up and fell asleep in front of the band blasting Gershwin tunes. At 4 o'clock I gave in and walked him back to the car where he fell asleep again on my lap for 40 minutes. Back home, his temperature soared and I put him to bed with Calpol. He slept solid right through to 6 am at which time he moaned he had a head ache and was still very hot. It was then I realised he was actually sick. I rang the doctor and left a message to make an appointment. My 15 year old had been complaining about a rash on his stomach for the past week and I made an appointment for him too.
• Ben ‘Vampirus’ Hayes from Blackrock enjoying Trick or Treating on Halloween Night in Cork. Pic Paul Reidy
An hour later, the 10 year old skips down the stairs bright as a button and announces he's 'starving' and savaged a stack of pancakes. I couldn't believe the change in him and even though he still had a temperature I considered canceling the doctor's appointment. The 15 year old’s appointment was in the morning. The doctor examined his rash and announced it was Shingles. I was stunned. "But Shingles is for old people!" Apart from the rash he was not affected by it but was told to avoid grandparents for a while. The 10 year old’s appointment was in the afternoon. He had no outward signs of illness i.e. coughing, sneezing, vomiting or aches and pains. I was almost embarrassed to take him. However, the continual high temperature, red eyes and the suddenness of the on come was enough: the doctor looked at me and said with raised eyebrows , "I think it is the H1N1 Virus." I looked at her puzzled. A vague recognition flickered in my memory. "Are you telling me he has Swine Flu?" I said. "Ah, Mammy you are after saying it now!" clucked the doctor. A spasm of horror passed over my son’s face and he burst into tears. "I'm going to die!" he bawled. "Ah, now stop that!" said the doctor. "You're the fifth patient I've had today with Swine Flu. If you were going to die, then half of my practice would be dead." That was no consolation to him. I lead him howling
New To Douglas
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• Ryan Hourihane- Gregan waiting for Lansdowne Road
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Advertising South Link
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Thur 29 Oct '09 - 7
Is there a community event or fundraiser happening in your area? Please let us know and we will be delighted publish it for you.
Regina Mundi College Fund raising night at the dogs - Make a Night of it !! Parents, pupils, friends, past pupils, grannies and granddads all are welcome. Regina Mundi Parent's Council are holding a race night at Curraheen Greyhound Track on November 12th at 7.30. Tickets €20 are available from the school. All tickets purchased through the school qualify for a draw. 1st prize: 2 nights stay in the presidential suite of Rochestown Park Hotel valued at €600 with €400 spending money 2nd prize : 1 nights stay in a junior suite at the Rochestown Park Hotel with dinner valued at €250 3rd prize: the ruby experience at the Thalasso Theraphy Centre at Rochestown Park Hotel 2 further prizes valued at €100 each Great night to be had for all! Your support greatly appreciated. Any queries please phone 087 2519465
Douglas Library
Thursday, 5 November 2009 2.00p.m.: Young at Heart Indoor Bowls Club. New members welcome. 6.30p.m.: Adult Chess Club. Friday, 6 November 2009 11.00a.m: Gramophone Recital. All welcome. Saturday, 7 November 2009 10.00a.m.: Colouring Competition. 11.00a.m.: Junior Chess Club. Tuesday, 10 November 2009 10.30a.m.: The Sketchers Club. 2.00p.m.: The Young at Heart Knitting and Card Clubs. Wednesday, 11 November 2009 11.00a.m.: The Reading Circle. Thursday, 12 November 2009 2.00p.m.: The Young at Heart Indoor Bowls Club. 6.30p.m.: Adult Chess Club. 7.00p.m.: General Health Talk. Admission Free. All welcome. Friday, 13 November 2009 5.30p.m.: Douglas Creative Writers Group Saturday, 14 November 2009 10.00a.m.: Colouring Competition. 11.00a.m.: Junior Chess Club. 11.00a.m.: The Year of the Constant Readers presents Irish Author Martina Reilly. Admission Free. All Welcome
Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association
(IMNDA) A 45 Card Drive in aid of the Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association will be held at St. Francis College, Rochestown on Fri 6th November at 9.00 P.M sharp. Admission 5 Euro – Quality Raffle Prizes – Please support this vert worthy cause! 8 - Thur 29 Oct '09
Deirdre Clune T.D.
Rochestown Road Resurfaced But Only Parts Of It It was good to see long overdue resurfacing work being carried out on the Rochestown Road but it is disappointing that the Council only provided funding for part of the road to be resurfaced. The Rochestown Road is one of the busiest roads in Cork City. It serves the main city link for thousands of homes in estates along the road and in the greater Rochestown/Douglas area. It is the main road from Cork City to Passage & Monkstown. For thousands of people in Rochestown, Monkstown and Passage it is their route to school or their way to work. Despite the large volume of traffic on this road everyday it has been neglected and allowed slip into a terrible state of repair. I have been working closely with local Cllr. Deirdre Forde to highlight with Cork County Council the current unacceptable condition of the Rochestown Road and to ensure that road improvement works are carried out urgently. After many months and years of asking Cork County Council to take action on this they did undertake some resurfacing at some of the worst sections and junctions of the road last week. While this is positive news the reality will now be some parts of the Rochestown Road with a very good surface linked by a road in serious need of repair with some of the worst potholes in any urban area. While the County Council's decision to resurface only parts of the Rochestown Road may in the short term seem to make sense in reality it is a false economy. The cost of having the road resurfaced now in one large project would in the long run have been better value than doing in stages. Short term budget saving has replaced getting real value for taxpayers' money and this is all too common in Ireland at the moment. Despite these concerns it is good to see resurfacing work carried out on one of the most neglected roads in Cork. Until the Rochestown Road is completely resurfaced I will continue to follow this matter up with Cork County Council and seek to have the funding provided to complete this long overdue work.
Clune TD ConstituenCy offiCe: Morris House, Douglas Village, Cork. Tel: 021-4890000 Fax: 021-4890493 Email: deirdre.clune@oir.ie Web: www.deirdreclune.com
Advertising South Link
Ardtech Industries Ltd.
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Tel: 021 431 8928 / 087 609 2608 / 087 248 3622 Thur 29 Oct '09 - 9
South Arts & Link Culture
Poetry Corner with Ronnie McGinn
It’s a dark and durky November night and the wind and rain are adding to the dull atmosphere, I’d been trying to remember something nice and sunny from summer, when a poem by Frank E Lee of Cork came to mind. His summer experiences in Blackpool England, cheered me up. To many living in the UK, Blackpool is one of the finest holiday resorts in the world, however Frank’s would definitely not agree.
Douglas Books Top Five 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Rebel Rebel - Billy Morgan Come What May - Donal Og Cusack Who Really Runs Ireland - Matt Cooper Brightest Star in the Sky - Marian Keyes Girl Who Kicked the Hornets List - Stieg Larsson
BLACKPOOL BLUES Friend, ‘ave you ever been to Blackpool? where the huge Tower reaches for the sky and the awful smell of grease is so cruel wafting out and ore every breakfast fry! Have you ever sauntered down the Golden Mile? and been blinded by all the gaudy slot machines where skimpy tops and baggy pants are the style and there is an endless array of glitzy shebeens. From the early morning to late at night drunken hen parties roam littered streets they eat and drink with all their might then sleep ‘til noon between the sheets!
• Denis Withers, Secretary, Tomas Ryan, Chairperson, and John Corcoran, PRO, pictured at the launch of the Cork GAA Clubs Forum Final Report 2009 at the Maryborough House Hotel last night. Pic: Diane Cusack
Cllr. Kieran McCarthy
Every scruffy down at heel hotel has a private bar With special offers - only one ninety for a beer While most of the venues don’t even rate a star Yet they take bookings now for the New Year!
Cork Lives
Fish an chips, beer an burgers, rock and candy floss is devoured by every man woman an child as a rule They eat and drink and puke and play pitch and toss So my friend - run like hell away from Blackpool! Frank E Lee Send your poem to ‘The Poetry Corner’ / Douglas Post. Unit 14. Morris House, Douglas, Cork or you can email it direct to ronniemcginn@eircom.net. If possible keep your poem to 20 lines. You may choose any subject you like, in any form you like as long as it’s original. We look forward to hearing from you. RonnieMcGinn
Writers Group Meetings Bishopstown Writers Group – Bishopstown Library Wed 4th November at 6.15 PM Douglas Writers Group, - Douglas Library on Friday the 13th November at 5.30 pm Ballinlough Writers - Fri 20th November in The Douglas Library at 5.30 pm Douglas Junior Writers Group - Douglas Library on Fri 27 November at 5.30pm Ó Bhéal – Open mic every Mon at The Hayloft (upstairs at The Long Valley), Winthrop Street Wilton Writers Workshop – every Tuesday @3.00pm Bishopstown Library 10 - Thur 29 Oct '09
Throughout November in Cork City Library, a series of talks will take place by the biographers of prominent Cork people, from the world of politics, sport, literature and dance, accompanied by an exhibition on of books on Cork People all month. The following talks are taking place: Tuesday 3 November, 11am -Tim Horgan on Christy Ring; Tuesday 17 November, 7.30pm-Dermot Keogh on Jack Lynch; Thursday 19 November, 11am- Ruth Fleischmann on Joan Denise Moriarty and Tuesday 24 November 7.30pm-Patrick Maume on Daniel Corkery. Cllr Kieran McCarthy noted: ”The City Library’s initiative The Constant Reader is a great programme that should be supported. It is important that the city's library services are kept up especially in an age of budget cutbacks. Membership of a library and involvement in its outreach activities also generates lifelong learning, which is essential to nurture in every generation. The celebration of four of Cork's sons and daughters DouglasPostAd:Layout 1 we can can show us all the lessons1to 18/08/2009 be learnt from 12:00 the past,Page so that build a more sustainable future” More at www.corkcitylibraries.ie
Building our community together
Kieran McCarthy B.A., M.Phil. COUNCILLOR
Richmond Villa, Douglas Road, Cork Mob: 087 6553389 E: info@kieranmccarthy.ie www.kieranmccarthy.ie
Advertising South Link
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Kidz Korner
This Week’s Winner Emma O’Mahony, Monkstown
Colour me in.....
Name:.................................................................................. Address:............................................................................... ............................................................................................ Age:......................................... Tel:...................................... Parents Signature:.................................................................
Kate O’K eeffe. Mid leton Lily Boyle , Ballyph e hane Dumebi O koIi, Pass age West Lauren W alsh, Cloy ne Aisling W alsh Gran g e Heather C roker, Do n n ybrook Jack Fole y, Green mount Laura O’S ullivan, W ell Road Grace he rnan, Ma ry b orough Woods Ava Chan dley, Bla ckrock Claragh O ’Sullivan , Blackro ck Rd
12 - Thur 29 Oct '09
w ww
ougla d .
ost.ie p s
Katie Mc Carthy, B lackrock John O’S ullivan, W ell Road David Har rington, Maryboro Woods ugh Lukie Du nford Ba llinlough Dylan Bu rke, Roch estown Lia Burke , Marybo ro ugh Woo Emma Sh ds eehan Ma ry b orough Estate Sean Buc kley, Car rigaline Reuben S kuse, Ro c hestown Anna He rrnan, M a ry borough Woods
Douglas Books Top Five 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
See if I Care - Judi Curtin & Roisin Meaney Tea for Ruby - Sarah Fer gusson Up The Movie - Disney Pixar Bragand - Robert Mucha more New Moon - Stephani e Meyer
Kidz Korner Jokez have? Q: How many ears does Mr. Spock l Front Ear! Fina a and Ear, t Righ A: 3. A Left Ear, a
g disasters? Q. What did they call prehistoric sailin A. Tyrannosaurus wrecks. a well dressed man and Q. What’s the difference between a tired dog? r just pants. A. One wears a suit, and the othe n he stubs his toe? Q. What does an elephant do whe A. He calls the toe truck.
Available at The Douglas Post
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Thur 29 Oct '09 - 13
South Link
Ballinlough Community News With Mary Cremin St. Anthony's Indoor Bowls Club Day & Time: Wednesday's 8.00pm - 10.00pm Venue: Ardfallen Centre (Methodist Church) Parking: Car Park of Swimming Pool This club likes to maintain an enjoyable, sociable and friendly atmosphere in which to enjoy the benefits of a pleasant venue For further information contact Jack Healy at 4294646 or Brendan at 4291855 Ballinlough Writers Club Friday 20th November in the Douglas Library at 5.30pm
• Kayla with Mum, Gillian at Douglas Village Shopping Centre for the Halloween Parade last weekend. Pic:George Thompson
Be Vigilant Recently there have been break-ins to house in the Ballinlough area, also persons who are claiming to be members of the Gardai are calling asking the resident for €50.00 notes, to take to the Garda Station to check if they are counterfeit Never leave anyone that you don't know, inside your door. Neighbours watch out for strangers in the area, if you have ant suspicion at all call the Gardai: We have excellent community Gardai in our area. Remember they are there for you. Meals on Wheels Meals on Wheels require helpers and drivers to deliver the meals. This work takes approximately two hours one morning every two weeks Anyone that could help please call or phone (021) 4294021 Ballinlough Community Centre any morning between 11.00 and 12.00 noon Ballinlough Junior Youth Club Venue: Canon Horgan Youth Centre Date: Friday night's
• Ellen Moore and Niamh Kelleher dressed for the Douglas village Shopping Centre Halloween Parade last Saturday. Pic:George Thompson
Time: 6.15pm - 7.30pm Age Group: 8 -12 years. Ballinlough Intermediate Youth Club Venue: Canon Horgan Youth Centre Date: Sunday night's Time: 6.45pm
McGrath T.D.
Age Group: 1st years. Ballinlough Senior Youth Club Venue: Canon Horgan Youth Centre Date: Sunday'night's Time: 8.00pm Age Group: 2nd year up 14 - Thur 29 Oct '09
Constituency Office: Kilmoney road, Carrigaline, Co Cork Tel: 4376699 Email: michael.mcgrath@oir.ie
West Link
South Link
Is there a community event or fundraiser in your area? Please let us know and we will be delighted to publish it for you.
Support Irish Wheelchair Association
Annual Fundraising Angel Campaign Angel Day, The Irish Wheelchair Association’s angelic annual fundraiser, is taking place during month of November with Angel Day in Cities and Towns on Friday Nov 13th, was launched recently by Nollaig Cleary, Irish Wheelchair Association’s Ambassador, service users Alanna Deane from Midleton and Cathal O’Neill from Cathedral Road in Cork. These adorable IWA Angel Pins and Angel Pencils will be sold nationwide for €2 and all the monies raised will help to fund services for the 20,000 members throughout Ireland. A new pin has been added to the collection which is sure to please our supporters. The Irish Wheelchair Association was founded in 1960 by a small group of wheelchair users committed to improving the lives of people with physical disabilities in Ireland. Almost 50 years on IWA provides services nationally, including sixty resource and outreach centres; assisted living services; motoring advice, assessment and tuition; youth services; training and education; respite and holidays; wheelchair sales and rental; peer counseling and sport. We work to achieve greater independence, freedom and choice for people living with a disability. Speaking about this year’s campaign, CEO Kathleen McLoughlin commented, “Our annual Angel campaign allows us to generate the funds to provide essential resources and services to many people with disabilities. Our members rely on us for essential services, such as, personal assistants to support them in their daily living. In these tight times, with reduced funding sources, we are doing our very best to avoid cutting the services we provide to our members in their own homes and in the community. We are asking the general public to support our essential work by buying these lovely angel pins and pencils.” The Angel Pins and Pencils which each cost €2 will be sold by a network of volunteers in towns and cities throughout the country. They will be on sale for the month of November. The pins are distributed courtesy of DPD Ireland, the national courier service, who generously supports this worthwhile campaign. If you would like to help us by joining us on the streets on Friday Nov 13th or if you can take a box of pins and sell them in your community… please contact us!! For further information or to donate online please contact the Irish Wheelchair Association on 021-4350282, www.iwa.ie angels@iwa.ie or thomas.oleary@iwa.ie
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Carrigaline Community News Is there a community event or fundraiser in your area? Please let us know and we will be delighted to publish it for you
An Oige An Oige Swimming Club meet every Thur. @9.30pm in the An Carrig Health & Leisure Club. Members €3, Guests €5 per. Night. New term start 16th April. New members welcome. Ph. 0872717897 SUPER DRAW Volunteers from clubs and organizations in our community helped in the promotion of the Carrigaline Christmas Lights draw in Barry Collins SuperValu and Dunnes Stores at the weekend. The public response has been great and it is hoped that by the date of the first draw Saturday November 21st that all families in Carrigaline will have had the opportunity to buy a ticket for a car or holiday or membership of the hotel Leisure Centre. Even four family members could contribute €5 each to buy a ticket. The proceeds of the draw go towards the cost of the Christmas lighting to brighten up Carrigaline for all of us for the festive season. Tickets can be bought at a number of outlets in Carrigaline. Tickets for the super draw cost €20 each or 3 for €50. The prizes are fantastic: the first prize is a car to the value of €16,000, 2nd prize a luxury Caribbean Cruise value €3,600, 3rd prize Family trip to Euro Disney value €2,400 also a Trip to Cheltenham, value €2,000, a Premier League weekend, value €1,500 and Carrigaline Court Hotel Leisure Centre membership, value €1,200. CÉILÍ MÓR Tim Joe and Anne will draw a big crowd when they play at the Céilí Mór next Saturday night 14th November in Carrigaline GAA Pavilion. Tim Joe and Anne who played on the first night of the now famous monthly Céilí Mór in Carrigaline on December 1996 pay the annual visit and are sure to attract dancers from far and near. Rince is from 9.30 pm until 1.30 am. Cead isteach is €10 including tea. BEGINNERS SET DANCE WORKSHOP The annual Carrigaline Set Dance workshop for beginners will be held on next Saturday 14th November in Carrigaline GAA Pavilion. The tutor is Joe Mannix of Atha Chaoire, West Cork. Joe is an accomplished teacher and has been to the fore in passing on the steps and the traditions of set dancing at home and abroad for decades. Organised by the Owenabue Valley Traditional Group a special welcome awaits beginners and improvers and they will be given every help to learn the simple steps of the various dances that they can participate in and enjoy. The workshops costing €5 are from 10.30 am until 1.00pm and from 2.30 pm until 5.00pm.
Get Stay
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Our Wedding Day
Martin Higgins from Plunket
Road Ballyphehane and Ashley McGregor from Haxel Road in Togher who were married recently in Togher Church.
Thur 29 Oct '09 - 17
South Link Health & Beauty
Ask Dr. Ross
By Dr. Ross Allen B.Sc., Dip. Sp. Th., D.C. (Doctor of Chiropractic)
Lowering Blood Pressure Without Medication
Thursday, November 12th @7:00pm Douglas Library
Research is now starting to show that correcting certain misalignments in the spine can reduce blood pressure. A placebo-controlled study suggests that specific chiropractic adjustments can significantly lower high blood pressure. "This procedure has the effect of not one, but two blood-pressure medications given in combination. It seems to be adverse-event free. We saw no side effects and no problems," according to Dr. Bakris, director of the University of Chicago Hypertension Centre. After undergoing the procedure, 25 patients with early-stage high blood pressure had significantly lower blood pressure than 25 similar patients in a control group. X-rays showed that the procedure re-aligned the Atlas vertebra or C1 - the bone at the very top of the spine. Compared to the control group, those who got the real procedure saw an average 14 mm Hg greater drop in systolic blood pressure (the top number in a blood pressure count), and an average 8 mm Hg greater drop in diastolic blood pressure. "When the statistician brought me the data, I actually didn't believe it. It was way too good to be true," Bakris says. "The statistician said, 'I don't even believe it.' But we checked for everything, and there it was." “If people have high blood pressure, there is a tremendous possibility they could need an Atlas adjustment," he says. Remember, the drop in blood pressure is just one of several effects from an optimally functioning nervous system. Through correcting subluxations (misalignments) in the spine, Chiropractors optimise your
Douglas Village Shopping Centre Presented by: Dr. Ross Allen D.C.
Get answers to the following questions: • Why are heart disease rates sky-rocketing? • How do I decrease blood pressure naturally? • Where is the leading edge science guiding us? • What are your best options for treatment & prevention?
capacity for health by natural means. Please forward any queries to drrossallen@gmail.com Reference: Atlas vertebra realignment and achievement of arterial pressure goal in hypertensive patients: a pilot study. G Bakris et al. Department of Preventive Medicine, Rush University Hypertension Center, Chicago.
Ask the Pharmacist
with Garvan J. Lynch B.Sc.N.U.I. B.Sc. Chem. G.R.S.C. B.Sc. Pharm. M.P.S.I. M.R.Pharm.S. of Lynchs Pharmacy
BEDWETTING 10 BEDWETTING FACTS PARENTS SHOULD KNOW 1. The medical term for bedwetting is "enuresis," which refers to bedwetting that is not due to an abnormality of any portion of the urinary tract. Primary enuresis means the child has never been dry, whereas secondary enuresis is the term used for a child who has previously been dry but then starts wetting his bed.
2. Fifteen percent of five-year-olds or around three to four children in a first grade class, are not dry every night. Eighty-five percent of children eventually outgrow bedwetting without treatment. Bedwetting boys outnumber girls by a ratio of 4 to 1. 3. Bedwetting is not an emotional or psychological problem, nor does it reflect a dysfunctional family. It is a problem of sleeping too deeply to be aware of bladder function. 4. The genetics of bedwetting are similar to that of obesity. If both parents were bedwetters, the child has a seventy-
percent chance of being a bedwetter. If only one parent was wet at night, the child will have a forty- percent chance of following his parent's nocturnal habit. 5. It helps to first understand how children usually achieve bladder control. In early infancy, bladder-emptying occurs mostly by the bladder- emptying reflex. When the bladder reaches a certain fullness and the muscle has stretched to a certain point, these muscles automatically squeeze to empty the bladder. Sometime between 18 months and 2½ years, most children have an awareness of bladder fullness, the first step toward bladder control.
Broadale, Maryborough Hill, Douglas, Cork. T: 021 436 6923
Promoting patient education and self-management of chronic disease 18 - Thur 29 Oct '09
Skype: intervene1
HealthSouth & Beauty Link Next, the child becomes aware that he can consciously inhibit the bladderemptying reflex and hold in his urine. As a result of his urine-holding efforts, his bladder stretches and its capacity increases. When the child can consciously inhibit the bladder-emptying reflex, he achieves daytime bladder control. Nighttime control occurs when the child can unconsciously inhibit the bladderemptying reflex. 6. Think of bedwetting as a communication problem: the bladder and the brain
don't communicate during sleep. The bedwetting child literally sleeps through his bladder signals. There are late walkers, late talkers, and late dry-nighters. 7. Bedwetting is a sleep problem. New insights into the cause of bedwetting validate what observant parents have long noted: "He sleeps so deeply, he doesn't even know he's wetting the bed." These deep sleepers are not aware of their bladder sensation at night, let alone how to control it. 8. Some bedwetters may have a deficiency
of ADH (anti-diuretic hormone), the hormone that is released during sleep and concentrates the urine so that the kidneys produce less of it during sleep and the bladder doesn't overfill. 9. Normally, bladder fullness works like supply and demand. The bladder fills with just enough urine at night so that it does not overfill and demand to be emptied. Bedwetters may overfill their bladder so the supply outweighs the demand, but because they are sleeping so soundly they just don't tune into their bladder fullness. 10. A small number of children have small bladders that are more easily overfilled. For more information contact Garvan Lynch at Lynchs Pharmacy on 4366923.
Dr Eoin Mills would like to announce the opening of the Airport Dental Practice. The practice is ideally located less than 500m from Cork Airport and business park at the airport medical and dental centre.Dr Mills qualified in NUI cork before completing further post-graduate training in Edinburgh while also working in general dental practice All new patients are welcome including Private Prsi and Medical Card holders
Y L HAIR N E V E H Mirian Lucey
Previously of Dave Egan Hair, Maryborough Hill has now joined
Hevenly Hair Glounthaune Phone 429 7734 for appointments
Airport Medical & Dental Practise Rathmacullig West, Farmer’s Cross, Ballygarvan, Co. Cork. Tel: 021 432 2854 • Fax: 021 432 2855 • Email: airportdental@hotmail.com
• • • •
Surgery located less that 500m from the Airport Business Park. (on the corner opposite amberly stores) Evening and weekend appointments available Private, PRSI and Medical Card patients welcome Treatments available include: Examination and Cleaning, Fillings, Crowns, Bridges, Veneers, Tooth Whitening, Dentures and Root Canal treatment
Dental Surgery Opening Hours Monday 8.00am - 5pm Tuesday 8.00am - 5pm Wednesday 8.00am - 12pm & 6pm - 9pm Thursday 1pm - 9pm Friday 8.00am - 5pm Saturday 10.00am - 1pm (fortnghtly)
Opening Hours Tusday - Friday 9.30am - 5.30pm Saturday 9.00am - 4pm Glounthaune Tel: 021 429 7734
for an appointment please contact the dental reception on 021 432 2854
Thur 29 Oct '09 - 19
Minister Dempsey Publishes Road Traffic Bill 2009 Mr. Noel Dempsey TD, Minister for Transport, last week published the Road Traffic Bill 2009, which provides for a reduced blood alcohol concentration (BAC) for drivers and mandatory testing of drivers involved in collisions. The Bill also includes a number of other amendments to road traffic legislation. The new proposed blood alcohol concentration levels contained in this Bill are: Reduction from 80mg of alcohol (per 100 ml of blood) to 20 mg for learner, novice and professional drivers Reduction from 80mg of alcohol (per 100 ml of blood) to 50 mg for other drivers Minister Dempsey said; “The aim of this Bill is to improve road safety, save lives and reduce serious injuries on our roads. Thanks to the hard work of the Road Safety Authority, An Garda Siochana and others we have made great progress in recent years but we can’t forget that 279 people were killed on our roads last year. Intoxicated driving is one of the main causes of fatalities and injuries on our roads and that is not acceptable. The research in this area is conclusive and irrefutable. Reducing the BAC from its current limit of 80mgs has a proved beneficial effect and will save lives and reduce serious injuries throughout Ireland. It’s the right thing to do.” Minister Dempsey added; “We made a commitment to reduce BAC levels and to provide for alcohol testing at collisions and this new Road Traffic Bill provides for both. I have taken the opportunity in the Bill to introduce other improvements to support the implementation and enforcement of road traffic provisions. We must never become complacent about road safety.”
Blackwater Motors
085 115 1970 The Road Traffic Bill 2009 includes provisions to: Introduce administrative fixed penalties for certain drink driving offences (i.e. learner, novice & professional drivers at BAC levels of 20-80mg; other drivers at BAC levels of 50-80mg and 80-100mg) Introduce Preliminary Impairment Testing (such as co-ordination tests) to assist Gardaí in forming an opinion as to whether a driver is under the influence of an intoxicant (drink or drugs); Amend fixed charge and penalty point provisions, to provide for the option of payment of a fixed charge on receipt of a summons for the offence; to set out certain presumptions in relation to the delivery of fixed charge notices; and to improve certain matters relating to the endorsement of penalty points on driver records Amend driving licence provisions, to ensure that penalty points and disqualifications can be applied to non-national driving licences, and to give the Gardai powers to seize a licence where the driver has been disqualified or where the licence has been fraudulently obtained or is forged or altered; Amend provisions and penalties in relation to disqualifications and restates, with amendments, certain driving offences, including inconsiderate, careless and dangerous driving. The Bill also restates existing provisions on intoxicated driving, consequential disqualifications and fixed charge offences in a consolidated and clearer format, and includes a number of minor amendments to the Road Traffic Acts.
Van and Driver available for Local and Nationwide deliveries/collections
Blackwater Motors, Orchard Road, Victoria Cross, Cork. Anthony Crowley Volkswagen Sales Executive
20 - Thur 29 Oct '09
Tel: 021 434 5900 Fax: 021 434 8094 anthonycrowley@blackwatermotors.ie www.blackwatermotors.ie
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South Link
An Giota Gaeilge Le Liam Ó Móráin
Cén fáth go dtagann ‘críoch’ leis an tSéasúir Turasóireachta ag tráth seo na Bliana? Thugamar turas siar go Gaeltacht Chorca Dhuibhne le linn na saoire scoile lár téarmaigh an tseachtain seo thart. Is ar éigin go raibh duine ná deoraí timpeall. De ghnáth tagann críoch chun an tséasúir turasóireachta ag an deireadh fada seachtaine de chuid mí Dheireadh Fómhair. Seo éacht nach dtuigim. Tá an domhan mór agus tá sé réasúnta éasca taistil mórthimpeall na cruinne agus dá bharr sin ba chóir go mbeadh daoine ábalta taistil chun na tíre seo – agus go dtí ceantair mar Chorca Dhuibhne, abar trí aerpháirc idirnáisiúnta Chorcaigh, - ar saoire, is cuma cén uair sa bhliain atá ann! Ach an bhfuil sé fíor nach infheistíonn Fáilte na hÉireann a dóthain i mbolscaireacht na tíre mar cheann scríbe turasóireachta don gheimhridh? Agus cén fáth go bhfuil an dream céanna ag díriú go príomhdha ar chuid den Eoraip (An Fhrainc, an Ghearmáin, agus ar Shasana), agus ar na Stáit Aontaithe, nuair atá neart tíortha eile ann, cuid acu le daoine go bhfuil airgead le caitheamh acu, tíortha an Meáin Oirthir, mar shampla, ina bhféadfadh siad breis bolscaireacht a dhéanamh! Maidin Luain seo thart bhí urlabhraí de chuid Ryanair ag gearán faoin gcáin €10 ar eitilt. Ní duine mé a aontódh mórán le Ryanair, ach … Má tá doirse á dhúnadh de bharr an cúlú eacnamaíochta cén fáth go bhfuil breis constaic á gcur romhainn? Fadó nuair a bhí Charlie McGreevy mar Aire Airgeadais laghdaigh sé na cáin chun ligean don eacnamaíocht fás – rinne sé seo in aghaidh gach comhairle ag an am, is cuimhin liom – agus d’oibrigh an plean. Cé go cáineann comhairleoirí eacnamaíochta an lae inniu an t-Aire céanna toisc go ndearna sé an beartas chun tús a chur leis an ‘Celtic Tiger’, dar liom níl an milleán go léir ag dul dó. Tá freagracht nach mór orainn uile, mise san áireamh, as ucht ár leithliseachas is ár suthaireachta. Ach ní fheadar dá bheartódh na húdaráis cuí, idir iad san sa rialtas nó iad san i mbun an tionscal turasóireachta, ar phraghsanna, ar chostais is ar luachanna a laghdú seachas a ardú, creidim go rachadh daoine sa tseans maidir le breis dá gcuid airgid a chaithimh ar rudaí éagsúla mar saoire. Ach is trua go bhfuil an bua acu san a creideann nár mhiste do gach duine eile, seachas iad féin, na billí a íoc – agus do dtí go n-athraíonn seo, ní thiocfaidh aon athrú ar chúrsaí. Gan meon na húdaráis i leith fadhb airgid an Stáit a athrú, is deacair borradh sa turasóireacht in áiteanna mar Chorcaigh nó Chorca Dhuibhne a fheiceáil. Ach creidim go mór i ndaoine, agus is orthu san a bhraithimid mar is iontu san atá an todhchaí! Todhchaí den scoth dar liom!
Brainteazer Last Week’s Teazer. The parish clerk of a West Cork town received a small parcel from Germany addressed to Mr. Alfred White, she checked the telephone directory but could find no one listed under that name. However, when she inquired at the local pub she was told by some of the town’s old timers that there had been an Alfred White and that after World War 2 , he had married a German and settled in Frankfurt. What was in the parcel ?
Last Week’s Answer. Mr White was , or at least his ashes. His last request was that his remains be interred in the local cemetery. The German authorities did not know who to address the urn to and so came up with a rather strange solution to their dilemma. This Week’s Teazer The little Scottish island of Moray boasts the grandly titled “Bridge over the Atlantic” (The locals gloss over the fact that , at this point the Atlantic is only a few feet wide). The bridge is only single track and every morning McLeod the postman drives his van at breakneck speed over the bridge and onto the island. However, every morning the local milkman drives his van at similar speed across the bridge as he leaves the island. Neither could ever bring himself to give way, so why is there never an accident ?
Thur 29 Oct '09 - 21
Home & Garden
(While there is still time to plant bulbs for spring flowering. It might not be any harm to consider wallflowers. They can add a lot of colour to your garden in late spring. As they flower the same time as tulips. a combination is worth considering. As usual we try to give you a few ideas on what might need doing in your garden this week. Not everything in this article may apply to your garden - but there might be something, if not this week maybe next week.)
Flower Garden
Protect new evergreens and coniers with windbreak screens in exposed gardens. Mulch slightly tender shrubs such as romneya, solanum and ceratostigma wdh bark or leaves. Stratify rose hips in sand, and expose to frost all winter: rub seeds free in spring and sow in pots. Plant tulips in potting compost in drained pots, and keep dark and cool until shoots emerge. Move colchicums and autumn crocus while in full bloom. Mulch hellebores with compost and protect against slugs. In cold gardens tie up red hot poker leaves to protect crowns.
Kitchen Garden
Clear away yellow leaves from brassicas such as Brussels sprouts, and
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firm in or earth up in exposed gardens. Remove the top nets from fruit cages in case of snow. If bad weather threatens, harvest quinces - best left hanging as store to continue ripening. Leave a shallow trench around stony ground when digging, and during spring cultivation. Dig alternate rows of maincrop potatoes if time presses , and throw loosened soil as protection over those remaining. Sideshoots on trained fruit, shortened to five leaves in summer, need to be further pruned to two buds. Plant blackcurrants in well-manured ground, deeper than they grew before, and prune to 15cm (6in) high.
Lawns & Hedges
Edge up lawns, tidy and assess any repairs necessary to the turf. Greenhouse Insulate the inside of the greenhouse with fleece or bubble polythene. Pot up weak dahlia tubers, and keep slightly moist and cool under glass until January.
Water Garden
Check pond heaters are working efficiently.
In General
Start checking fruit, vegetables and bulbs in store one routine basis, and remove any that are rotting. Empty and remove plant saucers from outdoor pots to avoid watetlogging roots. Sharpen and set secateurs, loppens and saws ready for winter pruning
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Young @ Heart by Phil Goodman
A big thank you to all of those who baked for the bazaar and cake sale, there is nothing really like that home baking! Swine flu is a new flu virus that has been circulating worldwide since April, and it has been declared a pandemic, which is a flu epidemic which spreads around the world. As most cases of this flu strain are either mild or moderate the anti-viral treatment will only be necessary in a small few cases such as Patients who have severe symptoms or patients who are in high risk groups. People in the high risk groups include people with chronic lung, heart, kidney, liver or neurological disease, also people whose immune system has been reduced by medications or disease, people aged 65 and over and people on medication for asthma. The new flu appears to be highly contagious and spreads very quickly from person to person. You should avoid close contact with people who seem ill and have a fever and a cough. You should always carry clean tissues so that you can cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing, and always dispose of used tissues in a bin directly after use. Also wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Surfaces should be cleaned regularly to get rid of germs. Also a reminder to check on the elderly neighbours especially those living alone. We are living in a very different Ireland today, compared to the Ireland of our childhood. Every time we open a newspaper or listen to the news another old person has been attacked or robbed in their home it really is a cause for concern. As we face into the long dark nights I am sure we can all identify an older person in our estate or on our street who live alone. Please keep a check on them and never let it be said that “Douglas is not a good place to grow old”. If anybody has aspirations to be on the stage now is your opportunity. We start drama classes every Wednesday 2- 4 in the Douglas library with the very talented Martina as our teacher, and we hope to have a Christmas surprise to showcase the talents of our members. Everyone is welcome to join us on that journey to winning that Oscar maybe you could come along and teach us the tools of the trade (Hollywood here we come). Congratulations to Luke Philpott on his magnificent art exhibition in the Douglas library, you would have to have seen it to appreciate it, “what a talent” well done Luke! It stays on display for another week so why not drop into the library Tues – Sat and appreciate the work of a great artist. Also taking place in the library on Saturday the 14th 11 AM we have a visit by the Irish author Martina Reilly, and then on Thursday the 15th of November we have a talk by the Douglas chiropractor. We have invited John Hinchley of Alzheimer’s to come along and give our members a talk on Dementia and Alzheimer’s as both have touched many lives so I would urge you all to come along and learn more about the disease, John will answer any questions and fears you may have. This takes place in the library at 3 – 3:30 on the 17th of November and all are welcome. Well done to the 13 older people who completed the beginner’s computer course in Douglas community school, who were all presented with their certs. Another 13 started today the 5th of November which will continue for six weeks. Keep your names coming and if I cannot fit you in on this course I will try to fit you in on the next round as I still have a waiting list. We also have classes running in the library, and due to the success of these classes they must be booked in advance so give me a call on 4363867.
Every Thursday Every Thursday Every Friday Tues 15th Nov Thurs 17th Nov. Sun 29th Nov
art classes 10:30 – 12:00 library 2 – 4 indoor bowls - Library Computers in the library Health Talk by chiropractor in the Douglas library Talk on Alzheimer’s and dementia 3:30 in the library Christmas Dinner in Rochestown Park Hotel
Thought for Today. “Women do not have to sacrifice personhood if they are mothers. They do not have to sacrifice motherhood in order to be persons”. ~Elaine Heffner “Cherish your yesterdays, Dream your tomorrows. But be Young at Heart, And live your to-days” ‘Bye for now, Phil
It’s Back with Joe Mac! Series two of A LITTLE BIT SHOWBAND brings you six very personal stories from stars who made their name in the showband era. These are stories of personal triumphs, fun and excess, tragedy and success, against a back-drop of the most extraordinary explosion of dancing and music that Ireland has ever seen. PROGRAMME ONE: 8.30 pm on Sunday 15th November, 2009 on RTÉ ONE A LITTLE BIT SHOWBAND - JOE MAC PROGRAMME TWO: 8.30 pm on Sunday 22ND November, 2009 on RTÉ ONE A LITTLE BIT SHOWBAND - KELLEY PROGRAMME THREE: 8.30 pm on Sunday 29TH November, 2009 on RTÉ ONE A LITTLE BIT SHOWBAND - DEREK DEAN PROGRAMME FOUR: 8.30 pm on Sunday 6TH December, 2009 on RTÉ ONE A LITTLE BIT SHOWBAND – THE SWARBRIGGS PROGRAMME FIVE: 8.30 pm on Sunday 13TH December, 2009 on RTÉ ONE A LITTLE BIT SHOWBAND - TONY KENNY PROGRAMME SIX: 8.30 pm on Sunday 20th December, 2009 on RTÉ ONE A LITTLE BIT SHOWBAND DANNY ELLIS
Up coming events Every Monday: Every Tuesday: Every Wednesday: Every Wednesday:
11.00am – 12.00noon - Tai-Chi in Douglas G.A.A. Hall 2.00pm-4.30pm - Knitting and Cards in Library Bingo at Lion House. Computers in Library (full) Computers in Community School (full) Thur 29 Oct '09 - 23
South Link
Is there a community event or fundraiser in your area? Please let us know and we will be delighted to publish it for you
World War 11 Pat Gillen who served with the VI Commandos and landed on Sword Beach on D-Day will share his experiences of life as a commando in World War 11 on Wednesday 11th November at 11.00am in Bishopstown Library
St. Vincent’s Centre Art Exhibition St. Vincent’s Centre located on St. Mary’s Road, provides residential and day services to adults with mild to moderate learning disability. An impressive Art Exhibition of the works of the service users was recently officially opened in Blackpool Shopping Centre, by Deputy Lord Mayor, Cllr. Jim Corr. Mr. Alan Crosbie, Chairperson of St. Vincent’s Board of Directors, spoke of the need to learn from those that are “intellectually different” in their attitudes to life and people. Ms. Pam Walsh, art
• Margaret O’Callaghan, Timoleague, and Caroline Hickey, Carrigtwohill, pictured at the opening night of the art exhibition by residents of St Vincent’s Centre at Blackpool Shopping Centre recently Pic: Diane Cusack
therapist, spoke of the freedom of expression that art can give to those not readily able to vocally express their feelings and emotions. Ms. Breeda Fitzgerald, a resident of the Centre, spoke eloquently of what art means to her and its importance in her life. Musical entertainment was provided by the wonderful Champagne Cork choral group while Ms. Ann Ralph provided beautiful piano background music. Mr. John Hartnett, and his hard working staff, provided the facilities for the exhibition as well as a wine and cheese reception. The evening was attended by the residents, their families and the many friends of the Centre. The exhibition runs for two weeks in Blackpool Shopping Centre. One of the Centre’s priorities is to develop on-going links with the community to enhance the lives of service users by Integrating them into community groups and activities Promoting independence and self esteem Raising the level of awareness of learning disability in the local community Encouraging involvement with the Centre from the local community
POP THE CORK! IRISH BARISTA CROWNED AS ONE OF THE BEST IN THE BUSINESS Costa Coffee has completed this year’s search for the finest global barista with an Irish contestant collecting third place in the prestigious Global Final of Costa’s Barista of the Year Competition. Held at Costa’s London Roastery on 21st October, Elia Burbello, 23, who works at the Costa store in the Blackpool Retail Park, Cork, convinced the panel of industry expert judges, which included Gennaro Pelliccia, Costa Roastery Technical Manager, and Charles Metcalf, Wine expert and TV presenter, that he deserved to be amongst the cream of the coffee crop. The 10 outstanding finalists had battled through demanding country and regional heats to earn the chance to lay claim to the prestigious title which celebrates Costa’s supremacy in the art of making fantastic coffee. During the competition, the baristas are tested on skills such as their ability to produce a technically impeccable cup of handmade coffee and their knowledge and understanding of the industry. They are also judged on their overall performance, flair and passion for great coffee and in the final round of the competition contestants are tasked with creating their own unique signature drink which is judged on its taste, presentation and innovation. Elia Burbello built a rapport with the audience, judges and made drinks with flair and confidence. Along with his signature drink of Anima Nera (which is a doppio espresso with an infusion of liquorice and star anise) this performance earned him the third prize of £500, and a specially crafted trophy. Elia Burbello commented, “I am absolutely delighted to have finished in the top three. To be awarded for my Barista skills and to be recognised in such a prestigious competition is amazing for me. Coffee is not only my profession but also my passion, and to be presented with this award, by leading coffee industry judges, partly due to my own unique speciality drink, is overwhelming.” This year’s winner was Garbor Kamondi from Dorking, England, and second place went to Jonathan Scott, from Southwaite, England.
Hollyhill Library • Patricia Mullin, Douglas, Maureen O'Connell, Western Road, Elaine Murphy, Onslow Gardens, and Betty Field, Blackpool, pictured at the opening night of the art exhibition by residents of St Vincent's Centre at Blackpool Shopping Centre recently. Pic: Diane Cusack
24 - Thur 29 Oct '09
The Hollyhill Library is now open in the new development across the road from the shopping centre. Based in Foyle Avenue it is open Tuesday-Saturday, 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. and 2.00 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. E-mail: hollyhill_library@corkcity.ie Telephone no. 4924928
East Link
Irish Survivors of Institutional Abuse International. Needed urgently, good quality Ladies and Gents clothing, book etc… Contact Tom 087 930 4976
Is there a community event or fundraiser in your area? Please let us know and we will be delighted to publish it for you
Luncheon in aid of Marymount Hospice Luncheon in aid of Marymount Hospice and ARC House on Thursday 26th November @ 1.30pm in Castlemartyr Resort Hotel.Tickets €50 each.Contact 086 0588574. • Jessica Von Hatten Researcher Cordinoter Glanmire Medical Centre, Claire Russell Public Health Nurse and Elaine Forde Community Occupational Therapy Glanmire at the The Riverstown Glanmire Primary Care Team officially launched at St Stephen’s Hospital Glanmire by Gerard Mcarthy
Castlemartyr Resort presents cheque for €700 to Ballycotton lifeboat fundraising committee • Ballycotton lifeboat - Fiona Flynn & Andrew Phelan
Castlemartyr Resort, which is part of the Dromoland Group, is located on breathtaking grounds just off the N25 in the village of Castlemartyr. The 5 Star hotel was invited to take part in the recent Midleton Food Fair. They served food to the adults and had a special area for the children, inviting them to ice their own fairy cakes. The stand proved very popular on the day and by 2pm they were sold out. The decision was made to support a local charity and all proceeds taken on the day were donated to Ballycotton lifeboat. On Thursday evening last, 29 October, a cheque for €700 was presented by Mr. Andrew Phelan, Hotel General Manager, to the Chairman of the Ballycotton lifeboat fundraising committee, Ms. Fiona Flynn. Ms. Flynn thanked Mr. Phelan and the Castlemartyr Resort for their kind donation. She explained they are constantly looking for new ideas to raise funds for this important charity and would hope to be in touch early next year to discuss a possible fundraising event at the Resort.
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Thur 29 Oct '09 - 25
food, drink & Fun food, drink & Fun food, drink & Fun food, drink & Fun food, drink & Fun food, drink & Fun fo
In The Loop with Peter Bowles
I suppose the big news that broke over last weekend was that of the Kino’s financial struggle and the imminent closure. Since then a campaign has been launched to stop Cork's Kino cinema from closing. Hopes for Cork’s independently owned Kino cinema that it may be saved from closure received a major boost over the weekend when more than 300 people attended a public meeting to launch a campaign to save the facility. Owner Mick Hannigan confirmed that a special steering committee has been put in place following the public meeting to both raise funds to pay off a debt of about €60,000 and to develop a business plan to put the 188-seat cinema on a sound financial footing. Mr Hannigan said he was “hugely encouraged” by the public response, with over 4,000 people signing up to a new website, savethekino.com, and by the response at political and civic level to efforts to try and save the cinema. He said he was “cautiously optimistic” for its survival. Among those who attended last weekends meeting were Minister for Foreign Affairs Micheál Martin, Fine Gael TD Deirdre Clune, Labour TDs Kathleen Lynch and Ciarán Lynch, and Senator Dan Boyle. All of the politicians pledged to lobby for support for the cinema. Mr Hannigan told the meeting at the Cork Opera House that the Kino is facing two separate problems: an immediate High Court action brought by its main creditors seeking payment of €50,000; and a more long-term problem of making the cinema financially viable. It is understood an adjournment will be sought by the Kino in the High Court today on an application by Dennehy and Dennehy Design for payment of a €50,000 debt. Mr Hannigan said this will give the cinema “some breathing space”. “This time last week, I was resigned to having to close the Kino but it’s clear now that people not only care about the Kino but are willing to put their hands in their pockets and hold fundraisers – there’s still a
lot of work to be done but the clouds are starting to lift,” he said. Mr Hannigan said he hopes to meet Cork City manager Joe Gavin later this week. He agreed that some significant change would have to take place in the management structure and business model underpinning the Kino if it is to survive. The other side of the coin is that the Kino is technically a business and its no secret that a business survives on customers. The Kino is an alternative art house cinema with an indie type following. Obviously numbers havent been sufficient to keep the business financially stable. What surprises me though is response to something when it is about to disappear, suddenly everyone cares and wants to help. 4,500 people added themselves to a face book site called “save the kino”. It doesn’t take much effort to click the mouse on your computer at home, if only a fraction of these people attended the cinema I’m sure it would be fine. I’m in two minds how I feel personally about the survival and the position such a venue has in the local culture. Meanwhile, wearing his other hat as director of the Corona Cork Film Festival, Mr Hannigan said he was pleased with ticket sales to date, with last night’s opening gala film The Boys are Back selling out along with a number of other main features. “Ticket sales started slowly but have increased significantly every day with the Coen brothers’ A Serious Man [and] Up in the Air with George Clooney already sold out, while the Made in Cork programmes and the Slow Food Evening also selling quickly,” he said. According to Mr Hannigan, Ang Lee’s Taking Woodstock is also selling well, as are a number of documentaries including ones on mining in Butte Montana and Irish showjumping hero Eddie Macken. For further information go to corkfilmfest.org. Two more great events have been announced in the Murphy’s Little Big Nights Out series! Friday November 6th sees the return of The Friday Night Chill n’ Grill, this time hosted by the Rearden’s on Washington Street. Kick back with a feast of Cork fare including a sizzling free range hog roast, sweet and savoury crepes, Cork cheeses and chorizos and a selection of local made chocolates, all washed down with pints of Murphy’s. Kick back to the chilled out sounds of Red FM’s Denis Dynan and start the weekend in style. Entry is strictly by ticket only, so to be in with a chance to win tickets, log on to littlebignightsout.com Believe it or not as we just enter November, artists are being confirmed for next summers Live At The Marquee. Cork's Live at The Marquee festival 2010's event looks just as wide-ranging as usual as X factor phenomenon JLS and country music legend Kenny Rogers become the first acts to be confirmed for next year's event. JLS are set to play Live at the Marquee on June 17th 2010, while Kenny Rogers will take to the stage on June 20th. Tickets for JLS will be €33.60
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Singles Chart 1.
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Hell Ride
10. Five Minutes of Heaven
Gig Guide
Seated & GA on sale next Friday November 6th at 9am, while tickets for Kenny Rogers will be fully Seated €65.70 and on sale this morning. On the topic of the Marquee, Cork On Ice has moved its operations from Little Island last year to the Live At The Marquee site for this winters season. Cork On Ice, in its third year, will feature a 600m2 main ice rink with a dedicated kiddies rink attached. The rink boasts a proper sound and lighting system and what makes it so unique this year is the exciting new addition of Ireland’s first fun curling lanes. There will also be a full restaurant. Another new addition this year will be the inclusion of Electric Dream’s 80s themed nights. Check out corkonice.com for more info. This brings me onto my last bit of news, finally-Savoy is back up and running, the home of Electric Dreams 80s club nights. The first 80s night since the Savoy reopened will take place tomorrow night and features a Star Wars “80s Strikes Back” theme. Doors 10pm. Our friends at the East Village are also playing host to an Electric Dreams residency, it’s the first Sat of every month, this Saturday’s theme will be a Dallas party. There will be free cowboy hats and you will have your chance to get your picture taken with JR and Sue Ellen along with being taken to the East Village on horseback! There will also be Dallas memorabilia to giveaway on the night and prizes as always to those in costume.
Thursday 5 November 2009 The Arcadeans 9pm, The Roundy Burnen / Jamie O’Shea Realt Dearg,
Friday 6 November 2009 Paul Dunmall + Han-Earl Park 1.10pm, UCC Music Dept., Sunday’s Well The Drones 9pm, Cyprus Ave. The Avalanche Effect / KVX 10pm, The Quad Sail The Blues 10.30pm, Charlies Andy Dunne Clancys Saturday 7 November 2009 Smegma / Jozef Van Wissem / Laura Sheeran 8pm, Granary Theatre The Music of Charlie ‘Bird’ Parker 8pm, Jurys, Western Road Simply Minds 9pm, Cyprus Ave. Artful Renegade 10pm, Ziggy’s Bar The Bluestars 10.30pm, Charlies Hot Ashes Clancys Sunday 8 November 2009 Declan Sinnott & Smalltown Talk 9.30pm,
Barrack St.
The Spinnaker, Kinsale Paul Power / Burnen / Jamie O’Shea The Slate
Thur 29 Oct '09 - 27
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Thur 29 Oct '09 - 29
College Corinthians AFC On the schoolboy front our Under 12 B squad were celebrating as they recorded their first ever victory over Mathew Hill.
Schoolboy Section Under 12 Mathew Hill 2 Corinthian Boys B 3 On a very wet pitch Cors B got their first league win with a great all round performance from the team. Cors were up for this game from the start and created early opportunities with quality passing in the testing conditions. Darragh Leen and Michael Sherif were very lively up front and when Darragh was brought down in the area Ronan McCarthy (who was powerful throughout) scored from the penalty. With the early lead Cors grew in confidence with William O'Byrne rock solid in goal and the back four of David Cronin, Marcus Barry, Paul O'Mahony and Cormac Hennessy dealing superbly with all Matthew Hill attacks. Ronan Dwane,Geoff Spillane and Richie Hurley got through a huge amount of work in midfield and were very creative and skillful throughout the game. Against a strong wind Cors started the second half very brightly with Miah Rohan now up front with Darragh Leen. Miah and Ronan Dwane both had good attempts at goal before Ronan McCarthy pounced to score from close range and make it 2-0.
I.I.B.A. Short Mat Bowls Results and Fixtures (Cork Zone) by Michael J. O’Shaughnessy Cork Zone (I.I.B.A.) Inter Club League Results for 2009/2010 season. Section 1: Sacred Heart beat St. Mary’s, Carrigaline (2/1), Carrigaline GAA beat South Parish (2/1), and St. Mary’s On The Hill beat St. Luke’s. Section 2: Ballincollig GAA (GR) beat Carrigaline Community (YW), Mitchelstown beat Conna (YW) (2/1) and Ballinlough beat Lower Aghada (2/1) Section 3: Iona (YW) beat I.C.I.C.Y.M.A. (YW) (2/1), Highfield beat Mahon (2/1) and Kinsale beat Ballincollig Community (2/1) Section 4: B.E.D.A. (GR) beat Ballincollig GAA (YW) (2/1), Iona (GR) beat Cathedral Parish (YW) (2/1) and Wilton (GR) beat Pfizers (GR) Section 5: Barrs (GR) beat B.E.D.A.(YW)(2/1), Carrigaline Community (GR) beat D.C.S. (GR) and I.C.I.C.Y.M.A. (GR) beat Midleton (YW) Section 6: Douglas GAA (YW) beat D.C.S. (YW), Little Island beat Mallow and St. Vincent’s beat Cox’s Hall (2/1) Section 7: Conna (GR) beat Rockies (GR), Douglas GAA (GR) beat Cathedral Parish (GR) and Blackpool beat Glounthaune. Section 8: Barrs (YW) beat Midleton (GR), Rockies (YW) beat St. Michael’s and Pfizers (YW) beat Wilton (YW)(2/1)
30 - Thur 29 Oct '09
Cors were dominant now and Ronan Dwane scored with a great strike from about 20 yards out. Dave Ahern was playing at right back now and making great use of any ball that came his way. Most teams would have given up at 3-0 behind but credit to Matthew Hill who came storming into the game and scored their first goal on a breakaway when the Cors defence was caught out of position. A superb strike from Matthew Hill made it 3-2 with about seven minutes remaining. Cors stayed composed to finish strongly and record a first league win. Well done lads ! The victory was well deserved and reward for a stirring and composed performance.
Under 13
Corinthian Boys 5 Fermoy 0 Corinthians maintained their 100% league record with this comfortable victory over Fermoy. Cian Devine (2), Corey Galvin (2) Jamie Philpott scored for Corinthians and Ben Mc Cauliffe, Evan Galvin, Dylan Walsh and Daniel James played well.
Underage Coaching Soccer coaching, training and Street Leagues take place every Saturday and Sunday in Corinthians, the sessions are open to schoolboys and girls between the ages of five and ten. Schoolboys are coached in the basic skills of the game with the emphasis very much on fun and enjoyment. Training times are as follows Saturday Under 6 (2003 & 2004) 12.30 pm - 1.45 pm Under 7 (2002) 12.30 pm -1.45 pm Under 8 (2001) 4.30 pm – 5.45 pm Under 9 (2000) 2.00pm – 3.30pm Sunday Under 10 (1999) 10.00 am – 11.30 am
DOUGLAS RFC News It was an uneventful weekend for the younger teams in the club with no fixtures, just training as usual on Saturday morning. The senior team welcomed Shandon RFC to Moneygourney on Sunday last in the league. It was a miserable day and conditions were poor underfoot after all the rain over the weekend, and driving rain showers made life difficult also for ball handling. There were a few missed opportunities for try's in the first half on both sides with Douglas' only score coming from an Andy Larkin penalty, but Shandon lead at the break 6-3. The second half was a much livelier affair, despite the worsening weather and early in the half Denis Kelliher powered over for Douglas' first try. Andy Larkin failed to convert though from a difficult angle. Shandon were quick to recover and kept Douglas under pressure near their line for a while and they were eventually awarded a penalty try for their efforts, easily converted. That was to be their last score of the game though and with another penalty for Douglas and an excellent, well executed try by Deo O' Connor, Douglas were 16-13 winners at the end of an enjoyable second half. Two wins in a row for Douglas which bodes well for the next league fixture, away to Fermoy next Sunday. Keep up to date on www.douglasrfc.com
Douglas hurlers complete league and championship double Douglas hurlers, completed the league and championship double when they defeated a dogged Kilworth side in the league final on a scoreline of 3-10 to 1-14. This was Douglas’ first outing since their championship triumph and an early goal from Mark Harrington cancelled out a flurry of Kilworth points. A second half goal from Mark Collins after a brilliant Odhrán Mulrooney pass was followed by a Mark Harrington goal with Mulrooney again the provider. Notably for Douglas Theo Cullinane played very well after being brought in to deputise for Frank Tobin. Late points from Harrington and James Moylan secured the silverware for Douglas. Non-playing captain Frank Tobin collected the cup which was presented by Ger Lane, P.R.O. of Cork County Board. Douglas hurlers through to munster semi-final: Prior to throw in the punters gave Kilmoyley as much chance of causing an upset as John and Edward have of winning the X Factor but in truth this was far from one-way traffic. In fact, the game went all the way to extra-time in a contest that very nearly saw Douglas exit the munster championship at the first hurdle. Kilmoyley deserve a lot of credit. They are largely responsible for keeping hurling alive in Kerry and gave Douglas the fright of their lives. Douglas struck many wides but were grateful for points from old reliables James Moylan and Mark Harrington and two super Barry Fitzgerald points. Any team with championship aspirations needs a guy who nine times out of ten will dissect the posts from placed balls and this season Richard Murphy has emerged as a real trump card for Douglas. Despite being positioned on the sideline next to the unforgiving Kilmoyley substitutes and officials Murphy accepted responsibility for a free in the dying seconds of the match. Murphy coolly pointed, Kilmoyley were denied a famous win and the referee blew to signal extra-time as the hail stone came down. Murphy’s point appeared to break Kilmoyley’s spirit and after star wing forwad Mark Collins goaled early in the additional period Douglas were on their way to victory on a scoreline of 1-23 to 1-12. This amazing year for the league and championship winners continues as Douglas play Waterford county champions Dungarvan next weekend in the munster semi-final. For details of the game check out www.douglasgaa.com
Douglas Hall Lotto Numbers 1-20-25 No Winner Next week’s jackpot €700euro
• Douglas hurlers Dave McSweeney, Ray Keating and Cormac Dineen fight for possession
Douglas Hall Underage
• Douglas Hall U-15 National Cup team
Umbro U-11 Division 4 Douglas Hall 0; Ballincollig 0 An understrength Hall fought out a goal-less draw with impressive performance from Ben Fitzgerald, Dara Murphy, James O’Donovan & Mark Power. U-11 National Cup Douglas Hall 2; College Corinthians 1 Andrew O’Brian & Diarmuid Burke netted for the winners with imspirational captain Sam McGrath, Padraig Hickey & Gavin McSweeney the pick of the bunch for the Hall. U-15 National Cup Douglas Hall 4; Rockmoumt 1 A hat-trick from Paul Higginbottom and a goal direct from a corner by David Sheehan sealed a vital win for the hosts.
DOUGLAS TENNIS CLUB Mid-Term Midi Tennis Blitz – Well done to all the participants in our Midi Blitz held over the mid-term break. Over 30 kids took part including a number of visitors from Carrigaline Tennis Club. The prize winners were: Eanna Desmond, Avril Murphy, Callum Crowley, Brian Kellegher, Mark O’Neill, Sean Murphy, Ben Roche and Daniel Quinlan. Junior Open Day – A junior open day was held Oct 18th, a large number of children of different ages from the local schools turned up and enjoyed learning a few tennis tips along with playing some tennis related games. Junior Coaching – Coaching continues on Mondays and Wednesday for kids ages 4 and up with our coach Mark Cunningham, if you would like any information regarding coaching or even try out a free coaching session, please contact John at 021-4294037 (office hours 2pm – 5pm)
Douglas GAA Underage U16 Football The U16 premier team continue their good run in the county championship with a win over Valley Rovers in poor weather conditions at Brinny. They will now meet Nemo Rangers in the County Semi Final. The U16 section 2 team recorded a good win over Mitchelstown in the League playoff on Wednesday night at Cloughdubh and have now qualified to play Mayfield in the Semi Final.
U15 Football
The U15 Footballers got their championship underway with a victory over St. Finbarrs at Togher on Saturday. Both teams contributed to an excellent game of football with some great goals scored by both sides. The game was close right through, however a burst of three goals from Douglas late in the first half with one each from excellent midfield pair of Paul Fitzgerald and Jamie Davis and one from wing forward Sean Fogarty gave Douglas some breathing space at half time. The Barrs came back and narrowed the gap as the game approached the end. The deciding moment came with 5 minutes to go when Conor O’Brien finished to the net following a well worked move. The lads will now face St. Michaels in the semi final.
U12 Football
The U12 footballers brought the curtain down on their season with a great performance against St. Finbarrs in the League Final at Togher on Saturday. This was a tremendous match played in a great spirit. The game was decided in the last minute when the Barrs scored a goal to win by a point. Best for Douglas were Diarmaid O’Mahony, Adam Geaney, Liam Dineen, Shane Kingston, Sam Collins and Sean Powter. The lads can reflect on a great season with a victory in the City Championship, reaching the final of the league and the semi final of the county championship
Douglas Hall AFC The FAI Intermediate cup game versus Cobh Wanderers was called off last Saturday. The MSL Juniors had a comfortable 6-0 away win over Blarney. Goals from John McCarthy (3), Peter Moreland and 2 OG’s. Next Saturday its away to Kinsale in the FAI Jnr Cup The AUL Juniors were unlucky to concede a 94 min goal at home to Coachford in the Munster Junor Cup. Next week they travel to Water Rock Pk to take on St John Bosco’s. The Youths were defeated away in Cobh and travel to Rockmount next week while the U/17 game away to College Corinthians was called off.
Unit 40, Tramore Industrial Estate, Tramore, Cork.
Garry McCarthy
hies s tel: 021 484 0684 trop Plaque rds a 087 784 8509 als • l aw Med Crysta Easy Access • Free Parking e& z n w w w. g a r r y m c c a r t h y t r o p h i e s . c o m Bro
Thur 29 Oct '09 - 31
G.A.A. FOCUS Snippets from the Local and National Scene/ By Pat Harrington Sport – Children Today we live in a society where computers / computer games (for our youth) are part and parcel of what we are. In the majority of homes there is at least one if not two cars. My point is that many of our young people are turning into couch potatoes. They are transported everywhere nowadays – to town, school and even to sports events. In some cases they have very little physical activity. I have great admiration for the people who coach, organize and generally work for the benefit of our children. Their first introduction to sport is at 5 / 6 years of age; this should be part of a learning curve only, nothing else, simply helping the child in to understand the basics of the games. A child will try many different sports before opting for the one that suits him/her best. Adults must understand that Street Leagues is not a babysitting service and should not use the organization as such but do everything to encourage and support their children. The Street Leagues, between the ages of 5 and 10 is the lifeblood of the G.A.A. It is where it all starts. Of course each sports organization will promote its own
code but at the end of the day it is the child who will decide which sport he/she likes best. Yes, there will be fallout and that is the nature of things. Actually it annoys me intensely when I hear the elder lemons of organisations criticize the role of the Street Leagues as merely a babysitting service. Of course there will be some young lad out there having a chat with his opposite number, leaning against a goalpost or perhaps waving to his Nana or Grandad. I recall one little fellow on his first day at Street Leagues standing still and crying out on the field. The same lad played with Cork in later years. Funny Incidents Just last week I watched one under 7 as he waved to his mam and she in turn gave him the thumbs-up. He slowly made his way over to his mam and began to cry – I think he just wanted a cuddle. My wife Joan met a mother at the Chemist shop last week. The lady had brought her son along to get something for his leg which he had hurt. The chemist advised the mother to bring the child to the doctor to have the leg treated. The boy turned to his mother and said “Mam, ask her (Chemist) if I can play in the Street Leagues finals on Saturday. Páidí O’Sé, Arís “Cooper’s omission from the All-stars show that allstars are light years from the real world”. I quote from the headline of the Páidí Ó’Sé column in the Sunday Indo. He goes on to say that the Gooch got as much abuse off the ball as any he (Páidí) had seen in any such high-profile game / All-Ireland final. Páidí gives the impression of a blinkered commentator;
GRANGEVALE AFC AOH Cup 1st Round: Grangevale 8 – Leeside ‘C’ O Having been defeated in their 2 previous outings, the Vale took on 3rd division opposition on Sunday morning in the shape of Leeside AFC’s third string team. The adverse weather put a halt to 18 fixtures over the weekend so all credit must go to groundsman Davy Hayes for the trojan work he carried out on Saturday and early Sunday morning making sure that the pitch in Five Mile Bridge was playable. Despite the fact that no less than 10 squad members were unavailable due to injury/illness or holidays, the Vale still managed to field a very strong side showing the importance of having a large squad. Gary Ahern was once again in goal with O’Donovan, Twomey, O’Callaghan and Carroll forming the back 4. In midfield, John Harris, Philip Holland, Colin McKeon and Malik Elmusbahi lined out with Jason Martin and Eric Maher up front. It took only 9 mins for Martin to strike his 1st of 4 and this was followed 5 mins later when he converted from the spot after being brought down en route to goal. The Little Islanders could have thrown in the towel, but, to their credit, they persevered and were unlucky on at least 2 occasions not to have scored, poor finishing and an in - form Ahern denying the visitors on each occasion. 2-0 at half time is always a dangerous scoreline and with this in mind, the Vale started the 2nd half with the same intensity as the 1st. With 50mins on the clock, Martin struck for his hat trick and now it really was a case of how many? Noonan and Troy replaced Elmusbahi and O’Donovan and it wasn’t long until Holland added a 4th for his first goal of the season and Maher made it 5-0 with the best goal of the game. Martin then made it 6 before being replaced by McSorley who added another soon after his introduction and the haul was completed by Harris who had done everything but score throughout and fully deserved a goal for his display. Next week the Vale travel to Clashduv to take on old foes Pearse Celtic in an FAI Cup 2nd round cup game. Kick off 2.30pm. • Malik Elmusbahi
32 - Thur 29 Oct '09
one wonders if he enjoys being controversial or is he telling us that the Kerry players are untouchable whilst they continue to throw their weight about. Páidí’s own nephew, Darragh has been punished for striking on a number of occasions. What about Kennelly’s comments in his new book. And I quote “I am going to charge in and hit someone at the start” (a reference to his hitting Nicholas Murphy). Paul Galvin has had a very poor disciplinary record, though much improved this year. Páidí, we in Cork are well aware that we have had some hard men. Please do not use the press to put forward the view that the Kerry players are more sinned against that sinned – They are well capable of looking after themselves. Well Done Well done to the Douglas hurlers on their comprehensive victory over Kilmoyley (Kerry) in the quarter final on the Munster intermediate championship. Douglas now meet Dungarvan next Sunday in the semi-final. Our best wishes go with them. See club notes for time and venue. Best of luck to our neighbours Ballygarvan who contest the county Junior (A) Football championship next Sunday against Glanworth. Condolences Our sincere sympathy to Christy O’Mahony and family on the death of their father, David. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam uasal. More next week, Pat.
Douglas Pitch & Putt Club Email:douglasppui@gmail.com 021 4363042 Results: Sat; Nett Stephen Jermyn, John Ward, Joe o Sulivan. Gross: Peter Gregson, Robert Johnson, Mark O Donoghue. Sunday: Nett Mick Lynch & David Hackett 49 points Gross John Ward & Mark O Donoghue 6 under par. Surely a good weekend for this pairing of committee members. We are nearly midway into our turkey season and there are presently 8 members tied on one each in our Christmas hole in one competiton, best of luck to all over the next few weeks with improving this. Cork county Board quiz takes place on Friday 13th of November at Lakewood, details are on the Club noticeboard for those interested. Fixtures : Saturday, Christmas fayre Threeball scramble 2.30pm Sunday: Turkey fourball 10.30am Membership subscriptions for 2009-2010 are now due. New members welcome.
Frankfield Golf Results 14 Holes Single Stb Comp. !st Gavin Carroll (9) 34pts 2nd Jim Barrett (18) 33 pts 3rd Tom O'Callaghan (9) 33 pts 4th Richard Barry (16) 33pts Weekly 36 1st Terrance O'Connor (16) 26pts 2nd Paddy Hyde (19) 26pts
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