The Douglas Post | 10.03.11 | #710

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Cork’s Community Magazine nk i L FReeEkE h t u o S h.... W ly in touc u o y g n keepi '11 Thur 10 Mar sue: 10 Is | 7 Volume:

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• International Rose of Tralee and Ambassador for The Hope Foundation, Clare Kambamettu today donned an Irish cricket jersey and practiced her battling technique to show her support to the Irish Cricket Team, who are the charities newest ambassadors. Picture: aidanoliver photography

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Letters to the Editor


We’d love to hear from you. If you have any news, views or issues you’d like to see covered, write to the Douglas Post, Morris House, Douglas West, Cork or by e-mail to Please include your name and address and a contact number. Letters may be edited due to space considerations.

Trocaire Dear editor, Over almost four decades people from Cork have transformed the lives of thousands of the world’s poorest people by contributing through the Trocaire box. Your county has joined people from across Ireland in donating some €250 million through the Trocaire box since the Lenten campaign began. Through recession and bad times, Cork has stood by people in the developing world and you are still doing so today. There’s been a real sense of despondency and low morale in Ireland since the collapse of the banks and the EU/IMF bailout. Ireland’s reputation has suffered across the world. In contrast, Trocaire’s work is something for which we rightly have a good reputation and the Lenten campaign is an example of that. It turns despair into hope all over the world and it’s something of which everyone in Cork can be proud. Every penny, shilling, pound and Euro you have put into our box over the last 38 years has travelled the world giving the poor a voice and a new lease on life. Because of people from Cork farmers' crops are flourishing in tiny, forgotten communities, parents now earn a dignified living, the potential of women is being unlocked and children have

a bright future to enjoy. You’ve given people freedom from hunger, from want, from injustice, and you’ve given them hope. Everyone who takes a Trocaire box into their home this Lent is helping to change things for the better and we thank you for it. Yours sincerely, Justin Kilcullen Director of Trocaire

FINES ARE FINE… BUT WHERE ARE THE BINS? Dear Editor, Your coverage in South Link news of the dog fouling in Ballinlough is timely – as your article states, owners can be fined 150 euro by the City Council. While the local authorities are quick to erect prohibition signs, they are less enthusiastic about providing litter bins. As a regular walker with Rebus in the general area of Ballinlough, the Blackrock railway line, the Marina and the Jacob’s Island walkway, the absence of litter bins is noticeable. In fact one would be hard pushed to find one bin from Blackrock Castle all the way to Rochestown. Responsible dog owners will always carry plastic bags to ensure no fouling – but the Councils could provide more bins! Pat Keane Skehard Road

Disclaimer: Any views or opinions expressed in these letters are solely those of the individual author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of The Douglas Post.

• Pictured at the Failte Ireland Cork Tourism Briefing 2011 at the Maryborough House Hotel, Cork, were from left, Elga Ryan, SECAD, Hilary Creedon, Failte Ireland, Cork and Deirdre Mannion, Trabulgan Holiday Village

2 - Thur 10 Mar '11

Ballinlough Community News With Mary Cremin Ballinlough Writers Group The next meeting of the Ballinlough Writers Group will be held in John O’Sullivan’s (Board Room), Douglas on Friday 18th March at 5.30 pm. The Ballinlough Writers Group meets on the 3rd Friday of every month at 5.30pm. We look forward to seeing you there. Fund Raising Draw - Sr. Bride Counihan Ballinlough A Fund Raising Draw is being organised to help Sr. Bride Counihan to continue her Mission work in Brazil. Sr. Bride is formerly of Pic Du Jer Park, she is the daughter of the late Maureen and Jim Counihan, her father was one of the founder members of the Ballinlough Community Association, she is sister of former Lord Mayor Donal Counihan. Sr. Bride ministered in Limerck, Dublin, Belfast, and Mahon before departing for to Brazil in 1995 to start a mission there. Her policy is to help people to help themselves. In her time there she has undertaken several projects to name a few - getting water tanks installed in a large number of houses, she has local women trained who are employed in running community preschools. Twenty people are trained in two rural villages to develop small income projects, all which require some capital, which is not available locally. Raffle Tickets are books of 7 for €10.00. The Raffle will take place on 16th March at 9.00pm in the Glenanaar Bar, Boreenmanna Road . Deputy Lord Mayor Cllr. Denis O'Flynn will draw the winning tickets. The Tickets are available or a donation can also be made to her project. Further details available from Donal Counihan Mob:086 3399479. All monies contributed are used solely for the mission in Brazil

Our Lady of Lourdes of Church -Parish Assembly For the last few months a steering committee has been in progress of setting up a Parish Assembly. It will consist of 30-40 parishioners who are interested in the parish and its future, people who are willing to listen to ideas and needs of the wider community. They are prepared to pray, reflect, and plan for the future of the Parish, are creative and willing to give their time and energy to the parish, and assist in the pastoral care of parishioners. .Anyone over 18 years can be nominated. Nomination Papers will be handed out before Masses next week-end, nominations close on 20th March. and results will be announced on 2nd April. Completed nomination papers can retuned to the box provided in the Church or dropped into the Parish priests house. Congratulations Micheal!!! Having attended 'The Election Count' for many years, I have seen the jubilation and the heartbreak of candidates, anyone that will put themselves up for election have to be commended. It was great to see local man Micheal Martin top the Poll in South Central. Congratulations Micheal, and to the other elected candidates, Simon Coveney, Ciarain Lynch, Jerry Buttimer, and Michael McGrath, best of luck for the years ahead, condolences to the unsuccessful candidates Bingo - Date for your Diary Bingo is on every Friday night in the Community Centre at 8.15, do go along for a game Remember Sweet 16, All the Ducks 22, Due for the Pension 66, 2 fat ladies 88. Now that Spring is here, go along and catch up with your friends. You might even 'Check' and go home with a few extra euro!

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ACT ON IMPULSE! Aspiring actors in Cork who dream of acting on the big screen have a chance to gain invaluable practical experience on the annual Acting for Film and Television workshops being held at The River Lee Hotel on Tue, Wed & Thurs the 29th, 30th & 31st Mar 2011. The workshops will provide an opportunity for participants to learn the essentials of screen acting such as; how best to audition for commercials, cold-read for feature films, hit your marks, work in close-up, medium shot and long shot, use of props, shoot dramatic scenes, get an agent, use engaging 10 x 8 headshots, network with castings directors, compile a show reel, get called to auditions and land the part when you get there. You will learn also the fundamental skills needed to create memorable performances for the camera and the processes an actor undergoes throughout the production cycle; auditioning for the role, preparing for the role and shooting on location. Participants come away with a sound, first-hand understanding of the craft and business of acting for the camera. The course is being hosted by The Irish Film Actors Workshop and will run from 7 to 11pm each evening. There are ten places available for anyone interested in getting acting work in television dramas, commercials and feature films. You can be

A total beginner or an experienced member of a local drama group, all you need is to be at least 17 years of age (over 40s and 50s especially welcome!) and would love the chance to land a role in a film, TV drama or commercials. The course is led by Shane Munro, film producer and actors agent who is better known for his roles in many television ads including Yorkie, Peugeot, Braun, AIB, Supervalu, Vodafone, Ulster Bank, Bulmers etc. but who was also executive producer on the award-winning film To Catch A Crow, directed by Shay Leonard which won Best Film at the BBC International Film Festival in London and also screened at the Cannes Film Festival. As a direct result of doing this course, 17 people have landed lead roles in BAFTA nominated television programmes. It has given hundreds of actors the opportunity to work in a safe, relaxed environment, to find their feet and develop their self confidence in front of the camera. The course is an excellentmeans to improve the communication and social skills necessary for successful auditions, job interviews and work presentations. If you want one of the ten places on this exciting course or further info. call 074 9126994 or e-mail

Is there a community event or fundraiser in your area? Please let us know and we will be delighted to publish it for you. Email to – To ensure publication your entry should reach us before 5 PM on Mondays

Butterfly Wings Butterfly Wings host their 5th Annual Butterfly Ball on the 26th March in the Radisson Blu Hotel, Little Island. This year's ball is a Spring Masquerade and all funds go to the Irish Cancer Society's Night Nurse Unit. A very worthy and deserving cause. Music on the Night is provided by The Big Band and tickets are €80, available from the committee on, 021 4814172 or 0863779948. DOWN SYNDROME IRELAND CORK BRANCH CHARITY FASHION SHOW On 8th April at 8.00pm at the Silversprings Moran Hotel. Tickets: 15.00 Euro

w w w. d o u g l a s p o s t . i e

For further details Contact Avril at 085-2419405 Commemorations The annual Titanic Commemoration, organised by Cobh Tourism will take place on Sunday 10th April 2011 at 3 pm. The Lusitania Commemoration organised by Cobh Tourism will take place on Sunday 8th May 2011 at 2.30 pm in the Old Church Cemetery and at 3.15 pm at the Lusitania Peace Memorial. Guided Tours of the Old Church Cemetery with Jack Gilmartin will take place on the first Sunday of every month from April to September, commencing on 3rd April at 2.30 pm.

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Izziwotnot Bailey Oak cotbed plus luxury sprung mattress Was €449 all for €379 Silver Cross Surf buggy in choice of colours €579 Free maxi cosi adapters or basket worth €40 for next 7 days Tiny Toes Nursery Store, Riversdale Shopping Centre, Mill Road, Midleton, Co. Cork.

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4 - Thur 10 Mar '11


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Thur 10 Mar '11 - 5



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Douglas Credit Union Is there a community event or fundraiser in your area? Please let us know and we will be delighted to publish it for you. Email to – To ensure publication your entry should reach us before 5 PM on Mondays

Douglas Harmonia Singers – Table Quiz Douglas Harmonia Singers will host their annual Table Quiz in O’ Sullivans Bar, Douglas West on Thursday, March 10th, 2011 at 8pm. €10 per person. Prizes and spots go leor. All welcome. For more information please contact Nora on 087-1236884 or Ned on 086-108-8073. Douglas Junior Writers Group Next meeting of the Douglas Junior Writers Group will be held in on Thursday the 24th March at 5.30 pm in the Douglas Library. All young writers welcome! (Enquires 086 8839392) CHRIST KING FUNDRAISING QUIZ AT NEMO The Annual Christ King Girls Secondary Parents Council Quiz takes place on Thursday 10th March in Nemo, Trabeg at 8pm sharp. Prizes are €200 for 1st place and €100 for 2nd and €100 for 3rd place. There will also be lots of spot prizes on the night. Teams of 4 people for €40 per table. For more details on this or any of the School’s many other activities visit Meals on Wheels We were delighted with the response to our appeal for cooks with several people volunteering to help out, especially with the Tuesday cover. Douglas Writers Group The next meeting of the Douglas Writers Group will be held in John O’Sullivan’s (Board Room), Douglas on Friday 11th March at 5.30 pm. The Douglas Writers

6 - Thur 10 Mar '11

Group meets on the 2nd Friday of every month at 5.30pm. We look forward to seeing you there. Community Welfare Facilities A Community Welfare Officer attends at the Douglas Community Centre two mornings a week, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9.30 to 11.30 a.m. Farmers Cross Ladies Club – Flower Display Meet 2nd Thursday of every month at Frankfield House. New members welcome Douglas Library IMAGES by Tadhg Hawkins Tadhg Hawkins from Dublin Hill will host his third solo exhibition in Douglas Library during the month of March. Retired from the Health Board for the past decade Tadgh took up painting classes in Ashton and later on in Newberry House in Mayfield. Working mainly in pastels and watercolours this latest exhibition includes portraits of famous people from all walks of life. Contemporary images of Tiger Woods hang beside old favourites like Kennedy , Sinatra and Clark Gable. The exhibition runs from March 2- 31. All welcome. St Columba’s Hall, Sports and Social Club Live music every Saturday Night. Matches live on big 8 foot screen. For booking functions contact Eoin 087 2866254 GRANGE/ FRANKFIELD ANNUAL DINNER DANCE This year the annual dinner dance Grange/ FrankField Annual Dinner Dance will be held on Saturday 12th March, 2011 at the Rochestown Park Hotel. Last year the occasion was a resounding success and this was due to the support of many local businesses donating numerous Spot Prizes together with music provided by local group "GRUVE" and

• Eloise Hamilton enjoying the sunshine in Douglas playground on Friday March 4th 2011

a beautiful meal provided by the Rochestown Park Hotel ~ and all for €30 per person. All of the aforementioned will be part of this year's function and this year the social committee are working hard to ensure the night will be a repeat success in every way and due to the difficult economic climate being experienced the cost will remain at €30 per person. If and you would like a great night out please come and join us, All will be Very Welcome. Ticket enquiries can be made from committee members. Call Colleen 086 8332971 Brenda 086 3931693 Nessa 0876574529 Aidan 087 4139461 Looking forward to seeing you all. Remember The Date 12th March - The Place Rochestown Park Hotel @ 8 p.m. Sharp Line Dancing Douglas GAA Hall every Thursday – 8.30 to 9.30. All welcome! For more info Contact Frankie 086 1004638 Douglas GAA Club “You’re only a stranger once” Thurs Bar - Texas Hold 'em poker Fri - Bar – Live Music Sat . - Hall - Dancing Matches ‘Live’ on Big Screens Douglas Tidy Towns Would you like to join this group of very hard-working and dedicated people meet each Saturday morning at the Douglas Community Centre at 10.30 a.m. and do a thorough litter cleanup of the Douglas area. New members are always welcome. Regina Mundi Class Reunion Regina Mundi - Lambda 1989 Class Reunion To celebrate all the 40th Birthdays this year !!! Carlton Hotel - Kinsale - Saturday 9th April 2011 (Overnight Stay) Please contact: Catriona O'Leary - 086 1590417 (Email: caledonia@ Deborah 8933724




Parents Information Forum Rochestown Park Hotel - Every Monday night 8.15pm Parents discuss strategies that have worked for them when dealing with learning difficulties, dyspraxia etc. Pooling resources and sharing local knowledge. "As parents we have the power to inform ourselves, help ourselves and strengthen ourselves collectively. We can save each other a lot of time, money and energy." Community Welfare Facilities A Community Welfare Officer attends at the Douglas Community Centre two mornings a week, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9.30 to 11.30 a.m. Douglas Community School Indoor Bowls Club Monday and Thursday nights 8.P.M – 10 P.M. New members welcome! Call to the Hall or phone Mona 021 4293561 for details Care-Ring Douglas Care-Ring is a friendly social phone to older people within the community, supported by volunteers who are HSE trained and Garda Vetted. The service is a link for people who are unable to leave their homes and also for people who may feel lonely and isolated, especially in winter.

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Would you like to sell your overseas foreign property? We currently have buyers who are very interested. We are holding an informal one to one Information Evening in:

The Rochestown Park Hotel, Cork On Tuesday 15th March from 5pm - 10pm If you would like to book an appointment with a Property Specialist on the night, please give us a call on 01 4847033 Looking forward to seeing you there and you will not be disappointed if your objective is to sell your foreign property

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Thur 10 Mar '11 - 7

South Arts & Link Culture


Poetry Corner with Ronnie McGinn

This week to be a little different, and to have something with a traditional Irish flavour, keeping in mind the fast approaching St. Patrick’s Day, and at the special request of Breda Cahill, originally from Wexford and living in New York for the past 25 years, here is an old favourite. The Ballad of Father Gilligan

The old priest, Peter Gilligan, Was weary night and day; For half his flock were in their beds, Or under green sods lay. Once, while he nodded on a chair, At the moth-hour of eve, Another poor man sent for him, And he began to grieve. “I have no rest, nor joy, nor peace, For people die and die”; And after cried he, “God forgive! My body spake, not I!” He knelt, and leaning on the chair He prayed and fell asleep, And the moth-hour went from the fields, And stars began to peep. They slowly into millions grew, And leaves shook in the wind, And God covered the world with shade, And whispered to mankind. Upon the time of sparrow chirp When the moths come once more, The old priest, Peter Gilligan, Stood upright on the floor. “Mavrone, mavrone! the man has died While I slept on the chair.” He roused his horse out of its sleep, And rode with little care. He rode now as he never rode, By rocky lane and fen; The sick man’s wife opened the door: “Father! you come again.” “And is the poor man dead?” he cried. “He died an hour ago.” The old priest, Peter Gilligan, In grief swayed to and fro. “When you were gone, he turned and died As merry as a bird.” The old priest, Peter Gilligan, He knelt him at that word. “He who hath made the night of stars For souls who tire and bleed, Sent one of His great angels down To help me in my need. “He who is wrapped in purple robes, With planets in His care, Had pity on the least of things Asleep upon a chair.” William Butler Yeats Send your poem to ‘The Poetry Corner’ / Douglas Post, Morris House, Douglas or you can email it direct to ronniemcginn@eircom. net. If possible keep your poem to 20 lines. You may choose any subject you like, in any form you like as long as it’s original. We look forward to hearing from you.


8 - Thur 10 Mar '11

Brainteazer Last Week’s Teazer Garda Sergeant Smashem of the Traffic Division reported an accident. A truck and twelve cars had been crushed when a bridge collapsed on them, the truck was badly damaged but the driver escaped from the cab without

Last Weeks





arrived on the scene, there was no sign of any car driver. Why not ?

Last Week’s Answer The truck was a car transporter and the cars were the cargo

This Week’s Teazer Fred was inquisitive about the world outside. Each day he gazed wistfully through the glass at a world he could never know. Then one day, the unthinkable happened. Some boy’s playing outside accidentally broke the glass, instantly Fred regretted his curiosity. Why ?


Is there a community event or fundraiser in your area? Please let us know and we will be delighted to publish it for you. Email to – To ensure publication your entry should reach us before 5 PM on Mondays

Christ King Secondary School Table Quiz Christ King Secondary School Parents Council are holding a Table Quiz in Nemo Rangers on Thursday 10th March 2011 at 8.30. €40.00 per table of 4 with prizes of €200.00, €100.00 and €50.00 for 1st, 2nd and 3rd. All proceedsfrom the quiz will go directly to the school forthe benefit of all students. This event has been running for a number of years now and is a great night with spots prizes galore!!! Cork people to the fore in raising funds for Type 1 diabetes research Following the inaugural and very successful launch last year, the Diabetes Ireland Research Alliance (Alliance) and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) are returning to Cork once again to update the local diabetes community on the latest Type 1 diabetes research developments. The Partnership will hold a public meeting focusing on these developments in the Gresham Metropole Hotel, Mac Curtain St., Cork on Sunday 13 March at 2.15pm. Local Volunteers Needed: In preparation for this year’s St Patrick’s Day celebrations,

Irish Wheelchair Association are launching their St Patrick’s Day Angel Pin campaign. The Association are currently seeking volunteers to sell the Angel Pins in the lead up to St Patrick’s Day. Your support would be greatly appreciated and would help support people with disabilities living locally. For further information contact Thomas O Leary on 087 2756946 or email Cork Simon Community – Spring Floral Demonstration On Thursday, March 10th, Fiona Donnelly of Petals Floral Design, Orchard House, Ballinlough Road will be demonstrating how to make your flower arrangements look fabulous this springtime. Demonstration starts at 7.30pm and all proceeds will go to Cork Simon Community. Coffee Morning for those Bereaved or Affected by Suicide First Tuesday of every month @ 10.30 - !2am in The Boardwalk, Lapps Quay Cork City. Teas Coffee and scones are complementary. All are welcome and you may bring spouse, sibling or friend/s. The coming together of those similarly bereaved can offer the opportunity to gain strength and understanding from individuals who have experienced the loss of a loved one through suicide. For more information please do not hesitate to contact Collette on 087/2750355 or Brigit on 087/6310482


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Kidz Korner

This Week’s Winner Louise Madden, Farmers Cross

This Week’s

Runners-Up Lucy Jones, Shamrock Lawn ear Megan Flynn, Carrig Na BhF rd chfo Coa , agan Flan es Jam Rachel Coakley, Glenbrook

Cian Lee, Carrigtowhill Megan McGinty, Carrigaline Zoe Doyle, Maryborough Hill e Evelyn Mullins, Ballyphehan et Stre ins Kev , nan Noo h leig Kay East Dean Cahill, Douglas Darragh Noonan, Ballincollig ge Shauna Dempsey, Minane Brid

Colour me in.....

Name:.................................................................................. Address:............................................................................... ............................................................................................ Age:......................................... Tel:...................................... Parents Signature:.................................................................

10 - Thur 10 Mar '11

An Giota Gaeilge Le Liam Ó Móráin

Márta Mí na Gaeilge – Gael-Taca Chorcaí D’oscail leas-Ard-Mhéara Chorcaí, an Chomhairleoir Seán Ó Céilleachair oifig nua Gael-Taca atá suite ar Ché Uí Shúilleabháin i gceartlár na cathrach an seachtain seo thart. Ba i dteannta le daltaí agus le mic léinn ó Naíonra Baile Féitheáin, Gaelscoil Mhachan, Gaelscoil Uí Riada agus Coláiste Daibhéad a rinneadh an oscailt, a bhí plódaithe le daoine ó airneáin éagsúla idir oideachas, gnó tionscail agus polaitíocht. Dúirt Gael-Taca go mbeidh réimse mór d’imeachtaí Gaeilge ar siúl sa chathair le linn mí na Márta, Mí na Gaeilge 2011 mar go mbeidh idir dhrámaí agus scannáin, seisiúin eolais agus ciorcail chomhrá ar siúl, le deiseanna ag gach duine cleachtadh a dhéanamh ar a gcumas cainte. Ag caint dó le linn ócáid oscailt oifigiúil den Ionad nua Eolais Gael-Taca dúirt Adrian Breathnach, Rúnaí Gael-Taca, gur céim chun cinn ollmhór é seo do Ghael-Taca agus pobal na Gaeilge i gcoitinne. “Beidh ionad anois i lár na cathrach le seirbhísí difriúla chun an Ghaeilge a choimeád beo agus a chur cinn i gCorcaigh", dúirt sé. Thug Gael-Taca cuireadh do mhuintir na Cathrach, idir iad siúd le cumas cainte líofa na Gaeilge acu, chomh maith leo san a thuigeann beagáinín den Ghaeilge agus nach bhfuil mórán cumas cainte acu páirt a ghlacadh i gclár cuimsitheach an Ionaid nua. I measc an chéad ócáid poiblí Ghaeilge ar a gclár tá turas stairiúil beartaithe. “Má tá suim ag daoine le gean acu ar an nGaeilge sa stair áitiúil, beidh siúlóid stairiúil timpeall na Cathrach ar an Déardaoin 10ú Márta 2011 ag 11 a chlog r.n. Déanfar cur síos ar fhás agus ar fhorbairt na cathrach, agus ar an tionchar a bhí ag abhainn na Laoi air san”, dúirt Áine Ní Shléibhín, Príomh-Fheidhmeannach Gael-Taca. Dúirt sí go gcuirfear taispeántas scannán ar siúil freisin, “Beidh an gearr-scannán cáiliúil ‘Yu Ming Is Ainm Dom’ le feiceáil ar an Máirt 15ú Márta ag am lóin san Civic Trust House, Cé Pope i gCorcaigh, agus beidh béim ar an nGaeilge labhartha le Tráth na gCeist Boird dhá-theangach san Ósta Clarion ar an Mháirt 16ú, á eagrú ag Gaeilgeoirí Cois Laoi, agus Tráth na gCeist Boird do dhaltaí iar-bhunscoile á eagrú ag Gael-Taca ar an 22ú Márta”, dúirt sí. Tá fáilte is fichid roimh an ionad nua i lár na cathrach mar is deis den scoth é do dhaoine le neart cumas cainte is léitheoireachta acu, chomh maith leo san gur mhaith leo cur lena gcumas cainte is léitheoireachta, rogha den d’a rud sin a dhéanamh. Sa plean oibre cuimsitheach atá ag an bhfoireann, dar le Pádraig Hamilton, Cathaoirleach Gael-Taca, beidh ciorcal comhrá, ranganna Gaeilge agus deiseanna do dhaoine is comhlachtaí cruinnithe ghnó a thionóil san ionad nua seo. Tá fonn ar lucht Gael-Taca go dtiocfadh na heagrais ‘Gaeilge’, sé sin iad san a phléann cúrsaí na teangan, an chultúir Ghaelainne, oidhreacht na Gaeilge agus eile, le chéile mar deir siad nár neart go cur le chéile – agus dar liom an ceart iomlán acu. Is dócha, toisc go bhfuil cuma ar an scéal go bhfuil Conradh na Gaeilge i gCorcaigh ina thost – ní fheadar an bhfuil sé ann a thuilleadh - go bhfuil GaelTaca ag líonadh an bhearna ollmhór chiúin seo. Níor mhiste, is dócha, mar go bhfuil fáil mór ar an Gaeilge mar theanga beo, ar an gcultúir is ar oidhreacht na Gaeilge freisin – agus níor mhiste freastal orthu seo uile. Chun mion-eolas a fháil ar chlár agus ar imeachtaí uile Ghael-Taca don Ghaeilge i rith mí na Márta seo féach ar a suíomh idirlíon:

Orla Cotter, Carrigaline Walk Ethan Mac Sweeney, Friars ey urn eygo Mon vin, Ava Gal t Sarah Morrissey, Passage Wes d Roa hard Ske Sarah Qettari, David Coakley, Glenbrook ge Orlas Dempsey, Minane Brid d Roa oria Vict ne, Betty Rua Ryan Hegarty, Ballincollig Harry McHugh, Carrigaline k Erin Mac Sweeney, Friars Wal eenmanna Rd Simmone Beardsworth, Bor n Rd Orlaith Murphy, Loughmaho

krock Barry John Paul Murphy, Blac ss Cro Abby O’Regan, Turners gh Hill Mary o’Donovan, Maryborou line riga Car , phy Mur Kai gh Hill Susan O’Donovan, Maryborou ugh inlo Ball , ford Annike Dun Ava Chandley, Blackrock View Daniel McCarthy, Thornbury e ehan yph Ball , lins Mul Aideen Ellie Galvin, Moneygourney Abi Hegarty, Ballincollig k Erin Mac Sweeney, Friars Wal

West Link


Is there a community event or fundraiser in your area? Please let us know and we will be delighted to publish it for you. Email to – To ensure publication your entry should reach us before 5 PM on Mondays

Cork Attraction wins Best Interactive Event Award Water Open Day organised by Lifetime Lab has been selected as Best Interactive Event by The Heritage Council. The accolade was presented to Lifetime Lab at a ceremony at Heritage Council headquarters recently. The Open Day explored the positive impact of water as a heritage resource and highlighted its role across areas such as recreation, culture, engineering, employment, health and tourism. The event was free to the public with close to 1000 visitors participating. Over thirty volunteers offered activities including birds of prey displays, giant bubble making, launching water rockets and creating a giant wall hanging. Indoor activities included investigating how hydropower and geo thermal operate, exploring the science of water and examining water treatment before and after we use it. Lifetime Lab was selected from 700 organisations and individuals accounting from over 1300 events nationwide. Manager of Lifetime Lab Mervyn Horgan commented “The event would simply not take place without the dedication and commitment our volunteers and we are delighted to recognise their achievements, the fact that we were selected from so many other organisations and events is a fantastic achievement” Speaking at the presentation, Michael Starrett, Chief Executive of the Heritage Council said, “The judging committee identified Lifetime Lab as a clear winner for the award, the scale of the event and numbers in attendance are a credit to the organisers” He added “These awards are an opportunity for event organisers to be recognised for the tremendous work they do in organising and running events which increase our educational and heritage value” Lifetime Lab is located at the old Cork City Waterworks on Lee Road. The site hosts a Visitor Centre with interactive environmental exhibits, a steam centre with preserved boilers and huge steam engines that were used to pump water to supply the City of Cork. Lifetime Lab also has a coffee dock, a picnic area and a children’s playground and is fully wheelchair accessible. It is open Monday- Friday 9am-5pm.

Marisa Fragolini School of Dance

• Climber Tali Pinheiro from Brazil helps to launch the Pioneer Challenge 2011 to reduce or abstain from alcohol for Lent at the Mardyke Arena climbing wall watched by Robert Shannon President PTAA and Saoirse Ui Laoghaire President Cork Regional Pioneer Council. Photo Billy macGill

Cllr Kieran McCarthy

Something for everyone and its free! Dust off those winter blues and get happy at this year’s Cork St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Celebrating with this year’s theme of ‘Happiness’, the Parade will include festival favourites Spraoi, Cork Circus and Dowtcha Puppets as well as community and voluntary groups from all over Cork City and County making it the biggest parade in southern Ireland (1.00pm – 2.30pm approx). Sample the best of Cork’s fine food and craft tradition at the Barry’s Tea Market in the heart of the City on the Grand Parade and Boardwalk South Mall. A ground-breaking, multi-media re-imagining of the classic St. Patrick tale is to premiere at CIT Cork School of Music. Composed by Pierre O’Reilly, the performance will combine the talents of Oscar-nominated animator, Nicky Phelan, renowned soprano, Cara O’Sullivan, The Artists Factory and a 90-strong orchestra and choir. ‘Red Bull City Currach’ is a high octane revamp of traditional currach racing and will take place right in the heart of Cork City! This new sporting concept is inspired by the spirit of our unique seafaring heritage and will see crews from around Ireland do battle for ultimate honours. Red Bull City Currach will begin at 11.45am, taking place directly before the City Parade, in the section of river along Merchant’s Quay between Brian Boru & St. Patrick’s Bridge. There are also so many other events for every generation to enjoy. Don’t sit at home, get out and re-discover your city! The full brochure is at1 DouglasPostAd:Layout 18/08/2009 12:00 Page 1

Principal: Marisa Fragolini, B.Phil (Hons), A.I.S.T.D., C.B. Royal Academy of Dance (Registered) Classes for all ages from 3 years upwards Douglas & Midleton

Building our community together

• Ballet • Hip Hop • Modern • Musical Theatre Students are taught and entered for examinations of the Royal Academy of Dance and the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing, England. Enrolements now being taken for September 2011 Ardfallen Centre, Douglas Road, Cork (Monday to Friday)

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Kieran McCarthy B.A., M.Phil. COUNCILLOR

Richmond Villa, Douglas Road, Cork Mob: 087 6553389 E:

Thur 10 Mar '11 - 11

South Link Health & Beauty

The colour of food There’s an old saying that the first bite is with the eyes – if that’s the case, then the colour of foods on our plate plays a big part when it comes to what we eat. But what should we know about food colouring and how safe are they? Dr. James McIntosh, toxicologist with safefood has some answers on the role that colour plays in our foods. Firstly, it is important to note that food colours are only allowed to be added when the colour cannot be met through other means and as long as their intended use does not represent a danger to human health and does not mislead the end user or consumer. Mention the words “food colouring” and quite often you’ll get a negative reaction. And while there have been some high-profile cases of food colourings being banned or recalled, the use of any colour in the manufacture of foodstuffs is carefully monitored in Europe. When colour is added to foods, this is carefully regulated by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) to ensure that it’s safe to eat and correctly labelled. So only those colours authorised under European Union (EU) law can be used in foods produced on the island of Ireland or imported from EU member countries. And for those food products imported from outside the EU, the same rules also apply and any colouring used must be on the authorised list. Individual member countries in the EU can also prohibit the use of certain food colours. Food colours on the authorised list are also evaluated regularly and this has already led to the suspension of one listed colour – E128 or “Red 2G” while a number of other colours; lycopene -E160d; Quinoline Yellow - E104; Sunset Yellow FCF - E110; Amaranth - E123; Brown HT - E155 and Ponceau 4R - E124 have had their recommended safe levels for consumption reduced.

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And when it comes to healthy eating, enjoying a varied and balanced diet with plenty of natural colours in it can help benefit your health. And if your food has some food colouring added, it shouldn’t have an impact on your health. For more information on healthy eating and food safety, visit the safefood website

Ask the Pharmacist

with Garvan J. Lynch B.Sc.N.U.I. B.Sc. Chem. G.R.S.C. B.Sc. Pharm. M.P.S.I. M.R.Pharm.S. of Lynchs Pharmacy

Fall prevention Falls put you at risk of serious injury. Prevent falls with these simple fall-prevention measures, from reviewing your medications to hazard-proofing your home. Fall prevention may not seem like a lively topic, but it's important. As you get older, physical changes and health conditions — and sometimes the medications used to treat those conditions — make falls more likely. In fact, falls are a leading cause of injury among older adults. Still, fear of falling doesn't need to rule your life. Instead, consider six simple fall-prevention strategies. 1. Make an appointment with your doctor Begin your fall-prevention plan by making an appointment with your doctor. Be prepared to answer questions such as:

How do I handle mum’s Alzheimer’s?

Diabetes, what do I do now?

What medications are you taking? Have you fallen before? Could your health conditions cause a fall? 2. Keep moving Physical activity can go a long way toward fall prevention. Consider activities such as walking, water workouts or tai chi — a gentle exercise that involves slow and graceful dancelike movements. Such activities reduce the risk of falls by improving strength, balance, coordination and flexibility. 3. Wear sensible shoes Consider changing your footwear as part of your fall-prevention plan. High heels, floppy slippers and shoes with slick soles can make you slip, stumble and fall. So can walking in your stocking feet. 4. Remove home hazards Take a look around your home. Your living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, hallways and stairways may be filled with hazards. To

make your home safer: Remove boxes, newspapers, electrical cords and phone cords from walkways. Move coffee tables, magazine racks and plant stands from high-traffic areas. Secure loose rugs with double-faced tape, tacks or a slip-resistant backing — or remove loose rugs from your home. Repair loose, wooden floorboards and carpeting right away. 5. Light up your living space Keep your home brightly lit to avoid tripping on objects that are hard to see. Also: 6. Use assistive devices Your doctor might recommend using a cane or walker to keep you steady. Other assistive devices can help, too. For example: Hand rails for both sides of stairways Nonslip treads for bare-wood steps For more information contact Garvan at Lynch’s Pharmacy, Broadale on 4366923.

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Blackrock / Mahon Community Notice Board Is there a community event or fundraiser in your area? Please let us know and we will be delighted to publish it for you. Email to – To ensure publication your entry should reach us before 5 PM on Mondays

Invite to St Patrick's Day Parade That Our Lady Of Fatima Rosary Prayer Group, Invite People To Walk In Procession with them in the St Patrick's Day Parade (on Thurs the 17th march). Assembling Union Quay at 12.30pm. (Blue Section).Parade Starts at 1-pm. All Are Welcome To Join Us. All Enquiries To Pat At 0863473583. CRAFT CLASS at Blackrock Community Centre Convent road Every Monday at 2 30-4 30 pm AGM is on TUESDAY 15th MARCH, at 7 30pm. new members would be very welcome. Baby Massage Classes Baby Massage classes beginning in March at Mahon Family Resource Centre, suitable for babies who are not yet crawling. Also limited spaces available in the parents support group – this support group is for parents whose children have learning difficulties or long term illness. For more information or to join please call Christine on 021 4358866.

Continuing with their policy of music in the bar, the Rockies Social committee will present the Shandon Céilí Band on Wednesday March 16th. The music will start at 9.00pm and admission is free. Following a very successful series of events and shows last year, the Social Comm. started off this year with Hank Wedell, Ray Barron and Marian Bradfield on Feb 20th and there are lots more shows lined up for the remainder of the year. Search for Dust Busker’s " Dust Buskers " are in search of some able bodied musicians of a vintage age who would like to come on board. We practice on Mon nights from 7-9 at the Resource Centre in Mahon. Do think about it. We would love to see you there. Only stipulation you must be able to read music. For more information contact Bernadette Moynihan on 0868128230 Blackrock Community Centre Dancing Classes Dancing for fun Monday 10am12 noon Set Dancing Monday 8 30pm10pm Art classes Tuesday 1 45pm-3 45pm Irish Dancing for Children 4 00pm-5 00pm Tai chi 7 30pm-8 30pm Dancing for fun Wednesday 10 am- 12 noon Crochet Wednesday 2 30pm- 4 30pm

Céilí @ The Rockies • Jim McKeown winner of the Mahon heat of the Over 60's competition organised by Mahon Community assoc. and held at Mahon Community Centre. Jim goes on to represent Mahon at the final in City Hall. Pic:George Thompson

Thur 10 Mar '11 - 13

Home & Garden

Home & G a r den

In spite of our dreams it's still very much greenhouse weather. We'll try to give you a few ideas on what might need doing. Now not everything in this article may apply to you or to your garden - but there might be something, if not this week maybe next week.

Flower Garden Prune Eucalyptus gunnil hard to ensure plenty of young foliage. Plant out autumn-sown sweet peas. Sow hardy annuals where they are to grow.

Kitchen garden Dig up remaining leeks and parsnips, and heel in elsewhere to make room for Cultivation. Check blackcurrants for bigbud; pick off any found and destroy them. Continue planting onions

sets. Sow early beetroot and turnip varieties in a warm spot. Sow carrots in the open or under cloches. Sow early leeks in a nursery bed.

Lawns & Hedges Clip deciduous hedges to shape, pruning them hard back if necessary.

Greenhouse Plant tomatoes, peppers and aubergines in a heated

greenhouse. Sow parsley, chives and annual herbs in small pots for planting out next month. Harden off early vegetables and hardy annual plants started under glass. Sow half-hardy annuals such as asters, dahlias and zinnias in a cold frame. Pot or box up dahlia tubers and start them into growth in a cold frame. Take cuttings from dahlias started earlier in heat. Spray grape vine buds occasionally with warm water to induce growth, but keep dry when flowers open. Topdress large container plants, replacing top 5cm (2in) with fresh

compost. Order growing bags and lay in the greenhouse to warm up before use.

Water Garden Continue new marginal and bog garden plantings.

In General Plant tomatoes, peppers and aubergines in a heated greenhouse. Bring bags of compost into the greenhouse to warm up before use.

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Home & Garden

Garden Competition Our Summer Gardening Competition is open to all our readers. You can win a prize every week from May to September. So get out the hoe and start now for a stunning summer garden. If your garden or any part of your garden is blooming, or just looking good, why not lets us have a photo. We would love to print it. If you have a neighbor with a nice garden who might be a bit shy, why not take a photo for them. Send your photo to Gardening, Douglas Post, Morris House, Douglas. Cork . Or email to

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Email: Thur 10 Mar '11 - 15


Is there a community event or fundraiser in your area? Please let us know and we will be delighted to publish it for you. Send your Email along with any photos to – To ensure publication your entry should reach us before 5 PM on Mondays

Free workshops tackling mental health issues in the community coming to Cork Charleville House Hotel – 28th March, 2011 “Wellness Workshop” will support people facing stress in their lives On Monday, 28th February, Suicide or Survive (SOS), a charitable organisation that provides services and supports aimed at suicide prevention in Ireland, will run free support workshops aimed at raising awareness of mental health issues and supporting those affected. The “Wellness Workshop”, which has been sponsored by the Vodafone • Pippa O’Connor, Brendan Manning, Sinead Desmond, Mai Manning and Miss Ireland, Emma Waldron at the Wedding Experience


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Ireland Foundation, was originally scheduled to take place in Mallow but due to demand has been moved to Maldron Hotel, Cork City. In addition, Sli Eile, an organisation that provides housing and support services for people caught up in the revolving door of the psychiatric system have sponsored a further workshop which will take place in the Charleville House Hotel on 28th March, 2011. These free workshops are open to anyone in your local community. WHAT: - “Wellness Workshop” WHEN: - Monday 28th March, 2011 TIME:


WHERE: - Charleville House Hotel

Unit 5, Ballycurreen Ind. Estate, Ballycurreen Road, Douglas. (behind Musgrave Cash & carry)

Blackwater Motors

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Young @ Heart by Phil Goodman

With a new Government now in place and a new way of thinking struggling to be born we all have a part to play in the new world out there ensuring we make our Community and Country a nicer and better place. Our young men and women have the ability to change things; our hope would be in the not too distant future our immigrants would return with their knowledge and skills and play their part in the New Ireland of tomorrow. As we embark on our program of Summer Events mainly our outings to places of interest we will take in the most popular spots Sherkin Island, Lakes of Killarney, Glanstall Abbey, and The Ring of Kerry. We hope to do the full ring in June with an overnight stay in Derrynane Hotel consisting of evening meal and breakfast, if interested contact me on 4363867. Of course before our outings we have many events taking place the over 60s on the 22nd of March, Quiz on the 13th of April, Easter Bonnet on the 19th of April, Dancing Competition the 29th of April. Edinburgh on the 15th of May is one to look forward too; we will visit the Royal Yacht Britannia, Edinburgh Castle and Hollyrod House with three full days to take all the sight-seeing in. St Patricks Day on the 17th of March is out national holiday originally the colour associated with St Patrick was blue, over the years the colour green and its association with St Patricks Day grew. Green ribbons and shamrocks were worn in celebration of St Patrick as early as the 17th century. He is said to have used the shamrock, a three leafed plant to explain the Holy

Trinity to the pagan Irish. The feast is celebrated worldwide. St Patrick is rumoured to be buried in Downpatrick Co Down.

Up coming Events Tuesday Knitting Class 2-4 the Library Tuesday Being Well course Douglas GAA 10-1 Wednesday Tai-Chi 11.30-12.30 Wednesday Computers for Beginners Log on and Learn 11-1 Thursday In-Door Bowls 2-4 Library Wednesday March 22nd over 60s Competition April 13th Table Quiz Library 11 o clock April 19th Easter Bonnet Social April 29th Dancing Competition

WIN 2 TICKETS To See RELATIVELY SPEAKING Live at the Everyman Palace on 31st March Send you Name & Telephone No. to Douglas Post, Morris House or Email

Thought for Today “Dear God; please help me to be the person my dog thinks I am” "Cherish your yesterdays, Dream your tomorrows, But be young at heart and live your today’s" Bye for now, Phil.

In Memoriam In fond memory of

Mary Josephine Collins

The Maples, Frankfield, Cork.

• Pictured AT the Cork Camera Clubs annual photographic exhibition which was held at the Cork Vision centre was Joe Forde Chairman of the Cork Camera Club admiring a picture of his daughterAoibhinn. Picture: John Lotty.


Who died on 8th March 1965 R.I.P. “We have loved her in life, let us not forget her in death.” (St. Ambrose)


Novena to the Sacred Heart Dear heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours This time I ask you this very special one mention favour Take it dear heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart Where your father sees it then in his merciful eyes it will become your Favour not mine Amen say this prayer for three days promise publication And favour will be granted J.M.

Novena to the Sacred Heart Dear heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours This time I ask you this very special one mention favour Take it dear heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart Where your father sees it then in his merciful eyes it will become your Favour not mine Amen say this prayer for three days promise publication And favour will be granted M.H.


Novena to the Sacred Heart Dear heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours This time I ask you this very special one mention favour Take it dear heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart Where your father sees it then in his merciful eyes it will become your Favour not mine Amen say this prayer for three days promise publication And favour will be granted J.T.

Thur 10 Mar '11 - 17

y a D g n i d d e W Our

Our Wedding Day

A Wedding in Fernhill House Hotel Melvin & Diana Beamish - 28th August 2010

We are both originally from West Cork, Diana being from Clonakilty and I from Drimoleague. As soon as we began planning our wedding, our reception was only ever going to be in one location, Fernhill House Hotel. Diana's sisters had all held their receptions in Fernhill House and we thought we wanted a change to be different until we met the team and were shown around the hotel. It was perfect, no other Hotel in Cork, let alone Clonakilty could come close to competing with Fernhill. Caroline Hayes, the wedding coordinator catered for every detail right from the beginning, every request we made she worked around, nothing was impossible. The weather was magnificent, thankfully as we couldn't fit our crowd into the church in Castleventry. We decided to avail of the wonderful gardens and hold our drinks and canapé reception there. While we were busy following our photographer Jeremy Kingston and videographer Michael Heaney around the gardens in a sprint, our guests sat back and enjoyed what Fernhill has to offer, a wonderful safe environment for kids to let off much needed steam, great food and a wonderful location submerged in a beautiful, tranquil garden beneath the Hotel. The garden itself offers so many different settings, from various water features, the colourful love heart, the lavender bed, the bamboo garden, wooden bridges, the list goes on. Mike was also on hand to ferry guests up & down to the marquee on his famous golf buggy, something our grandparents and many other guests really appreciated on the day. The meal was absolutely amazing, our guests were still speaking volumes about it long after we returned from honeymoon. The presentation of each serving, quality of service, abundance of delicious food and attention to detail were just a few of the various comments we have heard time and time again. Mike and Teresa O'Neill have a real valuable benefit of offering the family feel to any wedding. So many Hotels have lost this owner feel, but it is alive and strong in Fernhill. If you are looking for a wedding with a difference, then Fernhill has to be top of any list. Caroline was outstanding right from our first meeting with her. Every request we made was catered for without question. Even on the day itself when we arrived to the top table for our meal, there was a list with the correct order for the speeches, a small gesture but it really calmed alot of pre-speech nerves.

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proud sponsors of

Passage West C O M M UN IT Y N EW S

Is there a community event or fundraiser in your area? Please let us know and we will be delighted to publish it for you. Email to – To ensure publication your entry should reach us before 5 PM on Mondays

Out and About with Fergus O’Leary Walking up along the line the birdsong lets you know that spring is here. There’s new growth in the verges and the buds are beginning to swell. Although the wind still has a bite to it, the sun has more strength and the days lengthen. Who knows, we might even get a fine summer. Hope springs eternal. Hope, yeah. Hope is what keeps poor saps like me going. Let me explain. I am an Arsenal fan. I’ll pause here to allow the sniggers to die down. The thing about being a supporter of any team in any discipline is that you can’t do anything about it. You’re stuck with your team regardless. One of my brothers took me to see the Arsenal in 1952 and I’ve been stuck with them ever since. I didn’t choose them, I inherited them. So year in, year out I live caught in a never ending roller-coaster of elation and despair, at the mercy of events that I cannot control. To support any other team would be an act of unforgivable treachery. To support them is , at times, pure masochism then they go and do something remarkable and, until the next match, I’m on cloud nine. There is an anthropologist, I think his surname is Desmond (he wrote The Naked Ape) , himself an Arsenal supporter, who compared football to religion. He reckoned that the stadia are the cathedrals, the songs anthems and the allegiance total. A large community of human beings all sharing a common bond. I don’t know if he’s right but he certainly could be. Tuesday the Arsenal play Barcelona away and it certainly would be an act of blind faith to believe that they can win but I do so believe. By the time you read this you’ll know if I’m right or wrong. To things closer to home. I came to Passage twenty five years ago when, then as now, things were

20 - Thur 10 Mar '11

difficult and times were hard. After I had crossed the road up by Rockenham I couldn’t help but notice how much better the place looked now compared to then. The fine new stone wall in front of Pembroke Wood, the landscaping along the front of the bungalows, the well tended roundabout and the new footpaths heading down towards the supermarket. It has all improved the appearance of the town as you come in from the Cork direction beyond recognition.

PASSAGE WEST/ GLENBROOK TIDY TOWNS HELP US MAKE A DIFFERENCE We urgently need more volunteers to help out each week to do weeding and landscaping. We understand that peoples’ lives are busy and that it may not always be easy to come on a Saturday morning. But even if you can’t, there are ways in which you can help.Come and join the work group for whatever time you can give – an hour or less. If there is a “black spot” near you that you would like to improve but cannot do a Saturday morning, let us know and we may be able to tackle it when it suits you. We operate a text notification system of our plans for each week, if you would like to be added to the list for text updates please email us at the address below. If you have any suggestions, advice or comments we can be contacted on HYPERLINK "mailto:pwgtidytowns@gmail. com" Tidy Towns is fun, sociable, great for getting out in the fresh air and for keeping fit! Become a Fan on Facebook - and keep up to date with all our work.

In The Loop with Peter Bowles

Live at the Marquee update; Aiken Promotions announced further acts to play Live at the Marquee’s 7th consecutive year running. The Frames return to play the Marquee after 5 years on the 11th June, they played a sold out Marquee back in 2006. Erasure will be playing the Marquee on 15th June. This will be Andy Bell & Vince Clarke’s debut Cork gig at the marquee. Bob Dylan will return to play the Marquee on the 16th June after 5 years, he played to a sold out Marquee back in 2006. Imelda May Due to the phenomenal demand for tickets has added an extra date to the Marquee on the 17th June and her 23rd June is sold out. Katherine Lynch will bring the comedy to this year’s Marquee on the 18th June with ‘the hack of-ya tour’ which has sold out 15 nights in Vicar Street. Tom Jones will play on the 19th June, this will be Tom Jones debut gig at the Marquee in Cork. Nick Cave Warren Ellis, Martyn Casey, Jim Sclavunos who make up Grinderman will play the Marquee on 20th June. Paul Simon will also return to the Marquee on the 21st June after 3 years when he played a sold out show back in 2008. Bryan Adams will also make his Marquee debut playing on the 22nd June. Alexandra Burke winner of X-Factor 2009 will play the Marquee on the 24th June following her 2 sold out shows in Belfast and 1 in Dublin. Christy Moore with Declan Sinnott return to the Marquee for the 7th consecutive year on the 25th June! Fleet Foxes are keeping the Harmonic series going with their gig on the 26th June. Elton John with his band will return to play the Marquee on the 28th June, he played to a sold out Marquee crowd back in 2007. Bell X1 will also make a welcome return to the Marquee for a third time on 1st July, they played the Marquee on 2007 and 2009. Westlife will also return following their 2 sold out shows last year they will play the Marquee on the 9th July. Deep breath…and there you have it! City Limits Comedy Club plays host to Andrew Maxwell plus guests, doors 20:30. A star of the Edinburgh Fringe, Andrew has won and been nominated for several awards including an Edinburgh Comedy Award for Best Show, a Time Out Live Award in the category of Best Stand-up, a Loaded Magazine Award for best stand-up and Chortle Award for best

Competition offers

Win Tickets to Kilfenora 18th March Stomp 22nd March Just send in your name, address & contact telephone number on a postcard to: Douglas Post magazine, Unit 14, Morris House, Douglas West, Cork.

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4.00 6.30 9.00PM

4.00 6.30 8.50PM L/S FRI/SAT @ 11.15PM


6.15 8.45PM

6.15 8.45PM L/S FRI/SAT @ 11.15PM


1.45 4.15 6.35PM

1.45 4.15 6.35PM


6.45 9.00PM L/S FRI/SAT @ 11.15PM

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6.30 8.45PM

8.45PM L/S FRI/SAT @ 11.15PM


1.45 4.15PM PLUS FRI/SAT/ SUN @ 11.30AM

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4.00PM PLUS FRI/SAT/ SUN @ 11.30AM

4.00PM PLUS FRI/SAT/ SUN @ 11.30AM





2.00PM PLUS FRI/SAT/ SUN @ 11.30AM

2.00PM PLUS FRI/SAT/ SUN @ 11.30AM


2.00 4.15PM PLUS FRI/SAT/ SUN @ 11.30AM

1.45 4.00PM PLUS FRI/SAT/ SUN @ 11.30AM



9.00PM L/S FRI/SAT @ 11.15PM


1.45PM PLUS FRI/SAT/ SUN @ 11.30AM

1.45PM PLUS FRI/SAT/ SUN @ 11.30AM




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Gig Guide Thursday 10 March 2011 Portrait / Age of Taurus / Midnight Priest 8pm, An Cruiscín Lán

contribution to the live comedy circuit. TV appearances include BBC’s Moch The Week and Have I Got News For You as well regular on RTE’s The Panel, cementing his reputation as one of the country’s most sought after comedians. Murphy’s Little Big Nights Out presents The Saturday Scrum this Saturday at Mount Oval Bar, Rochestown. If you didn’t get tickets to the big game, not to worry! Murphy’s Little Big Nights Out kicks off with a cracking sports event. The Saturday Scrum will take over Mount Oval Bar in Rochestown on Saturday March 12th. Enjoy the Ireland v Wales Six Nations game in true VIP style, all in the comfort of your own local. You could also be in with a chance to win some nice prizes on the day. When the game begins, sit back, watch the game on the big screens and get your mouth around some complimentary tasty, meaty gourmet burgers and hot dogs with lashings of tasty toppings from the Cork’s finest O’Flynn G o u r m e t Sausage. More good news, this event is free, free, free! All courtesy Murphy’s Little Big Nights Out, celebrating all that Cork culture has to offer. Register l a now to be in n io t a Intern ll A : Y with a chance A D R SATU s e h to win a pair of c t a M Rugby t i c k e t s . w w w. d e t n ost Wa M : IC littlebignightsout. S U M LIVE i Fr com and make n o M d e Lunches Serv sure to find us on Facebook www. MurphysOffical




Phone: 021 436 4253

Lazik 9pm, The Roundy Drombrú 9.30pm, South County Bangsambra 11.30pm, Crane Lane Fri 11 March 2011 Aisling Casey & Ciara Moroney. 1.10pm. Glucksman Gallery, UCC. Colin Mclean Latin Trio 9pm, The Roundy The Altered Hours / TKO 10pm, The Quad Lynda Cullen & Band 10pm, Mr Bradley’s Crazy Chester 10.30pm, Charlie’s Roy Buckley 10.30pm, Welcome Inn Saturday 12 March 2011 Solar Bears 10pm, The Pavilion Andy Wilson & David Nelligan 10pm, Mr Bradley’s Hank Wedel & Friends 10.30pm, Charlie’s Synergy 10.30pm, Welcome Inn


Bonesaw / On Pain Of Death / Zealot Cult / Zombified Fred Zeppelins Luv Bugs Clancys

Sun 13 March 2011 Micheal Cathro, Mookie, Gabriel Shirley. Free event. The Slate. Trad 3pm, Charlie’s The Publiners 6pm, South County The Outfit 7pm, Welcome Inn Zombie Zombie 10pm, The Pavilion Souldriven 11.30pm, Crane Lane

Thur 10 Mar '11 - 21

food, drink & Fun food, drink & Fun food, drink & Fun food, drink & Fun food, drink & Fun food, drink & Fun

CHEESE & POTATO CASSEROLE Ingredients 16 oz. of grated cheddar cheese 4 oz. of unsalted butter 6 eggs, separated 6 tablespoons of milk 2 oz. breadcrumbs 4 lbs. mashed potatoes Salt and pepper to taste Nutmeg (optional) Parsley and tomato to garnish

Method Preheat oven to 300º F. Grease casserole dish and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Place the mashed potatoes in a bowl and add the cheddar cheese, butter, milk, and the egg yolks. Beat at a low speed for a few seconds while adding salt, pepper, and nutmeg (optional) to taste. Beat the egg whites into stiff peaks, add to the potato mixture and place in the prepared dish. Sprinkle the top with grated cheddar cheese and breadcrumbs. Bake on top shelf of oven for 30 minutes or until the top is golden brown. Serve hot, garnished with tomato quarters and parsley sprigs.


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College Corinthians AFC

15th Muinster Football Title for Críost Rí

The highlight of the weekend’s action was the outstanding performances of our Under 11 and under 14 Premier sides as they progressed in the National Cup with excellent away victories. The Under 11’s got the better of Mountview in Dublin and our 14’s are now through to the last eight following a 1-0 victory over Newbridge Town. Schoolboys Section National Cup Under 11 Mountview 1 Corinthian Boys 2 Following the disappointment of being knock-out of the Local Cup last week, Corinthians recorded a hard fought win away from home against Dublin DDSL Premier side Mountview. A positive response was needed from the Castletreasure lads to last weeks defeat and the reaction you would expected from a quality side was evident from the kick off to secure their spot in the last 16. Goals from David O'Sullivan in the 1st half and Eoin Davis in the second half gave the Blues their hard earned victory but not before Christian Begley made a terrific save from the penalty spot at a critical time of the game. Begley's handling and disribution of the ball was of the highest standard all day. There were so many other tremendous performances on the pitch that it would be unfair not to mention the whole squad as this truely was a Team effort with non found wanting. Squad: Christian Begley, David Nason, Ciaran Couch, James O'Donovan, James Holland, Bryan Hill, Ethan Hurely, Stephen Fox, Dylan Ward, David O'Sullivan (Capt.), Joe

For the 15th time in its history Coláiste Chríost Rí has demonstrated its superiority in colleges gaelic football by winning the Munster Senior Football Championship. The feat is a remarkable one as the Turner's Cross school is only in existence 50 years, yielding a victory ratio of approximatley one in every three to four years. The scene of last Sunday's victory was Dr. Crokes Park in Killarney where the Cork representatives overcame a bruising battle with Pobail Scoil Chorcha Dhuibhne to win by five points. On the journey the the final the Cork boys had to overcome De La Salle Macroom, St. Brendan's Killarney, Coláiste na Sceilige, and Tralee CBS. The Chríost Rí lads were polished in their approach to the game but were not allowed to show the flowing game with which they are associated. Instead spoiling tactics were very much to the forefront and the first play of the game saw Críost Rí's Eoghan Finn taken out of the game with an illegal high tackle. A twenty-minute delay ensued to allow emergency first aid responders to treat the unconscious player and remove him to Tralee General Hospital for medical treatment. The disruption set the tone for a battling encounter that saw the Turner's boys lead by 1-4 to 0-2 at half time. However, within a minute of the restart the Kerry outfit had come back with a stunning goal. It was nip and tuck for a while before Chríost Rí began to show their flair. Despite a missed penalty, their flowing game emerged in phases and they edged ahead to finish on a score of 1-12 to 1-7. In his acceptance of the Corn Uí Mhuirí, captain Kevin Fulignati highlighted the spirit that had developed in his team and the suport it had received throughout the school community. As well as training together the panel of 26 players, which includes many Leaving Certificate students, study together as a group. As the team celebrated on Sunday evening at Nemo Rangers Football club, the home club of captain Kevin Fulignati, there was a great cheer as the bruised Eoghan Finn arrived from Tralee Hospital in good health to join in the celebrations. Coláiste Chríost RÍ will now meet the Connaught champions on March 26th in the All-Ireland semi-final.

Duggan, Eoin Davis, Eoin Murphy, John Weir & Alex Chandler. Under 14 Newbridge Town 0 Corinthian Boys 1 Corinthians moved through to the last eight of the National Cup with an exciting victory over a very determined Newbridge side. Corinthians dominated for long periods with out creating many opportunities and had to wait until midway through the second half before second half substitute Evan Galvin fired home from close range. With the Corinthians back four rock solid and goalkeeper Eoin O’ Sullivan handling superbly Corinthians protected their lead well and held on for a deserved victory. League Action Under 16 Premier Divisuion Innishvilla 1 Corinthian Boys 5 Corinthians eased to a very comfortable win over a gallant Innishvilla side.The star of the show was Ian Tobin who scored four times with Brian O’ Donovan also on the scoresheet. Daragh Buckley and Brian Lenihan also did well for Corinthian’s. Republic Of Ireland Under 15 squad Congratulations to the Galvin twins Corey and Evan and to Craig Donnellan on their selection on the Republic Of Ireland Under 15 squad to take on Belgium in two weeks time. This is a magnificent personal achievement and fantastic news for the Club and for their very dedicated Coaches Richie Kenny, Tony Noonan, Pat Kearney and Bill Daly. Well done to all concerned.

• Fr. Michael Keohane and Fiodhna Ní Bhaoil Priomhoide Scoil Phádraig Naofa welcome Cork footballer Eoin Cotter and members of Douglas G.A.A. to the sch

Douglas Hall Underage ( by Finbarr Buckley ) U-13 Friendly Douglas Hall 7; Avondale Utd. 2 Although United scored at the very start and end of this match, the home team managed to score seven in between for a comfortable win. Cathal Dold & David Barry (2), Jack Austin, Cian Marnane, & Fionn O'Connor were on target for the Hall, while Eoghan O'Leary & Oliver O'Sullivan gave superb displays throughout.

U-13 Friendly Douglas Hall A 6; Everton 1 Both teams played well in an entertaining contest at Moneygourney. The Hall’s goals came courtesy of Ronan Cooper (2), Fionn McGrath, Conor O’Leary , Ian Dorney & Denis Moore. Darragh O’Brien, Kevin Burke, Mark McAuliffe, Jack Murphy & Paul O’Regan shone for the winners. Umbro U-14 Premier Ballincollig 0; Douglas Hall 1 Despite playing well throughout, the Hall lost out to the only goal of the game at the Regional Pk. Brian Burke stood out at right back with Ben Collins and David O’Connor also playing well in defence.

Thur 10 Mar '11 - 23


Douglas GAA Results: Last weekend Douglas defeated St. Vincent’s in the senior football league. Final score: Douglas 0-13 St. Vincent’s 1-08. Next Sunday the senior hurlers are in action when Cloyne provide the opposition. Throw in at Cloyne is scheduled for 4pm. Pat Harrington is at the helm of the minor hurlers again this year. Last Friday evening he brought a team to Fermoy for a challenge game to prepare for the league campaign. Final score: Douglas 1-13 Fermoy 0-11. Douglas Minor Footballers Aid Críost Rí in Munster Colleges Final: Congratulations to Paul Fitzgerald and Ian Lucey, both of whom played on the Coláiste Chríost Rí team that defeated Kerry school Pobalscoil Chorca Dhuibhne to win the Corn Uí Mhuirí Munster Colleges Football Final last Sunday. Also, congratulations to Mark Collins on winning a Sigerson Cup medal with U.C.C. last weekend.

Pfizer Pitch&Put notes by Brendan Hayes Juvenile section Pfizer A&B Teams had two good wins last Saturday in Corkbeg the A team winning against Fermoy B on the score 3 1/2 to 2 1/2 Captain Michael Howard caught the eye for the A team.The B team also had a excellent win against a fancied Majestic A team winning 3 1/2 to 2 1/2 David Howard brother of Michael sank a 10ft putt on the last hole of the singles match to give his team week the A team play Majestic and the B team play Fermoy A in Claycastle The intermediate team had another good win beating St Anne's 7 1/2 to 1 1/2 in Crosshaven, Pfizer were 2/1 up after 4 ball John Callnan and Pat Callaghan had a very good win in their doubles, also Richard Jordan and Gavin Murphy won their game,Mark O Riordan,Shane Murphy,Gavin Murphy,John Tett,Pat Callaghan won their singles with Richie halving his game this puts them through to the semis the juniors went down 5/4 to the Majestic but are still through to the semi finals,. Condolences The club would like to express its condolence's 24 - Thur 10 Mar '11

Sam Maguire Cup Visits Douglas Schools: Friday 4th March was a historic day for Douglas G.A.A. as Eoin Cotter and Eoin Cadogan brought the Sam Maguire Cup to the local schools. Central to the success of Douglas G.A.A. has been the links forged between the club and the local primary schools. Schools visited with the Sam Maguire Cup included St. Columba’s B.N.S., St. Columba’s G.N.S., Gaelscoil An tAthair Tadhg O Murchú, Scoil Niocláis, St. Lukes, Scoil Phádraig Naofa and Douglas Community School. The Cork players were accompanied by committee members of Douglas Hurling & Football Club and received wonderful receptions at each school. Philip Doherty, Martin McSweeney and Shane O’Keeffe represented The Street Leagues Committee and they hosted a lunch reception for Eoin Cadogan and Eoin Cotter at The South County Bar. Irish Night at Douglas G.A.A.: The social committee has planned an Irish night for Wednesday 16th March to kick off the St. Patrick’s Day celebrations and it with club Secretary Ger O Sullivan and the Fitzgerald family from Shanbally and Ballincollig on the recent death of Scott Fitzgerald,also to the family of Tim Crowley and the Templebrady club on Tim's recent death, Tim was an Associate member of Pfizer and for the last few years was a regular participant in the Sunday morning competitions,may they rest in peace.

promises to be a great night’s entertainment. Music will be provided by the highly acclaimed Owenabue Traditional Group along with the Cork Irish Dance Company and Kiely-Walsh Dancers. This is a night not to be missed for followers of Irish music and dance and do not forget to ask for you complementary “Mickey Finn Shot”. Meanwhile, on Friday 25th March a body waxing fundraising night is scheduled for the club. For more information see next weeks Douglas Post. Also, party bookings are now being taken, so if you wish to book the club for a function, please contact Margaret Kennedy on (087) 9956050.

Frankfield Golf Club Results March 7th Results from Frankfield Golf Club, March 7th 2011. Weekend Fourman Team Competition March 5th & 6th 1st T O'Connell (7) , L Shine (7) , B Hunter (9) , K Stafford (12) 90 pts 2nd J Twomey (5) , A Twomey (16) , J O Grady (9) , J Hughes (9) , 90 pts 3rd J Huges (9) , J O'Grady (9) , S Murphy (12) , M Firzgerald (12) , 89 pts Weekly #10 1st S Callanan (9) 32 pts 2nd M Murphy (8) 32 pts 3rd P Crowley (14) 32 pts Weekly #11 1st J Bennett (19) 35 pts 2nd J O'Mahony (20) 32 pts 3rd D Mahon (14) 31 pts

Douglas Hall Lotto • Stephen Cronin ( Douglas Hall ) who played well against Ballincollig last weekend. ( pic: Finbarr Buckley )

Numbers 4-15-29 No Winner Next week’s Jackpot €700euro


G.A.A. FOCUS Snippets from the Local and National Scene By Pat Harrington Exercise and Sport and …….. Burnout? Exercise through sport is extremely important for the development of our youth. When I was growing up there were no computers, playstations or any of the modern day high-tech games. We did have television but not the huge choice of channels that are available nowadays. Most of my friends played at least one sport; typically we tried out all sports as the notion took us. We played Soccer, rugby, Gaelic football, hurling, tennis and pitch and putt, spending most of our time in “Canty’s field” which was located above Gillabbey Rock. There was nothing special about joining a club – some did and some did not. There is much talk at the present time of burnout, yet we would often play for hours on consecutive days. Yes, the lifestyle was different in those times – I would say we were blessed with much healthier pastimes. Parents with an interest in sport will encourage their kids / teenagers to participate in some sport. Many would want their children to be part of a team and experience the discipline

that goes with it. On the other hand some parents may not see the importance of their children’s involvement in sport. Some kids are naturally more talented than others but there is an opportunity for all, or at least there should be. Two little stories worth telling here; one I personally experienced, the other I heard through word of mouth. A young lad with a group of under 12s hurlers was messing about. The coach advised him to behave himself, to which the lad replied “I wouldn’t be here at all only that my mam made me come”. The second incident involved a six year old whose dad was very anxious that the lad should play hurling. Unfortunately the lad had other ideas and he began to cry, bringing about a stand-off. My advice to the dad was that he should not force the issue, as to play under such pressure may turn the child off completely and he may never play again. Dad agreed and returned home with his son. Was there a happy ending? Truthfully I don’t know Dublin Football It has been a very good start to the national football league for Dublin; goals have been the hallmark of their games. They certainly appear to be fitter than most of their opponents. They really are the Irish equivalent of Brazil and the masters of Gaelic football. One wonders though about their supporters and their

lack of sportsmanship when their opponent’s free-takers are kicking for the posts. Their bad manners were very evident when Brian Sheehan was kicking frees. This is a trend that is not at all welcome in our sport. The G.A.A. at headquarters should be in a position to demand respect for the free-taker request same over the Tannoy system. The Dubs, their followers and the Dublin media tend to remind one of the England soccer team and their entourage; they rarely achieve their ambitions. To coin a wellworn phrase, they talk the talk but they do not walk the walk? Club Debt and Member Loyalty Ì have spoken previously about the downturn in the national economy and its negative affect on G.A.A. clubs. Thomas Davis’ club in Dublin held an emergency meeting to discuss a 2 million euro dept. Closer to home Glen Rovers went public regarding their depts. through an article in the Sunday Independent. I wish to clarify from the outset that in highlighting this I am not attempting to knock the Glen as many clubs are saddled with depts. and in this day and age the emphasis must be on managing the dept. The perception out there is that G.A.A. stands for “Grab all Association”. What the ordinary Joe Soap doesn’t realise is that there are serious overheads attached to every club – maintenance of

pitches and buildings, rates and to my knowledge the insurance figure stands in the region of 1,000 euro per team. Under the heading of gear come Jerseys, Hurleys, sliothars, footballs, etc. The Glen had a loan of 1 million euro. The buildings included a gym, indoor hurling alley, new dressing rooms, new pitch and flood lighting. Many clubs like the Glen would have been trying to gain an edge over their opponents in the county which is what competition is all about. The Glen has had to restructure the dept as well as initiating some fundraising activities. They refurbished the bar which had become neglected. Sixty members donated 500 euro each and others who were members of different trades such as Carpenters, Electricians, Plumbers, etc. gave freely of their time and expertise to assist in the renovation. Every official, player and grassroots club member will now have to realise the day of the freebee is long gone; members will need to row in behind their clubs and overheads must be cut. Standards applying to those clubs with licensed premises will have to be maintained at a high level if they are to retain the loyalty of their customers, as the bar is a major revenue earner for most clubs. More next week, Pat.

I.I.B.A. Short Mat Bowls Results and Fixtures (Cork Zone) By Michael J. O’Shaughnessy Barrs Bowls Club staged the final session of their Licensed Triples Competition for the Barrs Perpetual Trophy on Sunday the 6th March and same was held in St. Finbarr’s H. & F. Club Pavilion. The Tournament was once again a great success and attracted 92-teams from all the leading Bowls Clubs over a wide area. (Semi-finals):- Conna (A. Tanner) beat Watergrasshill (David West, Majella Conlon & Liam Conlon) and Douglas GAA (T. Kenneally) beat St. Vincent’s (Ina Foley, John O’Mahony & David Foley) (Final):- Conna (Noeleen Tanner, George Tanner & Adrian Tanner) beat Douglas GAA (Betty Kenneally, Tim O’Neill & Tony Kenneally) (Scorecard:- 0-1, 3-0, 0-2, 2-0, 2-0, 1-0, 0-2, 0-3, 1-0 = 9/8) The Umpires on duty for the final session were:- Michael Ahern, Marie O’Leary & Bob Jennings. The prizes were presented by John Long (Club Captain) and also the Barrs Perpetual Trophy to Adrian Tanner (Skip) of the winning team.

• Douglas and Cork stars, Eoin Cotter and Eoin Cadogan brought the Sam Maguire Gaelscoil na Duglaise on Friday 4th March 2011. Pic:Rose Gowan

Thur 10 Mar '11 - 25

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Thur 10 Mar '11 - 27




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