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Inside Pages
Message Fr.ÁngelFernándezArtime,SDB
FromtheFINProvincialSuperior Fr.GerardoMartin,SDB
FromtheFISProvincialSuperior Fr.FidelOrendain,SDB
ADMA Foundation Celebration Ms.Ma.JuniferMaliglig
TheTasteofGod Fr.StephenPlacente,SDB
OntheRoadtoPontificalCoronation Mr.AndrewChanco
Editorial Team
Director-in-Chief Fr.ÁngelFernándezArtime,SDB
Editor-in-Chief Fr.DonnieDuchinDuya,SDB
Lay-out StudioNext24
ManagingEditor Ms.SusanLiwanag
CopyEditor Fr.RichieSantos,SDB
Circulation Ms.Ma.NicoleEspanillo
From the Editor
I am writing this piece from Turin during the meeting of the Salesian Bulletin editors
The talks, ranging from the topics of Salesianity to Artificial Intelligence, were beautiful and awe-inspiring. They've been carefully pieced together to satisfy the meeting's gargantuan theme:TheSalesianBulletininachangingworld.
To say that the resource persons enriched us in discussing their assigned topics is an understatement
As an outsider, Flavia Trupia spoke of SB as a brand of our Salesian Family. "As a brand," she emphasized that "it must have meaning for an external audience, but before that, for the internal audience, for those who are part of its system. If this recognition does not happen, the brand is weakened and becomes less credible even for its external users ” Thus, it is imperative for the members of the Salesian Family must be the main users and sponsors of their own brand.
On the other hand, Br. Jean Paul Muller insists that "We do not write only to entertain some readers, but we communicate a vision of the world."
These remind us of the responsibility of the Salesian Bulletin, not as a mere PR tool, but as a channel that rallies the members of the Salesian Family in terms of championing Don Bosco's charism, especially in fighting for the rights of the young.
Fr. Bruno Ferrero, the 16th SB editor of the Italian edition, narrates an encounter between Bl. Bartolo Longo and Don Bosco. The former asked him what his secret was for winning over the world
“Here is my secret," Don Bosco replied: “I send the Salesian Bulletin to whoever wants it and to those who don't want it.” This was a revelation for his questioner. He had not yet woken up to the power of the press; but returning to Pompei, he improved the printing shop he had, added to the number of machines and multiplied the number of copies of his bimonthly The Rosary and the Madonna of Pompei
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About the Cover
SalesianBulletin(SB)editorsfromaroundthe worldshowoffsomeoftheissuesofthe magazinethatdatesbacktothetimeofSt. JohnBoscohimself,whostartedthemagazine andservedasitsfirsteditor.
ThisphotowastakeninValdoccoaftertheSB editors'meetingfrom21–25April2023.Photo byANS