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Don Bosco Tech ASEAN country coordinators and representatives flew from their foreign offices to Manila, Philippines, for their 1st Bi-Annual Meeting. Attended by the country coordinators,Fr.GerardRavasco(Cambodia),Bro.EphraimSantos(Indonesia),Fr.Charles Saw (Myanmar), Mr. Francis Wichai Srisusa (Thailand), Bro. Amilcar Da Silva (Timor Leste), Fr. Duong Quochu Huy (Vietnam), and the DB Tech ASEAN Executive Council Coordinator and the Executive Director of Don Bosco-One TVET Philippines, Inc., Fr. Jose DindoVitug(thePhilippines—NorthProvince).
They were also joined by the Project Manager of Public Cooperation Partners of Don Bosco Mondo, Mr. Lukas Lambert, and Mr. Mark Carlos Tito Gumapon, Managing Director of DB Tech ASEAN.
Recently, DB Tech ASEAN set up its Central Office in Makati City, hosted by Don Bosco Technical Institute of Makati (DBTI). This in-person meeting allowed the coordinators and representatives to finally meet in the DB Tech ASEAN Central Office for the first time. It allowed them to witness TVET in the Philippines by touring some nearby Don Bosco TVET Centers. Fr. Gerardo Martin, SDB, FIN Provincial Supervisor, welcomed the DB Tech ASEAN representatives
The EAO Regional Councilor, Fr Nguyen Thinh Phuoc Joseph, dedicated an inspirational message to all the attendees It was followed by the Reflection on the Commission of the Youth Ministry, presided by Fr Joebeth Vivo, SDB of the Youth Ministry Department in Rome
As a DB Tech ASEAN out-of-the-country meeting tradition, the participants spent the last day having company visits and facility tours. The first stop was the Colombo Plan Staff College (CPSC) in Pasig City. The CPSC Governing Board-Engaged Faculty Consultant, Dr. Kesavan Ulaganathen, and Engr. Dr. Mian Khuram Ahsan, the Senior Faculty Specialist of CPSC, welcomed the guests and their team. The CPSC representatives presented the programs and activities of their institution, and the DB Tech ASEAN guests were toured inside the company and its facilities. •
Br.AmilcarDaSilva(TimorLeste),Fr.GerardRavasco(Cambodia), Br EphremMarianoSantos(Indonesia),Fr JoseDindoVitug(PhilippinesFIN),Fr.GerardoMartin(Philippines-FIN),Mr.LukasLamberts(Don BoscoMondo),Fr JoseLorbethVivo(DepartmentofYouthMinistry),Mr MarkCarlosTitoGumapon(DBTechAsean),Fr CharlesSaw(Myanmar), Fr DuongQoucHuy(Vietnam),Fr JayDavid(Philippines-FIN)

On March 3, 2023, Don Bosco Academy Bacolor hosted the Bosconian Youth Congress. A gathering of Senior High School students from Don Bosco schools in the FIN Province with the aim to propose their lines of action about the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal for Quality Education. The BYC desires to recognize the capabilities of Bosconian Leaders when posed with real-lifeissues.

The attending senior high school students were from Don Bosco Technical Institute Makati, Don Bosco Technical Institute Tarlac, Don Bosco Canlubang, Don Bosco Academy-Mabalacat, Don Bosco Technical College Mandaluyong and Don Bosco Academy-Bacolor

Having settled in, they were met with their assigned guides, who welcomed them with a campus tour The campus tour covered all facilities and buildings along with its background history The visiting students had some free time before being seated in the gymnasium for the opening Mass
Recess started immediately after the mass Food and drinks were provided with the option of purchasing desired foods at the canteen After recess, the students returned to the gymnasium for the beginning of the program Each school entered the gym while proudly shouting their respective cheer. The emcees introduced their chosen guest speaker, who educated the Bosconians on the importance of quality education.
The speaker also covered the pandemic's effects, students' mental health, and possible solutions. Lastly, a Q and A portion concluded the talk. At this point, each school was called upon to present its advocacies. This was the whole heart of the BYC, the reason why it was held. Each school identified a problem and its proposed line of action to tackle it.
The presentations were followed by a lunch break to prepare for the next part of the day, the Obstacle Course
After lunch, the students were grouped into teams of 15 students with an assigned facilitator from Don Bosco Mandaluyong Despite only a few teams completing the eight-station obstacle course, everyone was happy to have participated The games ended with synthesis questions to recognize the lessons and importance of the games
The event’s last part was performances from each school which undoubtedly became the favorite part of most participants These included dance numbers and band performances, which everyone heavily enjoyed Of course, as Bosconians, they left the venue as clean as they entered it
To end the day, a photo-op took place, and the participants expressed their gratitude and goodbyes to each other. They left with a heart filled with newly-made companions and a soul filled with happiness. •