Don Davies Campaign Brochure 2

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Building Our Community Don Davies and the New Democrats have a practical plan to make your life more affordable. Don will work for lower tuition for post-secondary education, 100,000 new quality, accessible childcare spaces, and a national strategy to create more affordable housing. Don will work for more support for seniors, with increased Old Age Security and phased-in improvements to the Canada Pension Plan. He will fight for strong public health care, more family doctors and lower prescription costs.

To make your life more affordable

DAVIES 戴偉思會致力推動減稅和廢除HST, 從而減輕您的生活負擔




Davies V a n c o u v e r

K i n g s w a y

請投戴偉思Don Davies一票 To stop Harper in Vancouver Kingsway

DAVIES 戴偉思是您在京士威選區最隹的選擇

請投戴偉思Don Davies一票 Don will work for a strong local economy that rewards job creators and supports small business. He is committed to better public transit, and more support for arts and culture. New Democrats will continue to pursue effective strategies to combat climate change and encourage a sustainable economy. The NDP will ban oil tankers off BC’s Northern Coast, and redirect fossil fuel subsidies toward clean energy projects that create green jobs.

For competent, effective representation

DAVIES 戴偉思是您在國會最有力、 能幹和具經驗的代表

請投戴偉思Don Davies一票

Leadership you can trust.

Our community. Your voice.

我們的社區 您的聲音 Cộng Đồng Của Chúng Ta. Tiếng Nói Cùa Quí Vị Tinig ng samabayanang Pilipino

戴偉思支持為小型商業減稅。他支持對創造就業和促進本地 經濟的商家予以獎勵的政策。戴偉思在國會投票反對HST, 並承諾致力於取消這個不公平的稅項。 新民主黨推出強有力的政策支持優質教育、良好的醫療服務 和增進老人退休金計畫。 戴偉思努力確保我們的區安全,他將爭取增聘更多警力巡邏 街頭,制訂嚴厲的法律打擊入屋爆竊,讓人人安居樂業。當 加拿大情報局長法登質疑華裔對加國的忠誠,戴偉思挺身為 華人社群辯護。 戴偉思將繼續致力於讓家庭團聚移民獲得更公平和快捷的審 批,以及爭取核發更多簽證和加強落實海外資歷認證。

Don Davies sẽ tranh đấu cho tự do, dân chủ và nhân quyền Đảng cương của đảng NDP là luôn ủng hộ tiểu doanh nhân, giúp đỡ các gia đình và nâng cao giáo dục cho con em chúng ta. Don Davies sẽ luôn ủng hộ cộng đồng Việt Nam trong nổ lực tranh đấu cho sự công bằng và thúc đẩy sự nhanh chóng trong thủ tục di dân, bảo lãnh gia đình, và cấp hộ chiếu.

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