October 2012 Newsletter

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Davies,MP October 2012

2951 Kingsway Ave, Vancouver BC V5R 5J4 Phone: 604-775-6263 Email: don.davies@parl.gc.ca

Vancouver Kingsway Community Newsletter Dear Friends, Summer is over and MPs have returned to Ottawa for a new session of Parliament. In the last few months I have heard from many residents. Major concerns include the Enbridge pipeline, the closure of the Kitsilano Coast Guard station, and the growing gap between the rich and the poor. In this new session of Parliament, our Official Opposition MPs will bring proposals to the Government that address these issues and reflect your priorities for affordable housing, good jobs and secure pensions. As your representative, I will bring your voice to Ottawa and work hard for positive change. Thank you for sharing your views to build a better Canada. 親愛的朋友們,

Quý bạn thân mến

夏天結束了,國會議員們都返回渥 太華參加新壹屆的國會例會。

Kỳ nghỉ hè đã kết thúc và cac Dân Biểu đã trở về Ottawa cho một khoá họp mới của Quốc Hội.

過去的幾個月,很多居民找我溝 通,表達了他們的壹些憂慮,主要 集中安橋北方門戶輸油管計劃(Enbridge pipeline),關閉基茨蘭奴 海岸防衛隊基地(the Kitsilano Coast Guard Station)以及日益加 劇的貧富差異。 在開新壹屆議會會議時,作爲官方 反對黨,新民主黨國會議員將提交 議案,反映上述民情,並呼籲解決 您所關心的“可負擔住房”、創造 工作機會,及保障養老等重大民生 議題。作爲妳們的代表,我將把您 的聲音帶到國會,並爲取得積極的 改變而努力工作。 感謝妳們爲了建設壹個更美好的加 拿大而與我分享妳們的觀點。

Trong vòng mấy tháng qua tôi đã lắng nghe rất nhiều mối quan tâm từ các cư dân địa phương. Trong đó các mối quan tâm lớn bao gồm vấn đề ống dẫn dầu Enbridge, việc đóng cửa trạm bảo vệ bờ biển Kitsilano, và hố ngăn cách giữa người giàu và người nghèo ngày càng rộng. Trong khoá họp mới của Quốc Hội đợt nầy, các Dân Biểu thuộc Đảng Đối Lập sẽ đề nghị lên chính phủ giải đáp các mối quan tâm hàng đầu của quý bạn, và phản ảnh các vấn đề ưu tiên mà quý bạn đã đặc ra bao gồm vấn đề nhà giá rẻ, công việc làm tốt, và tiền lương hưu được đảm bảo. Là một người đại diện cho bạn, tôi sẽ đem tiếng nói của bạn đến Quốc Hội tại Ottawa và quyết tâm làm việc để có được những thay đổi tốt cho tất cả chúng ta.

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Xin chân thành cảm ơn quý bạn đã chia xẻ ý kiến xây dựng một đất nước Canada thật tốt.




WORKING HARD FOR YOU... Spending time at Eric Hamber Senior Secondary listening to students

Enjoying cultural performances at Collingwood Days Thưởng thức buổi trình diễn văn hoá vào Ngày Collingwood

在 Eric Hamber 中學走訪, 傾聽學生的心聲

Connecting with our seniors -- we need better pensions, home care and medical support. Getting wet in the dunk tank at the annual Cedar Cottage Carnival on a hot sunny day in June Hosting the Philippines Ambassador during Philippines Independence Day Pagtanggap sa Ambassador ng Pilipinas sa pagtitipon sa ArawPangkalayaan ng Bansang Pilipinas

Walking this year’s Pride parade route with love, hope and optimism

COMMUNITY BBQ IN SLOCAN PARK Each summer my office hosts a free community BBQ for Vancouver Kingsway residents. Again this year we had beautiful weather and we served over 800 hot dogs and 20 watermelons! 每年的夏天,我的辦公室都會 爲溫哥華京士威選區居民舉辦 免費社區燒烤會。

Photo: Don and his wife Sheryl serving hotdogs Vancouver Kingsway

今年的這壹屆天氣很好,我們 做了800多個熱狗,切了20幾 個西瓜!

...IN THE COMMUNITY Riding my bike to Car Free Day on Main Street -- a festival of sustainability and fun!

Bringing greetings to delegates attending an international labour conference in Vancouver

Appreciating arts and culture in our community 與中國藝術大 師 Yu Jo Gao 先生壹同欣賞 藝術 Chatting with a resident during “Coffee with Don” Trò chuyện với cư dân trong buổi “Uống Cafe Với Don” Visiting the Sunset IndoCanadian Seniors to talk about immigration and trade policies

Listening to the concerns of residents at a summer festival

snsY~t ieMfokYnyfIAn bzurgW nwl iemIgRySn Aqy vpwr nIqIAW bwry g`l bwq krn leI mulwkwq krdy hoey[


The community BBQ is a great opportunity to meet residents and chat about your concerns and ideas. If you have children, we always have activities for them to enjoy. This year it didn’t take long for the kids to break open the pinata! dondavies.ca

How Your MP Can Help You To Make A Difference

Photo: Children at the Trout Lake Community Centre summer day camp express their gratitude to Don.

Have you ever wondered what your MP can do for you and your community? Kate Perkins did. So she called her MP (Don Davies) to find out if he could help. Kate is the President of the Grandview Community Centre Association at Trout Lake. They had applied for funds from the Canada Summer Jobs program to run a series of children’s day camps at Trout Lake for the summer. Unfortunately, their request was denied. That’s when she reached out to Don. After hearing about the situation, Don wanted to help. He contacted the people in charge of the Canada Summer Jobs program and worked to get the funds restored. His advocacy was successful and the funding request was granted in full ($22,000)! Thanks to Kate and Don, 300 children were able to participate in summer day camps this year. This story is a great example of how your elected official can work together with you to make a difference in our community. Congratulations to all the Trout Lake campers and staff!

Job Creation, Environmental Sustainability, and Creative Initiative This summer Don visited M&R Environmental, the industrial recycling business of Vancouver Kingsway residents, George & Dani Mate. Their company specializes in the disposal and recycling of waste oil, oil filters, used oil bottles, waste antifreeze, absorbent pads, and contaminated fuels. They employ 43 full-time workers. The company boasts some impressive statistics. Last year, M&R recycled over 18 million litres of used oil, kept 670,000 kilograms of used oil bottles and 1.3 million kilograms of used oil filters out of area landfills, and recycled over 2 million litres of antifreeze. This company is a great example of job creation, environmental sustainability, and creative initiative. Thanks to George and Dani for the tour!

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