Davies,MP Fall 2011
2951 Kingsway Ave, Vancouver BC V5R 5J4 Phone: 604-775-6263 Email:
Vancouver Kingsway Community Newsletter Dear Friends, With summer ended and the fall upon us, I want to express how lucky we are to live in Vancouver Kingsway. Our vibrant neighbourhoods, multicultural communities and tremendous spirit of our residents are exceptional. We are truly blessed. We have much to do, however. Making sure everyone has an affordable home, a good job and a secure life are unfinished goals that require our attention and care. I will work hard to make these the priorities of the federal government in Ottawa. 親愛的朋友們,
ipAwry im`qro,
夏去秋來,我想對各位說:住 在溫哥華京士威是一件多么幸 運的事。這里有朝氣蓬勃的鄰 里,多元文化的社區,還有活 力四射的居民。這么多元素集 合在一起構成了京士威的“特 殊性”,我們真的好幸福。
grmI dI r`uq dy ^qm hox Aqy pqJV dI Awmd mOky, mYN kihxw cwhuMdw hW ik AsIN ikMny ^uSiksmq hW ik AsIN vYnkUvr ikMgzvyA iv`c rihMdy hW[ swfw joSpUrx AWF guAWF, bhu-s`iBAwcwrk BweIcwry Aqy swfy vsnIkW dI zbrdsq ihMmq byjoV hn[
我們還有很多事情要去完成。 確保每個人都有一 處可負擔 的居所,一個好的工作,一份 安穩的生活,這一目標并未實 現,我們仍需不懈地努力。我 將力爭讓這一目標成為渥太華 聯邦政府的工作重心。
hwly vI, AsIN bhuq kuJ krnw hY[ ieh XkInI bxwauxw ik hr iksy kol smr`Qw Anuswr Gr, cMgI nOkrI Aqy ie`k sur`iKAq izMdgI hovy, ADUry tIcy hn ijnHW nUM swfy iDAwn Aqy prvwh dI loV hY[ mYN ienHW nUM autvw ivclI &Yfrl srkwr dIAW qrjIhW bxwaux leI s^q imhnq krWgw[
Thưa bạn, Như vậy mùa hè đã qua và mùa thu đã đến với chúng ta, tôi cảm thấy thật may mắn cho chúng ta được sống trong khu vực Vancouver Kingsway. Sự sống động, đa văn hoá và tinh thần phục vụ đầy tràn là đặc điểm của những người dân tại khu phố của chúng ta. Tuy thế chúng ta còn nhiều điều phải làm. Tranh đấu cho mọi người đều có được một căn nhà trong khả năng của mình, một công ăn việc làm tốt, và một cuộc sống an bình là mục tiêu mà chúng ta cần nhắm tới. Tôi sẽ làm trong tất cả mọi khả năng của mình để đảm bảo chính phủ liên bang đặc những điều quan trọng trên là mục tiêu cao nhất trong các dự án của chính phủ tại thủ đô Ottawa.
WORKING HARD FOR YOU... Serving cake at a Canada Day celebration kYnyfw idvs dw jSn mnwauNidAWnvyN kYnyfIAn swfy dyS nUM mzbUq bxwauNdy hn[
Celebrating Filipino Independence Day at Slocan Park
Drying off after serving time in the dunk tank. Vancouver Kingsway residents have good aim!
Getting wet in the dunk tank at the annual Cedar Cottage Carnival on a hot sunny day in June
Listening to a resident at the Cambie Village fair on West 18th Avenue
Don receives gift from world-renown artist, Li Xing-Jian 戴偉思在社區推廣中國藝術
CELEBRATING NEIGHBOURHOOD HOUSES Neighbourhood Houses are the backbone of our community. In Vancouver Kingsway, we are very lucky to be served by Cedar Cottage, Little Mountain and Collingwood Neighbourhood Houses. These three institutions provide the services, programs and space that create vibrant communities. From seniors programs to after school care, from arts and crafts to cultural activities of all kinds, these wonderful centres bring people together. They are places of friendship, sharing and caring. This month, our youngest neighbourhood house, Collingwood, is celebrating its 25th anniversary. I think I speak for everyone in Vancouver Kingsway in thanking them for all their great work and offering our heartfelt congratulations! Collingwood N’hood House: 604-435-0323
Vancouver Kingsway
Little Mountain N’hood House: 604-879-7104
Cedar Cottage N’hood House: 604-874-4231
...IN THE COMMUNITY Getting ready to play hockey at block party on Atlin & E.27th Ave.
Speaking at Chrysalis Society celebration of the purchase of their new home for women dealing with addiction
Engaging young people in our community
Taking part in the Vancouver Pride Parade this August
Si Don pinaguukulan ng magandang panahon ang kabataan Pilipino Celebrating Chilean Independence Day with members of our Chilean community at Panaderia Latina Bakery on Joyce Street Meeting with members of our Vietnamese community Làm việc chung với cộng đồng người Việt vận động đặc tên khu Little Saigon
A SUMMER OF BLOCK PARTIES We have had an explosion of block parties this summer! All over Kingsway, there were groups of neighbours, coming together to share food, entertainment, and friendship. Our lives are busy, but block parties allow us time to appreciate our community. They are an opportunity for our children to play together, to meet new neighbours and get acquainted with the people we see only in passing every day. Most of all, block parties are an opportunity to build our community. Thank you to everyone in Vancouver Kingsway who helped to organize and host a block party this summer. Your actions help to strengthen our social bonds, make our neighbourhoods better places to live and create memories that will last a lifetime - or at least until next summer!
For more information on how to organize a block party on your street, visit filmandevents/events/blockparty/
Remembering Jack Layton 1950 - 2011 We will carry on your relentless determination to make Canada a better place for everyone. As you often said, “’Tis never too late to build a better world.” No one did more to further this goal than you did, Jack. Rest easy and in peace, our dearest Jack.
Don Pays Tribute To Jack On behalf of all the residents of Vancouver Kingsway, we send our deepest sympathies, thoughts and prayers to Jack Layton’s family. Jack Layton was simply one of the finest people Canada has ever produced. He was an outstanding leader and a magnificent person. Jack brought hope, optimism and integrity to politics. His energy, his compassion and his courage in the face of adversity were rare. He demonstrated not by words, but by action, that respect and dignity can be a part of public life. He treated everyone he met - from the Prime Minister to the person on the street - with respect, kindness and as if they mattered. To Jack, everyone mattered. There are many elected officials in Canada, but very few genuine leaders. Real leaders bring people together. Real leaders truly listen to people. Real leaders inspire us to be better people.
Jack’s Letter To Canadians
Jack was such a leader.
Before he passed, Jack wrote a touching letter to Canadians. You can read the full text of the letter online at:
Jack, we are all better people for having known you. Our country is a better place for having you serve.
If you do not have computer access, please call our community office. We would be happy to mail you a copy.
Official Opposition Critic for Citizenship, Immigration & Multiculturalism
公民、移民及多元文化官方反對黨評論員 As your Member of Parliament I am proud to bring your voice to Ottawa.
作為本區的國會議員,我以傳達您的 聲音至國會為自豪。
It is my job to represent your interests and views in Parliament and to try to resolve your federal issues.
我的職責是在國會里代表你的利益與 意見,并努力解決你所關心的聯邦議 題。
As a member of the Official Opposition, I have the additional duty of being a member of the “shadow cabinet”. In this regard, I have been appointed the Official Opposition Critic for Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism. My responsibilities include proposing good policy, serving on the Standing Committee for Citizenship and Immigration, and reviewing legislation that falls in this area.
作為官方反對黨的一員,我還要盡責 當好“影子內閣”成員,既然被選 為了公民、移民及多元文化官方反對 黨評論員,我就要做到不辱使命。我 的責任包括建言獻策,任職于公民和 移民委員會,以及審核相關的立法條 文。
I welcome your ideas, opinions and suggestions on this subject or any other that interests you.
Write to Don postage free! Address your letter to:
Don Davies, MP House of Commons Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6
就相關或任何你所關注的議題,我期 待聽到你的想法、觀點和建議。