Parliamentary Report - June 2012

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DAVIES, M.P. Don Davies, MP 2951 Kingsway, Vancouver BC V5R 5J4 Tel: 604-775-6263

Va n c ou ve r K in g s way

Par l i am e ntar y Re p or t - June 2012

Greetings from Don Dear Neighbours, I am pleased to provide you with a report from Parliament on this session’s major issues and my work on your behalf. I believe it is very important to be accountable to you. Please feel free to contact my office if you need any assistance with federal programs or to express your views. It is an honour to serve you and represent our Riding. Have a safe and enjoyable summer! Best,

親愛的鄰居們, 很高興為您送上報 告,匯報國會這一段的主要議題和我代表您工作的 情況。我一直認為:對你們負責非常重要。 如需要聯邦事務方面的任何幫助,或欲交流您的觀 點想法,請隨時聯系我的選區辦公室。 為您服務并在國會代表我們的選區,是我莫大的榮 幸。 祝您和全家有一個快樂安全的夏天! 最誠摯的祝福! 戴偉思 Don 2

Don Davies, MP

Accountability - How Don Voted I believe it’s important to be accountable to you. Here are some of the positions I have taken on your behalf. Inquiry into rebuilding our fisheries Dismantling the Wheat Board Protecting Canadians from medication shortages Giving Elections Canada the power to investigate voter suppression campaigns Abolishing the long gun registry Support for military and RCMP veterans’ services Banning floor crossing for MPs Pooled registered pension plan (leaving retirement security to market forces) Ensuring protection of Canadian jobs in the Investment Canada Act Establishing a suicide prevention framework Omnibus crime legislation Ending claw-backs to veterans pensions Providing support for MS treatment (CCSVI) Shutting down debate in the House of Commons Protecting Old Age Security Restricting access to EI benefits Equal funding for First Nations education Protecting internet freedom of speech and privacy Vancouver Kingsway


Working Hard in Parliament Don has introduced 11 Bills in the House of Commons in the 41st session of Parliament. This ranks Don 4th out of 308 MPs! Bill C-340 - E stablishes a national strategy for increasing renewable energy Bill C-351 - Establishes a Canadian Autism Day Bill C-352 - C reates a database of national fire statistics Bill C-353 - C reates tax credits for energy-efficient products (Create Your Canada winning entry) Bill C-355 - Expands voting hours to 7am-10pm Bill C-367 - C reates tax credit for veterans’ organization dues Bill C-368 - Lowers voting age to 16 Bill C-369 - R emoves GST from batteries used in medical devices Bill C-404 - R equires Immigration Officers to provide detailed reasons for visitor visa refusals Bill C-405 - E stablishes appeal process for visitor visa refusals Bill C-415 - S trengthens appeal process for denied permanent residency claims based on health reasons


Don Davies, MP

Your Voice in Parliament On Protecting our Democracy: “To have a strong democracy we must have a system of campaigning, voting and behaving politically that is beyond reproach. That is the guarantee that Canadians want in their electoral system. Long after we are gone, this institution survives and it is our responsibilities as MPs today to stand up for Canadian democracy.”

保護我們的民主 “為了能有一個強大的民 主,我們必須建立一個無可 非議的高度政治化的競選和 投票制度。這才能保證加拿 大人想要的一種選舉。即便 我們都不在了,這樣的體制才能得以長治久安,作為國會議 員,我們的職責就是要捍衛加拿大的民主。”

On Multiculturalism: “Canada has always been a meeting place of diverse cultures. From the distinct traditions of Canada’s first nations to the waves of immigrants from across the world who have come to call Canada home, we are a shining example to the world of multiculturalism at work.” Vancouver Kingsway


Your Voice in Parliament On Renewable Energy Strategy: “Young Canadians know that a healthy, sustainable, prosperous future depends on moving away from our dependence on carbonburning energy production. It is time that we follow their lead and develop a national strategy for renewable energy sources. Our planet and future generations are counting on us.” On Fair Business Tax: “The NDP has proposed to reduce the small business tax rate from 11% to 9%. We have also proposed the smartest corporate tax cut policy, which is to give corporate tax cuts to corporations that agree to create jobs. These two policies have to be linked.” On Poverty: Canadian children, seniors, families and youth all are experiencing levels of poverty that are simply unacceptable in a nation as wealthy as ours. Today, I call on the government to join provincial and territorial governments, First Nations and civil society to develop a national poverty reduction strategy. We cannot, should not and must not wait any longer.” 6

Don Davies, MP

Your Voice in Parliament On Retirement Security: “It is part of every Canadian’s dream to have sufficient income to retire with dignity. We want enough to have a secure retirement, enough that we can pay our accommodation and take care of our families with the knowledge that we do not have to worry about poverty or financial pressure.” Đánh Thuế Một Cách Công Bằng: Đảng Tân Dân Chủ đã đề nghị phải cắt giảm thuế cho tiểu thương doanh từ 11% xuống 9%. Chúng tôi cũng đề nghị một phương pháp tốt để cắt giảm thuế cho các tập đoàn công ty bằng cách ràng buộc các tập đoàn công ty phải tạo thêm công ăn việc làm cho người dân trước khi nhận được mức thuế thấp. Giảm thuế và tạo công ăn việc làm phải luôn đi đôi với nhau. On Education: “We New Democrats stand in full support of all Canadian teachers. They deserve fair compensation and our respect for the valuable work they do. We know that a strong education system is the cornerstone of a sound economy and a fair society.” Vancouver Kingsway


Budget 2012 Before the budget, Don made a statement in Parliament on the priorities of the citizens of Vancouver Kingsway. These included:

Access to secure, affordable housing Having a safe home is a foundational need that makes employment, raising a family and pursuing success possible.

Secure, safe pensions While private pension plans and personal savings are helpful, a secure public pension system is the safest and cheapest way to ensure all Canadians can retire in dignity.

Accessible, affordable, quality childcare Young families and single parents need this vital service in order to fully participate in our economy and our children themselves need it for sound educational development.

Protect our environment Our environment is the foundation of all economic activity. While people of all ages want us to protect our air, land and water for future generations, this issue is particularly important to young people who want to inherit an earth that can sustain their lives as well as it has those who came before them.

Good, permanent, full-time jobs We need jobs we can support ourselves on; we need jobs we can raise our families on.


Don Davies, MP

Budget 2012 Unfortunately, the Conservatives presented a budget that contains massive cuts to services, attacks our environment, and fails to meet our priorities. Here are some examples:

Decreases environmental protection • • • • • •

Cuts water quality monitoring Closes BC Oil Spill Response Centre and Kitsilano Coast Guard base Reduces and dilutes environmental assessments Eliminates fish habitat protection Excludes concerned groups and citizens from environmental review process for pipelines Dissolves the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy

Cuts economic support to families • • • • •

Raises Old Age Security entitlement to age 67 Shuts down women’s health centres of excellence Closes 9 Veterans’ Affairs offices Makes EI harder to get and reduces benefits Removes $31 billion from health transfers to the provinces

Reduces public safety and food safety • • • •

Cuts food inspection Cuts border security Eliminates emergency preparedness assessments Exempts products from food and drug act regulation

Damages youth programs, charities & arts • • • • •

Vancouver Kingsway

Cuts funding to CBC Ends the Katimavik program Attacks charities who do advocacy work Deep cuts to the National Film Board and Telefilm Canada Deep cuts to Library and Archives Canada


International Trade In late April, NDP Leader Tom Mulcair named me his new Critic for International Trade in the Official Opposition Shadow cabinet. I was also elected Vice-Chair of the House of Commons Standing Committee on International Trade. It is my responsibility to review government legislation, study issues and develop sound policy in this area. Canada is a trading nation. Developing effective trade policies can help build a strong Canadian economy. I believe that trade policy is connected to having a strong domestic industrial policy. Trade is not only about who we trade with, and on what terms - it also involves important decisions about what we produce in Canada to trade. I think it is critical that we develop value-added products and industries that are future-oriented. A good trade policy is one that creates good, well-paying and sustainable jobs here in Canada. If you have any views or opinions on this subject, please don’t hesitate to contact me to share them. 10

Don Davies, MP

International Trade I am currently consulting a wide variety of stakeholders to canvass their views on trade issues. Business, labour, NGOs, academics, and public officials all have important contributions to make. So far, there appears to be broad agreement that Canada’s trade policy should be based on a number of principles: Canada should be looking to expand our trading opportunities Labour standards and human rights should be improved by trade agreements Canada should obtain reciprocal access to markets Trade agreements should ensure that environmental standards are respected and raised in the production of goods and services We must protect democratic processes and sovereignty to make decisions in the best interests of our nation Critical public resources (like water) must be fully protected from foreign access and multinational control

Vancouver Kingsway


10 Key Trade Facts & Figures

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Exports amount to 30% of Canada’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 加拿大對外出口占國民生產總值(GDP)的30%

Canada’s top 10 export destinations: USA, UK, China, Japan, Mexico, South Korea, Netherlands, Germany, France, Hong Kong 加拿大10大出口目的地分別為:美國、英國、 中國、日本、墨西哥、南韓、荷蘭、德國、法 國與中國香港。

75% of Canadian exports go to the USA 美國占到加拿大出口貿易的75%

Canada’s top exports are: mineral products, automobiles, manufactured items, base metals, chemicals 加拿大主要出口商品包括:礦產品、汽車、 制成品、賤金屬、化學品

Canada exports 50% of what is grown agriculturally; worth $40 billion per year 加拿大每年生產的農產品,50%用于出口,總值為 400億加元

Don Davies, MP

10 Key Trade Facts & Figures


Trade growth is expected most between Canada and China, India, Brazil and Spain 加拿大對外貿易最具增長潛力的國家分別是: 中國、印度、巴西和西班牙


Canadian imports come from USA (50%), China (11%), Mexico (5.5%), followed by Japan, Germany and UK.


Canada has concluded 11 Free Trade Agreements and is pursuing 12 more negotiations 加拿大至今達成了11項自由貿易協定,在談的項 目為12個


加拿大進口國主要包括:美國(50%)、 中國(11%)、墨西哥(5.5%)及日本、德國和英國

Canada’s trade deficit in manufactured goods has grown from $16 billion in 2005 to $81 billion in 2010 加拿大制成品的貿易逆差從2005年的160億加元上 升至了2010年的810億加元


Unprocessed exports are growing faster than value-added products (unprocessed exports were 45% of total exports in 1999 and over 60% today) 未加工產品出口遠遠大于高附加值產品的出口 (在1999年未加工產品占出口總量的45%,而今 已超過60%)

Vancouver Kingsway


Opposition to the Enbridge Pipeline

The NDP BC Caucus wrote the Federal Joint Review Panel to voice our concerns about the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline. (Read the complete letter online at www.

Don accepts a petition to ban oil tankers on our coast from members of Youth 4 Climate Justice Now. The Windermere Secondary students collected over 10,000 signatures from Vancouver residents.

el iew Pan t v e R t in Jo jec y to the n Gateway Pro Secretar r e h t e Nor Enbridg ut the rns abo e c n o c e risks it ve raised pipeline and th a h s n ia conoanad ateway nd our e t, we G a t n Many C r n e e h t m d Nor nviron liamen propose e to both our e embers of Par e M os are thes would p ish Columbian tituents who sh ist rit atives ex ns B n o r s c e A y lt . n a y a r m m te that bet ard from have he nd who believe .. sa nomy.. concern able eco in a t s u s re for a mo


Don Davies, MP

The proposed pipeline threatens:

JOBS This pipeline threatens more than 45,000 fisheries and tourism jobs. Exporting 500,000 barrels of raw bitumen daily closes the door on thousands of refining jobs here in Canada.

CLIMATE CHANGE Shipping out this much raw bitumen furthers big oil’s agenda of unregulated oilsands expansion—and the unsustainable carbon emissions that go with it.

ENERGY SECURITY Instead of shipping raw bitumen overseas, it’s time to manage this resource in ways that put Canada’s longterm energy needs first.

THE COAST Sending supertankers into hazardous coastal inlets makes spills inevitable. Even a modest spill would contaminate this fragile and diverse coastline for decades.

THE LAND This pipeline would cross 1,000 rivers and streams, including sensitive spawning habitat. Even small leaks would be devastating in this pristine northern terrain. Vancouver Kingsway


Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Medals

NOMINATION FORM To be eligible for this medal, a person must: • be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada • reside in the electoral district of Vancouver Kingsway • be alive on February 6, 2012 (award can be awarded posthumously, as long as the person was alive on that date) Please note: it is not necessary to use this form as long as the Selection Committee has the information below. You may send your nomination by email to or by mail to Don Davies, MP, 2951 Kingsway Ave., Vancouver BC V5R 5J4 (no postage necessary). The nomination deadline is August 31, 2012.

I nominate: Name Address Telephone Email The reason why the nominee deserves this medal (please explain volunteer community work):

Nominated by: Name Address Telephone Email 16

Don Davies, MP

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