Nasopoulou, Aspasia

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Score example Haiku II Invitation



2 Congas


& 43 ˙˙˙˙ ... >. f ÷ 43

Rub the two instruments circular with both hands. It could be simultaneously or in alternation producing cresc. – decresc. Change at libitum the intensity of the sound




œ pizz. œ. œ œ œ œ. œ œ. œ œœœœ œ œ œœœœ ? 43 ‰ ‰ Œ Œ ≈ Œ J ‰ ≈ œR ‰ ‰ ‰ ≈J Œ ‰ Œ 3 F e=169

use only one finger for each hand thin texture

œ œ ‰ œ 7 œ 118 ‰ œ 8œ œ œ ‰ ‰ ‰ œ œ œ œ œ F arco . pizz. ˘œ œ œœ œœ .. œ 118 œ . 78 Œ Œ ‰ J ‰ œ Œ J F f





œœœœœœ 6

one finger each hand

use all five fingers (muted sound)

œœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ‰ ‰ ‰ ÷ 10 8 œ œ œ œ œœœ œœœ œ J œ ? 10 J ‰ ‰ Œ 8


œ J ‰ Ó


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arco œ œ ‰ œ œ œ œ 43 Œ F

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œ ‰ J Œ.



∑ œ. œ. æ

pizz. œ J ‰ ‰ œ bœ Œ P




bœ ‰ œ bœ œ nœ œ Œ

© Copyright 2015 by Stichting Donemus Beheer, Rijswijk

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Publishing house of contemporary classical music

Irregularly tr. with the fingers Create waves Free tempo

Ͼ. p

10 8

œ œ 6 118 j ‰ j œ œ œœœœœ œ œ œ 8

œœ œ œ œ œ R ≈ œ 118 Œ

b œœœ œ Ó f

10 8

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Aspasia Nasopoulou

Aspasia Nasopoulou was born in Athens in 1972. Since 2002 she is living and working in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Education Aspasia Nasopoulou holds BA & MA in Composition from the Conservatory of Amsterdam, the diploma in Composition from the Conservatory N.Skalkottas in Athens and the Piano soloist diploma from the Conservatory of Piraeus in Greece. She received her BA in Geology from the University of Athens. Nasopoulou was guest researcher at the Musicology dpt. of the University of Amsterdam, working on the ‘Musicality of Bacchae’ by Euripides.

Compositions Her music ranges from solo instrumental and ensemble pieces, to dance- and vocal music. Her classical and contemporary background gives her work a poetic, profound and dynamic expressiveness. Her music is being described as complex but open, transparent and evocative. A large number of her pieces are inspired by and dealing with poetry from different times and different countries. From this she extracts not only meaning, but also concepts for her musical forms. She creates links between traditions and today. "Nasopoulou has a great affinity with old music, and she knows how to connect it to modern ways of playing... ...Also special is the music that Nasopoulou wrote to 'Nachtwerk', the poetry cycle in seven parts of Micha Hamel, who himself recites his verses with Doelen Kwartet. With subtle musical gestures Nasopoulou accentuates a word, an underlying meaning, not a moment drowning out the performer." (Thea Derks about 'Lelia Doura' & 'Nachtwerk') Another feature of her work is the unexpected combination of instruments, finding the essence of their blending in sound and impact. Often Nasopoulou integrates visuals, costumes and decor in her pieces, which gives the performances a stronger intimacy. E.g. Ten Dipoles for Seldom Sene Recorder Quintet and an especially designed installation of Ten Free Aerophones premiered in November Music and was on tour in The Netherlands.The upcoming performance Ikaros for November Music 2018 is a combination of music, dance, video and a transforming screen.

Besides composing Nasopoulou is curating concert series, and organizing workshops for professional composers. Since 2016 she is coordinating The Composer’s Treat residency in Buitenwerkplaats in Starnmeerdijk. She is teaching piano in conservatories in Greece and at the British School of Amsterdam for more than two decades now.

Selected compositions of Aspasia Nasopoulou

Performances Nasopoulou’s pieces have been commissioned and performed internationally by acclaimed soloists and ensembles in concerts and festivals. Among them Ralph van Raat, Wishful Singing female a cappella, DoelenKwartet & Micha Hamel (NL), Anna Veismane (LT), Adam Ørvad (DK), Trygve Brøske (NO), November Music, Nederlandse Muziekdagen, Opening of the 45th & 48th Poetry International Rotterdam, De Pont museum of Modern Art, Haäpavesi Folk Music Festival, Grachtenfestival, Gaudeamus Music Week, Concertgebouw, Van Gogh Museum, Glass WorldsHommages to Philip Glass Paris, Dutch Harp Festival, Athens Concert Hall, Saxophone Festival Ferno, Percussion Festival Paris. Nasopoulou’s music is being broadcast in the Concertzender and Radio 4 in the Netherlands and in stations in Belgium, Greece and via online platforms. Portraits of her work have been presented in film evenings and in theater shows like ‘Meet the composer!’

10 + Tessera: for vibraphone and piano, 2002 Chromata Laleonta: for chamber orchestra and Gamelan, 2003 Eternal Light: for mezzo-soprano and chamber ensemble, 2006 Four Miniatures: for two recorders and baritone, 2016 Instant: for soprano saxophone and cello, 2009/10 Lelia Doura: for recorder quintet, 2012 Merose: for ensemble, 2003 Nachtwerk: for narrator and string quartet, 2014 Narkissos and Echo: for panflute, marimba and cello, 2003 New Kite: for accordion and piano, 2011 Passion I: for soprano, Paetzold recorder quartet, two percussionists and six dancers, 2003 Serenade: for two recorders, accordion and harp, 2013

Awards In 2012 she received the incentive prize from the MCN & Donemus Publishing Composition Competition with the piece Lelia Doura for the Seldom Sene Recorder quintet, based on cantiga d’amigos. She won in 2014 the 1st Jury and the Public prize in the Tristan Keuris Componisten Concours with the piece Nanourisma for piano, flute and bassoon. The piece Olinda for solo piano was selected for the ‘24Fingerprints’, recorded by Ralph van Raat for the Buma Classical Convention 2015 and was one month online on 24Classics.

Spirits of the dead: for soprano, mezzo-soprano, cello and piano, 2004 Three Love Haikus: for percussion and cello, 2010

Photo Aspasia Nasopoulou by Titus Nachbauer ©2014

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