Oberbayern 2013

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APERITIFS Gancia / Cynar Martini red, white Porto red, white Sherry Garvey dry, medium Pineau des Charentes Muscat wine Campari orange, soda Kirr Picon with white wine, beer Ricard Perroquet (ricard, minth) Tomate (ricard, grenadine) Pisang with orange juice Aperitif of the house(Rhum,Pisang and orange juice) Aperitif of Gascogne(Red wine,cassis and tripple sec)DELICIOUS !!! Cocktail of the house(Vodka,Blue Curaçao and orange juice) Sangria Fresh orange juice Longdrink (Vodka, Whisky, Gin, Safari, Bacardi, ...)

4,20 4,50 4,20 4,20 4,30 4,20 5,60 4,20 5,60 4,70 5,00 5,00 4,90 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,20 3,70 6,90

Supplement fresh orange juice


Pacific (ricard) Bitter Crysale (Campari) tonic, soda, orange juice Funny Pisang with orange juice Cocktail of the house

3,50 4,00 4,00 4,00

WINES Red, white and rosé wine Chardonnay-Merlot M de Minuty rosé

glas 3,90 4,90 5,50

1/4 7,50 9,50 10,50

1/2 14 18 20

SOEPEN Dagsoep Vissoep Kreeftensoep

SOUPS 3,00 4,50 5,00

Soup of the day Fish soup Lobster soup

VOORGERECHTEN Salade mixte Tomaat met garnalen Garnalensla, mayonaise Garnalencocktail Zeevruchtencocktail Kaaskroketten (2 stuks) Garnaalkroketten (2 stuks) Krabkroketten (2 stuks) Mosselkroketten (2 stuks) Gepaneerde mosselen met looksaus of tartaar Kikkerbillen in de look Kikkerbillen provençale Kikkerbillen in de room Koninginnehapje Scampi's in de look op de grill (6)

STARTERS 5,00 9,90 9,90 9,90 8,50 7,50 9,50 9,50 8,50 6,50 9,40 10,40 10,90 6,90 9,90

Mixed salad Tomato with shrimps Shrimp salad, mayonaise Shrimp cocktail Shellfish cocktail Cheese croquettes (2) Shrimp croquettes (2) Crabmeat croquettes (2) Mussel croquettes (2) Fried mussels with garlic sauce or tartare Frog’s legs with garlick butter Frog’s legs Provençal Frog’s legs with cream sauce Vol-au-vent Grilled king prawns with garlic (6)

*In 't seizoen - in season



Rumsteak frieten Rumsteak bearnaise Pepersteak, salade, mayonaise Rumsteak met peperroomsaus Rumsteak met champignons Rumsteak met champignonroomsaus Rumsteak provencale Americain, mayonaise Filet pur Chateaubriand (2 pers.), salade, Entrecôte, salade, mayonaise Entrecôte met champignons Entrecôte met champignonroomsaus Entrecôte provencale Entrecôte bearnaise, salade Entrecôte (2 pers.), salade, Brochette, salade, tomaat ( 275 gr.) Brochette, salade, tomaat, bearnaise Brochette provencale Brochette met champignonroomsaus Stoofcarbonaden, frieten

12,50 13,90 13,40 14,90 13,40 14,90 13,90 13,90 14,90 32,00 15,90 17,40 18,90 17,90 17,90 34,00 13,90 15,90 15,90 16,90 11,90

Rumpsteak French fries (250gr.) Rumpsteak béarnaise Peppered rumpsteak, Rumpsteak with pepper cream sauce Rumpsteak with mushrooms Rumpsteak with mushrooms in cream sce. Rumpsteak Provençal Tartar steak, mayonaise Fillet steak, Chateaubriand (2persons), 550gr. Entrecôte ( 300gr.) Entrecôte with mushrooms Entrecôte with mushrooms in cream sce. Entrecôte Provençal Entrecôte béarnaise, salad Entrecôte (2 persons), salad, Brochette, salad, tomato ( 275 gr.) Brochette, salad, tomato, béarnaise Brochette Provençal Brochette with mushrooms in cream sce. Beef stew, French frites

Spaghetti Spaghetti (hesp, kaas, room) Spaghetti provençal Lasagne

10,90 10,90 10,90 12,90

Spaghetti Spaghetti (ham, cheese, cream sauce) Spaghetti “Provençale” Lasagne

11,90 10,90 12,90 13,90

CHICKEN Vol au Vent, French frites 1/2 chicken, salad, mayonaise, French frites 1/2 chicken Provençal 1/2 chicken with mushrooms in cream sauce

KIP Koninginnehapje, frieten 1/2 kip, sla, mayonaise, frieten 1/2 kip provençale 1/2 kip champignons crème

VARKENSVLEES * Ribbetjes gegarneerd met sausje Varkenslapjes gepaneerd : - champignons crème - provençale

14,90 10,90 13,90 12,90

PORK * Spare ribs with sauce Fillet of pork : French frites - mushrooms in cream sauce - Provençal

KALFSVLEES Kalfslapje gepaneerd : - champignons crème - provençale

14,90 17,90 16,90

VEAL Veal steak : French frites - mushrooms in cream sauce - Provençal

KINDERMENU Soep Hoofdgerecht naar keuze Kinderijs


CHILDREN’S MENU (till 12 years) Soup Main dish at choice Children’s ice-cream



CHILDREN’S DISH (till 12 years)

Frikadel gegarneerd Spaghetti Bouletten in tomatensaus Doradefilet Koninginnehapje Kindersteak


SUPPLEMENTEN (per persoon) Salade mixte Béarnaise Champignons, poivre Champignons crème, poivre crème Provençale Extra couvert

Minced-meat hotdog Spaghetti Bolognaise Meatballs with tomato sauce Fillet of gurnard Vol au Vent Childrensteak

SUPPLEMENTS (per person) 3,00 2,00 1,50 3,00 2,00 3,00

Mixed salad Béarnaise Mushrooms, pepper Mushrooms in cream, peppered cream sauce Provençal Extra person

MENU : 14,50. Vissoep

Fish soup “Blanche”

Tomaat met grijze garnalen (+2€) of Doradefilet,tartar Ijsje of koffie (Suppl. 1€)

Tomato with shrimps(+2€) or Fillets of gurnard, tartar Dessert Ice-cream or coffee (suppl.1€)

MENU : 19,90. Kreeftensoep

Lobster soup

Zalmfilet gegrild, tartaar of bearnaise of Filet pure

Grilled salmon, tartar or béarnaise or Fillet steak

Dessert IJs of Koffie (suppl. 1,00.)

Dessert Ice-cream of Coffee (suppl. 1,00.)

MENU : 29,90. Aperitief



Shrimp croquettes


Fish pan

Koffie espresso

Coffee espresso

Wijn inbegrepen 1/2 Entre deux Mers

Wine included 1/2 Entre deux Mers

Tomatensoep ---------Vol au vent Rumsteak Varkenslapje 1/2 kip Stoofcarbonaden Pladijs filet, tartaar(+1) Forel (1 stuk), tartaar Dorade, tartaar Kabeljauw, gesmolten boter,puree(+1) ---------Dessert IJs of Koffie (suppl. 1,00.)

MENU : 13,50. Tomato soup ---------Vol-au-vent Rumpsteak Fillet of pork 1/2 chicken Beef stew Fillets of plaice, tartar(+1,00 suppl.) Trout (1 piece), tartar Gurnard, tartar Codfish, butter sauce, puree potatoes(+1 suppl.) ---------Dessert Ice-cream or Coffee (suppl. 1,00.)

Tomatensoep --------Tongrolletjes op de wijze van de chef

MENU : 16,50. Tomato soup ---------Sole filets

(kreeftensaus, grijze garnalen, krab & zalm)

Brochette met saus naar keuze ---------Dessert IJs of Koffie (suppl. 1,00.)

Tomatensoep ---------Zeevruchtencocktail of 2 Kaaskroketten, krabkroketten of garnaalkroketten ---------Steak poivre ( suppl. Room : 1,50) Steak champignons (suppl. crème : 1,50.) Kalfslapje Pladijs of filets Rog gekookt, botersaus puree ---------Dessert ijs

(lobster sauce, shrimps, crabmeat and salmon

Brochette, sauce at choice ---------Dessert Ice-cream or Coffee (suppl. 1,00.)

MENU : 20,90. Tomato soup ---------Shellfish cocktail or 2 cheese or crabmeat or shrimp croquettes ---------Peppered steak ( suppl. Cream : 1,50 ) Steak with mushrooms (suppl. cream : 1,50.) Veal steak Plaice or fillets Poached ray, butter sauce, mashed potatoes ---------Dessert Ice-cream or Coffee (suppl. 1,00.)

VIS Pladijs filet, tartaar, frieten Pladijs, frieten Dorade gebakken, tartaar, frieten Kabeljauw : - gekookt, botersaus, puree - gebakken, tartaar, frieten - provençale, frieten Forellen (2 st.) : - gebakken, tartaar, frieten Rog : - gebakken, tartaar, frieten - gekookt, botersaus, puree Zeetong gebakken, frieten Tongrolletjes op de wijze van de chef

12,90 13,30 13,30 13,30 13,30 15,30 13,90 13,30 13,30 16,50 14,30

(kreeftensaus, grijze garnalen, krab & zalm)

Zalmfilet gegrild, tartaar of bearnaise Scampi’s in de look op de grill (9) Tarbot, botersaus puree Paling : - gebakken, tartaar, frieten - in 't groen, frieten - provençale, frieten - in de room, frieten Staartvis (frieten of puree) : - groene pepersaus - provençale Tomaat met garnalen Vispannetje

MOSSELEN "Casserole", frieten In witte wijn, frieten In de look, frieten Provençale, frieten * Kwaliteit "JUMBO"

FISH Fillets of plaice, tartar, French fries Plaice, French fries Fried gurnard, tartar, French fries Codfish : - poached, butter sauce,puree patatoes - fried, tartar, French fries - Provençal, French fries Trout (2 pieces) : - fried, tartar, French fries Ray : - fried, tartar, French fries - poached, butter sauce,puree potatoes Sole fried, French fries Sole filets chef (lobster sauce, shrimps, crabmeat and salmon)

15,90 15,90 13,90 15,90

Grilled fillet of salmon, tartar or béarnaise Grilled king prawns with garlic (9) Turbot, butter sauce, puree potatoes Eel : - fried, tartar, French fries - in chervil sauce, French fries - Provençal, French fries - with cream sauce, French fries Monk-fish (French fries or puree potatoes) - peppered cream sauce - Provençal Tomato with shrimps Fish pan

16,90 19,40 18,90 19,90 +6,00

MUSSELS "Casserole", French fries With white wine, French fries With garlick, French fries Provençal, French fries * Quality "JUMBO"

14,50 14,90 17,90 18,90 20,90 20,90 20,90

* In 't seizoen - in season

SOFT DRINKS Chaudfontaine still , sparkling Fanta, Fanta light Cola, Cola Light , zero Tonic Gini Ice-Tea 33cl Orange juice Fresh orange juice Fristi Cécémel

2,20 2,20 2,20 2,30 2,30 2,50 1,90 3,70 2,30 2,30 Suppl. grenadine Suppl. minth

0,20. 0,20.

BIEREN - BEERS Bieren van 't vat - Beer on tap Maes Rodenbach Hoegaarden Grimbergen

1/4 2,30 2,50 2,40 3,40

Bieren op fles - Beer in bottles Palm 33cl Maes “o” alcohol Becks 33cl Kriek Gueuze Carlsberg Duvel 33cl Weist Westmalle 33cl Scotch 33cl Brugse Tripel 33cl Brugse Zot Blankenbergse kokketeute 33cl

2,50 2,50 3,30 2,60 2,60 2,60 3,50 3,30 3,60 3,60 3,50 3,50

1/2 4,40 4,80 4,60

IJSCOUPES Kinderijsje Coupe vanille, mokka Dame Blanche Coupe Brésilienne Café Glacé Coupe Advocaat Coupe Oberbayern Banana Split

2,40 3,20 4,20 4,20 5,20 5,20 5,20 5,20

ICE-CREAMS Children’s ice-cream Vanilla, mocha, strawberry ice-cream Dame Blanche Coupe Brésilienne Café Glacé « Nespresso » Coupe Eggnot Coupe Oberbayern Banana Split

Supplement slagroom


Supplement whipped cream

in seizoen Coupe aardbeien

in season 6,40

Coupe strawberries

APPELTAART Warm Met ijs Met slagroom Met ijs en slagroom

3,20 4,40 4,40 5,60

APPLE PIE Warm With ice-cream With whipped cream With ice-cream and whipped cream

WAFELS Suiker, boter Slagroom Aardbeien Aardbeien, slagroom

3,20 4,40 6,20 7,40

WAFFLES Sugar, butter Whipped cream Strawberries Strawberries, whipped cream

3,20 4,40 4,40 5,20

PANCAKES Sugar, butter or jam Whipped cream Caramel or chocolate sauce Eggnot

PANNENKOEKEN Suiker, boter of jam Slagroom Saus caramel of chocolade Advocaat


Specialiteiten IJs Mikado (ijs en chocolade) IJs en advocaat Geflambeerd (Grand Marnier) Sibérienne (ijs, geflambeerd in Grand Marnier) Oberbayern (ijs, geflambeerd in Cointreau)

4,40 5,20 6,20 6,20 7,20 7,20

Ice-cream Mikado (ice-cream and chocolate sauce) Ice-cream and eggnot Flambé with Grand Marnier Sibérienne (ice-cream flambé with Grand Marnier ) Oberbayern (ice-cream flambé with Cointreau)

WARME DRANKEN - HOT DRINKS Nespresso “Finezzo lungo” Nespresso “Decaffeinato lungo” (decaff) Nespresso “Ristretto” (mokka) Capuccino Caffè “Latte” (Koffie verkeerd - Hot milk with coffee) Thee - Tea Warme chocolademelk(met slagroom) - Hot chocolate milk(with whipped cream)

2,50 2,50 2,50 3,00 2,70 2,30 2,50 - 3,00

KOFFIE SPECIALITEITEN - COFFEE SPECIALITIES Irish Coffee (whisky) French Coffee (cognac) Russian Coffee (vodka) Carribian Coffee (rhum) Normandy Coffee (calvados) Rudesheimer Coffee (Asbach Uralt) Place Pigalle Coffee (Grand Marnier) Amaretto Coffee (Amaretto) Tia Maria Coffee (Tia Maria) Oberbayern Coffee (Cointreau)

6,90 6,90 6,90 6,90 6,90 6,90 6,90 6,90 6,90 6,90

DEGUSTIEVEN - ALCOHOLS (5 cl) Cognac Hennessy VS Cointreau Grand Marnier Calvados "Du Breuil VSOP" Mandarin Napoleon Asbach Uralt Armagnac Meyers Rhum Poire William Amaretto Di Saronno Tia Maria Baileys

5,90 5,90 6,40 6,40 6,30 6,10 6,10 6,40 5,90 5,70 6,10 5,90


J&B Johnny Walker

5,90 5,90


young old

2,90 3,00

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