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CONTENTS Editor-in-Chief - Donna Royalty Ross


Peace Be Still - Pastor H. Al Sims, Jr.


Worship 4 Real - Dr. Eion A. Greaves


Interview With Doris Aletha Shelto Mclennon


Walking Into My Spiritual Wellness - By Athena Morrison


Holiday Tips To Prevent Weight Gain - Herline A. Knights, Ms, Rdn, Ldn


Unto Us — The Birthing Process - Sharon Weekes-Alleyne


Refresh - Claricia Harley


Words Of Encouragement - Donna Royalty Ross


Contributors Dr. Eion Greaves Claricia Harley Herline A. Knights Pastor H. Al Sims Athena Morrison Sharon Weekes-Alleyne


From the Editor-in-Chief’s Desk:

Donna Royalty Ross

In spite of it all, we are finishing strong in 2020. Well, December is no longer knocking on our doorsteps, it is here. We started out in January with all our plans for great things in 2020. We boasted and told anyone who would listen that 2020 is the year of hindsight and we were going to see great things take place. To some, the report of the greater things did not happen. To so many others, there were major disappointments and they watched plans go haywire because of COVID-19, losses of family members due to this pandemic, job losses, social distancing and even food shortages. Not only in these United States of America did we have to battle through what most of us could not even imagine, but the whole earth has been hit with this pandemic. Major changes happened from March 2020 until now, which will carry over into, and well beyond some of our lifetimes. Our hearts and prayers have gone out and will continue to go out to those who have lost loved ones, jobs, finances and perhaps, even trust in God. To say that 2020 was a challenging year is an understatement. We have been stretched to our maximum. We have gone through COVID-19, elections, challenges with the elections results, food and paper goods challenges and the list goes on and on. However, we are now in December and we must take stock of how powerful our God is. Even during COVID-19, not only have many of us seen some great things. Although many of our churches have been closed due to this pandemic, many have restructured their lives. Many are seeking and running after God. Many are interacting more and more with their families. I may be wrong, but I believe that we are experiencing the beginning of the falling away-- many have walked away from the church. Many will never, sad to say,

return to a physical brick and mortar building. The distractions and destruction we have seen from March to now is truly unbelievable, BUT our God is still on the throne. Our mindset must be realigned to the Kingdom of God mindset. We can no longer be conformed to this world system; we must get back to the transforming of our minds at a rapid speed. I believe that we are connected to the One who is greater than all the challenges and defeat some have experienced in 2020. I believe that the remnant that God has prepared for this end time is coming out of obscurity and beginning to take their rightful places in the Army of the Lord. We are no longer living in a business as usual time or mindset. We are in a real live war and we must sound the war cry of the warriors. Will you join in with me to sound the alarm? We are finishing strong in 2020-- Strong for the Kingdom of God, strong for our biological and spiritual families, strong for the legacy and inheritance we plan to leave. On behalf of all the contributors of the Transformational4Real Magazine, we wish you God’s richest blessings as we end this year. Love y’all. Walking in God’s Scandalous Grace

Donna Royalty Ross Editor-in-Chief GodzMouthpiece 3

From the Pastor’s Desk:

Pastor H. Al Sims, Jr. Senior Pastor of Bethesda Church of God, Sumter, SC

Peace Be In the Book of Mark chapter 4 verse 39, Jesus spoke three powerful words that changed the lives of all who were on board the boat with him. You see Jesus and his disciples were on their way to the Country of the Gadarenes when the sea became stormy and frightful. What had started out to be a routine trip, has now turned into a nightmare. Winds howling, waves crashing, water filling the boat and hope of survival-- quickly fleeing. Then in the middle of all of that, one of the most ridiculous questions ever asked came bursting forth, “Master do you not care that we perish?” Imagine that, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, the miracle worker, the healer of the lame, blind, cripple and deaf was asked, “Do you not care if we perish.” This same Jesus, that took on the form of human flesh so that he could suffer, bleed, and die for lost sinners, was asked, “Do you not care that we perish.” Without fanfare or great pomp, Jesus spoke these three powerful words, “Peace be Still,” and then it happened. The winds calmed, the waves quit crashing, and hearts of men became joyful. That same Jesus is ready to speak to our hearts today. He has not lost his ability to calm any storm we may be facing or going through. But what can we do to prevent ourselves from watching the storms of life and listening to the howling winds of despair?


First of all, I believe we should practice Prayer and internalize the truths of the Word of God. We are constantly hearing the winds of negativity, gloom, and doom from the world. Media outlets are bombarding us with opinions contrary to the Word of God. Now is the time for us to follow what the old hymn writer suggested, “Now let us have a little talk with Jesus, let us tell him all about our troubles.” Also, throw in some of the Apostle Paul’s writings that says, “whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” Secondly, acknowledge what you cannot control. Sometimes we put ourselves on the throne instead of God. Remember, you and I are not all powerful, all knowing, nor omni-present. Simply stated, we are not going to be able to fix some things on our own so we must F.R.O.G., meaning, Fully Rely On God. Remember, the disciples were not the ones that commanded the wind to cease or the waves to calm. They realized this was bigger than their giftings and capabilities, so they called on Jesus. Wow! What a great idea, Call on Jesus! There is no


problem too big nor storm too large; He can still declare, “Peace Be still!” And, last but not least, take time to do inventory of all the miracles, healings, answered prayers, and bail-outs that God has done for you in the past. The disciples lost focus for a brief time. I do not want to cast stones at them because there have been times in my life where I have lost focus. Life can throw so many curves at us at once that at times we fail to remember that God has us covered. He has a plan for our lives. He has, with every temptation, made a way of escape. There is no mountain too high, no river to wide, nor valley so deep that God cannot overcome. There is no storm present nor future that has or will catch Jesus off-guard. As the great songwriter, Dottie Rambo put it, “So let the storms rage high, the dark clouds rise they won’t worry me, for I’m sheltered safe within the arms of God. He walks with me and not of earth shall harm me, for I’m sheltered in the arms of God.” Are you going through a storm or are you fearful of an approaching storm? Remember, Jesus is the same: yesterday, today, and forever-- and He is still speaking those powerful three words, “Peace Be Still!”

Chapter 3: The Power of Worship. Principle 3: Power misused is power abused. Power is not wrong because it is God who created me and you to have it (Romans 13:1-5). In Genesis 1:26-31, the word “power” is replaced by “dominion,” so being created in the image of God comes with power. Now, why the power was given must be clear. Everything that God created, including us, is for his pleasure. True worship begins once we embrace this truth. True worship goes beyond singing, music, and giving. It is a lifestyle, as it was in the pleasant place called the Garden of Eden. In that place of true worship, there is supernatural power that is

Worship 4 Real

Dr. Eion A. Greaves

greater than the powers that be. As Adam stayed in that lifestyle, the power that was available to him allowed him to name and claim anything he needed, except what God forbid. That power made him a god in the lower form (Psalm 8:4-9), and whatever he asked God for was given to him. Our worship is a weapon of war, and the Bible says our

weapons are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. Our creator does not want us to be in a fight, but to worship and bring pleasure to him. However, if we are attacked by the forces, then we are to use our power and authority to settle the enemy, so we get back to the real purpose of the day. 2 Chron 20:22-30 and Acts 16:25-26 tell us how we are to use this power, and after using it, people will fear our God and desire to serve Him. The power that is in worship must transform, renew, refresh, and restore those we come in contact with. To prove this to you, let me share a story with you. In 1 Samuel 10:5-13, because of the lifestyle of worship, the power manifested itself and change came. The prophets coming down from the high place used their instruments to magnify God. As a result, anyone who came in contact with them experienced change. Hmmm, to me, this sounds like deliverance, and it also sounds like revival. No touching, no screaming, no speaking in tongues all day, just simple worship 4 real. In this we can safely say, worship that is according to the pattern that calls us to pay the price, will release us into unlimited power and bring that which is in heaven to earth. Thy kingdom come; thy will be done. Amen!

Dr. Eion A. Greaves 5

Interview with

Doris Anetha Shelto McLennon Founder/Leader of Mothers Action Group on Social Issues and Sophia Sparkle Youth Group.

purpose, which is what I am presently doing, and to do it courageously.

I observed you for a good couple of weeks, if not months, on Facebook before I decided to get involved with helping your mission. What I observed, was that you are passionate about helping children and the elderly. Tell us about that. Caring for the many children at my home, I know it was my purpose in this journey of life. In the world today, most parents are forced to take up jobs outside their homes, with hardly any time left to steer their children into the right spiritual and moral path. That too is one of my dreams; to be a second mother and to guide them accordingly. From my point of view, I was hand-picked by GOD for this mission. I know I was, how else could I have mustered all the faith, strength, and courage to mentor the number of children that I have mentored over the years. What is also noteworthy is that we have members volunteering; my sons also play a major role in the operations.

Now tell us about Sophia Sparkles. From a historical perspective, Sophia Sparkle Youth Group is the offspring of the first Women’s Group that I founded. It came into existence on the 25th of June in 1992. Notably, while the Women’s group focused on the affairs of women as it relates to development in every aspect of their lives, the Youth Group was created with the aim of creating

Thank you, Doris, for agreeing to this interview. I look forward to hearing about your journey-- from where you started to here. Tell us about yourself and how you got so involved in caring for so many children. My name is Doris Anetha Shelto Mc Lennon, I was born at Victoria Village on the East Coast of Demerara. My parents are both deceased. I have three brothers and four sisters. I am married with five sons and one is deceased. The beginning of my journey, regarding the creation of groups, could result from my upbringing in a spiritual home, which taught me how to love and respect GOD the CREATOR from an early age. Interestingly, I think that I was placed on earth to achieve my greater self, to live out my


regular basis to focus on instilling God-fearing values. Additionally, these children are also involved in courses such as literacy, arts and craft, sewing, tie-dye, candle making, public speaking skills, and many others. For example, the art of public speaking is something emphasized since I feel that it is inevitable that they will be called upon sometime or the other to speak and they will have grown out of their shyness by being nurtured in these skills.

mechanisms to mitigate the notable idleness among our Youths, creating a space within my home where their rights would be protected and promoted, all the while, keeping their best interest at heart. The children, ranging from 4 years to about 20-25 years old, meet on a

I noticed that there are many different life skills that you have and continue to impart to the children. Tell us about how you decided that it was important to impart life skills into the children. Here at SOPHIA SPARKLE YOUTH GROUP and Mothers Action Group on Social Issues Friendly Space, we


try to equip them with everything we think they need for the real World, which includes essential life skills. Enhancing and educating on life skills can improve a child’s self -esteem, confidence, and social competence. It is not an easy job, but I find great joy doing what I do. I never received a salary for my efforts, but it is my passion for caring and guiding these beautiful children. When you feel passion for something it is because you remember your purpose—the reason why you came here on this Earth. There can be no greater gift than that of giving of my time and energy to helping them without expecting anything in return. I teach my children to lead by example, which requires no scolding or complicated instructions. I love and care for them and we put GOD first in everything we do. We teach

them the four (4) basic qualities which are significant in their lives-Determination, Dedication, Discipline, and Desire. Our children will become the citizens, employers, employees, Doctors, Nurses, Teachers etc. We must equip them with the necessary skills to take on challenges and opportunities that we cannot yet imagine. We are also teaching them new skills that will make them ready to collaborate with others on a global level. In all that we teach them, we can expect their work to include finding creative solutions to emerging challenges. So many parents entrusting us with their most prized possession means something, for me it means, they are excited with all that their children are getting, and they are satisfied. Every December for the

past two decades and over, we hold our annual Christmas celebration to unwind after a hard year of work. This is the only time we seek donations so that we can purchase toys and the much-needed items to go towards that event which serves a lot of children. Only a few donors remain with us throughout the year. The children assemble frequently and always have a snack and meal at every meeting. It is still my dream to give the children a hot meal at every lunch break and after school. I am in touch with these children’s needs and am very aware that they lack many nutritional meals. Food Security is also encouraged within the Community through Agriculture, where the concept of a kitchen garden is also taught. We


also focus on the whole individual by including lectures on sexual abuse, drugs, and the value of morals.

Tell us about those who contribute and are donors of your groups. Since the inception, both groups have been doing relatively well in their operations. Undoubtedly, these successes would not have been possible without the help of our donors. Our only concern though is that most of Sophia Sparkle’s Youth Group donors are only active during the Christmas season. Only a few remain throughout the year. However, the youth meet regularly and receive snacks and meals at every meeting. We truly would love to widen our scope of assistance to supplement the necessities at meetings.

I know that you are planning the Christmas Party that you have done yearly. In talking with you, I know that it is hard to get funding. People say that they would help and then you do not hear from them. Tell us about that. Sophia Sparkle Youth Group is vibrant and growing. This Christmas our annual concert and party have been cancelled much to the disappointment of the children, but they understand that health and safety is our number one priority here at SOPHIA SPARKLE YOUTH GROUP FRIENDLY SPACE. We have not assembled in a while because we are adhering to the Covid-19 regulations and restrictions put in place by health care professionals and Government.

When I first connected with you, which has been at least six years, it was because I felt that if I came from Guyana, I have a strong responsibility to give back to Guyana and I will continue to be that way. You know that I am burdened if I am not sending financial support at least every month. I am hoping that Transformational4Real Magazine will reach every country Guyanese people are living in and prick their consciousness to give back in some fashion.

THANK YOU FROM DORIS: I would like to thank Ms. Donna J. Ross for her commitment and dedication towards our group affairs. She is one of the donors who stayed with us throughout the year and my sister, Lynette Johnson, too. I would like to thank all my sons who work alongside me-- Michael, Joshua, Matthew, Dameion, and remembering my late son Peter who was killed by a reckless mini-bus driver. I must also say thank you to the members from Anything Guyanese First who have been contributing to make the children’s big day a successful one, Judy Harrison, who has donated all the sewing machines to the group, June Matthews and Lloyd Phillips, Food for the Poor Guyana Inc., Joan A Way, Grace December, Thelma Wright, Myrtle Pitt, Stanley Ming, Bill Rogers, Denita Washington, Stephanie Knights, to all my Teachers, Ulanda Welcome, Nelvana Singh, Tsheia Wickham, and Michael Lutchman. Please know how important you are to us. It is because of you that we have come this far. To my brothers and sisters and my grandsons, who are Volunteer Teachers, I thank you. I thank everyone who prays with us and sends inspirational and uplifting posts and videos. We will forever be grateful to you. Dorcas John, Chanice Brotherson, the Georges’-- we thank you! Every single person that contributed in some way or the other, we thank you, and pray that GOD continues to richly bless you and your wonderful family. May HE keep you safe-- Always.

Doris, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to allow me the privilege to interview you. May God continue to richly bless every endeavor you put your hands to. Love to you and your groups, volunteers, and all others.



By Athena Morrison Back in March of 2020, I was laid off from my job due to Covid-19. What do you do when your daily schedule becomes a thing of the past? Well, I decided that this was a good time to sleep in, watch TV, and eat whenever and whatever I felt like. After indulging in this for two months, I began to experience pain in my hips and lower back where walking became so uncomfortable. I decided to visit my primary care physician who informed me that I had gained a substantial amount of weight and my overall health was going in the wrong direction. Here I was, sitting around all day watching TV, moving around minimally, not even leaving home to go food shopping (my son was doing that for me), and I was surprised at this revelation. Fast forward. Around the second week of June, I found a willing partner and we began a daily walking routine. I have since lost some weight, the pain I was experiencing is almost gone and I have changed my diet. I have found that walking has made me clear headed and more in tune with my body. With this clear-headedness, I have [re]discovered my love of reading and the Bible was the perfect place for continuing that love. There in the bible, I found the perfect scripture for where I found myself: Galatians 5:16: “I say then:


Walk in the Spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.” When I began my daily walks, this scripture spoke to me in a very spiritual way. I became curious and looked at other scriptures that spoke of walking and found the following: Romans 6: 1-4 says, “What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it? Or do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? Therefore, we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.” (NKJV) These scriptural lessons about lust of flesh, sin, grace, baptism, death and best of all-- walking in the newness of life are perfect for my walk into spiritual wellness. To this end, I have come to realize that walking has made me physically and spiritually healthier, so, I will continue walking and encouraging others to do the same all the while-- thanking God for these eyeopening blessings.

Holiday Tips to prevent Weight Gain Herline A. Knights, MS, RDN, LDN


reat ideas are not always easy to execute, but great ideas work, as long as you put in the effort to make them work. That is why it is so important to know the reason why you are putting in the effort. Here are some ideas to get you started and some holiday tips to help prevent weight gain.

Get a buddy Studies have shown that people who partner up to lose (or maintain) weight tend to do better than those flying solo. Kind of makes sense, right? Imagine you have had a stressful morning and really want two slices of pepperoni pizza at lunch. Your coworker who you buddied up with is there to “talk you down from the ledge,” helping you go for soup and salad instead. Or what about when your alarm goes off at 6 AM for your morning run, but you cannot imagine anything better than staying under those warm covers. Your buddy starts knocking at your door and yelling at you to get up and get moving! Having someone in your corner can motivate you to make changes you never dreamed possible, and you can return the favor and do the same for your buddy.


Stay active

A helping hand: A buddy can help you plan and prepare healthy meals or snacks the night before

A workout buddy: A buddy can go to the gym with you or play sports with you (basketball, tennis, etc.)

An open ear: A buddy is there to hear about your successes and struggles

A 30-minute jog can burn about 300 calories. Doing 30 minutes of interval training can burn a ton more. While many consider nutrition as about 60%–70% of the equation when it comes to weight loss (or weight gain prevention), do not disregard the 30%–40% contributed by physical activity!

Accountability: A buddy is someone to talk to if you start to relapse or if you need a kick in the butt to get restarted

Motivation: A buddy can keep you on target and help you make the small, steady steps that you need to take every day to achieve your goals

A guiding hand: A buddy can teach you tips and tricks to mix it up and stay on track

Still not convinced? Here are a few more reasons to have a buddy: •

Helpful friend: A buddy is someone you always can call during a crisis, knowing you will get good advice/


If you are currently active, stay that way! We often are knocked out of our routines during the holidays because of travel, additional evening commitments, and the shorter days of winter (at least for those of us in the northern hemisphere). Take a look at what your current physical activity level is (number of days per week, how long, and how intense), and make it a point to continue that level of activity through the rest of the year. Or kick it up a notch if you feel confident that you could do more.

You do not need to do much more, maybe just an additional 10 minutes added to your usual workouts. Consider it a pre-New Year’s resolution. If you would like to become more active prior to the holidays, get started 1 day at a time. Even though the American College of Sports Medicine recommends 30 minutes of moderate physical activity 5 days/ week for health benefits, increase your activity gradually. If you exercised once this week, aim for twice next week, and try to maintain twice/week for a few weeks. Once you are sticking to twice/week, try adding a little more time to those 2 days. Then add a third day a few weeks later. The key is to feel comfortable with your current routine before making any additional changes. You can add to your current routine in these ways: •

Longer duration: Increasing workout time from 30 to 45 minutes

Increased intensity: Working harder during the same amount of time (see interval training)

Increased frequency: Increasing exercise sessions from two to three times/week

By New Year’s Day, you will have already accomplished the amount of exercise that everyone else is resolving to do!

Stay consistent Rather than going out of your way to make inconsistent changes, why not focus on the consistent things you were doing to maintain your weight (or to lose weight) for the previous 9–10 months of the year? Just like with any job or responsibility, it is much easier to maintain our current habits than to start a whole new set of them. Take a moment to think about all the successful things you have done in the past 3 months to keep your weight steady. Write them down on a piece of paper. This is now your action plan to maintain your weight during the holiday season. Just keep doing these things—no restrictions or substitutions required! If you slip up

one day, do not worry. All you need to do is to reread what you are doing that is successful and get back to it at the next meal or the next day. One unplanned dessert or meal does not result in weight gain. It is the activities we do and the foods that we eat every day, day after day, that lead to weight gain or weight loss. Another thing to consider is the many temptations that you will face during the holiday season—Thanksgiving, Christmas/ Hanukkah/Kwanzaa, New Year’s, and maybe a work party or two. That is about 5 days out of 60. The other 83% of the days are just like any other day during the year, and you can do the same things that kept you successful during those days of the year in November and December too!

Keep a journal Finally, if you really are worried about how you will react or feel when faced with the holidays and its associated foods, keep track! Write in a daily journal, and at the end of the day, rate yourself on how you ate that day from a score of 1 (poor) to a score of 5 (awesome). In addition, write down why you gave yourself that rating. Also write down one improvement you made that day in your eating habits, because there is always a silver lining. If you normally eat eight cookies when you are stressed out but stopped yourself at four today, that is progress—positive progress. Note one eating choice that you could have improved on. It is not just a matter of good vs bad foods. Even some people who eat great 85% of the time make nonideal choices because of many circumstances (travel, lack of planning, socializing, etc.). Reviewing your day’s eating habits the day they happen allows you to see where you can make improvements tomorrow. Record and celebrate your successes, because they are real, and they are what keep you going. When you are having a lousy day a month from now and you feel that you have made no progress, you can look back at your journal and read about all your successes. You also need to record


areas for improvement, because if you think everything is perfect, odds are things are actually not perfect. Having an area of improvement gives you a specific target and action for tomorrow. It is easy to say, “I am going to eat better tomorrow” and then do nothing. If you intend to eat better tomorrow, you need to know how you ate today and what you are going to do tomorrow to improve from today. That is why writing in a journal is useful. Writing in a journal for 3 minutes a day can make a world of difference. Is preventing weight gain this holiday season worth 3 minutes a day?

Global Health & Nutrition Consults, LLC Herline Knights, MS, RDN, LDN Phone: 678-616-1197 Fax: 678-616-1199 Email: Website: www.healthandnutritionconsults. com References and recommended readings Baker RC, Kirschenbaum DS. Weight control during the holidays: highly consistent self-monitoring as a potentially useful coping mechanism. Health Psychol [serial online]. 1998;17:367-370. Available at: Control_During_the_Hoildiays.pdf. Accessed November 20, 2012. Black DR, Gieser LJ, Kooyers KJ. A meta-analytic evaluation of couples’ weight-loss programs. Health Psychol. 1990;9:330-347. Boutelle KN, Kirschenbaum DS, Baker RC, Mitchell ME. How can obese weight controllers minimize weight gain during the high risk holiday season? By self-monitoring very consistently. Health Psychol [serial online]. 1999;18:364-368. Available at: Accessed November 20, 2012. Gorin AA, Phelan S, Wing RR, Hill JO. Promoting long-term weight control: does dieting consistency matter? Int J Obes Metab Disord [serial online]. 2004;28:278-281. Available at: cgi?article=1010&context=kine_fac&sei-redir=1&referer=htt p%3A%2F%2Fscholargoogle.m%2Fscholar%3Fstart%3D20 %26q%3Dholiday%2Bweight%2Bgain%26hl%3Den%26as_ sdt%3D0%2C33#search=%22holiday%20weight%20gain%22. Accessed November 20, 2012. Haskell WL, Lee IM, Pate RR, et al. Physical activity and public health: updated recommendation for adults from the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association. Circulation [serial online]. 2007;116:1081-1093. Available at: Accessed November 20, 2012. Phelan S, Wing RR, Raynor HA, Dibello J, Nedeau K, Peng W. Holiday weight management by successful weight losers and normal weight individuals. J Consul Clin Psychol [serial online]. 2008;76:442-448. Available at: http://digitalcommons. fac&sei-redir=1&referer=http%3A%2F%2Fscholar. google.q%3Dholiday%2Bweight%2Bgain%26hl%3Den%26as_ sdt%3D0%2C33#search=%22holiday%20weight%20gain%22. Accessed November 20, 2012.


Sharon Weekes-Alleyne



e read in Genesis man’s fall and God’s redemption plan.

Yes, God was pregnant with many ideas and he called them forth. Many things had to shift and move for them to come to fruition. He then had a perfect reproduction plan, but after man sinned, tilling the earth, and bearing children in pain was our consequence-- and that has never changed. So, everything we reproduce or become pregnant with, will not have an easy delivery. We would all be happy if it would, but that will never happen. Even before man sinned God was pregnant with the idea of our redemption, but His redemptive plan took time. It did not happen in a day, a week, or a year, but it was a process that stretched from the first Adam to the second Adam. We had to wait thousands of years for it to come to pass. And it did with the Birth Of Jesus Christ, Our Redeemer. In Matthew, we read of the Birth, Life, Death, and Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior. The angel appears to Mary, calls her blessed and tells her of God’s wonderful plan for her life. She accepts the plan from God according to His will for her life. An angel then appears to Joseph, revealing to him that Mary was truly overshadowed by the Holy Spirit and is carrying the very Son of God — The Messiah. Then God sends Mary to Elizabeth to bring her comfort during that lonely time. When Mary thought it could not get worse, she had to take the long journey with Joseph from Nazareth to Bethlehem-- pregnant and riding on a donkey for hours on end. When they finally get to Bethlehem, there was no place to rest. It was incredibly challenging! Many doors were slammed in their faces; no one wanted to offer a woman, who was almost ready to give birth, a room in their home or hotel. Mary and Joseph had no other option, but to settle for the stable, where the cattle dwelt. Delivering birth to Jesus, in a manger, the cattle’s feeding trough, which became His bed and His first clothes being clothes prepared for a person’s death. But God in His Mercy, sent comfort again, in the form of angels, shepherds and wise men. Everything seemed to be moving smoothly, until not long after, the family were on the run again-- in

search of a place to lay their heads once more-and this time, due to the earthly King Herod’s decree to kill the baby, Jesus. This child, born to be King, became a man and stuck around for thirty-three years, with nothing kingly, prophetic, or heavenly seemingly happening. Even His mom, who was given all this revelation, questioned His calling. When she went with His siblings to call Him out, He said to them, “Those who are here with me are my mother, brothers and sisters.” Then John the Baptist, who saw that dove appear, sent others to ask Him, “Are you really THE ONE, or do we look for someone else?” When He was incarcerated, His disciples and followers left, denied, and betrayed Him, but He stayed the course until prophecy was fulfilled. I am saying all this to say: Your process will not be different. God created us to be like Him-- UNTO US is given spiritual gifts, UNTO US is given dreams, UNTO US is given ideas. These things that we are pregnant with and that are waiting on to be birthed are WITHIN US, but we must go through the process-- the struggles, the birthing pains, and the discomfort. And many times, when we think all is well and we are ready to give birth, the process of pain starts all over again. But at the end of it all, there is joy, when we finally give birth. Like the joy that comes at Christmas— the joy in knowing we celebrate our soon coming King-- THE ONE WHO WAS BORN TO REDEEM US. We Celebrate Jesus-- The ONE who created us to multiply and replenish the earth by walking in our purpose and in His footsteps. So, as we celebrate CHRISTMAS this month, let us not just reflect on the birth of JESUS CHRIST, THE SAVIOR, but let us reflect, as children of God, on the entire process and live out our calling, as He did UNTO US.



Claricia Harley


aking a step back is really necessary. If this pandemic has taught us anything, it is to take a deep inventory of the things that really matter. We must remember to take a break, relax, and sometimes-- let go. We cannot hold onto everything and then expect to keep going day to day, as usual. Once in a while, we need to stop, pause, and get refreshed by taking the time to soak in His presence and read the word. Doing just that allows us to be rooted and grounded, which is a key factor in replenishing ourselves.

weakness. Restore our minds, so that we can still function properly. Give our bodies the boost of energy needed to get through each day. We claim healing in Jesus’ name! Help us to also manage our time so that we will get the rest we need. Lord, we Thank You in Jesus’ name. AMEN!

Our relationship with Christ and our families depends on us being able to function properly. Oftentimes we carry so much on our shoulders that we do not realize it. Laying those burdens before Him will help to ease the load. Being able to be transparent helps the process of healing others-- along with ourselves. “The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.” [Proverbs 11:25 NLT]

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Pray this prayer with me: Father, I am exhausted, and I need Your strength to carry me. Fill me with joy, so that no matter how tired I am, I rejoice because You are good, and Your love endures forever. I pray for others who are feeling tired and exhausted. Help us not to complain amidst our

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or to us a Child shall be born, to us a Son shall be given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. [Isaiah 9:6 – Amplified Bible]

Despite what is going on in the earth realm, we can rejoice today because unto us a Son -Jesus Christ was born. Let us rejoice because of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. The declaration has been made – the government is on Jesus’ shoulder – not on my shoulder or your shoulder but on Jesus’ shoulder. Regardless of what is taking place in the earth realm – let us stay focus on the fact that the government is upon Jesus’ shoulder. From the beginning of March, we have been dealing with COVID-19 and all the lives that has been taken daily. We have been and are dealing with all the distractions presented to us. Whether it is social distancing, elections and or any of the other challenges that is daily presenting itself to us, we must continue to believe that God is yet still in control. We must continue to trust God in the process for He is the Author and Finisher of our faith. He is the way that we must follow. Jesus, the Child Who was promised is our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace. As we celebrate what has been assigned at the birth of Jesus, let us stop to give thanks for His obedience to His Father. He came to earth – born of a virgin to die at the hands of His adversary. Died for sins, He did not commit. Who else would have done that for people who did not want to follow Him? Christmas is the time when we MUST realize that Jesus is the only reason for this season. Christmas has become so commercialized that many do not even think of Jesus, but of giving and receiving of gifts. When our goal in such a time is to tell others of the good things that He has done in our lives. As the song says, “He thought I was to die for, so He came and rescued me.” I do not know about you, but I am grateful for His loving kindness and His tender mercies that He daily continues to extend to me. As you celebrate this Christmas, purpose in your heart to remember the real reason of Christmas is Jesus. May we all go out and share the joy of our names being written in the Lamb’s book of Life, because of His obedience to our Father. Pray with me: Father, in the name of Jesus, we thank You that the government is upon your shoulder and regardless of what is going on in the earth, we are keeping our focus on You. We have You Father to thank this Christmas day because of our unconditional love for us. We just want you to know that we are grateful, amen.








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