goodness and to tell you the truth, we as Christians are not doing good in THE GOODNESS DEPARTMENT! It’s hard for the world to glorify God as we’re known to be mean and uncaring, we give them burdens to carry that we can’t, we call down fire and brimstone on their sins but feel we’re privileged to sin. We doom the prostitute and homosexuals and those who have abortions to hell, carrying our self-righteous placards and signs, even when we’re thinking what they’re doing or have done what they’ve done, forgetting Jesus said if you think it, you’ve committed it in your heart. Jesus’ approach was to be hard on us and our religious compass, He called us hypocrites, but He was compassionate towards the sinners. If we’re truly reading The Word and following Jesus’ example, we’ll take a different approach. He did not put the Samaritan woman at the well on blast; in fact, His disciples were shocked to see Him speak with her when they came back from the errand He sent them. He did not join those who wanted to stone the woman caught in adultery (He could have told the accusers to do it, as it is required by the law, but not our Light), He showed her compassion, He didn’t condemn her, He encouraged her to become light and she ran with that light of goodness and compassion. Imagine—that compassionate, saving encounter the promiscuous Samaritan lady had with Jesus saved a village! Could you imagine how we could change the world if we follow Jesus’ Light of goodness and compassion. When His disciples and the religious were condemning Mary Magdalene in THEIR HEARTS as she dried her tears from His feet with her hair and anointed Him (they were thinking of her past as we often do), He was gentle and compassionate towards her, HE placed her immediately in THE BIBLE HALL OF FAME. Are we doing the same? Are we following in His footsteps? Are we allowing our light to shine in The Goodness Department, or is it hiding under condemnation, meanness and our “better than thou attitude”? Let’s ponder on this word and seek to be true light so like the woman at the well, our village, our world will glorify our Father and come to know and follow The True Light.