FEBRUARY SOPHIA SPARKLE YOUTH GROUP UPDATE Doris Anetha Shelto McLennon The Benefits of Teaching Your Children the Art of Sewing When you think of the life skills that you want your children to have, then the art of sewing should be one on your list. There are real benefits to investing the time and resources to teaching your children the trick of the handiwork art, though it takes a lot of patience, time and resources. But here at Sophia Sparkle Youth Group friendly space, we are teaching our children to have a hobby that will have a positive impact on their character development and mental growth. Our children these days are more often than not preoccupied with the fruit of technological advancements. We do know that it is a great advantage to be technically updated, but we do find some time to disconnect from technology just to get them involved in other activities like sewing and other Art and Crafts skills which we introduce to them so that they can benefit from them hugely. Sewing can provide them with educational, physical, and mental benefits in an interesting and fun way. And on top of that, it can also become a valuable skill in their lives, one that will prove itself useful over and over up to their adult lives. So we are advising parents to make sure that their child master the art of sewing, it’s a wise course of action; trust us, they will be very grateful to you. 16