The Logbook. February Issue.

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20 20.02.2020

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Contents Editors note...................................................................... 4 Sheldrick Wildlife Trust............................................... 6 Sigatoka River Safari..................................................10 Nande Junias Explorer Tours................................ 12 Haywards Grand Safaris..........................................16 Mondi Lodge..................................................................24 Eden Leisure Village...................................................26

Vale de Moses Yoga Retreat...................................29 Casa das Rendufas..................................................... 30 Karma Surf Retreat................................................... 32 Kas Chuchubi............................................................... 34 Hugo Hotels...................................................................37 Ursulino Valletta......................................................... 40 The Palace - Ax Hotels..............................................42 Sirville Lake Elementaita Lodge........................... 46


Editors note

Twenty issues. This is our twentieth issue of The Logbook and it happens to fall on the second month of 2020. It is a pretty prestigious point in our publication not only because of the happy coincidence of the dates and number of magazines – no, we cannot claim that was intentional- but mostly because it represents twenty issues. Twenty issues of our team working together to present the highest level of editorial coverage to hospitality and travel. Twenty issues of development and hard work from many incredible travelling professionals. Twenty issues of supporting digital nomads wherever they are in the world and doing our part to fight the good fight in sustainable travel and anti-poaching. Additionally, at the time of this writing we’ve managed to consolidate 50% of our readership onto the Facebook platform to offer greater transparency and engagement between our readers and our clients. Those who are interested in glorious places and ways to travel and those sterling businesses providing these services. If you’d like to join the conversation, catch up with us at See you there!

Here’s to twenty more issues!


The Team Published by The Lost Executive LTD Co-founder and Creative and Editorial Director Don Campbell Co-founder Jerome Smith Head Writer Donnie Rust Copy proofreader Daemon Sands Magazine Designer Louise Smith

Working with


SHELDRICK WILDLIFE TRUST Saving The World One Orphan at a Time For those that work at the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust theirs is a grand and noble calling. The rescue, rehabilitation and saving of orphans left to fend for themselves due to poaching, misadventure and climate change. With The Trust preserving all wild orphans and the Kenyan Wildlife Services (KWS) Mobile Vet Units treating injured animals from lions and zebras, to elephants, buffalo and rhino, their positive and ongoing impact cannot be understated.

lifelong passion. Recognized internationally as an authority on the rearing of wild animals, her success was attributed to her lifelong experience with wild creatures, an in-depth knowledge of animal psychology and the behavioural characteristics of different species. Daphne passed away on 12th April 2018, and in her 83 years with us, Daphne touched countless lives — from generations of elephants who are thriving today through her trailblazing conservation work, to people all over the world who drew inspiration from her. She is testament to the difference that a single person can make, and her legacy lives on as we continue to protect and preserve wildlife in her memory: https://www.

BEGINNINGS The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (known as the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust) was founded in 1977 in Kenya by Dame Sheldrick in memory of her late husband David Leslie William Sheldrick MBE who was a famous naturalist and founding Warden of Tsavo East National Park.


In 1948, David Sheldrick began his renowned career within the Royal National Parks of Kenya, where he worked unwaveringly for over two decades transforming Tsavo, a previously unchartered and inhospitable land, into Kenya’s largest and most famous National Park. For over 25 years Kenya-born Daphne Sheldrick lived and worked alongside her husband, during which time they raised and successfully rehabilitated many wild species.

The Trust was founded with the aim of embracing all measures that complement the conservation, preservation and protection of wildlife and habitats. Securing a long-term and protected future for wildlife and habitats, so that wild animals may live in harmony alongside humans is the ultimate goal. Working in eleven National Parks including iconic ecosystems like Masai Mara, Tsavo and Amboseli The Trust employs hundreds of staff members locally in Kenya for its field projects. These include anti-poaching, community outreach, saving habitats (encompassing fence-line construction and maintenance), mobile veterinary units, aerial surveillance and the Orphans’ Project.

Since the death of her husband, Daphne and her family have lived and worked in the Nairobi National Park where they built the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust and its pioneering Orphans’ Project into the global conservation force that it is today. Daphne’s daughter Angela worked alongside her mother running the Trust for twenty years, and since Daphne’s passing in 2018 continues the mission with passion and vigor ably supported by her husband Robert Carr-Hartley, their two sons Taru and Roan and the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust team.

GETTING INVOLVED “Anyone can get involved in the work of the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust,” Amie Alden, head of communications and media says, “From wherever they live in the world.” Adopting an orphan in the care/protection of the SWT is a great way to support the Trust. For a suggested donation of $50 per orphan per year, you (or your gift recipient) can stay up-to-date

DR. DAME DAPHNE SHELDRICK The Founder of the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust is Dr. Dame Daphne Sheldrick DBE and it has been a


Copyright The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust


on the progress of a specific orphan and receive monthly exclusive emails on their Orphans’ Project.

According to Amie, challenges to wildlife in Kenya include but are not limited to the growing human-wildlife conflict caused by development, agriculture and changing weather patterns. Also, their capacity to ensure the global public is aware of these and inspired to help them do something about it.

“It offers a unique insight into the world of elephants and the work of the SWT,” she explains, “While your donation will help fund the SWT’s wide ranging conservation projects.” You can also subscribe to their newsletters and follow and show support on social media.

“As a charity, the SWT has always sought to be as administratively lean as possible ensuring as much of the donations as possible can go to the field,” she says, “We also adopt a ‘where the rubber meets the road’ approach to our work, ensuring we can respond immediately and adapt to new challenges. We’ve always sought to lead the way on pioneering conservation activities and will continue to do this in 2020.”

“We are proud to be able to share our conservation news and success stories daily through our social media channels and every month via email,” she says, “The more people aware of the new developments, opportunities and rescues means the greater change we make.” If you are planning to visit Kenya, you can visit their Nairobi Nursery (during select visiting hours) or stay in one of their Eco Lodges. Few things beat seeing the work in person while their Eco Lodges are based in areas of spectacular natural beauty.

TRIUMPHS Over the years, the SWT has successfully raised 249 orphaned elephants, returning more than 156 of these back to the wild. These individuals would not have survived without our intervention and their successful integration into wild herds gives the population of the species (which has been extremely hard-hit by poaching and habitat loss) a

“Funds from our Eco Lodges directly support our conservation work,” she adds.


much-needed boost. The SWT is also aware of 35 elephant calves born to orphaned elephants they have reintegrated, showing the impact rescuing a single orphaned elephant can have for the creation of future generations.

“In other areas where the SWT maintains its Saving Habitats project and regular De-Snaring Patrols – such as the Kibwezi Forest – the Trust has recorded zero incidences of poaching,” Amie highlights.

In 2019 alone, the Trust attended to 651 sick or injured wild animals across Kenya and, since the inception of its mobile veterinary teams, the SWT has treated more than 2,500 injured elephants in Kenya – that’s 7% of its estimated elephant population. Many of these injuries have been inflicted by humans including snares, spears and arrow and gun-shot wounds incurred during poaching attempts or human-wildlife conflict incidents.

Lastly, through its Aerial and ground teams, the SWT is working hard to prevent humanwildlife conflict and, every year, responds to calls from communities to guide wild elephants off community land and back into protected areas. These operations help prevent crop-raiding by elephants and retaliatory killings by communities, whose livelihoods can be lost in a single night of crop-raiding.

The SWT has also played a pivotal role in reducing bushmeat poaching, especially in the Tsavo Conservation Area, seizing/ removing 159,239

2020 In 2020, the SWT is expanding its Saving Habitats through a partnership with Kari Ranch (Kenya Agricultural Research Institute). This is a 64,000 acre of land spread across the foothills of the Chyulu Hills and we are fencing in one side of the Ranch to protect both communities that live on its border and the healthy populations of elephants and black rhinos that live within. “In 2020, the SWT will continue to identify opportunities to better protect wildlife, working with local partners to enhance our footprint,” Aimie concludes. COMPANY ADDRESS: Sheldrick Wildlife Trust

Copyright The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust

EMAIL: snares and traps. Considering each snare can be re-laid to trap animals hundreds of times, the life-saving potential of confiscating just a single snare is huge. The impact of these De-Snaring patrols can be seen most clearly in the Northern Sector of Tsavo East National Park where poaching once decimated small animal populations and caused elephants to flee the area. Now, however, it’s not unknown for herds of 100+ of elephants to congregate around the Trust’s Ithumba Reintegration Unit!


Copyright The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust _ Mia Collis



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Fiji is truly a one of a kind destination that should be near the top of everyone’s travel bucket list. A beautiful land made up of aquamarine lagoons, lush rainforests, mountains and a thousand miles of white, sandy beaches wrapped around three hundred islands and scattered across 200,000 square miles of ocean. Laced with coral reefs amid tropical waters it is drenched with natural beauty.

People in Fiji are a rich blend of colours and culture, a mixture of Polynesian, Melanesian Micronesian, Indian, Chinese and European. The islands enjoy temperatures ranging between 24C and 32C degrees during the day with high humidity broken by a cooling ocean breeze. A sheer paradise that has inspired many an island adventure book, it is a place to relax and enjoy this beautiful corner of the world. A world filled with birdsong and the beautiful Fijian language, revitalising fresh air and lush organic fruit and vegetables. Fiji is a country rich in traditional culture and uses a native language making it uniquely diverse. English speakers will find themselves comfortably understood as it is the official language but Fijian and Hindustani are also used.

Jay Whyte, the founder of Sigatoka River Safari visited the area in 1991 when he was 13 years and became completely enamoured with the location, the people and the atmosphere here. It was during this visit that he would meet Pita Matasau, a twenty three year old security guard at the resort where Jay and his family were staying. Through a story of incredible friendship, the two would eventually become business partners in 2005 and launch the concept of the Sigatoka River Safari.


The horseshoe-shaped collection of islands is in the same time zone as New Zealand and has a population of around 800,000 inhabitants, which is made up of 50% of Fijians, 47% of Indians and with South Pacific Islanders, Europeans and Chinese making up the remaining 3%. Casual dress is acceptable during both day and night so guests are advised to bring t-shirts, shorts, light cotton dresses and swimwear. It is advisable to bring a jacket for the cooler evenings.

the village before a lunch of fresh tropical fruit. Sigatoka River Safari is careful to visit a different village every day, to minimise the impact of tourism on the village lifestyle in this remote part of the world. The village visit ends with traditional Fijian singing and dancing and then it’s time to board the jet boat again for the return trip.


Having been inspired by many travels in his youth, Jay was adamant that he wanted to offer an experience that would stand out in the memory of all included. This meant not only offering something that was visual and sensually vivid but filled with the historic details that gives flavour to trips such as this.

Sigatoka River is the longest river on the island of Viti Levu and runs from the hills of the Navosa Province to the sand dunes in Kulukulu on the famous Coral Coast. The river is important to locals as it provides fresh water mussels (kai), fish, prawns, eels, water for agriculture and for drinking.

PRICING: see website: pricing/

Offering a complete no-hassle experience of Fiji, Sigatoka River Safari doesn’t leave their guests to fend for themselves. Their mini coach driver picks up clients from their resort and transfers them to their base in Sigatoka town. From there they enjoy a 17 km scenic cruise into the Sigatoka valley, discovering the fertile area known as the “salad bowl” of Fiji.

WEBSITE: EMAIL: TELEPHONE: +(679) 650 1721 COMPANY ADDRESS: Sigatoka River Safari

Guests arrive at the departure point surrounded by Fijian natural beauty; here they are provided with life jackets and given a safety briefing by the jet boat captain before boarding. The journey up the river is combined with the stories and history of the region, including its gruesome but fascinating cannibal past. Guests are given a warm welcome by the villagers and a visit to the village Chief’s bure (house) and a tour of



NANDE JUNIAS EXPLORER TOURS The Secret to Success. Love what you do.

We caught up with Nande Junias, founder of Nande Junias Explorer Tours to discuss why passion for your work is the greatest tool for success.

fair share for the Namibian tourist industry as well as bringing important tourist traffic to the communities for which his tours visit. Nande grew up in the lovely coastal town of Swakopmund in Namibia, a region where the remnants of the country’s German influence can be seen reflected in the architecture, culture and cuisine. To showcase how such influences have affected the local cultures of the area, Nande has created a host of new tours to the delight of his regular guests. One of which we’ve highlighted this month.

PASSION AND HAPPINESS One thing that always identifies Nande however, is his gigantic and happy smile and infectious joy. It is something that his clients and customers instinctively relate to. According to him, this is not a learned trait but rather just how he is. “I love what I do, and I love that my tours help make the world a bit bigger and more colourful for those participating,” he says, “If you love what you do, everything else falls into place.”

THE TOURS A land of marvellous beauty, Namibia is truly a joy to visit. Benefitting from a well-developed infrastructure and some of the finest tourist facilities in Africa it is one of the continents sometimes overlooked treasures. Nande, who grew up in the area has been dedicated to raising the profile of this country since he founded his business in 2015 and has done more than his




To properly appreciate this extraordinary country, you have to venture out of the highly developed cities to explore the remarkable natural landscapes Namibia has to offer.

Namibia is an ideal destination for travellers seeking an unforgettable African experience in a uniquely beautiful untamed wilderness, and immersion into a different culture. To do this you’ll need someone who knows the country and the people like the back of his hand.

These include the impressive Fish River Canyon Park and the vast Etosha National Park both of which are teeming with local subspecies, such as desert lions, desert elephants and the Hartmann’s Mountain Zebra. At the same time, you don’t want to miss the hauntingly beautiful Kalahari Desert and of course the Namib Desert which stretches for nearly 1000 km along the magnificent Atlantic coastline.

The Cultural Cycling Township Tours led by Nande are all about the people of this land. It is an immersive tour, giving participants the opportunity to truly experience the warmth, friendliness and humanity of the township residents of Mondesa, the same town Nande grew up in. It is a highly involving tour, giving you the chance to walk the streets, hear the children at play, smell


COMPANY ADDRESS: 210 OB Street Mondesa Swakopmund Namibia TELEPHONE: +264 812134443 +264810456310 EMAIL: WEBSITE:

the sidewalk barbecues, taste locally brewed beer and try some of the local food like the mopane worms. Primarily conducted via bicycle, this unique tour gives you the chance to gain a glimpse of the daily life in the township. PRICE: Township Historical Cultural Tour N$600 pp Cycling Township Historical Cultural Tour N$550 pp

ADDITIONAL OPTIONS AND PRICES: Historical Township Church Visit (Sundays only), pick up 8h45 with traditional lunch included N$500 pp Township Home Cooking Experience with local family N$700 pp Tours to cape cross / Walwitschia and Moonlandscape Day Tours N$800 pp Sand Boarding N$600 pp Private safari guide/Driver N$1500 pday Dune7 and Flamingos Walvisbay and Topnaar Day Tours N$700 pp Sundowner Tour N$800 pp Township Braai BBQ Dinners N$800 pp 3 Day Private Namibia Sossusvlei Camping Tour N$8000 pp 4 Day Private Namibia Etosha Safari Lodging Tours N$20 000 pp 5 Day Private Namibia Safari Game Tour 10 Day Private Namib Deser Tour Shuttle services-airport N$400 pp Luderits and Kolmanskop Tours



HAYWARDS GRAND SAFARIS It’s your adventure. Reward yourself.

In this fashion each bespoke Hayward’s mobile safari camp guarantees guests total event exclusivity and superior comfort deep in the wild. Revel in the luxury of your personal 5-star tented safari home on a bespoke expedition to your destination of choice, where only the finest detail is delivered, whether you are visiting for executive business, incentive travel or a grand family group event.

If you are going to plan a bespoke adventure experience into the heart of the African continent, why would you not do so with one of the world’s most luxurious and praised mobile tented safari expedition producers? After all, if you have an adventure, have a grand one.

THE GRANDEST ADVENTURE In the spirit of the first African explorers and pioneering traders who journeyed into the continent’s great unknown to discover rich landscapes, this is completely authentic. Hayward’s Grand Safari offers VIPs, executives and heritage family groups an exclusive 5-star luxury safari into the wildest and most remote regions to be found across the continent. Completely authentic. Completely wondrous.

Rated as the only 5-star mobile safari in Africa, hosts Peter Hayward and Celia du Preez, have been lauded by leading multinational blue-chip companies, royal contingents, presidents and renown celebrities alike for their award-winning brand launches, internationally acclaimed celebrations, weddings and superior conferences. Ensuring Hayward’s remains the epitome of authentic, luxury business and leisure lifestyles in an untamed wilderness.

As adventure extraordinaire Peter Hayward explains, “It is much like the elaborate safaris of the past where every conceivable luxury was carried across Africa’s vast savanna plains, mountain plateaus and deep, lush valleys.”

“Our guests discover the magic, mystery and beauty of Africa’s pristine nature in Big 5 territory,” Peter says, “And are transported to an era of


iSimangaliso Wetlands Park: A World Heritage Site and Big Six destination in the northern reaches of KwaZulu-Natal, this wetlands wonderland offers all the excitement of the Big 5 with an abundance of hippo and crocodile, together with the addition of a complete marine experience from sea to teeming freshwater lagoon. Tropical in temperature and abundant with wildlife of every kind, guests can dive with the dolphins and whales in the morning and enjoy rhino sightings at the waterhole with a fresh sundowner the same afternoon. exploration, adventure and unequalled expeditionstyle comfort.”

Cradle of Mankind Heritage Safari: Rich in the culture of our human origins, the Cradle of Mankind is another World Heritage Site which offers explorers fascinating discoveries of our past. Join scientists and archaeologists deep in research as they discover secrets from down the centuries at Maropeng.

EXCLUSIVE WILDLIFE ACCESS With headquarters based on a 2,500-acre private game reserve north east of Pretoria in the all new Dinokeng region of the Gauteng Province in South Africa, Hayward’s have been creating once-in-alifetime mobile safari memories for global clients for well over 20 years.

Kalahari Desert Adventure: In the deepest desert landscapes at the junction of three Transfrontier Parks between South Africa, Botswana and Mozambique where there is no other infrastructure in sight, guests can immerse themselves in the magnificent beauty of the dunes by day and the spectacular nights skies at the campfire by night. A rare habitat of vast stillness and tranquillity, each safari guest will find the greatest luxury of all - time. Time to oneself, time to connect, and where time slows down. Safari activities focus on the cultural survival skills of the San people and their ancient history.

Since it’s all about seeing the Big 5, Hayward’s offer a choice of expeditions into the very best wildlife and big game reserves to match the client’s itinerary and travel logistics budget. Ensuring they get the very finest safari experience at the heart of the proverbial kill. What is available: Safari Sanctuary: The Hayward’s Safari Sanctuary is a high-tech working environment set within an authentic 5-star safari environment just one hours’ drive from Sandton, Johannesburg or OR Tambo International Airport. It serves as the perfect brainstorm setting for executives who don’t want to waste logistical time and budgets travelling too far from the city centre, while simultaneously delivering a Big 5 wildlife experience to match that of the renowned Kruger National Park.

Okavango Delta: Fly over the veins of sparkling water laid out below you and into nature’s opulent green belt of estuaries at the northern most reaches of desert-dry Namibia. In this sparkling jewel set within a desert, guests safari on water among its islands, through its channels and fertile, forested regions. Rich and fascinating, this safari ensures a big game experience up close and personal from the safety of your game vehicle or motorized boat.

Kruger Luxury: Hayward’s Safaris has the privilege of being the first private safari outfitter to be given access to host private groups of between 40 and 200 adventurers into the Kruger National Park. Guest’s 5-star private luxury tented camps are prepared in the most select and untouched parts of this 19,485 km² park. Experience wide open skies and vast stretches of untouched natural reserve where exploring guarantees private sightings of the Big 5 without another person in sight.

Authenticity counts for a lot, and these safaris would not be real if guests did not get to experience the wild side that Africa is so well known for. Or as Peter puts it, “It’s our privilege that while we are serving you chilled Moet and oysters on ice in camp, we are also letting you know of lioness on the hunt or that a large herd of elephant are passing so close you can hear their stomachs rumbling.”


All accommodation tents include crisp cream cotton bed linen, bedside tables, gas lighting in both the private bathroom and bedroom, hot water bottles in cold weather and chocolates on the pillows at turn-down each evening. Enclosed verandas with chairs allow a private area inside of the tent, in-room luggage racks, and en-suite shower and toilet room are lavishly decorated with copper basins, mirrors, the finest organic soaps and body lotions, fresh towels daily, a flush portable chemical toilet and hot showers.

PIONEERS OF ECO-TRAVEL LUXURY As custodians of Africa’s natural wealth, the conservation ethic of ‘leave no trace behind’ is first and foremost on every Hayward’s luxury mobile tented camp. Each big group safari camp is a bespoke chartered event into the area of choice and run as a client’s own exclusive private 5-star hotel. Fully equipped to their personal requirements and managed accordingly by dedicated and trained safari staff. Voted ‘World’s Best Glamping Operator’ by the World Travel Awards and 2019’s Best Mobile Safari Experience in Africa by the Safari Awards, Hayward’s is dedicated to preserving wildlife and promoting ethical travel to support the reserves which protect and maintain Africa’s rich cultural and wildlife heritage.

CUISINE Each themed dining experience is carefully curated to the client’s preference, the season and the budget, offering a variety of tastes and specialties of the region that is being visited. While not ignoring the value of some home comforts such as full English breakfasts, scrumptious al fresco picnic luncheons at the watering hole, wine and whiskey tastings, and five and eight course pan-African themed dinners.

“Our client’s enjoyment is always at the forefront of our minds,” Peter says, “But we are all responsible for protecting these lands for future generations to be able to enjoy and share.”

ACCOMMODATION There are two styles of safari accommodation available, namely Classic Hemingway Expedition Tents and Presidential Suites which represent full turn-of-the century ambiance.

“Our superb team of chefs are supported by silver service trained waiters, guides and hostesses to ensure service levels are beyond exemplary,” Peter says. Guests also have a choice of full-staging entertainment to genteel repasts in the Gentlemen’s Cigar Lounge or a fully-serviced conference, as well as luxury spa treatments.


“It’s a multi-dimensional encounter when you’re in pristine wilderness areas. The dichotomy of world class luxury and issues surrounding bio and cultural diversity and the lessons that can be learned here, not only opens doors for richer engagement, they create memories and extend an invitation to reach further and deeper into one’s own life. It profoundly changes people’s mindset forever.”

“And guests will be happy to know that should they ever return to the site of their Grand Safari experience,” Peter assures, “All that will be found is perhaps some bent grass and footprints to show that you were there.”


“We call it a Grand Safari because those privileged enough to experience it are never the same again,” says Peter

PRICE: Get in touch to discuss WEBSITE:

who has never missed a bespoke safari since Hayward’s inception over twenty years ago,

TELEPHONE: +27 12 808 0442 EMAIL:


HUGOS HOTEL Experience the first high-tech rooms in Malta at Hugo’s Boutique Hotel, the new luxurious adults-only (17+) designer hotel in the very heart of the island’s entertainment and business district.


Article on page


WBE.TRAVEL Technology supporting the travel industry Like building a house, a business cannot grow and outperform its competition without the best tools. A European business, have created an invaluable centralised client management and sales platform for businesses and individuals working in the travel and tour industry.

Helping these companies control and record their bookings, purchases and client movements, centralising all of the elements that go into running a business to a central point, allowing these travel companies to grow faster and more reliably in a scalable fashion.

Based out of Bucharest in Romania and dealing with a global travel market place of small to medium sized enterprises, celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2019, and has spent the last ten years keeping themselves and their clients ahead of the competition when it comes to the travel booking market place.

Scalability is very important when developing a platform that can support a business, especially when it’s in such a colourful industry as travel and tourism. It must grow with the business while at the same time providing useful and irreplaceable tools to make our clients lives and businesses more efficient and stronger.

Showing no signs of slowing, has implemented more than 100 systems all over the world and has helped travel companies distribute their travel inventory with state of the art technology.’s off the shelf software products cover a full range of processes from production, contracting, mid-office management to API distribution. Fully available both in English and in Arabic, the booking engines were design to cater for Arabic travellers as well as English speaking ones.

NEWEST DEVELOPMENTS 2020 Earlier this year saw a rush of developments at Firstly, they finished the Room Type Mapping implementation process with their selected partner GIATA. chose to add GIATA’s Room Type Mapping to its portfolio of products to help its clients, the travel companies, better organize the inventory displayed on the search results page, in the booking engine. The newest solution matches and groups inconsistent travel information and data from multiple travel suppliers, making it possible for the travel companies to present bookable products in an easy to understand and consistent language.

THE TEAM Founded by George Dumitru and Cristian Isbasoiu the business has been a pioneer in many areas not only including travel and tour, but also in how they approach office and employee management. Preferring a relaxed and innovative environment where creativity is rewarded, and people have a flexible working environment that is very target orientated.

The Room Mapping tool has proven to be one of the keys for higher value sales. By adopting the

CONSTANT INNOVATION As modern technology develops, so too do the ideas and motivations of those working behind the scenes. provides a user-friendly platform for destination management companies, travel management companies and businessto-customer travel agency sites dealing with booking hotels, flights and other travel services.



newest Room Mapping solution, travel businesses can visibly maximize a user’s sales performance. GIATA RTM has been proven to deliver to its clients a 7.1 % increase in conversions, more than 20% growth in margins and an additional 24% of the overall booking revenue. has, for ten years, developed a strong client base that rely heavily on them for the running of their businesses. They are the platform on which thousands of people earn their income, so all partners need to be at an equally reliable standard. With multiple awarded clients in this portfolio, have over 45,000 travel agents registered on the system.

Secondly, during January they began working with Travelfusion, a leader of the Low-cost carrier airline aggregation and developed an XMP API connection to offer direct access for their clients to the content from more than 330 Low-cost carriers and scheduled airlines.

FAST AND ACCURATE RESULTS Time is crucial. Whether it is the final traveller or your travel agent that browses in your system to search for the ideal room, the response time should be instantaneous. This vital element is driven by your technology provider and subsequently by API connectivity, content and so on.

Another plus that brings to the table, with the new connection to Travelfusion, is that it offers the possibility for the travel agents or the traveller to book ancillary services like extra luggage, priority boarding, different check-in options and special extras like sports or musical equipment conveniently and above all, reliably. offers one of the fastest response times in the market, even when browsing through dozens of API travel suppliers. In turn, their system has demonstrated an increase in an ability to offer visitors and clients faster search results in a clear and organized manner, even with large data volumes.

LEADING BY EXAMPLE With over one hundred and fifty integrations with suppliers of travel products ranging from hotels to flights and third party services such as payment gateways and accounting systems, maintains its position as a leader by continuous innovation.


This drive for improvement and development is enhanced and balanced by partnering with leading names in travel and hospitality. These include the likes of Agoda,, Priceline, Expedia, HotelBeds, Amadeus, Sabre and the abovementioned Travelfusion.

As explained by Fritz Oberhummer, the EPS director of account management platforms in EMEA and LATAM, “The only limitation is internal resources,” he says, “We usually say that businesses need to have partnered with us for at least twelve months and have, geographically and product-wise, a balance across the globe.”

As a matter of fact, they are only one of the few software houses to provide this number of payment gateway integrations into one userfriendly system. This variety of options creates an ease of transaction between users and their clients which goes a long way in encouraging strong, long term relationships and a healthier cashflow.

During Expedia’s conference at Travel Technology Europe last year in 2019, were announced as certified partners.

Choose wisely. COMPANY ADDRESS: 18-18A Vulturilor Street, 1st floor, District 3, Bucharest, Romania

EPS CERTIFIED In an effort to deploy faster services and forge strong business relationships that will benefit their clients long term, has entered into a Certified Technology Partner Programme with Expedia Partner Solutions (EPS). Not open to just anyone, for a business to be included in the programme they first had to be up to speed with Expedia’s latest API technology “Rapid”. And, be able to demonstrate a high standard of customer service and a capacity for further growth.






An eco-friendly tropical sanctuary characterised by colourful palapas and friendly multi-lingual staff Mondi Lodge is a unique paradise. Surrounded by trees filled with beautiful exotic birds, flowers and local wildlife like iguanas, tree lizards, parakeets, land crabs, hummingbirds and the occasional flamingo there is no doubt this is escapism at its best.

Their mission was to create a sustainable accommodation where guests could feel at home and enjoy nature and art. The premises, which is family ground, used to be the home of Danita’s grandparents and George grew up there amongst nature and the many farm animals that were kept. Her grandma Frida always dreamed of having her own guesthouse where she could cook for her guests and this certainly influenced George’s decision on the structure and offering of the lodge.

Mondi Lodge was founded in 2014 in Curaçao and was the result of a lifelong dream of the de Haseth family to run a bed and breakfast. When George and Hedy-An’s daughter Danita returned to her birth island after fifteen years in Holland, the family rallied together to create their dream lodge.

STAFF AND ACCOMMODATION There are four staff members including Danita, Janine, Benjamin and Silma. And of course, George and Hedy-An are always involved behind the scenes.

Danita explains that both her parents have a background in business and tourism while she has worked extensively in psychiatric nursing. The lodge was therefore based on a passion for hospitality and connecting with people and not just a business idea.

There are six wooden palapas with a total of eight rooms. One of the palapas is wheelchair accessible and one is a treehouse. A unique, family-run


immediately. Monthly they receive many online reviews which they reply to personally and at check out, they always ask guests for feedback, positive and negative.

destination, with colourful wooden houses, a very green oasis-like tropical garden, they specialise in offering delicious breakfasts, comfortable sleeping areas and a home away from home feeling.

“Relationship building is very important to us,” Danita explains, “It is the main unique selling point of our business and guests often tell us they feel like they’re staying at friends.”

2020 Already, this year has started off well, as they have just opened their new treehouse lodge and Danita is set to be travelling for a few months this year to collect new inspiration for new developments.

Also, to play their part in the mission of ecotourism and accommodation, Mondi Lodge is very careful to keep their footprint green. In the construction of the lodge no trees were felled, no food is wasted, items are recycled, and waste is managed. If Mondi Lodge ever leaves their island, all that will be left behind will be footprints in the ground.

CUSTOMER SERVICE AND ECO TOURISM A priority for Danita is customer service as this is the hallmark of a great reputation in the hospitality sector. To achieve this, they speak with their guests a lot and solve possible problems

PRICE: $150/night for a double room including tax and breakfast. COMPANY ADDRESS: Klein Sint Michiel 1, Curaçao TELEPHONE: (+5999) 6867977 EMAIL: WEBSITE:



EDEN LEISURE VILLAGE comfortable. Secluded and peaceful, it’s almost difficult to believe that they’re just 20 minutes from Glasgow city centre. The village has ten country style, rustic accommodations which blend wonderfully with the surrounding land. This land, while remote, is easily accessible to all the other major Central Scotland cities such as Stirling, Edinburgh, Dundee and Perth.

Following on from a strong 2019 that ended with a flourish, 2020 is already proving to be a year popular with Scottish glamping, if the fully booked weekends at Eden Leisure Village are to be understood. The founders, husband and wife team Des and Janet Gracey have been running their glamping site with the help of their three children since 2014 and explain that there are a number of developments worth mentioning for the new year. For example, they’ve upgraded their incredibly popular Hobbit Huts and deluxe sleeping pods and added additional signage along the woodlands walk to help guests navigate on their exploring.

A SOLID START TO THE YEAR With weekends pretty much solidly booked, Janet explains that the only quiet periods they have are in the midweek although they have strategies to remedy this and feel more capable than ever. “There were a couple of hoops that we had to jump through to get through 2019,” she relates, “However, they’ve made us stronger as a business and even more capable of offering that wonderful Scottish escapism that our guests are seeking.”

WEDDINGS When we spoke with Janet and Des in late 2019, they were just taking on wedding events at their recently refurbished barn and this sort of event was still a new thing for the pair. Now, in just a short couple of months their wedding bookings have doubled and the state of the art sound system which has been installed to the refurbished barn has meant they can combine the breathtaking views offered at the venue with the best sound system and music.

PRICE: £60 for 2 people (also a minimum charge per accommodation), £85 for 2 people in the new upgraded pods. COMPANY ADDRESS: Millcroft Road, Cumbernauld, Glasgow, G67 4AG, UK. TELEPHONE: 01236 735464



Certainly, one of the most important events in a couple’s life, a wedding needs to offer something uniquely special and the choice of venue is vitally important. At Eden Leisure Village, with its unique accommodation with glamping pods and Hobbit Huts and the views (the original inspiration for the glamping site), the entire event can be heightened to one of sublime perfection.


STAFF As they only offer a wedding venue and not the actual event management, six staff members are employed at this beautiful secluded location who are focused on keeping the guests



Article on page



VALE DE MOSES YOGA RETREAT Oleiros, Portugal world flavours and all in line with the principles of Ayurveda meaning that every meal is not only tasty but also easy to digest, plentiful and nourishing for the stomach and soul.

Nestled deep in the heart of the wild pine forests of central Portugal, Vale de Moses is a stunningly beautiful retreat run by a team of kind and generous teachers, healers and chefs. It has been listed as one of the best yoga retreats in the world by NatGeo UK Travel, Forbes Magazine and The Guardian and is a sought after location for those wishing to restore the real balance within themselves.

With the body nourished and the mind rested, guests notoriously find themselves wanting to explore the surrounding forests and spend as much time in nature as possible. Although they still find time to fully relax in the hammocks by the cascading natural river pools.

THE LOCATION Surrounded by valleys thickly carpeted with green and abuzz with local bird and animal life under a sky of luscious blue, guests have the opportunity to immerse themselves in nature’s tranquillity. Enjoying a week of soulful therapeutic yoga, healing massages, deliciously nourishing food and long leisurely woodland dog walks.

GETTING THERE Fly into Lisbon or Porto and enjoy a weekend in either of those charming cities before heading to the mountains on Sunday afternoon coaches to Oleiros. Everyone is welcome wherever you might be in your love affair with yoga. Weekly retreats happen all year round from Sundays to Saturdays and the price ranges from 960€ to 1380€.

Other activities to help guests disconnect from the manic pace of their everyday lives, include swimming in wild waters, marvelling at sunrises and sunsets over the valleys and long explorative nature walks. All resulting in a sleep so deep and restoring it’ll leave them feeling like a different person.

For Logbook readers, quote LOSTEXEC2020 for a 5% discount when reserving your place online. RESERVATIONS: INSTA: @valedemoses



There are a selection of places for guests to choose to stay in. Including the delightfully restored open-plan shared stone cottages, the private bedrooms in the farmhouse or for those seeking to be even closer to nature, the Soulpad glamping belle tents in the forest.

TELEPHONE: 00351 272 634 006

ACTIVITIES All retreats include two yoga classes a day from inspirational teachers and a healing treatment from experienced therapists. Meals are vegetarian and vegan based and created by their talented inhouse plant-focussed chefs. Prepared three times a day, these delicious dishes are a fusion of ingredients, spices,





For a grand dose of rustic comfort with a huge amount of scenic and historic value, Casa das Rendufas is the place to go. Located in a peaceful village neighbouring authentic Templar castles, this rustic destination gives guests the chance to sleep in antique-filled rooms and lounge by a pool overlooking mountains.

Due to its location, you can enjoy mountain views from each bedroom and all of the accommodation has its own private entrance, garden and terrace. The tranquil setting is enhanced by the presence of a chapel, a reminder about the history that has shaped this part of the world. And is within easy travelling distance to Fátima, Ourém, Tomar, Torre Novas and Golegã, the last of which is well known for its strong equestrian tradition.

CASA DAS RENDUFAS Located in the village of Rendufas da Estrada, and with an outdoor pool, the casa is only seventeen kilometres from the Tomar’s Christ Convent. Offering guests, a deep and lavishly historic backstory, there is a huge amount of cultural significance to the location that keeps even the most cerebral of guests entertained.

PEACEFUL Perched prettily on top of a narrow village street overlooking olive groves, fig trees and mountains, the whitewashed house has combined traditional style with cosy comfort. It is a place for peace and relaxation as aside from the occasional chiming of bells from the chapel next door, there is nothing to disturb the quiet.

Despite the rooms being presented in a rustic style, each unit is modern and includes a television and a seating area. Private bathrooms also come with free toiletries and are clean.


ROOMS Light, airy bedrooms filled with antiques are divided between the main building into an annexe, a converted barn and a studio cottage. All have super mattresses and simple dĂŠcor. Guests can choose between a cosy, beamed room with a porthole window, sleeping on a mezzanine in the rustic studio, or in a wonderful wooden sleigh bed. Immaculate bathrooms with slick fittings firmly belong to the 21stcentury. A lovely continental breakfast including delicious fig confit made at the Casa, is offered at a couple of tables in the elegant dining room, but if guests would prefer to self-cater, the barn and studio both are equipped with furnished kitchenettes.

PRICE: see website WEBSITE: rooms TELEPHONE: +351916927062 EMAIL:


COMPANY ADDRESS: Rua da Capela, 13, Rendufas, 2350-077 Rendufas da Estrada, Portugal

Pets are allowed at no extra charge and there are many activities to do that could involve them including horse riding, cycling and hiking. There is also a sun terrace and garden for those wishing to spend most of their holiday lounging about and the owners have an encyclopaedic knowledge of the surrounding areas and things to do.



KARMA SURF RETREAT The karmatic beauty of active meditation

Jens explains that being economists, they spent an appropriate amount of time deciding and planning the details of how, where, why and what they were going to do. Since they shared a passion for hosting and love to spend time and relax with friends, they decided that a surf hostel would be a great idea.

If “Surf, Yoga and Malibu Style�, are four words that interest you, then read on. Karma Surf Retreat was founded in 2013 by Timo Janitzki and Jens Kielmann, old school friends who had the opportunity to reconnect in 2009 when Jens moved to Portugal after quitting his corporate job in Berlin to work as an independent online marketeer.

Having experienced first-hand the social diseases of stress, depression and burn-out syndromes they decided to offer yoga and meditation as part of their package. The combination worked very well and was immediately appealing to a generation of people seeking a deeper awareness and control of their internal and external lives, without necessarily feeling patronised by so called Gurus and Life Skill Coaches.

KARMA SURF RETREAT Surfing was a passion that both Jens and Timo shared and soon after the Karma Surf Retreat was opened in Cascais in 2013, a second was opened in the Algarve in 2014. Then between 2016 and 2018 two pop-up retreat were launched in Morocco and Bali with a third location in Lisbon opening in 2018. According to Jens, Timo had already lived and worked in Portugal for ten years but both of them sought an improvement to their job routines. Seeking nothing less than a substantial meaning and happiness they knew that they had to do something they were passionate about, which was and is, surfing.



also have the Trip Advisor’s Green Leader badge which is awarded based on a survey of their best practices and installed environmental awareness through all sectors including waste, water, heating, food, cleaning and even laundry management.

A team of six people are involved in each location to cater for the guests needs including hospitality, food and cleanliness and lots of outsourced service providers for all activities. But of course, the surfing experience is kept inhouse and led by Jens and Timo who have also started their own surf school ( website coming soon). This is planned to lead into hiking, biking and climbing after they launch their outdoor adventure company.

2020 Along with the already mentioned Karma Surf School going public, this year they will soon finish the Yoga house in Guincho Bay Villa. Additionally, Jens reveals that in Winter this year they are launching a new concept offer for digital nomads to live and co-work in one of their amazing villas!

ACCOMMODATION Nestled in the rugged cliffs of Guincho bay, the boutique style villa which also has a pool, offers a breath-taking obstruction-free view onto Guincho beach with its spectacular coastline and vast ocean.

COMPANY ADDRESS: R. Figueira do Guincho 1, 2755-170 Alcabideche

Their team is passionate for hospitality and are responsible for maintaining the unique Malibu style feel of this lush accommodation and this includes organising and assessing the all-important feedback from guests and clients.

PRICES: A week of yoga and surf at Guincho Bay Villa comes from ranges from 949€ (low-season / double room with shared bathroom) to 1199€ (apartment in high-season). Other outdoor activity packages (climb & yoga, hike & yoga,…) are +100€

“A client offers a first-hand account of how we’re doing,” Jens points out, “You can’t improve what you offer without their input.”

TLE SPECIAL: Get a free 50 minutes relaxing massage by using discount code 20TLELB in booking routine. BOOK NOW!


All rooms but one have showers and one comes with a bathtub. There is a Jacuzzi, a Sauna and an outside shower next to the pool all of which enjoys the sublime sea view. Guincho Villa: 5 double rooms, 3 with ensuite bathroom, 2 with shared bath and 1 apartment. Guincho Bay Villa: 5 double rooms, 3 with ensuite bathroom, 2 with shared bath and 1 apartment. 1 of the suites is a family suite with an extra children’s room. All with sea view. Algarve Villa: 5 double rooms, 4 ensuite bathrooms, 1 shared.

KEEPING GREEN All guests are provided with Soulbottles and Klean Kanteen water bottles, in order to reduce plastic pollution. Moreover, their guests can enjoy a blend of Pukka teas for free. Karma Surf Retreat




Since first stepping foot on the island of Bonaire in 2011, husband and wife team Philip and MariĂŤlle Diphoorn from the Netherlands dreamt of moving to the small Caribbean island and opening a bed and breakfast.


Wanting to create a destination for people to share the incredibly relaxing and no-hassle atmosphere which they experienced on their multiple visits, it wasn’t until September 2018 that they were able to make the move. Having found a perfect location which would, in September the following year, become the adult only bed and breakfast Kas ChuChubi.

The three luxuriously comfortable rooms offer an ideal base for a short island trip or a longer stay on Bonaire. All rooms have their own atmosphere, colour and the decor is different in every room. Although no room is exactly the same, the centrepiece is always a good bed with wonderful bedding that is selected with the greatest care.

Named after the ChuChubi, the Papiamentu name of the tropical mockingbird that inhabits the island and welcomes visitors with its melodic call, the bed and breakfast has several self-contained rooms.

All rooms are on the ground floor with easy access, have ensuite bathrooms with showers and toilets, luxurious king sized beds, ceiling fans, air conditioning, a Nespresso coffee machine, tea facilities and fridge. Rates start from $ 79,00 per night (with a minimum stay of 2 nights).

STUDIO KAMPESHI This comfortable studio of 35 m2 is located on the ground floor and has a fully equipped kitchen, a bathroom with shower and toilet, a large luxury


king-size box-spring bed, air-conditioning and a ceiling fan. At the front of the studio is a picnic table, perfect for guests to relax and take the time to watch the exotic birds of the area, read a book, drink a glass of wine and chill like a local. The location is perfect for chilling. $99.00 per night (with a minimum stay of 3 nights)

THE ADVENTURES Inspired by their experiences travelling through Scotland, and the famous hospitality found there, customer service is very important to the couple and breakfast at Kas ChuChubi is made and served by Philip and Mariëlle themselves. This gives them the opportunity to interact with their guests, finding out about their holidays and providing information and suggestions on the must-see places and the hidden secrets of Bonaire.

PROTECTED AREA Thanks to a large part of Bonaire being a protected natural reserve, the island is still one of the most beautiful places in the world to dive. Divers and snorkelers must purchase a ‘nature tag” which can be found at any dive shop on the island and permits them to enjoy the 100 different diving locations to explore corals, fish communities and turtles.

For those guests preferring to mix leisure with adventure, the island will not disappoint. Thanks to its geology, Bonaire has several cave systems of varying depth and diversity. There are guided tours available to help visitors get the full experience of these natural wonders, and these vary in difficulty from walking tours to those requiring you to hold your breath and swim through underground tunnels!

FOOD It would be a shame not to enjoy the various culinary treats on the island, which include everything from fine dining restaurants to food truck feasts with both local and foreign cuisine. And of course, don’t forget to try the “Cadushy of Bonaire”, a cactus liqueur made locally on the island.

All-year water activities include surfing (board, wind and kite), snorkelling and diving, all of which can be accompanied with lessons from qualified professionals. The warm waters of the Caribbean have bundled up great communities of fish amongst the shallows and the corals making a visit to these safe havens an absolute must. Both avid scuba divers Philip and Mariëlle have explored much of the region and are a vital source of useful information.

Definitely make sure to speak with Philip or Mariëlle when choosing restaurants or locations as their love of the island and caring attention to detail has left no inch of its treasures and delights across adventures and cuisine unexplored! CONTACT: Philip and Mariëlle Diphoorn, Bonaire, Kaya Finlandia 8B WEBSITE: EMAIL: TELEPHONE: +599 7015623


Sirville Lake Elementaita Lodge Article on page



HUGO HOTELS The Real Masterpiece behind Hugo Hotels

nights I was able to glimpse an idea of his ultimate masterpiece.

When was the last time you spent a night at a hotel that truly gave you a creative experience that stimulated your tastes for originality and creativity? Or, simply plunged you into the wonderland of someone else’s mind?

Hugo’s Boutique Hotel is positioned perfectly in St Julians and is a point of reference for anyone in the city. Locals know it by sight, and everyone has heard talk about the marvellous rooms with their black and gold decorations and those glorious mirrors above the bed. People talk about the hotel’s adult-only rule and comment on how Hugo not only ran hotels, but also owned restaurants and nightclubs in St Julians along what is known as Hugo’s Strip. Everyone has an opinion of how the party-centre of Malta was shaped around his business and personalities.

I believe that Hugo, who sadly passed away in 2018, would have been disappointed if I had written a review on his hotel which focussed on just the rooms and just the style. Oh, I am sure he would have been incredibly supportive of it and treated the review with the appreciation and gratitude of a man who managed to shape his portion of his world around his creativity, personality and spirit. But still, I think he would have expected something different.

Interestingly, while some people consider him a monopolist, others a hotelier and others still a tireless business man with a case of chronic entrepreneurialism, everyone will speak about him the same way. As if they knew Hugo personally.

You see, Hugo was an artist. Yes, he was a businessman, a hotelier, restaurateur, club owner and an icon of hospitality in St Julians. But first and foremost, he was an artist.

“Hugo and I knew each other,” they all say.


And that is his masterpiece. It is not just the hotel, or Hugo’s Burgers (which are mouth-watering, treat yourself next time you’re in St Julians), or his restaurants or the H Hotel. Currently the hotels bear the trademark design and décor which he had a personal hand in selecting and creating, but

I was very grateful for the two nights I was able to stay at Hugo’s Boutique Hotel for it gave me an insight into the inspiring mind of a man who wanted to create a special kind of world. A world where the unashamed devotion to creativity and style was embraced. I feel that in just those two


these designs and colours will change over time, it is inevitable. What will remain is his masterpiece, which is the fact that of all the hotels in the area, some of which are larger and bigger and even one of two have better views, none of them have left the same footprint he did.

being welcomed into his home, into his world, you are a guest not just to a hotel but to a man’s palace. His kingdom. So, onto the hotel.


His masterpiece is that people will remember him, and most of them, irrespective of their opinion, liked and admired him.

There are several styles of rooms at Hugo’s Boutique Hotel. I had the pleasure of staying in one of the Elegant suites. Modern design with 25 to 28 square meters of luxury living with charming town views and an extremely relaxing atmosphere. Suitable for those travelling for pleasure or on business who want to ensure they have the height of comfort and functionality.

He was a colourful, creative man who treated every guest irrespective or wealth, position or title as his first guest. As an example, while speaking with the general manager Firas Aboulezz who was kind enough to meet me and show me some of the exciting new developments for 2020, he told me a story about how one day Hugo was in a business meeting and saw a pair of guests arrive at the check in desk. It was a hot day and clearly they had been travelling for most of it, sweating and lugging luggage around with difficulty. Immediately he excused himself and went and made sure these newcomers were looked after, arranging water for them and checking them in so they could get to their rooms as fast as possible. They probably had no idea they were being serviced by the hotel owner.

Of course, this is a 5 star hotel at a 4 star price, so there is no need to tell you how wonderful the waterfall shower is or how comfortable the bed is, or how the WIFI was stronger than I have in my office, nor how cool it was that all the lighting and curtains could be controlled from the beds. What I absolutely loved about the room is simple. There is a huge mirror above the bed. But I loved this not for the reason you might be thinking. I liked it because it was kind of trippy! Before you think I’m into drug fuelled hotel reviews, let me explain. Upon walking into the check in area at the front of the building, you’re greeted first with a life sized giraffe and then an endless display of small intricate details expanded to a vast scale. It’s like wandering into the middle of someone else’s daydream. Then, after check in, you catch an elevator to your floor and step out into a corridor of black with gold trimmings. It’s secretive and private, mysterious and quite

“It’s just the kind of man he was,” Firas said with a polite shrug, “He just wanted his guests to be happy. You could be a millionaire or a gardener, if you were staying in his hotel you were practically royalty to him. That is the spirit that we’re keeping alive.” There is a reason why this is important to explain before reviewing the hotel. Hugo’s Boutique Hotel is a representation of the man. Staying there was


wonderful. You feel a little bit like Alice stepping out of the elevator and looking for your room. Or oddly enough, being backstage at a stage production. As if it’s a secret you’re there.

Firas’s idea was to create two large penthouse suites on either side of the pool, producing spacious rooms which will have proper swimming pools inside including the most stunning views of St Julians sea front. Innovations like this are keeping with Hugo’s approach as his was the first hotel offering 5 star quality at a 4 star price.

The room had a few tasteful decorations that I found particularly beguiling, a shoe on the inside of the door, chainmail on the wall and of course the mirror above the bed.

Additional plans also include increasing the portfolio of hotels by 2023, expanding Hugo’s Burger brand locally across Malta and then internationally, possibly with franchisees and a host of investors. There is also the strategy that Firas is currently planning for the introduction and roll out of a loyalty programme for local and internationals. Where all restaurants and hotels are connected and a guest can travel within the Hugo Group, carrying credit wherever they go which can be put onto their room. Potentially as an App.

In the context of the hotel, the addition of a mirror which is one of the characteristics of Hugo Hotels creates a heightened feeling of additional space. It heightens the perspective of the room and in no small way really connects the guest with themselves. It’s a detail that is so unlike what you find in other hotels that follow a template of efficiency over style.


“Most importantly, a common element of any successful business boils down to people,” Firas explains, “Without people you cannot be successful and especially in hospitality how you look after your people, as your staff and suppliers directly influences the guest’s experience.”

“Hugo was a massive part of this business,” Firas says, “A huge part who brought everyone together but lead very much from the front. After his passing there was a definite sense of loss which required everyone in the company to step up to fill.”

He goes on to explain that what one of the most enduring legacies that the founder left behind was his belief in people investment.

After a cup of coffee together Firas showed me some of the newest suites at the hotel, including two brand new apartments which were built over where the rooftop and more importantly the infinity pool had previously been.

“If staff communicate with guests, are helpful, supporting and friendly,” Firas says, “And above all treats the guest with the respect they deserve, their stay will be a good one. You can offer golden rooms but if the people aspect isn’t there, they won’t enjoy it. You need to be people orientated to be good in this industry. Especially in Malta where reputation counts for so much.”

“Several years ago, the roof was extended by two floors,” he explains, “So, we were left with an indoor pool area. There were a few options available and then we decided to go with the Hugo style.”

COMPANY ADDRESS: St.George’s Court, St.Augustine Street, St.Julian’s, Malta WEBSITE:



The weather is pleasant and quite warm in Valletta Malta, I’m trundling down narrow streets between biscuit coloured buildings, passing tourists and locals. In front of me is the Mediterranean ocean, a fairly regular sight in Malta, always there to remind you that you are on an island that has seen more history and change than many countries in Europe.

After check in, I caught the elevator to the room. I am a person who puts a lot of weight into first impressions. I judge books by their covers, gifts by how they’re wrapped and stories by their prologues. Coming out of the elevator I relished in the clever use of space in the hotel. Dimensionally there isn’t a great deal of space to work with, so they’ve gone vertical. The corridors are narrow and uncluttered, the walls tastefully decorated with tall works of art and ceilings that are very high. Offering a sense of grandeur which is carried through by the tall heavy framed door of the room/apartment.

Thanks to Valletta’s citywide status as a UNESCO world heritage site, the exterior of the buildings throughout this wonderfully picturesque city are all, save for minor details, untouched. The occasional minor paint-job aside, the architecture is exactly the same as it has been for generations and walking down the streets is a return to the past. Along cobbled streets, Ursulino Valletta offers a polite entrance that I could almost have missed if I hadn’t been keeping an eye out.

I could totally live here. That was my immediate thought. Hotels are meant to be comfortable by nature and there are certain expectations of all hotel rooms irrespective of how many stars. No real need to focus on how smartly the bed was made up (it could have featured in a pop music video). No need to tell you that the bathroom was cleaner than some surgery theatres and, of course, no need to mention about how fresh and crisp the linen was. You’d expect all of that for a hotel with the reputation of Ursulino Valletta which I had the pleasure to write about previously.

URSULINO VALLETTA Delightfully understated, the boutique hotel offers an immediate flavour of class and space with a tall ceilinged entrance hallway, large mirrors on either side and a receptionist behind a smart if modest desk. Unlike some hotels where your first impression is a wide open foyer bedecked with decorations and pamphlets, my first impression here was that of entering into a secret, invitation only party of some highly exclusive secret society!

No, what instantly got me, and it will get you too, is the architectural design and the use of space and natural lighting. These are not hotel rooms,


hotels. The WIFI was exceptional and reliable, and there were a number of English television channels available on the TV. A variety of shower gels with easy to use squirty bottles. One of the things that annoy me are when the toiletries are presented in little tubes that need to be unscrewed. I can’t be the only person who drops them every time and then gets blinded with hot water when he goes searching for them at his feet!

these are apartments. The first level has the king sized bed and the shower room and toilet, tall shuttered windowed doors open onto a small terrace overlooking the street and one of Valletta’s famous walls. An iron spiral staircase leads up to the kitchenette unit which has a balcony overlooking the bed and a pull out sofa bed, (I did, briefly consider testing the strength of the bed by jumping off the balcony but decided not to. I am after all two metres tall and 125 kg… I don’t land particularly softly… ever.)

ATMOSPHERE What I especially enjoyed was how Ursulino Valletta did not insist on being a “Maltese” hotel. I mean this with full respect, but some hotels take it upon themselves to represent their culture to such an extent that you feel like an outsider. Instead, from the design and furnishings, the only consideration was offering space, exclusivity, taste and modern style. It was neither imposing or insistent, recognising that after a day spent exploring a city like Valletta, basking and investigating its many varied treasures and historical sites, that guests want a place where they can return to and be neutral and comfortable.

The spiral stair case winds its way all the way to the apartments terrace which offers a truly breath-taking view of the Grand Harbour which is, day or night, a wonderful sight to behold. During day time the view offers a detailed architectural history of the island, complex and exclusive enough to make you feel suitably privileged. While at night, the Grand Harbour lights up in an array of colours and sounds and is the perfect place to enjoy a glass of wine.

DOWNSIDES I am very tall so the beautiful rain-shower shower unit kept hitting my head, also, the terrace wouldn’t offer much privacy during the busy season on account of the breakfast terrace overlooking it. However, and I can’t stress this enough, I know that this is me just being picky and thinking that no review is complete without at least one or two negative points.

BREAKFAST I would not call myself a foodie. I am a fan of good food and a lot of it. What I enjoy is the experience and the settings provided during a meal. Breakfast is from 7am to 10am and on the two mornings I was there I tried everything. The omelettes, the cereal, the array of fruits, the juices and of course the coffee. I ate out on the terrace, overlooking the Grand Harbour and on the second morning in the dining area with a handful of other guests. The food was delicious, the eating areas quite comfortable and the pace relaxing and gracious. What it didn’t feel like was a buffet experience in some restaurants where guests feel like one in a crowd, I would say here it was closer to having your very own butler.




Ursulino Valletta is a stunning triumph by an owner who is not only incredibly successful in his own right, but also knows the value of using available space well and creating a feeling of ownership for his guests. I didn’t feel like I was just staying there. When I walked onto the terrace with a coffee in hand on that first morning, I could easily imagine that I was at home.

There are a lot of personable touches which I appreciated at the hotel. One, everything could be controlled from the bed including lights and television. There were also USB chargers at the bedside, an ever popular charging option for many

COMPANY ADDRESS: Ursulino Valletta, 82A, VLT1234, St.Ursula Street, Il-Belt Valletta, Malta TELEPHONE: +356 2122 8024


THE PALACE - AX HOTELS A place fit for James Bond

The attentiveness of the staff was of the highest calibre of friendliness and efficiency. The breakfast buffet in the morning was a culinary orchestra of continental and island tastes that made me regret the limit of my own belly. Really, the only flaw I can see, is that the superb blackout curtains combined with the comfort of the mattress made me late for every morning meeting.

Taking full advantage of the hotel’s forward thinking and incredibly supportive blogger-friendly approach to marketing, I was very pleased to be able to enjoy several nights at AX The Palace hotel during my stay in Malta. Here is what I found.

THE PALACE In the heart of Sliema, atop a hill and overlooking a cascade of rooftops leading to the Mediterranean sea, AX The Palace offers the best of both worlds, a city lifestyle as well as stunning views. From an array of rooms ranging from the Classy and unique AX Designer Collection to comfortable rooms that offer a wonderfully modernistic stay, this is a Maltese hotel offering it all in abundance.

My advice is to set several alarms and get the front desk to call you because the beds are too comfortable to leave. So, what makes The AX Palace the place to stay while you’re in Sliema, Malta? I am very glad you asked.

Situated in Malta’s main shopping district and offering a unique flavour to its surroundings the hotel is only a few steps away from exquisite places to eat, eventful nightlife and walking distance from the largest promenade on the island.



The grander the hotel the more spacious the foyer. The longer the walk from the entrance to the check in desk and the more prevalent the echo of footsteps on the floor and the roll of luggage the finer the establishment.

In any five star rated hotel there are certain things that are assured. For example, the beds, the toilets, shower units and the décor were immaculate.

As a society we place a great value on space and from the rotating doors to the front desk, The Palace offers precisely enough time for you to


and is thoroughly recommendable. It gives every hotel corridor the potential for adventure and every room becomes a universe of stories. For example, AX The Palace would be the perfect place for James Bond-esque gentlemen spies to stay at. Combining luxurious hotel rooms with stunning city and ocean views they also have that special dramatic design and placement of furniture. Frankly, as a creative escapist I love any hotel that indulges my fantasy of being more than a glorified blogger! Just take a look at the layout of this room and tell me that you don’t want to sit in that chair or behind the desk with that view at your back, waiting for someone to walk in so you can say:

enter and get your bearings and take stock of where the buffet restaurant is, where the foyer bar is, where the check in-out desk is and also how many people are in the hotel foyer.

“Here we are at last,”

Like a gallery of fine art, the space made it easy to appreciate the cool styling and decoration of the foyer space which was artistic and grand yet minimalist and professional. It spoke of comfort and luxury at your own pace.

ROOMS All of the rooms overlook the city’s skyline, comprised of the traditional limestone flat roofs that Sliema is so famous for as well as Valletta’s harbour in the distance. The terraces have decking furniture and the city sounds are silenced by terrace doors that block out any and all sound while blackout curtains do the same with the lights.

CREATING A STORY I always like to create a story when I travel, and I do believe that more people do this than would care to admit. I like to invent a backstory about myself and why I’m visiting a particular hotel because it makes everything that little bit more… epic.

The Palace offers luxury hotel rooms with 17 comfort rooms overlooking the internal courtyard. 76 deluxe rooms, 40 superior rooms, 12 executive rooms, 6 Designer suites and 9 junior suites.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a thirty something year old man or a twelve year old boy, a backstory is fun



diner and café, serving breakfast items, afternoon tea, lunchtime sandwiches and meals during the day. In the evening it transforms into a chic bar serving a vast range of fine wines, spirits, aperitifs, cocktails and food platters.

A massive USP of The Palace is its Designer Suite Collection. These elegantly furnished suites are inspired by the beauty of the senses and offer different designs of view, texture, music, light flavours and fragrance based on classical and contemporary lines. It’s all aimed at providing the guest with the ultimate experience in hospitality, which is exclusive to The Palace.

FACILITIES A wide selection of facilities are offered, ranging from spa and health centres to advanced fitness equipment. There are also two swimming pools, one inside and one outside, and a popular rooftop terrace where guests can experience the scenic views of the Mediterranean harbour.

FOOD AND DRINK TemptAsian, which is listed as one of Malta’s leading 35 restaurants for high-standard fine cuisine and service, has been followed by the Palace’s The Tabloid Restaurant, which was awarded as being one of the top 5 restaurants on the island for Sunday Buffet Lunches. Talk of Town Café, at the Palace, is an all-day bar,


BUSINESS EVENTS, CONFERENCES AND WEDDINGS The Palace offers a variety of exclusive wedding and event venues designed from concept to dĂŠcor stage in order to ensure the perfect setting. The hotel is one of the only hotels in Sliema that can offer the perfect setting for groups and conferences as well as weddings and events. The exclusive venues, namely the Royal Hall, the State Hall and the Alexandra Gardens and the Tabloid, can offer customised settings as well as pre-themed coffee breaks in pre-function areas or the Alexandra Gardens.

GOOD FOR WORKING Digital nomads and travelling business people will appreciate the spacious desk and the super strong WIFI available at the hotel. Plug sockets in Malta are the same as UK but the plug sockets are pretty universal. I have a UK charger for my phone but a European charger for my laptop and I was able to charge both of them happily. WIFI: Super-fast LANGUAGES: English and Maltese Check In time: 12pm TELEPHONE: 356 2133 3444 WEBSITE: www. COMPANY ADDRESS: High Street, Sliema SLM 1542, Malta


SIRVILLE LAKE ELEMENTAITA LODGE An African feel on the shores of the great birding lake, Lake Elementaita.

and for the safety of the various animal and bird species. These include the greater and lesser flamingo, pelican and the spoon billed stork to name a few.

Opening their doors in October 2016, Sirville Lake Elementaita Lodge is located on a pristine and secluded shoreline. An important historical site, the lake has played host to mankind since the dawn of time and is one of the discovery sites of pre-historic humans in Africa. Boasting over four hundred species of bird, this is not only a beautiful and vibrant location but also plays an important role in protecting and safekeeping the natural heritage of the area.

ACCOMMODATION Including cottages, family villas, executive suites and executive tents, there are thirty different rooms at the lodge, offering a full range of ways to experience Lake Elementaita. All with the amenities one would expect including WIFI, twenty four hour room service, housekeeping and complementary bottled water and coffee and tea.

We spoke to Mr. Patterson M. Njogu who operates the family business and manages the team of twenty one staff members, keeping the busy resort functioning smoothly and offering the high levels of customer service that have come to identify this boutique lodge.

Cottages Each cottage has two floors with a pair of standard rooms on the ground and two deluxe rooms on the first. A perfect choice for couples, each room is furnished with a comfortable five-by-six foot bed spread and the finest fabrics. The cottages offer an excellent view of the lake, with magical sunsets and early morning birding from the balcony.

“Our high service is a point of pride for us,” says Mr. Njogu, “As is the location. Our team works hard to provide our guests not only with the most comfortable stay but also a most unique location.” He goes on to explain that the lake is RAMSAR and UNESCO protected for their historical importance


Family Villa The family villa is set in a secluded section of the lodge to offer privacy, has two spacious bedrooms and a private terrace and is suitable for a family of up to six people. Executive Suite The executive suite is designed with luxury in mind. It features a one bedroom en-suite bungalow and is tastefully furnished, has a raised red cedar deck and is located in a secluded section of the lodge for additional privacy. Suitable for honeymooners and those seeking secluded intimacy. and secondly it is important to us to offer work opportunities for the local community.”

Executive Tent Built on a raised deck of highly polished timber, the tent has two bedrooms. Each room is furnished with a five-by-six bed, extra comfortable mattresses and fine linen. It features two shower rooms and a spacious washroom and is suitable for up to a four member family.

ACTIVITIES Kenya is not a country short of outdoor activities and adventures for guests to get involved in. Birding is very popular as the lake attracts the most beautiful feathered friends to its waters and shoreline. Ornithologists and general bird lovers alike will find themselves spellbound by the sweeping colours and choreography of these graceful and charismatic animals.

TEAM Mr. Njogu explains that there are twenty one team members working at the lodge throughout the year, although this number does rise and fall with the holiday seasons. While they prefer to recruit from the local community and county, they do employ across Kenya. Offering opportunities for many people looking to get a start in the hospitality industry.

“Day and night game viewing at Soysambu conservancy is very popular,” Mr. Njogu tells us, “There are also day trips to the nearby national game parks such as Lake Nakuru, Hells Gate and Longonot. These are arranged by us and are between ten and forty minutes’ drive from the lodge.”

“Recruiting local staff is important for two reasons,” he says, “For lodges like ours that offer an authentic feel to our guests it provides an important element of locality and atmosphere,

Other activities include swimming, sauna, massage and a children’s playground. For those seeking unbridled excitement there is quad biking, where


parking and late night seating. A family friendly place, there is a lot on offer in terms of local and foreign dishes and Mr. Njogu explains that the chef is particularly talented at bringing to life the African cuisines. “Each meal is prepared with fresh local ingredients,” he says, “And every ingredient is carefully used to meet our guests’ taste expectations… it is best to arrive with an appetite.” guests can test their driving techniques with the challenges of steering through a natural outdoor terrain. Instructors are on hand to offer assistance for beginners and give advice on how to handle these machines safely.

For drinks and refreshments, there are three bars available. The Lakeview bar offers a breath-taking panoramic view of the Lake Elementaita. It’s the perfect spot for guests to enjoy every sip of their favourite drink as the sun goes down and the night breeze settles.

Nature walks are a great way to refresh the spirit and help guests fully appreciate nature’s tranquillity and wonders, all while getting some exercise and fresh air. Walking along the dirt trails along Lake Elementaita with their guides, guests can discover the other side of Elementaita as their walking guides narrate the unique cultural stories that have shaped the history of this location.

The main bar offers a great selection of local and International beers, wines and spirits where guests can enjoy the amazing lake Elementaita sunset with exquisite sundowners. The pool side bar which is set right beside the pool offers cold refreshments for the thirsty swimmers who are welcome to quench their thirst at any point during the day.

“Stories are how the culture and history of this region were passed down,” Mr. Njogu explains, “And we offer bonfire nights where guests can listen to these stories around a fire managed by our staff and get lost in the history and magic of this country which has witnessed the growth of the world.”

“Our staff strive to be on hand for any service but not in the way of the guest’s experience,” he says, “It’s a balancing act between being attentive and in the background. Always on hand to make sure they’re every need is met.”



Check your necessary vaccinations.

With an 8.3 out of 10 on, Sirville Lake Elementaita Lodge has struck a chord with those looking for the complete African experience with a great deal of wow factor. By combining great accommodation, customer service, a strong approach to certification and a one-of-a-kind location, they have been able to keep the guest experience as the ultimate priority.

This is a birding area so bring your camera, binocular and hiking outfit. Sunscreen too. PRICE: Deluxe room - USD 160/night couple full board, USD 140/night couple HB, or USD 120 per night BB and USD 90 bed only

“Customer service is central in all our operations,” Mr. Njogu says, “We aspire to build strong and long-lasting relationships with our guests and tour operators within and outside the country. Customer satisfaction and value for money is at the core of our business operations.”

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FOOD AND DRINK Onsite there is the opportunity for fine dining. The onsite restaurant is vegetarian friendly, with


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