1 minute read

Overall Outcome of the FFA

THE BUSINESS PLAN OutcOme Of the ffA ApprOAch: At A glAnce

With the application of the FFA approach, the NPS score of Lifestyle India shot up from 24% to 46% between the last quarter of 2018 (when the FFA approach was discussed) and August 2019. By Feb-Mar’20 the NPS score shot up higher.


Scenario in 2018-2019

NOT growth (-3.9%) % PBT growth (-1.4%) Walk-in growth (-3.5%) NOT growth +4.6% % PBT growth +1.2% Walk-in growth +5.8%

ffA 1 OutcOme - fOr tOp 20 StOreS

Scenario In Oct’19 to feb’20 lfl

ffA 2 OutcOme - BrAnd prOfItABIlIty

Scenario in 2018-2019 ytd feb’20

23% Topline T.O contributing to (-50%) Bottom line PBT Loss PBT loss contribution brought down by half to 26%

Scenario in AW18

Pre-EOSS Sell Through Brand: 40.5% Private Label: 51.9% Hit-wise delivery: 85.6% Brand: 41.4% Private Label: 57.4% Delivery Improved to 93.9%

ffA 3 OutcOme - Sell thrOugh

Scenario In AW19

Scenario in 2018-2019

6 LFL stores below break-even 11 New/NLFL stores below break-even Total 17 stores below break-even 5 LFL <BE 4 New/NLFL <BE Only 9 Stores below break even 8 Stores Turned Around

ffA 4 OutcOme - cOncern StOreS

Oct’19 to feb’20

Scenario in 2018-2019 ffA 5 OutcOme - BrAnd equIty And lOyAlty

Oct’19 to feb’20

LFL Walk-in growth (-6%) LFL Sales growth (-2.8%) CRM Green member Value Churn 42% Market share decline by (-2%) LFL Walk in +4.3% LFL Sales +3.7% Green Member Regain by +2.5% Market share regain by +1%

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