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Eventz Behind Barz MAY Due to the current situation many motorcycle events are being canceled unexpectedly or postponed. We are working to ensure events listed in Behind Barz Motorcycle Magazine are as up to date as possible. Please be sure to confirm the status of any & all events before making plans to attend by calling or emailing the event contact person listed with event. 1 BENSON, NC Benefit Ride & Drive for Diane Fortenberry Shenanigan’s Taproom 27 Annette Dr. Ste 105 Reg. at 10am. Ride leaves at 11am. Return around 5pm. Riders/Drivers $20. Passengers $5. Meal provided for all participants. 50/50 raffle and poker chip game at each stop. More info: ride4mamad@gmail.com 1 BERRYVILLE, VA John H. Enders Fire Company 1st Annual Poker Run 9 South Buckmarsh St. Reg. starts at 9am. First bike out at 10am. $25 per rider. $40 per couple. $10 each additional hand. Ride is about 85 miles through Clarke and Loudoun Counties. Riders must arive at all stops and be present to win. Raffles and prizes will be conducted at John H. Enders Fire Company at 3pm. Hosted by the Hogs and Heroes Foundation VA Chapter 3. 1 DURHAM, NC 1st Annual Billy Memorial Ride Ride starts and ends at Raging Bull HD 300 Muldee St. Hosted by Sevenfold Veterans MC. Reg. 9:30am. Kickstands up at 11am. $20 per bike/$25 with passenger. Meal included with registration. 2 hotdogs with side, hamburger with side. For more info: www.ragingbullhd.com 1 GARNER, NC Help Thy Neighbor Poker Run Tart’s Groc. 3400 Benson Rd. Reg. 9:30am. $20 per bike. Plan B bar at 3pm. Vendors, raffles, 50/50, food. More info Betsy: 919-500-6475 1 NC & SC 15th Annual International Female Ride Day Hosted by Stilettos on Steel FRG Leaving from Tobacco Road HD in Raleigh, NC 7:45am... Carolina Coast HD in Wilmington, NC 8:00...Harley Shop at The Beach in N. Myrtle Beach, SC 9:00am...Thunder Tower HD in Columbia, SC 9:30...ariving at Black Jack HD in Columbia, SC 12 noon. Lunch destination at Shuler’s BBQ in Latta, SC. Contact: Tammy Rosman NC/SC State Coordinator tammy@stilettosonsteel.com
MAY 2 KENLY, NC Biker Sunday Hosted by Thee Redeemed House Biker Church 500 West Goldsboro St. 10:30am - 12:45pm. Music by Dave Wall and Remnant Worship. FREE LUNCH! This will also be the nationwide debut date of Dave’s new CD, “Go Out With My Boots On” More info: 919- 915-3934 2 MIDLOATHIAN, VA Soulwinning Soulders Motorcycle Ministry Bike Blessing at River City Diner 11430 W. Huguenot Rd. Breakfast at 9am. Bike Blessing 10am. Celebratory Ride 10:30am. Please join us for our 1st Annual Blessing of The Bikes! 8 KINGS MOUNTAIN, NC Shriner’s on Bikes Sporing Poker Run King’s Mountain American Legion 613 E. Gold St. Reg 12-12:45. Kickstands up 1pm. $20 per hand includes meal ticket. $10 per extra meal ticket. Ride ends at Red Fez Shrine Club 16600 Red Fez Club Rd. in Charlotte. For more info: RustyCarringer@gmail.com 8 DURHAM, VA Ride For Tomorrow Starts and ends at Raging Bull HD 300 Muldee St. $10 all vehicles. Reg 10am. Kickstands up 12 pm. Ride to Pik-N-Pig. All proceeds donated to Tricircle Inc. 919-596-9511 8 COLUMBIA, SC Street Envy MC Columbia Chapter Hosts Motorcycle Wash at Pep Boys 2455 Decker Blvd. 12-3pm. Cars welcome! $10 trucks, $7 cars, $5 bikes. Food and drinks will be available for purchase. 8 KENLY, NC The Redeemed House Bike Show at the Kenly Petro East Coast Truckers Jamboree & Truck Show I-95 Exit 106 Reg. 10am-12pm. $10 entry per class. Judging starts at 12pm. Awards at 1;15pm. Free admission for spectators. See ad on page 28. See our Facebook page for these events and more: www.facebook.com/BehindBarzMag
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Eventz Behind Barz MAY 8 HOPEWELL, VA Dice Poker Run American Legion Post 146 217 E. City Point Rd. Breakfast buffet 8am-11am. $8 - includes tea, soda, or coffee. Reg. 9am-11am. First participant out at 10am. Last participant back by noon. $20 per rider. $5 per passenger. $5 extra hand. Cash prizes. More info: Pat 804-712-6901 10 MYRTLE BEACH, SC Rally Kickoff Party at The Sneaky Beagle Carolina Forest Blvd. 4pm-8pm Free food! Live music! Door prizes! Rally giveaways! More info: www.MyrtleBeachHarley.com 843-369-5555 10-16 MYRTLE BEACH, SC Cruisin’ The Coast Spring Bike Week 11 MURRELLS INLET, SC Scenic Rally Sunset Cruise at The Wicked Tuna 4123 US-17 Bus 5:30pm-9pm $50 per ticket that include dinner, 2 drinks, scenic cruise, 30 minute open bar! With Myrtle Beach HD, Wicked Tuna, and Crazy Sister Marina. More info: www.MyrtleBeachHarley.com 843-369-5555 12 N. MYRTLE BEACH, SC Grumpys Biker Breakfast at Harley Shop at The Beach 4002 US-17 9am-11am Catered by Eggs Up Grill! More info: 843-663-5555 www.harleyshopatthebeach.com 13 MURRELLS INLET, SC Bike Night at Wicked Tuna 4123 US-17 Bus. 6pm-9pm Biker Menu and Drink Specials! Door Prizes! Rally Giveaways! www.MyrtleBeachHarley.com More info: 843-369-5555 14 MURRELLS INLET, SC Friday Biker-Lympics at Old Chicago Pizza & Taproom 2859 US-17 Bus. 12pm-4pm Free food! Live music! Biker games! More info: 843-369-5555 www.MyrtleBeachHarley.com 14 MYRTLE BEACH, SC Scenic Rally Ride at Calli Bakers910 Lake Arrowhead Rd. Reg 10am-11;30am. KSU 11:30am. $15/passenger $5/passenger. After party hosted by The Boathouse. Free food! Live Music! Door Prizes! Rally Giveaways! Plus, free event shirts for the first 150 riders!!! More info: 843-369-5555 www.MyrtleBeachHarley.com
MAY 15 WARRENTON, VA American Legion Riders Post 72 Poker Run Starts and ends at American Legion Post 72 345 Legion Dr. Reg. 9:30am-11am. First bike out 11am. $20 rider, $10 passenger. Lunch included. Rain date May 15. 15 KENLY, NC Church of God Children’s Home Ride Starts at Kenly Food Lion 406 S. Church St. Reg. 9:30am. Kickstands up 10am. $15 single. $5 passenger. Ride ends with free lunch provided by Thee Redeemed House Biker Church 500 W. Goldsboro St in Kenly. More info: Pastor Hollis Federick 910-797-5823 or Wayne Clemmons 919-901-7685 15 WILMINGTON, NC Bikers Against Child Abuse Cape Fear 100 Mile Ride Meet at Carolina Coast HD 6620 Market St. Reg. 9am. KSU 10am. Free to all riders. Donations accepted to empower the victums of child abuse. 15 RALEIGH, NC B.A.C.A. Child Abuse 100 Mile Ride Meet at Tobacco Road HD 1126 S. Saunders St. Reg. 11am. KSU 12pm 15 PORTSMOUTH, VA American Gold Star Mothers Hampton Roads Chapter 5th Annual Memorial Poker Run Starts at Bayside HD 2211 Frederick Blvd. Reg. 9am. First bike out 10am. Last bike out 10:30am. Ends at Warriors Taphouse 1630 General Booth Blvd. Virginia Beach, VA. 100% of this event will go to help veterans in our community. $20 per rider. $5 passenger. For more info email: AGSMMHAMPTONROADS@GMAIL.COM 15 CONWAY, SC 4th Annual Rally Ride School Drive Starting at Eggs Up Grill 2246 Hwy 501 Reg. 9am. KSU Noon. $10 rider, $5 passenger. Ride ends and drawing held at Dadwood’s Deli and Sports Bar. www.RiverTownRiders.org See our Facebook page for these events and more: www.facebook.com/BehindBarzMag
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Eventz Behind Barz MAY 22 ROCKY MOUNT, NC American Legion Post 58 Poker Run 2731 N. Church St. Reg. 0900-1030 Rider $25 Passenger $10. 5 Card Draw. Food and refreshments. 50/50 drawing. Door prizes. Prize for club with most participants. Prize for worst hand. Portion of proceeds go to benefit programs of domestic violence. For more info: Pete Rossi 252-373-1208 22 RALEIGH, NC Helping the Nunns Poker Run Starts at Tobacco Road HD 1126 S. Saunders St. Reg. 10am. KSU 11am. Bike $15. Bike and passenger $20. Poker hand $5. Live music. Food available at destination Savage Tattoos 4607 Fayetteville Rd. 22 LURAY, VA Fire & Iron MC Bike Night Camino Real 1599 US Highway BSN 340 6pm-9pm Door prizes. Donations appreciated. 27-30 WELDON, NC Rememberance on the River at River Falls Park. See flyer on page 30 in this issue! 28 STAFFORD, VA Leathernecks MC Bike Night 3987 Jefferson davis Hwy. Come out and meet the original Leathernecks MC! 6-10pm. Right to refuse! JUNE 5 WHITTIER, NC Riding for Kyra Starts at Rick’s Cycles 4762 Hwy. 74 Reg. 10am. KSU 11am. $20 per person. $30 per couple. Ride ends at Blazing Skeleton club house in Nantahala. For more info: Tina 828-400-4515 or Sandra 828-734-3677 5 HODGES, SC 3rd Annual Master Deputy Devin Hodges Memorial Ride Starts at Hodges Cokesberry Fire Dept. Bikes leave 10:30am. $15 bike. $10 passenger. Ends at Big Water Marina on Lake Hartwell in Star, SC. Funds raised go towards scholarships awarded to first responders and their familie members.
JUNE 6 BURLINGTON, NC 4th Annual Event’Ride hosted by Broken Chains Biker Church Holly Hill Mall 309 Huffman Rd. Reg. 9:30am. Church service 11am. KSU 12:30Ride returns 1:15pm Lunch provided to riders. Speaker and activities 2pm. Live music 3pm. $20 driver. $5 additional passenger. More info: Mindy Smith 336-675-1547 10-12 CHASE CITY, VA 4th Annual South Central Bike Fest 535 Jonbil Rd. Vendors, games, live music, great food. Charity event to benefit The Barksdale Cancer Foundation and the Mecklenburg County Cancer Association. Vendors wanted call: Lee Brankley 434-210-1503 See ad on inside cover of this issue! 12 HARRISONBURG, VA 5th Annual Ride to Fight Suicide Hosted by Blue Ridge Powersports 20 Heritage Dr. 9am-4pm $20 bike entry fee. $5 passenger fee. Reg 8am. Bikes out 9:30am. Fore more info: 540-849-6209 12 RALEIGH, NC The June JAMR Starts at Tobacco Road HD 1126 S. Saunders St. Reg. 9am. KSU 10:30am. 90 mile ride ending at CYCLEMAX in Wilson 6723 Ward Blvd. $20/bike. $5/passenger.Ride Proceeds benefit the Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research. More info: www.thejunejamr.org 919-922-1106 12 GASTONIA, NC Jessie’s Ride Reg. during the toy run breakfast 2339 East Franklin Blvd. First bike out 10am. Last bike out 11am. 1 hand for $20. 3 hands for $25. Extra hand $5. Food provided with paid hand. More info: text Beef 980-522-6626 In loving memory of Jessica Marie Lunsford. 13 DURHAM, NC 13th Annual HOG Food Drive for the Salvation Army Starts at Raging Bull HD 300 Muldee St. Reg. 10am. KSU Noon. Escorted ride to Salvation Army by Durham PD. 919-596-9511 www.ragingbullhd.com See our Facebook page for these events and more: www.facebook.com/BehindBarzMag
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Eventz Behind Barz JUNE 19 ELIZABETH CITY, NC William Clarence Jackson VFW Post 6060 75th Anniversay Run 1433 N. Road St. Reg 0830. First bike out 1000. Last bike out 1030. $15 rider. $5/passenger. Open to all clubs, groups, two wheels, 3 wheels, 4 wheels, 18 wheels.Breakfast available 0830. BBQ lunch available at the completion. Prizes, raffles, live auctions. Dan Serik 252-619-8524 or Roy Hankinson 757-553-2470 26 VIRGINIA BEACH, VA Mooseriders of Virginia Beach Motorcycle and Car Swap Meet 3133 Ships Corner. 9am to 2pm. MC & car parts, accessories. Buy, sell, trade. Admission is FREE! Vendors wanted...20’X10’ spot just $20. To reserve your spot contact: Tommy Moose 1198mooseriders@gmail.com Rain date July 11th. JULY 18 FREDERICKSBURG, VA Let’s Ride For Sadie Starts at 2&17 Storage 10816 Tidewater Trail. Reg 10am. Ride briefing 10:55am. KSU 11am. Coast is donations to be collected at rides finish at Dominion Raceway. When we arrive making noise and interupt to bring the biggest smile to Sadie’s face during her birthday party! Sadie is a 7year old with Cerebal Palsy. She is in desperate need of a wheelchair. Contact Buford Pritchett with questions 540-718-3772 AUGUST 7 BURLINGTON, NC Kevlar For K9’s Holly Hill Mall 309 Huffan Mill Rd. Reg 9:30am. KSU 11am. Food truck, hot dogs, vendors, face painting, balloon animals, clown, 2 hour escorted motorcycle ride, music, 50/50, silent auction, raffle. More info: Robin 336-233-6313 or Sarah 434-429-7995 or email patriotridersgroup@yahoo.com 21 BERRYVILLE & FAIRFAX, VA Healing Heroes Ride RAIN or SHINE Starts at Berryville VFW 425 S. Buckmarsh St. and at Patriot HD 9739 Fairfax Blvd. 8th Annual Poker Run to benefit military combat veterans and families. Reg. 8am-9am. Opening ceremony 9am. KSU 9:1510:30am. BBQ lunch 12pm-2:30pm. Event conclusion 3:30pm. Rider $30 and passenger $30. Reg. includes breakfast, , lunch, soft drink, live music, one raffle ticket, and one poker hand. K www.bouldercrest.org/healingheroesride