1 minute read
The Good Newz
”Be Aware”
Being unaware of one’s surroundings requires a mind set aside from reality.
I’ve been in that state of mind in my past, when I think back to those days I’m fully aware of how it all started.
How can one be unaware of a passed unawareness? How it that possible?
If you skipped class or study before a test the answer to those questions is the test score you received, lol.
Unawareness isn’t funny though. Have you ever heard or thought this saying? ...“ I didn’t see it coming “.
That is usually spoken after something happens that one was not expecting to have happen.
Being focused is defined as a Point of Concentration an adjustment for distinct Vision.
I think you can see where I’m going with this...
I know I may be preaching to the choir, why should a biker read about MOTORCYCLE AWARENESS ?
Maybe we should look at this from all directions. Cage driving can allow for alot of distracted driving. Most riding is for living to ride and riding to live. We have to be in total consciousness of ourselves and everyone and everything around us .
So, as much as bikers are aware of wheeled cages, cagers need to be in awareness of us!
An experienced rider has heightened senses to all of his or her surroundings, and most likely you’ll never hear “I didn’t see it coming”.
JESUS’ Disciples didn’t see His Crucifixion, Death, and Resurrection coming, even though Jesus foretold them. Rodger Duvall ~ Jesus Freak
Thee Redeemed House biker Church
“ He began to teach them , that the Son of Man must suffer many things , and be rejected of the Elders , Chief Priests ,and Scribes, and be killed,and after 3 days rise Again.” Mark 8:31
A conscious awareness will keep one focused on all that is happening and right now there is alot of deceptions happening.
An oncoming collision with the destiny of this world is about to turn into our path .
Believe, Trust Jesus’ Saving Grace. Did you see that coming?