1 minute read
Riding with Jaybird “Snapshot”
When I started this article, it was because being a biker is in fact a “brotherhood”. There is a true oneness that exists between those of us that ride that is felt and shared that cannot be denied, but I wanted to research the TRUE meaning and definition of the word “brotherhood”. I found at least a dozen meanings dating almost as far back as words have been written, all with a basic similarity of care, concern, respect, honor, humility, and of course love. One of the most interesting definitions of brotherhood I found will stay with me for a while and maybe it will mean something to you as well. It comes from an old Hebrew text that interestingly states that the word brotherhood means “fireplace”. I found that odd and I kicked it around in my head for a while trying to wrap my mind around that concept, and then it hit me. A “Brother” is similar in this context to a split log in that he can go in several different directions...