1 minute read
of Big Ed...
We noticed that the ride would attracted a lot of first time riders, and newbies. We saw that it seemed to be a lot of accidents and injuries. It finally got to the point that we decided not to attend the ride any more. People were not paying attention or lacked some skills when it came to riding in a group. Lots of starts and stops and pulling out their phones to grab a selfie while riding their bikes. This is dumb shit right there. If you already not comfortable riding in a group. Pulling out your damn phone to grab a selfie tells me you have absolutely no damn sense and you shouldn’t be riding in the event. One Mistake because you are being a dumbass can not only ruin someone’s bike but also injury someone or worse. You are not being your brother’s keeper. You are being a dumbass. So, please do us all a favor...Either ride on the back of someone else’s bike to take your little selfie or park your ride and stand by it on the side of the road. Don’t put your brother or sister in harms way because you want to add something to your Facebook.
I know I seem a little irritated with this part, and I don’t mean to be. I just hate seeing good people get hurt because of a few that don’t care. Seriously, sometimes I wish we’d start taking warning signs down just to start clearing the herd of idiots. Maybe then we will get a generation of people who are not so careless with their actions. We the people of bikers have got to start looking out for each other. Being a fellow biker if you see another biker on the side of the road, and if you don’t have some kind of urgency or a place you got to be. Stop and see if your brother or sister could use a hand. It could be a flat or something as simple at just needing a little more gas. Most old school bikers don’t need to be reminded of this, but the new generation may not know. So help your brother out.
Well folks, I’m going to leave you with this until the next time. I hope to see y’all on the road soon. I had to order a new rear tire and I’m waiting eagerly for it to come in. I’m ready to ride Y’all and I hope to see y’all in the wind with me. Write to
Big Ed / 2Timer