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Blue Knights NC Chapter 2 Wake County Chapter
The Blue Knights Wake County Chapter 2 on March 25th will be doing a ride for an amazing Navy WW2 veteran. Bill is a 95-year old who was a lifelong motorcycle rider until his mid-70s and now that he is in his mid-90s he keeps saying he wishes he could go for one final ride. He is under the care of hospice at his daughters home but is still able to think about his fun days riding. Bill’s daughter reached out to BKNC2 and asked if they minded giving him a ride in a sidecar but the Blue Knights did even better. The Blue Knights Wake County Chapter 2 secured two motorcycles with sidecars. The Blue Knights will be picking up Bill at his house where he will ride in one sidecar and his daughter will be riding in the other sidecar, from there they will all ride to a WW2 Memorial. At the time of this writing the plans for the entire ride have not been completed as the Blue Knights wait to hear from local law enforcement agencies and military to finalize all plans but the ride itself will be happening. The Blue Knights Wake County Chapter 2 is beyond honored to be able to put this together for an American Hero and his daughter. They also thank the other military MC’s for the help and involvement in this very special endeavor.
The Blue Knights is an organization of Law Enforcement Officers from every aspect of the job and from many areas of the world. It’s an organization that started in Bangor, Maine in 1974 when a few friends, all connected by Law Enforcement, started riding motorcycles together. From this, the idea of the club was formed and because they were all connected with law enforcement the name Blue Knights was chosen. From the original seven members our organization has grown to have approximately 650 chapters, 19,500+ members in 11 Conferences within 29 countries. The Blue Knights motto is “Ride With Pride” and their mission is to promote motorcycle safety by being an example of the safe use, operation and enjoyment of motorcycles and to improve the relationship between the motorcycling law enforcement community and the general public.
The Blue Knights Chapter 2 will be hosting a Car Show on October 7th so please stay tuned for more information about what will surely be a fun and exciting day of cars and motorcycles!
Story and Photos: Samantha
The Blue Knights Chapter 2 rely on donations from the motorcycle community and host different rides and events throughout the year to raise money that is then used to help law enforcement officers and their families when they are hurt or killed in the line of duty and they also help members of their local communities. If you are interested in attending any of their functions you can follow my articles in this magazine. They will also be starting a community Facebook Page where people can go to see what events they will have coming up in the future.
Blue Knights International pledge:

“As a Blue Knight, I pledge to act with honor and pride to promote motorcycling and motorcycle safety by being an example of the safe use, operation and enjoyment of motorcycles. I will work at all times to improve the relationship between the motorcycling law enforcement community and the general public. The fraternal spirit will always guide me in relating to other Blue Knights.” facebook.com/behindbarzMag