How Augmented Reality And Virtual Reality Help In Branding doodleblue innovations
September 2017
Augmented and virtual reality won’t just b e for creating engagement opportunities for audiences, but will also b e an integral part of the design process. In other words, VR and AR can be just as useful behind the curtain as in front o f it.
Fashion a p p a r e l s and b e a u t y industry in AR and VR
Both virtual and augmented reality was first used for gaming, but now companies are seeing an untapped potential to reach audiences who use these platforms. Marketers have to go where their audiences are and augmented reality gives them opportunities to interact with their audiences in brand new ways.
Fe w sectors who hav e realized t h e po t e nt i al o f AR/VR are ed uc ati on, he al t h care, marketi n g, journal i s m, travel, real estate, a u t o m o t i v e and retail. E arl i er this ye ar G o o g l e d e buted what it ac c urat e ly called G o o g l e Card bo ard , a g i m m i c k y c a r d b o a r d design along with an app that would turn a s m a r t p h o n e i nt o an Oc ul us Ri ft s t yl e virtual reality m e c h a n i s m .
Now you know the potential of AR and VR in Branding. What next? However, it’s not easy to build such c o mpl e x technology without any hassles. People still consider it as something reverential and something which only techies use not the c o m m o n man. Every sector goes through its crests and troughs and so did AR/VR. But at doodleblue we were doing intense research and development in an attempt to c o m e up with something m o r e c ons umer friendly and appealing. O ur tech t e am c a m e up with something interesting.
CaseStudy: Las t year, a famous luxury brand in t h e jewelry industry which was based out of Hong Kong c a m e up to us for a branding solution with regard to t h e customer engagement.
CHALLENGES 1 . Wa n t e d t o c h a n g e how people purchased jewelry, a s t h e y did n ot want t o r e s t r i c t t he ms e l ve s t o traditional methods of selling and buying and wanted to give c us tome rs a h a s s l e fre e experience . 2.Consumers had a problem when it c a m e t o buying online a s t h e y could no t t r y it on. 3 . T h e y wanted a high end technologically advanced s t r a t e g y for a satisfying customer experience .
marketi ng
INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS After months of brainstorming and hard work, doodleblue came up with a consumer friendly at the same time technological sound solution. 1.doodleblue came up a with a model where while trying a piece of jewelry, customers can have a 180 degree view of them. 2 . T h e y can swipe their ‘virtual’ face to look at themselves, f ro m various angles to see if the selected jewelry suits them or not and whether they should make a purchase. 3 . To address the customers’ problem of not being able to see how a product looks on them while shopping online we introduced the virtual 3D jewelry Try - o n app. T h e app uses facial recognition and 3D imaging.
The impact of this technologically sound solution was extremely satisfying. 1. $ 5 million revenue jump 2. 10% increase in brand value and recognition So AR and VR has taken the branding experience by a storm, it has created a wave of innovation and creativity. It is not limited to only a few sectors but has a huge scope.
AR and VR is the future, Are you ready to embrace it? Reach us: doodleblue innovations